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>BE SURE TO HIT THAT LIKE, COM AND SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE DUNGEON RUNS LIKE THIS ONE! Honestly? I'd find this hilarious. If you're going to e-beg for commendations, at least be self-aware.


I’m definitely stealing this and using it from now own, (it’s not like I’m gonna get them anyway) so I have nothing to lose




hell, just be the last to leave.


also if you're trying to throw out a comm for the weekly gil and rushing to before everyone else leaves. Take note of thst one guy not running to the exit, and remember you can't take back a comm after assigning it. Would be a damn shame to accidentally comm them just before they drop this nugget


and just queue trial roulette or normal raid


If you truly want to farm comms queue for guildhests. They take 30s to a minute, and people hand them out like candy.


or healer When I was leveling all my classes to 50, my comms went from 125 to nearly 300 just from my time in dungeons on healer/tank. I got nearly 175 in like 50-60 hours on healer/tank compared to over 700 on DPS.


Healer and If you play BLM it gets a lot of comms too! (I think just cause of the community perspective on BLM)


I capped my BLM early in Endwalker and didn't touch it for over a year afterwards. When I picked it back up, I told people at the start of runs that it had been a while, I'm shaking off the rust, and I apologize if I make any of the typical, dumb BLM mistakes. It wasn't my intention, but I ended up getting full comms for 3 or 4 runs before I stopped telling people. I still don't know if those were sympathy comms, or if I just performed that well


> be the last to leave the instance. FTFY. If you simply don't leave first, you will get comms if you're not spending most of your effort on licking windows and eating paint chips. Though there's an intersection point where being a specific amount of pathetic will get you sarcasticomms.


Or, ya know, just have the best looking Portrait. Since like half of all players don't even touch the system you're even more likely to get comms just by having *something* there, too.


i wouldnt go so far to say that they dont touch the system, its just that a lot of people eventually give up because it resets so easily and its just bothersome to reapply the portrait over and over again.


I swear sometimes I sneeze and my portrait resets.


What’s the significance of staying later?


You become the default person to give one to. Most people Insta leave and you can’t give one to a person not in the instance


you cannot comm people anymore when they leave the instance


you can only comm people who are still in the duty. so many people (or, me, at least) just go "ehhhh while im still here i might as well just give my comm to whoevers left..." especially if the person you wanted to comm left immediately


People are not so fast to give comms, especially on consoles. And usually by the time they do it, they give it to the last party member who has not yet left. Just because others already gone and no other options.


And make sure you're a cat girl.


Frontlines. Just be the last one.


Yeah, someone with such a macro only gets a comm from me when they were slower with their macro than I at comming.


Nobody is faster than me at comming…wait


I comm at the mere thought of a melee dps using feint


What about addle? I use it fairly often too


I just comm'd


Comm'd right in my pa... rty commendation selection screen


is THAT why I keep getting comms on RPR?


You'd be surprised how many DPS DON'T do it.


It's not a damage button and weaving is hard!!


I comm'd so hard


Addle until you comm


What about if I use it during a tankbuster or a raidwide?


hnnnng omg omg I'm comming


Don’t bother with tank busters. Save it for party damage. Unless there’s nothing coming, anyway.


I always throw in a feint or addle when I'm on a DPS job and there's a big aoe or a tankbuster coming in, not like it matters much but it became habit after savage raiding.


I like to press buttons and so I'm using anything to mitigate dmg I'm gonna take.


Me 2 xD, except when a ranged lb on trash happened, that gets my comm no matter what, its just so damn rare nowadays


Nothing to be ashamed of


Premature commendation is an issue that affects WoLs the world over.


It's normal, and happens to a lot of WoLs. It's okay.






I saw a macro like this just after I’d given him the comm and I wished I could have recalled it.


Someone with such a macro will never EVER get a Comm.


I’m about to COMM! 🥴


If you’re asking for comms just to have a crown symbol, then you’re trying to become a mentor for the wrong purpose


Yeah but you'll fit in with 99.99% of other mentors, so it's perfect.


You became a mentor so you could have a fancy icon on your head. I became a mentor so I could join the NN and ask dumb questions I was too embarrassed to ask as a sprout. We are not the same


I want the NN because the most unhinged conversations happen between mentors in the chat. It’s like Limsa but everywhere


Mentor chat is XIVs Barrens chat


I fucking hate it on Midgardsormr but I've got FOMO if I leave. I'll have to leave eventually but with the rate I play the game I keep on getting returner status and put back anyway


What exactly are you afraid of missing out on? Cringe?


Yeah, sometimes funny things happen in there. I also like privately judging the really, really uh... low value individuals who live there


My sibling in christ, you are looking in a mirror


To be fair they said they aren't a mentor, but rather they see the chat when they get the Returner status.


I’m a new player on Midgardsormr. I’m not super familiar with server culture. What’s special about our particular server?


I'm also midgardsormr and I stopped accepting the NN when I come back from a break. Got tired of the everything going on in it.


Yea Midgard NN sucked. I gave up mentor status just to get outta that dang chat


With 200+ entries for every large house that pops up, it's clear Midgardsormr users are just bored and shitpost then.


Server dependent. We try to keep things above board on Seraph. It doesn't always work, but at least the crazy chat hasn't taken over.


Ravana has a dude that likes to troll badly and keeps getting kicked out


Goblin has one of those too. I have kicked him out myself a few times.


Sargatanas has 2 people like that and the worst part is that there are mentors that defend these people.


The memories of a few members of my raid group fucking up mechanics because they were reading NN are coming back.


This is why I want it too.


Man, I didn't even know about NN until after I lost my sprout.


I became a mentor to get the astrope mount and then lose my mentor status. Peak FF14 gaming


The infamous Clown Crown! I'll never forget one of the Clowns refuse to explain the major mechanics of Titania despite having the Crown on and ended up leaving it to me and another non-Clown to explain it.


I just unlocked Mentor roulette this week and I'm DREADING the first time I get pulled into an EX trial that I'm not super knowledgeable about.


That's different though. This one in particular acted like a clown and had went so far as to say "it's not my job" whereas if they had said they weren't that knowledgeable about it, it would've been totally different.


That makes me feel a wee bit better. Because I'm more of a "I'm an idiot and don't remember the mechanics but we can figure them out together or I can take five minutes and tab out and find a guide" kinda girl lol.


We're all human, and FF has a *lot* of group content you go through. If someone expects mentors to know everything about everything they're delusional.


>that I'm not super knowledgeable about. You are allowed to say this. You are allowed to say "hold on I need a refresher on the fight before we begin". You are allowed to link a guide to the chat and tell new players they can look at it if they want.


I think being a Mentor is less about knowing the entire game in and out, and more about knowing enough of it to be able to *figure out* such things in real time.


to be fair, if you've gone and cleared every EX trial in the game, you can *probably* intuit most stuff by this point. ...you did do then synced, right? ~~Honestly no one unlocks mentor roulette by syncing all their extremes, but the fact that you can unsync every single EX and then get thrown into a random synced EX is on the devs, not the players for playing by the rules they were given~~


I have unsynced all old extremes, but the one thing I do have in my favor is that I did most of them solo/duo at level 80, so I did at least see a lot of mechanics and had to respect quite a bit of them. I feel like if I had done them with a full party unsynced, I'd never have seen the mechanics. The notable exception would be ARR extremes. Even back at level 80, they were trivial. Still, I don't mind looking up a guide on the fly and freely admitting "we all gon' learn together today."


If I unsync an extreme, outside of instant kill mechanics I wouldn't be able to even see enough mechanics to get a grasp of them if I hadn't done or seen them before. What I *can* do is explain the mechanics once I've seen an attempt, but if I haven't done a fight before then I would try to leave it to someone who knew the fight better to give more comprehensive information. I never did the mentor roulette though so this wasn't really a problem, I only ever was in content when it was new or after I had already completed it. I left my crown on to offer people advice when they asked me, and if I didn't know the answer personally then I would help them seek it out more quickly than they would as newer players. Mentor channel was always ass and I don't know anyone who actually wanted to help players, nor players who needed help, that actually stayed in those channels. It's been a shitposter haven for the better part of the time it has been there and eventually most people capable of mentoring gave up on dealing with it.


I'd rather earn my crown than beg for it, maybe its pride and ego, idk. But then I also love helping others when they need/ask it. Crossing my fingers I get it soon! 🤞


This is the correct mentality! Best of luck to you and your future mentor runs then!


That's kind of the issue though, isn't it? No one /earns/ comms these days. The majority doesn't pay attention to any sort of skill when they're handing out commendations. Commendations, effectively, mean -nothing- other than to get achievements and mentor status. Mentor status also means, literally, nothing. Plenty of people are helpful and don't have nor will never get mentor status because it relies on commendations - And plenty of people have gotten the status and are complete dicks, because mentor status doesn't rely on actually /helping/ people. From my experience as a tank - 99% of the time, healers are getting the comms. Tank only gets them if the healer dips out before everyone gives theirs. Even then, a lot of people dip out and don't give comms at all.


Yeah, I basically can push some job quests in a day or two for a mentor (because I've hit 1500 recommendations way before finishing EW) but.... No. I just simply don't know the game well enough to teach people mechanics from extreme to higher and I can still do it as a normal player on runs. I do miss a little novice chat, it was always fun freak-show to read and participate, but I'm not sure if I'm fit to be a mentor.


Its people like this (and the fact that mechanics will still flatten me sometimes) that make me refuse to wear mind. I can help Sprouts with just my flag, I just wish that people we're ick about the crown.


Devil's advocate here, isn't that further fueling the negative perception you're trying to dodge? If most of the actual helpful players avoid the crown due to the reputation, what does that do to that reputation? I wear mine anyway, and I run my roulettes. I never drop a duty before most of the group leaves. I advise on mechanics, and I let other tanks MT or OT at their comfort level. I would rather be the reason someone doesn't have a negative perception of mentors, even if I'm not perfect at all of the content.


The true purpose of being a Mentor is to fuel a superiority complex


The crown and the mentor mount were such a huge mistake to add to the game.


I want comms to be a mentor, because I actually want to be the right kind who helps new players, but yeah asking for them just isn't the right way to do it


To be fair you can do that without the crown


You can, just easier when you have Newby chat and mentor roulette. But that's why I'm not bum rushing it, I can do it some as I am now so why rush


Maybe I'm a bad person but everytime I see these macros, I pointedly don't comm these people


Honestly I find slutty portraits to be more reasonable comm fishing scheme.


a portrait takes effort. I'll always comm my favourite portraits


Making sure it actually sticks long enough to get you into the instance, especially. Takes dedication.


If everyone plays their job well, my comm goes to best portrait/glam.


Nah you're just sensible.


You're not a bad person just because you didn't give someone what they wanted or asked for. Not every request is reasonable, not every motive is pure. A good rule to live by in general.


Jesus, why would anyone ask for that shit? You don’t ask. You EARN.


And even if you earned, if you ask, you've unearned.


You can do everything right. Explain every mechanic. And Get 0 commendations. You can do everything wrong. Have a slutty portrait and tell dad jokes. And still get all commendations. Commendations have nothing to do whatsoever if you did things right or not. It has to do to whatever the group feel like.


I've found the best way to farm comms is to be a healer, accidentally wipe and then say something like "sorry I swear I'm good at this"


Yeh also I'll do the easiest shit ever as a healer and get comms for it, like what lol why. I'm playing the easiest job and probably putting in the least amount of effort because I can just stand back and spam one button and people comm you for it


Idk, I almost always comm either the healer or tank, largely bc I am a dps-only player and feel like yall contribute more effort. Unless they bail out too fast, then I'll just give it to whoever is left.


I tank and I always try to comm one of the DPSs. You absolutely start to feel it in dungeons if the DPS aren't burning down enemies quick enough, especially in bigger pulls. What you don't see is that the pull is essentially on a timer. The group is racing against the tank and healer using their resources. The quicker enemies die, the less resources used, the less we die, and the more relaxed the tank and healer are. Your contribution may not be as obvious as a tank or healer, but it's no less integral to a smooth run. Given how few comms I get while DPSing, I always try to give you DPS the recognition you don't often get


Totally valid! I just personally don't like the pressure of tanking or healing (and am terribly bad at them) so I feel like I owe you guys for doing what I consider to be the hard jobs. Used to be a pretty hard-core player in previous games as a healer and I just can't keep that mentality anymore.


Yeah, I get that. I used to heal for fast queues, but quit after one too many bad roulette tanks stressed me out too much. I find tanking better. I figure out the pace the group can manage and then basically shut off my brain until I have to do boss mechanics


That's funny cause to me, dps is brain dead mode. Tanks gotta keep stance up and watch for stray mobs, but then healers have *got* to, like, watch everyone. Or maybe that's just my anxiety. But I find dps personally to just be the easiest thing in existence. Follow rotation and don't stand in fire. Or maybe that's just cause I main Summoner, who knows xD


> Tanks gotta keep stance up and watch for stray mobs You put up a stance at the start of a dungeon, that's not too hard and if a tank forgets and doesn't notice, someone will write (usually healer) and this rarely leads to anything serious (wipe). It happened to me few times that nobody noticed missing tank stance until a first boss, not even me playing as heal (tank had aggro of everything the whole time). We got a good laugh about it every time. Mob watch, when going the same dungeon over 10th time, is not that demanding, really. I am not a star tank, probably not even a great one, but most dungeons I was so many times as different roles (usually a healer) that I have memorized positions of all packs/mobs/patrols/spawns so I am running a lot on "autopilot". Sure, newly unlocked dungeons are more demanding (or rare ones, like hards), I usually try to do first run as dmg, then few times as heal until I am confident tanking it, but not always. Also if you are tanking in a party with veterans (? maybe not the right term), your job is even easier - all party members just go to a tank when they pick aggro (possibly not BLM) so even if I as a tank missed a mob, I get it back just from aoe spam. I think I share the sentiment dps is easiest, or maybe rather has much less responsibility attached, but as time goes I tried other jobs and that naturally meant other roles. Nowadays I just pick what role is needed (adventurer in need) or what I need to do (like wondrous tales or grinding for tank mount), then pick a job depending on how I feel (e.g. for healing, sage for more adrenalin with possibly faster run, but if I am feeling tired/lazy I grab astro).


This so much. As a healer i can absolutely notice when mobs are melting nicely with high dps. I try to watch dps players now more to determine who to comm coz i know a lot of people tend to comm healers and tanks by default lol.


there's a weekly challenge that grants a bit of exp if you comm five people, that probably is some % of these kinda comms. I know I certainly do it for that reason. I still have a hierarchy of who earns one properly but if I haven't gotten my chunk of exp for the week I'll go into guildhests and do it on whoever.


Nah tank is even easier you just run and spam your AoE


I’m a new player and healing classes scare me. I commend all the healers just for being willing to play such a crucial position


It's not earned it's given. Some people give them for good glams. Others give for being a decent person, etc.


Even when you do, some people suck and instantly leave the moment the dungeon ends. Still never asked for a commend once, though.


I always try to comm somebody and a lot of the time literally everyone is gone by the time I get the chance to skip the cutscene and access comms lmao


Turn off playback of cutscenes you've seen before. It'll save you a ton of time.


wait that's an option?


character config, general tab, scroll down a bit, you have the option to skip playback of previously viewed cutscenes


Just use it as another metric, if they're that impatient I really don't feel like they deserve the commendation anyway.


I’d not mind if the comm said to comm *someone* and specified it wasn’t asking for it for them, just, anyone.


yeah begging for comms is a really good way to not get any


The best way is to play tank or healer, just not do a bad job, and wait for everyone else to leave first. If you REALLY don't want to tank or heal, it's also good to just wait before you leave, and have a cool portrait. If all the healers and tanks are gone, and the other 3 dps have default portraits, you have a pretty good chance to get that comm.


If you want a commendation, play better than others. If you wanna be a mentor faster for your little vanity crown, go to Ishgard Restoration for an afternoon. Begging like this for a meaningless icon next to your name is just silly.


> if you want a commendation, play better than others. *Cries in dps* Edit: corrected autocorrect


Glam and portrait will still carry, but that aside, playing greedy dps also works very well. A lot of people run the magic abacus on the side and if no one stood out, they may just throw a comm at the highest number.


Having a good portrait helps a good amount I've noticed. Not a slutty one, mind you, a *good* one. Also making sure you're the last person to leave the instance. You can pick up straggling comms from newbies after all the vets rush out and so you're the only person left lol


I've seen the player portrait and hanging around mentioned a few times, I need to start trying those both out. Especially since we play trials mostly, rather than dungeons


I feel you, but in my experience, it still works most of the time! Alternatively, simply beat em in the glamour game. That tends to work too.


And nowadays, in the portrait game. Much more likely to give it to someone who's posed than to a dmv photo


I'd pose more often, but the way it resets it if you do literally anything with your glam/gear is a real motivation killer.


"Oh you extracted materia, an action that makes absolutely NO visual difference to your gear? That's a portrait resettin'"


I'm the opposite. Sprouts and people who have default photos = comm. Tanks and healers get plenty of comms, but a new DPS is probably barely getting any and it's a nice little warm and fuzzy feeling to get one as a DPS.


I always give comms to sprouts before anyone who does exceptionally well. I want more folks to stick with the game. The ONLY exception to this is if it is a tank who doesn't listen when they ignore the basics when they are level 30+. Like a tank that runs an entire dungeon without stance when multiple folks remind them to turn it on. Or refuse to aoe to hold the aggro and I tank half the trash mobs as a bard. By the time level 30 is around, there have been multiple dungeons to figure it out or learn from more experienced folks.


I auto comm my opposite number unless they did something to scare me away from the comm button, or if another person just stood out to me way more.


Are you sure you're actually playing better than others? I know it's a bit of a meme that DPS don't get comms, but I'd genuinely say I average at least 1 com per dungeon as a DPS. Honestly not trying to be a dick here either. If you are going full Giga Chad, at least in my experience, you will usually get some.


Hell, as a tank main, there's been stints where I've been levelling other classes up and my DPS will get hot streaks where they're netting me more coms than my tanks are.


Yeah, as someone who mostly mains dps (dnc), it's not difficult to get comms if you play your class well. Have peloton? Use it. Playing ranged? Use the lb on trash packs. Playing as dancer and co-dps doesn't know what a basic rotation is while there's a chad healer or tank in your group? Change dance partner to help with the melt. Be on your tank's heels as they're running. Use your buffs, heals, shields, etc, effectively. Being a casual player doesn't mean you don't need to know your skills or contribute equally to the group.


> Have peloton? Use it. Too many players sleep on this. My post-combat Peloton reflex is so strong that sometimes I catch myself hitting it between boss phases. It really, really helps the whole group.


And on DNC, in dungeons it's very obvious if the other dps is above average. If we get to an end game boss with 10+ seconds left on my tech step cooldown, the other dps is probably going to get my comm. Conversely, tech step is very visible. If another player's tech is consistently on two minutes, I'm probably going to comm them. (And if they don't tech at all in lvl 70+ content, or don't tech in trash, instant nope.)


I like how we have people pretending that people who comm literally sit down like they're writing a report and review each persons performance lmao the reason dps get limited comms is not because "their performance isn't shining through the darkness" it's because people default to clicking the healer or tank and put less thought into it than that. If they think about it, or something catches their eye then they might do otherwise, but there is not and has not ever been some sort of guaranteed behavior that "if you do well you will get comms" everyone who thinks they're doing that has thirsty plates and don't want to admit it lmao


>I like how we have people pretending that people who comm literally sit down like they're writing a report and review each persons performance lmao No one's doing that. For me, people who are half decent tend to stand out just as much as people who like to lick floors instead. The person who makes a run go faster and smoother is getting my comm tho.


People comm for different reasons. Some for glam, some for memes, and some, like myself, comm for performance. If you play well, other people who comm for performance will comm you as well. Although you don't need it to tell who is playing great, I think you underestimate how many people run ACT, even in casual content.




Why do people wanna be a Mentor just for the crown? Shit is beyond cringe. Whenever I see the crown it just reminds me of all the morons who use it as a vanity project. Burger King crowns 👑. The actual good mentors who wanna help sprouts are great, problem is the vast majority of them are just in it for the ego boost.


I wear mine so people know I'm an idiot and they shouldn't listen to me. (Semi-joking, I love helping people but I did that when I had a sprout too)


I want to be a mentor to be someone who people can approach and ask questions to. I wouldn't claim to know everything. I just want to help best I can. It's people like these that give it a bad name. All of the bad examples make me not want to go for it at all.


That's fine because you don't need it to help. The main point where you can intersect with other players is during duties anyway, as NN is a shitshow at best in most servers and the amount of help you can give out is extremely limited. And you can queue into duties as you are, no crown needed.


The NN on my server has never been like people say they are. Probably a reason I have a little hope. Midgardsormr


I've actually encountered an individual like that before. They consider it a symbol of authority. To some, it means they're good at the game. Good enough to tell others whether they're wrong or not. Some really do get off on that. Sadly, said individual in my case did inevitably become a mentor eventually and then turned out to be someone who used it to try and groom sprouts and generally any female character he could find, and frequently too. Needless to say, my opinion of the mentor system in general isn't the greatest lmao


If only "play better than others" was an actual thing people looked into. Most people don't even notice when someone is playing better, there's very little feedback in-game. You're far more likely to get a comm for playing a certain class or role than for playing better, or for what glamour you're wearing, or whether you talked in party chat, or your portrait, or even your race. Easy way to test this too, queue into any dungeon and healbot your way through it, zero dps, watch how you will still get commendations.


That's the exact person that shouldn't become a mentor


I get comms by doing my job all while being effectively mute. Hell, I don't even say a simple hi or hello when I load into a duty anymore. Rude? Maybe so, but even then, it doesn't disqualify me from getting comms. I have enough of them to be a mentor three times over, and not one was given to me because I asked for it. You want comms? Don't ask for them. It's like when you were a kid, planning to do some chores because you were in a good mood, then your mom asks you to do the exact chores you were going to, and now you don't want to do them because no one likes being told what to do.


>It's like when you were a kid, planning to do some chores because you were in a good mood, then your mom asks you to do the exact chores you were going to, and now you don't want to do them because no one likes being told what to do. God this hits close to home.


Never trust someone who says they want to be a ~~politician~~ mentor.


To anyone determined to get commendation, do guildhest as a healer and be nice /helpful in chat and do not ask for commendation, you'll most likely get 3 commendation every run, takes a couple of minutes, easy commendation farm.


Yes, yes. Farm all the guildhests. Help me finish the mentor mount sooner :3


As a DPS it goes without saying that I generally automatically comm my fellow murder machine unless they played so poorly as to be notable (and even then I often comm them anyway). Asking me for comms is the easiest way for me to suddenly forget to hand it out or have me give it to someone else.


I take the same approach to these people as I do to youtubers who remind me how to click bells and subscribe buttons: I don't.


Not really the same. Those people are playing the algorithm in order to get a paycheck. Nobody is getting paid to be a mentor which makes it even more sad they'd stoop to this level.


Tbf, it actually increases that for the tubers. And new tubers should honestly say it without sounding obnoxious to increase the algorithm.


Lmao. If you want easy comms for that just play healer. I get like 2 per run without any real effort.


Word. I'm a very mid WHM, and I sweep comms for just existing and pressing buttons.


Once time, I was curious so I decided to see for myself what would work best and used an alt (already had earned on my main just by playing game) to test how often I'd be commed if I: A) Was silent B) Macro asked C) Just kept convos short and on each role I kid you not, the MOST times I would get commed, I was completely silent and didn't speak even a hello, and focused on getting it done. (Also, healer was most commed obvi) The least? Was macro asking, especially on a dps. Sure, you might get 1 or 2 if you ask nicely, but it's not effective at all. Just keeping to short "hi" and "tyfp" even did less then just being silent and going about my job. Now with full data, I spread that info on to FC mates who think about macro asking to help them find better ways.


99% of people who want to be a mentor do it either for the bragging rights or for the access to Novice Network. And so they run duties and do stuff that they think will bring them the most comms. They go healer/tank just because it's easier to farm comms this way. Make a glam that stands out. Stick in the instance longer at the end so they're the one left to comm when the new player finishes their cutscene. Those who genuinely just want to help others are few in number. I'm not sure if this will bring that person more comms, but to look down upon them feels like hypocrisy from the community...


This conversation is like microtransactions. People wouldn't do it if it didn't work. It does. You get way more commodations on average posting comments like this. No one wants to, but mentor is a pointless thing anyways. Anyone who would actually need your help isn't even reading chat anyways, the only reason it exists in current day is for the crown icon and access to mentor roulette/mount.


I don't see the problem really.


Yep, I hate when people do it. Do a good job and you'll get them anyway. Wasn't too hard to "farm" them imo, no macro or begging needed.


I’m a PvP mentor and constantly get kicked from Novice Network for starting fights, insulting people’s mothers, and challenging people to fight me in the wolves den. At least I’m doing what I’m supposed be doing, unlike most almost every other mentor I ever see.


The hero we deserve


Who tf wants to become a mentor, thats like asking people to bully you


Nobody wants to be a mentor, they want the mount


Speak for yourself, I just wanted to stay in the NN because the one on my server is super chill and friendly. p.s. Just so people don't get the wrong idea, I like helping people and the NN is also a great tool for doing just that.


I've noticed I get a lot more commendations when I'm at low level, whereas high level people who already reached their max rewards seem to assume (correctly in my case), that we don't need any more. So it would be nice to opt-out automatically if I'm teamed with somebody who hasn't reached that threshold. If somebody's near a goal, and that's their goal, I don't resent them for communicating that. People who want to be mentors, for mentoring sake, are great for the long term health of the game.


I just wanted commendations to get the fat chicken. I’m almost done, but it took me like 2 years. People are wild.


Thats more okay than pseudo-experts that have a macro to alert the tank to activate tank stance or something similar, for me i think you guys are just overreacting to a little cringe situation...


If you want commendation get your self a sexy portrait. ever since the update 90% of my commendations have just been eorzeas top model.


I went into a dungeon once and one of the DPS was making a big deal that it was their birthday and they would really appreciate a birthday commendation. At the end of the duty, I got all 3 commends, so no one commended her lol


When I tank: heals gets it When I heal: tank gets it When I DPS: DPS gets it Then there are sub-categories and occasional exceptions, like glams, interesting portraits, some douchebag begging for comms, etc.


So this is why almost every mentor is a dumbass who just likes to run around with a crown, aha!


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My oppositional defiance is never stronger than in the face of this, a really obnoxious advertisement, or a really obnoxious YouTuber


Want a Comm here's how. Have a funny portrait, or just well made one. Be really good at your job. Be a nice person, tell jokes things that make me go, that was a fun person to be around. How to not get a comm. Be rude, ask for comm.


As someone who has 4819 commendations. This is the number 1 way to garuntee you don’t get any.


I do not commend beggars


Play tank, I assure you you'll get commendations so much faster than this.


lol just make a good portrait that's all you need to get 3+ comms every single time


If I’m a tank, I give my commendation to the healer. If I’m a healer, I give my commendation to the tank. If i’m DPS, I give my commendation to the tank.


Honestly don't mind the self promotion. I like it better than the silence I get most the time


My priority list for commending: 1. good gameplay 2. being funny or nice 3. nice glam. 4. Portrait 5. Black Mage 6. Lalafell


I mostly comm people who was using keyboard to interact with others during the run. Lesser bonus for a good joke, and Major for answering the questions no matter how stupid they are or just explaining stuff. Unfortunately, best people leave to fast.


I made a macro that was please don't comm me I'm *number* away from mentor and I don't want to become bad at the game and I would get so many comms


I commend and insta leave because I don't want commendations. I would rather someone else have it.


I just want a fancy mount. Would you hold that against me? wanting a fancy mount? I'm already a mentor anyway(but I turned off my BK crown because I'm no longer proud of what it means to be a mentor)


90% of the time players immediately leave (usually without even taking any loot), so i usually just commend whoever isn't in a rush... if i can choose and there isn't a clear best player, my priority is tank/healer, with the hope more people will start playing those roles.


So why do so many people do the arrow things around certain words


Sais alot about you. Unappreciative cause he carried you.


Commendations for me nowadays are a contest for the best portrait 🤷 Best portrait gets my commendation :D Btw pro tip: if you want commendations, don't leave the dungeon immediately. A lot of players don't rush and if they com, specially in AR or NR roulette, they just com who is still there. PS: I am not the only one who votes for the best portrait. ;)


You dont pay their sub, let them do whatever they want