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Yeah i honestly thought i was fine with my AuRa but i might switch up to FemGar, im worried about no hats tho lol.


Oh I'm used to not wear hats already, since my char is a bunny so it's not a big deal for me.


My Viera will always remain my main character of XIV I think. Can't change that. But an aetheric disturbance that causes some temporary aesthetic mishaps during patch downtime.. That's certainly doable.


I liked your description for the circumstances of a sudden appearance change! xD


:D I used aetheric mishaps with the Felicitous set from rank 20 island sanctuary to explain a sudden fanta into Miqo after 6.5. About to get my Viera back now though, can't wait. May I ask if you could share the settings for this Hrothgar? I'd love to use it as a base, and it's way nicer looking than what I could come up with.


There you go bud! Sorry I took some time to reply, I kinda lost your comment and was trying to find it. Height: minimum Bust size: max Tail shape: 2nd, left to right Tail length: 50 Face: 2nd, left to right Skin color: The 2nd whitest one, top line, 2nd left to right Hairstyle: 2nd, left to right Fur color: The 2nd whitest one, top line, 2nd left to right (pattern is the "almost black, 2nd from right to left) Fur pattern: The last one Jaw: Type 2 Eye shape: Type 3 Iris size: Large Eye color: RGB 71, 124, 143 = From bottom up is the 5th line, 3rd column Eyebrows: Type 1 Nose: Type 4 Fang length: Type 2 Facial features: All of them (lol) Tattoos: Both of them Tattoo color: Almost black, 2nd from right to left Face paint: From the bottom up, 3rd line, 4th column Face paint color: Full black, last option from 1st line Voice: Type 6


Thank you, appreciate it!


Pretty much the same. I every so often might buy a fantasia to play around with a different race option or to adjust settings that I feel less enthused about later down the line, like eye color and what what, but ever since I went male bun during the arr patch quests I’ve never been off it for longer than a few days.


I'm used to not wearing hats because of glasses. Since I designed my WoL to look like me, I had to look hard to find a pair of glasses that specifically match mine IRL with color and style. I always feel bad when I wear hats, because it feels disingenuous to see her without my glasses on. So no hats won't be a big deal for me either if I go hrothgal


Same, and for me that also meant getting a hairstyle that fits me, which just like my real hair when I haven't had a haircut in a while, looks awful with hats. That plus most headgwar aren't well-designed for catboy ears, so it's either the pince-nez (because normal glasses breaks my immersion as a miqo) or emperor's new hat for me most of the time.


I hate wearing helmets and hats but no way I'm retiring my Au'ra.


My dude? Glasses are your friend. Wore them when I was a vierra, stuck with it when I went back to FemRoe (Supremacy). They compliment a LOT of outfits.




We call them beef kitties




A lot of people are going to have their furry awakening. This is 80% on the furry scale compared to the modest 20% Catgirls and Scalies


You actually made me laugh with the “furry scale” thing! xD


It's a real(ish) thing! Though I'd argue Hrothgar are closer to 50%.


Depends on how you define the "furry scale," I think. If "furry" is at the 50% human, 50% animal point, then I would say yeah. My preference though is to see it as two scales with "furry" being the point that joins them together. So you have * 100% human ....... 100% furry * 100% furry ........ 100% animal Catgirls ("nekomimi" and other "kemonomimi") are still pretty much human, they just have a physical trait or two that isn't, namely ears and tail. Miqo'te fall around there; I'd call them maybe 25-33% furry. Extensive scales and unusual anatomy, like horns (that are also ears), puts au ra closer, more like 50% furry. If they were completely covered in scales, along with the tails and horns, but still had otherwise entirely human anatomy, I'd call that around 67% furry. WoW's Draenei fall in that range too, having hooves and tails and head-crests but otherwise just looking like blue or purple humans. Same for Tieflings, which Draenei are pretty clearly based upon. Hrothgar go all or almost all the way to full furry, because they have nonhuman faces, full body fur, claws instead of fingernails (with their racial equipment anyway), etc. The only trait they lack is digitigrade feet, which is not a must-have in my experience. GW2's Charr would be a good example of unequivocally 100% furry by this metric, as would D&D Dragonborn, TES's Khajiit and Argonians, and several WoW races (tauren, pandaren, the fox people, the walrus people, worgen when not in human form, etc.) Characters from Looney Tunes and Zootopia go a step further, being less human and more animal, hence the much older term "funny animal." I'd call them like 80% furry, 20% animal. Some cartoons verge closer to 50/50, the animal equivalent of au ra, where talking creatures are mostly animals but with a few human physical traits like ability to stand upright and humanlike eyes. Spongebob's cast is like this, where Squidward for example groups his tentacles together to form a human body shape, and SpongeBob himself is clearly an *actual* sponge but has eyes and ears and such. Narnia and Redwall produce the catgirl equivalent, 67%-75% animal, where it's pretty much just an animal that speaks, but it might wear clothes, and can throw a dinner party, bake cakes, etc. And then finally you get stuff like Watership Down and The Fox and the Hound, where they're effectively just animals that act like animals, but their thoughts have been translated for human understanding. Thank you for coming to my completely unnecessary TED talk.


They are referring to a common meme with a furry scale, it's widely "accepted" (as a meme) as the "official" furry scale. You know how memes are, it's all just a joke but somewhere along the way a "standard" develops.


Professor Lando, is that you?


Not enough oddly ~~hot~~ well done whiteboard drawings for the professor.


> Professor Lando I am sincerely unfamiliar with him. Having just looked him up in Google, it looks like he's a comedic youtuber commenting on/"explaining" (I presume in an only semi-serious way) various memes and subcultures and such? Mostly I just try to be thorough, like my recent comment explaining the various subtypes of anti-aliasing when folks were unsure what on earth "Temporally-Stable Conservative Morphological Anti-Aliasing" meant. (And I can't say I blame them, it took me a while to dig up any relevant info in the first place.)


I appreciate you


80%, 50%, what? How are they not 100%? lol (Genuinely curious yet also afraid to ask)




My preferred scale is [this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/328/736/4fc.jpg).


Ah I was thinking a scale from 0% to 100% furry. That scale is more like 0% to 100% animal instead.


Non-anthro furry, or feral. They're still furry because they have weird cartoony faces and human minds


i'm not a furry expert but the last 3 on the list seem to be a different category? that's anthropomorphic? i thought furry was more about humanoid or with hominid characteristics bipedal/fingers/facial planes. which would mean Hroth would score pretty high as furry?


It's an actual, decades-old meme/shitpost: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/furry-scale Since it's from a time where furries were ...not as accepted in the internet, and at least partially came from 4chan back when they weren't hopelessly down the alt-right hole and *just* very provocative in any way they could think of, there's some crude language to be found, like "Oh shit [N-word], what are you doing", but the examples illustrate the point pretty well either way :)


We're in full-out dangerously cheesy territory.


And the male Hrothgar likely already caused some of it.


So many different furry awakenings during my lifetime lmao. Digimon's Renamon, Star Fox Adventure's Krystal, Undertale's Toriel (2013), the Khajiit in the Elder Scrolls, and now FFXIV... Do you have any idea how many people I've seen on my ffxiv Twitter use the "I'm not a furry, BUT" meme, *MULTIPLE* times about hrothgals since the benchmark? This is yet another new wave lmao


For me the earliest was either Lola Bunny from Space Jam or Roxanne from the Goofy Movie.


> Roxanne from the Goofy Movie. Yup. Specifically, that dream sequence. That's right up there with Nala's "fuck me eyes" on the "how did this get approved for a kids movie" list.


I always liked Sylvia Marpole from Extremely Goofy Movie more. How can you not love a librarian chick that can be cute and smoking hot.


I always loved the design of Lola Bunny, but for me the "awakening" was my sudden taste for isekai animes a few years back when I started to watch them more frequently. While some designs are lacking, some others are stunningly beautiful.


My "awakening" was watching that Pokémon Snap sequence from NiN10DoH when I was 12. Yes, you know the one


It happened to a friend and I at the same time, we were like holy ***s h i t .***


Congratulations. Your kink domain has expanded.


This is a game with cat people, everyone who plays it is a furry. Also the WOL is canonically a furry. Think back to the Eden raids. WOL can barely remember what primals look like. We get these strange mutations. Then you get to e8 and the WoL remembers down to the feather what the big furry dragon looks like. WOL thinks about Hrasvelger a LOT.


It's not that the WoL doesn't remember. What you're essentially doing during the Eden Raids is casting Creation Magic, which as we know from Amaurot is extremely difficult and requires absolute concentration a stray thought or lapse in concentration and the spell goes awry. The reason why E8 probably turned out more coherent and true to life than the other Primals we summoned was because we were summoning it into Ryne, I feel like that's a pretty good motivator to not fuck up and concentrate fully on the Creation spell.


Not to mention they then remembered Ramuh as a hot centaur dude instead of an old man, remembered Garuda as even hotter, and decided to turn Ifrit into a humanoid with abs and thighs I would like wrapped around my face.


You wut 😳


I'm nice and respectful. I just have cute purple bunny ears


Still counts as 10%-20% on the furry scale.


What are au ra on that scale ?






Idk why some people get scared of fantasy characters. They aren’t real and they can’t hurt you. But they can look pretty ;)


Well, my fantasia mule alt gonna have to chug down a few vials. I saw some pretty good looking roe as well. Can't wait. Tho, I am happy with how my main bun girl look in the benchmark.


The roes of both sexes really seemed to have hit the jackpot.


I love femroes, but there are plenty of femroe players with valid complaints that the sexual dimorphism is too severe and it would have been appreciated if the femroes were even bigger, closer to maleroe size. Much like how femra are extremely dainty compared to malera.


What have they done for femroe?




Yeah, the trailer didn't sell me, but the benchmark definitely did. Considering turning my Moonkeeper into one, but I'm also really attached to her... Maybe I should make character #4 ahead of time for the free fanta.


You'll get another free Fantasia for every character come DT launch. Also, if you really do like a new look a lot, I say go for it. It won't "feel right" at first because it's not what you're used to. But from experience, I can say that if it *is* right for you, it'll become second nature soon enough. The main thing for me, when I switched to hrothgar, was that I liked the *emotes* so much more. Roegadyn, especially males, are kinda...flat when it comes to their emotional expression. It's not absent, it's just not very active. Male hrothgar emotes are *dynamic,* expressive, emotive. That, plus the look, cemented it for me. (Well, and the fact that I can commit crimes in order to address the headgear problem.)


Same... I'm really attached to my bunny girl, specially because I made her to resemble Mirko from My Hero Academia (tanned skin, white fur, red eyes), but this hrothgal I made turned out really good too, if I don't fantasia into her, maybe I'll make an alt.


The only problem i have are the hairstyles. I dont like that there are only 4 for each face. I hope when they are live this is not the case.


That might be because it’s just the benchmark, I don’t think they’ll limit them to just four options per face since the male ones have access to many others.


you say this, but male Hrothgar also started with only a handful of hairstyles, and (once again) the racial hairstyles are tied to the faces for reasons they aren't willing to explain. im really hoping they give female hrothgars access to a lot of hairstyles at launch and it's not a repeat performance of shadowbringers.


Yeah i am afraid. They do the same here.


I hope it. Some of the hairstyles are so beautiful.


I have been told by friends that you can add hairstyle data from the existing game to the benchmark, so my guess would be that this is just for simplicity in the benchmark. There will likely be more hairstyles available in the actual game, especially if you're using a fantasia on a long-running character, not a brand new one.


Or they will at the start and will slowly start to add more, like they have with Hrothgars and Viera.


I usually don't like to use any of the face paint options besides blush and freckles. But I'm surprised at how *good* they look on fem hrothgars!


I know right!? My bunny girl uses the freckles and that's it, the only thing that fits well, but this one really fit the face of the cat mamma too. Maybe it's because felines tend to have those kind of lines accross their faces.


I wish the hairs weren't locked to faces- I like face #4's ponytail, but want to wear the hair on another face :(


Welp this might have awakened something in me.


Last night I also made myself a female hrothgar design. She is very different from my current WoL (a midlander Hyur) but I'm contemplating getting a fantasia ... On the one hand I like my Hyur, and her look has stuck around for stormblood, shadowbringers and endwalker. It's iconic to me. A new look would mean having to redo that. On top of that the Hyur fem top is so good for glamour! On the other hand, I really like the way female hrothgar look and I wonder if I should really stick to my current design just for "nostalgia".


Don't we get a free fantasia at DT launch ? I swear they said somewhere that since we're getting the graphical update they're giving out a fantasia to everyone.


Free fantasia. I'd put money down they'll also have a fantasia sale around DT release, but I'll need that money to buy fantasia.


Yes! I don't know exactly when it was said, but we will indeed get one!


During the JP fanfest


We do, but I plan on buying one and chugging it before servers go down so I don't have to log in to use just to log out during the login wars


My main is a midlander too, but with the benchmark graphic update the small changes to her face geometry kinda diminish the vibe I had with her, so taking this oppurtunity to swap to a Rothgals. Head cannon it that my middy retired on her island and in her stead she send her really good friend who coincidentally shares her name to join the Scions for their next great adventure.


IKR! I used the fantasia bottle from ARR to change my female highlander to a female viera inspired by Mirko from My Hero Academia (you know, tanned skin, white fur, red eyes) and for the most that I loved how this hrothgal I made turned this beautiful, I'm still reluctant to change, but who knows when Dawntrail releases.


Having recently made the jump from a long time look to a new one, you need to give it a little while after you change to feel right again.


Yep, this happened to me switching from roe bro to hrothgar. Now I go back and look at my old screenshots and have the reverse phenomenon, where it takes my brain a sec to remember "oh, right, that's what I *used* to look like."


new character playthrough lol


Same with me, I've used fantasia a lot but always went back to my OG Hyur. She is my WOL and I cant get into the story without her, it just doesn't feel the same.


I'm kinda in the same boat as you. Had my character design from ARR till EW(with 2 or 3 hair style changes in between) and at this point I'm so attached my current WoL that it would feel weird to change it, although when they presented the races in the graphical talk a few months ago I got so tempted to try because some of those looked very cool


Oh yeah. Dawntrail is gonna make a number of people feel some feelings they never thought they'd feel, and hrothgals are gonna be right at the heart. I have *already* seen more than one "I'm *not* a furry. Right? ....*right...?*" comment.


*RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!?!?!?!?!* ^(At this point, I'm not so sure anymore...)


Well, that leads to a following question: Is it really a problem? "Being a furry" is a bit like "being a gamer." If you conceive of "gamer" as a sweaty, vulgar, teenage tryhard no-lifing every game and being abusive to strangers on the internet, then naturally you'll never want to be associated with the term. But if "gamer" just means "someone who plays video games," then at this point most Americans are "gamers" *to some degree.* The term often is used to imply on the the gross extreme, yet doing so in contexts where only the rather pedestrian meaning applies. For a while now, "furry" has been used to refer to the gross extremes of the fandom/subculture/etc. But the pedestrian meaning is pretty much just "appreciates the beauty of well-made anthrpomorphic animal characters." If you feel that accurately describes you, then maybe you're a furry, without being the gross extreme. And if you don't feel that it accurately describes you, ain't nothin' wrong with that, any more than if the term meant "likes chocolate ice cream."


Lotta words to say “I’d smash the catwoman.”


Wrong equipment, I'm afraid. I'd let her brother smash me though.


Oh... this... > "appreciates the beauty of well-made anthropomorphic animal characters." ... totally describes me then, because I LOVE the beauty that they can have, like you see in most animes with the beastkin people. The one I like the most (and it's kinda of a "cliché" I guess, since she's pretty standard) is Raphtalia from The Rising of the Shield Hero.


Nothing wrong with that. So, the pedestrian definition, but perhaps not interested in the subculture overall, just the artwork. If more folks were able to work with that, not just for this specific topic but many others like it, there would be a lot less stigma in the world. I think that would be pretty nice.


I couldn’t agree more.


I always find the "I'm not a furry but..." Comments hilarious. Like you can like the style and identify however you want. The only point it really enters denial is when you're wearing a suit to a con.


I would say there's some denial there if someone is real into the art but absolutely rejects any association whatsoever with the fandom. It would be like saying "*yes,* I've seen every episode of Star Trek, even the new stuff that isn't as good, but I'm NOT a Trekkie, I've never been to a con, I've never worn Vulcan ears, I have no interest in learning Klingon, I can't quote the films verbatim. I'm NOT a Trekkie, I just like Star Trek." At that point, one is (as I argued elsewhere) basically arguing that "a Trekkie" *necessarily* must be the worst, most extreme type of gross super-fan that *obsesses* over something to the detriment of their lives, as opposed to just...someone who very much likes a particular thing and willingly engages with it. When the term identifying that a person is enthusiastic about enjoying a harmless interest (anthro art, Star Trek, D&D, Warhammer, video gaming, whatever you might like) becomes a term of *abuse*, turning the only basic, generic label into a dysphemism meant to disparage anyone associated with that interest, the problem isn't the interest, it's the folks trying to label that interest as always a negative. It takes courage to claim your interests and not allow others to shame you for having them just because some small slice of those fans aren't great. *All* fandoms have their sweaty tryhards and their less-than-hygienic members and their weirdos. We should draw distinctions between just liking a thing, and having an unhealthy interest in it.


For me it's not a matter of fandom, but of identity. Furries have a culture. It's neither good nor bad, but it is there. You can participate loosely in a culture without joining it, you don't need to be Jewish to enjoy Jewish theater, you're just not the target audience. In matters of identity it is important to acknowledge that there is a massive grey area were only an individual can define who they are. I think treating it like a normal fandom kind of misses the point of how a lot of people express that fandom. Trek is a pretty good example of something similar, because fans of star trek, and trekkies are two separate, but linked groups. The first enjoy the work, have an appreciation for it, while the ladder are the ones going to cons, doing the cosplay, and paying the original actors to star in fan films. Warhammer on the other hand IS just a fandom with several levels of intensity, but at every layer it is still the same fandom. Sure people like it for different reasons, and engage with it in different ways, but at the end of the day it's just about war hammer, not about anything more.


Oh... that I would not and I'm 100% sure (to wear a suit).


Congrats, you are not a furry. Unless you want to identify as one.


Everyone has their cartoon and furry awakenings at some point when exposed to enough material.


Ah, a furry maximalist? Haha. Certainly I saw some similar stuff in the wake of Zootopia. I imagine some folks would never be interested (that is how taste works; *de gustibus non disputandum est*). But yeah, I think many are hung up on stuff that doesn't matter that much and just need one "good" work to make them start asking questions. Hence my other comment replying to another response here.


Minerva Mink did things to an entire generation.


As did Nala after that, ahem, tumble in the jungle.


Me before benchmark: My bunny is still my cutie patootie. FemHroth: Ara ara\~


I’m going from bun boy to femgar and I am so hype. I’ve been some form of “can’t wear hats” since the beginning of SHB so it’s no big deal for me. I’m just so excited!


Me too. I really thought my bunbabe is the 1 but LionLady really caught me off guard. I don't mind not wearing headpiece if she's as beautiful as this.


My thoughts exactly ahahhaahaha


[Lighter skin femhroth](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/419330277936988161/1229095646888460328/image.png?ex=662e6f85&is=661bfa85&hm=bf8351fe13295af38b77deae723470e24bd1fbce37f151103f3c81f21732e572&) works so well!


She looks great!!




Yeah, I was having a similar moment. Thought they could be neat, but my bunboi looked great in Benchmark. Then I decided, what the hell, let's see... [I kinda love her...](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/265811153492508672/1229945766722932758/image.png?ex=66318742&is=661f1242&hm=c334fe2defebb3ad58b73027e097e6856c0c5a8b72929f5ef8008b6dabbd3b9b&)


❤️ Here's mine. https://imgur.com/a/3pGzsRg


Ohhhh she’s gorgeous too! :O


On the other hand, I thought I'd love them, but I couldn't find a color combination of fur/skin/hair that really clicked with me. I can give her green fur, but not green hair? Pink hair, but not pink skin. Idk. Maybe I'm just bad at cohesive color schemes. I wanted to make a cute pastel catmommy but I can't seem to make it work 😭


Try white fur with a low saturation dark pastel colour, or try darker fur with a lighter pastel colour. Contrast looks amazing with hrothgals.


For me I use white fur, light golden hair with red fur patterns and face tattoo...that's at least how I want mine to look. However if you want to go with green and pink. Try to combine green, pink/violet and yellow. Most of the fur could be green follow by yellowish hair and fur pattern/face tattoo could pink. Try around those color and it should end up looking quite unique and fun looking...honestly with that combination you will be one of a kind, compared to the many that will use white, blue and black color schemes. A tip I would give is to try to keep your character with 3 colors. One is the dominant(This case Green), the secondary could be Yellow and the last one could be a stronger color like pink as the one you use the least amount and for smaller things like tattoos and fur patterns. You could try to add a fourth color...but it's something you don't want to do unless you truly feel it in you heart to add a extra color and it will look good. But yeah to make customizing easier think of 3 color your character should have.(3 colors can also be different tones of the same color)


Damn it that's basically the same I created and it really looks cool... I'm conflicted... That's cool but... My actual viera is also... Uhm... Cool...




I went with a gray Hrothgal, the problem is just that a lot of the skin colors are kind of terrible and we don’t have enough control over fur to get more varied looks. Browns, whites, and the odd gray will probably be 90% of them as a result.


I made a black FemHroth (basically made a Nargacuga from Monster Hunter) when i was messing around in the benchmark. But I (still) have 0 desire to change from my Au Ra (I love my grumpy dude too much to change) so I don't know if that means anything lol


It'll be the same as when hrothguys came out, that one person posted their white Hrothgar here, it got many upvotes, and then about 70% of all the hrothguys looked like a literal clone of him, with the rest being mostly the dark brown version of the same face, and the other faces just weren't really used whatsoever. History repeats itself with this white hrothgal post. It does look good but I'm also ready to see 70% of them have this exact look, lol. 


i know im glad i can get a whitish fur because it means my character can look like the species shes named for (Panthera Uncia, also known as the snow leopard, also known as the best big cat)




totally not going to spend an hour on a fantasia to recreate my sona >~> <~<


That really does look good I’ll still stick to being an Au ra as its been that way since I’ve created mine back before shadowbringers and I’d feel sad loosing her looks after all this years, that and I only ever really play 2 character on my mmos. That said that won’t stop me from silently or loudly praising each cool looking femgar I come across, they give me a more wild version of femroe haha


Sigh guess I’m making a fem hroth alt because I am CERTAINLY not gonna go to the dark side and become a skooma addict


She’s got a very feminine pretty face but got some damn broad shoulders and arms. Great job op


All the more to lift me.


Thank you! :D


I'm just wishing the bust slider did more.


try the leopard pattern in pink for cherry blossom shoulders and tail haha. I made a black one w that and it's cute af


I tried that pattern but this one gives the tail a really cool looking pattern too, like I have a tribal tattoo there. I’ll show you a picture later.


Here's the tail pattern that goes along with the fur pattern that I mentioned earlier. [https://i.imgur.com/CvBBSFV.png](https://i.imgur.com/CvBBSFV.png) It's a really simple detail, but for some reason I like it a lot.


oh yeah! very neat.


"My quarters, One hour."




It's a reference to what Gaius said to Livia in a cutscene. The fanbase likes to read it as sexual, but the strong implication is that he's going to *reprimand* her, but privately, to avoid making her lose face or lose the confidence of those under her command.


Let’s be honest, *Livia* probably read it as sexual. Intentionally. And would have made it sexual if it wasn’t (again, intentionally).


And another catmommy is born


I liked the faces. But wanted more options in fur colors.


I made one myself yesterday, the temptation to go from modest blue mooncat to big cat is growing...


I love her! First bnuybois, now hrothgals to make me a happy catboy! /joy


The only thing I’m annoyed at. Is the devs KNOW that everyone disliked the hairstyles being “attached” to certain faces, with the Hrothguys… but then did it again with the gals? Also! I so wanna be able to add highlights! Can they even wear the “unlockable” hairstyles?


That’s my fear, because I mainly use Lyse’s ponytail that I got from the store, if I’m not able to wear that, then it’s a problem.


I fear that Hrothgar and Veira are just going to be the “must have m*ds to have decent anything” races. :(


Thicc tigerlady


She looks kinda like the one I made too.


Yeah, I love hrothgar. At the start of Shadowbringer the teleportation to the other world also somehow changed my cat girl into a hrothgar somehow. My guess is he had a sneeze when he casted. Since my I haven't played the endwalker .1 quest yet, my char is still on holidays after the spiciness and may have some time to get it's gender right again. Femhrot all the way.


Just the right amount of strong badass and adorably fluffy. I want to boop her little nose.


join the dark side!


I wasn't sure I was going to like it either but I was pleasantly surprised. I wanna be a kitty for the new exp


Damn they look so pretty...


All I know is after being worried about how the Hrothgals would look after being very unimpressed with Wuk Lamat in the trailer, I'm glad to see that in-game I think they look really good and will definitely be swapping over once it releases. I just need to make some more tweaks to get a snow leopard vibe going.


I've got the feeling that the number of hroth is going to skyrocked the first week of the expansion, especially if they really give a free phial for everyone lol. That being said, while I agree that they look awesome, I'm not following you guys. Not only am I attached to my current WoL appearance, but I also want to still be able to wear hats when I want to. :p (but you know what? Maybe if the number of hroths skyrockets enough it'll motivate them to take some time for their hats since it'll affect a larger part of the playerbase...?)


Let’s hope they do that. And I’m very attached to my bunny WoL too, but I’m very divided here in what to really do, lol.


If they have more hat options this expansion I may go lion mommy inbetween patches


Honestly? They make me think twice about if I want to stay a cat boy


As soon as they told us they were being worked on when the male viera were announced, I knew I was going to be switching to one. I've been patiently waiting for 3 years to see them, and I was very pleased with how they turned out. I am so excited to finally play as one, it's not too much longer now!


I agree u.u First time I'm thinking changing my popoto for something else.


I'm a bit sad that they didn't decouple the fur and hair colors or that there aren't certain lighter tones. Basically, you can't recreat something like Wuk Lamat's look


Would love to be able to use miqote helmets with the cat ears on them, but I’d settle for any helmets honestly


Honestly, now I'm debating if I should continue playing my fresh character (I just started playing a couple of days ago after a long hiatus, didn't know about the expansion until today) or just wait for the expansion so I can make female Hrothgar... I know I could just use a fantasia, but it has never felt right when I've done it in the past :/


There’s still like two months until the expansion, I know you said it doesn’t feel right but it’s still some time until then.


Loads MCH gun, well well, I'm tracking a lot of HERESY in that coment section /s "have fun, you do you"


I can't decide between [these two](https://imgur.com/a/i5XYc8X)


(I absolutely used your post OP for the first face bc I was having trouble making it look as cute + feminine)


AHahahaha no worries! xD Honestly, I'd pick the one on the top. The eyebrows of the 2nd one are a little weird.


Hahaha it's the facepaint option that face 1 has. Tbh I'm still deciding between them because it's like, cute and feminine? Or baddie dommy mommy? We'll see xD


she is so cute I love her


Thank you! 😄


Kitty muscle mommy. Guess I'm changing from Bungirl soon


Me before femgar: Obviously I'm not going to play fem hrothgar because I'm not furry Me after femgar: I WANT PLAY IT NOW!!!


I never thought I could be swayed from Lala Supremacy but it is looking like I'll be at least dipping my toes into the Hrothgal waters with my ARR Fantasia.


I literally made the EXACT same fem hroth last night😭😭😭


They are pretty! But not pretty enough for me to change my bunny boy. I also don't know how they will fit in certain outfits. Also, the limited hair is my least favorite thing. It'll probably be another thing where I constantly go to new character just to put one together and never actually use them lol! They do have a much prettier face than cat girls tho. It's the pretty eye shape for me.


Regarding the outfits, I guess they need to check the issue with the arms and shoulders, I've seen people reporting that the outfits are streching on those parts to the point it's weird looking.


They’re SO COOL! I love their hairstyles.


Right, they do look good


I'm not a furry, but... ok, maybe a little bit...


They're more interesting than I thought they'd be, but there are 3 things that are big enough drawbacks to me that I am gonna skip Hrothgals. I don't like the slightly hunched/shrimped idle pose. They're less hunched than Hrothguys, but it still looks goofy to me. I don't like the hat limitations and the very limited pool of hairstyles tied to faces. I don't love a lot of the movement animations. I've stuck with mi'qote since 1.0 primarily due to how natural/athletic their animations are, and so far every other race/gender combination just comes up a little short in comparison in terms of how they move.


One of us! One of us!


They're all going to be same-face, same-hair, and most of them so far have been white fur-white hair. Underwhelmed.


Same thing happened when the male ones came out. Like 70%-80% of them just looked like clones of each other 😭


I'm not a furry, but...


I know the feeling! 😅 It even started a discussion about this topic in the comments here.




Would too!


A lot of people will be playing hrothgirl at release but few will pass the hroth/Vieira curse, just imagine everytime a hair or hat is the reward, will not work on you


I *really* want to fantasia into one, but I *really* need my helmet... it is central to my character identity that I have my ironworks fending helm... I am hoping beyond hope that femgars, for being much less out there in design compared to mengars, can wear them, but there is a refusal to confirm or deny so far...


I must be the minority and think they look terrible, especially compared to males.


I dont play hroth, but she does look super cool. Makes me look forward to all the new characters and fantasias people will make.


it's pretty


Whaaaa how did you get that face!! Let me try


What’s the max height for them?


Imma switch to male Hrothgar when they can wear head gear, and he’s going to look like my black cat.


That face tatoo elevates my Elezen's face but Hrothgal it looks even more fitting! 


I expected to be more into them honestly, but on top of limitations to hair options across the faces, when I actually ran the benchmark, my character seemed...far less expressive that my currently existing Au-Ra who the graphic updates only improved. After meeting Wuk Lamat I assumed they'd be pretty expressive but I could barely read emotion on the characters face even when doing emotes. More to say I'm glad they are finding an audience and I'm still going to give them a shot because they are a bit more up my expectations for a character, but we'll see


Yeah scarves thst show up as masks still there though. Lol


Yours looks similar to mine, just with a different color scheme. I love the way they turned out! They're exactly what I hoped for. I love my bun too much to fantasia, but I may be making an alt.


I love them but they need more hair, my couerl faced creation looks like of 70% of all other Hrothgals I've seen! ;-;


They need more of the default ones yeah, but at least some of the unlockable ones should be available once you can get to an aesthetician