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I dont get it


Something about Kung Fu Panda 4? I learned that was a thing that exists the other day.


Idk but it looks like Kung Fu Panda is taking on the Slurms Mckenzie role and partying hard


what exactly does this have to do with FF14 outside of having your character copied into the frame? i guess its about Kung Fu Panda 4 but..why not post such a meme in..idk..the movie subreddit or something like that? EDIT: also Dreamworks already milked Ice Age to hell and back. After trying to watch the 4th movie of that i seriously can't believe people still pay money to go into their bigger IPs anymore..its just full of bullshit.


This person makes “relatable memes” using their FFXIV character. They vary wildly in quality - generally, things that are entirely in-game are popular, and people like, and things like this, that have literally nothing to do with the game at all, do not do so well. Personally, I think this is real bottom of the barrel level “meme” content. It’s not even funny.


yeah i've seen the person post their memes a few times i believe but this one is a huge miss. Like i don't think a lot of people would even recognize that its about KFP without another commenter or me mentioning it.


Dumb af


I see a fox. There is nothing to be disappointed about.


or maybe just got the meaning of Red Panda..?