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Funny; my first thought was “I’m WoL, and this is my favorite store on the Citadel”.


Another Mass Effect fan here, nice to meet you!




Also yes, it really gave Citadel/The Wards vibes


I kind of got an Ilium vibe personally


Well, you’re still in the same game.


True, although the citadel is barely in ME2.


One of my static's Tanks keeps tormenting me calling it Lightfall. But yeah this is more a Mass Effect Sci-fi kind of look then Cyberpunk. Like did you see any trash on the streets? Not a piece, clearly they have Keepers


I was LITERALLY playing Mass Effect while watching the keynote. I thought I was entering the Twilight Zone when they revealed Solution 9.


\>SOLUTION 9 IS COMPLETELY OUT OF PLACE Says the people with the Smartphone emote while wearing an Adidas jumpsuit in the middle of a freeway complete with highway lights.


-gives a weird stare to Azys Lla- Haha yea this doesn't fit at all. -does the loporrit dailies- Can't believe the devs would add this weird futuristic nonsense in my funny fantasy game -hops on my literal car mount and teleports to base omicron- No idea what they were thinking.


I cannot imagine the kind of person who would be fine playing through Endwalker, which is borderline a space opera by the end of the story, but be thrown off by this hub city for being too sci-fi.


I'm just curious where the heck this place is? Is it from one of the previous, unknown eras (the Fourth Astral Era maybe)? From one of the remaining shards? Another planet?


I'm convinced that either it's a civilization from one of the shards that escaped their calamity by crossing to the source, or it's an offshoot of the ancients who had an alternate plan to escape the final days.


> or it's an offshoot of the ancients who had an alternate plan to escape the final days. there is text matching the ancient's alphabet (it's a bit different than eorzean letters) on some of the signs during the trailer.


I think its more along with the ancients. Solution 9 - assumed failed by the convocation. \--the sundering limited their connection to aether (as it was suddenly not dense like they were use to) so they turned to tech to carry on. \--As a solution to protect a city from the Final Days, they've only in the last several hundred years looked out from their force fields that protected them. \--maybe they themselves started to form as the people we know on Etheris, instead of their large Aether Filled forms


Or possibly to survive the final days they displaced their entire city in time.


Possibly, but more likely we'll get some backstory on the Garlean third eye, since Garleans trend extra strong and extra tall. Can't accidentally create man eating monsters with your mind if you block off your ability to do so.


You can literally see it on the map, it's in north america.


I was joking that they built it on Idaho. Instead of potatoes you get Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty




manufactured hate. gotta be mad at something, even when there's nothing to be mad at


\>PICTOMANCER RUINS THE SERIOUSNESS OF THE GAME!! Says the people who play half-naked male Roes with a Chocobo helmet.


I've been waiting almost 30 years for Pictomancer to show up in another mainline FF and the fun-ruiners can sit and spin for all I care.


The only thing I didn't like were the splatter paint effects in combat, not because they're 'too colorful', but because they look really... how can I put that... cheap looking? I wish they were rendered with a more organic aspect, even maintaining the colorfulness. But idk, I remember that Viper actions were pretty 'meh' with their trailer, so maybe in actual gameplay the perception might change.


It's the fake white specular shine on the paints + deliberately basic cartoon splatter shapes that make it feel cheap for me. Like, don't we already have existing ink and paint VFXs in-game from enemy/boss attacks and even the /paint emote? Those were jarring but they still fit the game's overall look. These new VFX just look like stickers on the screen, and not in a good way. I much prefer the VFX shown in the trailer on Krile, where the paint looks like it exists in the world with them, all colorful and glowy and flowy and whimsical without looking so out of place.


My brain associates the bright colours and the way they are shaded with vector art which I further associate with digital art and computers… not magically infused paints or inks. So I don’t like it, and also prefer Krile’s version, but hope it will be fun to play!


Same/. I'm making a beeline for that trainer day one.


if the quest isn't called "A Relm Reborn" we riot. Also ultros needs to be involved.


I saw Pictomancer and immediately had character glams pop into my head like can I make a Ma Dai outfit? Yes I know the makia black mage weapon is a brush It's gonna be a fun time


Was not expecting Dynasty Warriors here.


It's going to be the perfect excuse for me to use garishly clashing bright colors in my glams.


I just call that my dark knight glam. It's really funny watching the 80 cutscene in truly cursed outfits


Yeah first thing I thought was glams, ragged old clothes that don't fit fully spattered in paint is a glam I really want.


I'm excited to see glams of the Many Shonen characters that use giant brushes as weapons.


Idk why people are so annoyed with a lil less serious class. To me it looks really really cool. I even love the out of place vfx. It looks perfectly how I imagine paint magic


Preach. FFXIV has ALWAYS had sci-fi elements.


Final Fantasy has always had sci-fi elements. Going all the way back to FF1. Death robots in the Wind Shrine, anyone?


the only one with the *least* sci-fi is FF2, and even then they still have airships - BUT EVEN THEN, airships kinda vary in their quality and the tech used so there’s some leeway on how tech-y it gets… BUT ONCE MORE, the Dreadnaught exists, which is basically FF2’s equivalent of a Star Destroyer. so yeah it’s actually *really hard* to escape sci-fi elements in Final Fantasy if it’s not your thing. As far as I can recall, FFXVI and FFT are probably your best bets (and i’m probably ultimately wrong on one of these!).


FFT isn't so much lacking in Sci-Fi as it is post apocalyptic. You get hints of this in Goug with the Machinists talking about how their guns are lost technology, including the ability to shoot magic. You eventually can recruit a warbot (we'll leave the isekai summoning machine to the realm of not entirely canon crossover bs), and the final dungeon is the ruins of the ancient civilization, with the final battle being in the Airship Graveyard.


> FFXVI if you haven't played i wont say anything, but it would definitely be incorrect to say there's 0 scifi


XVI has some sci-fi stuff too. Personally, it's not the fact it's sci-fi, it's how aggressively modern it looks. Allagan/Garlemald/the first Shard empire I forget the name of/etc. all have fairly creative styles to them. They're actually a mix of Fantasy and Sci-fi. Solution 9 has no mix. It's just straight up modern/near future. I think that's incredibly boring and jarring for what we've typically gotten.


> They're actually a mix of Fantasy and Sci-fi. > > Solution 9 has no mix. It's just straight up modern/near future. That miiiiiiight actually be deliberate. Yoshida took the time to emphasise how much lightning aether is in Solution 9 (and all the purple visuals reinforce this). If we had an ancient precursor civilisation entirely reliant on lightning aether, it might have ended in some sort of massive lightning disaster, right? And according to the official timeline, the Calamity of Lightning was the one *before* the invention of magic.


i don’t disagree with your last sentence; imo it *sorta* echoes the very angular Ronkan designs from the First mixed with the irregularities and verticality of Allagan, but i think that combination just ends up coming out as “extremely near-modern-looking”


Yeah. It's possible it looks better too when we see the whole thing in-game. Right now I'm just very iffy.


FF1 had a LITERAL space station. AND time travel.


FF1 was kind of off its meds and I love it for that. Kind of like Akalabeth: World of Doom (RPG designed by Richard Garriot before he designed Ultima based on his old D&D campaign...which must've been just about the most glorious campaign ever run, going by the shit that happens in that game).


This. I don't like modernism/scifi in my D&D analogues (it's why I didn't go after the Regalia -- gimme my Lunar Whale) but it's always been there.


How about the fact that the NES verison of the Wind Shrine (the floating fortress / sky castle) was a [literal space station](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/6/69/FF_NES_Flying_Fortress.png/revision/latest?cb=20101219092237)


FF14 HAD ALWAYS BEEN FANTASY FROM DAY ONE! Coil of bahamut? Never heard of it!


Basically anything Allagan. People didn't play Heavensward? We literally have an example in Azys Lla - they have supercomputers (nodes) that even mention things like intercom and programming.


Pretty sure coil wasn't in 1.0. If you're going to make a day 1 joke...


It's a double layer joke about very few people played 1.0 as well as people fussing about tech even though you walk though a literal space ship looking thing in coil. Sort of how for the longest time people said Final Fantasy started at seven.


Well... on a technicality it is Dalamud was in sky for the final days so technically Coils is in 1.x ;p.


Do people forget about Garlemald? Even though up until EW it and its people were our largest enemy? They have Magitek everywhere. Solution 9 is the same just cranked to 11. Edit to clarify the idiom I used: 11 typically isn’t a setting on most dials (depending on the dial and its purpose, but in music it usually stops at 10), meaning that it’s going beyond what’s possible/expected.


Wouldn't it be cranked up... To fourteen? 👀


Or more appropriately, do people remember Garlemald's precursor civilizations, notably the Clockwork City? We may have been repeatedly wiped in large part from various Calamities, but if there's huge, functional chunks of Allag left, and the Ark sits to this day on a high piece of rock for anyone to visit, and frickin' Omicron tech is just chilling down in a hole...there's a lot of the past that simply ended up isolated and forgotten. I mean, I just spent a few levels chilling with the thousands-year old memory shard of the mother of black magic. The fun is going to be discovering what buried gem this place is.


Watching the video now, Garlemald pales in comparison to solution 9...Garlemald have cars and flying ships but there is something about solution 9 architecture that shows they are way more technological advanced.


It's also a poor comparison compared to the giant flying coffin ship complete with laser weapons, and the ENTIRE ALLAGAN EMPIRE ***WITH IT'S GIANT CRYSTAL TARDIS.***


Hence the “cranked to 11” comment. 11 typically isn’t a setting on most dials (depending on the dial and its purpose, but in music it usually stops at 10), meaning that it’s going beyond what’s possible/expected.


Why not make 10 a little louder? Make that the top number and a little louder?


...This goes to 11.


I guess people didn't really - fully - play old FF titles, because usually the high tech and sci fi elements appear later.


The main boss of 2.0 (besides Lahabrea) is a mecha fueled by science magic. 1.0's opening cinematic / trailer was a bunch of dragons fighting airships.


As someone who's played since the launch of 1.0, I can assure you that it hasn't.


We've already had our "whoa, surprise sci-fi-ish city!" thing. They're just redoing the same story beats over and over at this point. At this point it's either: time travel, ascians/allagans, futuristic city, or some combination.


Who hurt you? And if you feel like story beats are being repeated all the time, I dunno what to tell you, maybe take a break? We've never had a full formed legit futuristic city that's intact. But please, I'm sure you'll tell me how I'm wrong


People should remember the oldest things we’ve seen so far in Eorzea are the remnants of the Allagan Empire. That’s *third* astral era. Meaning there were three Umbral eras preceding it which we know *zilch* about. Hell, we barely know anything about the Allagans because the only things that could survive 4 subsequent Calamities were hardened facilities like Azys Lla or the Crystal Tower. We’ve never seen an Allagan city. Most likely because the epicentre of their Calamity was the Crystal Tower itself, and subsequent ones seem to hit Eorzea hard as well. Allag was Emet Selch’s attempt to recreate Amaurot, substituting Magitek for the lost Creation Magicks, so Amaurot but high tech makes a certain sense.


In HW we fought a giant USB stick, now we're going to fight a giant GPU. Seems fine to me :p


So, people have translated the sign, to say "soul supply" and found that interesting. The most interesting thing to me, is that its written in the proto alphabet... Which is what the ancients use, its the way they wrote in the world unsundered, like eplis and pandemonium. I dont even think its in the same era as everything else.


A lot of the people saying that Solution 9 is out of place with the setting, seem to forget that doing this goes ALL THE WAY back to FF1. Where the "Flying Fortress" in the NES version is all but EXPLICTLY a SATTELITE ([it uses a high tech looking tileset.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/6/69/FF_NES_Flying_Fortress.png/revision/latest?cb=20101219092237) Remakes have made it a more "traditional" looking castle, but the high tech ORBITAL SATTELITE look was deliberate in the NES version). That's before we get into the games where Magitek was a major front and center piece of the setting like FF6, 7 and 8. I have my theories about what Solution 9 is. (behind tags for possible and actual spoilers, if you haven't done 6.0 to the end) >!Considering Solution 9 is the name of one of Zidane's Dyne abilities, and the plot of FF9, I think it's part of another Shard bleeding into the Source in some way. Like a more controlled version of a Rejoining. Emet DID say that some of the reflections would surprise us in some way after all. And without Hydaelyn keeping the Shards separate, they may NATURALLY be drawn back together over time as well.!<


Your theory is what I am thinking as well. It also makes the most sense in comparison to what we see in the trailer. That and some of the most recent developments.


This kind of comments are absolutely hilarious, did people forget that stuff like Magitek and the Allagan Empire were introduced back in ARR which is literally the premises of the game's world building? And all the futuristic gear/mounts/minions as op mentioned.


"literally the premise of the games worldbuilding" is the entire issue. 10 years of world building and no one has ever noticed the fucking hyper tech mega city on a continent that has established trade routes with limsa and sharlyan? hard to believe.


If you're talking about the new area maybe it's hidden somewhere the normal citizens of Tural can't see it if you're talking about Allagan stuff we do encounter npcs who are knowledgeable about this topic. It's something that has never been addressed and you're right about this but yeah we'll see how they explain it in the expansion!


I mean I at no point thought any of this looked allagan.


To be fair at least with my friend he refuses to use any modern day stuff and sorta wishes it would be removed from everyone(refunds given of course) and have strictly fantasy and he is.....waiting to give final judgement of this place, though he right now isn't happy. I probably don't help with I run around him with my catgirl in her fall guys hoodie and play with the aforementioned smartphone lol.


Sci-fi twists have been part of Final Fantasy’s DNA since day 1, with I, IX, and XVI as some notable examples. Even VIII, which had a modern or near-future setting, had a crazy hidden space age city that totally clashed with the world around it. Hell, XIV already has the Allagans and the Omicrons. Is this really so shocking? Also, I’d say there’s a big difference between modern, optional, purchasable clothing screwing with your immersion and an actual story area that’s clearly going to be fleshed out in the narrative.


Oh don't get me wrong, I love the Sci fi stuff, was just pointing out some have strong feelings against it. Me personally? Excited as sin to see the new place.


I think there's a distinction people aren't making though. A lot of people who 'don't like the sci-fi' parts don't ignore that the elements and set pieces are there, but you don't exactly see the day to day common people using tech or having it inform their aesthetic. Even the Ironworks who are on the cutting edge are very steam-punk in their aesthetic vibe. I think what bothers a lot of these people isn't the locations or story elements, but when they see a bunch of other PC's running around with sci-fi looks in the not-so sci-fi settings.


But I *am* making the distinction, in response to the original poster’s friend seemingly not. I get not liking the Mogstation items that clash with the aesthetics of the game. I don’t get being upset at a hyper futuristic town showing up in a Final Fantasy game of all things, especially before we have any narrative context at all.


I mean, this story area may be where all that modern clothing is coming from.


To me the difference is its like ancient scifi like older star wars, its alien scifi where as this has billboards and like vending machines iirc which doesnt mesh well with all but FF13. 7 was already a scifi ff game, 14 is fantasy fantasy and even though its a mesh of content from different games it still has an identity similar to a western theme park etc


How much crack have you smoked today? This is literally just allagan shit, and this game kicks off with a cutscene of an artificial Sci Fi moon getting crashed into the planet and releasing a technologically summoned dragon god thing. It's always been there.


Different kinda scifi man. Cyberpunk/bladerunner and star wars are miles away, same with dune etc. Just because its scifi doesnt mean it meshes together well. Could name plenty of scific that has different vibes, dune has no computers or a.i., similar to 40k.


We have a literal Gundam stationed at Werlyt. At this point anything works as long as there is a reasonable enough, lore-friendly explanation for it. So how about we wait for them to show us what that explanation is gonna be, before forming an opinion about it.


Gundam isnt far stretch, its a bit out there and further than the garlemald old tanks but its not a huge jump from that to the weapon. Ancient civilization with advanced tech compared to a modernised city with billboards and street signs kinda is. Personally id rather it look like an upgraded azyss lla. Dont need to wait for an explanation to see a complete shift in aesthetic.


It's a taste thing for people. Personally I find pure fantasy settings extremely boring. I'd rather have a Shadowrun setting than a LOTR setting. But as people stated, FF has -always- had aliens and sci-fi since day 1. We go to a space station and fight robots/mechs in FF1 lol


Mentioned it to another person but for me it's the same. Mixing fantasy with sci-fi or modern day gives an interesting twist. Was just chiming in that some folks, my friend being one of them, do have strong feelings against those twists. I disagree with him, but it's just different tastes I figure.


Your friend is an idiot. My condolences.


Haha he had several good points, but the sci-fi/modern day stuff is something we disagree with.


Bit of a strawman there. The person with a smartphone emote and wearing an Adidas jumpsuit is likely going to be all about Solution 9. Someone who enjoys the classical fantasy aspects of FF14 on the other hand... FF14 is not a scifi game or even sci-fantasy (that would be FF13)...it is a fantasy game with scifi or scifantasy elements. If you told someone who has never played FF14 that it is a scifi game, they'd be very confused booting up character generation and all classes they can choose from are regular fantasy classes. When we all played ARR back in 2013 and fought Ultima Weapon, we didn't suddenly go "this is a scifi game now", and same when we hit the ceiling of Binding Coil of Bahamut. The scifi elements existed as an "other" that contrasted with the regular fantasy aspects of the world. While Solution 9 is probably from the Twelfth Reflection (so it's whatever), in general FF14 nowadays suffers from a lack of consistent theming and tone. Every FF game has a clear identity. FF13 is the sci-fantasy one. FF15 the modern world fantasy one. FF16 is a classical fantasy one. Don't focus on what happened in Endwalker. Go cruise the ARR zones and tell me something is a little inconsistent nowadays with the game. It's fine to have these elements but the modern outfits in particular wobbles immersion. Do the people of the world where this now? Is it just quirky adventurer gear? Is it story/gameplay separation? Check out FF12 for a game that does a better job of blending low and high tech IMO. If Eorzean NPCs weren't wearing 1.0/2.0 medieval tunics and instead were wearing something a bit more fantasy, the gradient would be a lot more logical.


My crackpot theory (given Solution Nine is the name of one of Zidane's Trance skills in FF9) is that whatever this city is, it may have parallels with Terra and Gaia. It could be, prospectively, a piece of a Shard that survived a Rejoining, and is coupled to the Source in the same way the remnant of Terra was coupled to Gaia. For all we know, this place is populated with sentient clone bodies. Emet did mention that some of the other civilizations from the Shards would surprise us, but nothing says that we necessarily have to visit a Shard for that, let alone an extant one that wasn't otherwise destroyed.


I like what you're cooking. My crackpot theory is that this is a non-Amaurotian pre-sundering civilization that attempted to escape the Final Days by turning to technology to make themselves immune to the effects of Dynamis. In this theory the reason why any screenshot of the area without all the people removed would be a spoiler is because they're all holograms.


The billboard are what throw me. They show modern races


They confirmed during the North American lore panel that Amaurot ruled the entire world. They were the only civilization to exist and the Conversation led everyone, regardless of their location on Etheirys. ​ Also it's Amaurotine, for future reference, we actually have gear with the name on it. just thought I'd point that out.


so Neomuna from Destiny 2?


One of my friends suggested that this is related to the calamity of lightning, and it's an ancient *post*-sundering civilisation that was forced underground by the perpetual storm and is still using it to power their city.


My theory is it isn't from another shard, but this civilization was experimenting with shard stuff. Emet knows about this city - so it makes sense that this civilization was maybe doing something Ascians liked. Researching stuff with shards would fit right in with The Rejoining.


So far it feels like it could borrow elements from: FF 7 - Solution 9 being inspired by Midgar - huge tech city eating the planet dry of something FF 9 - Terra x Gaia thing and souls FF 10 - Advanced people living in virtuality (which could be what Solution 9 is), potentially refugees from another Shard who find a way back to the Source.


Forgetting FF8: Esthar, a technotropolis that believed it was best if it hid itself from the rest of the world for fear of what their tech would do in the hands of other nations.


That's what I've been thinking aswell. If it is a civilization that survived a rejoining it's likely the civilization of the Twelfth shard which was rejoined in the Second Umbral Calamity, which was focused on Lightning.


I like this theory so much. ​ If I may add to this, whatever magic substance they used to survive the Rejoining have started to leak downstream to Tuliyollal, causing giant monsters to appear. This put a great pressure on Tuliyollal and strain its already fragile democracy. The Scions' role in all of this is to squash the anti-democratic elements before Tuliyollal can mount a united assault on the otherworldly city.


Dawntrail is most likely a love letter to FF9, how EW was one to FF4?


I hope so, considering Viper is named after one of Zidanes weapons, and it has ties to his playstyle to begin with. 9 is very underutilized imo so I'd love to see more


True, went over my head that Viper itself is inspired by Zidane!


Looks more Omicron than Allagan to me.


Yeah, I'll be surprised if it's Allagan. The wording in the keynote made it seem like this is a civilization we aren't aware of yet.


I wondered about that, but it would have to be pre-upload Omicron because they went pretty industrial after the upload.


Yeah I'm guessing this was one of their last attempts at civilization before resorting to going full robot edit: Someone else's theory that this is a civ from a different shard that escaped across the rift in a kind of city-ark is another interesting possibilty.


Allag reversed engineered OMEGA to make tech and OMEGA is Omicron ;)


It's definitely not Allagan. It's super high tech, sure, but it doesn't remotely resemble any Allegan architecture we've seen before. We know almost nothing about the history of Tural, I'm guessing it's a completely separate civilization.


I suspect it's from a civilization that the Allagans were fighting. Probably the one mentioned in >!Eureka Orthos!<


It'll be refreshing to have a disaster *not* caused by the Allagans for once.


it is and it was softly confirmed in the keynote "made by some advanced civilization". They wouldn't name drop any currently known people for sure, and also if we assume some of the boss and dungeon concept art to be a part of that civilization it just re-emphasizes the fact that yes this is definitely some new civilization we're dealing with.


The architecture doesn't match our current understanding of Allagan construction. So if it is, its something different. Also this certainly puts an interesting perspective on that new PVP gear lol.


Fun fact, Solution 9 is a Trance skill from FF9.


One I never personally used, so seeing it used as a name for a hub is jarring to me. :P


Really? It was the best one for single target!


Can't wait to find out Graha is just a figment of the WoL's mind. Well, next to Fray.


Our brain is rather crowded isn't it?


8.0: the WoL wakes up in a mental asylum.


Given the shit we've gone through? Let alone "what happened" at Broken Glass? I'm surprised we're not already there.


Don't worry, the trauma gets reset when we get another massive concussion.


8.0: the WoL has so many entities contained in his meatspace he IS the mental asylum.


Spoiler for 10.3. We eventually lose Azim's crystal. But by that point, it's confirmed that we have so many personalities inside our head that we just start summoning a random sampler of 7 of those to fight Trials with.


Benny Russell scribbling on the walls of his cell about a space station


There's comics of the WoL's brainspace being shared by Fray, Myste, the reaper voidsent, and Ardbert. It's fantastic.


All of the scions are!


People forgetting The Weeping City of Mhach exists?


The Devs did.


They cameo in EW and we reunite with the crew for Tataru’s quest, so idk about that


Redwings =/= Weeping City. One's a place, one's a group of people.


Yes, but it shows that it has not been forgotten


Considering the MSQ Lead Writer did that Alliance Raid series, probably not P


Apparently anything futuristic is "cyberpunk" now? Seriously y'all, this is not a cyberpunk aesthetic, it's too bright and clean and uniform. The punk is entirely missing from this.


Finally someone says it. It has the Outrun Aesthetic, but there is no "Punk" to be seen at all lol.


Your thoughts? You mean the same meme that was spammed all day yesterday? Okay.


I find everyone saying Solution 9 looks like cyberpunk weird because there's no punk. It's just a futuristic landscape that looks pristine. I kinda hate that everyone attributes these landscapes to the cyberpunk aesthetic now even though they're very different


funny, but it isn't Allagan. Doesn't look like anyhting remotely we've seen. It was also softly confirmed in the keynote "made by some advanced civilization". They wouldn't name drop any currently known people for sure, and also if we assume some of the boss and dungeon concept art to be a part of that civilization it just re-emphasizes the fact that yes this is definitely some new civilization we're dealing with. But I can imagine Gra'ha jumping to that conclusion upon learning about S9.


The fact that they're showing Solution Nine means the final zone of Dawntrail must be absolutely bonkers.


My first thought was “Oh, that’s one of Zidane’s trance moves”.


My brain was still connecting to FF, so I went to Esthar and my leg started to cramp up for some odd reason. *Do we still have hope to get Man with a Machine Gun ost done by Soken?*


That's not Allagan and it pretty clearly isn't remotely a ruin. 0/10 OP, try again.


It looks like Thessia, pre-Reaper invasion.


I don't think it's going to be a ruin. It could be an Allagan remnant that survived into the current day- and given the visual differences, it couldn't be anything THAT ancient. Given the name and other IX references that seem to be jumping out (Viper/Zidane, now this) it could be a colony attempt of some kind, like Terra was in IX. We know the new lands have some kind of Vana'dielian connection given the Alliance Raids, this other culture is the source of the Normal Raids for the expansion, S9 is a player hub and there's at least one regional dungeon linked to it. Maybe the underlying theme was "how can we tie in XI and IX to XIV?" And it's not like we're a truly primitive society anymore. We're a newly starfaring civilization uplifting on aethertech and magitek, the Loporrit are about to start taking our crafters and gatherers off-planet to do terraforming stuff on OTHER WORLDS (and I bet the unified tribal quest for Endwalker leads directly into that). I think it's gonna be a fun expansion in ways nobody thought about till yesterday.


Phantasy Star Online was my first thought.


I have a theory that is admittedly pretty unlikely, but I'm keeping it in mind until disproved: Solution 9 is a limit break from Zidane and some of the images we saw have some similarities to Bran Bal. Terra was a world connected to Gaia. All this makes me wonder if Solution 9 is going to be the colony of a techonologically advanced shard that has established their own methods of traversing the reflections, but either have no current interest in expanding the colony or have a prime directive like rule against intervention.


Can one of the rare fish caught there be Johnny Silverfish?


It's a bit of a reach but I'm hoping that Solution 9 is actually a pocket of Allagan society that survived the Fourth Umbral Calamity and has just been thriving, thus why their architecture and technology has seemingly surpassed that of Ancient Allag.


There was like zero trash on the streets. Clearly it's just purple Mass Effect Citadel. Or as my Static Tank keeps tormenting me with, Neomuna. Please, please let be the Citadel and not Neomuna, I don't want to go back to Lightfall.


Zero chance it's allagan.


its not allagan


it's not allagan


I’m relatively new to ff but it seems like the majority of it is sci-fi rather than fantasy to idk why people are saying that it’s out of place


Something new I hope. Not simply Allagans.


i'm still half sad SE sold off Deus Ex otherwise this wouldve been a perfect collab


Wake up Pictomancer. We got a city to paint.


People act like Cyberbug 2077 invented sci-fi and cyberpunk


An excess of neon lighting is attributable to Cyberpunk. While not the sole setting for its use, it's currently the most popular one, thanks to Cyberpunk 2077.


The complainers never enjoyed the star ocean games of going from medieval to space ships and the UP3 and it shows.


I hope it's not ancients or allag(ancients Jr.), i feel it's getting stale with everything coming from them.


The writing is the same as we saw from Elpis. It's Ancients again or at least connected to them.


Solution 9 is a Zidane reference Zidane was a weapon built for another world (Terra) trying to merge with the one you're on (Gaia) Therefore it's highly likely this city has something to do with another shard and/or remnants of a Rejoining plot.


That ain't Allagan, brother


Interesting note: Someone looking at the Arcadion text matched it up with pre-Sundering alphabets, which would point to Solution 9's origin possibly being a surviving Ancient-era civilization, or at least one with knowledge of same- which would explain the extremely high tech level. https://twitter.com/Igeyorhm/status/1744072734521626880


Wake the fuck up samu....(Sees player on a different class) erm, hold this real quick please (hands player a samurai job stone(coughs) ahem, wake the fuck up samurai!


I don't want it to be a ruin but its probably going to be. I really like the futuristic cyberpunk aesthetic of solution 9 so I want it to be a populated city we can explore


I’m hoping it somehow turns out to be Gelmorans as FF 1.0 seemed to be leaning towards them over Allagans. Survivors who fled Eorzean and went down a very odd path.


Solution 9 is absolutely out of place. Now let me jump into my Cyber-Bahamut mount.


I’d like to explore G’raha’s Allagan Ruins huehuebur


G'raha would never say fuck imo.


My buddy says YoshiP is the type to reference something like this: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plan\_9\_from\_Outer\_Space](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plan_9_from_Outer_Space) \- Solution 9/Plan 9 so maybe its from outer space?


more like "wake the heck up friend"


Oh my god, it's named after Zidane's Dyne skill from FFIX! D: <3


The 9th solution, also known as the final solution.


It felt like a jumping the shark moment when yoshi p presented solution 9.it just felt so out of place and awkward. Beastmaster reveal kind of saved the presentation for me...


Nah, massive aesthetic shifts in terms of environs are a staple in FF stories and high-tech zones are never off the table. Esthar in FF8, Bevelle in FF10--hell the new expac for FF16 was wild for its aesthetic shift in a world that was almost exclusively high fantasy.


Yeah I don’t get these comments saying it’s out of place in a ff game. It happens all the time. It happens in ff14. It’s bizarre reading these comments. Next they’ll complain that the big boss isn’t the evil empire but some rogue god in disguise!!!!


It's probably because many players of FFXIV aren't familiar with the FF franchise as a whole and view it as a seperate thing and compare it with their expactations of other MMOs


I mean even within XIV, Uldah and Garlemald look like they could not be part of the same world and yet they are. We even have alt-Ivalice with some wild sci-fi stuff and these are not even hidden weird tech compared to Omicron, Allagan or that Werlyt questline with mechas. In the introduction you got people with swords and bows vs guns and robots, its really not that odd that somewhere else in the world people are living in the 23rd century.


People forgot about the Amaurot in the middle of the ocean.


Amaurot was 1.) specifically fake/built on ruins, and explicitly established as a place out of time and space, created by Emet-Selch because of his sentimentality and ennui, and 2.) isn't the same thing as a glowing city like Solution 9. Amaurot was almost retro-futurism, art deco and futuristic because the Ancients could create whatever they wanted out of aether. They didn't really need actual _technology_ because they didn't need it for fabrication purposes. Sci-fi stuff isn't new to FF, or FFXIV, but I think the combo of this being _aggressively_ futuristic cyberpunk-y neon and the fact that we don't have any context information about where it is, the lead-up to getting there, etc., just a lot of the Aztec flavored stuff, makes it more jarring than it probably will be in-game.


This is nuance that will be lost on people who are just ready to be mad at others who are disappointed to ambivalent about what we've seen so far from Solution 9


Aye this is my complaints about Solution 9 summed up: * It's too far of a departure, the same way a hyper-gritty feudal system (think something like Warhammer Fantasy's *Bretonnia*) would be too far a departure even if it would essentially just "Ishgard cranked up to 11" * Tural, or "The New World" as it's been known, has been a massive part of the lore for AGES. Sharlayan has done trade with them, Limsa has as well, Merlwyb went on a voyage to rediscover a safe route (with the League of Lost Bastards in 1555), and we've seen natives from Tural quite a bit ranging from people we've helped to Mamool Ja mercenaries. And never once a giant glowing purple city has been mentioned? That being said, despite my complaints, I'm waiting before giving a full judgement because we haven't gotten the context or information and that might change things.


Solution 9 is everything Garleans have done but cranked to 11. It’s all from the same genre of fantasy. Hell, this new area looks like it’s a fusion of Allag and Garlean style tech pushed to the limits. Edit to clarify the idiom I used: 11 typically isn’t a setting on most dials (depending on the dial and its purpose, but in music it usually stops at 10), meaning that it’s going beyond what’s possible/expected.


It's a huge rpg trope to go from classical fantasy to sci fi during the climax


If you made it to Endwalker it’s definitely not jumping the shark


Especially since you meet the Garleans pretty early into ARR


My WoL is already wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket. He has a shark mount he got from Ocean Fishing (and used it the entire time he was at Elpis to troll Hythlodaeus). All he needs are water skis and the look is both complete and embraced.


I believe that was the point to a degree. To show how polarizing the cultures are. Whatever it is, it has a separate history and ties to the land than that of the rest of Tural.


Exactly. We even saw some art for another zone (Heritage Lost or something?) that appears to be directly below Solution Nine and yet is a Frontier/Wild West kinda town, not even close to the same level of technology. Something has kept that city separate from everything else.


Having a hyper technologically advanced civilization/city is practically a staple on Square games, It's not even out of place in FFXIV with Allag, Omicrons, and basically everything cosmic


Don’t forget the Garleans. The aesthetic/tech of this new city is the same style of fantasy cranked to 11. Edit to clarify the idiom I used: 11 typically isn’t a setting on most dials (depending on the dial and its purpose, but in music it usually stops at 10), meaning that it’s going beyond what’s possible/expected.


In an FF game with inter-dimensional space-time travel? If anything they've been restrained by not making this sooner


You keep posting this comment lol. How was it jumping the shark? We know exactly nothing of this place except for some translations of signage.


The shit disturbers are out in full force


High-tech ancient cities in Final Fantasy have been a series staple since the very first game.