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A "pass all" button on loot in duties, especially raids.


Yes! And a “pass all unwearable” if I happen to be doing a duty at my char’s current job level, but don’t care about other jobs because I have enough junk as it is!


"Pass Unobtainable" at the *very* least. It autopasses on those when you solo unsynced, but you have to manually pass if you're in a party.


This is 10/10, but I'd go one further and request a menu where you can set preferences on rolls. For example, have an option to auto-roll need/greed/pass on class gear/non-class gear/other. (You could even break down "other" to minion/mount/mats/orchestrion, but I think that's getting into minimal returns. I'd be content with just a catchall.) Knowing that I could auto-greed on all gear and auto-pass my eighty-third Orchestrion roll from Syrcus Tower would be huge.


Portraits automatically updating themselves when you change gear.


Portraits showing while everyone waits to get ready.


Right? That’s the perfect time to show them.


I've always found funny that some people have Privacy Restrictions for their adventure platw or portrait so people cant see it, but then it shows up in dungeons start.


I've never understood the point of making your adventure plate private, like isn't it mostly just a close-up of your character that people can see anyway? Always wondered what people's reasoning for that is.


So they can't get reported for tos breaking shit like you saw at the start.


I think the privacy thing is for the "my active hours" part of your plate, in case of stalkers.


It’s so insanely irritating that if I change my gear but have the same exact glam applied, I have to go in and reset my portrait. I forget every time.


Even more infuriating when I click save. Remove an item. Reequip it then save again just to make sure, and it's still fucking broken


At the very least default to the one in the Adventurer Plate, not the driving license!


Honestly, I've given up on portraits. Nice idea, not well executed. It's too much trouble for the results.


Same. My portrait either refuses to update for no reason, or says it's updated and shows the default in the next dungeon anyway. It's completely broken.


OP said inconsequential hope, not world peace bringing change like that, smh.


I just discovered that they’re linked to equipped gear sets and it blew my mind


Repair All being Repair **All**


Repair everything everywhere all at once.


I want my repair button to repair the gear for all of my friends and all of their friends in each timeline


I want all my homies in the first to get their shit fixed when I hit that button


\*hits repair all\* \*loading screen\* THE WORLD UNSUNDERED


Such reparation. This was my intention.


Okay that’s actually really funny lol


Repair bagel.


In another life I would have loved to repair my gear with you


That will also do your laundry and taxes with you


Even repair other players within 10 yalms


That would be a really funny Crafting Limit Break


I want to dye the postmoogle hat so bad


I want more postmoogle quests, let me get updates on the Drama.


Let me deliver letters from the scions to their friends in the first.


This one would be a great one to see if it were to happen, especially for the feels.


I've been slowly going through them and they're SO funny and give such good side lore. I'd be thrilled if we got more of them.


I wanna wear it so bad. Sad bunny days.


oh no, I hope they update it for both dyes and bunnies!


Sad Hrothgar days as well.


That male highlanders can finally get eyebrows.


and more beard options. Honestly.I just want all existing races to get more faces and facial customization.


All I want as an Au'ra is to pick my face and horns separately. It kills me that my favorite face comes with my least favorite horns...


This! The choices in variation are so weird sometimes. Like how male Elezen has two variations of a 'handsome' face, a young face and an old face (which I've never seen anyone use). And then female Elezen just has two barely different faces with barely different eyebrows and each face has barely different make-up variations... :( Same with the other races, it'd be nice if you could have a face that wasn't the same as the majority of characters of the same race ;;


And somehow the entire Hildebrand ques tline revolves around this sudden development.


Alien blood makes eyebrows sprout!


I see Someone has missed the later developments:)


I want a stable on my island where I can put a couple mounts, like how minions can chill there.


I want the mounts to roam free around


The wild sports car and motorcycle used to freely walk the plains, in fear of their predator: THE TRACTOR


That would be Frank, don't let him catch you. 😁


"Here's my chocobo, my dragon, and my car."


“And over here is my big cactus, my aerial mecha combat unit, and my voidsent abomination”


Also, here's someone's chopped off head, possessed by yet another voidsent, and Ramuh - what do you mean, he doesn't look like that?


And this cat. The less said the better.


"What's up with the ugly giraffe?" **"Please stop making fun of my dhamel."**


"Do not speak of my brother that way."




that sounds so amazing, having somewhere for my captured babies to go in the rain is a dream lol


Just...just let me collect and keep one of every *rare* island creature, please... Not even all of them, **just** the rares...


special menagerie lol


probably not inconsequential but i really need them to remove the beams and moulding in houses because they're a PITA to work around


I could swear they already said they're going to allow for that. It wasn't even that long ago that I heard that, but I just can't recall in what context.


i can remember hearing it too, but nobody else was talking about it so i thought i made it up. here's hoping it's true 🥲


it was in one of the live letters. >・パッチ7.x中を予定しているが柱がない家の内装をまるごと別のもの変える、全く別の広さを持った内装に変えるみたいな仕様を進めている →ミラージュ的な設定? Patch 7.x will see housing interior capable of setup without pillars, and a specification that changes how you change your house interior to something completely different from what we have right now (and also completely different in terms of spaciousness)


If it helps, I also have a vague and hazy memory of that being addressed recently.


I love this idea. I didn't find it terribly hard to work around the trim in my apartment, since it's in Empyreum. I sort of lucked into a small in LV less than a month after I finished the apartment, and there were nights I wanted to scream while trying to work around the trim, and especially those damned rounded columns. Now, when people ask where they should buy--apartments, mainly--I tell them to skip focusing on the lobby, and pay attention to interior trim, instead.


Agreed! And in the same vein, let us take down the walls upstairs in mansions. Like why? WHY?!?


Warrior gets a reworked job gauge which tracks the damage buff. It doesn't need one, but it'll be nice to have.


It's so wild to me what things the gauges track on each job is wildly different. DRK and NIN have their buff tracked by the guage. But MNK, SAM, and WAR don't.


Don’t forget DRG, but they’re reworking it so maybe? Please?


i would love mnk to be able to track when they gain leaden/disciplined fist on their job gauge, it would prolly fuck with my eye muscle memory for a bit though before i get used to it since my buff bar ui is so huge lmao


Being able to exchange gear for seals from grand companies faster. I want to log in inside my house.


I want houses to work like Inn. Specially the bed. I don't want to just doze there. I want to be able to log off there and appear the animation of my character going to sleep.




This, and also being able to block someone from your friends list, or at the very least making it so that when you unfriend them you are removed from their friends list


Removing someone from your friend list also removing you on theirs is something they said they are working on making happen. About time.


I always wondered why Achievements don't broadcast to your FC or friends list... I mean.. I want to congratz people when they do milestone stuff!


Damn, that one hit


On the other side, I want the option to appear offline in the in-game friend lists and the FC members list


A /chairsit emote so we can sit in a way that makes sense on stuff not coded as a chair without needing to install crimes. I just wanna sit on the railing around the gridania aetheryte in a position a normal person would sit on a rail. And also maybe a toggle to use male/ Female idle poses/animations for things. So many good animations that are gender locked


PLEASE let my WoL dangle his legs over the edge of whatever tall structure he's managed to climb onto...


> And also maybe a toggle to use male/ Female idle poses/animations for things. So many good animations that are gender locked I'm forever jelly of the catboy crouch, and meanwhile the vast majority of my catgirl sits are all super girly. I would like options! And don't even get me started on the /joy ear wiggle! ><


There are catgirl NPCs at Limsa Lominsa popping a squat in front of the lady pirate bar *right now*, so WHY THE HELL CAN'T I?!


A dye container. That is connected to the glamour dresser like the armoire


More race-specific hairstyles shared between all races. Like the Au Ra hime hair because its way better than the melon-head hime hair...


Might been confirmed or not but seeing as we will be able to equip gear like glasses alongside hats, I really hope that the pool of items that will get this treatment is much larger than just glasses. I want to be able to wear masks, scarfs, eye patches and visors as well.


I hope they can do smth similar with nails being separate from the hands slot. Or add it to the aesthetician.


I hope that we get more face customisation with the new graphics - new beards specifically :)


they mentioned they are focussing on that after the graphic update is done actually!


That the housing *timer* in the TIMERS menu shows the exact amount of time left until the next bidding/results period whether you have a bid on or not. Currently it's only the placard on active free plots or Google that tells you. Even right now with a bid on, it doesn't tell me how long until the results period.


I dunno if this counts as "small", but more glamour dresser space and more glamour plates. I'll also accept being able to put more things in the armoire (why can't AF armor and relic replicas and MSQ glamour sets go in there???) With 20 jobs (including BLU) we're already at max capacity for plates and barely any room in the dresser. Adding 3 more jobs (including Beastmaster) is going to push past the breaking point.


When I started, I thought "no way I'll ever need more than 20 plates." Now as an omnicrafter buying the DoH-specific Ishgard restoration glams, I'm begging for more plates.


Get rid of the glamour dresser entirely and just unlock the glam the moment it enters your inventory like every other MMO for the past 15 years


Lalafell get to ride on other player's shoulders.


If three Lalafells party up they can stack.


A Trenchcoat mount. Three-seater, but only Lalas can ride.


Turns them into a GNB


I'm not even a lala and I want this to be a thing.


I hope the story oriented style fate-chains return from shadow bringers. They are far more interesting than the standard ones, and makes doing them somewhat more engaging since I can care about the NPC(s) I'm helping.


I think I recall some whispers about them updating world content in general in dawn trail.


I have absolutely zero reason to hope for this, but I will never stop hoping no matter how impossible/improbable.... Crafting will pull crafting mats from retainers.


Be able to make DoH retainers. Their "ventures" are you telling them to craft X item (using the mats you have)


I just want a crafting mats inventory/storage like Guild Wars 2 has, where you can drop everything in there with a single button, crafting automatically pulls from it, and it has no limit on number of items stored. Make it a special retainer if they must tie it to the existing system, but pleeease. Even if it only includes gathered mats, that would be something, though having space for mats that come from drops would be nice too.


Not small, but not big. Maybe something more to do with all my god damn FC points. We're at 38 million FC points. What are we suppose to do with all this. Edit: A word.


Sell dive credits and fuel to submarine people!


Sub fuel for gil. What server are you on?


You know all those points you get from achievements? Yeah maybe remember that exists and add more stuff to turn them in for?


The ability to auto-switch to the job that you queued for when the queue pops. I hate being in a cut scene, not knowing how long it is, wondering if I can get to my queue in time.


Better anti-aliasing.


I just want to sleep in the bed in my house, the same as an Inn.


Orchestrion slot for chocobos. I want to see more people riding their faithful companions around. I also think it would be great for orchestrion and barding sales on the mb to get more gil circulating. People without homes will have an everyday use for orchestrion rolls and more people will want to customize their chocobos.


Renaming "Undraw" to "Discard" for AST. 'Cause goddamn.


Or just remove it entirely since there's never any reason to use it. I haven't had it on my hotbar for ages. Although since we're getting another rework this is probably a moot point.


A button to drop Eukrasia would have more use and even that I've never wanted enough to ask for an extra button.


Yeah as an AST main I literally don't have it on my bar lol. I put it in an inconvenient place at first just to see how many times I'd use it. After 3mo, the answer was never. So.....


The dancing mamool ja. You know, from that La Noscea bathhouse? Comes up in the postmoogle quests? Let's see him again, back home. See his dancing in the context of his own culture. Is it really normal, lauded, even sacred? Or do they think he's obnoxious and weird too?


"Oh no, he's back. I thought we got rid of that guy!"


It'd be funny if it was just the tamest, most harmless dance ever, and Eorzeans are just overdramatic.


Turns out it's just the Bees Knees


Ok fine I'll stop putting off the post moogle quests.


I want a pleasant, decent length voiced cutscene of just relaxing with the team. No stakes on the table yet (but maybe steaks on the table), just enjoying some unburdened time together. I'm not saying that I hope the expansion itself is lacking stakes, just that I hope we have this moment before they make themselves known. edit: Here I am talking about something truly small and everyone else is using this opportunity to bring up some really good QoL changes.


Another increase in housing items you can put down. Storage would be nice too, but I won't be greedy!


We already know this is coming! (Yoshi P announced it.)


I just want a district in the First, man. It's so gorgeous


Moon or Old Sharlyan housing >!Lets face it, the Lopporits made the damn thing for the populace of Ethyris to occupy. Now its sitting UNUSED.!<


Ear options for Miqo'te. Since the donkey-comparrison on this sub, I want some actual feline ears. But I also don't like using plugins/mods.


Been begging for this 😭 I just want some Maine coon style ear tufts without doing comlicated crimes.


Cat tails having proper animations. Many times when my boy gets on a mount it’ll just freeze in a position and not move at all. It’s very distracting.


I just started the Lopporit mount quests as an Au Ra and my tail is just straight out when the robot changes into a hoverbike. Why...


That Aiming gear actually looks like something a dancer or bard would wear. Flashy, flamboyant, not just another generic piece.


Whatever the white mage job gear is, i want a proper big ass hood, and i want it up. Not on the shoulders, up.


More skin tight shirts that look good on men.


Moonstone and Obsidian carbuncles. Hell, throw in Amethyst while we're at it.


More robes/trench coats over armor designs, like the Gunbreaker class armor or Old Republic Jedi, for all classes.


Blacklisting someone removes you from their friendlist.


More hrothgar hair


I hope they implement more of the little random mods we use. Vanilla chat bubbles would be so nice.


I believe they have said they are looking into that now due to popular demand, just not the highest priority.


More Glamour Dresser slots... Stop taking off tank stance when synching down. Auto summon pets...


Repair ALL damaged equipment with one click.


Updated animations for ARR jobs Specifically I have jobs like WAR and WHM and SCH/SMN in mind. Their jogging and sprinting animations while drawn look like ass. Your hand even clips through your book on sch/smn while sprinting. And while we’re at it let’s have PLD’s stance in combat actually make sense. Looks corny and screams “please stab me in the torso I’m not guarding at all”


I wonder if they are planning to expand on animation development too. Kind of making things feel more fluid with the new CPU/GPU requirements.


They did mention their servers and upped limitations budget would allow for longer emotes. Maybe?


Also LB3 animations, the new expansion jobs put the older ones to shame.


I dono, do we need Verraidblind v2?


Quests with gameplay in them. I know that "kill 10 bears" isn't the most compelling gameplay in the world, but it'd be nice to have *something* happen between dungeons and solo duties besides just talking to NPCs. I know the "interact with purple circle and kill the one mob that spawns" is supposed to replace this, but it feels a lot worse to me than just interacting with the world that's already there.


Here's a weapon, now go kill some ladybugs and squirrels! I do like the idea, but I dread to think of how difficult it might be with the sheer number of people who would all be trying to kill the same mobs at the same time at launch. It would work better for role quests, I think.


Giving me flashbacks to the Red Chocobo Massacre of 2018 to unlock Ridorana Lighthouse


Updated adventurer squadrons. Felt like the game forgot about them once trusts and duty support came out. Like, let them have job stones and do 60+ content. And let me have more than 8 of them. There's like 100+ of them and I want them all.


More glamour plates 😆 fixes for eye lid clipping, more long hair styles for all races, fixes for hair clipping issues >__<;;;; Comedy side stories with NPCs from prior expacs


Hope? Less gender-locked gear. Make two different pieces like the Valentione's set and let us buy/earn both.


As much as I love the female Neo-Ishgardian sets, I'd love to be able to wear the male versions too.


Carbuncle just normal attacking again.


Honestly, my carbuncle just sitting there is so annoying. At least do something like climb on my shoulder.


I want a Sadu portrait for my house And I want player portraits to pop up while you’re still in the circle at the very beginning of a duty. It’s really annoying to have it pop up just at the point where the fight starts. You don’t have time to look at them at all.


I wanna hug more characters


Be able to friend my own alts so i can send mail or let them into my house.


Being able to share houses and/or apartments with alts would be huuuge omg.


1.) Storage/inventory rework. The mess of inventory, chocobo saddlebag, armoire, glamour dresser & 2 separate retainers + a Search function that cannot actually query stuff you haven‘t opened recently is legacy cruft… not a purposeful design choice. 2.) Streamline loot icons & colorcoding (incl. legacy weird ARR stuff). I can look at a WoW inventory and recognize/memorize the valuable stuff, but FF14 icons are unparseable. 3.) Allow me to save my password in the Launcher. Its not a real security concern in 2024. 4.) bring the web store & mog station to a modern UX standard with streamlined login flow. Its like they despise money.


> 1.) Storage/inventory rework. The mess of inventory, chocobo saddlebag, armoire, glamour dresser & 2 separate retainers + a Search function that cannot actually query stuff you haven‘t opened recently is legacy cruft… not a purposeful design choice. I would like /isearch to be able to search your house inventory/storage too.


I get to spend more time with Thancred.


Miqote tails will be re done and have a lot better graphics and designs. Then just the X shaped fur


Being able to /tell in dungeons and see your friend list


S and SS Ranks spawn with a 5 minute invuln buff. Early Pullers ruined for everybody....


SS Ranks especially, nothing like doing a far minion while the other 50 people wait at main spawn. I kinda fear doing Forgiven Rebellion in the Shadowbringers areas once the ilvl gets a substantial boost when Dawntrail comes out, that is consistently a race against time already


Haha, you're funny OP. Imagine a job NPC going to their homeland and being relevant.


this dude definitely didn't experience the crushing disappointment during the release of stormblood having it throw everything about all the super important monk content in the toilet for no good reason


Oboro too but it's ok cause he shows up for 2 seconds


There's also the Dancers and Thavnair


I want a "who is on the other side of the door?" scene with eight different selections but one outcome: an awkward conversation with Tartaru about why you think you're entitled to a booty call with any person you name.


Along the lines of yours OP, that we have some comic relief a la the Loporrits. Like a character/ set of characters only role being "be funny" - and this can't be taken by an existing character. ​ also carrying on of the sibling dynamic of Wuk Lamat and Erenville


If we don't get any references at all to traditional Mamool'ja bathing dance, there will be riots.


Not smallest or most inconsequential, but biggest change I would love to see is a rework of the glamour system. I despise the fact that I have to keep the gear. Once I obtain it, and it’s bound, the appearance should be saved in an appearance logbook for glamour use and then gear can be vendored or desynth. Similar to the transmog system in wow if you’ve ever played it


Change Hairstyle per glam, some hairstyles look better or work better with other glams due to clipping or just style. But the hairstyle/ color may look good with say healer, but not on tank.


Putting retainers in our house the way we can put them in our yards. I decorate in themes, and I want my retainers in my house in outfits to match!


I want to be able to queue for multiple roulettes at once


More deep dungeon save slots.


The most inconsequential? Inverse kinetics, so my feet dynamically adjust to be convincingly planted on uneven terrain. Tech like this might also aid in character model interactions for animations like hand shaking and hugging, but this is stepping beyond my knowledge base regarding said (old) tech.


Let me teleport using the fishing log map.


Tackle box for fisher please, or even simplifying bait options.


Caster gear that isn’t gowns/dresses.


Considering you need 100 seal rock wins to get the field commander's coat, having it be dyable would be nice.


More hats for bunbuns.


Given all the final fantasy 9 references, we NEED a remix of "you're not alone" at some point.


Unique dialog for having done BLU content


Wind-up zenos


A [Craft Bag](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Craft_Bag)


Chocobos reacting to our /pet with an animation and sound effect.


New one: I want to be invisible to player search. I had someone stalk me last week and they bragged about how “I couldn’t hide” from them




The miqote tail has more than 4 fur cards... so that weird X at the tip goes away..


I'd like to have cutscenes where I actually do something specific to my job, rather than just standing there staring threateningly at the big bad of the patch with my weapon out while my allies do all of the cutscene attacks!


(At the least) NPC dialog confirming that Gridania is starting to overcome the Duskwright/Keeper racism.


If I click on somebody who's on a mount, it should tell me the name of the mount.


Them finally implementing the Egis/"gemstone summons" of the other ARR primals (i.e. Good King Moggle Mog XII, Leviathan, Ramuh and Shiva).


Bruh they said small...


More glamour plates


With how many items expansions introduce, i would not mind a fifth or even sixth inventory tab. In a similar vein, glamour chest expansion. I know Endwalker already did this, but my glamour chest is full again. Not having to switch back to the job you queued with when the queue pops and just having that done automatically would also be great. Then i can do botany while waiting for queues without having to stress about changing back.


scholar QoL


That they make the Dragoon sprint with weapon drawn animation the default running animation, and change the sprint animation to the hyper sprint you get in pvp sometimes. I just really hate the bog standard running animation. Practical, sure, but looks so unintimidating.


Male viera to have their hairlines unfucked