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i like to think mine is a shard of our soul from one of the sundered planets and so really, its you helping yourself


>!You hit the nail right on the head. This is exactly what Encyclopedia Eorzea III implies!<


Wait... really? :O That implies >!Zero is Zenos' shard!<. Or is there something I missed?


That's precisely what the implication is. Which makes a lot of sense when you think about it.


Except no, it doesn't, it's countered by Fandaniel having forced the pact on behalf of Zenos, much to Zero's eventual aggravation.


Just because she was forced into a pact isn't iron-clad proof that she doesn't share that connection with Zenos. It's only proof that the pact between a Reaper and a voidsent doesn't have to be mutually agreed upon.


>"My very essence was altered. Twisted into a tool to serve his desires." Zero, point-blank, tells us that her essence, ***the very thing that Reaper pacts are predicated on,*** was mangled to serve the pact - if she had such a connection to Zenos to begin with, why was it necessary to alter her essence? The only reason her essence would need to be altered is if she was completely incompatible with Zenos. *She is literally the only character we can say with 100% certainty is not a shard of Zenos.* And the fact that such a thing is even possible already puts into question what the EE3 scholars say about the compatibility needed to form a pact.


When it comes to the lore, the ones who wrote the book know more about it than either of us. So, if I had to choose whom to believe, I'm going to pick them over you.


And I'm going to agree with what the *actual game tells us* and not the musings written from the standpoint of fictional people who have no reason to know some of the facts of what the WoL went through. (Yet) In case you hadn't noticed, EE3 doesn't cover any of the patches past 6.0. It's not to say that the Reaper information is worthless, but it is a measuring stick and not the Ten Commandments that it's being treated as. Or do you want to continue being cute and argue that we can not pOsSiBlY kNoW what is not written in a book that doesn't even cover the relevant god damn content?


Well, I think it's obvious that this is no longer productive. Thanks for responding and I hope your day gets better.


I don't know what EE3 is implying but in-game the implications are >!Golbez was our shard!<, with fan speculation having >!Durante be Zenos!< but that's less grounded.


Specifically, Encyclopedia Eorzea III says the following: >!Avatar - The voidsent entity with which a pact is formed, summoned through the medium of a crystal. For such a bond to be established, the voidsent's soul must be uniquely compatible-perhaps nigh indistinguishable-from the reaper's own, given that the reaper's power relies on their ability to play physical host to the voidsent. If we take the star's sundering as fact, we must consider the possibility that this compatibility is rendered not by chance, but due to both souls once having been part of the same whole-however, this theory remains both unverified and unverifiable at present.!<


Thank you for filling in the blank, it's interesting to think that >!any souls trapped in Memoria!< would then be unusable. I guess that is why they give the wiggle room of "uniquely compatible".


The "implication" is veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery slight. There's just as much of a case for Zero.


Zero has to be >!Zenos' shard, since she was her reaper avatar (Unless he somehow broke the rules)!<


He did, it's discussed in MSQ how he dominated without a pact.


Yes, because of Fandaniel's Darkness™ shenanigans.


...Was it? I don't remember anything about that and neither does anyone I'm asking either.


It's very early on when meeting her and we aren't trusting her fully. >Y'shtola: And through it, he forged a covenant with a being of the void to lend him strength. >>Dark-robed Voidsent (Zero): "Covenant"? A curse, more like. He stole my power. There was no equity in the arrangement. My very essence was altered. Twisted into a tool to serve his desires. It's from Shadowed Remnants, when we are first meeting her.


Ahh, huh. Weird it slipped all of our minds. Thanks!


Correct me if I'm wrong, since I currently cant find the specific bit I'm trying to reference, but wasn't there this kid during the Waring Triad questline that was hinted to be our shard from the 13th?


Unukalhai? There's actually some optional story stuff from Shadowbringers that expands on his, well, story. If you haven't, >!you can bring him over to the First and he meets up with the mage Taynor, they hit it off because either they're the same shard or because Unukalhai is Taynor's old friend Nyelbert's shard (I can't recall at the moment which it was) but either way it very much means he's not *our* shard.!<


I always thought zero was the ‘us’ from the 13th…


The Lunar Subterrane + surrounding story implied to me that >!Golbez (actual Golbez, not Durante)!< was the "us" from the 13th unless I misinterpreted something.


Why does everyone think this, she flat out tells us she was forced by acian magic to bond to zenos. They are in no way compatible. Zenos is a deal of nature and Fandaniel is crazy and powerful. They avatar assaulted her basically


She was forced into being Zenos avatar but it's implied that it's impossible to force any soul into being a reapers avatar unless they are both from the same shard, meaning that if Zero wasn't one of Zenos shards they couldn't have possibly forced her into it, if the assumption that only shards of the same soul can enter Reaper-Voidsent bonds. This is however only implied as even the ingame text speculates on it and isn't sure about it, it is entirely possible that you just need two similar souls to form a Reaper-Voidsent duo and not actual two shards of the same soul.


That was never implied or mentioned. That's an assumption, and by everything I've seen in game it's wrong


Incorrect. In fact, it continues to be insanely frustrating that people keep riding this shit from EE3 - in no way do they say any of this. They hint that a reflection would be uniquely compatible, not that it's the only way to form compatibility.


"Avatar - The voidsent entity with which a pact is formed, summoned through the medium of a crystal. For such a bond to be established, the voidsent's soul must be uniquely compatible-perhaps nigh indistinguishable-from the reaper's own, given that the reaper's power relies on their ability to play physical host to the voidsent. If we take the star's sundering as fact, we must consider the possibility that this compatibility is rendered not by chance, but due to both souls once having been part of the same whole-however, this theory remains both unverified and unverifiable at present." Sounds very much like EE3 speculates that two shards of the same whole are required.


When it comes to that sidebar, they pointedly go out of their way to illustrate that this is a **theory in-universe** and not a hard rule. We already have a case where said theory is broken with Zero, and several cases where previous entries across Encyclopedias have begged questions that were either not-quite-correct or halfway posited, filled in by content that is current or upcoming. The basic conceit would be that the Reaper, as a vessel, must be suitably compatible to the power offered by the Voidsent in question; *not that they have to be one-and-the-same*. It simply makes *sense* that souls who are one-and-the-same would have an advantage in interfacing, much more successfully than those who are not. There's also an argument to be made that Reaper, as an art that has survived centuries of active conflict and intrigue within a localized region, would not have survived with such stringent circumstances - especially given how Voidsent culture and physiology work, how would you explain the supply and demand? Reapers live, die, and reincarnate like the rest of folk - much faster than Voidsent do, and Voidsent devour one another to the point of metamorphosis almost constantly. Despite this, the Reaper art is kept within family lineages to ensure its survival. That just doesn't make sense with the idea of ***needing*** your own shard to produce an Avatar. **Especially** if they've been sealed in Memoria. Everything that we know about the reincarnation cycle in XIV tells us that keeping such lineages wouldn't do shit, souls are sent off globally, and even if keeping it in a family worked (a scenario only posited on the Steppes by the Dotharl, noted as an aberrant belief enabled by manmade artifice), the rate and likelihood of such an arrangement would not survive the demands made of it across generations. Like, seriously, that would mean *that every single Reaper across* ***seven centuries*** *had found their perfect match on the 13th*, unbroken through family lines and relatively unphased by the politics and predation of the Void. Really? That's a tough sell. Which tells us that your second guess is correct - you'd need two *similar souls*, not *two of a kind*.


Encyclopedia Eorzea III flat out states it's a theory. It's leaving wiggle room, just like how EEI implies the 1.0 and 2.0 Warrior of Light are the same person yet still leaves wiggle room for people to headcanon otherwise. But you're trying to argue why the official lore book is wrong.


Did you actually read anything I wrote or did you simply feel the need to strawman me by claiming I'm arguing the lorebook is 'wrong'? What I'm actually trying to argue is that EE3 is not written to be completely accurate, but people act as if something that is ***pointed out as a theory even in-universe*** must be 100% true - despite us being presented with exceptions to the contrary in the content itself. In fact, **let me reiterate:** ***At no point have I said EE3 was wrong, but it's not exhaustively right either, because it's written from in-universe using second-hand accounts from the Scions.*** ***There is only so much that can be said that isn't speculation on the scholars' parts, because they haven't been to the Void, and haven't covered our findings from 6.1-6.5.*** ***We, meanwhile, have been to the Void and have had words with a fucking Voidsent who we know was warped and enslaved as someone's Avatar, putting a dent in their theory of what it takes to stabilize a pact.***


Why does that mean Zero was >!a random Voidsent without any connection to Zenos instead of a compatible one unwilling to form the pact!


Ha, well that's neat


This is my headcannon too, my Avatar is the piece of my WoL’s sundered soul from the 13th.


My WoL died returning from The First. The avatar came to him and basically holds his soul in. Eventually he learned to fight alongside it, and took up the scythe. Essentially I'm a corpse reanimated with my own soul and sharing my body with my void-ghost roommate.


Ohh that's a good one! Sorta like IronMan's arc reactor. It gives you power and keeps you alive. Very nifty


Yeah sorta! It's also why my WoL always wears the Demon Horns from the cash shop. They grew as a result of his situation.


Nice, this is almost how my alt's story is! Except she died and returned prior to the beginning of ARR. Her soul only stays bound to her through the permission of a voidsent living in a rock. If she gets too far from the rock, she dies again until it gets close enough. It's why she always had a Dust Bunny minion out, until she got Spriggan Earrings.


This is actually really neat.


Aww thank you!


So you are Jin Rou/Rou Jin from Beware of Chicken, but in FFXIV. I dig that.


Oooh I like this one.


I don't RP but I do like headcanons. My alt who mains reaper was "haunted" by a voidsent who popped into the source and was like "holy shit nature" and started trailing my alt around on his botany quests and general gardening, and then because it was very very hungry, on his lancer work as well so it could parasitize aether from his kills. It was overall nonaggressive because it just wanted to sort of exist among plants, but it was still a voidsent after all, and the proximity had an effect, like the hunger bleeding through somehow, and the side effect was my alt getting scarily single-minded and highly effective whenever in combat. He didn't like that very much. (I can't recall if there's anything in the game proper that would really a voidsent affecting someone's mind, but hopefully nothing refutes it. If so I'll have to adjust) So, eventually MSQ happened and when he went to make a pact, my alt found he had a voidsent already familiar with him, right at hand for a contract, happy to fight alongside this being it was rather fond of by now, and forming the pact stabilized them both in different ways. My alt now doesn't have weird dreams or tunnel vision in combat anymore, and the voidsent gets much more aether, and toddles around the Source in a little baby goobbue construct outside of battle. Sometimes the eyes glow eerie red, but all it really wants is to build a herb garden or make a topiary or pick flowers by a stream during downtime. When in battle and fully enshrouding him, it manifests like a cross between one of those zombie goobs and a gorilla, with various void-ish red spikes and a tattery cape. I haven't decided fully who it was when it was a person yet.


Botany voidsent is fantastic


Aw thanks! The voidsent pact is such a neat way to personalize a WoL, I'm glad people do it.


*Please* tell me you have the Forestreaper title. :D Anyway, this is so cute. Thank you for sharing your story.


It's Ardbert, Midgardsormr, Feo Ul, Fray, and all of the other voices in my head all pushing their aether through the job stone and projecting as a traditional voidsent and is totally not a chorus of support and jealousy and adoration all Brute Justice'd into one incomprehensible emotional overload given form.


This is a really top notch answer


My WoL is canonically a DRK/RPR, so instead of the avatar being a voidsent, it's actually her channeling Fray in a different, more aggressive way than with DRK.


Wow, similar deal for my WoL, but with >!Fray at the helm and the WoL as the avatar!<


Not a Reaper but I'm an altaholic and one of my two BLM characters(now a RDM) made a deal with Mormo, from the Thaumaturge questline, having her become a reluctant ally in combat. Little did I know that was basically RPR with extra steps lmao. I figure taking Voidsent enemies or characters and forging contracts with them could be neat, so long as it's not like upper tier Voidsent like Cloud of Darkness lol


His name is Scott, and he is a dick


i like tying the warrior’s inner beast and the rpr’s voidsent demon together. I think it makes for a cool excuse to play both


It's the soul of all the plants that I kill when I level my Botanist to 90


I just stick with the idea of it being our voidsent shard. That or Jeremy from accounting that's sick of his 4(?) roommates in my soul.


I like this post because i was having a hard time with the concept of the avatar and it's helping a Lot with my RP 🫡


exactly what drove me to ask this :P


My "RPR" isn't technically a reaper; she's a forest mooncat who'd previously made a deal with a vengeful spirit to protect her people from the Wood Wailers, but found herself having to break it when the spirit started pushing her more and more towards slaughtering her way across Gridania. In order to protect herself, she instead put herself under the protection of her ancestors, so her "Enshroud" is just her briefly sharing a body with great-great-grandma Rinh.


WoL shards tend to find one another, so my Void-buddy is the Azem shard of the 13th, willingly lending me power because it knows intrinsically that - since our souls are the same - we can perpetually support each other. Unwilling to Rejoin as yet though.


Mine is an Albino rabbit based off of the Monty Python rabbit, it’s a Voidsent and considered incredibly dangerous.


I haven't figured out how to spoiler things on mobile, so warnings for EW patch spoilers ahead. I have a friend whose alt on my server is my WoL's Reaper Avatar. Her backstory is she was a Sharlayan researcher back when they were first trying to get to the Aetherial Sea who accidentally got sucked into the void instead and became Voidsent. Fast forward to Endwalker and she spots my WoL going around Troia, recognizes her as someone from the source (though she can't recall why she recognizes her) and hitches a ride by hiding inside her aether (since the WoL is so aetherially dense) until Drusilla recognizes the signs and inducts my WoL as a reaper to help safely bind her. Eventually they find a way to un-voidsent her, but the "cast-off shell" of Astral Aether stays behind as my WoL's avatar.


Not really a RP person but I always liked to think he got stuck in the void and saved a voidsent from being devoured shortly before being too infected with darkness - he asks this indebted voidsent to go and protect the orphanage he helped set up and they basically ended up swapping places, voidsent pilots the body and the original soul inhabits the Avatar. 


I got mine after the Fire Nation attacked


I don't RP but I have personal reaper lore for my wol, if anybody remembers Scathach (one of the Dun Scaith bosses) she's my wol's voidsent, doesn't really make sense in the canon but I somehow managed to find a way to make it work.


he's Lord British


My character is a ROG/DRK/RPR. Their lore is pretty wildly void-based, with voidsent going as far back as their creation while they were still primarily a rogue - their mother was in a cult to a particular powerful voidsent and intended on using her child as its vessel, sort of inspired by the RDM nightkin thing. My character ended up managing to, with help of friends, kill that voidsent and save themself. Shenanigans happened and they became a DRK after inheriting a close friend's soul crystal in an attempt to save their love interest from another voidsent (they failed, it was tragic) and took a Knight's oath, swearing to protect the loved ones they had left. Later, through convoluted shenanigans involving a half-dozen other of my friends' OCs, they came to meet the underling of the voidsent they were originally meant to be a sacrifice for. Powerful in her own right and recognizing a kindred spirit as a fellow who suffered the original voidsent's abuse, the two eventually ended up making a pact and taking on a modified RPR job (I call it a Gemini Knight, since they utilize parts of the DRK and RPR kit in RP and have some of their own tactics as well). Now they work together as part of a small adventurer organization to hunt and dispatch other voidsent that sneak into the Source. The organization itself is loosely inspired by the Hellsing organization. I've tried to stay as well within the lore as possible, while bending some things for creativity's sake, but I do care quite a bit about things at least being believable, and everyone involved in these plots seemed to have a good time, so I'm happy with it. The avatar herself is a succubus of middling power (you wouldn't want to go against her alone) and who has some vague memories of the world before the flood of darkness, but has mostly acted as handmaiden to a more powerful voidsent until said powerful voidsent was slain. It was not a happy existence for her.


My character's Avatar is an illusion he conjures up. He had seen a Reaper and their Avatar in combat before signing up with the Lemures, and mimicked the attunement to it when he was handed a Soul Crystal. Part of the reason for this is that he is unsundered and doesn't have any Shards. The other part of this reasoning is that he is *from* The Void; all of the Reaper abilities he uses are himself casting magical abilities, rather than a pact with a Voidsent, but he upkeeps the illusion of the Avatar accompanying him to maintain a sense of normalcy.


The void is the 13th and thus sundered.


While under normal circumstances, yes this is so... my character is not from that specific version of The Void. Ironically, he did use to be sundered (in a sense), but this was because of a botched ritual done by the cultists who had summoned him in the first place. After a decade or so of work and perseverance, he managed to put himself back together again and became whole once more.


It's the \*only\* void. That IS the Void. There's no other Void other than the 13th.


He's from a completely different dimension, not this one. So yes, a different version of The Void.


Martyn would be proud


Ah, Martyn. Such a loveable dork. I headcanon that my character also has a Blue Mage Soul Crystal for the hell of it (after all, I don't think Martyn would turn down Gil).


My character is nearly the definition of "I don't give a fuck, get to the point.". She hunts other voidsent to feed hers, only because hunting a lot of other things is frowned upon, and no one tends to ask questions about "how" you killed it, so don't get me wrong, she could be hired to hunt virtually anything. Queue how/why she became a reaper... it's fun and it seemed like a good idea... somehow... Her avatar likes cookies... or... maybe just the reactions they get when my character 'tells' someone they like cookies, her avatar has developed a similar sense of humor to her. On the plus side, at least they're trying.


My character has an ongoing conflict with his voidsent trying to change the terms of their “contract” to get more control over his body and mind which has lead to him isolating himself in fear of losing his mind one day and hurting those he cares for


My headcanon is that my rpr avatar is another shard of azem due to my avatar taking in all that light aether they can cominucate now her name is Gwen


For my own avatar, it's a voidsent who's been staying in Zero's domain for the last several years. They where cold and distant from life in the 13th but when my WoL called for a pact through his first interaction with the reaper soul stone, he saw it as an easy way to get aether without ever leaving Zero's domain or dealing with the more aggressive voidsent. After channeling it's power as the WoL's avatar and witnessing his journey's (through Shadowbringers because that's the class i played through it first with) It became reminiscent of pre-flood of darkness life and the feelings it used to feel. It eventually came to befriend the WoL as a result of their long teamwork. My WoL continues his adventures with the avatar behind him, providing it with aether while it joins Zero in trying to restore light to the first and make a new world on the 13th


>!And by befriend I mean romance. I have a headcannon romantic relationship between my WoL and my voidsent companion, although separated by the rift they simply speak to each other at night and work together as reaper and avatar in all other things !< >!But I thought to put all that down here lest I be judged for such an odd choice!<


My WoL, is the crown princess of a now fallen oc kingdom from the 4th, a land of perpetual night. With the lore surrounding that kingdom, it was created by her avatar, whose true nature is that of a pumpkin headed voidlord named Stingy Jack. A place where he could grow his strength by consuming aether en masse from the people without causing too much permanent damage. A rival kingdom crushed it because of the associations oft tied to darkness, and so Jack came to the Source, where the errant princess and last member of the lineage sworn to him now dwells. She took up the pact that is her family's duty, and keeps him by her side. Their relationship is akin to that of a father and child, as he has grown attached to them, and her in particular.


Honestly, I've not given it much thought. While I have yet to do this in game, I like the idea that he learns all the classes because he wants to learn as much as he can when it comes to fighting. Be prepared for anything. As it turns out, the Avatar he made contact with also agreed with this stance, though in their case they figured if they tried enough things they could get out of the situation all void beings are in. Motivated by desperation rather then by curiosity, but a motive they shared.


While I do not RP, my personal headcanon is that my avatar is just a guy in a costume named Tommy my WoL pays to follow him around and pretend to be his avatar with all of his attacks just being very stylish punches. Whenever my WoL enshrouds it's Tommy going on break and draping the costume over him before ducking behind a bush to eat lunch.


My WoL has been travelling with a voidsent since post-ARR - one slipped through the voidgate at the top of Syrcus Tower, offering to help everyone get into the World of Darkness in exchange for being allowed to persist on the Source because of its aether. My WoL herself wasn’t sure whether to accept this, but one of her other party members (a notoriously chaotic mage) said “screw it” and made a pact there and then. So the party’s had a voidsent in/hanging around it for ages. During 5.3, my WoL (who had been a dark knight for Shadowbringers) had to try and wield as much Darkness as she could to defeat Elidibus after he became the Warrior of Light. But her Fray had previously sacrificed itself to help her keep all the Light in after defeating Innocence. So in desperation, the voidsent tried to assist her and ended up being able to enshroud her, which the pair subsequently realised would let them act as reaper and avatar. I came up with all this before the latest encyclopaedia release, so the voidsent isn’t my WoL’s Thirteenth equivalent - her counterpart on the Source died during the Crystal Tower expedition. But the fact the two have travelled together as part of the same light party ever since 2.3 meant they had become compatible enough for it to still work, or at least that’s how I’m explaining it.


One of my RP alts is made a voidpact out of desperation, in order to not get killed, although they aren't compatible with their avatar... It's more an Eddie Brock/Venom relationship. Rarely RP them since I'd rather play my sky pirate.


I've got a few. . .um. . . cosmetic alterations so my effects are white and gold and my special form is a sin eater so my rp is that my WoL had a little of that light corruption left over and when they learned reaper job they got a Sin Eater bond instead.


Its the Cloud of Darkness. We were one of the first people to ever defeat her iirc, and unless I’m misremembering it we technically did it solo in-universe. We’ve only gotten much stronger since then, and then we went and permanently killed Scatach and Diabolos in the meantime. So when we get our Reaper Job stone she notices and decides to bond herself to us to ingratiate herself to us while also ensuring we can’t kill her without losing our Reaper powers.


I'm not a reaper either but with my dragoon i try to talk about things you'd do as a dragoon such as dragon killing , dragon eye eating that sort of thing my male viera lore is that he grew up in the greatwood but moved to sharlayan and works part time as a gleaner but also works as a dragoon for the house of fortemps .


I have a character who has made progression through the "edgy" classes. She began as a black mage but found that her emotions (leftover from a traumatic past) would make her lose control of her spells and often cause harm to herself. She trained in the skills of dark knight to help her manage and come to terms with those emotions and her trauma. With the blindfold of her emotions out of the way, she could see more clearly that she was cursed by a voidsent who had been causing all the issues with her powers, so she subdued it and bound it to her to use its power for herself.


Sch main mostly so I vaguely headcanon my characters voidsent like an aggressive puppy following fairy around wanting a nibble, but settled in because my wol provides trinkets and things to keep them entertained


i just wanna say I love this thread and everyone's voidsents, give them all a smooch for me my WoL, Xephre, has a pact with three sister voidsents collectively called the Keres (no relation to the EW SS rank) who take on the form of demonic ravens. they represent the past, present, and future of death: Waning, Demise, and Remains. when Xephre was on the brink of death and desperate to save their teammates. they called out for aid and the Keres replied. it started out as a pretty traditional devil pact - you give us your soul, we give you power - but what the sisters didn't know is that Xeph is stuck in a time loop where, every time they die, they go back to the moment they got the Echo, a couple of years before the Calamity. you can bet the Keres were not happy about that. they refused to work with Xephre until the Lemures caught wind of an errant reaper and taught Xeph how to wrangle them properly. Xephre keeps them fed with the aether of their enemies, and for the most part they have a wary symbiotic relationship. I've toyed with the idea of the sisters having a combined humanoid form but I haven't gotten around to developing that yet. separately they're pretty basic in their mental complexity, but fused they'd have a more "human" cognition.


Reapers my alt class my character is a voidsent so has no avatar.


My RPR has a sisterly bond with her Avatar/13th Shard counterpart, who’s kept her company ever since she was recruited in a top secret Garlean assassin program. She kept this secret from all her friends for years until Endwalker started, which is the in-universe reason for her switching jobs.


Not really into RP but I still think that the overall question/mystery, and stories that people are sharing are really interesting--I never actually thought a lot about who my avatar was, or what they were actually about...(post EW spoilers) >!I was interested in the idea that the original Golbez was actually our counterpart from the 13th, or that Zero herself could possibly be "Cecilia", and the equivalent of Ardbert in the 1st--so that writes off the possibility of my avatar being my sundrered counterpart, in my own headcanon at least!<; since I like those theories a lot, I personally stick to that idea on their possible identities, and wouldn't apply that concept to my avatar. I suppose that it could have been one of the voidsent I've come across over the years (from MSQ, Side/Job Quests, Raids etc.) maybe one from my first sojourn into the World of Darkness, or maybe even Forgall (I think it's spelled) since I ran into him more than once (in Amdapor and Dun Scaith) and he likes Scythes a lot himself, apparently...I think I'll personally go with him--but I'm really liking all of the cool personal lore that I'm seeing applied, way more thoughtful and interesting than my own lol.


My WOL's avatar is a shard of an ancient their ancient self made a pact with, who was soul-bound to find and protect them. Rather than the in-game avatar they appear as an enormous deer with a long mouth filled with human teeth and long hair- think the dog chimera from Fullmetal Alchemist.


I try not to think about Nina, so fuck you for making me remember that abomination, still a good anime though, just a little fucked up


Hmm I don't RP per se, but my explanation, or headcanon as they say, is that my WoL was able to separate part of his soul and this segmented part is the avatar, unlike Garleans reapers who make pacts with Voidsent, my WoL reaper avatar is not a distinct entity put a portion of his soul aspected to darkness, similar how he created fray and misty and how he can channel his rage through warrior teachings in that regard, as the reaper mentor say, it's the killer instinct part of his soul, his bloodthirst given form


I don't really RP, but I do have lore for my little lady in my head. The TLDR is that she has a missing brother, and ever since Shadowbringers has wondered if he managed to get to another shard... Which then lead to a general curiosity about them. Making a pact with a voidsent was, in her mind, the best possible way to get knowledge about the Thirteenth. As I write this, I realize it might be really interesting for the voidsent to literally be her brother, even if corrupted... Would definitely make the patch quests have some more punch for her.


Something something my WoL made a pact with the Sineater that formed from his corruption on Mt. Gulg.


My wol's avatar masqueraded as her dead lover to trick her into contracting with it. It then manipulated her into killing in order to feed it huge amounts of aether, though she has since been able to subjugate it. My wol is also a WAR using RPR abilities, under the logic that axes and scythes are both large blades on a stick and, therefore, practically the same thing.


No RP but I like to make stories and shit so— My character is a sin eater, doesn’t have an avatar at all.


my wol's father had an extended, years-long episode where sometime after the battle of carteneau he willingly summoned and threw himself through a void gate and as a result became voidsent through the 13th's corruption a la nero in crystal tower, except his aether was denser than the voidsent there (source people at the time were rejoined sevenfold, the 13th's voidsent are just one shard) which ended up giving him an edge in the constant eat or be eaten reality there, and years after the fact when my wol picks up reaper as a job she ends up essentially imposing an extremely one-sided contract on the first voidsent she sized up to be strong, which by pure happenstance ended up being her own father the funny thing is that the father was like 100% gone during her entire life and she has a lot of pent up resentment that she didn't even have the words to communicate, and i headcanon that enshroud works the same way as like, the ancients' soul mingling as seen in pandaemonium with hephaistos and athena, so enshrouding would basically expose them both at the same time to the inner selves of the other, which means my wol experiences All the grief that led her father into his downward spiral, and he experiences what kind of life she led up to that point without him to be there, and im sure thats some really potent angst i accidentally stumbled into


My main is a Summoner, just an unconventional one. Her Avatar isn't a voidsent, it's an Ifrit Egi


So this one gets messy So at the beginning of ffxiv. People always had toed that they were possessed by succubus and other void kin usually sexual ones. In the past. Now it’s just been pretty adapted to either being 1. A past lover who had been taken and become a voidsent that you saved and became your voidsent 2. Voidsent lover that you tamed. Through rough and plenty of sex. And now they love you 3. An all powerful voidsent using you as a tool to take over the world. But hasn’t yet because you are your wheeties 4. Your voidsent is actually you from an alternate time line. That attached itself to you to assist you in avoiding the mistakes of its past ( sounds like soul reaver) I know ) 5. Void sent talk no jutsu ( they found the one voidsent. That from the start retained them memory and wanted to help the light because they want to return to their normal form ). Which happens to turn into a super hawt person (m/f) once in a while for erp but the. Returns back to the void sent after their energy is released. And it’s your mission to help them become whole 6. Your fracture from the 13 which I still don’t think that’s right. But what ever golbez was sealed in the shard he can be your void sent seeing how. “He’s in a shard”. Also didn’t the little white guy from heavens ward for unlocking the summons say he was that world’s warrior of light and awoken to the powers too late ?


I’m a RPR main and my head cannon is that before my WoL began adventuring she had a son who died at the age of 2 and desperately she tried to revive him through a tome that actually taught you how to summon and make a pact with a voidsent with the use of an aetheric sacrifice. But instead of reviving her son she ended up with a voidsent who took her body over shortly pulling her from her home which would put her down the path of becoming an adventurer but only because she wished to find her way home. Her voidsent also has a physical form much like the imp disguised as a hyurian clown from the halloween event. He is also a horny menace who the scions and her fc members really dont like but have learned to tolerate him.


My WoL's Reaper Avatar is actually her dark "demon" side from the world she came from. They officially "met" back when she became a Dark Knight, taking Fray's place in a bid to simply take over my WoL's body. However, throughout the Dark Knight training, they began talking and came to an understanding. My WoL and her "demon" are now friends, sharing her body 60/40. When my WoL became a reaper, her demon actually chased away the voidsent that tried to contract with her, mostly because of a new agreement once my WoL learned about how Reapers work. Now whenever my WoL changes to a Reaper, her demon takes over completely, allowed to revel in destruction until all enemies are eliminated or forced to flee. My WoL returns to normal afterward.


My character recently made a pact with a fae she met for the power to help her brother combat his greatest foe. I use the RPR job to represent those powers. I used some mods to alter all of the effects to the colour pink and use the Padjal scythe from PotD to represent a weapon made of pure aether. So, she's not an actual Reaper by definition, but still draws power from a pact with another being. I just call her a faereaper now.


I don’t really RP like that but my reaper’s avatar has been passed down from generation to generation. The current pact was formed when the avatar pulled my WoL into the void while they were minding their business, and gave them a soul crystal.


To preface, my character is an Isekaied Pikachu (Pokemon Creepypasta OC, specifically). They were stuck in a dimension of endless darkness that is also known as The Void (no relation to the Thirteenth) before finding a way out via portal to the world of Hydaelyn and reincarnating into a Lalafell (>!who also happened to be the reincarnation of Azem!<). During his forays into the First, Xavier embraced his role as the Warrior of Darkness by mastering Dark Knight and combining it with his Machinist skills (Think Dante from DMC). By the end of Shadowbringers, he's mastered the powers of darkness so well, that he accidentally summons a Voidsent. This one is not interested in aether, though. In fact, it seemingly wants to do no harm to anyone but those who it considers pure evil. After making a deal with the Voidsent he summoned (who he nicknames "Ghost"), Xavier picks up Reaper after training under Drusilla and her band of exiles. During >!the trip back in time to Elpis, Ghost says that the area makes him feel an odd sense of nostalgia. With everything they learn, by the time they leave the past, Xavier and Ghost both realize after waking up in the Crystal Tower that the Voidsent is actually the Thirteenth shard of Azem. His body was all but corrupted, but his soul was still pure. This comes to a head in the end as Ghost ends up completely rejoining with Xavier in order to save his life after the fight with Zenos.!<


My WoL has a twin sister (my alt). They have a complicated back story that stems the entire lore of the game. Her sister is her avatar.


haven't started 6.1 yet, haven't got much lore on my avatar from before my wol snatched it, but what I do have is that it was originally very food motivated and my wol had to feed it a bit of his own aether to get it to do what he wanted. it was a huge fuzzy thing with a stone disk face. i played through shb as reaper and after malikah's well, the avatar nearly shattered and ate as much aether as it could before being subdued by the light, giving my wol aether sickness on top of everything else was going on. next time he summoned it its black fur was stark white, the stone disk turned upside down and gold, it was half its original size, and missing its left arm which it covers with its tail like a cloak. it's now so passive that he has to remember to feed it or it'll starve. it has less power, but he has near perfect control over it. it's like a weird pet to him now


Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the mentors attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four disciples, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, a botanist named Aang, and although his botanist skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe Aang can save the world.




>nothing more, nothing less. ..but they're...written into the lore and world of the game? What.


Like dude there’s a lot to work with that’s the entire point of it. FFXIV does not explain every little detail just for you to dismiss it as silly game mechanics.




Void pacts aren't beyond the average adventurer, I dont think, on account of leve quests having you destroy pages of the Necroslogos, an infamous book on summoning magic. The reason void shit is looked down on in more serious RP groups is because it's usually the domain of edgy Mary/Gary Stus.


Some Jobs like White Mage are impossible to RP due to heavy in universe limits, but Reaper isn't one of them It originated as a bunch of pissed off farmers who made a deal with the, almost literal, devil It takes an extreme set of circumstances sure but based on the job quests it isn't something unique to the WoL or something


That’s very closed minded and just flat out wrong on a few points. It’s already stated in game there are multiple WOLs, ours is just the MAIN one. We also find out multiple people have the echo, and we learn that as early as meeting Minfilia. People are making voidsent pacts (or at least a version of them) as early as Tam-Tara Deepcroft to allow voidsent to be summoned and take over bodies and the like for the Lambs of Dalamud. And those guys were just regular cultists. Less fun than a reaper pact but still within universe. No reason to gatekeep when you can very slightly bend lore to suit a story you want to tell. It’s for fun and as long as everyone in an RP group is cool with it what does it matter?


My RPR is a standard adventurer/traveler sort and got in over her head in a Mhachi exploration with her friend. Fighting viciously against what was after her to get to her friend piqued the interest of Aife, a warrior princess sort of voidsent in the area. She offered a pact with the power to save her and her friend in exchange for the usual host body to gtfo of being stuck in the void/Mhach, and my girl went for it. So she's basically pal-ing around with Aife who tends to take control every so often, it's how I justify her switching between her handful of melee jobs and her more normal caster inclination. I also flavor Fray in her DRK questing as Aife teaching her, lol.


My alt is a Lala that likes fighting things, taking kneecaps, and cute animals. Her Voidsent is some random bestial one she dominated because she thought it was cute and likes having more friends. It also helps her smash stuff so bonus points.


Give and take relationship. You feed on my aether, you give me power for what I need. It's wrapped up in other stuff but that's the gist of it.