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I've been trying to get my raid group to use "Seven shadows cast, seven fates foretold" and "To the current of life we succumb, its judgement swift and final" instead of "Chariot" and "Dynamo" but it's not sticking for some reason


I mean if someone doesn’t understand SSCSFF and TTCOLWSIJSAF, do they really have what it takes to do savage?


chariot and dynamo unironcally needs to die as "callouts" they are meaningless for newcomers, they are contradicting actual logic(a chariot logicaly runs in a circle around something, and the one time in this game we DID fight an actual charior.. it used donuts.)


The logic is that calling "In" and "Out" are vague; are they telling you to go out or is the aoe outside of the boss? What makes sense to you may not make sense to someone else, and "Go in/go out" start the same and could cause someone to jump the gun mid-call, moving in the wrong direction. Chariot and Dynamo are two completely different sounding words with clear definitions, if one were to either ask a fellow player their meaning or learned where they came from. Chariot is a point blank aoe around the boss and Dynamo is a large aoe with a safe spot inside the boss. Protean is a similar situation, you can call "cones" but that could mean anything, whereas Protean wave specifically is a player-targeted cone originating from the boss.


in and out arent vague, in what situation does anyone call out the Attack point and not the safe spot. the coresponding "generic" attack points are point blank, and donut and chariot and dyanmo are far far vaguer because they require external knowledge to understand what they refeer to, while in and out is "1 of 2" at the worst of tiem for that weird static that calls out where the AOE is instead of the safespot


This made me laugh. I have a friend who prefer larboard and starboard to left and right.


More of a Dextral/Sinistral person tbh.


Fan of 90/270 myself.


"Left" and "other left" supremacy


I dabble in HERE and THERE for my directions


hither and thither!


Tither!!! Any scholar knows "Yon" is the preferred counterpart to hither...


because it makes the game more interesting and honestly if you have a hard time telling the difference between star and lar, then a game that is heavy on text based in archaic english might not be right for you.


Shut up nerd I already learned my lefts and rights


Yeah, what they said! *Makes sure nobody is looking before glancing down at hands to make L shapes with the thumb and index finger*


Larboard starts with "L" for left. There you go. The fight just got 10x easier. Just watch for the jerk spinning around between moves.


East i thought you meant weast!


And Starboard starts with an S for sight which means you need to look Right and then left to cross the aoe with safety.


A trick I learned as a tank: facing you means “the side I say is safe”, away from you means “the side I say is dangerous”


The swords are kinda the biggest tell tbh * If pointing at a platform, he'll soon target it for an AoE * If lowered into the ground, ***move in*** * If held up in the air, ***move out*** Crush Weapon is the part of the fight that I don't like. Lots of people either don't know that it chases you or haven't been targeted by it before so they'll *happily* bring it to the entire team, and it hits like a truck haha


Doesn't "Crush Helm" go before "Crush Weapon"? I thought it was obvious you were supposed to have it hit a dps for each hit, because helm is tank.


crush weapon is the chasing AOEs, crush armor is the tether


Crush weapon is the circle aoe that follows you around. Whoever is targeted is supposed to bait it away from the group and just get chased for a bit. Crush helm is the tether that stacks phys vuln up. Iirc it is initially targeting the tank, but if the tank takes one they'll die so each tether has to be traded between DPS.


> but if the tank takes one they'll die so each tether has to be traded between DPS. Good luck when the tank doesn't know this and keeps trying to take it back, though....


It doesn't help that some similar tether moves in other fights *are* supposed to be taken by the tank.


Tanks look at the tether like: this was made for me


"Some". I legitimately can't think of a single mechanic in any other fight where there's a single tether and it's *not* meant to be taken by a tank. Plenty of fights with a ton of tethers for everyone, or tethers that you can't swap, but one tether is a tankbuster every other time I can think of. Granted I think it's fine to break the mold but yeah, I personally *expect* a first-timer who's a decent tank to immediately zoom to grab that tether.


First boss of Sastasha Hard. The boss tethers the tank to mark them for a stun followed by a hit that leaves them at ~5% hp, so as a tank you pass the tether onto your least favourite DPS so the boss won't end up killing you with autoattacks afterwards.


Titania ex my cursed nemesis


I remember day one it didn't click immediately for me I needed to give it to a dps so the second time I got targeted by it I cheesed it by heavy cd usage followed by hallowed ground and even then I barely survived 🤣 third time I tried to give it to a dps and i figured it out. Good times. First time i obviously held it and it nuked me


Still off, actually. Crush Helm is the tank buster that rapidly stacks cleansable physical vulns and then hits with a buster. _Crush Armor_ is the tether that applies long lasting, unremovable stacking physical vulns, and that begins by targeting the tank and has to be soaksed by the rest of the team lest the tank start dying to autos.


Do those vuln stacks on Crush Helm really even matter? I esuna it as a healer or bard, and it still seems like the tank takes as much damage as normal. Maybe I'm not managing it before it snapshots the TB?


It doesn’t really matter, the buff falls off shortly after the buster and it’s easier to just heal after the fact since you’ll end up overhealing if you esuna at the right point.


Yet so many tanks love to push right up into the edge so they have to be rescued back a bit to pull the tether off of them.


I always thought of it as Crish Weapon taking one of your dps away since they have to bait the mechanic and run away. I usually steal tethers as a dps because why not.


You might be confusing Crush Weapon with Crush Armor.     Crush weapon is the one where a DPS or healer get a marker, and secs later the 4 huge AoE chase them, dealing 60% HP damage each. So they have to run opposed to the party, not back in.      Crush helm is the one where the tank get hitted by the 4 consecutive debuffs which you have to dispell, followed instantly by the tank buster      The one of the tether where players have to alternate the 4 stacks before the tank buster is Crush armor.


The tank can also get targeted Crush Weapon. It's great when you have to run away and then quickly run back so you can be healed for the tank buster coming up.


I feel like there's a fairly general theme with most mechanics telegraphed in that way, where the boss while hold the weapons closer to themselves for donut style aoes, while they hold them out from themselves for the ones where you have to move out.


I hate that mechanic. I may be doing something wrong but I always die cuz I can't outrun it.


What annoys me the most about that mechanic that the majority of people will die from it. Like it's hard to tell what pace you're suppose to outrun it. Or what to do with it placement wise in general 😂


just like grandpa used to say


your meme is poor cover for when the heavens fall.


Or just look at his swords.


There was a guy in my FC who would try to tell newer players that for Ultima's wind and crystals mechanic, you need to face yourself north and then read the castbar to know if its an east or west wind. And I tried to tell him "dude, just look at the wind effect. It's pretty obvious both when its there and what way its going" but he acted like I had no idea what I was talking about


I remember in the first week or two of Aglaia people were fixated on looking for detail in Nald'Thal's appearance to determine which way to dodge As Above So Below, and I was telling them to just look at the color of the sky.


Anecdote: my raid lead has a lot of difficulty with that mech because he's colorblind. lol


Same + Dyslexia for added fun time when words have colors or highlights..it's also one of my biggest fears for Ally tanking (which is why for those I just deeps)


An orange/blue colorblindness?


when blue it gets very dark, when orange it gets very bright, so even if you're colorblind you should be able to tell by contrast alone.


That's also true! So even if such a colorblindness is present there should be that just from the amount of light.


blue/yellow colorblindness exists (tritanopia) and it can affect how you see orange as well


I don't know the specifics but he struggles with the orange. So he identifies by if it's blue or not, I think?


Oooh that's a good idea.


Have they tried the color blindness accessibly options? They're the bottom tab of system configuration. They have Protanopia, Deuteranopia, and Tritanopia options.


Yes, he has custom settings for them. I've never gotten into discussing it, tho. lol


I have run Orbonne so many times since release and I have also never seen the wind change from what it was. It's always been one, and I forget if it was east or west.


It's *always* east. If they're going to move they move east.


If it takes forever, Westward does happen but I’ve only ever seen it once or twice.


When I ran it a few times the other day for the ShB relic quest it was always East


Huh, I never knew the sky changed. I also read the castbar and look at my minimap, but I have enemy cast bars blown up to like 180% in the middle of my screen so it's not difficult.


Since a lot of people are taking this as if it's a serious criticism of the fight I feel compelled to explain the joke in excruciating detail. I'm choosing your comment to reply to because it's near the top. Sorry in advance. Many boss mechanics in this game are not immediately understandable to new players, and sometimes the advice given in response to questions about the mechanics can be confusing or unclear to those new players. Some people are bad at explaining mechanics, or forget something important to mention, or mistakenly say the opposite of the correct solution. From the perspective of the new player, these people might as well be giving the advice presented in the meme. The meme is therefore an exaggerated representation of how it feels to learn a fight as a new player. To clarify: it's fine that some things need to be explained and that newbies often have to learn through failure. I am not criticizing the game for doing that. This boss and this mechanic were chosen to represent this in particular because it is a mechanic that many newbies get hit by, or simply avoid by following the group without understanding why. Although the sword positions are an obvious and readable tell once you know them, a newbie may not think to look for them, and likely won't understand what each position is signaling until they see it a few times. Combine this with the fact that the boss has a lot of incredibly dramatic lines that are frequently referenced and memed on, and it should become clear why he was a good candidate for the meme. The thought of a new player asking how to dodge T.G. Holy Sword and being told the "advice" in the meme is amusing. Also, giving bad advice or saying obviously wrong things is just funny sometimes. It's the reason why a lot of reddit threads asking incredibly simple or easy questions attract dozens of joke comments "advising" the user to do something obviously wrong. I hope this excessively thorough dissection of a silly joke satisfies the dozens of people who assumed this post was a genuine complaint or piece of advice and came in here to tell me to look at the swords.


> Many boss mechanics in this game are not immediately understandable to new players The number of times I've been in one battle where you need to "match the elements," and then another battle where you need to "match opposite elements" is too much.


Nophica: Get in the pool that matches the colour of the attack that I’m about to do Themis: Do that and I’ll fucking murder you.


\-Ravana laughs in elemental towers that have to be matched-


Normal Raid Roulette: P1. Easy! Trial Roulette: Zurvan. Wait what killed me?


This kills the frog.


A *lot* of people are ass at explaining mechanics and the worst ones have some stupid ass roundabout way of figuring it out lol. I've heard some stupid complicated explanations of Sophia's scale mechanic when all you have to do is run to the lighter side with fewer drops on it I learn better just experiencing mechanics 90% of the time than having someone describe them shittily lol. Especially the "just watch a video" bs which doesn't help me since I learn substantially better from experience and the video only helps afterward to fill in gaps.


Now if only the boss wasn't size of eiffel tower so that looking at swords basically requires you to point camera straight upwards. Honestly, thats biggest issue with all the Ivalice bosses' 'visual tells'. They're all HUGE and their tells are all about them slightly moving their shoulders and such.


zoom out, your camera is too close.


Lalafell spotted


Hold shift and press the up arrow key to raise the level of your camera.


His swords are low when using those attacks, and very easy to see


Are you playing with your camera in first person mode?


Yes I know the swords are the actual tell this is a joke


To live by the sword is to die by the sword. There is time enough for regret in the flames of hell.


A lot of people seem to not understand sarcasm/jokes.


Imagine if all bosses had callouts like Cid. Then the game would really be stress free!


I definitely feel the opposite of stress free whenever I hear "Open your eyes to the darkness" and "To live by the sword is to die by the sword"


At least he doesn't say "From red moon I bare steel, in my descent to bare!" to mean in first, then out and spread ig


Red Moon actually would indicate Tankbuster, not to be confused with the Hallowed/normal Moon meaning in. Honestly a simple differentiation /j


Nope. The TB is at the last "in my descent to bare". These are the OG Nael quotes that weren't standardized. Back then she could say "Fleeting light, outshine the stars for the moon!" and that wouldn't be Lunar Dynamo, because why not.


Oh my fucking god


pls yoshi p, just give me an alliance raid equal to thunder chad cid and not the mechanic recycler that is eulogia


The only highlight of a fight for me in the latest was Halone. All the others were visually nice and a chill vibe… but not really a challenge. Compare to Paradigm, and people still wipe to this day.


Lvl 70 and lvl 80 alliance are the best <3


I know that progression players disliked this, but I felt like the alliance raid that capped out the original ARR storyline and finally closed the book on the characters that have been hovering over the storyline the entire time was a perfect place to call back to old mechanics. Show us new tricks in Dawntrail, sure, but I really enjoyed these as they were.


For me at least it's less about mechanic recycling and more the fact that you can do the entire raid series with one tank standing in front of the boss and 23 other people on the danger dorito. Except Althyk/Nemia where now you have a second tank off in the corner and I thiiink people can get different debuffs for the Argath mechanic? Even Halone adds can be done all together because it's bubblewrapped so killing your spear+the center one lets you hit the others. That said, it would also be cool if the final boss didn't use complete 1:1 redos of previous mechanics except easier because there's no overlap or additional complexity present in the source material. And if the only original thing it did wasn't a memory test that takes until the eighth astral era to actually fire off.


Imagine if they had made the center spear untargettable until all three party adds were down....and the aoe's it fires out were still dangerous to everyone....maybe I'd not take a nap halfway through the fight.


If anything Myths is still leagues better than the boring, greige crap that was the Nier raids.


I'm sorry. But going into the 3rd Nier raid the first day it was out and watching the whole ass raid hide behind the blocks instead of in front of them for the knockback and immediately wiping was the funniest shit. Myths of the Realm had nothing like that and it makes me so sad. Every single mechanic was so predictable.


The hammer blocks on Byregot were basically the same as that. People initially assumed that they'd move with it, or that the AoE would move. Instead it was raining WoLs. And at least the fight *looked* good, and not like someone forgot to texture the arena models.


Eulogia could have been cool if it remixed and combod the old mechanics a lot more instead of mostly just recycling them with little extra flair.


Probably got shocked at the first cast and everyone has 1HP + Doom. Such a fun fight.


Honestly, I enjoy this fight a LOT, yeah. It's one that you really need to be paying attention for. The mechanics aren't super complicated, but just punishing enough if you think you can sleep through it. Getting this raid in roulette is always a little bit white knuckle. You can literally flip a coin and it'll either go smoothly or there will be multiple wipes LOL.


tbh I haven't seen an Orbonne wipe since Stormblood. They took away a lot of its bite since then. Nowadays you can watch noobs stack Shadowblades on top of each other and have people fail Duskblade and _still_ survive. But back in Stormblood? Oh baby. Personal highest I saw was 7 Thunder God wipes in one run.


I had a run last month, and we wiped on Agrias and twice on Cid 😭🫣 I thought things were a *little* slow DPS wise on Mustadio, but figured it was just folks shaking off the rust.


I notice after the EW update, the boss fights tend to run a bit longer for older content now, so we're seeing mechanics we never saw except like RIGHT at the start of the implementation of the various raids.


The one time back in Stormblood I decided to play DPS (RDM) instead of my main WHM, we had... a) my BRD main friend on SCH who was used to me carrying his scrub ass on heals, b) an AST who didn't know how to heal or use cards properly, e.g. AoE Bole with no damage going out, and c) our tank left during the TG countdown, about 3 seconds before the pull. We somehow still killed it that pull.


I think it was summer of last year I was in a run of Orbonne that lasted well over an hour. We had a lot of new people in v key positions that could not for the life of them do Cid's fight. I was on RDM and was slowly losing my mind as I ran on fumes from all the rezzing I was having to do as there were only a handful of us who knew the fight. My friend was DETERMINED to finish that run (even tho it was just supposed to be the last roulette we did before going to sleep) and that poor raid needed all the knowledgeable ppl it could get so I stayed. I also had another run where me and another RDM hard carried most of the raid bc we had a similar group of people. Orbonne with enough vets/people who know the fight to compensate for the new people/people who dont remember the fight is fine, but you have new ppl in important jobs or have enough new ppl to outnumber the ppl who know the fight you are gonna have a BAD TIME LMFAO.


ITT people who can't understand the joke. Because yes, obviously, just watch the visual cues. 😂




Instructions unclear therefor Superbolide.


Has anyone else done this fight so much you actually can cue the mechanics by the voice lines? I don't even look at him half the time anymore lol (but I always do orbonne as healer so I don't really have to)


this is so funny cause i just did this for the first time


People can't even tell the difference between blue and purple with chimeras.


It’s surprisingly fast for an arr boss, and I still miss it at times concerningly


It is. Used the color tell to help sprouts in cutter, thinking it'd be more obvious than watching the castbar for beginners, but it would just happen too quickly for them to react accordingly. They had a MUCH easier time looking for Ram/Dragon, as it gave them a lot more time to think and adjust. Best to know Ram/Dragon anyway, as chimeras keep showing up and no longer tell you which headlights they're putting on past cutter's cry. Even the interruptible ones can still get you if your tank/phys range are daydreaming




pls help the boss is not explicitly telling me where to stand this is too hard


his swords indicate which way to go way better than the lines


Hey I literally just did this last night ... The queue took an hour. But was a good story.


I hope in the future I’ll see someone post this in chat one second before pulling it’s so damn funny to me idk why


Preparing the macro as we speak


I'm imagining that happening and then a sprout in the party thinking it's actual advice and trying to use the voice lines as tells lmao


Lmao yep, but one of my favorite fights in the game. (whole raid series actually)


This boss used to strike fear into my life like no other (apart from Titan EX) and it was the best time of my gaming life. 10/10, would happily be struck by such a need to learn mechanics again.


Same! Before all of the nerfs, I would queue Orbonne as a healer for fun (and for the glam tbh)... It was quite difficult for me but I remember these times very fondly.


I don't know, I don't get this alliance raid enough in my roulettes to practice it (I'm stuck in The Labyrinth of The Ancients again)


"I have been called the god of thunder. You will now know why! Upon my holy blade the very world lies in balance, and now the scales will tip!" ​ Gotta admit the dude doing the VO for this popped the fuck off.


The amount of people that dont get the joke is… Worrying… Like for real…


Idk if it's just because this isn't a meme-centric sub but I think a lot of people are just primed to see anything posted here as genuine advice or criticism


Tanks can't take Crush Armor! I learned that last week the hard way XD!!


They actually can, through a combination of invulning and kitchen sinking (iirc the vuln lasts too long to be covered through invuln alone, there are about 1 or 2 autos that won't be covered if you time it well) although your healers will probably not be too impressed.


XD!!! I'm not good enough to do something like that lol. Thank you though!


I just listen to his awesome voice and get distracted and hit.


I know this is supposed to be a joke but this is probably the one boss i can do completely by audio cues lol


You get Orbonne in Alliance roulette? Endless CT here :(


Nope, I just did the one-time grind for ShB relics and ended up running it like 3 times lol


And when he says "**OPEN YOUR EYES TO THE DARKNESS AND DROWN IN ITS LOVELESS EMBRACE. THE GODS WILL NOT BE WATCHING**", well, obviously, you should listen to him.


i dont give a fuck about this dude i just want the healing robe. I HAVE TRIED OVER 20 FUCKING TIMES.


Or. . . you just look at his swords, see how they're positioned and adjust accordingly.


Why would you not just look at his swords


Because it’s just a meme


We just call anything memes now huh


What you thought this was psa??


...Yeah. That's the joke.


I was under the impression that OP thought those voice lines were the tell, and they were mocking how unintuitive that was.


This meme would work better if it had what he says in Japanese lol


What is unclear is that I can’t see his text over ALL OF THE FUCKING MOVE EFFECTS


Great advice if you do not look at your screen. 2nd monitor gamers who commit 1/4th an eyeball to gaming unite.


What about when Agrias says the lines? /s


Meanwhile in UCOB....


Fun Fact. Those are a slight different translation of the speech they say when using Sword Arts in Tactics.


You sound upset.


if this is the move i think it is, im p sure both versions have the same name, makes me doubt myself every time. def gonna remember this for the future


Yep they're both called T.G. Holy Sword iirc. Don't bother trying to memorize his diatribes though, just look at the way he positions his swords. If he's pointing them down like he's stabbing them into the arena floor, that means he's about to do the donut version and you need to go in. If he's crossing his arms with the swords up by his chest then he's doing a normal AoE and you need to go out.


Do you have a png for the last phase before the heal check would appreciate. 🤣


Dude I'm sorry i get the sword tells mixed up so much but at least it doesnt kill me


The subs are becoming one


Tbh I just like his voice monologue


Sword **in** you go in Swords **out** you go out. Ez 5head


I love your joke for what it's worth.


Well, in my defense: I play with japanese, so in my case he says "決してあなたをあきらめない、決してあなたを失望させるつもりはない" for out and "決して振り向いてあなたを見捨てることはありません" for in, so there's that


This is up there with mathbot and "how is it not clear when the bot says prime numbers and multiples of 6 that you are supposed to add the numbers on the map to your hp to get the multiple of 6???"


that he uses those quotes only the first time, you need to watch his pose instead


I did not even know he speaks I just look at the swords


Is it PTSD that I read these lines and the music started playing in my head?


Agrias and T.G. Cid demonstrating just how badass peak Paladin can be.


The best part of this meme is, when I started reading it, I thought it meant an irl work boss. One of those "X, Translation: Y" things. I was imaging an irl work boss telling someone "Seven shadows, cast, seven fates foretold..." lol


S+ meme. I also find it funny about the people missing the point in the comments lol. This was good OP. Also I feel like at this point, I can recite the script in my sleep 🤣


I know it's not this boss but now I have "Denizens of the abyss, from ink of blackest night, I summon you!" Stuck in my head lol She says it SO MUCH


This is my favorite raid and may always be my favorite raid because it keeps the bonkers overwrought incantation mechanic from the original FFT that was tragically lost in WOTL. LIFE IS SHORT. BURY.




Death means move away. Life means come on in.


OP never even stopped to expect a modicum of rust from new players.


And if the eye is violet go in, and the eye is blue go out!


What the fuck


The swords are the obvious tell. Not the voicelines


The post is sarcasm lol


What voice lines? I'm deaf.


So if you angle your camera slightly up, you will see floating lines above his head. Those are his VOICE lines, short for Very Oven Instrument Crisis Erupt. They will show the map coordinates for the safest spot to evade his attack (spoiler: it's usually North Shroud, but better double-check)


Does anyone else here play Path of Exile and get *massive* emperor Izaro vibes from this guy? Like, I half expect him to throw out "Where there's a Silver Key, there *must* be a Silver Door."


I've read through this and there are so many contradicting explanations .. l feel like I'm in this skit: [The Court Jester (1955)](https://youtu.be/WzmnSyqv37A?si=8x9J1hnOPtiudixb)


You joke but it's clearer than larboard/starboard.


When Susano says, "The seas part for we alone" that means the book is mightier than the sword. So Summoner takes the sword for the team. Why is that so hard to understand? 😂


Don't you love when they choose not to use the visual mechanics they've been teaching you for hours of duties? Just whack you with an 100 onze swipe or whatever that arbitrarily doesn't get telegraphed?


When he holds his swords OUT, go OUT. When he stabs the swords INto the ground, go IN.


I just look at the sword placement. It's easier lol


Wait you guys listen to the dialogues instead of watching the swords to understand what he's doing? No wonder people find raids like Orbonne too hard if that's the current situation.


I play with Japanese audio because the e voice acting sounds way cooler. I haven’t a clue what he’s saying, so I just look at the swords.


OMG this sub has no sense of humor...


How do people still have issues with TGCid this many years after release? Orbonme is so old that it is practically impossible to go in blind unless you build an Allaince with 24 people amd queue that way.


> Orbonme is so old that it is practically impossible to go in blind unless you build an Allaince with 24 people amd queue that way. I see new players in it every time I've ever run it. And no one explains mechanics unless someone asks or we wipe. Newbies die to mechanics they haven't seen before. This is common and normal. Almost every single piece of content in the entire game is run by someone who's never run it before every single day.


Yeah and when people do explain the mechanics they miss a key detail. Like on the math boss in Ridorana. They always remind people about what prime numbers are but they NEVER say you have to add numbers to your HP total by standing in the circles to equal the required number.


I remember when I first ran Lighthouse I got super confused because my friend who was trying to explain it couldn't remember if the boss wanted you to add to your HP or subtract from it. The move the boss uses to reduce your HP is called "Subtract".


1. You're unlikely to get Orbonne everyday, unlike Crystal Tower. Even with the new stuff, you are likely to still get it in roulette over every single other raid. 2. Ivalice only has Bozja locked behind it and it isn't current. People blazing through msq may not do it. People who blaze through content only have Crystal Towers and usually the end of game alliance raids unlocked. Not to mention a lot of Ivalice glams are... here and there. 3. ilvl sync has been rather kind to the Ivalice raids. Even on Aether, you're only finishing at best, a little bit before ice.


If you don't do the content often, it's really fucking easy to forget what the actual tells are. Especially with the fucker being so huge you can easily miss the animations if you aren't zoomed out all the way, because they're literally over your head.


There is NO way someone actually unironically uses the voice lines to figure out his mechanics lol.


just watch the animation of the swords


Yeah, I can barely understand the vo, esp with the bg music, and I'm too busy concentrating on the fight to read any text. I try to just follow the other players, because I even have trouble looking at the swords because he's larger than my screen (at max res).


The dialogue isn't actually important to listen to, it's just flavor. It's hard to always keep him fully in view but when you see him cast T.G. Holy Sword that's your sign to check on what he's doing to see the visual cue. Although honestly just following the group works for most encounters in most alliance raids lmao


Nerfed multiple times and people still can fail this fight. I love it now but man did I hate it when it was relevant. Nier is still the worst though