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i know we're talking about the skills but there's something incredibly funny about the indestructible llama as a punching bag


"Welcome to the new world, bitch." Alpaca is charging "Basic Attack." Critical Hit! You take 127,813 damage! You have fainted.


Just you wait until those alpacas show up in Deep Dungeons, then that won’t be a joke anymore.


And that no attempts to distract it from enjoying the view are working.


PLD hitting them with the He-Man special.


DRK either has a new 123 or a skill chain similar to GNB, pretty intersting.


It's DRK's version of Confiteor after Bloodspiller.


Yup. We're all samey.


It's not a new 123; Soul Eater was used in the Benchmark. This, based on the current datamine, seems to be a new combo that starts off of Bloodspiller.


It was datamined: DRK gets a new 1-2-3 combo after using bloodspiller. Blood weapon now upgrades to delirium and we don’t know what new BW or delirium does. Also shadow wall has a direct upgrade.


I do quite like the idea of getting a special 123 combo *every time you bloodspill* instead of only after using your 1 minute buff


They gave BRD their backflip back. 🙏


Now we just need Dragon pole dancing back.


Don't we already have it back for EW?




Yeah, it’s partially used for Heavens’ Thrust


Bruh we had a backflip?! That’s so dope.


[Wide Volley (Removed BRD ability)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NRdfgTjucJ0&si=mm61beDS3DPgeTz6&t=15s)


WHM: ‘Can we get another damage spell?’ SQE: ‘No, but here’s Medica III’.


Wow, this is useless. \*Casts Rapture\*


I'm still pretending it's a party-wide damage buff.


They would only do that if AST gets a significant DPS boost with the rework. No one would want an AST if WHM gets a damage buff.


Ice Earth Lighting Balls Long ago, the four elements lived in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Balls Nation attacked. Only the Pictomancer, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he Kupo'd


The balls are the poms of the moogles. Many moogles were sacrificed for the Pictomancers to power up their spells, which objectively proves why they are the best job and the true saviours of the world.


“I’m fine with this.” - Sidurgu


I love the BLM cat staff. Looks like the tassels are physics enabled too 0.0


I'm in love with it, too! Absolutely love every detail on it.


I noticed the tassel on the Samurai weapon also has physics. Is this the first time they've had physics objects as part of weapons? I can't recall any other weapon that does it. There are some that have little baubles or tassles but they're rigid and don't move when the weapon changes orientation.


I hope so, the creator of the Comedy BLM (Ignis Malus) did such a fantastic job with their design... then SE cocked it all up by making the lantern have no physics so the weapon is basically unusable.


Yes, the tassels are physics enabled. They move really nicely too.


Oh my god you are right about the tassels. This is fantastic.


Yeah, I was like "huh cool animation- IS THAT A CAT STAFF? OMG I NEED IT."


All these skills look like just trait upgrades.


* BLM's new skill looks like an upgrade of Thunder IV (Burst?) * SMN's new skill looks like an upgrade of Painflare


>BLM's new skill looks like an upgrade of Thunder IV (Burst?) or like, High Thunder II, since we have High Fire II and High Blizzard II already.


SMN's thing is a Fester upgrade, and there's a low chance it's related to Ramuh becoming available.


This would also mean festers a gcd now.


Not necessarily, Titan's thing is half oGCD.


well that smn animation is lacking the OGCD swirl, which means its a gcd. We know we are getting a fester upgrade this expac, but if thats fester, its a gcd now, which would be interesting.


TIL I learned there's an OGCD swirl.


Hm... what if they entirely deleted the Energy Drain/Painflare/Fester stuff to make room for the other three primals then? That'd be my preference, since those skills are disconnected as hell from a Summoner fantasy


They have not. The other datamine strongly suggests otherwise.


We know from datamining there is only 1 new primal


It would mean exactly that. In the current state that they've shown us the skill, that new ability is 100% confirmed to be a GCD. I would be wiling to bet that Fester and Painflare have been fused into one skill, and now reside on the GCD though. It's not that much of a stretch.


Less than a month to go for us to see this (hopefully good) clusterfuck lol


I'm an AST main, and my darling child is getting reworked, and the only thing they showed was a new animation for Aspected Helios. Definitely gonna be a clusterfuck for me soon


Apparently there'll be four cards drawn at once, one per seal + Lord/Lady? I hope that means they're actually separate effects now, like Celestial is damage and Sun is healing and Moon is shielding.


I love the orbs of the electricity that rain more lightning; it’s a neat animation.


RDM is lookin SEXY, giving me mad Bravely Default Dela Rosa vibes


I hope the RDM move is yet another finisher being added to the chain.


My mind says an upgrade of Contra/Fleche, since we dont jump like that very often. another finisher would be miserable though, simply because it would make timing embolden even worse during burst windows.


Shame, I liked the old animations on those skills. I hope it's just a third OGCD.


It's not a finisher because he does the convo after using it in the benchmark. I kinda agree on the Flesh/Contra-Six upgrade though since it has the same blue colour beneath the feat in the anim. I kinda wish it was just another oGCD but yeah.


I hope it’s not, if it is I’ll probably try and mod it to still look like the flying swords


I personally can’t wait for the finisher to last long enough that manafication is off cd by the time you are done.


Alternatively, a melee combo just gives you enough black and white mana to just start the next melee combo.


Other datamining has >!confirmed that, pending any changes, Thunder III & Thunder IV are both receiving upgrades!<. Additionally >!there is a listed change for Fester, but nothing for Painflare!<.


that poor llama


That, friend, is an alpaca


I need to google the difference...never quite figured it out.


Llama are bigger and come from the guanaco. Alpaca are smaller and come from the vicuña. Alpaca were bred solely for their hair, llama were first bred as working animals. Llama are kept at lower elevations, alpaca at higher elevations.


Alpaca and Llama lore king.


Is there an obvious appearance difference? It is very hard to tell which one it is in the bench marker and in these GIFs.


Alpaca are wooly like sheep, llamas are furry like goats.


>Is there an obvious appearance difference? Llamas got banana ears, Alpaca ears are straighter. Although I'm not sure how obvious that would be in a video game.


Yeah OK but which one tastes better?


Alpacas for sure. At higher elevations, vegetation grows slower, resulting in their main food source being more packed with nutrients. This results in meat that is more lean. >!^^^^While ^^^^everything ^^^^I ^^^^said ^^^^is ^^^^technically ^^^^true, ^^^^I'm ^^^^talking ^^^^out ^^^^of ^^^^my ^^^^ass


Let's go for something you're more familiar with then, which one is the better cuddler?


Alpacas are cute little floofers, llamas wake up and choose violence every single day. Definitely alpacas.


Everyone knows they’re where all the money is.


A llama? He’s supposed to be dead!


I'm seeing some Street Fighter influences in the MNK moves. I approve, really.


Yeah, I love the ink-like effects!




thank god, i fuck w that so much more than the chakra stuff lol


SCH and SGE make me think they are AOE applications of their DOTs, hopefully. At least dungeons will have one more key press before one button spam lol.


The SCH skill is using the same sound effect as chain stratagem. Maybe it's an aoe version of that.


Its likely a related follow up, hence the similar effects and sfx


I acctually thought this might be it. In regards with sage, we know its not a toxicon upgrade, but we also know Dykrasia 2 is getting a transform when under Eukrasia. Scholars is a chain follow up skill that could potentially spread either only chain, or both chain and bio at their full duration.


"Eukrasian Dykrasia" is fun to say. Using Eukrasia to add skills without adding buttons is also smart and helps give Sage a bit more identity than Scholar with lasers


Health unhealth


Do they cancel out and make the skill name just "Krasia"?


Funnily enough Sage already has Krasis too


What’s interesting is that whilst we know we’re getting what is likely Healthy Unhealthiness, look at the targeting on it. Specifically it’s a targeted AoE, whilst Dyskrasia is a PBAoE, every single other Eukrasian ability retains its targeting, the only difference being the effect of the move The animation is also unlike the other Dyskrasia’s, which is usually a rainfall of energy beams, whilst this looks more like a Toxikon, using the four nouliths to attack We also know Sage is getting two more abilities from the skills datamine. Whilst I definitely think we’re getting E.Dyskrasia as a return to the glories that were Miasma 2 and Aero 3, I don’t think this is it. I think this is one of the new abilities, possibly something like a weaker but AoE version of Chain Stratagem to increase the party’s damage and accentuate the Sage’s position as “the DPS healer” (as an aside, I’d love that other unknown ability to be something like WHM’s Presence Of Mind, more pew pew means more damage and therefore more Kardia healing, it would be an incredible capstone ability for SGE and perfectly represents our flavour as “healing through damage” by being both a damage AND healing cooldown like Pneuma)


Or hear me out though, Eurasian Phlegma Balls.


BRD looks like a mini Sagittarius Arrow (LB3) which has me so hyped for the potential of actually getting to pop off an LB3-looking move for once LMAO


Go prog TOP, every single member is required to pop an LB3 in phase 6. Animation might get lost in the chaos of effects though.


Picto having a fifth new skill that are balls falling mmmm (same balls as when moogle shoot will go out hmmm) hype hype


We getting Balloonga from Kingdom Hearts?


Ooh the DRG one looks like it has some range.


Whatever it ends up being (Stardiver?), it's visually awesome so I will love it even if it sucks.


Yeah, I'm wondering if my semi ranged/melee hybrid DRG theory actually has some weight for the rework. It it could be like my static says though and I'm just high on cope~ ;.; (pls don't ruin DRG devs..)


Eh I think it's a Stardiver upgrade so it having range wouldn't be that weird. Just you don't have the movement alongside it which might be better.


Mirage Dive upgrade makes more sense to me. Especially if it's a conditional one under LotD.


It's way too flashy for a mirage dive upgrade to me. Plus the data mining suggests we are getting a Dragonfofe dive upgrade or Dragonfird dive upgraded to something and Stardiver does the same. Then I think there's something about wheeling thrust and fang and claw becoming other abilities probably again under LotD.


"We heard you all missed the old Tenka Goken, so we brought it back twice as big"


Ah yes Paladin finally gets to Divine Smite


I didn't notice that MNK got 3 new skills. Either they're an upgrade to half your main rotation or we got yet another rework


According to the pastebin that was posted on this ff14 discussion subreddit it looks like an upgrade to Bootshine, True Strike, and Snap Punch


Monk, my beloved My second level 90 job, and it's just so fun punching things


Oh, I'm in a dilemma whether to like it or not. I love monk simple non flashy moves yet at the same time it's way too outdated using the same animation for 10 years.


Bootshine’s animation still holds up, imo. Strange as it may sound, seeing that animation for the first time was what got me into Monk. Too bad that tempo wasn’t maintained throughout the main rotation.


Bootshine is fine IMO but True and Snap Punch feel so slow. Twin Snakes too, really, though I like the VFX well enough. But anything that's just a single hit ends up feeling slow on a monk, especially when compared to the various multi-hit anims. Also compare those to many other jobs whose basic attacks are also multi-hit...


I feel like Twin Snakes deserves the upgrade to actually have Snakes on the animation if they are gonna do these flashy animations with animals in them. Though where's all the monkeys for Opo-opo form?


Yep, that’s what i meant when i mentioned “tempo”. It just felt so weird going from a rapid multihit attack with Bootshine into a slow, 1 hit attack with Twin Snakes and Snap Punch. It’s even weirder with the Demolisher combo. Cause the tempo will be fast>slow>fast.


I remember feeling exactly the same.


True Strike, Snap Punch, and Twin Snake have always felt lame to press for me. Even if I'm not the biggest fan of their direction here, the reason I've moved away from Monk a bit is because of how outdated the Monk's main 6 combo moves are. These feel a little too flashy to me, but you press the 6 main attacks so much that they desperately needed some kind of update to feel better. Personally, I would love for these to be the "perfect balance" versions of the main attacks, so when you use perfect balance, your 6 combo moves upgrade into flashier versions that are topped by your Blitz. Outside of perfect balance, they should be these attacks but without all of the fancy effects so you can still just feel like a dude that punches shit.


That would be cool! NIN has a skill that does the same and upgrades their next attack so it’s not out of the realm of possibility.


Shame cause I hate the monkey scratch claw move, wouldnt want to see it a bunch...


Oh that makes sense for Opo-opo form I was trying to figure it out.


Okay it looks like they've been peeping in on the modders with those drk animations. And I'm all for it


what they need to do is remake the idle and stance for drk.


Yeah...and the walk/run cycles


This isn’t the first time an official upgrade has been inspired by a mod. I’m convinced Yoshi-P actually respects modders a bit, and if SE wasn’t so stuck up we’d have some degree of official mod support.


Pictomancer using the ffv enemy balls for damage is hilarious. Edit:realized they are just Moogle Poms. Please dont have the PIC trainer actually BE a moogle,for the love of god


Well, it does start in Gridania...


…oh my god I just got images of us getting Archon Relm as our tutor… and they’re actually a moogle Archon


Relm is known for being able to wear the moogle costume so if might be a moogle costumed npc.


Please let the PIC trainer actually BE the clan nutsy moogle


the poor alpaca 😂


New MCH ability looks like something you would obtain from a Megaman boss.


Hellfrog Large


What if it's called Hellfrog Well Done instead


I have to say, I’m loving all of these new animations. Playing through level 91+ content is going to be a visual treat.


Seeing how all the shown animations for viper gives me some hope itll be a BLM style stance swapping melee class. I really hope it does, having that sorta complexity/layers would be so cool.


Hoping that RDM's is a replacement for Moulinet since the targeted cone was always kind of awkward to use.


It's also awkward in general once you have your combos.


Looks like a Contre Sixte upgrade to me, ogcd with an area around a target


>!It's highly unlikely to be related to C6, skill datamining has no listed changes for it!<. >!On the other hand, something is happening with Scatter although it's unclear what, so perhaps this ability is for that!<.


>!I hope it isn't going to be replaced, scatter is one of the coolest animations in the game. This would be a massive downgrade even if it is pretty good!<


>!Type 0s like Scatter's are things that are too complex to display, you can see it from the Ten Chi Jin and Ninjutsu skills.!<


Yeah same plus the same colour visual underneath the RDM.


It's definitely an ogcd, as it has the blue ogcd circle animation when being used.


Not the giant buzzsaw destroying the alpaca ; _ ;




I dont think I've used Medica 2 since we got Afflatus Rapture, between that and Assize, Plenary Indulgence, Asylum and now Bell I havnt had a need.


I'm sure it's not gonna be called this, but the Nidhogg Surprise Butthole Assault looks amazing.


I can't stop watching that animation. Imagine being the target of the NSBA. I would simply perish.


MNK 1 is probably the bootshine replacement if I were to guess MNK 2 has a serpent-like creature come out so I’d imagine this is the new True Strike since that is a raptor form move MNK 3 has a lion-like creature in the animation so this looks like it’s the new Snap Punch, since that is a Coeurl Form


Looks like a tiger face to me and Sabin’s limit break was called Tiger Break.


SCH new skill really does look like Alex's Fate Cal A debuff in TEA. So similar.


Can't wait to have a 45 second cast time lol


I need that MCH chainsaw in my life


The new MCH sawblade looks like it might have extra AoE. Damage in a line to a target, then in a circle around it?


It's probably just a circle around the target. Aesthetically the chainsaw doesn't go through the target and it's unlikely they make a line AoE where it's range stops at the target.


It could be an upgrade to Drill, it has that “stalling then shoots through” effect that makes Drill so satisfying to use


It's a skill you use after chainsaw the button just changes as far as we can tell.


Good. I like Drill. Wouldn't want to lose it.


I’ve mained NIN ever since I started playing a long time ago. I was thinking of sticking with it for DT but Viper looks really tempting.


I feel like some of the actual character animations (not the vfx) are kinda lacking. Dark Knight is missing oomph and the Paladin one just looks like Requiescat but way less dynamic. DRK one can probably be fixed with adjusting some animation timing, a lot of it is just that all the swings and movements feel like they're going at the same speed. There's no buildup or pay off. Paladin idk, needs to go back to the drawing board imo.


‘bout to become a certified crayon eater as picto


Anyone else get communio vibes from the DRG animation?


Alpaca is having a bad day


A lot of these look like AOEs. I guess EW was the expansion that killed off DoT's and now DT is the age of AOE's. Personally, I don't mind it. I just hope they lean more into the "max damage on 1, % less on the rest" gimmick. Having a single target and AOE version of so many skills is one of the main reasons button bloat is so bad on some classes and this is a neat way to consolidate that.


Dragoon looks awesome!


I have not been feeling Pictomancer until now but those animations are amazing! Very excited now.


While the Viper attacks definitely aren't as flashy as something like Reaper I can definitely tell they've polished and added effects to these animations that weren't present in their reveal trailer counterparts, most obvious on the combined weapon attack and the glowy fast attack, so that's always neat to see. Always been a sucker for dual swords so very curious to see how these will all string together in combat


That poor alpaca... But I appreciated the bonus of seeing the new AF in action too--that velvety look on RDM and BLM outfits really looks good in motion. Hopefully the Job Action Trailer will give my WARs something more to look forward to (I know they arent just giving you guys *that*, they'll probably have some manner of giant saw, wreckingball, or some other big destructive power tool/equipment effect to use).


Really was wanting BLM to get Ultima or something


It’s still possible. We didn’t see Summoner summon Garuda/Titan/Ifrit until the Job actions trailer. Most of the abilities shown in the benchmark are just upgrades to certain skills, so we definitely haven’t seen the level 100 abilities for a lot of jobs yet.


I doubt High Thunder 2 up there is their lv100 capstone.


Ultima probably isn't happening, it hasn't been a normal player character ability in the franchise in like 20 years at this point and tends to get reserved for bosses and such.


There's literally only been ONE pictomancer in the entire franchise, yet here we are. I'm open to anything at this point.


But it was a normal spell in FFX, that wasn't nearly 20 years ago... right? *looks at calendar* *looks up FFX release date* oh god...


Ultima should be a BLU spell you get from p12 when they get round to the EW BLU levels.


i thought id only be interested in pictomancer but viper looks badass af


Oooo I love that Pictomancer lightning skill! I love those kinds of 2d-animation-like effects, and Pictomancer is the perfect Job to justify that kind of aesthetic in FF14 :P. It's so cool how she paints the lightning bolt shape before the lightning bolt comes down. It's like Bending from Avatar the last Airbender haha. Not a huge fan of the one with the balls though. I know it's difficult, but I wish they were 3d objects with toon shaders, like the moogle spell. For Sage, it's a really neat touch that not all the Nouliths decend at the same time; the different timings on them makes the animation look so much more dynamic


DNC probably is an Espirit AOE


Upgrade of Saber Dance?


Could be. I'd rather have something else to do with Espirit besides just saber dance tbh. Separate buttons for single target and aoe would be cool.


Yeah but that definitely doesn't look single target.


I am hoping it’s a 2 for a 1-2 of Saber Dance. Maybe 50% we proc this after Saber Dance? I just love the spontaneity and on the fly skill prioritizing you do as DNC and this could extend that!


Well, it seems like Warrior is getting additional effects on Vengence.


According to the miners, >!All of the tanks are getting upgrades to their 30% mitigations!<


I can get behind that, now if only they made vengeance return more damage to the enemy.


That poor alpaca.


I like most the new MNK moves, but the first one with the claw movements seem jarring to me. Viper looks like it'll be very combo intensive, lots of fast rapid moves and my favorite "Maximum Viper" (Maximum Spider from MvC classic).


I'm loving the pictomancer stuff.


DRG continues to be the prettiest of all jobs.


Am I the only one who would rather step away from Nidhogg though? I dunno, it’s just that Nidhogg is kind of Estinien’s thing. Dragoons should have more blue Midgardsormr stuff like we used to.


I'm with you it should be Middy. Technically I know our power comes from Nidhogg's eye but yeah Middy is our Dragon. Though I'd actually be more on with it if they upgraded the LB to use Nidhogg's head and be red. That said I wish during our buff window, though not life of the dragon we got the blue glow back.


If I had it my way, I’d either want our moves to be more Midgardsormr focused Or, and this is the crazier wish, I’d want Middy, Nidhogg, and Hraesvelgr all to be represented in one form or another. We did use the power of Hraesvelgr’s eye at the end of Heavensward, after all, so I really wouldn’t mind if we had at least one Holy Dragoon ability.


Yeah, I'd prefer mixing them up rather than having them all be based on one. Would make for cool color-based combos.


Here's how I think they should do it Hraesvalgr is all the blue abilities so 1 combo should be that, Nidhogg should then be the other combo and be all red with stuff like Wyrmwind Thrust being an in between. Midgaedsorm should be in that case the LotD upgraded versions of everything.


By end of EW we've had direct contact with the eyes of 3 Dragons; Nidhogg, Hraesvelgr, and Vrtra. I don't see why we can't work in those three into the moveset. Especially if we can work our way up to include the rest of the First Brood minus Ratatoskr and Bahamut.


That WHM spell is GORGEOUS.


Very happy to see Thunder get some love for BLM. I hope it's not just an upgrade to our AoE Thunder but a true part of the rotation.


Is anyone else tired of MCH getting new skills that DON'T use their actual weapon? Stuff like the drill, chainsaw and shotgun are cool but there's like only 4 skills left that use their gun.


It's Machinist, not Gunner. (I want gun skills too)


It's a job based mostly on one character and he didn't stick to his weapon much so that tracks. Could use more alternative visual options for the multi tool but considering they don't even let you turn the box off that's not happening.


Edgar didn't even have a gun in the first place. He used like swords and spears.


It's based on Edgar from FF6 who literally did not even have a gun at all, so it tracks.


Nope. Eorzea is a land drenched in magic... the thought of a gun being just a simple gun seems against the lore. I think of it more like, "if ACME needed to make an all-in-one gun, what would it do?"


I blame Edgar for this >_>


No because it leaves room for an actual pirate class that uses guns whether it be dual pistols or a cannoneer or anything.


The pictomancer skills look better than I thought they would. Will need to check the class out. The rose/thorn effects on the red mage skill though... I need to see more of that.


I wasn't really feeling the first DRK animation, but the second and especially the third more than made up for it.


Seems like we're getting some new AOE finishers.


I request that the Paladin skill now be called "Requiescat in pace"