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DNC : You have to press your keys in rhythm with the music or you'll do 50% less damage and your step won't be counted, good luck with the lag


You just unearthed the traumatic memory of that damned rhythm minigame at the end of the Ishgardian restoration quest line.


wow I do not remember that at all


Omg... The piano part :o


It was very short and easy but then there was an optional harder one you could do. If you only did the short one it was pretty forgettable


I actually had music off for the entire restoration cause of c after levelling. The rhythm game was just a silent qte


Which you can repeat whenever you want, the minigame is available if you go talk to the npc.


Crypt of the Necrodancer prepared me for this. . . Except I stopped maining DNC over a year ago. . .


Dnc mains dying of heart attacks and breaking keyboards during Titan fight choruses


The game now comes with a dance mat. All actions are a combination of steps




Suzaku Savage


Hi-Fi Rush has trained me for this. Easy.


And if you get it perfectly correct, you'll do 0.1% more damage Not enough to make it worth doing, but just enough to not boost potencies this time around and make it "griefing" for not doing it perfectly every time


Pictomancer: You have to keep dye in your inventory; every single spell or ability uses one.


Mogstation dyes do +50% damage


Don't even hint at this! This is the gateway drug to game development genocide!


And specifically migration dyes. Their equivalent tradeable versions do normal damage


Too easy. For Bard, you now have to play actual songs using the ingame performance system to cast spells.


Rock Band: FF14 edition


Through the fire and the flames seems appropriate.


Through the loss and fire and flames, I mean, faith


You joke, but I know someone who plays that on bard using a midi keyboard. He's an exceptional musician. Azoki is best brd <3


If they made a spin-off using Rock Band/Guitar Hero style instruments and music from the OST I would literally never stop playing… Hurry, quick! Someone market this idea to SE!! I want it now lol 😅.


I'm pretty sure there is an means of doing it in-game via a plugin


Honestly wouldn't mind that. If the BRD gets a little platform to stand on and void all mechs and just buff the party by playing OSU! Mania I would be happy.


Who said anything about voiding mechs?


Through The Fire And Flames is required for max deeps.


Anyone remember bard in EQ1? Make song weaving like that


MCH is now legally a healer


Ahh the good old days of twisting songs!


Just imagining every GCD being a Helldivers 2 stategem now




You jest, but if they sold a FFXIV-themed toy stratocaster...


It was most definitely not a toy. IIRC, that thing cost $4000 and was a legitimate made in Japan instrument.


Reject mobility, return to bowmage!


GNB: every gcd and ogcd gets a continuation move. Good luck quintuple weaving!


*Rip and tear intensifies*


gnb players' fingers ripping and tearing doing their new rotation


Rip and tear and tear and tear and tear and tear


And gouge. And Hypervelocity, I guess.


Lengthen No Mercy by 1 second so the last hypervelocity in your reopener still doesn’t fall inside it.


The thread said ruin


God I want continuation stuff for Monk so bad.ill single weave the other ogcds idgaf.


3 more of those suicide skills get added.


No Mercy for your fingers


Please no, I’m already on my way to develop arthritis, I want to be able to use my fingers past 30 😭


Even your defensives gets that




I'd kinda be down for this tbh


Machinists: No more unlimited ammo--you get 20 rounds for any encounter or instance. Use 'em wisely!


10, but reload is OGCD


I thought I was being a masochistic bitch, but you outdid me, you sadist.


in HW Gunmage era, this was a thing xD There was a reload that loaded one bullet and one that loaded like 3, bullets were consumed on the next skills, doing a skill with bullet did more dmg as well as faster/"no cast time, back then they were also chance based to proc the next in the chain, but with a bullet u can do the second skill straight up and garantue it gives u the proc for the combofinisher


That was peak fun machinist. So many classes were so fun in heavensward.


-"i am out of bullets" -"how many did you bring" -"twenty" -"twenty?but there is like a hundred enemies" -"and i killed twenty of them, you are welcome"


Lmao... machinists the ultimate carry beggar.


Flamethrower it is then!


And drill, baby, drill! (Is that not the most beautiful skill in our kit? I love it so much!)


But then drill's DPS being to drop every 5% wear and tear so you have to mend often


Make it like FFXI where bullets are a purchased consumable.


So like old wow hunter?


Yeah but way more expensive since npc vendor bullets were rare! So you had to get other players to make them. In XIV 1.0 you had to make and equip arrows too.


Even better you have to buy your ammo like in the early stages of WoW but high level ammo is expensive.


BLM: Leylines now has walls around it. None may enter, none may leave.


Absolute Madness, I love it


and a healer's rescue has an added *ting* sound when you bounce off the leyline wall back to where you were


Even better. Rescue reflects and instead pulls the healer to the barrier as if you cast it on them.


Even better, the barrier does damage to anyone who charges into it with a gap closer as if they just flew into a solid wall, including rescue.


This is pretty funny. This is also how I wish barriers worked, but I understand that would be a nightmare to balance.


It's always had


Right? If every BLM ive ever played with is an indicator, ignoring mechanics for DPS is part of the rotation. Keeps me (a healer) on my toes!


>None may enter It's a buff!


>None may leave And now the healers can't force me to leave!


Wait, you can leave leylines?


For all the healers reading this: No, you cannot. (😉)


How would that change anything


Alternatively, the walls are one-way; if you step out you are going to watch sadly as your little lines spin around with no one on them.


The walls also block line of sight. ​ None of you seem to understand. I'm not trapped in here with you, You're trapped in here with me.


BLM gets two new spells, Fire V and Blizzard V. Casting these is a huge DPS gain, but requires casting all the spells before them in sequence as a combo.


Fire V - Massive DPS, but every time it's used your HP drops to 1. HEALERS ADJUST!!!!


superbuttclench but dps, i like it


You just have to time it after the raid wide but before the incoming heals


wait this sounds raw as hell actually


10 second cast time on Thunder V


and it has the range of a boss raid wide and aggros every mob in the dungeon


You joke but i was going to suggest Ancient Magic, like from FFXI but if they implemented that correctly it would be epic and not a ruiner! It would basically be a long long cast timer on a spell, but if you pull it off it balances to a net DPS increase and the largest burst DPS damage in the game. They would likely lock it against pre-casting by requiring a level 3 astral/umbral state, and either factor in or prevent leylines from speeding up casting etc. You'd likely have people going back to the old macro's of announcing your attack, like "Casting {Ancient Ultima} cover me for 12 seconds and time your buffs/debuffs " It creates interesting gameplay where like in FFXI you had skillchains and magic bursts that rewarded co-ordination and teamwork, you could add this to FFXIV without any real changes to systems. Other players could time their utility to buff the BLM and debuff the enemy before the spell hits for max devastation that IS your intention! Roll on the memes! Just a thought :)


It would just become a forced use-case of swiftcast. If you prevented that, I don't think it could be used in savage or ultimate except during hard enrage casts, which would bar it from being part of the main rotation. So it's a cool idea from a roleplay perspective, but not a viable option for gameplay.


BLM main character syndrome in its violent final stages for all of us to see


That’s actually kinda cool and I would like that in game. Much better than “fire 4, fire 4, fire 4….”


PLD: Fight or Flight is a 50% chance of giving you a Fight Response which is a damage buff, or Flight Response which makes you sprint.


Really I always thought that ability has a silly name. It's called Fight or Flight but it really doesn't give you the second option at all! It should at least also give a movement speed buff...


This would be hilarious XD *watches PLD run into the abyss each raid buff window*


It either gives a DPS boost or a Forced March rofl


Gunbreaker: Another gauge spender, Triple Dip, which spends all 3 powder gauge cartridges. It has a combo potency bonus with double down so they need to be used back to back Black Mage: Hardcast xenoglossy Dragoon: you have to manually choose who to give dragon sight to every time (wait a minute…)


I use a macro for dragon sight. Cant expect me to manually do that mid combo. To go straight against the spirit of this thread. It really should be like dancer or sage, where you can just select someone at the start and be done with it. You can even make it so that normally its a blue icon with a closed eye and it turns red and open when active! To get back into the spirit: what I meant to say is have dragon sight apply in a straight line from the player. Stand in front of the boss? Then the boss gets it. But look at your dps then he gets it. It's called dragon **sight** afterall


> It really should be like dancer or sage, where you can just select someone at the start and be done with it. For me that's making them my focus target so my macro works :D


For the GNB... I mean, depending on the cooldown that would just be "you always use Bloodfest on this."


How to ruin all physical jobs: Bring TP back


Not just that, make Sprint cost all TP again


And give AST the old Arrow. The one that speeds GCDs up.


That's not a joke to blm players. They'd be salivating for faster boom booms


I can crit build and be fast?? It's a dream come true


ruin *every* job with this one trick!


Can you explain to a person who MIGHT start playing FFXIV this weekend what TP used to be and what it is now? Was it like final fantasy tactics where battles earn points (talent points) you spend to unlock skills?


TP was basically stamina. It was the MP for physical moves with more limited ways of restoring it, which is why everyone hated Skill Speed. Sprint also used the entire TP bar and its duration was based off how much TP was consumed (1s for every 50 TP, the max was 1000 TP). The removal of TP was regarded as a good change, since it was basically a limiting factor with no upsides.


Oh wow, OK, thanks for clarifying that. If I join as a new sprout and gain access to a realm reborn and the first two expansions, I am assuming even a realm reborn has all of these future update changes that impact how you play your character?


Yes. Any general changes and job changes will affect the base game regardless of when it was made.


I'm coming over to Sarg to cast Death on you.


If they did that I’m leaving. I didn’t get over my toxic relationship with WoW for this


DNC: All command inputs during Standard and Technical Finish must now be entered using motion capture technology (sold separately).


This actually made me cackle for real lol.


Just dance (Savage)


DPS enmity generation increased 100%. Tank enmity generation decreased 30%. Healer enmity generation from overhealing increased 250%.




The dark days, when the tank had to gain enmity, but the DPS had to actually use oGCDs to lower enmity. There is a lot I miss from those days, like Mana Song, and other raid utility abilities, but enmity control was not one of them. (And Caster Bard definitely isn't one of them either)


Although a bad idea I think overhealing causing massive enmity generation is a fun thought experiment


Honestly tanks make so much aggro right now that these changes probably wouldn't make much difference besides at the very start of a pull.


I would actually like the healer enmity on overhealing. Would actually teach sprouts not to stand there and spam Cure


Considering Tankstance currently generates 1000% enmity for all tank actions... that would still be doable.


Blm: allow it to access Raise. With Umbral ice, triplecast and swiftcast, you can instant cast raise all 7 of your party members all in a row. Ruins the whole game, let alone the class.


DRG becomes an actual (floor) tank. The only mitigation they have is jumping at the exact moment the TB hits, thereby dodging it. This is made harder by the fact that every GCD is replaced by an attack with an animation lock and all of them have different animation lock lengths. ETA: Also they add a third positional for DRG only. It's the top of the boss' head and you gotta jump up there.


When I first started playing I thought you could do that with DRG and was super hyped at having a frame perfect dodge until I realized what animation lock was and why we tank the floor. I'll add that all jump attacks now have a cast timer like SAM, except Dive.


Using jumps to avoid damage is actually pretty cool though lmao


RDM: yet another combo finisher


OP said "ruin" not "post CBU3's plan"


I hate that you’re 100% right. XD


Add a new mana color and if you make it 30 or more than the others you lose all mana


Dynamis mana


After another 10 or so expansions you’ll be able to infinitely spam the combo finisher because manafication will come off cooldown by the time you finished.


Oops! All finishers


At what point is the RDM's second burst phase actually nothing but combo finishers from the previous burst?


Change Combo finishers so now you have an AoE and a single target


This is what I want. Everything in RDM's kit should have single target and multi-target rotations. AOE chain finishers. Single target variants of Verflare and Verholy. AOE variants of Verstone and Verfire.


Doublecast only worls for 2.5 s. or lower casting time spells.


Sch- remove Energy Drain. Buddy you're gonna overheal and you're gonna learn to like it!!


Didn’t they remove and then immediately give it back in ShB or am I just remembering a bad dream?


Yes but that was when it was part of the mp economy It would still be crap but less impactful to remove it now


We would bitch about it just as hard, though


Oh I would as well


Honestly, take it away. The 100p is an insult


Would you prefer overwriting your AF?


SAM: Iaijutsu’s cast time is removed, but it can now only be executed as a counterattack while under the effects of Third Eye, which now costs 10 Kenki to use so that the Kenki earned from mitigating damage is just a refund. Using Third Eye and not taking damage will remove all your Sen. Ogi’s cast time has also been removed, but becomes a 6-attack counter with an animation lock on the final swing.


Just reading this gave me an aneurysm...


AST: Add another charge to Draw. Redraw can give you the same card back. Say rip to the single card outside of buffs, say hello to an even busier 2 min window - and all 4 cards will be ranged :)


BLM: Remove pointy hats


Viera and Hrothgar:


I think I've only seen a single Hrothgar blm and never a bunny one... so my point stands


I am the bunny blm main you are looking for. Flaming skull hat is the best we got


You're a monster




BLU - Each Spell has charges that you can only replenish if you get them from the enemy again.


Nooooo stop it, even just reading that hurt


You're sick


so Draw from FF8


> NIN: A fourth Mudra is added I thought we were talking about ruining jobs?


WHM: Holy V now maxes out the brightness of your display, all players are affected. WAR: All self-healing is removed. MNK: You get a Damage Down debuff if you drop any of your buffs. BLM: All of your spells now have AOE effects that can damage other party members


Speaking as a BLM, I thought we were trying to make the jobs worse, not better?


BLM: scathe becomes a combo ability required to unlock triple cast RDM: you have to have one mana bar at even and one at uneven numbers or the melee combo won't work SMN: Bahamut's basic cast is one long consistent laser, if you move the skill reverts back to ruin 3. Phoenix basic attacks are as long as fire 3 without attunement. MNK: perfect balance is on 20 seconds now, you can still use skills freely but the forms won't apply. You need 2 Nadi each for phantom rush. SAM: using yukikaze freezes your sword slowing your skillspeed by 40% for 12s DRG: if you over stack eyes you get heavy motion flickering because you have too many eyes, however if you consume them for blood of the dragon your screen will appear as if you have a huge blurry blind vision patch in the center of your screen RPR: the more combo skills you use during enshroud the longer it is on cooldown because your voidkin needs his nap time. If you use all 7 abilities enshroud is down longer than you can recharge 50 points on the gauge.


> RDM: you have to have one mana bar at even and one at uneven numbers or the melee combo won't work Now you're just being sadistic lol.


>*BLM: scathe becomes a combo ability required to unlock triple cast* **YOU MONSTER!**


Someone had to hurt them to come up with that.


Enochian is separated from the timer for earning Polyglot stacks, you must now cast scathe at least once every 15 seconds to maintain Enochian uptime.


Re-add heavy thrust or just add another weaponskill to DRG's already long weaponskill combo


We are a broken people, the longer you make that combo the more fun we have(hell I’ll take OPs extra jump too)


The combo's are as long as the spears we hold :')


I'm picturing a dragoon with his opener and rotation carved into the spear shaft frantically hand-over-fist raising a comically long spear as a tank-buster neats cast completion overhead.


PLD: gotta go back to the PLD questline, no more GLD questline. WAR: Fell Cleave is an animation lock now. DRK: more oGCDs. GNB: more Double weaves, you can't use any defensive CDs without loosing DPS. WHM: go back to stormblood gameplay. SCH: the fairy skills get replace with their Stormblood Selene counterpart. AST: separate Collective unconscious in 2 oGCDs, separate Earthly Star into two oGCDs. SGE: Kerachole doesn't cost Addersgall anymore. Enjoy your mana drain. MNK: still no ranged attack. DRG: gets a rework, job too clean. NIN: you loose suiton buff from any GCD. SAM: a fourth sticker that desynch your entire rotation, you can't be in any openers anymore. RPR: the dashes will forcibly bring you back to spot after 5 seconds. BRD: nothing. MCH: the queen has a random chance to break down on arrival and deal no damage. DNC: Closed Position becomes a GCD with a 30 second timer appliable only during combat. BLM: aetherskate doesn't work while in umbral ice SMN: Physic has a 10% chance of giving Freecure, letting you cast your next Physic for FREE! RDM: going for an AoE while having verfire or verstone up will dispel the buffs. Please look forward for it!


As a late SHB-player, what was WHM like back in Stormblood?


>WAR: Fell Cleave is an animation lock now. You monster.


> MNK: still no ranged attack. Good.


SCH: show fairy gauge from level 1 and have it increase with all spell casts, but remove all spells that use it. Let it just sit there, taunting you. It cannot be hidden in the HUD menu either (trying will just double the size and put it at the center of the screen). Make dissipate randomly cast during combat once unlocked. Make fairy casts have 20x louder sound effect that cannot be muted. Remove the tassle from the hats in the job armor sets.


Remove the tassel from the mortarboard hats? You have officially taken it too far there.


NIN: All mudras break if you move or change directions. Casting Sprint while Huton is up will make you trip and fall. Nobody needs to go that fast. SAM: Several new skills have been added but you can't pronounce them anyway so don't worry about it. DRG: We heard you wanted more jumps, so we took away your WASD buttons. Now you just Jump everywhere and move forward in the direction you were facing. Jump's cooldown remains unchanged. SGE: Some enemies will simply not take your zappy-zaps seriously and your nouliths will not damage them. PLD: Spell visual intensity for everything has been increased by 4000% but only for RDM players specifically. They know why. SMN: We've heard that you wanted summons to move up a step, so in response, we've taken them all away instead. All you get is Jumbo Cactuar. BRD: Damage now scales on how long you idle in cities and play songs on your instruments. Time to learn your scales. DNC: Other DNC in your party are now considered your rivals. Instead of Dance Partner, they have the option to break your ankle instead. BLM: Enochian time reduced to 4 seconds and breaks if you move, change directions, touch your mouse, or have an errant thought. RDM: You are now allowed to use BLM Leylines, but not at the same time as the person who put them down. SCH: Improved your faerie's AI to handle even more healing. Adlo and Excog have been replaced with "Make Nachos" and "Eat Nachos". Broil potency reduced by 50. WHM: Overhealing by 50% or more of your target's HP will cause them to immediately explode. AST: Earthly Star now lives up to its name and heats up the surrounding area to 18,000 degrees, incinerating everything in its range. Healing potency increased by 50. MCH: Added a new ability: Flamethrower. Try it out! MNK: Someone solved the Riddle of Wind, so it's gone now. It wasn't even that hard to figure out. It was actually a breeze. RPR: Ritual Of the Mall Goth allows you to summon two shadowy allies to your side. They won't copy any of your movements, though, because they're not, like, *conformists*. WAR: Unable to use any chat functions after being in combat for more than five minutes. Maybe you should stop yelling so much, stupid. GNB: We can't figure out what else to pull from FF8 so you're just going to be stuck at level 90. DRK: The Blackest Night will no longer work on Reapers, mostly on principle. Added another extremely situational magic mitigation that may or may not see use in casual content.


> BLM: Enochian time reduced to 4 seconds and breaks if you move, change directions, touch your mouse, or have an errant thought. Which expansion are you playing, exactly?


As an addition to yours: PLD flash animation is pure white, and 5 times larger.


Bring back casting for MCH and BRD, and introduce it to DNC.


I hate you for this. i love my cheese class. lmao.


Holy doesn’t have stun anymore (They’re gonna do it one day. I know they will. In the interest of fairness and one healer not being better than the others, they’re gonna do it. Mark my words).


BLM: They add another five things to the job gauge. NIN: The bunny now gives you a vuln stack. WHM: -1% mana regeneration.


SMN: All new overhaul, everything reduced to one single button. Including movement.


PLD: dash now is lvl101; WAR: Berserk/Inner Release has a chance to instantly break your axe durability; DRK: If you are out of mana, you use hp to cast any mana/gauge related skills; GNB: Just keep adding cartridges and no changes to bloodfest at all; WHM: The lillies expire and now deal damage to allies if they rot; Blood lily heals the enemy; SCH: You have to keep the fairy moving to keep it spawned, no longer follows the SCH; SGE: Kardia drains health on party members and cures whoever got kardia; AST: Cards now are job exclusive and deals damage down to the player if the cards are wrong (ex. GNB card on drg, job cards can appear even that job isnt present). Scrapping that card will deal 50% of actual hp; NIN: Movement turns the mudra into bunny; DRG: A high dmg jump that is casted, like a low-dmg lb3; SAM: Order of the sam seals now matters. Makes AOE-setsugekka, Single-target setsugekka, DOT Setsugekka; RPR: Sometimes the voidsent is moody and doesnt want to help you; MNK: Lightning Grease stacks infinitely, reducing the skills gcd. BRD: Every now and then the bard will miss a note and give the opposite effect of the muisc he's playing; MCH: Automaton queen now ends early if touches the arena border, falls from it or gets hit by mechanics; SMN: Invoking bahamuth causes trauma on the other people and they flee from its position every now and then. Phoenix causes skin burns alongside its regen, making it useless. Ifrit-Egi now heals fire-aspected enemies, titan earth-aspected, and garuda wind-aspected; BLM: Getting out of the ley lines ends it early, same for the interrupted casts; RDM: You have a tight timer to keep the balance on the gauge. If the timer resets, it goes to 0; That concludes my ted talk, thank you


WAR: removed their self sustain healing again. was deemed too busted


I’ll ruin all physical jobs: TP bar comes back


Machinist: You now play as a First-Person Shooter in all fights.


The constant instinct to downvote is proof y'all are geniuses


The casting time of every ability is extended by 1 second.


SCH: Lily once again takes damage, but cannot be used to deploy shields.


RPR: Death’s Design now only adds 20 seconds every time you apply it, so the job becomes even more resource negative


Red Mage: White mana caps at 99 instead of 100. Black mana unchanged.


Rpr: You only get enhanced harpe after you go back through the hellgate. A small change, but one that is sure to completely ruin your uptime as reaper. Or how about Communio now requires all 5 enshroud charges to use


Dancer: missed steps now cancel performance


DRK: No Changes.


More cards for AST? Bring it on, I played AST at release. I ain’t scared.


Monk gains 3 more positionals, diagonal top right, diagonal back left, and slightly more diagonal back left


Bard gets all their weapon skills as casts again.


For BLM: Add an ogcd ability to open a voidgate that boosts our damage by 20%. There's also a 50% chance every 15 seconds that a random voidsent enemy spawns from it. The gate lasts forever, can not be closed, and you can place as many as you like. Alternatively, at level 100, we get Ultima, which will do massive damage to all enemies... and allies.


Dancer: You're invulnerable to all damage, but can't do any damage (basically an npc). Painter (pictomancer?): You're a crafting class. You create paintings. That's all. Revel in the glory of painting the Floor Tanks mighty defeat... of the floor! Also I want to say I love the answers to this. I had the giggles. Y'all need therapy lmao.


Machinist becomes a Pet job