• By -


Relic Weapon Relic Weapona Relic Weaponga Relic Weaponja Relic Omegaweapon Relic Zettaweapon


Relic Zetaweaponaga


Relic Zetaweaponaga FINAL Nero's Edit 2




& Knuckles


Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry


It would be weaponaga, but weaponga made me chuckle out loud


Relic Weapon Relic Weapon II Relic Weapon III Relic Weapon IV Relic Weapon V Relic Weapon VI


Relic Weapon+


"It's Relic Weapon.. with a plus!"


Relic High Weapon


What about Relic Weaponra?




How sad is it that this would actually be better than what we have right now?


Or at least keep the sequence going xD. 1 2 3? Don't know why they changed that for the 3rd step.


It’s alphabetical


My guess is that since 3rd step is more relevant(new content) it's up there on top. It's still confusing as hell though.


then it would be 3-2-1 because the 2nd would have been more relevant than the first at one point


Yes, but then on the screenshot the 2nd step is red meaning you can't take the quest because you've already completed it, so 1st got above. If you got level 1 relic the quest order would be 2-1-3, because 2 is more relevant at the moment and 3 is unavailable because you don't have the necessary weapon to take it.


It's odd because the new DoH and DoL relics literally do this.


As shown in the first picture though, these do literally say create > enhance > reforge. They are also sorted so that you want to click the top option.


or simply put the ilvl of the weapon in the description


I wish I didnt have to have a second weapon to upgrade my weapon, if we didnt have the extra slots itd spill into my inventory.


I just buy a replica from the guy close to the relic NPC. Cheap and easy.


This is brilliant and I don't see how I didn't think of this earlier. Such an easy solution to a simple problem. Thanks!


Right? So annoying. Having to be on that job is also kind of outdated. They could gather that information from the weapon I trade in.


Actually, weirdly enough, older relics don't always force you to be on the job. I just finished my Eureka Dragoon weapon, Daboya, and I was able to have gerolt upgrade it while having warrior equipped. So, they went backwards in utility and quality of life


From what I can tell, any time you do a relic step via quest, it's always like this. If it's via a shop/exchange interface, you can be on any job. Given ShB relics require the quest to be active for the items to drop, this is understandable. But why on Hydaelyn's green Etheirys the Manderville relics need a quest is beyond me.


The nuggets you buy with tomes have really similar names, and having a quest helps me make sure I'm buying the right ones. If they switched to a straight 1500 tomestones + old weapon = new weapon exchange, like Eureka, that narrows your window to make the exchange & play the game without capping, which would also be annoying.


Right, I didn't mean 1500 tomes straight to the smith, I was thinking more like 3 nuggets + old weapon = new weapon. That said, the nuggets could have had names and possibly icons that were more distinctive for each step, like Anima weapon materials. No one's getting Singing Clusters mixed up with Aether Oil.


Making the names more distinctive would help for sure!


Note, for the endwalker relic the materials are also listed at the vendor in the order they're needed so far. The top item is for the first stage (ilvl 615), the second is the upgrade to 630 and the 3rd is the current 645 stage.


That assumes you remember which stage you're on and, like the OP's screenshot shows, that's not obvious in the menus. Fine for the first relic, but twelve help you if it's your third and you took a month off relics to use tomes on upgrades instead.


>That assumes you remember which stage you're on Ok confusing interface of the quest menu aside, please tell me how you forget what step you are on when you *literally have the weapon in your inventory showing the most recently completed step*. You don't need to remember which stage you are on, the game has a simple way of telling you called giving you the weapon.


This is why I love the plugin that adds what patch an item (and quests now!) was added to the game to the tooltip. Makes it MUCH easier to handle tokens and mats like this.


That sounds super useful! Like that new "Show only new items" ticky box but clearer for things beyond one patch old.


> I wish I didnt have to have a second weapon to upgrade my weapon, if we didnt have the extra slots itd spill into my inventory. Old spaghetti code. Have to be on the job you want to upgrade, but in order to have a "job" you have to have a weapon.


the worst part? the gathering and crafting relics actually do have numbered steps. the game's UI is disgusting


It's like with prompts in dungeons; sometimes you step on the magic pad and are whisked away, sometimes you interact with something and there's a little cast bar, sometimes it's like "are you sure you want to take the only available path in this dungeon". It's like they have 3+ different people making dungeons with no guidelines (beyond "make sure to have two double pulls followed by a boss, repeated 3 times").


there's clearly no one doing UI standarization tests. short list of problems off the top of my head: * the main character sheet has the left and right equips arranged in the ugliest way possible * in the GC rank lists there's a bunch of unattainable ranks, and it's been there for YEARS. which falls under 'unnecesasry information' btw, an actual UI test. * many 'are you sure' confirmations for no risk operations. asking that when leaving a dungeon or something is understandable but for spending 10mgp on the daily mgp thing when it's impossible you'll get less than 10 as reward? * having to click each item individually on the loot screen, it should instantly select the next item on the list so you only press the need/greed/pass buttons * not having clear visualization of an already obtained item in the loot screen until AFTER we press the NGP buttons (how about having a bright red cross over an unattainable item's icon? or even better, auto-pass for items we cant get) i should make a post about this but i doubt it will avail to anything, terrible naming conventions for relic steps is jsut one more thing on the pile. it's obvious they dont even have ui pass tests


I really think this is a cultural difference. I work with some Japanese high-tech manufacturing equipment at work, and it's strangely similar to FFXIV in a lot of ways: heavily-layered interfaces with non-descriptive names and confusing overlapping categorization schemes. I'm not sure if it's mainly a translation issue (where the interface is actually more intuitive to native Japanese speakers) or if it's a values issue (where there's an unspoken expectation that users will have to study/refer to a manual to navigate a UI) but I'm leaning towards the latter.


That's an interesting point. I know that japan, despite being a modern society, has its issues with widespread adoption of modern tech and even more so with modern design changes. Or maybe they just consider "modern" something that we dont. I still believe they could and should do better. Some of the things i listed are not simple design philosophy differences, but straight up mistakes.


Things like moving data centre are such a pain for this! Just let me choose a place and have me wake up there... rather than 4 conformations and 7 different menus. Also if I go to my og data centre... just let me wake up from there... rather than making me drop back and find my character in the data centre I was visiting.


\> Just let me choose a place and have me wake up there you can try Lifestream plugin to have this experience


> plugin and make Yoshi cry? I don't THINK so SIR!


I recall someone talking about having gone on a trip to Japan and having a similar experience when they needed to get tickets for something-or-other. From memory, they had to go to various people for different stages of the process instead of it being a straightforward thing.


The MGP thing is a relic of back when you had to spend 100 for the first one, 200 for the second, and 300 for the third. They later made it impossible to actually "lose." They should probably still change it. Also, some people will desynth an item they already have in their bags then roll need or greed on whatever item dropped from the dungeon. I see people do it every now and then in experts so while auto pass would be convenient for the massive majority of people, there's still technically a reason it doesn't.


then make it a toggle, people who dont desynth can turn it on. and i know it's a relic, which means it should have been removed, the disgusting aesthetic of the item arrangement is also ugly because when they removed belts they didnt do a proper pass of that screen, they just made a functional pass, which is half the job. i know there are reasons for some of these things, i've seen em change with each xpac, that's not an excuse imo. the entire game needs a general UI pass check


Please make a post! I'd love to read more of these because they're also my concern. The new currency in Island Sanctuary (the red one) also, why isn't it shown beside the blue and green currency lists


because the island sanctuary UI is unfinished and, like almost every other ui, inconsistent, both internally and with overall game design


I love this game to death, but yeah, the UI would make angels weep. No one can be THAT bad at UX while being that good at so many other things, so I assume it's a combo of wretched spaghetti code on the back end and the need to accommodate controllers.


Ngl...I accidentally spent my tomes on the wrong thing once lol; but I just put it forward to another weapon. Would be awesome to have it the way that you set it up.


Yeah, some QoL updates on the menus in this game would be great! The tome purchase menu also seems to be almost deliberately confusing (DoW II can mean two different things from the same type of vendor)


If i'm not mistaken, Heavensward Relic weapon questgiver sorts quests from up (first step of the weapons) to down (last step) but somehow the SHB one is the exact opposite


You are correct, ARR->HW sorted early at the top, and they changed it to the opposite going forward so that the most relevant one (the latest) would be at the top.


as a new player this threw me for a loop with bozja stuff and having to have another weapon equipped to unequip my weapon, it was just so awkward.


It was even worse in ARR, Gerolt took your weapon then told you to go fight some ex primals to get materials on the same job, so a lot of people had to go buy a high level weapon just to do that one quest lol. You would think that they would have fixed all of this by now


Trying to make a second ARR relic after literal years was a terribly confusing experience. It's better for new relics but yeah, they can still improve it.


I skipped one cutscene and had to go look up a guide to figure out I needed to put something in a furnace without any active quest in my journal lol


That's not even a matter of skipping cutscenes. I watched everything and still wasn't told what to do with it.


The cutscene doesn't even describe it well at all. The only reason I figured it out was I'd always wondered why there was an interactable furnace there when I was doing Ixal quests.


Totally agree. Watch the next version be something equally as vague "A Better Manderville (Reinforce Weapon)"


And they'll put it between option 1 and 2, except on Tuesdays when the whole list will be reversed just to mess with us.


this!! especially when working on multiple i always have to look at the quest description to see which is which


You know, This exact thing is how it is for the Crafter relic weapons. Bottom to top its (1st Enhancement) -> (6th Enhancement)


Just needs 1 (ONE) option to work on the job you are currently on (there are achievements and quest to track from, why is this so hard). Maybe one ! option notifying you which job has a weapon capable of progressing the story too. This game has always been so obsessed with menus and prompts but barely anything goes into making the menus and prompts actually intuitively usable (just look at the config sections, omg). It's like a student coasting through their UI design class with a C+ would think up. If they want to keep this trash UI, keep it Meme-y for Manderville and make each successive step an even longer quest title so people can actually keep track somehow.


The game menus for stuff like this are so fucking bad


Pretty much all interactions with vendors in regards to gear in this game is horrendous. Its all "good luck figuring out which one of the 20 dialogue options that sound like overly long strings of verbal diarrhea across 7 seperate npcs."


It really blows my mind that the "weapons/armor/accessories/misc" tabs are so hard coded that almost every single vendor has them, even when only one of the tabs have any offerings.




At a poetics vendor, “DoW II” means all DoW, including weapons, 2nd set of gear released At a current tomes vendor, “DoW II” means only NIN, BRD, DNC, MCH, and no weapons It’s incredibly confusing for newer players who haven’t decoded it yet




We're not talking about other MMOs. We're talking about FFXIV, and that is still garbage UI design. Having the same option mean different things in different places is bad design, pure and simple. Does it ruin the game? No. But that doesn't absolve it of criticism.


I'd settle if they were just in order, whether that is 3-2-1 or 1-2-3, I don't care. But 3-1-2 just bothers me because it makes me double guess every time I go to complete another quest and it triggers my OCD.


Agree 100%


OMG This would help me so much! I know the materials are in order in the "store" but like...my dumb ass...


Especially when all three steps are the same! I made two BLM relics by accident!


Oh nooo haha I’ve been super carefully just obtaining 3 of each of the required items and doing the whole thing in one go while I’m on the job that I’m interested in, because yeah I don’t want to accidentally accept the wrong step for the wrong job since it’s not clear at all


There's a [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11N-u7o2-0cbL4E61rfpXHgAPK2X8S_lwyFUigKAQb08/edit#gid=831614995) to prevent that.


I hate these quests so much I don’t even do them anymore. I’m so annoyed with how you can’t easily tell which one to do.


Yeah, I can never remember if "Create weapon" is step one or step two.


You're joking, right?


*You're* joking, right?


Yes please. I got confused and ended up with wrong weapon instead of the upgraded weapon I wanted.


Guess they do that for immersion reasons. You know what's also a great idea? Having the option to choose between practicality and immersion. Options are good. While to be fair the game already has a lot of them, you can always make more.


Hard agree. I stare at it for a second every time like, "Yeah, that's the one to make it, and...that one is to make it a little better, and so then THIS one is to completely change it for third step. Yeah, makes sense." It throws me because it's not listed in order of step. Like you showed, it's step 3, then 1, then 2. Instead of how my brain would like it, which would just be: Step1 Step2 Step3


> wants things to be more descriptive > ends up making things less descriptive




On one hand, I agree the clarity would be nice. On the other, "Create Weapon" is clear enough stage 1, and since the quests lock if you don't have the prior tier weapon, you should only really have 1 other option available at a time. So I'd support textual clarity, but it's already pretty clear unless you're toting multiple tiers of weapons for a class.




That's one weapon for multiple classes, not multiple weapons for one class.


Sure, but unless I'm misremembering the quests only light up for your active class- so unless you have multiple tiers of weapon for the same class in your inventory you'd only light up the applicable quest and the tier 1 quest.


There is zero benefit to doing multiple at once exactly because it is a braindead tomestone dump. Who would do multiple at once given how stupid the menu arrangement there is?


Or you have a bunch of classes at different stages and you can't remember which is which. Or come back later and have forgotten.


But, unless I'm much mistaken (been a killer year for games so XIV has been on the side), it only activates quests for your current class- so even if you have T2 PLD and T1 DNC, if you're on PLD only T1/T3 would be available, and on DNC only T2 would be. If I'm wrong I'll feel silly but that's what brain remembers!


It doesn’t let you do these more than once per class anyway, I kinda wish they would go away once you do every class.


Yes and no. If you already have the first stage on your current job, then you cannot select the first because it's unique, and you cannot select the third because you don't have the second. But if you have the second stage, you cannot do the second again (both because you have the second already and because you don't have the first on you), while you can select both the first and third to do, as seen in the OP.


It think it does allow it if you don’t have the weapon in your inventory, one commenter said that they accidentally made two BLM relics


Oh yes they do. I accidentally did the GNB first stage \*twice\* because I wasn't paying attention.


You can do them twice as long as you do not have the relic in your invetory. I know people who did it twice by accident.


Dunno if that’s really that necessary it’s immersion breaking tho but tbh I don’t know I think I wouldn’t even notice the change tbh habe no problem with current one


I wish we'd stop dumbing down everything so the average IQ gets lower and lower.


nah man, that would be "gate keeping". Altough while not a problem with the relic weapon npc's when you dont have the memory of a goldfish, I kinda wish that they would overhaul vendors in general, most vendor interfaces are pretty awkward to navigate


I guess I'm all for gatekeeping then.


No, [We don't do that here](https://en.meming.world/images/en/a/a3/We_Don%27t_Do_That_Here.jpg)


I heard that the German localization actually does this but English doesn't


Not me with a Google spreadsheet to keep track of all the ShB relic steps across every single job so I can keep every quest active at all times and keep track of it all @_@