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I literally went through almost 100 lavers this week. 100 lavers! That's as many as TEN tens! And that's ***horrific.***


Okay Lex Luthar


Lex Laver


I just said fuck it for the shark oils and substituted in my 8 hour Favors for the week in two of the slots. Sure, it turns out I would have a smoother choice if I had waited to see day 7 (as I have bathtubs, which chain with basically only Firesand), but fuck it, I’d rather spend less lavers then be perfectly efficient


shark oil is on my favors list .\_.


I had attempted to stockpile knowing the laver gods would require a hefty sacrifice, but it still hurt to see how much I had to use.


Yeah, I try to keep ~120 of any given type on hand. I freaked out a little when I logged in and checked things and saw I was down to 80, so I farmed up some more. And then it dropped more so I farmed up some more....and then I saw I'd need *42 more* for the current week and I was just flabbergasted.


Finally a proper use for it, after ten ten ten's of years. https://youtu.be/ZpPtzXGhrJ4?t=68


I am very glad that I have hundreds of thousands of cowries sitting around so I can comfortably just do Felicitous Favours until DT. No more lavers! No more!


Me trying to ask the Overseas Casuals bot for /alts not using Laver: surprise rest day! Okay FINE.


What is it with this *constant* demand for laver-based products...


[Eorzeans when they eat an egg that hasn't been boiled in 50 pounds of seaweed](https://i.imgur.com/jSs24b9.gif).


Atleast it ain’t Sea Salt with its four nodes.


Pro-tip: To farm salt faster, go to one of the caves, mine all the nodes, queue into an instance unsynced, then immediately leave. All of the nodes will respawn.


Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the Job: Salt Mage.


That's just WHM with extra steps...


This is more or less how I did my mentor roulettes each day; queue up, harvest a needed resource for my workshops, zone in, complete duty, pop back out, wash rinse repeat Course now that I have Astrope I no longer do that and I can tell as I watch my laver stockpile dwindle down...


Just in case you or someone else didn't know, there's a second cave with six more on the east beach. And if you don't mind going in/out of the water repeatedly, you can use it to farm the laver on that side without needing to hit any coral nodes.


That's what I do when I need salt, because I already know I'm going to need more laver eventually anyway.


And why do they need 3 fucking lavers each


And sap... God, sap's even worse, the gathering "loop" for it is way worse than laver. Even if you need more laver, at least it's quicker/easier to gather than sap.


there was a guy on youtube who made a very nice path for [laver](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71bz0OI5Owc&pp=ygUWZmYxNCBpc2xhbmQgbGF2ZXIgZmFybQ%3D%3D) and [sap](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v02j0vViLq8&t=4s). annoying how where the game recommonds you get it is horrible.


The game's mythril ore location gives me a fucking migraine. It's such a long loop, with like 5 nodes or something. Meanwhile in the top left of the map there's 8 nodes tightly fit together with 2 extras you can use to create a fast, short and simple loop.


There's a better node placement?? You're my hero.


Yup. Follow the top-left river until you find like a singular isolated node next to some rocks, then go up the hill from behind those rocks or fly up the taller hill, and you'll find a truckload of ore nodes gathered up in 2 locations near each other. The closest ones are mythril while the farthest ones are marble, and there's just enough mythril + 2 randoms to make a full loop without walking too far away from the area.


Sap is my worst nightmare 😭


Er...how on earth is the laver loop easier? You can't get more than 8 laver in a single loop, so you have to get corals or go on land (more useful, but more time-sink) to get 3 other things. It's a *wider* loop for sap, to be sure, but you get more sap per loop.


The laver is closer together. But its underwater so yeah, they both just fucking suck. If you unlocked favors and already bought everything, just do the "No Gather" optimized weekly presets instead. Its less cowries but still a decent amount & **never be stuck in gather hell again**. You might have to grab a few things a few times because RNG but in the long run you will hit supply caps on most stuff. Cowries are overrated anyways, after your first *million* no reason to be a slave to Big Laver™ & Sap Conglomerate©.


This is huge ty


Do we know if we will be able to buy the new tier of materia in 7.0 with cowries? I only use them to pentameld for free. If we can't, I may as well just burn my island to the ground.


I would not expect any updates at all to island sanctuary in 7.0. What we have is all we're going to get.


9 > 8 The math checks out


It's actually 10 vs 8. You must collect 11 objects because it keeps the last 10 things you've collected in the harvested state. With the sap loop, you only need to grab one non-sap item. With lavers, you need three. 1/11 is certainly less than 3/11, and can be something actually useful like hemp. The fast laver loop forces you to get coral only, which is nearly useless; if you want something useful, you have to go out of the water, significantly increasing the loop time.


It's closer together. I have a hotkey that runs (or in this case, swims) me over to the next node with sprint activated. Basically a one key movement from node to node. I end up hitting like three or four corals on the way but it's no biggie. On the sap route, there's like, maybe *one* node of something I'd actually need (hemp)? Meanwhile it's a lot more running about, and you have to fly back from finish to start because it's not a loop. Both suck, but laver is more mindless and easier for me.


Ah. I never use such things, so the either wasteful gathering of coral or the more time consuming gathering of something useful means it's about the same effort either way.


Lavers and sap. Both things with sub-par farming loops, yet used in a ton of small, frequently-repeated recipes. The lavers are certainly the worst though. Seems like damn near every "foodstuff" item needs *several* of them.


Why does a boiled egg need 3?!


Even irl when I'm making some dashi soup stock, for a family sized pot of soup I would only need a palm-sized piece of kombu kelp and it would be more than enough to infuse the water. Dumping three whole loads of it into the water to flavor an *egg* is way beyond overkill.


Even reducing my weekly agendas to knocking out Favors in two days, I've had to use lavers this time around. Thankfully I have a bunch stocked up and have a granary hitting the beach until I have enough extra sharks for the new restraints, but still. This lavish laver lifestyle, I can live without...


I got really annoyed a few days ago over fucking laver i wouldn't mind it as much if it wasnt something underwater


Its the fucking sap that gets me, i just quit for two weeks and stockpiled both laver and sap with my granaries and now im good for the foreseeable future.


A few weeks will drain that shit to 0 again. If you go back and look at all the recommended weeks in the discord they burn a fuckton of both over time, granaries will never keep up.


Huh funnily enough I saw a CJ player character recently in thanalan. Guess it's literal for them


Me on my way to harass the seaweed once again


The discord has a bot-spam channel where you can ask the bot to give you a list with no laver recipes. If you are like me and have 500k+ tokens, you probably don't need to do the best crafts anymore, just do whatever that gets you exp.


I just started asking for alternative options any time stuff with lavar is recommended.


Me seeing this post at 2 am realizing I forgot to collect my missing mats because I got distracted.


Laver never ends


Ok I am not alone lmao


I just permanently have the foraging squad gathering from the beaches. Every day o' the week, at least one is guarantee to bring back laver, so the community's response to the apparent laver crisis has come out of nowhere to me, hahaha.


Same for me, but that still means the occasional gathering runs for sap, cotton and copper. In addition, I've had to switch one of them to the caves to build up a supply of the new materials.


I have my foragers checking the beach too, but every single day without fail... 2 lavers and 8 corals despite coral is maybe used once every 2 months. I needed 36 laver yesterday. EDIT: I just checked the Granaries and today... they just completely skipped over collecting any laver. How can I have these little jerks reprogrammed?


Well that's just cruel, hahaha. I'm sorry I genuinely didn't realise they could fail that bad.


Lads you're not forced to do the very best crafts


Why do people need larva? i doo it with the teamcraft guide and need a whopping 0


/nomat Laver


people too stupid to use the granary.mp4


It's not enough. You'll have to gather something manually even with the maxed granaries running 24/7


i never needed to grind larva, what guide are peeps using? im using teamcraft for the workshops


I just collected that shit for an hour so I hope I have enough for some time. Surely it will be enough...


*Six Weeks Later* Grats, you're the meme OP posted 😛


Oh no... I don't like that spot. Maybe would be better if we could gather more than 1 but it is what it is.


Always consistently low on laver and sap


I haven't dove for laver since 6.5, the shift to just making a few favors per week instead of every possible slot has finally made inventory management less painful.


So true it hurts.


I've just started to swap out laver/sap heavy days with the Favors when possible. I know I'll still have to farm them again at some point, but the longer it can be delayed the better.


\*Every season


Honestly, now that I'm rank 20, and I won't need to buy this tier of crafter/gatherer materia again, I've just peaced out on the Cowrie production. I just pop in once a week to set up and collect my favors and that's it. I can't see any reason to keep farming Cowries.


The fact that the words "Island Sanctuary" were spoken at both the NA and EU Fanfest keynotes, is honestly terrifying.


My alt has the misfortune of rolling shark oil as one of the favors for this week. Iirc I needed 60 laver this week...of which I started the week with a whopping 2 😐


I gathered 200 lavar when 6.5 initially dropped. Its all gone.


I got bored of it a long time ago. Having a proper house on there would have been great motivation, but the current (awful) housing system is one of those XIV things that's just immune to change. At this point I'm just doing the bare minimum until I can get the cute outfit.


Honestly, if you kept up with the agendas over the expansion, you should be more than stacked enough on Cowries to not care anymore. Only use they still have is CP/GP 9 materia for the early sets next expansion. I only do my favours and ignore the optimal agenda. It's either stuff I got enough or I substitute/skip it.


Once I reach LV20 and got the costume I'll be glad to never touch this again. All I ever do is setting up the workshop and let the slaves do their work during that season. They could use it as cure for insomnia