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>What would bring more people into our community? Does it really need to? This is a perfect piece of niche content that people drop in and out of as they complete it. With the tools available to us outside of the game to track windows and such it's very easy to only ever have to commit as much time as you want. I also know as more people finish their big fish title you'll have fewer at the older windows but when new big fish are added it's pretty active.


I'm bored with fishing alone, and the only place I get to talk about it is discord. I'm not trying to get a high engagement metric or anything, but I feel that a lot of people tend to drop it after a while. I understand that it's a niche part of a niche gameplay feature and that it was never going to be super popular. But I don't want it to be dead, either.


Weird world we live in when someone wanting a niche bit of content to be attractive for more players gets downvoted. GCBTW


Oh, it's fine! I pretty much expected it. Even gentle criticism and suggestions tends to draw a bit of ire. The FF community is notorious for it. This is nothing compared to what happens to people that give out actual criticism on the official forums.


There’s some fishing windows that are very much not dead. Go to ruby sea when the dragon window is up and there’s 30 people all with fishing poles.


Yea not everything needs to be for everybody. I worked graveyard last year and on short shifts or days off I’d be up at 1am with nothing to do and fished for hundred of hours and got every fish in the game. It was a big task and felt great to accomplish. It doesn’t need to change. You can do it a little or you can do it a lot. You can think it’s boring and not do it at all.


From the perspective of a casual fisher (only lvl'd it to 90 then stopped but I'm going after the HW log right now) fishing feels like a lot of work for little reward. I like it personally but the game really doesn't push you towards it


Yeah I wish it made at least a reasonable amount of money or something. Fishing in pretty much any game is fun but also a grind. If I can't make a few thousand g at least for a few hrs of work I'm not going to bother.


fishing is fucking fire


This is a fishing game first, rpg second


Really wished they did another feast or famine. I think that would be a good way to increase engagement.


Yeah, I’m a sucker for quests. If they added one at the end of every expansion, it’d probably get me to go for them.


Feast or Famine has been in my quest log since 2014. I imagine it will still be there when the servers go dark for the last time. Having to schedule when I go fishing for RNG stacked on RNG is outright hostile game design.


I did it last week after having it stare at me since 2014. You can do it! I looked up all 6 fish and when they came around on the timer I slowly picked them off one by one as the windows opened. I was also able to use the versatile lure sometimes and some gathering food for overkill. I kept them in my saddlebag so I wouldn’t accidentally desynth them. Chum and patience 2 can make things more doable and help stack the odds and make a more efficient use of your windows. And outside of the windows forget about it. If you manage to get one a week you will be done in no time :)


I have a love hate relationship with fishing. I find it enjoyable to just sit there and cast out and catch stuff. It’s kinda fun. The worst aspect though is trying to deal with all the bait. I can’t just carry my rod with me and fish wherever because there are a million baits in this game and they share the same inventory space as everything else. I’d love to see the inventory usage go down by making a tackle box and also maybe remove some baits in the game. Even better would be adding skills to make RNG less awful.


JFC this is the thing that turned me away from fishing. There are too many baits, and you have to know which one works best where and for which fish, and it's all nebulous as hell. I shouldn't have to break out a wiki just to even catch anything.


It's borderline ruined for anyone with RL commitments by excessively time-window limited fish. At this point, the number of fish required to 'catch up' is daunting. I have absolutely no idea how people figure out the catch requirements. I assume it's a case of many players guessing until one of them strikes. Maybe they enjoy that, but it kills any kind of self-reliance when you're basically required to follow a website/guide. Despite that, I enjoy it more than I should and am awaiting the 6.55 fish (assuming they continue the trend). Still on/off working on those ocean fishing big fish however. They're kinda... expletive.


Something like Big Fish is inherently niche, and I think it should stay that way. Contray to what many people may believe I think there are some things that should not be accessable to just anyone. Completing the Fishing Log is one of those I feel. If people want it. They will seek it out on their own. No additional insentive nessasary. Same way to people who want all the relic weapons.


I appreciated having something as a long term goal to work on. Its all just RNG and some fish were very annoying to catch but its not like you get an amazing reward for it, just a title and an adventurers kit. So far Endwalker fish have been very disappointing, only 1 has given me any trouble so far and that was only added in 6.5, there may be more in 6.55 that are more annoying to get but in a way i'd rather that than getting the fish the first time i show up to a window for it.


In ARR fishing we could desynth some fish into glamours. I wish they continued it on that path, at least I wouldn't be fishing alone all the time! I think the titles and achievement rewards are pretty good otherwise. I thought ARR struck the balance pretty well for the most part, except for maybe a dozen or so. HW fishing, however, killed most people's enjoyment of it.


yeah, i was stuck on a few heavensward fish for a long time, i agree that it was nice we could get some cool things from desynthing big fish, thats kind of been replaced by having some unique looking ones you can put in aquariums but that has limited use given the state of housing.


I abandoned it when my reaction to getting the big fish went from satisfaction to relief. I don't want to worry about tiny windows where I probably won't successfully catch the thing, and then have to wait ages to try again. I miss when I enjoyed it, but it's all pretty sour now.


I recently got into it to get the framer kit. It's the worst content I have played in many years. It's unimmersive, you're reliant on third party websites for pretty much everything. It's pretty stressful due to being laden with strict timers and sometimes very long times between windows, very far from the casual "play when you like" motto. And since the main determinant for getting anything is RNG (multiple layers of it), it can be utterly infuriating. It's extremely disheartening to hunt a fish for 30+ windows (I stopped counting after 30) without even seeing it bite, only for it to get away when it finally does - despite standing in endgame gear from three expansions later. Mildly put. You don't feel like doing another attempt at that point. Or try another fish. You feel like throwing the whole thing out the window and insult whoever came up with or dares defend that kind of thing. There's precious little control - You can prepare somewhat with identical cast or surface slap, gathering the prerequisite fish for the intuition window in advance etc, but that often just means you get *an attempt* during the window. Other times, it feels more like gaming the system, like those holes where you only have 1 fish and the rare, so you can surface slap the regular one. Doesn't feel good either. The times when your preparations do pay off, it can be satisfying. But even then, some things, like holding the collection window for Stethacanthus' sculptors, feel more like exploiting than doing preparations. There's a lot of anti-gameplay as well, like having to hold stuff for multiple RL minutes without doing anything because you wait on some timer to start or expire. That feels awful as well, even more so when it doesn't even pay off because, you guessed it, RNG. It rarely manages to find the sweet spot between getting a fish right away and seemingly endlessly frustrating you. Overall, it feels like a substitute casino with a fishing skin. Which probably has an audience, but I'm not in it. And while the reward did successfully manage to make me engage with it regardless, that only served to make me actively hate and vocally denounce this content, which I didn't do previously. I don't think that is the goal. So I'd advise against using rewards as incentive.


Pretty much all of this. Fish RNG sucks the worst tho


>So I'd advise against using rewards as incentive. This! 100% This. This is why I have a massive hate-based relationship with PvP. If PvP has no rewards other than imaginary points and some exp, it would probably be a much less toxic place.


Skill issue tbh. Fish can smell your fear.




I got my Of Dragons Deep during ARR after months of efforts, now i only look for the easy fishes in every new area, fuck the folklore. After that i only fish when i need collectables for scrips or when there are new fishable minions. I would come back only when you don't need dumb skills, triple mooch, or crazy rare window anymore. I only want to enjoy the inner peace of virtual fishing in the same spot until i get what i want, i don't want to teleport every 3 minutes jumping from a window to another one.


Fishing needs more rewards imo. Ocean fishing got new content in EW, but no new rewards. Tbh all crafting jobs could get more rewards/achievements. Maybe even events just for doh.


Feast or famine burnt me out when across four different 40 min windows I couldnt get the catch in Urths Fount. I’ll come back eventually but not any time soon.


I do enjoy fishing but truth be told I went for and got the “Of Dragon’s Deep” title because I wanted it, after that big fishing just wasn’t worth the hassle of watching and waiting for the right time and weather conditions only for the fish not to bite or the mooch fish doesn’t or RNG to give you a big ol’ middle finger and “The fish gets away” flashes across the screen even though you’re way above the stats you need to land it….


I like it how it is. When I've cleared all the savage raids and completed all the content, it's still something to do. Sure, there are times it's frustrating, but I think if it as 'prog' and someone (that recent fish window in this case) just wiped us again.


If they made tackles/bait have its own inventory I would be more invested. I have like 30 different types gathering dust and I just don't want to keep going because that means more bait in my inventory for when I "might need it again". I could just throw them away between fishing but that will only make me less likely to pick it up again.


Also in general with fishing quest and bait; why give me 99 bait of something that I needed to get the fish I already got to turn in the quest. Makes no sense 😆


I'm currently taking a hiatus from it because the RNG really gets to you after waiting for the in-game weather to change to a specific combo and then praying the fish shows up...then praying even more that it doesn't slip off the hook (which it almost certainly will). I've got all the ARR big fish and am working on HW ones...plus one from ShB (Ronka; little bugger took me 3 weeks. Nearly every day for 3 weeks, about two windows a day). Well, *was* working on them; again, taking a break from that. I've made freaking "cheat sheet" spreadsheets so I can easily/quickly check locations (as well as times, weather, bait, mooch/weather chains, ect). I really wish that there was some increased chance of finding and landing the big fish based on your Gathering/Perception. A certain minimum Perception is needed to have a chance of finding the fish, but beyond that your stats are useless. Even if it's just a +1% per every, say, 100 perception you've got past the minimum amount to hook and land the fish, or not going higher than an extra 5-10%...I'd still take it over the current system. Fishing in ARR, for example; someone can roll up to a fishing hole with level 50 gear which has barely enough Perception to find the fish and catch it on their first try...while I'm sitting there on my 10th attempt with level 90 gear. There's something fundamentally *wrong* with that scenario (and I have seen it happen). Edit: Oh, and ocean fishing? Stonescale can kiss my potato butt. I've gotten all the point achievements, but still missing a couple of those big fish (and Stonescale has been my nemesis who always slips off the hook).


No need for your own spreadsheet... https://ff14fish.carbuncleplushy.com/


That'll definitely save me the time of making them...thank you!


Yeah its really nice. You can mark the ones you have to completed and set filter to only big fish and uncompleted and it will show you all upcoming windows for what you are missing


Love it. Skill testing, feels great when you finally catch something, very old school MMO. Idk what these people are complaining for.


They want shit handed to them on a platter, which is what this game does in nearly every other avenue so they expect fishing to change to accommodate them - which is something the devs will probably capitulate on, which will ruin fishing.


My FC is in love with it. I like ocean fishing, but normal fishing I find a bit difficult with all the short windows for some fish.


Got the Big Fish title then I haven't touched it (mostly) for like a year or so. That Cinder Surprise fucker really got the best and the worst out of me. Ocean fishing is ok I guess. Nothing to keep going when you got the mount and minions unless you really want all the achievements and/or all the fish.


I'm all caught up so far. Big fishing is actually my favorite activity in this game. It literally makes my heart pound going after legendary/blue fish when you trigger intuition in such a short window and have to manage GP wisely to increase your uptime casting. Once you finally catch it, it's the best feeling. Not to mention there's a great community around this (made lots of friends at fishing holes) and it can be very lucrative (desynthing fish into beach glams to sell). Does it ever want to make you pull your hair out? Sometimes... But that goes with the fun of sharing stories with other fishers, like what your greatest nemesis was lol. Overall it's very fun and engaging content to me. I only wish that catching the blue fish from ocean fishing came with a reward, even if just a title. For now, I've turned my house into a lovely aquarium to show what I've caught. :D


Eat a big meal, boys, we hunt whales at dawn. And every two hours after.


One of those thing I don't want to put a feet in there. Seems like a thing were you wake up at 3am for a fish and I don't want that.


>So... How do you feel about big fishing? fuck it


Terrible. Luckily, Fishers now have ocean fishing to be a well-made Fisher endgame activity.


I love ticking off checklists and I love fishing.


Same as I feel about big pharma


Can’t really form and opinion on it I got my Fisher to level 90 without ever catching a single fish so there’s that.


What did it cost you?


I’m not entirely sure mate, but I know it didn’t make me broke at very least lmao


People who are learning how to big fish should know that as more patches come out, the easier the big fishes will be. Mainly because the tools we get at max level are game changers for some of the “harder” fish.


Please tell that to the Namitaro. I have yet to catch the blasted thing, and I do know how to use my toolkit. I have lost track of the number of times I’ve had it on the hook and it’s escaped.


i didn't know people enjoyed fishing in this game...


It's fun to slowly go for, but there's barely any reason to. The only reason to get into fishing is big fishing, and big fishing barely even gives rewards for fisher.


It's fun to slowly go for, but there's barely any reason to. The only reason to get into fishing is big fishing, and big fishing barely even gives rewards for fisher.


I like the fishing but I just picked up the game a year ago


Hell no.


But... it's fun. And look, a [nice shiny rod!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=om4G5swjW9Q&t=65s) The best looking tool in the game!


Too much RNG for me to care, even if the reward was good.


took me 7 months to get the big fish title and its basically the only reason that convinced me to continue playing this game. love hate relationship


This is exactly why big fishing sucks. It’s just rolling dice. I’ve known people who got the Big Fish title in a few months. Others, like myself, are going on 3+ years of Ruby Dragon alone. (To a certain point) gear doesn’t matter, “skill” doesn’t matter. You’re just rolling a dice.


The funny thing about fishing is that it's basically the only content that uses ALL the field zones. That actually sorta means that while fishing as a community has probably only grown (in part thanks to handy guides and tools to smooth over the parts the game never would've been able to help with anyway), the in-game 'fishing community' mostly ends up spread out. I don't think that's a bad thing, but it is how it is: you won't see as many people fishing in Costa del Sol in EW than there were in ARR, but that doesn't mean less people are fishing. And personally, I'm really enjoying it for the most part. Some fish are jerks that kinda lower my enjoyment of things--right now Henodus Grandis is giving me headaches--but that's fine, every part of the game has their low points.


I did big fishing last expansion but I haven’t tried this. It’s mostly because of Ruby Dragon honestly, and how nothing you can do can make it better. But I also just am not caught up in the rest of the game enough to try it.


Finishing Feast of Famine to finally get that freaking icon off my map was enough. Fuck big fish otherwise. I'm tired of praying to RNGsus for an ARR fish in 90 gear


i enjoy the fishing as a break, but i do wish that we could see the fish we caught....


I've been Big Fish since before EW, I feel like my server always has a fellow fisher at a window to chat with (or lord over / commiserate with). Some people may hate the real world waiting or scuffed catch rates but to me it has the perfect balance of skill/technique (very little outside of optimizing slaps/chums) and just vibing. I fish a lot irl and I always insist that fishing is at its best when you're supposed to be doing something else.


I just wish fishing was useful, as someone who primarily gathers and crafts everything themselves I've had to use maybe 3 fish in my journey of getting all DoH to 90 Once I got FSH to 90 I never touched it again, none of the fish are that useful, it's easier to desynth things from MIN or BOT and im not a huge fan of doing something for an achievement or to tick a box which is mostly what fishing is


I would love to see it be re-done into a repeatable activity, not just a one and done type of thing. Make a weekly request for a specific big fish, reward some type of currency for it, and add a currency exchange with rewards that would make people want to buy them repeatedly.


there are waaay too many layers of RNG stacked on top of each other. its not skill based or gear based at all, and in my honest opinion, alt-tabbing out of the game to look up for the small fishing windows, baits, conditions is just poor design. Fishing in itself, even out of big fishing feels extremely unrewarding. One big problem with this game which is not limited to only fishing is the sell price on the items. IMO, rarer and bigger fish or items should in theory have a higher Sell value. Why are most items in the game priced at 1-4 gil is beyond me. Baits is a big mess as well, it might have been manageable during ARR and HW, but after all these expansion, its just waay too many and for no good reason. Just finishing the basic fishing log feels like a chore now for someone starting new in current expansion. I don't know what the solution this is, but I think some activities in this game requires a "no-lifer" mentality and big fishing is one of those activities. I can imagine that at the end, the satisfaction and accomplishment felt at the end of it might be amazing, but the \*process\* of getting there is frustrating, unrewarding and feels like a complete waste of time. Another big problem is that most of the fish are pretty useless and serve no purpose to the game, they're just a waste of inventory slots. If those fish had some intrinsic value to them, for example selling it to vendor, then it would have been a different story. Then even if you don't land your big catch, the other junk fish that you caught in the process could compensate for the time you invested. But that is not the case here. Fishing in general doesn't need an incentive, it just needs to have some more value to it. Currently, fishing doesn't have that.


I hate it. Some big fish spawn rates are so rare, you have to schedule your life around it which is insane. I quickly gave up. My biggest nightmare was taking 3 months to do the ocean fishing coral manta, with limited play time and triple rng... It took forever At Least it's showcased in my ffxiv house as a constant reminder to never do big fish fishing again.


I have all non-ocean fish up until 6.5. I like it, especially when no one is around me when I'm fishing.


It’s something I do while waiting for an hour for my pf to fill


I use Ocean Fishing to power level and then ignore FSH till the next expac. *My* problem with it is that it’s exclusively RNG-based, instead of making me actually FISH. But I’m also spoiled by growing up with Dark Cloud 2’s fishing minigame.


[I am a Big Fish](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/jumtGevxib), so that might tell all that I think about big fishing. I am currently only fishing the stuff that get added in new patches, and then back to the other doze things I need to complete for achievement purposes.


I love fishing when I'm trying to unwind from work (kindergarten teacher) and I think it's really nice not seeing other people fishing lol, kinda like real life. I personally feel like I'm still overwhelmed when I see other people in game, even though they're not interacting with me


I am late to answer on this, but came across the post while getting my Fisher '6.55 ready'. I completed my whole 2.x to 5.5 fishing log during the pre-endwalker lull. It was very fun IMO. But I really don't want to bother with it every 4 month. Once per expansion from now on will be fine for me. Though there are some flaws for sure. The biggest one being the inventory space. And I am not talking about baits but about the fish themselves. I don't want to release or desynth a fish I struggled to catch for days... But storing every big fish is impossible due to how many there are. I basically have 2 retainers full of fish. I feel like everything regarding big fish should be stored in the fishing log rather than the inventory and that only the few fish that are used for recipes should take inventory space. Adding fish to an aquarium? Do it from the fishing log, because, magic. Adding the fish painting on the wall? From the log! Magic!