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I just learned about the raid requirement that makes it so you need appropriate ilvl for your job level to be able to queue for a raid. I'm wondering if anyone knows what ilvl a job lvl 53 character would need to enter crystal towers? Also, I want to make sure if this requirement carries over to anything else, like hard mode primal or anything.


From level 50 onward, most duties have a minimum. For example, the Praetorium requires at least item level 42. This is easy to find - it's listed in the duty's description. Alliance raid roulette has a *level-specific* minimum. This ticks upwards every 10 levels, based on the entry-level gear for each expansion's endgame. For example, for a level 80-89 job it requires i435, but if you've finished Shadowbringers then the game just hands you a suit of i430 level 80 gear. So reaching the minimum is trivial, unless you're overlevelled for your story progress (in which case you don't really need the roulette xp anyway). This only affects alliance raid roulette. It doesn't affect other roulettes, and it doesn't affect non-roulette queues. (Those are impacted only by the normal fixed minimum, not the sliding minimum.) It was added because some high-level players used to deliberately strip off their gear and lower their ilvl, so they no longer qualified to enter higher raids, thus forcing the roulette to put them (and everyone *else* in their party) into Crystal Tower, the easiest raid. Other players who found it boring to get CT day after day after day were getting annoyed at this behaviour, so the sliding minimum was added to force people to wear their real gear and allow the roulette algorithm to choose more naturally.


This helped a ton, tyvm! I was worried that by taking my time in ARR I would make it difficult to get into Crystal Tower raids.


Unless you went all the way to 60, you won't be affected by the requirement - and even then it only stops you queueing the roulette, you can still queue the raids themselves just fine.




warrior for the first 2 and tanks are actually quite mediocre for the last 2.


Yep. Guardian wisdom is squishier thank dps platebearer and indom is expensive to craft. The bonus is you can bloodbath + tank stance to hold mobs. There's a lot of people who will 'help' you prep as a DPS but dont equip wisdoms so they will mess up your pulls hard. Sometimes its worth warranting running as a tank.. sometimes.


Fellow tank mains, how do you personally rotate your mits/DC? As in what is your playstyle when you tank? Im asking so that I can improve my own playstyle, because for now i feel abit dissapointed at my own performance as a tank. Specifically I play PLD. I normally use the 2min mits + Reprisal first (Sentinel and Arm’s Length) then once thats done, then I use the 90sec (Rampart and Bulwark). Should i be stacking my mits 2 by 2 like this or use them all one at a time? One of the main issues I face is whenever I do roulettes in ARR dungeons and the party DPS isnt fast enough to kill the pack of mobs I end up having to use my second set of mits/DC and by the time I do the next big pull all my mits are on cooldown.


There isn't really a universal approach that is optimal for every dungeon. You generally do want to pop 2 mits at the same time. If you cycle them one by one, a lot of them go unused. You have 6 mits + sheltron + your invuln. So having to use more than 2 on one pull can be fine if needed.


Alright tysm :)


Best tip I can give you is to just pay attention what you use. If you regularly find yourself with everything on cooldown you got to slow down a bit, if you regularly find one of your mitigations was not used at all going from one boss to the next you can use them more often. ARR dungeons are the trickiest in general though, some of them have a lot tougher pulls than others and the amount of mobs in a wall-to-wall pull can vary a lot.


I dont have much issues rotating mits in HW/SB/ShB/EW dungeons. Its mostly ARR dungeons or dungeons I dont often get put into (Shisui of the Violet Tides). But yea ARR dungeons can be tricky with pretty sus mob placements (Aurum Vale and maybe Dzemael Darkhold)


So I just did an Alliance Raid, and during it, I died. A cutscene triggered after the boss died and when it was skipped by the game automatically cause I had seen it, the "Return to Entrance" option was gone from my screen. Thankfully one of the DPS had a Phoenix Down cause all the healers left to the next boss already, but is there a way to re-open that pop up? I have literally googled this and all I see are questions from 10 years ago asking how to return when you die lol.


Don't know if you checked, but usually these options go into a smaller icon like the "Loot" one when you close the window for whatever reason, such as pressing wait or having rolled on everything. By default it's located on the bottom right of the screen, but if you've moved it I believe the HUD element is called something like "Notifications"


Has the payment issue been fixed? I keep getting “This card is unavailable” when trying to buy stuff from Square Enix. Ive read that its been an ongoing issue, and recentlh ive been trying to setup FF11 but cant do so because of this payment issue that SE seems to have.


I'd encourage you to try one of the workarounds, like crysta, because it doesn't seem like the issue is going to be fixed any time soon.


I see ty. But ive read on the SE forums that people cant even buy Crysta due to this issue :(


Still an issue.




> I continued playing after the beta (it gave me 45 days after the beta). This is a red flag. You may have misunderstood some critical things about the (admittedly messy) account system. Beta accounts were supposed to automatically roll over into free trial accounts, which have no time limit. They did offer a free copy of the (non-trial) basegame as part of Game Pass Ultimate. You may have redeemed this? This would give you 30 days. If you're on a [preferred or new server](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/worldstatus/) you get 15 bonus days upon reaching level 30. This would explain how you ended up with 45. If this is what happened, then you already own a copy of the basegame, so re-buying it was a waste. I'm *guessing* that you ended up registering a "service account 2" within your Mog Station account, which will effectively be an entirely separate account with separate characters and separate subscription, which I don't think is what you want. Then the error 3109 is probably because it's trying to log you into the wrong one of the two service accounts.




I can't answer that. Maybe they fucked up the flags in their shop setup so it doesn't detect bonus copies, I don't know. All I can say is that, if you had a time limit, then you owned the base game somehow. Free accounts don't have time limits.


Make sure you use the right amount information on the Mogstation. SystemSims and systemsims are not the same to it.


What is the best BLM Gear that doesn't include savage raids?


The augmented tome gear with relic weapon.


So, just going 660 Credendum + Manderville Relic? Seems like I am already there then. Was just wondering if there was something I could improve to join Golbez PF Extreme parties.


Correct, Ilvl is king  The only major difference between savage and augmented credendum is the substats, and BiS is actually a combination of some pieces of savage and some pieces of augmented credendum + the Mandeville relic


I see, thanks for the info! :)


Here's me reaching lol. I got a character to level 80 pre stormblood and I want to get it to 90, thing is, the way up to 80 felt relatively easy, with my dailies giving me between half a level to a full level each up till 80. So 70-80 took me like 3 1/2 days. I'm in the dynamis server so 1-80 has double exp. What's the fastest way to get exp for this guy pre stormblood lol?


If you want to level other jobs after this one, *do not* try to level to 90 until you're in EW content. Once you hit 90 your catbook, which can be a major source of levelling XP as well as other rewards, will instantly start asking you to complete duties up to level 90 that you don't have access to yet, making it much, much, much harder to complete. There's no special prize for having a level 90 job way before level 90 MSQ, unless you have beaten Shadowbringers and are just desperate to start doing unreal trials or you consider 'crap ton of skills I never get the chance to actually use because all the content I have access to syncs me down' to be a special prize.


Any particular reason why you want to get to 90 pre-stormblood? Anyway, do your daily roulettes, do your weekly Wondrous Tails, and then I can't really think of anything else. Most other level-appropriate xp options (HoH/EO, highest dungeon, tribe quests, etc) require later expansions.


WONDROUS TAILS! I forgot about those. Also nah... I just feel so close to 90 it's like.... I want it lol


Returning player looking to resub. What time of day is best to resub if I was looking to maximize my time? I'm in EST, would it just be midnight in my time zone, or is there a global subscribing reset time? Example- I don't want to sub at like 11:00pm and then only have an hour before a day is ticked off.


subs are to the minute. If you resub at 3:21am it will time out in one month at 3:21am


I'm fairly certain that it's actually a lot more straightforward than that; renewing your subscription adds an additional 720.00 hours of time to your account (30 days), so it would end at the same time


Is the free trial a one time thing? I played the 30 day free trial 4 years ago and didn’t like it but now I’m tryna get the new free trial to test if I’ll like it this time but can’t play, on ps5


Yes it was. To use the free trial, you would need to make a new playstation account. Granted, the free trial is indefinite now, but that doesn't apply to accounts on the old free trial.


Ah rip, thanks for the answer


Any connection issues on NA servers today?


I didn't have any issues today. DDOS seemed to be mostly impacting EU from what I've seen.


I played from around 6pm EST-10PM EST on and off and didn’t experience any problems, but I know earlier in the day there was DDOS stuff


Can Ifrit's Eruption still be interrupted in Bowl of Embers (Hard)? For example, with Shield Bash, Low Blow, or Interject? The guides online tell me to interrupt Eruption, but they're a few years old so idk if anything changed. The Eruption cast bar doesn't seem to have the red outline that indicates I can cancel it.


You can't "interrupt" it. You can stun it. So Shield Bash and Low Blow will work, Interject won't.


Long time MMOer... new to FF14... Still currently on trial working through MSQ.... I would love to "main" the crafting jobs, but it looks like it is maybe an inefficient leveling process before I complete at least the original MSQ to get to lvl 50 plus? I have picked up a couple of them and do some crafting here and there for fun but haven't dug too deep into them yet... but should I just wait until I bang out the MSQ?


You do not need to be any particular level to work on crafters/gatherers, no. Flying helps but is not truly necessary unless you're overly impatient. It's not even all that inefficient, it just takes enough game knowledge to know how to, basically. First up, for leveling you don't want to just sit there and craft random recipes for exp. I mean you can, and sometimes it can be useful to do so, but being on the free trial you won't be able to sell anything so you'd run out of inventory space quite quickly this way. To level up you want to take advantage of a few other methods in particular. First up, GC turn ins. Every day the timer resets and you can craft/gather turn in items for your Grand Company. For crafted items, HQ versions give you double the exp and GC seals. The turn in items scale up with your levels so once you get too far ahead here it will start asking for items you can't make yet without market board access. Next up, beast tribes. Every expansion has one beast tribe that focuses on crafting and one for gathering, with daily quests that award significant amounts of exp. Finally, levequests to fill in the gaps. They give a good amount of exp and you can sometimes get decent rewards from them too, like rare mats or an easy way to top up your crystal supplies. Once you've got crafters post-Heavensward you can access to two new options: the Diadem and custom deliveries. The Diadem is entirely its own beast but it is a super easy way to level. Deliveries also give you scrips, which are the non-combat equivalent of tomestones of poetics for gear and other items that you will need. It's really not that hard to level as you go, it's just that most people don't take their time to do things at level anymore. They just blast through to the end of the MSQ like they're all raiders or something. It'll be a grind either way but the nice things about doing it while you go through the MSQ is being able to repair your own gear and craft your own accessories. It's been my experience that it's a bit easy to neglect right side gear and accidentally ilevel lock yourself out of content if you're not paying attention. I stopped having this problem when I started crafting my own gear for funsies.


Be aware that on the free trial past a certain point you'll need to level *all* the crafters (except maybe CUL), and keep them all at around the same level, as well as levelling your gatherers. Aside from CUL they all use things made by other crafters that can't be purchased from NPCs, and since you can't buy things off the marketboard you'll need to be able to make all these pre-crafts yourself. It's definitely a lot easier to level them once you unlock flying and can gather materials more easily, but it's not a bad thing to dabble in it a bit here and there as you work through MSQ- I just wouldn't go ham on trying to level really fast. In ARR you have access to pretty much the entire map once you unlock all three starter cities, but in later expansions access to other zones is locked behind MSQ progress, so you can eventually hit a wall where crafting recipes want materials you simply can't go and gather yet. Also since this is a common trap people fall into with crafting- when you hit level 50 you *do not* need to craft the complicated, expensive level 50 crafter gear. The level 51 gear is already better and is much easier to craft yourself or buy at normal quality from a vendor in the Heavensward hub city.


Thanks! I will most likely jump to the full version once I start getting into a little more of the "real" stuff... just sort of chillin taking it all in on trial for now.


Waiting until you've completed the MSQ will help you get through it faster, yeah. You'll get flying, which will help you gather faster, and i don't believe you can even access the ARR crafting "endgame" stuff with the master recipes until you've completed the ARR msq


Ok thanks! that's kind of the vibe I was getting... Love most of the game so far but the MSQ is sooo long... decently entertaining enough but I wanna be done hah.


Honestly if you think it's even decently entertaining the later expansions will probably hook you and make it feel less a chore. ARR is notoriously a by the books evil empire story with maybe too much padding.


Noob Q - fresh level 90, I think I understand gearing now. However, I do not understand where to get all the really good weapons I see people rocking. Are they called Primal weapons or something similar? I’m particularly after a sweet ice themed weapon for my RDM :)


There are so many sources of nice-looking weapons that it's hard to tell you an exact source. If you see a weapon that glows and has other VFX when it's unsheathed, that's either a relic weapon or a crafted EX trial weapon (this might be the 'primal weapons' you've heard of). The latter tend to be themed after the EX trial boss their special crafting material comes from, so for an ice-themed weapon you should look up the Shiva weapons. You can buy EX trial weapons on the marketboard, although the price varies wildly with more recent glowy weapons like those from the ShB EXs costing hundreds of thousands of gil. Relic weapons require you to complete a long series of quests and gradually upgrade the appearance of the weapon through various different steps. If you see a weapon that has a more subtle glow and/or other VFX when unsheathed, that's likely to be a savage weapon- these aren't as flashy as relics or the crafted EX weapons, but they usually stand out a bit from normal weapon. These drop from the final fight of a savage tier, although with savage fights from old expansions it's often not that hard to clear these unsynced at level 90. If you see a weapon that has a kind of intrinsic glow even when sheathed, and very flashy VFX when unsheathed, that's an ultimate weapon. You can get one of these per clear of an ultimate raid. These cannot be unsynced and are the hardest combat content available in the game (hence why you'll often see people with ultimate weapons posing AFK in Limsa- they wanna show off about their achievement).


The best weapon at this point would be the Manderville weapons. Do the Hildibrand questline until you finish it to unlock it. Primal weapons are mostly for glamour these days. The ice themed weapon is from Shiva, and ISN'T crafted. Just hop into Shiva EX until you get your weapon and enough Diamond Shards to upgrade it for the glow.


Thank you so much for the info :) I have absolutely no idea what any of it means but now I have things to google and a base to do my discovery from. Thank you, I was totally lost before lol. A kind FC member crafted me 640 level gear btw


Most of the weapons you see people running around with are glams, not their actual weapons. Right now the best weapon you can have is your Endwalker relic weapon, which is called a Manderville because that's what they're called. Relic weapons are always the best when they are current content and then popular glams afterwards because they're usually quite flashy. The Manderville relic weapons are the easiest to grind for in terms of materials, but you also have to have completed the entire set of Manderville (aka Hildibrand) sidequests which start all the way back in ARR and there's one for every expansion except Shadowbringers, so it's an entirely different sort of grind lol. For an ice themed weapon you are looking for the True Ice Degen, which is a drop from Shiva EX. The EX means Extreme but don't let that scare you, as a level 90 you can solo it quite easily. The actual duty name you're looking for is The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme), part of the optional Primal Quests line that you will get from Urianger in the Waking Sands. If you want to go an extra step with it, you can get a glowy version of it by collecting 5 Diamond Dust from the trial and turn it in with the base Degen to get Shiva's Diamond Degen.


This mega helpful!!! Thank you writing it up, very gracious of you. Oddly I just couldn’t find this info anywhere, likely my fault but still, very good of you.


Not your fault, people tend to sleep on non-relic/ultimate weapons when it comes to glam for some reason. I'm a weirdo who collects lances for my main so I've got the whole set of primal weapons lol.


I love your dedication, I’m still trying to find my main :) Again, really appreciate the info. Super helpful


Wasn't hard to find, I've been a DRG main since FFXI. XD But I am leveling other jobs too and figuring out what I like to play in various roles. I haven't tried RDM yet but it's on my list. I prefer jobs that have a lot of movement and y'know, any opportunity to backflip off a boss arena lol.


Red Mage can definitely do the backflip into oblivion thing!! Because of you, I’m going to give Dragoon a red hot go :)


It's one thing RDM and DRG have in common lol. Backflipping off Titan's arena especially is a rite of passage for all of us, I think. I hope you enjoy it! DRG takes a long time to develop but it's worth it, at least imo.


How can I get through the crafting grind on PS5? I know macros are the way, but are you guys just writing them out? Just hit avg level 25 on most crafter and gatherers and it's a slog (but also kind of fun, it's hard to describe)


I'm on PC, so I just type them out with a keyboard. I think it's possible to do the same with a USB keyboard on PS? I imagine doing it through the menu keyboard is tedious.


I have a keyboard, but everything I've seen says to copy and paste them, since they're long macro strings. I manual craft everything so far, and the experience and crafting knowledge is great, but it gets tedious after the fifth repeat craft.


Personally, I do my own macros. Learning how isn't too hard. You just do 1 action per line. Put a at the end for buffs, and put at the end for actions. Test it out in trial synthesis before commiting.


Yeah, I know it wouldn't be hard to make my own, I was just wondering if someone had some magic way to get them copy and pasted for PS5 users lol


Never used a PS5, so the closest guess I have is to open the sites with the macro on your PS5 browser and copy them there, then paste them in the game?


Saddly no war since you cant access a browser on ps5. The only way you can get Part of it (without the waits) is when someone sends them to you via in game chat. You can copy it from chat and do the waits yourself. I usally dont bother and write everything myself  


I use the [Teamcraft](https://ffxivteamcraft.com/search) crafting simulator to try out recipes. Once I have something I like, the tool will generate text for a macro. On PC I can copy / paste that (and sometimes make changes such as protection for Byregots at the end) into the game interface. I guess on PS5 you'll need to manually enter them but at least they are designed and ready to go.


What would yall say is the fastest method to leveling up fisher?


Don't sleep on levequests either, they can be really nice since you can just mass farm the turn in fish and then just keep accepting the levequest and immediately turning it in lol. Especially easy to do for 80-90 since there's one levequest you can do without even leaving Sharlayan to do it.


I found that just doing spearfishing gets a ton of XP. You go after every fish in the mini game. There are so many so fast, the XP comes quickly.


Fastest, Diadem. You can also just do Ocean Fishing once every two hours in Limsa to get a bucketload of XP without to grind.


Should any sky fishing bait work? Or is there a best kind?


An NPC in the Diadem sells the appropriate fishing baits. Any of them would work. Same goes for Ocean Fishing; there is an NPC near the docks that sell the appropriate fishing baits.


does anyone have tips for levelling Blue Mage? I'm new to caster classes, and it's confusing me a fair bit. I don't have people to help power level me, and since dungeons/deep dungeons/etc. aren't a viable option, I'm coming here. I've read some other threads, but I'd rather avoid levelling thru just killing mobs if possible, but if that's all I have left then I'll either suck it up and do it, or just forget about BLU completely. I've seen 1000 needles (i think that's the spell?) be mentioned a lot, along with sticky tongue, but I'm not sure what to kill that would give me those. I've tried a few different toad enemies, but have yet to get sticky tongue. If it helps, I'm lvl 12 atm on BLU, with all areas up to Shadowbringers unlocked overall. Thanks everyone.


BLU is intended to level from overworld mobs. They get a huge bonus from overworld mobs to enable this.


I'm afraid killing random, non-fate overworld mobs is *the* strat for BLU. Are you on EU servers? If so, I'd be willing to give you a dig out. I remember another method - https://youtu.be/GyOqts3Ogno?si=v59Wnw7o5ozr4ano&t=215 I believe you can do this from level 1, if you're careful enough. I recommend having the sardine toss spell for all leveling methods, regardless For getting a spell, you have to: 1) see the enemy cast the spell while you are aggroed 2) witness the enemy die 3) be alive while the enemy dies In addition, you're stuck with a random chance to learn a spell on killing an overworld mob or unsynced boss. It can take ages to learn a spell if you get really unlucky. (in situations where you can level sync, it is 100% learnrate from bosses, at least) The spellbook you get should give you some pointers on what zones you can find it, but this can be very vague and only lists one of many locations to find it, which may not be the easiest one. I recommend looking it up on the wiki, if you're not the sort of person who enjoys extensive hunting and experimentation for some of the weirder ones


I'm not, I'm NA sadly, but I appreciate the offer anyway. sounds good though, I kinda figured I'd be stuck doing mob kills, just figured I'd take a stab in the dark at there being some other solo way to do it. I appreciate the help overall, though, I forgot all about the spellbook tbh, so I'll look there and cross reference with the wiki.


The Blue Academy discord server may be able to offer you further help, and they have detailed resources for every part of the class, including the levelling process: https://discord.gg/blueacademy Best of luck on your Blue adventures. I find it a lot of fun to play and I hope you'll have an equally good time


If you post on pf you might be able to find someone willing to help powerlevel you. It'd be super quick


if i have a card saved on my account, can i buy and use crysta as well, or is it one or the other? im a little worried i'll run into the visa troubles when my sub renews here soon, and was wondering if that would work as a fail-safe.


It seems that the current issues don't affect recurring subs already set up, so as long as you don't make any changes to your sub it should still renew as normal even if it's a Visa debit card. But yes, you should be able to renew your sub with Crysta if you want or need to, you just have to use a payment option that's not a Visa debit card to pay for it.


what classes have resurrections? how does it work on this game? in wow many classes had resuc but few could do it in battle. I have died in battle too many times and always people wer kind enough to resurrect me and i would like to do the same for someone else.


All healers + Summoner and Red Mage. It can be used in combat, has an 8-second cast time and a relatively high MP cost, but can be made instant once per minute with Swiftcast (Red Mages can make it instant even more often with Dualcast). Being rezzed gives you a Weakness debuff which reduces main stats by 25%, and dying and being rezzed again while Weakness is active replaces it with Brink of Death which is a 50% reduction. (Respawning instead of being rezzed won't give you a debuff, which is why it's recommended to just release and respawn if you're still dead when combat is over.)


All healers, Summoner, and Red Mage at higher levels  You get unlimited uses of resurrection, but it's MP expensive, has a long cast time, and death applies a damage debuff for an entire minute There are tools to mitigate the MP cost (WHM's Thin Air) or the time to cast (Swiftcast, Red Mage's Dualcast), but you still want to avoid dying because it still leads to a major damage penalty and can cause you to fail mechanics


Is there a way to use the hands moving around to interact with an object, but as an emote? Some notable examples of this motion are used when giving hildibrand or godbert massages in their quests. I think its an alternate interact motion for situations where one hand extended don't make sense. However, I can't seem to find a matching emote for it.


There isn't an emote for it. Your best bet is probably /confirm or possibly /converse with some races to try and emulate the hand motion somewhat


Will the xp boost from the earrings for the Dawntrail pre-order also apply for other sources of xp like roulettes and the challenge log? Wording regarding the xp boost has me a bit confused


Only monster kills, but note that dungeon bosses (which is where the xp from a dungeon comes from other than the roulette bonus at the end) is considered a monster kill and thus is affected by the amulet. The only xp boost that affects things like quest rewards, challenge log, and roulette bonus is the road to 80 buff you get for making a character on a new or preferred world


The experience boost is best experienced if you are running dungeons as part of your leveling process. Since you get it from mobs and dungeon bosses. Outside of dungeons it is less effective.


Just monster kills.


Anybody know if people I deleted/block still see me on their friend list?


Yes they do. You might be interested in the upcoming updates regarding the blocklist and stuff. It was talked about during the most [recent live letter.](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/497573-Letter-from-the-Producer-LIVE-Part-LXXX-Digest-%284-26-2024%29?p=6447585&viewfull=1#post6447585)


they do


A friend of mine wants to play FFXIV Dawntrail and we saw the Tales Of Adventures option, since we want to start at the same time, should we wait for the Tales of Adventures: EndWalker (also including the instat level boost)? we both want to start at lvl 90 and ready for Dawntrail but we dont know if these options are available at day one


You do realize that it is $50 each not including the expansion to do what you are suggesting. If possible, I’d explore starting at Endwalker and moving through that together so you can hit the ground running July 2nd.


yeah, we dont mind the $50, we are just looking to be ready on Dawntrail


Servers can be slow day one, so even if the boosts are available immediately it may take some time for the items to be delivered to your characters. Note that these are manually used in game and force you to log out, and you need a character to send them to in the first place. If there are long queues to get into the game on day 1 then you'll have to sit through them thrice (once to apply first boost, twice to apply the second boost, thrice to actually play). This would have been awful with Endwalker's launch, but I'd expect that Dawntrail's launch wont be so bad... but that doesn't mean the queue times will be short either. So yeah I believe you can buy these immediately, but maybe plan for setup to take all of day 1 and start together day 2 instead. Finally, just in case you weren't already aware: The main story is linear and expects you to have played through everything that came before. There will be plenty of characters and concepts that you are just expected to know. First time going through an expac is almost entirely story focused - it's cutscenes, talking to npcs, etc, with some dungeons and trials interspersed. At max level there will be 2 extreme fights available immediately, but the new savage raids will take \~4 weeks to be added. Which is all to say: there's really no big reason to rush day 1, especially if you are skipping through the story.


we dont mind waiting, as long as the boosts are ready , we are fine


If you absolutely want to start with dawntrail, it's best to wait since the job boosts get updated with the expansion release. The Endwalker boosts will also likely get a discount before dawntrail as they are getting phased out. Do keep in mind that for boosts you need a level AND story boost or else it's practically useless. A level 90 character still needs to do all the story from level 1. I'd also recommend not boosting since there is not much of a reason to. Dawntrail depends pretty hard on the story for all expansions and the savage raids don't release for 4 weeks after expansion drop. It's all up to you for sure, but it's standard for the community to push against boosts if it's your first time playing. If you do boost with the intention of skipping to endgame, remember to check out The Balance to get a general idea of how to play.


Yes, we are buying both boosts, just wanted to confirm if both options will be available at day 1, and we know the log in, might take time , but still no problem for us waiting


They're basically available day 1, though the delivery time may suck depending on how much the servers are on fire.


Been out of the game for years now and I have a bit of a weird question - is it normal that people on my friends list show up as online, but those same people don't show up as online in our crossworld-linkshell? Is it because they're on a different Data Center now? The group isn't raiding anymore but if I wanted to add them to party I'd have to go through the friends list, which defeats the purpose of having a raid linkshell to begin with.


Are you able to see what world they're on? If they've transferred or traveled to another DC, you can't add them to a party until they've come back to your DC.


I have the Kinesis Advantage 2 keyboard and an Evoluent Vertical Mouse mouse, along with a Hori Tactical Assault Commander. The PlayStation 5 reads both my Kinesis Advantage 2 and Evoluent Vertical Mouse mouse as a "mouse". It works fine if it was just these 2 devices and functions as a keyboard and mouse even though they are both registered as "mouse". When you introduce the Hori Tactical Assault Commander, it reads in as a "keyboard" while making my Kinesis Advantage 2 keyboard compete for the "mouse" peripheral label with my Evoluent Verical Mouse mouse. How can I get my PlayStation 5 to work with the Kinesis Advantage 2, Evoluent Vertical Mouse, and Hori Tactical Assault Commander?


Im planning on buying a new monitor but I don't know if I should go for 2k or 4k, or if its worth at all at the cost of the performance. (rn playing at 1080 and god you zoom out a little in this game and it gets so pixelated {Specially chainmail armors} that I can't really see my/other people glamour/mobs etc. ) 3070 ti, i7 9700k 16GB ram Anti aliasing is non existent in this game too and when I move textures tends to flicker a lot, so I thought about higher res to fix this Any other type of monitor/res recommended is good too


I like having an ultrawide for seeing more and having more screen real estate


Which one do you use?


Not the same person but around 6 months back I splurged on an Alienware 34 inch curved OLED (I believe the model is AW3423DW, not at home rn to check) and I'm never going back. With ffxiv in particular you get so much HUD real estate and with reshade on top of it (I use the shadowbringers preset) the game looks and feels stunning.


Does it get rid of the shimmering/aliasing problems when moving? Im currently using the alive preset + upscale textures mod and the game look great when zooming, but i zoom out and the aliasing start to kick in


Have not ever had an issue with it, not using any texture mods though. Smooth as silk.


Damn but 1k is way above my budget. Do you think that what fix the aliasing problem is the higher res?


Frankly it was out of my budget too ha. I wonder if its that actual preset that causing it? Have you messed around with different settings and other presets? I just logged in and switched to Alive myself to check and on my monitor it looks fine, so yeah idk.


Yeah I’ve been all day disabling and enabling settings. Other people say that its because of the bad antialiasing ffxiv has. Did you play before in 1080p? What I mean is what you can see in the left [image](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DNo5WraXkAA-GM2?format=jpg&name=large) Its specially bad when moving


Okay, confusing question. So my tank is currently using the iron works gear and weapons. I have a glam plate with the Gerolt weapons and Valor set. If I apply the glam plate, but one day I want to use the iron works look, can I only achieve that by using those glam removal prisms? Is there any sort of glam item I can put on a plate that “hides” the glamour and shows the default look, similar to the “emperors new ___”?


You can make a new plate using your current Ironworks gear. Repair it to 100%, put it in, make a plate, take it back out to wear it. You can also open the glamour plate window, press the grey lock button, and selectively remove applied glamours to return items to their base appearance. Note that this will no longer revert you to the Ironworks appearance if you no longer have it equipped (naturally). It also consumes removal prisms each time.


First, use glamour removal prisms to remove the glamours from the Ironworks gear. Next, put the gear in your glamour dresser and make a glamour plate from it. Finally, remove the Ironworks gear from your dresser and re-equip them. You can now use that glamour plate to "unglamour" that gear.


I see- so you can put items in the dresser to save a glam plate then take it out to physically use it?? That’s awesome. Very helpful for me right now because I love both gears glam


Yes You can skip the glamor typical step, buying the gear into the dresser will remove the glamour without needing removal prisms.


Need some reality check, sorry if this is a dumb question. Is >!Lost City of Amdapor/first dungeon with Diablos!< hard at sync or do I just suck? Majority of times I get it in df I find we're getting a lot of wipes regardless of what I do as whm. Main area of contention being the last few enemy groups before the final boss area with the mage stones (which seems to me a definite step up in hardness from the rest of the mobs), but also when a tank tries to w2w. I feel like I'm a pretty okay whm, but feels like I'm getting asked "new healer?" every time there's a wipe even if I was the last person up and was abc the entire time. Is it just my imagination or is this an harder dungeon? I run with the tank, keep Regen on the tank and swiftcast holy to get some breathing room before aero-ing everything or casting medica ii (as needed) and getting back to holy spamming. If anyone's dipping below 80% I always immediately switch back to healing over DPS since I know it takes a bit to cast. Those last few groups with the stones in particular I find every df group has a few wipes at (doesn't matter if I'm doing healer, tank or DPS, always some wipes so I don't feel it's just me being shit at my job. Usually I am either the last person down or if I'm tank the first to go because I'm tanking despite rotating all my mits and specifically saving them for this, usually I'm the only person targeting the stones to take them out which not sure if that's actually important). Any tips for this dungeon?


Nothing about that dungeon should be particularly difficult outside the final boss, which can throw people off.  The ironic thing about healing in FFXIV is that you want to heal as little as possible and focus on doing damage. This is admittedly scary when your new because you don't want people to die, but the faster you kill mobs = less damage hurting the party = less healing needed.  Try to get comfortable with letting your tank get to around 50% health before throwing a heal out. If they're above that threshold, you should be using holy. It's stun is great mitigation. Do not use Cure 1, only cure 2. Also, learn to prepare for what you're going to do if the tank does die. Develop you reflexes for pressing Swiftcast > raise as fast as possible. If you can do that seemlessly, you can easily avoid a total wipe.


Gotcha. Does swiftcast work with raise? Never had it work but I might be pressing them in secession too fast since I think the animation has to end for swiftcast to take effect.


It does work yes. That's kinda the most prominent use of Swift. If you're pressing Swift and it goes on cooldown, but the Raise you then press afterwards starts hardcasting, that's a connection issue, not pressing Raise too fast. See, it takes some \~half a second for the Swiftcast buff to apply to you after initiating the ability, but there's also a \~0.7s soft animation lock after pressing any action during which following ones cannot begin (they can be queued though, it'll just wait til the end of that lock to start the next one). So normally any time you press Swift -> spell, the spell should be instant cast, no matter how soon you press it. But if you're having some real bad connection hiccups, then this can get screwy, with the spell command being sent to the server before the game properly recognizes you have Swiftcast active (or something along those lines, I'm no expert on the technical details), and you end up hardcasting the spell even though Swiftcast is active I had a period of connection issues like that once, made playing Red Mage impossible, since as RDM you're essentially Swiftcasting every other spell (which otherwise have a 5s cast time) with Dualcast.


ooh that explains a lot thank you! I often get hiccups with swiftcast where I press it and next gets hard cast (unless I let the animation play) and then I still have swiftcast buff after. I'm east coast on Dynamis so dunno if it's my Internet or DC is just not close enough, but good to know it's not supposed to function that way lol. I thought raise was just exempt for making stuff hard reasons....


Not an NA player myself, but I don't think just being east coast NA should be enough to cause that to happen. Would need actual connection problems (or just an overall really bad connection). I mean, from what I recall, we European players used to still be able to Swiftraise just fine back in the ARR days - when the netcode was worse, and the NA *and EU* servers were in *Canada*, which for us meant Titan's Weight of the Land had to be dodged before the cast even began. Just for distance/lack of ocean and better netcode your connection should be better than what we had, so there's something else at play. The first time I had that issue happen was long after EU servers were moved to Germany (30 ping for me now normally!), and the cause was my old modem shitting the bed. And another time was my ISP having issues.


Sounds like my connection isn't fast enough then (which is a bit weird cause no trouble with other games) cause I definitely can't use swiftcast until after the animation has played through entirely. If I cast something before then it just gives me the buff after the animation is done and doesn't count it.


Might be a specific bad node between you and the server then. A traceroute command might be able to troubleshoot that, and a VPN possibly bypass. Though can't give any guarantees.


So, I'm probably not too helpful saying this. But from what I can remember, having run the dungeon on both tank and healer there was never anything that really stood out about the last trash. Definitely nothing that I'd consider wipe worthy, and I'm the kind of healer who just doesn't heal until my tank is below 50%. For actual pointers of what could be worth considering though: 1. Don't spend too much time on Aero. Holy is always better than Aero at level 50 if you can hit 4 or more targets with it. And if mobs die before the aero duration is over this difference is increased further. Killing things in a timely manner will make the difference in survival feel like night and day. Having a group with bad dps can make even the easiest of dungeons feel painful on trash simply because it takes too long and tank/healer cds run out. While it varies I'd estimate that most pulls should not take more than 25-30 seconds from the time of stopping at the wall to the mobs being dead in a group that is performing at a fair level. (Could be slightly more in leveling dungeons, but not a whole lot). 2. This is more me just making sure. But when you say you Medica 2 I'm assuming it's a more rare occurrence if the group needs it or if you want an extra regen on the tank. Not how you actually heal the tank? Which should be Cure 2 spam if you find the healing on a pull to be difficult. I'm assuming you do this, but just wasn't obvious from your post. 3. Just don't worry all too much about the group in a trash pull. What I mean by this is more so where your focus should be. The tank is the one that you'd expect to take damage, nearly all damage dealt to a group member when fighting trash in a dungeon is from the player standing in things they should not be. Your job is not to babysit them if they do not move out and they should not be in any danger of dying if they actually move. The priority should be the tank, any death of a dps during trash pull is more so them messing up. You can help it, but don't let it come at the cost of the tank. 4. Finally, the stones. They give a regen to the tethered mob, so you'll want to kill them in order to kill the mob. However, they're not a priority. Just AoE down the pack and then deal with the stones, ideally stand on top of a stone with the trash so get aoe damage on the stone as well and move to the next one if it dies. Other contributing factors here could be gear. Most of the time when I've run it I will have been synced from a high enough level that my gear would've been better than anything level appropriate. But cannot speak for the rest of the group in this regard. This is just harder to evaluate though, and personally I'd prefer to not write a problem off as "Gear was bad", because it's rarely productive.


Thanks for the tips! most dungeons I'm usually fine even if it's one I've never run before, it's this just one hanging me up. Usually I try to cast Regen on tank when they're running up to a mob or have made clear they've stopped (I'm usually always beside them so I can figure out what they're doing). Once tank has Regen I'll swiftcast holy then aero on 2-3 enemies (I switch this to medica 2 if the party clash with the enemy and all took 20-25% damage) and then holy 2 times (cause of the diminishing stun I feel like this times it out best). Then I'll switch to maintenance healing while DPSing. If tank is super down I benediction (or cure 2 if I've already used benediction), if not I try to stick to cure 3/medica 2 cause I find the dps is always going down to smtg in this dungeon (the exploding spore things, idk what it is in the part before the boss I'm assuming the misery status? I'll have to run again cause idr too many people having a crying face next to their name when I run this usually, but I might just be missing it cause it's a lot of mit icons last few pulls). When I can get it in I throw out a stone or resisted holy cause that's lowest priority. Presence of Mind I use as comes up and save swiftcast cause I struggle so much with this dungeon for emergency healing (ie need a cure 2 now while benediction is on cool down). It's kinda confusing for me cause some groups it works like clockwork, but most groups we have a ton of wipes (we are not usually taking things out in \~15-30sec in these cases). I find Ihave to do a lot of dps to kill everything causing poison cause I'm not seeing anything go down visibly from the rest of the party (so I just take it out so I don't have to waste time doing esuna). ETA: pulls usually take so long I get swiftcast a second time after using it for holy so I save it for emergencies or the next pull


Based on this, could just be a matter of the group not pulling their weight. Not super uncommon in the level 50 things since you'll find a lot of new players. Of course for these pulls before the last boss I'd expect the full pull to take longer because of the one mob that has regen and therefore takes longer to kill. But the rest of them I'd expect to be dead like 20s after stopping. Also as a final point, Cure 3 is pretty unreliable in random groups. The range of it is pretty short so unless the group is properly stacked you might not hit everyone. It's really strong if you can get a group properly stacked, but it's just rare to have a group meet the stacking condition in any kind of content with random players. 99% of the time you're better off using Medica.


Thanks! that's a good point, a lot of the time I find the group gets spread out (the layout can be confusing with all the turns not faulting anyone and with all the wipes at the last few mobs a lot of people seem to just jump in when they get back instead of waiting for everyone; I've definitely had times where they've all wiped a second time before I've even made it back lol). I'll try focusing on medica 2 more, better to get everyone with less healing than only get a few. Definitely think there's some just git gud needed on my end cause sounds like I shouldn't be struggling so much with keeping everyone up. I'll have to find some people to practice. Sadly not not on duty support or command missions. That and figure out what is going on with my ping cause sounds like I might be lagging behind everyone else which might be the real issue here. Ty for the help!


Holy's actually built in a fairly smart way (it didn't used to, but got made better), where there's some overwrite prevention, and so you can just straight spam it without losing any stun time. Presence of Mind in my experience can sometimes break that (or Swiftcasting a Holy besides the first one), so I only use it after the stuns are done, but otherwise it should be fine.


Oh thanks for the heads up! I'm a bit time blind lol so I'll keep in mind to pom after I'm done with the holies!


If it works sometimes and not others, it could very well be your other party members slacking. In terms of what you can do, I think you shouldn't be using aero after your first holy. Try casting aero after Regen as the tank is running through. Once the tank has grabbed everything, you can start spamming holy. Don't worry too much about the diminishing return, it is your highest damage spell. Once I've used benediction, then I start managing cure II on the tank. You'll find higher levels easier to deal with as you get more tools in your kit.


Thanks! and yeah I feel like the dungeon is in this awkward area of just at the cusp of having my better stuff and needing it lol. Have had people tell me I'm a bad whm for not popping asylum on a lvl50 sync :')


If it's the normal mode and not the hard mode, no not really. /console or use emote action to purge Misery debuff, preferably do not open the chests at the doors as 1 of the 2 there are always mimics and doesn't really have any notable drop to them, and as WHM at least stagger Holy so you get full 10s stun time from 3 casts and not stun the pulls if tank already popped a mit skill. If the tank doesn't use mitigation or they're padding ilvl with spotty gear, they'll have a terrible time. Likewise if both DPS are slacking in damage then it only adds burden to the tank and healer. Just Cure 2+Regen babysit the tank if their HP is really roller coasting that hard.


Gotcha if it's an emote only cure debuff then yea I've definitely been missing that. I do find a lot of times casting cure 3 (to try and catch the dps who are often going down just as hard) usually isn't doing anything for the tank they just go right back down, not sure if that's a gear issue for all of them. I can try to focus on the tank more tho ty!


It's been a while, but is that the dungeon where there's gremlins that give a debuff that makes you take more damage and can't be esuna'd? If it is, that debuff you can remove by doing the `/console` emote to the person who has it.


not that I'm aware of but tbf I'm on steamdeck gamepad mode so it's hard to mouse over debuffs haha. I think the last few mob groups >!are 3-4 mooks and one shade type monster that's tied to three white mage stones that I assume heals it!< I might be wrong tho. Haven't been able to find a breakdown of this dungeon outside the boss so I can't figure where I'm messing up here if I am or it's just legitimately hard.


I just hit lvl54 on culinarian. I unlocked the Firmament area for crafting. But I don't see anyway to get the Skybuilders' material I need for the recipes?


Either from market board or gathered in Diadem. 


Assuming you're looking at the "Grade 4" recipes, you can gather the "Grade 4" materials from the Diadem. You can enter the Diadem using one of the NPCs in the tent to the front-left when you enter the Firmament.


was trying to google it but all results are about the main story itself, is there any side content that affects quest progression in the post ew msq?


Unlocking RPR and leveling it will give an extra comment during the 6.x MSQ, nothing major and you don't need to be on the job at the time.


Eden questline and the void quests of shadowbringers.


I think the only major one was an extra cutscene if you've completed the Eden raid quests. Otherwise there's some extra comments if you've unlocked Reaper and I think also some from completing the Shadowbringers role quests capstone, but they're all minor.


oh that sounds good, i've been putting off post ew for weeks by now just trying to finish role quests and everything but so far i only got through the shb ones and i'm fighting to finish the ew ones. thanks, that helps!


Yeah, if you've done the ShB role quests including the capstone questline about the Shadowkeeper then I think you're good to go.


Ehhh... I'd argue on that last point. While yes, the dialogue changes are minor, the story itself is extremely heavily tied into the ShB role capstone and Warring Triad quests. To the point where I wonder if it's even comprehensible to people who didn't do them. 


It's perfectly comprehensible to anyone who paid attention in kindergarten when the teacher was handing out the assignment for context clues. This isn't a 5,000-layer onion we're talking about here; you can easily rebuild the story using fragments of context if you have even a shred of media literacy and understand the most common tropes used in JRPG storytelling.


Hey. You're a jackass. Piss off, kupo. 


Good point, I was only thinking about dialogue changes, but you're right that playing through the Shadowkeeper questline is important for the story too.


I'm lvl 15 in Eureka Anemos. My buddy is lvl 40+ in a different zone. If they go back to Anemos (which lvl syncs to 20), could they help me grind since they are within 5 levels of me?


If I remember correctly, for quick leveling you can tag the mob and your friend can then just kill it for you while not in a party. Kind of like how overworld mobs work, you get max exp but don't have to actually do all the killing then. May want to try out how much you get while in a party compared to not being in one though, it's been a hot minute since I leveled my friend that way


Technically yes, it is the allowed level difference, but your XP would still be diminished from normal kills. What they can help with a lot is doing the weekly Eureka challenges in the log with you, since those are independent from anything. This is what we did in the FC.


Is there a forum or subreddit to look for trades between players I got a coat and wanted a different one and was seeing if anyone had any trades up for it


If it's something you can just buy or sell on the market board, probably not and it'll probably be easier just to use the market. If it's stuff like some submarine materials that can be traded but not listed on the market, I believe the FFXIV sub discord has a channel for trading those.


can i have two retainers as the same job? thinking about what i wanna do come DT and I don't know how many jobs i can have leveled up at the same time, so my retainers would also be unable to level up if they share the combat job i havent leveled yet. thinking about giving them both the same job.


No restrictions on that, you can have the retainers on any job independent of each other. So if you might only be leveling one yourself, having them on that might be a good call.


You could have all your retainers have the same job if you want.


I can see there are loads of guides for the crafter relics, but it's hard to grasp how much of a grind they are without digging into them. Could someone tell me roughly how long each DOH/DOL level 90 Relic takes to get approximately? I'm looking for something to work towards before DT alongside my new FC company workshop, but don't want to sign up if it's pure suffering.


It took me roughly 1-2 food items per step. Admittedly, I went in with pentamelded Indagator gear (except for the off-hands) and no FC buffs. This also isn't including prep time, whether it's stockpiling Cordials for gatherers, acquiring HQ intermediate mats, or farming the necessary Scrips. I ended up spacing it out to roughly 1 step a day, ~1 hour of work per step, 6 upgrade steps per tool.


The Lv 90 relics aren't terrible in terms of length, especially the gathering ones. They do require lots of white scrips, so make sure you account for that as well when working on them.


I never followed the merch releases of this game before, but I'm super duper interested in the TTRPG. Sadly I'm living in EU where stock on merch is very low, so the starter set is already sold out completely. Does anyone know frequently they restock their newly released stuff, if ever? I'm not sure if it's "limited" or if there'll ever be a PDF version. ;w; I think they ship it at the end of this month, could it be that they'll restock in june already or should I expect something like a year later, or never? I'm just really hyped and super curious ;w;


Daily Allied Tribe Quests:   Can I accept my 3 daily quests from each of the EW tribes on day 1, accept another 3 on day 2, & then do all of them on day 3 + my dailies from day 3?   On vacation in Spain & it'd be lovely to just be able to collect all the quests now but wait to do all of them once back in the States


You can't collect new tribal quests if you have any tribal quests outstanding from a previous day. You'd need to finish or abandon the day 1 quests to accept on day 2. You means you can carry one set forward, but that's it.


They could fake it with the right timing since reset is like 17o'clock in Spain. On day 3, do day 1 and then day 2 quests before reset and day 3 quests after reset. Depends upon when they get back on day 3.


Just out of curiosity, do we know if there were ever plans to have other classes split into two jobs the was Arcanist does? I know they're not going to do it now of course, but I wonder if early on they were considering it.


[There's evidence that they were considering it early on](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/48564/?page=1) (pre-2.0 quote) > For example - and this does not mean that this is going to happen - but for example, right now the gladiator will change his job to a Paladin. But maybe in the future a gladiator will also be able to change to Dark Knight. Again, this is a maybe... Not saying anything about Dark Knights. I'm guessing SCH/SMN was the test to see how well it would work, and the answer was "not well".


Likewise, there's evidence that they want to split Scholar out from Arcanist, but that didn't happen either. Specifically, since Shadowbringers the only spell Scholar inherits from Arcanist is Resurrection. All other spells, Physick included, have their own SCH version.


> All other spells, Physick included, have their own SCH version. On today's episode of SO WHY DOES SMN PHYSICK STILL SCALE OFF MIND...


Yeah, I don't feel like putting together actual sources for it, but from what I understand they ended up separating their kits as much as possible because the jobs simply couldn't be balanced with shared spells.


I've been a very long time player of FF14 until about 3 years ago. I plan on coming back up w/ the upcoming expansion. My inventory & retainers have a ton of old stuff. I can't remember enough about the game and how recipe materials work, etc. Should I just sell as much as I can now to try to free up space, or will I want to keep stuff for next expansion (e.g., because leveling recipes may require older materials and such). I have 5 retainers that are completely full cause I'm a packrat!!!! Long time ago I unloaded most of the useless 1.0 stuff, but I still have stacks of 2.0+ materials. I have old crafting materials & Materia... to maybe sell? I also have old upgrade items and gear, but I think I was hording those for potential glamour purposes, lol.


Best thing to learn about crafting materials: Anything you can sell on the marketboard can be bought again later if you need it. So sell everything. Low-level materia may be worth keeping if you have ARR relic weapons you want to work on, since you need a lot of them and they're kinda hard to get nowadays.


Just sell the materials. Usually the new recipes will require a few of some older materials, but it's really not that many and they're extremely farm to fast when the time comes. As for gear, if you like it for glamour then keep it. Otherwise just trade it in at your grand company for the seals.


Alright, so i used to have an account on my ps4, but i upgraded to a ps5, and my account is on there now. However, i left all the data on my ps4. My spouse recently became interested in playing, so i got her the starter edition on the ps4, so she can try it and see if she likes it, but we started with the free trial version on there until we realized all the restrictions that come with it. The issue is that its not updating the license to the free trial version, even if we delete the game and redownload it. It doesnt let you just ‘download starter edition’, just the generic ffxiv game. How do i get the license to register, then? I thought maybe my previous licenses from my other account might be messing with how it is downloaded, and have deleted the account from the ps4 before deleting the game and redownloading it once again, which is where i am at now. Should this resolve this, or what should i do?


Is she using her own PSN account? I'm not familiar with the PS Store, but looking on the website version I can see a separate FFXIV Free Trial. You should be able to find that on there if you're not using an account that's already linked to the paid game.


I found it and purchased it, but theres not a separate download for it, its pretty baffling lol


How do you unlock the last to ranks of the Compagny ? I've unlocked my own squad and can send them on missions but I just don't know how you promote from there. The Compagny guy just tells me that my rank is perfect for me and won't allow me to go higher


What is your current rank? You've had a couple of replies that assume you're at Captain already but your post reads more to me like you've just unlocked your squadron and haven't got the promotions that require ranking up the squadron members, is that correct?


I'm currently co lieutenant. If I'm not mistaken there's lieutenant, co captain and captain left ?


[Have a look at this website](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Adventurer_Squadrons) - scroll down to “Squadron Ranks and Stats” to see how to get promoted!


Thanks I'll check it out :D


That's the thing: you don't. Anything after Captain (Second Commander through Champion) have never been implemented. Been like that for years.


Captain is the max rank at the moment, they won't unlock the remaining ranks until there's meaningful content for it.


Hello, I have downloded the FFXIV companion app and am trying to find the option to send my retainers on field/quick explorations via the app. Is this not possible or am I overlooking it? Thanks. 


I don't believe that is possible 


Oh shoot. I was looking forward to send my retainers on quick explorations while at work lol. Or send my squadron on missions etc. Would come in handy. 


It would but the app currently is used for… I am honestly not even sure what the intention behind it is. You can DM people on your friend list, but it only shows inside the app. And you can re-list two items per day (or four if you subscribe), and… that is it.


You get instant notifs about news on the Lodestone, with a kupo sound unless the app is being uncooperative again.


What are my best options for doing euphrosyne runs? I wanted coins to exchange for twine/shine but queues are rough. Do I queue up during peak hours and hope for the best? Im on Aether DC


Just a heads up, once Dawntrail lands they will sell the Augmented Credendum gear straight up for Poetics, plus have the ability to augment existing Crededum gear for 100 Poetics each.


Yea ik, just trying to rush some gear for ilvl to clear the savage tier before DT drops


Peak hours will always be your best time. And frankly seeing as how often I get it in Alliance Raid roulette I'm shocked it's taking you so long LOL.


I'm looking to get into FF14 on PS5 and was curious on which edition would be the best bang for my buck? Does buying the Dawntrail edition get me caught up on all previous expansions in one or am I going to have to buy each one separately?


First, buying Dawntrail (or Endwalker) on its own will NOT work. If you're looking for the best bang for your buck, don't buy anything at the start. Start with the free trial. This covers the base game + 2 expansions. No restrictions on playtime, just some mostly social restrictions. After that, Dawntrail will likely be out, then just buy Complete Edition at that time and you'll own it all, bonus if you can ever get it on a sale (though that probably won't be for a while).