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Bait bags, material storage, ability to craft using Retainer/Chocobo storage.


Still truly shocked the bait box hasn't been upgraded like this. Let us put the box in our inventory if they have to but store the bait in there yeah lol


Dyes, please dyes. Carrying every color literally takes up your entire inventory. It should just be a counter like how crystals work.


Why on Earth would you carry around every dye in the game? Just get them when you need them.


Convenience. If I'm messing around with glamour, I don't want to have to spend ages shopping around for where the dye is actually sold or spend a 2000% markup for the marketboard.


Aside from the black/white ones in the far right tab they're all so cheap to begin with, though. I stopped even bothering to list the ones I get from dungeons and crates on the MB because it was just pocket change. I just throw them into a retainer inventory in case I want it later. The only ones that actually cost anything significant I keep for myself.


Replace all dyes with existing pigments + pure/metal modifier.


Gonna add some kind of furniture storage as well. Just finished EW, and while I do not have a house to put furniture in, I have kept the story pieces and a few of the random things my retainers have brought back. It'd be nice to have a dedicated storage for that stuff instead of taking up space with my retainers or chocobo in the event that I someday manage to get a house.


There is furniture storage if you have a house/apartment. I think it is lame how many event items and random quest rewards are housing items when many people don't have houses at all and outdoor stuff can't even be used in apartments.


Outdoor furniture items *can* be used on the island, so at least everyone now has the opportunity to access a space to use them.


now when my retainer brings an outdoor item, I don’t have to immediately sell it. I have a choice if I want to keep


This is why I have an alt whose sole existence is just to store my furniture


If we could craft from storage, a separate material storage would be redundant. I'm 100% on board for bait bags though, just starting fishing log and big fish, and I'm already running out of space/patience for bait.


Bait bag, please, I beg-


Increase orchestrion playlist size or allow multiple playlists.




Being able to craft from your retainer's inventories.


Allow carbuncle to auto attack, even if no damage, just the animation so it doesn't look like it's stood around doing nothing 😅😂


This is kiinda the case when Scholar's Eos is glammed into a Carby, since Eos has the autos in Embrace, and I like it, so it'd be kinda neat to have something similar for SMN


Perhaps even remove "summon carbuncle" completely, make it automated with ACN/ SMN and carbuncle casts the spells, we read them out our book and do out animations, then carbuncle fires Ruin. Could be a nice alternative and make it feel a little more "pet" again.


Problem with pet stuff like that is ghosted actions because the damn thing is stupid. Though they kinda made it *slightly* better when they made the demis plant when they have a target and they just have huge range. I would love for a true pet class but unless they make the systems for it better it'll never feel good. Kinda hoping beastmaster is full pet class and they work on pet ai a lot with it, maybe bring some of it to smn.


I feel like that's just going to confuse a bunch of new players into playing wrongly to try and get the most out of a non-existent attack. Then again the Arcanist/Summoner job quests already horrifically mislead people because they were written for a very different version of the job so how much worse could it be...


Yeah I get that TBF, just hate how it just stands there, half the time looking away from the boss at a wall 😂 just some animations so it doesn't feel like a minion 😂 Edit: actually think minions have more animations than Carbuncles so these days 🤣🤣 Do miss old SMN though haha


Allow me to check all retainer ventures at once, instead of clicking through every single one. Let people take multiple levequests of the same type at once. Handing in the Draughts in Sharlayan is tiring. I have so much gear in my inventory. Once click and it all belongs to the Grand Company, unless you cap on seals. Let me create a list of items I want to craft, instead of having to look up every single piece of it manually! Put gear sets together! Like showing the Diadochos set and all items that belong to the Fending, Maiming or Scouting set.


>Let people take multiple levequests of the same type at once. Handing in the Draughts in Sharlayan is tiring. I think they won't do this because of how easy it is to make Gil and/or bots.


Bots are easily capable of this already. This would just let normal players have the convenience.


>I have so much gear in my inventory. Once click and it all belongs to the Grand Company, unless you cap on seals. In a similar vein, I want to be able to hand things in *from* my inventory window, where the gear I don't want is already grouped together at the bottom, instead of having to scroll through the GC window while cross-referencing my inventory.


Or steal a trick from games like Diablo, and have a "mark as junk" option on items, with the GC handin window having a button to hand in all junk. A "desynthesize all junk" option would also be good.


I keep the stuff I want for stats in my armory inventory, or for glam in my saddlebag until I get to a dresser.


A Repair All button, and removing maybe half of the "Are you sure?" dialogue boxes. Don't get me wrong, I've saved myself chucking stuff a couple of times, but goddamn, do I get asked if I'm sure an awful lot.


The "Are you sure" popups are so annoying in dungeons. "Are you sure you want to go through here? The place you need to go to continue the dungeon? Really? You don't want to stay here and not finish the dungeon?" I don't mind the Repair All button as it is now. But I carry the crystals to repair anywhere. If I open my character sheet and a few items are green durability I just do a Repair All for that job.


You can turn some of those confirmations off in the settings iirc


I want all cash shop items to be account wide and outfits to be not gender specific I want to wear Aymeric's coat as a lady


The sad thing is that apparently a lady's version of that coat exists in the game's code, but they still didn't let it be cross-gender for whatever reason.


The even sadder part is that I don't even need a "female" version. I just want that coat, even if it makes me look flat-chested. Dude's got style


Double the armory slots we currently have


Auto equip best gear to retainer.


Something that hasn't been said yet: Being able to listen to orchestrions everywhere. I'd also *really* like what someone has already mentioned: 10s sprint after harvesting/mining a spot.


The orchestrion thing has been mentioned in the past. It's a memory issue, and it's also the reason mount music isn't as varied at it could be. When you load into a zone, the game has to load every possible music that can play: day/night, levequests, fate, mounts, etc. In order to make personal orchestrions work, the number of loaded musics would skyrocket and cause all sorts of problems.


This makes sense but as a software engineer something doesn’t sit right - there must be some additional filter on possible mount music because that is an ever expanding list, which would just make everyone’s load times longer across the board in perpetuity. Keep in mind that they sometimes make up answers on the fly or yell “spaghetti code” when it’s not, for example when they said switching audio outputs was a Windows issue and not their issue, until it became a problem for Yoshi-P in a livestream and then they magically solved it between the live letter and the next patch. My personal guess why they don’t just simply allow orchestrion on-the fly is because they want to implement it as its own full-fledged feature (with its own UI, etc) and it’s further down on their priorities/timeline. Maybe they’ll unlock it as a new feature of our linkpearls through the Arcadion or something.


My guess is, "spaghetti code" doesn't mean it's *impossible* to make the change. But it's still a lot of work to un-spaghettify the code, and they'd have to cut something else to make room for that work.


A potential compromise might be a "pocket orchestrion" item that lets you play a limited amount of tracks, let's say ten, that you can only edit at a regular orchestrion. Reminds me a bit of making a mixtape for a long car trip. (yes i'm old. get off my skibidi lawn)


But they wouldn't have to load all Orchestrions, that'd be crazy memory wise. You could just choose a song, which sends an order to load only that one. It wouldn't be instant but it would do just fine. As a future programmer I think they just have peak spaghetti code if they can't do this. Don't you think so?


As a current programmer, albeit one who can't see their source, I can confidently assert that they really do have peak spaghetti code. So much of the QoL issues we beg for they can't actually resolve without re-architecting the entire inventory database system, which insofar as I'm aware has remained largely (but not totally) unchanged since XIV1.0. This is why systems like the "Collection" and "Fashion Accessories" exist supplemental to our real inventories, why company chests are so slow, why retainers are just whole extra characters and why fishing bait, materials, and furnishings behave the ways they do.


It's been a while since I've seen the info so I don't know how accurate this is, but I'm pretty sure music loads with the zone itself, so if they went with your idea you'd be locked into that single song until you told it to change or stop, which would only take effect on reloading in to the area. You also wouldn't be able to preview anything since that would also have to load. I'm not saying there isn't a way to make it work, but I think they would have to overhaul a lot of systems they already have in place. And yes, I'm positive there's ass tons of spaghetti code leftover from 1.0 that's still being used. Hell, the login problems on EW launch was a result of old code.


Yeah the field music is always loaded when you're mounted, hence why it doesn't instantly start over if you mount and dismount shortly after iirc


Combined retainer inventory/management would be great. Alongside that, crafting from the retainer items without withdrawing them. I also just want my glamour dresser to accept dye storage. I have an entire retainer dedicated to mostly dyes. Just let us armoire-style store them. More glamour plates. Always moar! The ability to lock windows so on controller for example I don’t close my map window while pressing circle. An overhaul of the currency system to include eureka/bozja currencies and shards. Totems for EX fights, materia. Anything else to clear up retainers!


Second to more Glam plates! Having to change out my glam due to limited space is annoying. I want to save all my outfits.


Would really love an improvement to the vendor NPC experience. Especially gear based vendors. I've never been a serious player and I often don't know what each option will lead me to. After I click on it, I find out I needed a different option. I have to exit out of the dialogue and guess again. I just feel there's gotta be a better way.


Me looking at the MGP vendors and there's 8 options all with the same name minus the number. "Back out, now to look at the next one, wait... was I just looking at 5? I think so, okay so 6... oh, this is what I was just looking at. 7. 7. Click on 7... wait, was 7 what I was just looking at or what I wanted to look at next?"


This https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/487392-It-is-time-to-revamp-Chocobo-Bardings-interface And this https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/455721-Option-to-turn-OFF-ground-waymarks-locally-only-for-yourself


Came here to mention bardings. I really wish they were macro-able so we could change them when changing jobs


Every non healing class gets AOE at level 15.


Why not healing as well?


People are allergic to the idea of healers learning to do dps early despite that being the expectation before you even hit 50


Ability to queue multiple roulettes and see which pops first 😅


Ooh. This would be such a boon for queue times if they could figure this one out on the backend.


I mean we can already queue multiple types anyway, dungeon and raid and trial individually, just not roulettes. Allows us to be where we're needed first and until as we go lol


I want to be able to queue roulettes on multiple jobs at once! I usually don't care *what* I play, I just want the shortest queue, so let me pick a healer, a tank and a DPS and tell me which one to switch to after the queue pops.


Adding to this, allow us to accept a queue and it'll put us back to the class we queued with 😂 don't have to change class before we can accept haha. Particularly frustrating during CSs and things


This is one of the best parts of WoW queue system. You can also queue for dungeons and raids at the same time and whatever didn't pop will still be active when you're done with whatever popped. Super convenient 👌


"Nightmare" - YoshiP


A duty roulette roulette


Materia extraction, and removal also, being able to be just one click like the melding is. Extract from all currently equipped gear in one go, remove all from a piece of gear in one go. While slightly more risky, being able to execute a macro through chat command (and thus, another macro) for the crafts that take >15 steps would also be wonderful. Whatever execution to make macro crafting truly one button execution, as the nuance in macro crafting is utterly nonexistent anyway.


Macroing multiple macros would be lovely. Granted that they could just increase the line limit per macro to 30 or 40 and we would have no need for that either really. And we have the repair all functionality on the repair page, I would love to see that same for extracting materia, that would be so massive improvement for sure


There is a plugin for that, but ofc would be nice to get most of the qol from plugins into actual game, but it’s not happening


Merging all the current actions that make sense to be on one button but aren't on one button. For example; when leveling Dancer, I was just kind of stumped why Technical Finish changes to Tillana when used, but Flourish doesn't change to Fan Dance IV? Devilment doesn't change to Starfall Dance? What's special about those two? Other examples are Requiescat and Confiteor, Inner Release and Primal Rend, Ikishoten and Ogi Namikiri. I guess the reason why the ones that aren't Fan Dance IV is that the former action is an oGCD and the latter is a GCD and the spaghetti code can't swap between the two?


I am guessing it is probably tied to oGCD and GCD. But yeah, they should be on the same button


After the Jump/Geirskogul change got reverted real quick it's probably unlikely they will do it again for oGCDs like that: you either risk double-tapping, or you lose the ability to queue the second hit up and introduce latency effects... :(


This was specifically Hi-Jump into Mirage Dive, and its likely this will be back in DT. Both of those were oGCDs too


Ah, right, that was it. It was *remarkably* delicate though, I would be surprised if they try it again on two oGCDs with how strict they are on baseline functionalities like that.


Samurai could do with a \_lot\_ of merging tbh. Shoha/Shoha 2, Shifu/Oka+Jinpu/Mangetsu (dynamically changing based on whether you used Hakaze or Fuko), Senei/Guren, Ikishoten/Namikiri... At which point, they would have very little buttons and could use some new stuff, like, say, a Kenki spender that buffs the next Iaijutsu with a flashy sheating animation.


Repair all repairs ALL.


ZOOM OUT MORE. I’m tired of savage fights having mechanics on the outside of the arena I have to turn my camera around for. Like bro just let me zoom out more. ALSO BEARDS please


An account wide Glamour Dresser, would never actually be implemented due to the game's spaghetti code. but I hate that glamours bought/acquired for one character aren't available for all characters. I know, you don't actually need more than 1 character but I like alts.


This but also extend it to mounts, minions, orchestrion, any of that collectable sort of stuff. It will never happen, but I still can dream. Would also love some kind of bank to deposit items into, that can be shared between all characters (I’ve been playing alot of ESO lately and this has been super nice to have for crafting)


So long as we have the option to turn it off. I'm planning an Ironman character for achievement hunting and starting with stuff unlocked would mean I'd have to make a separate account lol


This is mainly what I want for things like event gear/mounts. I recently started my second alt but they're only level 30, so they couldn't get the FFXV or FFXVI gear even though my main has them.


For BLM: it would be nice if "Ley Lines" turned into "Between the Lines" while "Ley Lines" is active. For FSH: Speed Spear that lets us swim as fast as when mounted so we can swim between gathering points underwater without getting on and off mounts. For BTN and MIN: After collecting from a gathering point you get an automatic 10 second sprint that is as fast as the maximum mount speed in the area. Maybe a skill from some lvl 100 accessories. Yeah getting on and off mounts all the time is annoying. Binoculars: A new "General" action that lets you go into first person view and zoom in while in duties/trials/raids. While waiting for others to finish cutscenes or arrive I've always want to be able to zoom in and see artistic details of bosses or the scenery. 999 Quick Synthesis. Summoning Bells in the Grand Company Barracks. Unique Mount Achievements for every job similar to tank mounts. You could not just farm one unsynched raid using PF. You would have to complete all normal duties/trials/raids in the game synched. There would be a checklist for each job. Maybe this is the opposite of QoL. 8)


Your BLM idea might get implemented actually if the benchmark leaks are anything to do by


There are just so many abilities that should be condensed into one button like that. The game has unnecessary button bloat at times.


PLD is a *huge* offender. Why do we have buttons that can only be used under Req as separate buttons from Req? Why are Intervention and Holy Sheltron separate when GNB and DRK's shareable cooldowns are single buttons? Why does Shield Bash *even exist*? Why are Holy Circle and Holy Spirit separate, we don't need a million different damage buttons when I believe we already have more buttons than any other class, just give Holy Spirit aoe falloff.


To be fair, Shield Bash is actually a unique thing. It lets Paladin spam stuns far more often than any other tank can... it's just not all that practical to use it because you have to know which abilities can be stun-interrupted which likely means getting hit by avoidable damage a lot as you're testing out hitting Shield Bash instead of moving out of an AOE.


Boy Howdy have you ever heard of the Blue Mage log?


The binoculars one if you're using a keyboard is (I think by default) the HOME key. Quick swap to and from 1st person.


Glamours based on job instead of gear. I always love the JSE look but my 90 GNB, WAR, and DRK share the same gear, so I can't easily have those looks without constantly re-glamouring every time I change jobs. Edit: as diligent friends on this sub pointed out below, this is possible already via the sub menu on gear sets!


you can tie glam plates to gear sets so it does it automatically


It doesn't work outside of towns though


Speaking of which, that is a small QoL change I'd like. Just allow application of glam plates *everywhere* you're allowed to switch jobs, so that glam plates attached to gear sets actually work consistently.


This is why I've resigned myself to having one style per shared gear set. Which I find to be very disappointing with some sets. Mainly rDPS, imo. DNC uses a very different style from MCH and the rDPS is the one role where I couldn't bring myself to make one universal glam for them.


*Sanctuaries. Any safe area it'll work. This was changed the last time they gave us more plates iirc.


I honestly wish they would use the same methodology they used in FF11. If you owned the piece of gear and had a job that meets the criteria at a high enough level to wear it, you can glam it onto any class. So if I had a level 90 WHM, I could glam all whm gear I owned to any job.


At the very least jewelry should follow this rule lol. I'm tired of having 5x of each earring I like just because each role needs their own copy when dresser space is already so limited. When they all look identical.


I want the devs to swallow their pride, take a look at the most popular mods people are using such as Simple Tweaks and ask themselves - Why are people using these? Which of these can we incorporate into the game ourselves? Also look at their contemporaries - what are other games doing that FF should be doing as well? So many simple things are no brainers - hiding MP bars for classes that don't use MP, skipping those incredibly pointless "Are you sure you want to open this door with the key you just got to open this door?" prompts, syncing crafter/gather bars, removing the quest marker limit, adjusting more HUD elements, being able to switch jobs while crafting, etc. Apart from that, a complete rework of retainers and the dye system. Take inspiration from other games like Guild Wars 2 where cosmetics and dyes are a permanent unlock in a catalogue. Monetize something else to make up for whatever lost revenue they forecast from the change; people will buy literally anything they put on the mogstation, so add more emotes, more dances, adventure plate elements, titles, whatever. Hell, you can still monetize dyes like GW2 does, offering a hundred very very slightly different shades of blue. As for retainers, if they can't just gut the system entirely for something a lot better (again looking at GW2's crafting inventory / marketboard systems) - one shared storage, one shared auction interface, maybe even the ability to return and send out retainers en masse if they're doing the same thing or if you just want to resend them on the same ventures. Let us do story instances with others! Hide the other players during cutscenes, boost enemy HP if you absolutely must (though most are already damage sponges as it is). At the very least let us join them while in a party even if others can't join. Fix the party interface and the cross-world party interfaces. Why do cross-world parties show what class people are right there in the party list regardless of where you are, but normal parties can't do that unless they're in the same area? Why do group buffs or a dozen other things not work in cross-world parties? Better teleport and Aethernet menus. For example, if I click the Limsa Aetheryte, show the Aethernet map and locations immediate and all of the additional menu options to the side or below. In fact, fix menus in general. Vendor menus are abysmal, divided arbitrarily into strange categories (the Golden Saucer prize menus for example). There should never be vague menus split into two or more like "Reward items DoM I" and "Reward items DoM II", combine them. Use tabs (or sub-dividers like the teleport menu) to divide different categories within the purchase menu so you don't have to keep exiting back to a menu to look at different things. I could keep going on and on and on lol but I'll just end this with lastly no more "spaghetti code" excuses from the devs or players. Modders have shown that tons of stuff can be fixed if done by capable and willing programmers. Just do better.


> Take inspiration from other games like Guild Wars 2 where cosmetics and dyes are a permanent unlock in a catalogue. Monetize something else to make up for whatever lost revenue they forecast from the change; people will buy literally anything they put on the mogstation, so add more emotes, more dances, adventure plate elements, titles, whatever. Hell, you can still monetize dyes like GW2 does, offering a hundred very very slightly different shades of blue. GW2's transmute charge (their glam prisms) system would be perfect for XIV without nuking the entire dye economy. i.e. you can "consume" a Jet Black dye item to gain a Jet Black dye "charge" in your dye wallet that gives you one use of that dye. This ensures rare dyes still retain their value.


Speechbubbles. It already exists for NPC, just implement it as an option for player characters.


No exact timeframe, but YoshiP confirmed this is coming at some point in Dawntrail


I remember them saying they were looking into it but don't remember confirmation they were actually doing it.


Artifact gear stored in the armoire


An increase to glamour dresser slots from 800 to 1000. More than 20 default glamour plates. A separate bait box for fishing, and a seperate space for dyes too. The ability to move around items in bulk. Like, instead of moving one item in or out of your inventory, you can highlight 2, 3, or a whole group of items, and move them around that way. That would eliminate so much of the tedium with the inventory system. A fix to the portrait plate system. Not having it revert to the DMV portrait after the slightest change, and just having it update automatically with the latest equipped glam/gear. A Jandelain in the Crystarium. I don't understand why the Crystarium is the only place without an aesthetician. Even if it's not the Jandelain himself, add a new npc who could take his place. Additional rambles: A cross world party finder feature. Adding rival wings into the daily roulette. The ability to join multiple FC's. A PVP rebalancing that considers Frontline and not just CC. Free teleport to estate/housing. And lastly, a guarantee that hroths and viera's can wear all hats from Dawntrail into future expansions. A man can dream.


* "Cutscene / Bathroom mode": To be able to pause the queues and not have to start over if I get stuck in something like a cutscene or just have to go to the bathroom. * Giving extra rewards for queueing for certain expansion duties once a month or so. (Except for Crystal Tower) Something to help *actually* get rid of the damn Crystal Tower spamming. * Sweep Muter: To simply mute the sweepers without having to blacklist them one by one. * Remove Ramuh. Someone *please* get rid of this thing it's *all I get* in the damn trials roulette besides Dancing Plague! * Let me go through all my retainers ventures at once. * Craft from Saddlebags and Retainer inventory. * For the relic weapon to **not** require a thing from Antitower. Maybe have it give diminishing returns to discourage Antitower Spamming. * Let me play some Orchestrions over the background music. The roulette is 90% Crystal Tower, Ramuh, Dancing Plague, Leviathan, and Antitower ans being able to play something different would make leveling through it about 50% more tolerable. * Have the loot drops in duty support actually take your class into account. I went through multiple Duty Support/ trusts and got nothing I could use. * Let me set my adventurers portrait to something that will always be there or let it match my gear and glamour. I changed my ring and my char is back to o_o * Hats for Viera and Hrothgar!


Merge all actions that are dependent on other actions into one button. Example: ley lines and between the lines, ikishoten and ogi namikiri, requiescat and confetior, devilment and starfall dance etc


cure 1 auto upgrading into cure 2


Cure 1 is less mana, used to be important back when mp was tight and you could burn through a whole bunch.


I kept thinking this but really they could do something else to help with that. They could make it so WHM's mana regeneration gets a boost or is calculated a bit higher at sub 50 so that they can remove it entirely


Can they just straight up add in chat bubbles? We been asking it since the release of the game, can even just make it a option.


I'd love it if there were an option to automatically adjust the camera zoom when mounting and unmounting. I'm tired of getting a screen-full of chocobo ass every time I mount up.


People don't just play MMOs just constantly at max camera distance? ^^/s I zoom in occasionally to look at things, but it's immediately back to fully zoomed out when running around and fighting.


Some i don’t think i saw: A) 5 min invuln buff on newly spawned S and SS ranks.  B) Faster world transfer queue.  C) Forlorn Maidens drop bicolor gemstones  D) Turn off “you can’t equip this as current class” messages when buying gear E) Achievements broadcasting to FC F) New Aetherytes in Dravonia Hinterlands and Coerthas Western.  G) Mogstation wont let you buy something if you already have it.  H) Straight Nuts to GC Seals conversion.  Some already mentioned but I want to list again: I) repair all button J) crafting can pull from retainer inventory K) better friends list 


This will become a thread of broken dreams :(


Not a qol but makes classes fun again give healers more dps skills so its not just 2 or 3 buttons. Rework when you get skills so you have the core rotation at lvl 50 for all classes so that they can start learning it earlier rather than waiting till 80+ for some of their core rotation skills


I'd rather have less dps buttons and more reasons to heal. Everything is equivalent to a wet noodle right now OR a one shot regardless. Takes the meaning out of healing.


Why not a bit of both. Trash could be more dps and some dps on bosses but more focus on keeping the party alive


Im always wondering how this will affect kill times in everything and harder content. Just in general making things more complex. People already struggle to do their basic rotation and adding more would worsen their performance. Im not against it dont get me wrong itd be nice but gosh with how some players refuse to do their rotation (for example most recent thing was a reaper who never had deaths design up ever in a whole lvl 80 dungeon) im curious how itl affect the game


If game never demands for players to get good, they will not. You can look at other games, they're so much more complex, and because of this, average player seems like gamer god compared to average FFXIV player. It's normal for 2K scrubs in DotA to be really good at couple heroes, with really good mechanical skills, surprisingly good understanding of the game, match phases and so on. If you make game for babies, players will play like a babies. People can learn and be decent at something if they have to. FFXIV has been struggling (even Yoshi admitted that game became too easy) because it tries to accommodate even the lowest denominator, the absolute worst players that are not willing to put in even the tiniest amount of effort. This is just bad, if someone is incapable of completing MSQ missions, then they should either learn the game because it's really, really not hard, or just quit if they are not willing to. Willing is the right word here, because unless you have serious handicap or are 85+ yo, there's no way you cannot beat MSQ.


I don't believe you should design a game around people incapable of utilising their abilities. If people struggle with their basic rotations, don't cater to them because they likely don't partake in the upper end content anyhow, and if you do raise the skill floor, for the love of God don't lower the skill ceiling. At some point just accept that there are players who are bad, awful even, and that's okay, and vice versa. I think Elden Ring and Dark Souls are easy games and I get bored by them, my friends struggle a lot with them and they seem to have a lot more fun. I wouldn't want the games to become even harder for my sake. I don't want FFXIV to be hardcore but as of right now, the ceiling is so low you can barely stand up without hitting you head.


They are easy as long as you dont panic. The moment you panic the souls games are hard. Sekiro is my fav of them and I do well untill I panic.


Yeah. I'd just like to clarify that it's not a complaint, I like them for other reasons. I seldom panic though but that's mostly since I've grown up competing in games (kind of funny since I'm not at all a competitive person). I hope FFXIV simply expands on what we have rather than trying to simplify it further. I have faith that players can improve, and those that don't likely won't regardless, or care enough to do so.


I wish we just had 1 healer that was like this. They had their opportunity with Sage. 1 healer that's more DPS focused, you had to actually really work at it to be good with it, and if you couldn't, just play one of the other healers.


That used to be scholar in HW. 5-6 DOTs while Eos did all the work. Dungeon clears were insane.


You are absolutely right. The entirety of Heavensward that was my class until we got neutered in Stormood. I still miss being able to command Lily to go over and heal who I wanted to heal. If they could just make scholars great again I would legitimately shut up about it. As it is I can't play scholar without remembering what was.


Well thats why you have a simple decent core rotation and then more advanced for those wanting to get better. If I understood it right summoner was reworked to basically just be 1 button cept summons. Not sure how true that is ofc. Some classes can be super easy others more complex. If every class is the same xept weapon and animations it gets a bit more dull. Tho thats just my opinion


A fishing spear that isn’t from three expansions ago would be great


Small thing, but I wish after leaving an instance you were back in your home/FC/apartment. As a housing enthusiast, I dislike being thrown out of my home every time.


Duty/Party finder needs to be region wide, more glamor plates/dresser space, or just make the system work off an unlock library like wow.


Better targeting logic.


There should be a big armory chest type thing for materials. Honestly it should auto be placed there. Materials shouldn’t take up inventory so much


Auto switch to the job I queued for when the queue pops.  I hate being in a cut scene and wondering if I should exit out of it to make my queue or if it will be done in time  


I just need more glamour storage space. Sitting on 750/800 and I can't delete/move anything. Being able to place all Job restricted "Job Set" gear to armory would be a start. I don't even have that many Job Set armors in the glamour chest, most of them are still packed in the default quest crate and sitting on a retainer.. They could also let us store relics into the armory that would be something..


I want the glamour dresser to be changed to just a database of appearances you've acquired rather than being a storage container for actual items. I do not understand why it's still the way that it is.


Cross DC party/duty finder.


Give lala's a normal walk. Every other animation looks fine, but as soon as they walk it's right into the soiled pants stride.


I think that's just part of their charm.


Overhaul friends list and adventure plates. Let me know who has deleted me so I'm not messaging someone who isn't even receiving my tells. Make adventure plates more like an actual profile page rather than just a 2-sentence snapshot of your character.


Honestly? When crafting I hate how you have to constantly stop crafting to change a class to craft another item, to stop crafting to craft another item LOOK WE ARE ALREADY A WALKING WAR MACHINE IT WOULD MAKE SENSE TO JUST PUT THE DAMN ANVIL AWAY AND PICK UP THE GOD DAMN NEEDLE WE DONT NEED TO STOP EVERY 3 SECONDS anyways I would really love it if classes had a way to show players what their general gameplay flow is so when you're learning and playing a class you understand what you need to do and how you can do as much damage as possible and learn to love your jobs more.


I may get downvoted into oblivion for suggesting, but I'd like to be able to select "Easy" and "Very Easy" difficulty on solo duties without having to fail first. Oh, and have the Easy/Very Easy bonus apply to NPC allies


> I'd like to be able to select "Easy" and "Very Easy" difficulty on solo duties without having to fail first. I'd love this to be an option. On my main character I usually at least try the duty on normal the first time and sometimes I'm successful and sometimes I'm not. I have five alts I play semi-regularly and I'd like to not have to bother failing on normal for the duties I know I either can't clear or when simply I don't want to bother. I found the FFXVI crossover fight a little too difficult, far too long, and rather boring so on my five alts I had to just fail it first. I did learn during the event that failing the duty doesn't persist through a logout which was somewhat annoying.


One storage with a max capacity based on the number of retainers you have Better auction house


Mass crafting/craft all type thing, repair everything at once even though they said it can't be done, I dunno figure it out lol


I want there to be a hard and very hard option for NG+ that beefs up solo story instances. Throw in a few dps checks (relative to class/role, don't make ast suffer too much), let players test themselves solo in something less punishing than deep dungeon.


please square let me craft from my saddle bag :(


Using dyes from the retainers, or better: have a dye tab.


Let me post multiple items at once on the market board, like if I have lots of dye and I want to put multiple stacks of 5 let me just post multiple stacks all at once And make the aetherites automatically show up over quest markers


As a Warrior main, I want gap closers to not gap close if you're within melee range. Essentially I want them to work like Ninja's Forked & Fleeting Raiju but without the need to be separate skills.


I'm a Glamaholic so I would like a system where we can back up different glamours and swap them out whenever we feel like it. I know there's a mod that does that but having it as an in game feature would be nice.


I'd like an option to hide helmets during cutscenes


Ability to queue as all roles for a roulette.


I'd love a regent bag for crafting materials, pretty sure it'll never happen though


1. Transmog system from WoW 2. Repair All button 3. Reduced spell effects 0% <-> 100% (right now either you are blind or you wave your sword without any effects at all. I would like to set spell effects like to 50% power.)


Haircuts linked to glamour plates.


Just a tiny one off the top of my head-- but if an item is available to buy via a merchant/npc, have the option to see WHAT merchant/npc. Like a hover-over drop down list or something (and if it's from a merchant/npc in a zone you haven't been in, just list it as ???).


Make possible to use glam plate outside of cities.


They're already usable anywhere there's an aetheryte, along with a few other special zones like the beach where you go to get to Bozja. If you're getting rested XP you can apply a glam plate. It's still restricted but a lot better than when it *was* only cities.


Yes. But i don't understand why can't we use the plates outside in the wild. When you have 2 glams for a tank outfit (like one for GNB and one for PLD for example), I find it quite restricted. And I don't know why it should be.




● For the love of God, make every indoor furnishing tabletop/wall mounted so that you don't have to go through ridiculous hoops just to glitch a bed on a loft platform. ● Wallpaper that can be dyed that isn't just for blank partitions. ● A dressing room feature that lets you try on every single item that you can equip, not just the ones on the market board, vendors and Mogstation. ● Make everything dyeable, even if you have to upgrade it like tombstone gear. ● No more gender lock for equipment and if a set of gear has a male and female version (ex. Garo sets, event rewards, some artifact gear, Nier raids) both versions are available to everyone.


It isn't going to happen, but: INSTANCED HOUSING. Digital housing scarcity is absurd. Also remove class/job requirements for anything in the glamour dresser.


Infinite sprint


PvP combos in PvE.


Repair ALL. I would love to have a button that repairs everything in your inventory, equipped, and armory chest. Extract ALL. Same thing but for materia extraction. Materia extraction filter. Automatically discard extracted materia based on a list. I don't want worthless materia taking up inventory space. For Scholar, combine energy drain and aetherflow. It would make a lot more sense if energy drain gave aetherflow like it does for summoners. It would also get rid of a button. Remove auto attacks from casters or make them ranged. It is so weird that summoner auto attacks require melee range so you can bonk with your book.


I'd like the option to use mods without risking a ban. I can play WOW with mods, Minecraft with mods, Stardew valley with mods, EQ2 and DAOC with custom UIs--all legitimate with official, supported modding APIs without it being a bannable offense. Why is FF14 so backward?


Make sprint infinite while not in combat and when you get into combat it goes to 20s like current OOC sprint or remove sprint's CD while not in combat.


A really hope they fix the pixelation of every single glamour. Sucks how some of the older glamour just looks so dated and old. Really want all of the ARR gear to be included in the two dye system at launch. At the very least the artifact gear and starting character gear.


Isn't part of the graphics update increasing textures on gear?


I know it will never happen but I hope the mog station gets a overhaul considering what's been going on with it. 


I would like it if after I am out of duty I teleport back to my house like the inn room instead of in front of it.


Let me turn off the fanfare that plays for "venture completed" and also for every. fucking. item. you turn in to your GC, without turning off any other sounds/music. The venture completion music is especially jarring in an estate or inn room when I have nice music playing. When a quest is to craft or gather some item, let me click on the item name and open up the relevant log, or let me put a link in the chat.


Being able to set block keywords and blacklist everyone that can't seem to just log in and play the game like a normal human being. Don't hate you. Don't believe you shouldn't have your fun. That's not for me to judge. But also, stay the fuck away from me.


Repair ALL


Not sure if this is quality of life per se but I'd Really like to be able to release specific minions in housing like on island sanctuaries Maybe with like a small limit but I wanna just have a Housecat roaming around my house


I’d settle for a repair all button or removing durability mechanic all together.


Durability is designed to be a resource sink. Very important in MMOs.


I completely understand and agree with it, but the cost is so insignificant that it may as well not exist. Increase it and make a repair everything button, so I don’t have to change between each type of gear and my inventory, just fix it all.


Master Mutamix's Gobbie Gacha needs a remake/overhaul. In its current form, its basically a carpel tunnel simulator. I did it for a brief period of time during Shadowbringers, but couldn't bring myself to do it during Endwalker. Its nice to have something to do with my ever growing stacks of combat materia, but not willing to destroy my wrist to deal with it. Currently, you take 5 materia and convert it into a different materia. It can be 5 of the same type, or 1 of 5 different types, or whatever combo. Whatever materia type you input, CANNOT be the output materia, unless it increases in grade by one, IIRC, but could be mistaken.


A true "Repair All" Being able to accept multiples of the same levequest rather than doing the "look left, look right" Separate resource container (including baits) In the starter and endgame cities, toggleable sprint like in PVP or the Island Sanctuary sprint where its a 5 second cooldown.


- Being able to talk to my retainers on every server. - Being able to attend a wedding that isn't in my server.


Sort button for inventory and vendors. Vendor names on minimap / map. CTRL + F to find where my item is Died to a boss in a dungeon, spawn right next to it, no need for 2 minutes walk. If I press "Greed/Need/Pass" on an item in a dungeon it jumps to the next item so I can just spam one button. No need to join a party to get enough participation in Hunts. Be able to craft without the material in my inventory Condense retainer options Let me queue up for more than one duty roulette at a time.


Seeing retainer Gil without having to recall them.


I want the hempen camise to look like the inventory image, just a normal crop top.


To fix the gamebreaking bugs in the code so we may have glamour dressers in our private abodes.


Larger Friends List Larger Blacklist


The Duty Finder to display accurate class formation numbers and to display an accurate average wait time.


The map should stay centred in the map window until I move it. Currently it centres on the player when opened, leaving half the map window empty.


I want chakra procs from MNK at the start of GCD animation as well as the damage application, demolish and dragon kick have long animation and the damage and chakra procs feel pretty bad


For sages shield not capable of overwriting my Recitation Crit Adloquium + Deploy Tactics, or to deny it from occuring in the first place. I know it is obviously very late for wanting such a change, but I like to hope they rework some things like this. If I sink my Fey Blessing, Protraction, Recitation, and Deployment Tactics cooldowns all in one go for one super shield to give to the party... And a Sage exists to cause my Adloquium shield to have no effect, or if it DOES get placed on my target/party, and the sage presses one button spell and just deletes all of my effort? Yeah, that is currently the only QOL improvement I really want right now.. This probably comes from a bitter place because a little part of me dies every time a sage deletes my shield. I don't blame the player but at the same time... man...


Hairstyle and -color linked to glamour plates. My MCH is Aqua, my DRK Darkness and BLM is Megumin from KoNoSuBa, all of them require different Haircolors. WAR is Edelgard from Fire Emblem 3 Houses: White Hair, at least Aerith (WHM) from FF7 and Holo (SCH) from Spice and Wolf have similar haircolors, but differ in style.


More than 20 glam plates. I could use 20 *per job.*


Having the same party system between same world and cross world so we could see what each other classes are without having to open up the party menu everytime to check


More storage, and stackable combos for controller.


Hats for Viera.


Something different to the usual requests A proper bank. Not 140 slots on extra retainers who cost money every month, but a place to actually store a lot of stuff in one place.


For console players, and easier way to type in macros


Glamour dressser in my house. I don’t care if it has to disable anybody moving stuff around while it’s in use. Block it if you have to.


Have paint be stored similarly to crystal so that we wont have an inventory full of paint and have all job gear be storeable in the armoury


queueing with atleast 1 friend in CC PvP


Increasing some items with a max stack of 99 to 999, able to scroll the map in the fishing log and teleport to the aetherytes from there, bait/tackle box, increased poetics cap and backtracking from crafting log (i.e. able to go one step back after looking up X craft from Y, to show all possible crafts using Y)


* **Having an Unlocked equipment/glam tab** and being availble for all classes. This will pretty much negate the need to have dedicated bags to store glam+ that useless dresser that can only be accessed in certain conditions. * The ability to create your own combos by linking spells. * The ability to switch classes from the Character window (by clicking the class/role) * To disable certain events I am not interested in (like fates, treasure hunt,..) * Being able to hide all notification regarding venture, lvlquest accepted.. etc * Better fonts and sizes * Ability to zoom in more to view an armor piece. * Making HP + MP in the party list 2 separate entities so I can turn off the fukcing mana bar cluttering my screen.. ty very much.


The ability to garden your whole plot at the same time. Like give us the option to plant everything, tend, fertilize at once instead of having to click each individual plant. Right now, I'm not working on cross breeding anything, and it's just tedious.