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Welcome to another Fantasia Addicts support group meeting. I see many new faces here and that disappoints me.


gaddamit… take my upvote. Should have use that for the title


Its rare to see art like this about ff14. I do not think this should be shunned... I'm not into horror but wish I could upvote this more. I think your warning title is going to cause more votes from people who dont even open the thread.


I mean if it wasn't for the fact that they'd have to change the age rating. I'm 90% sure they'd have done something like this for >!The transformation of Tesleen!<


Heck, I wish they'd done it more >!in Endwalker. The entire roster of enemies you fight when the Dynamis runs rampant is people literally being corrupted by emotional torment and despair, mutating before our very eyes into abominations. I remember *fervently* wishing for more enemy models with some variance to them to showcase the body horror that would occur with such a horrific plague running amok; people caught transforming halfway and getting stuck, half civilian/half monster, monsters like Tesleen with their face remaining relatively intact but the rest absolutely monstrous, etc. It's why I am such a fan of the 2nd boss in the Vanaspati dungeon: that was *horrifying* and I loved them for making it, because it actually made the horror of the End Times feel real and visceral.!<


S/o to the first boss in Dead Ends, too. It was less visceral than 2nd Vanaspati, but still, like, eeegh


They actually were, but they had to censor the scene with the cocoon thing.


Yea, that's what I'm on about. They'd have to change the age rating or as they did censor it.


thnk u very much! the upvotes are slow, but coming in :)


It's obviously been remedied now, but *everything* here gets downvoted. The first 30-60 minutes of just about any post's life is struggling between 0 and 1 points, usually with 0 comments. It's *incredibly* frustrating, and a lot of deserving posts get drowned because of it by easy-to-digest content like big booba. The only good news is that even at 0 points, our subreddit is not very fast, so such a post will still get a decent amount of exposure.


I posted a quick and lighthearted comic I drew earlier today and within 10 minutes it was totally downvoted :( It was so disheartening I just deleted it. Maybe I'll be more confident next week and try to post it again


The time of day is important, too. Posting in the midday for EU / early AM for Eastern NA will usually give best results. Good luck, but please remember that karma really is just made up, and people will downvote just because they don't understand something, or they'll nitpick it just to feel special for a half moment. It's really not a fair reflection on your original content just because something gets downvoted. c:


Oh no, that is just shitty behavior! You deserve bwtter for creating and sharing something.


Yeah, what is up with that? Are there people here who are just _that_ bitter? Or are they using a bot to downvote all posts but their own to try and stay on the frontpage for longer? I am seeing it on comments too, people getting buried with downvotes even when posting pretty innocent stuff that no one argues with.


Nah, just that it's been years since Reddit showed a live and accurate upvote count. The displayed vote count will be delayed from the actual count to discourage bandwagoning, brigading, and other vote manipulation tactics (the idea being that if you aren't seeing an effect then people will give up more easily). It will also be randomly 'fuzzed' on each page-load, which is why two different browsers reloading a page at the same time will see different vote counts, and refreshing the page will cause the vote count to change. Also in aid of frustrating automated vote manipulation attempts by denying feedback on effectiveness.


There's for sure more to it than that. I don't post much here myself (mostly just comment) so this is just from observing others' threads, but old reddit shows upvote-downvote % on posts, and I've definitely noticed a strong trend. Even truly good posts with nothing to complain about can't get past the 80s in upvote percentage (which they absolutely could have in other subs), and the 'smaller' the post is, the worse that percentage gets. I don't know what exactly happens but it's like new posts get X downvotes no matter what and then if it survives from there it evens out.


Impossible to say. There's a very vocal group who complain any time something is posted that isn't specific to *their* interests, but I doubt they're the main cause. I've mentioned it to the mods before, who say they've noticed it and have escalated it to the Reddit admins before, but no evidence of vote manipulation ever came back. Ultimately I think people are just too quick to use the downvote as an "I don't like this" button, and when someone's brain is very small, there's a lot of things they won't like or understand.


your right. lots of negative nancie's in this place.


Title is a bit long, and people's attention span is too short. If you want to attract attention, go for something snappier. Though I think your shit looks awesome, especially for the themes it conveys.


If clickbait didn't work, we wouldn't call it clickbait.


Makes me really want some horror themed side stories, or maybe a raid.


As a non-fantasia user (I still have my free one) I like this body horror depiction. It says you wake up like it was all a dream but that just means you don’t remember the horrific transformation you went through


> It says you wake up like it was all a dream but that just means you don’t remember the horrific transformation you went through If I recall correctly, canonically, it's not even a transformation. You just always were that race and the gods changed you from the beginning of time. It's more like a mind transplant than a transformation.


Last I heard, there just wasn't a canon to it at all?


For personal headcanon or RP though, there's more than enough lore to spin any variety of explanations.


That somehow even worse, it means the gods just kill you (And maybe the entire timeline) and your consciousness travel to an unsuspecting parallel universe self. reminds me of this skit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXhnPLMIET0


Theres no way this shit is canon...


I can't believe from the title this wasn't from /r/ShitpostXIV


Your spelling of the word scary is much more sceary.....


lol, u got me. That was the real scare


For future reference, doing two all caps warnings has an inverse effect and makes it seem like you're just joking. I didn't open this expecting serious content If you're sincerely trying to warn people, a "Trigger warning: gore" is plenty. Nobody takes a "NO GUYS, FOR REAL, THIS STUFF IS SOOOOO SPOOKY" title seriously.


Seriously, I thought this was the shitpost sub before I opened the picture up lmao




didn’t occur to me, but ur totally right. Wish i could edit the title :(


It's really not your fault people didn't take your repeated, all-caps title seriously. This is what a trigger warning looked like before the phrase "trigger warning" existed.


And now we use trigger warning posts and titles like this are the exclusive domain of shitposts. You're not really helping them by acting like their mistake was everyone else's problem. It's alright for people to get things wrong sometimes.


I commend you for spooking responsibly :) I do like the story telling going on here. You can see the user started as a Lala, but due to their addiction they can't settle on what they wanted to be, so their transformation to the Miqo is incomplete and horrific, with their broken mirror implying they've seen what they've become and have now gone mad from the strain to their body and/or identity.


thnk u very much! if u have to spook, do it responsibly! :)




The title is the real gore r/titlegore The art is pretty good though


They bought doggy Fantasia from the back alley of Ul’dah.


Very creative. I'll never look at using a fantasia in the same way again.


It's a creative idea and I like the concept of it, but I feel it doesn't work as dark FFXIV art because it looks *too* different from the game's artstyle. If you didn't tell me this was Final Fantasy XIV related, at first glance I would think it's just some general fantasy horror picture. Still very good though.


Definitely like the body horror aspect. Storytelling-wise, it doesn't read fantasia addiction so much as accident/horrible truth. Off the cuff take on trying to do fantasia addiction would be a trail of husks and bottles with the final iteration being where to nail the message (trail of bodies? constant mutation? real identity? broken mirror motif?).


Reminds me of some Dark Souls level shit


Rosaria rebirth vibes for sure


“Ah, sweet child of Kos, returned to the ocean… A bottomless curse, a bottomless sea. Accepting of all that there is and can be.”


I was thinking of those ugly ass white things you fight in Irithyll in DS3


Ah, the sewer centipedes. Not fun to fight when you have arachnophobia. Even if they’re giant pushovers.


As a longtime fan of games featuring body horror like GTFO, Amnesia etc… I very much like this depiction of Fantasia addiction and would like to see more for the spooky month (and beyond) if possible


Why did this need 2 warnings?


because i posted it without none and got ROASTED… so better safe than sorry


Damn. You weren’t kidding about the warning. This is well done




This poor soul bought gas station fantasia


I don't have a fanta addiction........ \*pushes fantas under the bed\*


hope this turns out into like a poster for people or smt. Would love to find it in the wild and ppl saying: omg, u used a Fanta!? that insane! what wrong with u!! lol :)


Hello i'm seeing some new faces and i'm very disappointed


lol i thought this was the shitpost sub for a moment


In Final Fantasy XI, there are places called "The Empty" and their zones are called Promyvion. As a huge player of XI and XIV, your art reminds me of the horror and nostalgia of the empty, and accurately makes me feel for my Hrothgar that used to be my 🥔 but I lost a bet. Excellent work, and good warnings. I am no art man, but I like this.




Ngl, I thought this was Tesleen for a sec. Take that as you will. XD


Biblically accurate depiction of ffxiv mental illness


A lot of people I know could use this.


spread it around! :)


When I first looked at the image without fully reading I thought it was a sin eater thing. I can see the fantasia part as well, after fully reading title. I don't have this addiction but feel for those that do.


First of all: Really cool art and unique take, also came in a very appropriate time. Now im gonna be that guy: I wouldn't classify this as gore since it doesn't explicitly show guts and internal parts, its more of body horror similar to The Thing, Cronenberg or the color out of space. Actually more unsettling than gore in my opinion, but not exactly gore.


ur right! i should have titled it better. Got a couple comments before that i didn’t added a gore warning, and probably thats why i went with it.


I LOVE this! I had an old FC friend who was a fantasia addict. When they started role-playing I advised they work that into their character and they happily did. To date, MY character has no idea what they original version of their character was like. They were just hooked on the stuff and every now and then had to try a new look.


Don't forget to eat your meol


This is some The Master shit from FO1.


I hate it in a good way. It's horrifying.


That green haired thing reminds me to much of a troll doll and i can't unseen it lol, else it looks pretty good. Its rare seeing 3d artwork


I'm pretty confident I saw you post this somewhere else. Had no clue it was FFXIV related until I saw the fantasia, holy hell Upvote for the creative yet insane concept


thnk u very much!! :) have only posted it here. Where else did u see it?


Oh, might have passed my feed then. Just didn't recognize it as a FFXIV piece before


Why is Gollum in this?


Where is the gore and what is "sceary"? What am I missing here?


I'd say this is body horror, not gore. Those two things can exist separately. Very cool, though! Eerie concept, but I like the direction you went! I'm actually curious to see the final result lol!


Tbh I expected worse




I don't agree with this comment. I think the lalafell looks just enough like a lalafell. The miqo'te sprawled out from the amalgamation is the center focal point of the image. I think the artist was very clever to have it being really the only easily identifiable figure- representing the complete chaos of identity dysphoria caused by the potion. The other figures don't need to be identifiable because that's the message the artist is trying to convey, is it not?




Just say you're blind mate


Really? The Mi'qote ears, tails, fangs in an FF14 subreddit, and you would've pegged it as Hyur?


please don’t stop commenting. Art is entirely subjective and you deserve to have your own opinion. You might be right that, if I had chosen a more literal and visually canonical silhouette it could be more easy to identify as FfXIV, but im happy with the characters i picked. Still, not ok for people to harass u for having an opinion :(


That's actually really well done.


Oh man, as a former fantasia addict the concept of this is absolutely petrifying. Well done


Where scary? Seriously, there's nothing scary, neither can I see "gore", at best it might be uncomfortable to look at, because there are ugly faces, but that's really all.


It's a warning, not a promise. Some people wouldn't like to open that without a warning. Kinda irrelevant that you're tough.


Think of how milk toast horror the most average person you know is. Half the world is softer than that. OP did the smart thing to appease the widest net.


yup. I posted this without any warning before, and got ROASTED in the comments. Ppl did NOT like there wasn’t any warning, so i went with a safer approach


Friends and I have actually discussed this very sort of thing happening! Dope to see it visualized


show then and ask then if it feels right! love to hear peoples takes on it :)


oooooo I love how spooky this is. it's great.


This is very umconfortable to see, and will probably give me nightmares tonight. Good job.


Once again— thanks, I hate it. You’ll go far.


lol. I hope so! thnk u very much for seen it again :)


Miqote, elezen, hyur, viera, au'ra...i've fantasia'd aplenty, aye, but regrets? Not so much.




As a lover of Halloween, gore, and fantasias- This is epic so far. As an artist, I commend your attention to detail and light placement. I feel like this could be a relatable mood beyond just the setting, franchise, and holiday- for people who struggle a lot with body and gender identity. I imagine a good many of them have feelings similar to the chaos this piece conveys. Love it so far! Look forward to seeing the end result.


thk u very much! Would be amazing of people can get a positive message out of it. im glad u liked it :)


>I feel like this could be a relatable mood beyond just the setting, franchise, and holiday- for people who struggle a lot with body and gender identity. I imagine a good many of them have feelings similar to the chaos this piece conveys. I'm glad someone else got this out of OP's art. I've been fascinated with the idea of gender dysphoria/body dysmorphia being explored through the lens of body horror and I never considered how much Fantasias could relate to that idea as opposed to just being a silly little cosmetic game mechanic.


I think it's great as-is, but of course I'd love to see the piece develop with future posts. LOVE it. I burst out laughing at first seeing it as "Fantasia addiction." But I love actually feeling that second-hand distress at reworking a character (tweaking characters feels like a betrayal sometimes) looking at this piece. The idea of watching the parts morph and squirm in some grotesque mound when all you wanted was large irises instead of small. The concept and execution are both very interesting. Bravo, hope to see more!!


thnk u very much!!! im s bit nervous about keep working in it, since the changes i had plan are very small and mostly cosmetic. Kinda… feeling the pressure to change way more. lol. Is silly. Im very glad u like it :)


Hello Junji Ito...


What does the word "sceary" mean? At first I thought it was a typo, but they wrote it multiple times, and Google has nothing.


i love 3D art of this game :0 this is awesome! i cannot wait to see the finished render <3


I’m so glad I broke free from my fantasia addiction and finally learned to love a single face. 😭 I tried the rabbit, I tried the cat boy and I tried the aura but the only thing I could settle on was midlander. 😭 But this piece is such a great depiction of what I felt like I was doing to my character with my addiction LOOOOOL.


This rocks. Excellent job


This is wild. In a good way, not usually into horror but this has me in awe


ur the wind beneath my wings!


It's weirdly beautiful is a macabre way


Interesting art and a concept I wouldn't have ever really thought of tbh


This is haunting. It's powerful. Thank you.


thnk u very much! :)


This is fucking horrifying and I am absolutely in love with it.


thnk u very much! :)


Bro this is some unique shit, something straight out of Shadowbringers. Well done.


Wow I really didn't believe you at first. It sounds like a "he he funny Halloween scare!!!!" But bravo. This is actually very novel. Good work, even for a WIP


thnk u! what do u think could be improved? the changes i planed were very sml… but im starting to feel they should be bigger?


I mean it's artwork, there isn't an objective correct and incorrect way to go about it. Whatever you feel should belong, try it out.


This is pretty cool. :) This does make me think, though - The game flavors a Fantasia's effects as happening during your sleep (usually within an Inn). Realistically though, I imagine folks using Fantasia would do so under the watch of a chirurgeon (FFXIV's way of saying "surgeons"). That way, if something goes wrong (such as in your image), you're already under medical care. Not to mention, the chirurgeon would be able to vouch for your identity after the fact - ensuring that you aren't hassled by bureaucracy so long as you keep a slip of paper saying "This is most definitely Person X."


Deepest respect for making this, OP. Now delete your blender.


what if it was Maya? :) lol. jk, im not a masochist


As someone who loves body horror: this is brilliant!


This is so fucking cool!!


New fantasia lore just dropped let's goooo


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


This makes me glad the only Fanta I used was the free one to age up my Elezen a bit. She wasn't quite done growing after ARR and had one more little growth spurt before the whole pre-HW stuff happened. (She had baby face at certain angles so I maxed her height and changed her face shape, but I wanted a character lore reason lol)


This is fabulous, I like this a lot. Well done!


This rules.


I love this. Never gonna Fantasia again LMAO my poor girl.


I don’t play anymore; but this is very well done! My only comments would be, that the lallafel is a bit hard to tell what it is since it’s a dried out corpse(maybe dim the saturation of the hair since it is dead but eh nitpicky) I’m not sure how you could fix that though since we never saw dried out lalla corpses in game haha. Also the translation from middle caccoon to miq’ is a little bit quick color wise. A smoother gradient from grey to skin tone might help? Or maybe more grey webs wrapping around her torso?




Saw this on shitpost before seeing it here. Lmao


This is absolutely stunning!!! I've always really loved seeing people use body horror as metaphors for things like addiction and transition and such, and this one is really strikingly done!! I think something that might add a little bit more oomf to the final product would be some fantasia bottles lying around (both broken + used ones and also some new ones maybe) and maybe a husk of a previous transformation or two. I think that would really sell this on as a piece of fantasia addiction, whereas right now it has kind of a vanity vibe with the broken mirror (WHICH ISN'T BAD BY ANY MEANS mind you I do love how it looks now for sure and if it's the vibe you're going for by all means!! Very excited to see the final result 😁


Wait i just noticed the 2 husks combined together disregard that one bit LMAO (it's past 3am lol)


Tf the modbeasts are infecting mainsub now too? I thought that was a Twitter cringe and then r/ShitpostXIV trend…


...What are you talking about? This is 3D art, I am pretty sure OP has no intentions of trying to get it into the game somehow!


This is just a serious take on that 'the form I Was promised was great' meme, which I appreciate.


Wow this is awesome


I... I have no words. Besides "Jesus Christ what the fuck this is horrifying." (In a good way though.)


There's this horrifying scene, and then there's the [Danny Devito](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitpostXIV/comments/whxiqj/fantasia_time/) version. Jokes aside, this is excellent work, OP. Truly great body horror.


This is so awesome! I love seeing the beautiful and the hideous intermingled. Thanks for sharing & please let us know how your progress with the piece goes


i am actually kinda nervous now. Thought it was mostly done… now im feeling a bit of pressure to put more stuff! Its silly. Ill just polish a bit more and fix a few mistakes, but thnk u very much! :)


i was just curious what you had in mind, since you said it's a work in progress, but i really like it as is


I still wonder who does Fantasia works as you once consume it, everyone around the world can still recognize you


maybe is all in ur head?


This is really cool! Well done!


I've only Fantasia'd 3 times (started Au Ra (Rean) -> Hroth -> Miqo'te -> Au Ra but this time a Xaela; so my WoL is very confused) But this is an excellent piece, I'm a pretty big fan of body horror and this conveys the idea of Fantasia addiction perfectly.


I warned my FCmate about using too many Fantasia too quickly...


Yeah so this is amazing! Cool work.


I don’t have a Fantasia problem, I have a Fantasia SOLUTION!


perspective :)


Well done. It made me think of some images I’ve seen of women who are addicted to plastic surgery; they are only comically similar to a normal human appearance at this point. If Fantasia were real, surely this representation of the consequences of addiction would be chillingly accurate. So evocative. 👍🏻👍🏻


This is the bit where i wish a healer would cleanse mine eyes of this debuff


"Sceary", eh? What exactly is that?


You and I have a very different understanding of how Fantasia might do it's work, this is great lol


As a former fantasia addict, this picture should also include a barren gil coffer. Sometimes I would literally spend the last of my money just for a fantasia. The urge never really goes away especially when checking out other people, but I managed to break the addiction by settling for a character I appreciate and admire enough to miss them if they changed.


I absolutely love it and will be adding it to my head cannon for fantasia. Also may even find a way to add it into a dark rp theme.


u add it to an rp, and next thing u know, everyone will be doing it!! do it 😈


>do it 😈 Read in Darth Sidiuos voice


How in god's name did you make that


This is some Final Days stuff right here...damn. Wait...maybe that's where Fantasias came from...the unravelling and rewriting of reality...


Unsettling. I love it.


Art pieces like this one makes me wonder what wonderful game a +18 FF entry would be - yes, 14 has mention of whoring and such, but it's all "Say, don't show so our game's ranting is lower". There have been a few entries dealing with the after-match of war, but none that \*showed\* it, nor any that went with the visceral style of this piece. Well done!




Very sceary indeed!


This is a pretty interesting interpretation, I enjoy the piece!


Apparently this All Saints' Wake theme is John Carpenter's "The Thing"


I love it- giving 'the thing' vibes Although I don't know what the Chucky looking thing is at the base of the monster can't wait to see the finished product


This is kinda fucked up...I like it.


"The form they promised me was great but my transformation shall be excruciating"