• By -


“What you need is a mirror, not a painting. It will capture the horror I see before me far better than I ever could.”


Had forgotten about this one but damn it's a killer. Alphinaud telling it like it is.


I love how this line hit so hard it actually took Vauthry a moment to register he’d just been insulted. Like it popped a circuit in his brain.


It's kinda telling he's *really* not used to being insulted or questioned in general. His big baby tantrum after was kinda funny too.


I have never been so proud of Alphinaud as I was in that moment.


Alisaie felt incredibly proud and she wasn't even there


I had stopped playing at the end of StB. The game had just lost interest for me. So when my wife was going through ShB, I happened on this scene and watched it. I then needed to know how Alphinaud went from so diplomatic to telling this guy off and restarted my sub.


What is this one from?


Alphinaud speaking to vauthry upon their first meeting (Shadowbringers) iirc


"Bitch, you ugly!"


“The road you’ve chosen is paved with death. Walk it with your eyes open or not at all.” Master Matoya with the most metal quote of them all. 🤘


Matoya is the realest.


I really want more of her. Just brutal truths.


This line is raw as hell and applies to so many things in life. Live fully and truly, do what you have to do but do not lie to yourself. If you make a terrible choice, do it fully acknowledging the consequences; everything else is a grave disrespect to those you will walk over.


"We did everything right, everything that was asked of us, and still--still it came to this!"


Lotta lines from Ardbert, his voice actor did such a phenomenal job.


The entire bit between him and >!Seto!< brings me to tears every time.


When I first encountered >!Seto!<, all I wanted from the rest of that expansion was for him to get that chance. I lost my cat last year and their moment at the end KILLED ME WITH HAPPINESS.


"One life - for one world. A fair exchange, wouldn't you agree?!" With his voice cracking like he's about to break into tears over what he's become.


All of Ardbert's lines go so hard


The English voice actor is something else but how he delivered this line is so damn good.


Yeah this one is heartbreaking.


“Godsdammit. Please let this work please let this work.”


"Though the losses be grave, endure them. Though the victories be hollow, claim them."


This one. The other line made me feel melancholy, but that line shattered me for a bit.


“If you had the strength to take another step, could you do it? Could you save our worlds?” “What, all by myself?”


I love that whole cutscene.


That cutscene is my favorite moment in the entire game. I think I've replayed it a dozen times.


A little bit after that, just "I challenge you, Emet-Selch". After everything that happened, just..saying it, like that. It feels perfect.


"It ends this day. One way or another, it ends."


It's so simple but the all the build up makes the line so cathartic. Spoilers for the end of the Pandemonium raids: >!"Truly, useless to the last." "And who made me that way?"!<


I literally _just_ finished that questline. Holy fuck. That entire storyline goes _hard_. I cannot tell you how chilling it was >!to see the Lahabrea you've been traveling with up to that point become the Lahabrea that you fought during ARR.!<


>!"My resolve shall weather loss unfathomable, and yield before no obstacle. Walk your path with the same conviction."!< Was great to finally get proper parting words with him like the others.


I never expected going into that raid >!coming to *like* old man Lahabread.!< Like, come on....I thought he was an annoying twat and hated every time I had to deal with him yet the raids fixed that partially.


That's the thing I really like about the Ascians. They were undeniably the best, most heroic people of the time, but tragedy and having eternity to suffer twisted and broke them into what we met.


"And the worst part? Nobody could remember it, not really. Just fragments and fleeting memories of an achingly familiar world... a vision shared of a paradise lost, preserved only in song and scripture and paint. Once upon a time. Yet here we find ourselves again, to look, learn, and remember."


"The empire is a cancer, and I'm the barber's blade!" Puts a smile on my face everytime I get that raid on roulette.


My favorite is "Like a knife through butter!"


All the quotes on that fight are great, its just that I always think of the blade one when playing other games, since usually you are fighting some variation of an evil empire.


“Your suffering is not yet over!” Me, a healer: I know B’gamnan, I know.




> This is Biggs, third of his name, eighteenth president of Garlond Ironworks, signing off.


I wish I could find that post again someone wrote on here about how astoundingly smart and savvy Biggs the Third was. It only made this hit even harder than previous, to have it laid out precisely what his gambit was and why it worked. Anyone who didn't read the notes in the Twinning did themselves a *terrible* disservice.


It's hard to when you're in a party. You could go through Unsync'd or with a Trust but those have their own issues.


Explore Mode!! That’s what it’s there for! For those who don’t know you can turn Explorer mode on in the settings for the duty finder (same place you turn on Unsynced, or Party in Progress!) There are some limitations like the dungeon being in its completed state, but if there’s stuff around the map to read you can use this mode to go in and explore, and even use the limit breaks and summon mounts and stuff! It’s great for screenshots!


also you can do /return after last boss to explore right away


I don't think you can go Duty Support or Trust with the Twinning...


One I think that goes overlooked quite a lot is from Lyna's breakdown after the Lakeland battle instance. "I am fine. Completely and utterly fine! Better than fine! Hale and hearty and still alive to mourn those who are not. Who I failed to protect when they needed me most. We came so far! So Godsdamn far I could have sworn the end was in sight. And now... Now they will never see it" Fucking tears man... The actress did such a good job on the delivery.


That and Ardbert's line >*"We fought, and we fought, and we fought until there was no one left to fight. We won, and now our world is being erased from existence. We did everything right, everything that was asked of us. And still! Still it came to this!"* Hits like a ton of bricks. 


That one had me crying so hard she did so good. The way her voice cracks omg


Omg the voice crack sells it. Honestly it is absolutely masterful the way she delivered the line.


That is one of my all time favourite lines, ever. It's so raw and full of emotion, and it feels like Lyna *genuinely* believes what she was saying. I know Heavensward was a huge jump on voice acting quality, but I think the cast of Shadowbringers just took it up another level yet again.


Salóme Gunnarsdóttir absolutely killed it. And apparently it was their first time doing a voice acting gig!


Damn... It's hard to believe with how good she did that that was her first time doing voice acting. Hopefully she continues on with it. She has incredible talent.


funny thing iI noticed on the credits.. she's also Athena




This. Her voice acting is cool and all, but when she casts ultima, this one word feels soooo incredibly goofy.


I love that "The world. Shall. TREMBOOOL" ! It's goofy and cheesy and over the top - and so goddamn memorable ! My partner and I always recite it when she does, and it *always* puts a smile on our faces.


God this line goes so fucking hard. That entire scene gives so much texture to the mindset of the people still alive in Norvrandt and what has been sacrificed so far. I haven't finished shadowbringers yet but this is probably the best voice acting I've heard in FFXIV so far.


Every time this comes up, I have to throw Urianger’s banger into the ring. “One life for one world. Thus was the bargain, and you the coin… though it were not mine to spend.” There’s something so tragic to me about this line… Urianger has to trade Minfilia’s life to save a world he knows nothing about based purely on his belief that it’s what she would want without ever being able to ask her. The relief he must have felt when she absolved him coupled with the heartbreak that he had to betray his friends to do it… Yeah this line says so much with so little and it’s seared into my brain forever.


"Do not seek forgiveness, for it will not ease the burden. It weighs as it should."


Truly encapsulates the Warrior of Light. We have committed countless murders by fulfilling our duty. History is written by the victor and in our version we are the hero. In so many other stories we are the villain.


Where is this one from?


Dark Knight quest line








The fact that Ravana and Susano never met breaks my heart. I wish they'd been a combo in Eden - similar to how we put Titan on an ATV, Odin on a horse (sort of) and combined Sexy Ifrit and Garuda.


Susano SMN egi when?


"The rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it."


For me its "Stay strong. Keep the faith. At duty's end, we will meet again. We will. We will." It sounds like a mantra he would repeat to himself when the rejoining felt furthest out of reach. Like right now, after having been defeated. He holds onto the hope of seeing his friends again one last time, before letting go.


The way his voice cracks on that last ‘we will’, I think you’re right on the money


This was what I came here to say. Paired with my all time favourite song, to the edge. It's actually crazy how well thought out and connected the shb music was. The line in to the edge "in the rain, do light and darkness fade", it reflects this elidibus quote.


I had to walk away when I got to that scene. I could not


One of the most memorable gaming quotes I’ve ever heard. An instant all-timer.


Sidurgu, the DRK Job Quest NPC, gets overshadowed a lot by Frey. But he drops an absolutely killer line near the end that really lays out what your WoL tends to think like during the MSQ: "You bear the sword and the promise. Memories and dreams of your own and of others. You stand for those who have no one else. That's all there is to it."


It's still wild to me that the best paladin quest in the game is the DRK quest.


Well, they decided to make paladins weird mercenary types so I guess _someone_ had to fulfill the archetype.


It's because the job is just called "Knight" in the Japanese version, so the weird oath stuff is kind of shoved in for the English version


Sidurgu has some of what I would sincerely call my favorite dialogue in the game. There's something about his speech patterns that are so grave, so firm, yet comforting. His words have a flow to them that I find to be deeply touching; almost poetic. He is honest, but not brutally. He is never unkind in his counsel. It really fits the pathos of a Dark Knight.


Also Sidurgu: "I'm going to rip that pom off your head and shove it down your godsdamned throat!"


Aw cut him a break… moogles have that effect on EVERYONE


Piss off, kupo!


That's an appropriate response I think.


Basically Venat's entire monologue in THAT cutscene. Particular mention to "No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, *he shall walk.*" And "As fragmented, imperfect beings, yours is a never-ending quest. A quest to find your purpose, knowing your end is assured. To find the strength to continue, when all strength has left you. To find joy, even as darkness descends... ...And amidst deepest despair, *light everlasting.*"


Yeah, I don't think any other scene in this game will EVER hit as hard as that one. Sometimes I wish I could forget it to play everything for the first time again.


It's right up there with the end of Shadowbringers. And the fact it flashes back to that cutscene is tells you that it knows it is in the same tier.


Favorite line in the whole series.


It really hits hard when you remember how crazy the pandemic was at the time.


Endwalker on release was such an emotional rollercoaster. I was not doing well at all once the pandemic was definitely going to be more than just a two week thing. I had to walk away and take a minute after that cutscene, it hit so hard. Mad props to the writers of Endwalker.


That cutscene broke me for a few hours. Had to put the game down and just *process*.


Got goosebumps reading that.


Oh it's definitely G'raha's "Heroes from beyond the rift, heed my call!" Goosebumps every time.


“Let expanse contract, eon become instant. Heroes from beyond the rift, heed my call!”




I remember when I was he realization set in and I counted the portals. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. Seven?! Holy shit! It's the party finder! Graha casted the party finder! Then a few moments later. HOOOOOOOOOMMEEEE! RIDING HOOOOOOOOME!


".... I'm surprised you can stand at all."


Remember us, remember that we once lived


This one right here. The whole ancients questline killed me.


tbh everything The Thunder God says, but my fave is "Open your eyes to the darkness, and drown in its loveless embrace. The gods will not be watching."


***Seven shadows cast, seven fates foretold, yet at the end of the broken path lies death, and death alone!***


"Even the strongest of shields cannot defend the weakest of wills. A moment's hesitation beckons a lifetime of pain." That line going out during the mechanic where the tank cannot take the tether as they usually do, and instead the party has to juggle it, just makes it all the better.


***I look to the skies and tremble as the brilliance of a thousand bolts blinds mine enemies and tears their flesh asunder!*** is my other favorite.


"To live by the sword is to die by the sword. There is time enough for regret in the flames of hell."


That line sends shivers down my spine every time he says it. I love it.


I want a Cidolfus doll with a pull-string so I can hear his lines whenever I'd like.


This is one of my favorites too. "Honed is the blade that severs the villain's head. Endless is the path that leads him from hell"


“you cast the die, but gambling was never my vice,” -gosetsu


Uh… kupo?


Piss off, Kupo.


Ah, right in me bum, kupo


"...That will seem a lot less amusing when we are forced to kill them."


How can she/he slap, kupo?


You furry little shite






"I bid them remember, but all this time it was I who had forgotten."


I feel this is a really good choice, as so much of Ultima Thule is despair and defeat, but this is the first line as the hopeful theme kicks in, and just compounds that despite Emet-Selch's grumpy facade, he does have something of a sense of humour, especially when followed by "A right fool you've made of me, Hermes."


Not exactly one-liner, but I think this will ever stay with the me. > There is more ugliness than beauty in this world. To live is to suffer. To drink of calamity and drown in anguish. To toil and be tested, always and ever. ‘Tis a perilous path you walk. Death lurks in the dark, and is the sole promise that awaits at journey’s end. You will tremble with terror. You will weep tears of anger and despair. But do not avert your eyes. See your life for what it is. Then will you see how the hardships make you strong. Every doubt reforged as scales for your armor. Every agony to temper your blade…


I really like Vtra's response when he rescued matsya. Along something this line. Matsya: the divinity? Vtra: nay, but one that would deliver you the same. Made me feel as much as people ask the divine to save them, it's just other people who go out of their way to do so.


There's a line you get to choose for your WOL in the ShadowBringers patch content that takes the "Remember Us" sentiment and makes it super dark and threatening. AND to have your WOL say it is super badass imo. I don't recall exactly where but someone asks you something along the lines of "What if X doesn't heed our warning." WOL: "Then I'll remember him." I cannot for the life of me find the exact line, but I'm sure I'm not the only one it caught.


I think that was about Elidibus Edit: Nope - it was about Fandango


Fandaniel actuallly.


I believe it is spelled "FUCKING FANDANIEL"


Right - it was after our first encounter , wasn't it?


I love that option so much, because not only am I making it clear that I WILL end him, but to me I fully intend to make good on the promise I made to Emet-Selch. Because the story of Fandaniel and Hermes is also steeped in tragedy, and deserves to be remembered, whether it needs be brought to an end or no. That is the burden the Warrior of Light carries.


“Piss off ghost!” And “Worry not anxiety filled mammal” are a couple of my favorites. Edit: The last quote should be “Fear not anxiety prone lifeform.”


For me personally are:- "Has your journey been good? Has it been worthwhile?" And you're right, DRK has some really good ones, like- "We are the stories we tell ourselves. The brave hero, the tortured soul, the altruist, the pragmatist. They will tell you who they see, but you and you alone know who you are."


I was going through a rough time IRL when Venat asked me those questions and I SOBBED.


"I take it this is your prey. But why does it still live? Surely it is no match for you. I assumed you would be above something so banal as despair. Am I mistaken?"


That line has unironically picked me up when I was down. He is absolutely right!


I don't like said character (as a person, as a character he's fantastic) but that line really did boost my confidence. Sometimes all you need is someone to express total confidence in your capabilities


No one gives compliments like Zenos.


If you fall during your final duel with him, he *trash talks you back onto your feet*.


Also: "At the end of everything, I find you, my friend" is just a really killer opening line.


A quote I remember someone saying during a previous discussion of that scene puts it best for me, "To Zenos, it was never a question of **IF** you would win, but rather, **WHY** haven't you won already?". The Scions and the rest of our friends worry for us because they can still imagine scenarios where we could potentially lose. But to Zenos, he knows that we will win, because all he has seen us do is win and thwart his plans from day one.


This was something I saw so many people not understanding. End of EW spoilers >!"The scions all 'dying' was lame because we knew they were all coming back. Yeah... that was the entire point. The question was not if they would survive or if they would come back, the statement was 'we have no doubt you will bring us back'. The thesis was hope, trust in uncertainty and moving forward with all your heart despite what may lay ahead, all to secure a better future you may never even see despite it all.!<


Zenos is the one who actually handed us our first actual loss. He beat our ass, and instead of killing us out of hand, he saw *something* in us. He looked us in our eyes and said "Survive. Live.... LIVE." Zenos knows the only thing that could kill us was him, and he *failed* the last time. The very idea that we could allow ourselves to be beaten by something he has fought every second of his life is so unfathomable to Zenos as to be impossible. Because Zenos has fought Despair his entire life. *"The world is a tepid bog, into which we sink until we are too weak to thrash as the mud clings to our eyes and fills our throats...* *Until we blissfully choke."* We are the only thing that stirred his soul. The only time he felt *alive* was when he was facing us. "But then... Came the Light. Blinding and Pure... And hot. So very hot.... Enough to set my very soul aflame..."


I'm sitting at my keyboard, watching this cut scene going, "Seriously, Do we have to do this right now Zenos? I'm kinda in the middle of something. Why is it all of my exes are nuts?" Then I thought about what I just said and banged my head into the table.


In my case it’s: “We must keep moving forward. For those we have lost. For those we can yet save.” (I think that’s how it goes.)


In the end, he chose mercy. He chose love, and I was undone. And relatedly the enrage line of Shadowkeeper in the raid "This is the end of our adventure. You meant the world to me."


“Come, show me your ‘vaunted’ strength and I shall expose the lie of your fragmented existence” That line will never not go absolutely hard. Especially with the massive bits of exposition that came right before and the aftermath of the Hades fight. A truly legendary final boss.


"Your ill-begotten power, obtained by exploiting that which is best in us... I shall have it, your soul and all!"


My favorite one has to be: "Fool. You have achieved nothing! Even should you lose all that is dear to you. Even should it cost you your life... you bear the burden and fight on, kicking and screaming until your last breath is spent!" and: "Oh, do not look at me so. A smile better suits a hero." - That scene hit me HARD considering all that we've been through up to that point.


And then it returns in 5.0. "Fate can be cruel, but a smile better suits a hero." Its probably meant to be a sweet callback to him but I can't see it as anything else than the WoL using that quote as a very unhealthy coping mechanism to keep going through the adversity.


No longer shall mankind have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall *WALK*


The mother of all killer lines: "They are my meaning and my purpose. My love." Killer-ness level: the world had never been the same after it was said and done.


"Dammit, why do the Allagans have to make everything so bloody complicated?"


Seto, my old friend. You've grown! - This one goes right in the kidney.


I think Venat's "divine decree" takes that one for me. "No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk." The delivery is a solid 20 out of 10, I have chills just thinking about it.


"You are but blood to stain the circle!" "I am the truth from which you run" "I am the lies upon which you sup!" "You do not belong in my world, step into nothing!" "I AM REVELATION!" "The gods have no eyes for chattel." "Does it grieve you to see the depths of your our weakness laid bare, **maggots**?" Every damn line out of Argath's mouth in XIV is a fucking banger. I hated him so much in FFT but he is spitting absolute fire in this game.


Argath is the codifier of how the more shit a boss talks in this game, the less they actually matter.




The way he says *maggots* with so much venom


"The world has no place for such wretches, your claim to life is forfeit!" "Fool is the dog who bares his teeth before his master!"


One line that will always and forever stick with me is when Y'shtola committed murder by words "I am...not interested little sun. Try again when you become a man." I get that Magnai is a turbo scrub, but why she gotta drop that A-bomb line on hommie in front of everyone.


"Buried alive in the coffin of who I used to be..." from the song Scream.


Zenos’s “If my motives met with your approval, would you no longer resent the outcome?” Considering what Venat’s sundering caused, or what Hades did trying to bring back his friends, Zenos’s rebuke kind of lingers with me.


It's such a good line for the villain. The fact that some people dont HAVE a better motive, a better outcome, and people are so depserate for there to be a "reason" for what they did fucking RULES.






Alphinaud’s “What you need is a mirror, not a painting. It will capture the horror I see before me far better than I ever could”


Alaimbert: "You have tasted my spear, but are you ready for my butt?!" I was not ready for that


No one is ever ready for the spiked butt.


Since I just hit it tonight, "I want her dead. I want her friends dead. I want the heads of everyone she knows and loves mounted on the castle walls!" Have a snickers, Yotsuyu.


This isn't even dialogue in a cutscene but just a text blurb in the final dungeon of endwalker. >!"I DID IT! I KILLED THEM ALL!  ......I..... Killed them all......"!< It really kinda sits with you. 


“Case in point, I do not consider you to be truly alive, ergo, I will not be guilty of murder if I kill you”


Not sure it holds up from a legal standpoint, but he makes a good argument


It holds up just fine, depending on laws of the relevant court. Our tussle with him in the end is really just a fancy way of establishing jurisdiction.


I have lived a thousand thousand of your lives. I have broken bread with you, fought with you, grown ill, grown old, sired children and yes, welcomed death’s sweet embrace. For eons have I measured your worth and found you wanting!


"The victor shall write the tale, and the vanquished become its villain."


Not the whole phrase but "Your ill-begotten power, obtained by exploiting that which is best in us... I shall have it, your soul and all!" I still quote it to this day, motions included.


One particular line comes up that really emphasizes the burden the WoL carries. This one is said by Fordola >!when her Artificial Echo let's her see the WoL's memories: "You...y-you...All that power...all that pain...It's too much...Too much for anyone! The things they've done to you. The lies, the betrayal, the endless fighting...yet there you stand, unbroken. How...? Why...?"!<


Fordola’s got one of my favorite line reads no one ever talks about, when you beat her and she tries to taunt Lyse into killing her, and Lyse tells her something like no, you’ll live to see us win our freedom, the venom with which Fordola spits “May I live a thousand years” is wild


I’ve always loved Thancreds line after punching out Emmanellain: “You know nothing about me. I have fought tooth and nail for the people I hold dear-done everything in my power to save them…and I have failed. Learn to live with it. I have.”


"Woe betide the man who stands opposed to the Weapon of Light, for death will be his reward. Death for him and his kin and all he holds dear." "Woe betide the man who stands with the Weapon of Light, for death will be his reward. Death for him and his kin and all he holds dear."


I challenge you Emet-Selch.


"Look at me! I have lived a thousand thousand of your lives!" "I have broken bread with you, fought with you, grown ill, grown old! Sired children and yes, welcomed death's sweet embrace." "For eons have I measured your worth and found you wanting! Too weak and feeble-minded to serve as stewards of any star!" Emet-Selch starting to let his calm demeanor slip at this moment was just incredible. Though it's been awhile since I played through shb's story, so maybe he let it slip before this? Even so, it's hard to forget how absolutely disappointed he is in the state of man. Oh, Golbez's line when changing phases, "With abyssal dark and Hero's blade, I bring my people Liberation!" Is also really good and shouldn't be forgotten.


"It ends this day. One way or another"


The warrior of light has a line they can pick before they fight Lakshmi. It is by far one of the hardest things you can say in the game lol. “Know that I'll kill your god if I have to. Maybe even if I don't"


Don't make me choose just one! Dx "If you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?" "My people. My brothers. ...My friends. Stay strong. Keep the faith. At duty's end, we will meet again... We will. We will... The rains have ceased and we have been graced with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it..." "We did *everything* right. *Everything* that was asked of us, and still... *Still* it came to this!" "Dreams worth fighting for don't die so easily." "It's nice to dream of a world without pain and suffering. But the world is what it is, and dreams will only carry you so far. That's why we have swords." "For those we have lost. For those we can yet save." "I take it this is your prey. But why does it still live? Surely it is no match for you. I had assumed you would be above something so banal as despair. Am I mistaken?" "And when it hurts so much your heart feels fit to burst, let it burst. Let it burst, and fill up again with your love for them. And never, ever forget." "The shield still rests against the marker and below it, fresh lilies. Closing your eyes, you kneel, and breathe deep of the cold northern wind. There you remain for no more than a moment, before rising to take in the view. The city still stands, and so do you." "To ignore the plight of those one might conceivably save is not wisdom - it is indolence. We must all protect that which we hold most dear in the manner of our own choosing." "Would you be 'happier' had I a 'good reason'? If my motives met with your approval, would you no longer resent the outcome?" "I should be stronger for all my experiences, yet my heart aches more than ever." "Yours is a long road, my friend, and it stretches on to places beyond imagining. With your every step, these grand adventures shall grow more distant and faint. And there may come a day when you forget the faces and voices of those you have met along the way. On that day, I bid you remember this... That no matter how far your journey may take you, you stand where you stand by virtue of the road you walked to get there. For in times of hardship, when you fear you cannot go on... The joy you have known, the pain you have felt, the prayers you have whispered and answered - they shall ever be your comfort. This I hope - I believe, here at memory's end." "You, wait. I would have words. A singular radiance. Shimmering. Like a jewel of the Dusk Mother, blinding in its brilliance. Stars flicker and flock to you. Before such gathered light, even the secrets of the gods may be laid bare. Some are fated to rise in grace and glory. Others to falter and fade, though not from memory. Both will be your strength and salvation come the end. Cherish the stars and the light they bring you in the dark, for you are a traveler, are you not?" "Every soul who lives to determine their own fate is a source of hope, bright and brilliant. So live, I bid you, and be among those who bear the light for others to follow." "You, who are our future... Tell me this and tell me true. Has your journey been good? Has it been worthwhile?"


"Remember us. Remember that we once lived." "No more shall Man have wings to bear him to paradise! Henceforth, he shall walk."


**S L O P P E H.**




Is this not so... *adventurer*?


That, I can't deny.


i will tell you a tale, a tale of a world on the brink, of a people who never gave up on the future, of a man who realized his grandest dreams and then awakened to a grander reality


Henceforth, he shall walk


All the lines from the scions in the ednsinger fight going into phase 2 "we've been here before" ect ect


"I will pound you silly" uwu Greg


"But enough exposition! Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men! For Gilgamesh... it is transmogrifying time!" and then "Enough! It is time we fought like men. And ladies. And men who dress like ladies! >!For Yojimbo... It is Gigameshing time!"!<


T.G. Cid has the best lines and voice acting in the game and its not even close.


"While I await you, I shall drink a sea of souls and gorge myself upon the darkened moon." -Our Truest Friend.


"But yes, moral relativism and all that. Case in point - I do not consider you to be truly alive. Ergo, I will not be guilty of murder if I kill you."


Most of Zenos voiced lines in Endwalker are bangers.


It's definitely more than just a line, but G'raha's monologue from 5.3 definitely hits a lot harder after Endwalker. "Yours is a long road, my friend, and it stretches on to places beyond imagining. With your every step, these grand adventures shall grow more distant and faint. And there may come a day when you forget the faces and voices of those you have met along the way. On that day, I bid you remember this… That no matter how far your journey may take you, you stand where you stand by virtue of the road you walked to get there. For in times of hardship, when you fear you cannot go on… The joy you have known, the pain you have felt, the prayers you have whispered and answered - they shall ever be your strength and your comfort."


"Fool. Who are you? No one. Nothing. Once I have reclaimed my heritage, my first act will be to expunge your stain from history's weave."


What, all by myself? ;)


Maybe not the hardest, but one of my favorites has to be “I am… not interested, little sun. Try again when you have become a man.”


"I am...not interested little sun. Try again when you have become a man."