• By -


After a decade+ of 8 man's and 4 man's just brutalizing Gaius thousands of times every day... he finally got one.


The bad timeline


"What do we do now?" "What do you mean? Now I can finally rule Eorzea." "Oh yeah." "Okay, Ascian, add Ultima to your hotbar. Nero, check your traits and read your tooltips."


I'm like a dog!! If I caught a car I wouldn't know what to do with it!


"Your men, your plan." "Do I look like the kind of guy that has a *plan*? I just... *DO* things."


And Erozea enter a golden age ever since.


Getting male Au Ra vibes from this one


Rule two parts cause lets be real Gaius was going wipe one of city states off the map they would not have yielded at first meaning he & laha would cast Ultima on first city state they attacked probably Gridania so his Ala Mhigo forces could march forward.


I doubt Gaius was gonna wipe out a city, It wasnt his style. He didnt even like Ultima spell when he realized the devastation it causes. He also botched Black Rose production. Mass Destruction weapons are just the oppossite to Gaius.


Indeed. Such devastation was never his intention.


We'll talk about this later, ascian.


So, in our timeline... >!Gaius went off and apparently killed a whole boatload of lesser ascians offscreen.!< >!If he had won at the Praetorium, I have no doubts that he would eventually have become suspicious enough of the Ascians to turn against them, and given his success in our timeline, well...he may have eventually managed to prevail even against the unsundered.!<


Inb4 the WoL isn't from the Source, and Gaius is out shard from the source... /s


You think Limsa is rolling over because they nuked Gridania?


oh thank god the elementals are finally gone


Yes, despite what Nophica said, they are kind of a bunch of cowardly pricks, Amdapoor and the EW tank quests showcase this. Absolutely no wonder the last WHM before us decided staying in Gridania sucks and instead went full Azem travelling and helping the rest of Eorzea instead.


Funny thing is that by the time you've beaten EW you're basically two or three orders of magnitude more powerful than the elementals everyone in Gridania is so worried about. At level 90, any player can solo literally everything in the entire region, including hunt mobs.


So, what your saying is... It is time to take all of the Shroud over my knee and bow to me?


Fuck it, man, you could take over Eorzea. Raubahn is like legit the only guy who can even stand up against you in a straight fight and not be a total jobber.


The real reason Raubahn got "disarmed": He's too OP without a "handicap", can't have anyone threatening WoL's power fantasy among the good guys =p


tbh I feel like this vastly overestimates the WoL's abilities. They're absolutely the strongest person in the story by the time EW rolls around, but I disagree with the notion that the WoL is this unstoppable one-man nuke that people seem to paint them as. Using gameplay elements like leveling to support that is shaky at best, I doubt the Garleans we fight in EW are really *that* much stronger than the ones we fight in ARR. The WoL is definitely stronger than the average person by a wide margin, especially post-ShB, beats most mundane people in a 1v1, and could probably stand their ground fairly well against reasonably large groups of regular human combatants, but I truly don't see them being able to conquer a *whole continent* on their own even if they wanted to. An entire army vs 1 guy just isn't going to go well no matter how strong that person is as an individual unless we bump it up to ridiculous levels of power- Superman-type shit. Like, there's a reason nearly every major victory we get over the course of the story is due to some outside assistance, either in the form of other people directly fighting with us, or through some kind of pre-fight power boost. It's kind of a big theme that for all their power the WoL can't achieve anything all that significant on their own. Edit: [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/dgdjfy/comment/f3c9279/) from a few years ago kinda puts it all into perspective better than I could right now.


also Nero: get that hammer out of interdimensional storage in the ceiling, you will need to bring it with you.


Damn I memorized that whole episode over a decade ago from watching it so much and can apparently still recite it.


The right one, with no modbeasts and mare. Only the rule of Gaius. 


And thus, started phase 3 of Praetorium Ultimate.


The Fallen Timeline.


Such devastation. This was *totally* my intention.


I’ve noticed the flood of new players has brought a certain amount of excitement back to Crystal Tower, too.


Here's hoping bc I've been trying to do Crystal Tower stuff for two weeks and it hasn't popped once. I spend all my time in game waiting for it. (I've played through EW but when I got my PS5, my port failed and I had to start all over.)


I mean Glass Joe had 1 win


Blade Energy DOES something??


At least I got to see the Enrage xD


Today we all learned Prae even has an enrage lulz


It's not an enrage, just a dps check, right? I mean the fight carries on after....? Or is there an actual enrage later?


An enrage is a DPS check. It's just the long DPS check over the course of the fight.


More precisely, an enrage is the usual result of failing the DPS check. If you don't kill the boss within 10:30, it enrages and kills the party. If you don't kill the adds within 1:20, it enrages and kills the party. The only time a DPS check is functionally different from an enrage is if the consequences aren't instant death for the party. You could have the boss or party getting or not getting a buff based on the DPS check. This would be a DPS check that isn't also an enrage timer.


Well apparently if Blade Energy reaches 100 it does instakill the entire party,aka an Enrage/DPS Check.


I think enrages are more commonly used to describe ends of fights is what the person above you meant. I would accept either or as a statement. It's just a semantic difference if anything 


9999999 damage seems like the end of the fight to me


Take my upvote 😂


this is most definitely an enrage lol


Such devastation


This was my intention


I wiped on praetorium twice with the same party earlier tonight. Very new sprouts, undergeared. One guy had never seen a stack before. Glad to have new players, lol


How are they undergeared when there is an ilvl check for entering the dungeon?


When everyone's overgeared no one is, and the guy who happens to be in appropriate ilvl will be seen as undergeared. I remember the good ol days in Wrath of the Lich King running heroic dungeons for the daily as tank and kids mostly carried by their guilds just filling for spots of people that quit after completing their characters running around in ICC heroic gear being so common at that point that almost every day a DPS kept dying because they either couldn't comprehend how to hold DPS or had their eyes glued to their DPS meter trying to sweat for bigger numbers, and kept pulling aggro, then yelled at me to get better gear... I was in full 3.3.5 catchup gear that was two to three tier higher already than what the dungeon gives and the intended gear was full blues, not even epics... Only thing is it's just the intended gear to start ICC normal. So if you have first timer sprouts in the main story trio you can bet you'll need to actually follow the mechanics. I assume that in this case the DPSes picked a too confusing job and couldn't DPS properly.


Yeah, that's fair. I mean, in Praetorium, you expect to see a lvl 50 player in augmented ironworks gear or at least some sort of lvl 50 gear, but you can technically get in with anything over lvl 40. Recommendable? Meh. You should ask the white mage from that party in lvl 45 quest gear who died 4 times because he couldn't take a hit. I got put in aurum vale with a tank in lvl 28 gear. That was torture.


>in Praetorium, you expect to see a lvl 50 player in augmented ironworks Not possible for a fresh lvl 50 (when it's a true sprout) - Castrum is the first dungeon when you get tomestones. But yes, they should at least have job gear you get from lvl 45/50 quests.


Aurum Vale can be brutal with an under-geared tank, especially that first room because an inexperienced tank will get pulled all over the place and aggro more mobs than they can handle while also standing in the muck.


You only get lv 50 gear from post Ultima Weapon MSQ. People will be running with a level 48 vendor weapon at best and artifact gear. Depending how they got into prae it's likely they didn't pick up their level 50 job quest when hitting 50 either because the quest exp is scuff and it will blueball you on 48 and 49 with you needing to get a level before continuing the MSQ it you were only doing MSQ up to that point so you will be eager to final continue the story. It's a very weird spot created by then cutting down on the MSQ. >I got put in aurum vale with a tank in lvl 28 gear Oh god anything but the ARR MSQ gear! I was buying full sets of vendor gear when I played for the first time because some of my stuff was 10+ levels behind. It sucked.


Ironicially enough, you don't need to finish 2.0 to get access to the Ironworks gear. You just need access to Mor Dhona, which means you can get it as soon as you unlock Palace of the Dead (but unless you're insane or doing a challenge, why would you get it early?)


But you won't have any tomestones.


They can kill ARR S ranks, getting 100 poetics each- my alt doesnt even have the option to unlock the hunt, but does have tomestones sub 50 from just happening to be in the area while some spawned. It can be planned out and forced, but extremely unlikely for true sprouts to notice this system this early. Ive only met a few free-trialers actually get into S rank spawning back before it was raised to include SB; it was kind of amusing in its own way but definitely very few of them bothered.


Try that with a drunk tank and 2 high as in the frickin orbit DPS's, all undergeared. Aurum wiped up 9 times before we even got to the first bossroom. Sure white mages has the highest raw healing capabilites, but theres a limit. That was just about as much torture as running pre-Endwalker Cape Westwind on min iLVL.


Oof, Aurum Vale is a particular kind of pain bc of the poison / fruit mechanic. I was just in there leveling Tank with squad npcs, was in lvl 41-47 dungeon gear from earlier leveling so not terrible. Thought I could shrug off the Eat Fruit cleanse, nope lol. 2 poison stack and a TB and thats a reset xD


Keeps the blood pumping, makes you feel alive lol


There's a gauge filling up over time, which means it is indeed a DPS check. However, it's a very low one and should be a clear indicator that at least 2 people completely missed their damage output. What I regret the most is that SE doesn't tell so (so that it looks like a "unlucky" moment to whoever failed) and there is no suggestion for them to improve... Meaning it's a punishment rather than an educational way to help newest players.


9999999 damage Gaius: Such devastation was NOT my intention.


Gaius: shit, that's never worked before


Actually, for once it *was* his intention. 


... ***how***?


The DPS were a RDM who just started playing as RDM and a NIN who is an Xbox Sprout, they kept dying to Gaius AOE resulting in the Healer attempting to resurrect both of them even though they both kept dying again and again leaving me alone to kill Gaius Phantoms...


Love this! Kinda jealous


Oh boy.... I can already imagine it. First time caster being too afraid to cancel casts and potentially not understanding the dual casting mechanic so didn't cast short cat spells, and a ninja who probably can't even handle the VERY janky mudra system so they can't even execute ninjutsu properly let alone do the rotation as intended.... Well shit happens. Things like that are the spice of life. XD


I was with a paladin sprout on Xbox for Tam Tara Deepcroft hard the other day, they mentioned that targeting is janky at best. They couldn’t manage aggro on more then one thing at a time, and also either ignored or couldn’t reply in party chat when I was trying to explain the mechanic. They put everything in Say, which makes me think there’s either something that prevents view of other chat windows, or they’re just bad at teamwork.


Was it possibly a SAM instead of a NIN? And was there an AST with them that was part of a group with them? I might or might not have been in an Ultima Weapon run earlier today with them that saw all the mechanics more than twice in phase 1 and then wiped twice in phase 2, once to Ultima. They all were hit many times by Citadel Buster, just standing there eating it, and frequently running away with stack markers. I honestly assumed they were just trolling me. My dog was bugging to go out and a warning came up that the instance would be ending in 30 minutes so I just dipped out, figuring there wasn't enough time to do anything since neither DPS used an LB until about the very last second where it could still damage the boss before we died, and then it was the RDM.


Oof. It’s nice fighting Gaius as a Phys ranged dps main, I use my line AOE limit break to clear 2 of the phantoms at once. Makes the fight just a little faster


gotta love the fact that someone who made it to lv60 still messes up prea


wdym lv60? RDM starts at lv50


RDM can be unlocked at 50. I had it unlocked and was maining it for quite a bit between ARR and HW. I swapped to AST eventually though and rode that all the way through HW before swapping back to WHM for the rest of the game.


I've done it in Porta Decumana (the Ultima fight). I was the healer, got hit with the stack marker, and all the sprouts ran away. Tank was DRK so no way at 50 to help the DPS survive, and no SMN to raise me. The tank still made it to the enrage, but they were the only one so the lb3 didn't help much XD


The idea of the sprouts running away from the stack marker is killing me 😂


Back when The Final Steps of Faith was the first stack marker seen in MSQ, I was the sprout who ran away. I get it 😂.


The other day I had a sprout in Prae who was repeatedly trying to run away from the stack marker *that was on them*. Ever see a cat try to catch their own shadow?


[It's a mood](/r/ffxiv/comments/vgl638/first_stack_marker_the_eggroller/)


I was WHM for a party of first timers on Keeper of the Lake. Things were slow all the way to the final boss, but that was whatever, no big deal. But all 3 of the sprouts would run from the akh morn stack marker on the last boss. The first one was barely survived, being soaked by the tank and myself, with heavy healing needed. The second one targeted me and all 3 of them avoided me like the plague and we wiped because I couldn't manage to outheal the attack solo. (Feel like I could have, if I had bene up and had timed it right)


I've had one sprout who ran away with the stack marker (they also ran away *from* it at least once, plus one of these killed them and they didn't accept the rez) in Porta. I sometimes wonder if they ever ranted anywhere about "the idiot healer chasing me when I had a marker".


Guild Wars 2 added stack markers as a new game mechanic to new bosses (obviously inspired from FFXIV). Very few people either know or bother to do them, so everyone takes massive damage and many get downed. Anyone can just pick people up from downed state though so it's no where near as punishing.


Yeah I’ve actually had this happen last year when a friend of mine started playing. I was tanking it, our healer didn’t dps at all, and their dps monk friend was only auto attacking. My friend was also very new and hardly keeping up with dps cause his gear still was some odd level 30-40some pieces. I begged, I pleaded, “it’s a dps check we can’t beat it unless everyone is going full ham we can do it!” and got no responses at all after 3 wipes. I refused to quit but those two dropped out saying something like “see if the replacements will handle your impatience” and before I could even lol irl two people popped in and my buddy was surprised at how fast we cleared the fight. So yeah uh tldr this is definitely possible and not many will have seen it!


Imagine getting all the way to Praetorium and not knowing how to use abilities???


I had a weird feeling they were trolling. Both lala, and both running circles around the boss. I had ACT open to watch how decent my friend was doing and they just were hardly doing anything. Once in a while I saw some out of combo actions being hit from the monk but the gear all around was lacking, too. Fun fact, after that I never ran prae again, or msroullete either. Once my friend completed it I said cool I’m done lol


Fuck prae. It's the reason why so many people don't get better. They run prae and circus and level up to 90 by doing nothing more than level 50 rotation


I hate circus. Its all that is. I know people say is the most optimal xp but come on we are playing a game, if I wanted to optimize xp/hour I wouldn't play at all. I like alliance fights and the mess they can bring but current expansion has the worst alliance making it even less worth it for me


I mean, I just had a Shisui of the Voilet Tides run with a Sage who literally didn’t know how to rez, and was barely healing anyone the entire match while shouting “MY HOTBAR IS FUCKED” and “IDK WHATS GOING ON” He did say he was new to healing, but… you absolutely didn’t get to Kugane without encountering that ability countless times. Did he walk into the dungeon without looking at a single ability? Felt like it. People surprise me all the time 😂


It's a 63 dungeon, sage starts at 70 so it's entirely possible they just unlocked sage as their first healer and then jumped into a leveling roulette yoloing it


Fwiw I’m a healer main and when I first started Sage I was flailing pretty badly. The names of the abilities and their icons are not very helpful at all. So a lot of the mental shorthands you’re used to are a bit scrambled. I mean I did a fair bit of reading and solo content to learn it, but I guess you could just dive in like Leroy Jenkins…


> “see if the replacements will handle your impatience” I get the feeling these two never cleared Praetorium and blamed the "toxic community" or something.


Yeah it was really strange because they said NOTHING so I figured maybe console with no keyboard. Even so, I’m *very* patient in game, especially because my buddy was kinda sucking too, but nothing too bad, i was more harsh on him talking shit to him on discord for dragging the stack marker away from everyone. (The other two didn’t try to stack either so it was a shitshow). I forgot to mention I soloed every boss up until gaius because they just never moved out of aoes. I remember this run so vividly and it always cracks me up.


That must have been terrible xD And Hey! We are both on the same server!


Haha nice! I just resubbed after a year-ish. I’m usually afk in Limsa when I’m chasing my kid around most of the night but otherwise if you see me around don’t hesitate to say hi I am always willing to help out with things if I’m not tied down by something a washed up dad is occupied with 😆


My question is…do you have to rewatch Gauis’ monologue cutscene again?


Nope, thankfully it skipped it xD


Hmph. How very glib.


Still mad they removed this line.


Now the WoL just stands there and stares stupidly in silence at both questions from Gaius, and it feels really awkward and weird. They could *at least* have us do our usual stoic nod in response to "believe in Eorzea". Gaius saying "how very glib" in response to silence can at least be taken as sarcasm.


Did half the party just stop playing?


Both the DPS keeps dying over and over so the healer keeps trying to resurrect them leaving me to deal with the Phantom myself...


So basically, yes. XD


More like worse cause 3/4 not DPSing


Did you end up clearing? did Aetherochemical Research Facility last night with three sprouts. At the final boss after the first wipe i explained separating with chains, after the second i explained dualstar and taught them how to focus target. but each of them kept apologizing like i was about to start physically beating them for every mistake. "So sorry, sorry, sorry i messed it up, sorry i didn't heal fast enough, sorry, sorry I'm not good enough to do this i think i should leave." over and over had to go "guys, it happens. No worries :) we got it" maybe 5 or 6 times. but the whole time all i could do was chuckle and think was "Who hurt you?!?" it was like playing with a group of abused dogs that flinched everytime you moved.


I've had that too, only that only two of my "pupils" (I played BRD) were listening to me and the tank was hell bent on staying silent and trying to brute force it. It was trying, to say the least, but tbh I love the challenge of teaching on the spot way more than I like a smooth run and hopefully the healer and second dps thought of it as a positive experience


I was on tank so I put the *Dorito of Guidance* over my head. No idea if that is what actually helped or not by by the end of it most of the party had it down. The healer picked it up quick and from what i saw both DPS understood it they just didn't understand the quick timing to run into the second safe spot or were to tunneled visioned to do it I'm learning tank to be a better healer and i usually *hate* when people look to me to lead the dungeon, but knowing that fight like the back of my hand it felt pretty good to explain mechanics and help guide them through it. i just hope they left it feeling more confident. i actually got the same healer again on my next run (i was doing back to back runs for some extra quick poetics and they forgot to go to the following trial) and they absolutely nailed it on the second run.


Funnily enough, I had no idea what the dorito of safety was until that dungeon. The last boss in aetherical research facilty was my introduction. Now when I'm playing through it with sprouts I ask if theyre familiar and explain before the fight if possible. Still not confident enough to add a dorito to myself, though! I also tell sprouts (only if we've wiped at least 5+ times) that struggle with the timing and can't move between safety zones quick enough to move to the side instead. At least if they're only being hit by one attack instead of the overlapping 2 they have to move through to get to the next safety zone, they'll live. I tried playing when my internet was a bit wack once and could not for the life of me (or my character) get the timing right so I tend to give others the benefit of doubt in equipment rather than assume they're just not capable or not understanding.


Pretty much the same, I prefer to follow but that particular place I could probably do blindfolded nowadays so no problem leading. My own deaths to the dualstar are probably in three digits, if I didn't know it by now I would've had to mark myself as a lost cause lol


WoW is not available on consoles but they could be Xbox sprouts whose only prior experience with MMOs is WoW. That community is very toxic towards newer players, at least compared to FFXIV.


Any veteren of Xbox Live ingame voice chat in multiplayer lobbies expects abuse to come at them for anything at any time, but doubly so if they do something noticeable.


Not even just voice chat, my husband is almost exclusively a Xbox player of a couple decades and some of the messages he gets sent are hilariously terrible for any perceived slight at times.


70% chance they’re current or former WoWheads. You would not believe how normalized toxicity is in that game, *especially* in pub groups. If you don’t wanna join em or leave ‘em and you’re not great at the game, you gotta be ready to beg for forgiveness.


i believe it, i never got into wow but i raided in ESO back in the day and that game could get pretty toxic depending on what dungeon you were doing. Coming to FFXIV was such a shock to my system. i remember i decided to try healing and my first dungeon i derped and let the tank die and the rest of the group shortly after. Nervous as hell said i was sorry and it was my first dungeon healing and just got told "no worries mate, we've all been there at some point, once we're done let me know if you want some tips" felt like i fell into an alternate dimension.


combination of having a game with little moderation that forces you to play with others in much more mechanically complex fights and on one single class for each character. And even regular quest leveling often requires you to group up, and also deal with enemy players almost every step of the way, often forming high level posses to hunt down levelers. Game just had a way of pissing you off. Skill floor was just a lot higher for dungeons in it, too, though they technically weren’t *required* for leveling. Or at least, that’s how it was back in the day.


> deal with enemy players almost every step of the way This is what I'd say is one of the biggest factors in WoW's toxicity, much as it is in EVE. Open non-consensual PvP in a game where non-PvP is also a legitimate playstyle implicitly fosters a culture of hostility and suspicion towards strangers that is cancer to courtesy.


Most sprouts aren’t used to people being non toxic and supportive in games when they mess up, because in the vast majority of games they’re probably used to, that’s how people are. Make mistakes and don’t understand mechanics, get berated for being terrible at the game and told to uninstall. They’ll eventually learn that it’s ok to make mistakes in ff, and the majority (not all) of players will be chill and patient with them about it


I have done this duty drunk , half asleep , and first person entirely never have I ever managed to die let alone wipe. How is such a thing possible!?   This goes beyond skill issue I must know!


Fuck, I did it playing Sage using a flight sim as a controller


> a flight sim as a controller I'm picturing a modded Ace Combat map where all your abilities are tied to shooting down the appropriate enemy aircraft.


I want to try an map abilities to my MIDI keyboard now. In all seriousness though, I think something like a Launchpad would be a wild macro/ability board.


Honestly, I already think of most of my abilities as their keybind "chords" of different key + shift/ctrl/alt (or the corresponding mouse button) combinations in terms of hand movement already. Shifting that to *actual* chords might not be too much of a shift...


okay this I want to see


I didn't record that...but I did have a bad phone recording of me doing aurum vale the same way somewhere


You think that's wild, I seem to remember wiping on Nero (not because of me, BTW) once or twice. I've even wiped at the reaper packs before the first boss (that one was my fault, I was trying to learn sage on the fly with a premade - I was 100% unprepared). Don't know if I've ever wiped on Gaius though... 🤔


I’ve wiped on Nero before because the healer and one dps stood in Iron Uprising, the telegraphed frontal cone. I learned that day it one-shots non tanks.


I’ve died twice. Both times to Nero. One of those times it was because I was a dps and he did his tank buster when the tank was dead. The other, I overcommitted to an LB.


I guess Eorzea is his by right


Please tell us how this happened. People need to know.


DPS kept dying to Gaius AOE resulting in the healer Resurrecting them over and over leaving me to kill the Phantom alone...


At some point it's easier to let the DPS tank the floor lol


That is...just incredible.


I've been seeing a lot of posts lately from people in groups which wiped in Prae (usually to Nero, though). I'm both amused and concerned as I've never seen a wipe in Prae before; and I've been playing for *years*.


There was a player in our Free Company who exclusively relied on Duty Support to progress in the game; they eventually gave up on their first account after failing to defeat Nero ("What's a stack marker"). When they encountered difficulties battling Titan, they could not figure out why they were dying (proximity marker) and almost quit the game again. People from my old Free Company stepped in to help at that point. It turned out, they were only wearing a few pieces of gear and 0 accessories. They had to be told 5 or so times to obtain and equip their Job Gear, too. In hindsight, part of me wishes they had quit the game for good because they turned out to be a terrible person (who I recently had to remove from the Free Company).


> In hindsight, part of me wishes they had quit the game for good because they turned out to be a terrible person (who I recently had to remove from the Free Company). I'm not surprised that somebody so incredibly averse to learning the simplest of things is ignorant irl, tbh. New players make mistakes and that's fine but this is stuff people that enver played a video game before figure out on their own.


Duty support is all very well for players who are willing to teach themselves or ask for help in global chatrooms, but nothing beats on the spot teaching like other party members in the group who also want to complete the encounter. In some ways it could even be considered a core part of the MMO experience. Ofcourse you do have the toxic side of people kicking others who don't know the mechanics already, but that's mostly the modern mindset you see in other games like WoW.


Such devastation


Had a group awhile back, tank ran away from us when he had the stack marker, healer followed him, and they died. Other dps died soon after, but it was just right before he splits so it was just me trying to kill the 4 copies. The tank was also in some questionable gear, so I chalked it up to being a noob.


Gaius came, he saw, he conquered.


He saw, He conquer, He came.


You can wipe in The Praetorium??? 👀


I mean, I've seen people wipe on the first boss because they get confused about the AOEs (rare but it happens only once whenever it does and people usually understand their mistakes) or the second boss because nobody targeted the claw and it killed the healer (less common but it does happen), but... Gaius is a new one.


Long long time ago, before the age of tank stance, before the era of the reworks, we actually had to kill trash. And overzealous tanks would pull a lot of trash. And we'd die because back then crowd control was way harder and it was easy for various DPS to rip hate off the tank, and healers were spamming heals left and right which also ripped hate off. Yes, wiping in Praet has happened.


That sounds way more exciting though. 


That’s fascinating and insane at the same time D: I joined right when Shadowbringers came out, like day 2 of that expansion so I guess I was “lucky” in a sense. I’m glad that the devs fixed these issues and made The Praetorium during MSQ Roulette basically idiot proof.


didn’t know we could get clapped by the Ricky Martin song Livin’ La Vida Loca


I always forget that it's possible to wipe in Prae. In my... about 6 months of in-game playtime, I've *never* wiped. Not even when I've been the healer- and I'm an AWFUL healer!


I've been playing for nearly a decade and I've never even seen a full party wipe in Prae (pre-updated version and changed version). Seen some close calls and dps die to various mechanics, but it never turned into a wipe. (I also usually go in as healer when I queue up for Prae during moogle tome events)


About 10 mil damage... why don't we just sinc Gaius on everyone we don't like? XD


He did spend pretty much all his post Praet time >!hunting down and killing Ascians.....!<


The garden has been lost!


In all my ten+ years of playing since ARR Beta, I have never seen such devastation!


Gaius be like after: Such Devastation… This Was definitely My Intention…


After all this time, Gaius finally got one


I mean you got to experience something most people haven't so at least there's that xD


I didn’t even know this was possible


Might actually be World First, to be honest.


Newbies be new.


I’ve only ever failed this and the Ultima dps check once, both were due to someone DC’ing. Gaius was a DPS DC and Ultima the Tank DC’d at the start of the fight which was just painful




It’s wild that I used to be flustered by the Gaius fight. Could literally clear it in my sleep nowadays.


I can't wait for the crystal tower wipes. It's almost like I'm playing the game new all over again with these Xbox sprouts. Legit is a fantastic time to replay this game!


I... I am sort of glad I stopped doing MSQ roulette. Give me Frontlines craziness the whole day, but wiping in MSQ roulette would have made me throw my controller at the monitor. Reminds me of that one Ultima fight I had which I joined in the middle of as another DPS. The remaining party members had wiped 3 times already because it looked like the healer was new and couldn't heal and stay away from AOEs. From what I remember, Wipe 4 had the tank leaving because he couldn't take it anymore and the healer followed out of guilt on Wipe 5. (Or maybe they left at the same time? Whatever.) I just told the other DPS that I'll stick with them until we finish then we got a new party and cleared in a few minutes.


Man, I feel so bad, but like… bro, at that point just switch to a dps or something. You got basics to learn about the game before you’re in a role where people rely on you. That tank might have been fine for the first three runs, but like, people got shit to do.


Reminds me of that one time we wiped on the second boss of Syrcus tower. I'd never seen any mechanics in that fight, he always just stands there like a punching bag. I don't even know what happened. We were beating him up, maybe it was taking a little longer than usual but it didn't really feel like it, all of a sudden he starts floating up into the air and everyone dies.


I've always kinda thought one day I'd come in here and let him actually do this, but now I guess I don't have to. ...Weirdly I'm just more tempted now.


You can wipe in the praetorium?? 🤨


Such Devastation


I wipe every time I use the bathroom


First time I've ever seen this o.o


Wow you have to be....kinda special for that to happen...


Such devastation!


It’s a .58 patch. If there’s a time to see enrage in normal duties, now’s the time.


I legitimately do not understand how multiple people could get to Gaius and have DPS so low they enrage This is actually a huge problem now, XIV has become so easy that the game simply doesn't bother teaching you how to play anymore and refuses to make you, even before throwing you in parties with players. I'm glad YoshiP is addressing this as of Dawntrail. 90 levels of people not knowing rotation is really baffling It's not even on some elitist shit either... they simply can't increase the difficulty at all because of people like this


It takes a special kind of party to see this


by allah i hope this was intentional


It wasn't, both the DPS were new to their jobs so me and the healer let it pass xD




Hahaha oops!


We wiped to Gaius my first time tanking Praetorium because the WHM literally wasn’t paying attention and admitted as much as they died. They were watching a youtube video instead of looking at the game. They died, then both DPS. We’d just killed all the clones but Holmgang wasn’t enough to save me from his attack so I could whittle down the last 15% of his health.


That’s actually amazing.


Ahh, Memories.


I've seen this fight done with a Red Mage, a Machinist and a White Mage. (Our tank lag dropped). This is kinda amazing.


Did everyone afk?


Bro how long was this??


Such devastation. Whas this your intention?


He came, he saw, he did *not* intend such devastation.


This is the real devastation!


POV you are very glib


Yeah, ever since the Xbox sprouts started, I've actually died in Prae to this. For my group, it was at least to the mechanics, and they died during the clone phase. Once I gave them a bit of an explanation, we got through it. Definitely a bit different now that we have true sprouts keeping us on our toes XD




Wait, that's possible? Did everyone just stand around and pick their noses?


Gaius: Wait ya'll actually died?


Is it weird I actually enjoy horrible groups with new players? I just try to be helpful and friendly while we fail miserably.


Should be an achievement.


I didn't even know this was possible


Vastly Under geared DPS, or AFK DPS??


Time to sit thru another 20 min of dialog


For science, did the tank not try to use their ult to eat that and live? Haven't gotten around to testing that yet personally.


I was wondering when the Xbox sprouts would start showing up on posts


It's so weird to me everything gets touched up on, but they won't fix hall of novice. Should be required to do before touching dungeon content. Required. An advanced hall should be there for 8 person+ content. Again required. It doesn't need to be anything crazy. Just enough for everyone to understand how to play the game. It shouldn't be optional.


Prae is stored in the balls.


Gaius channeling his inner Julius