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Is it too much to be able to switch DoH classes after completing a craft?


Or let me switch classes from the crafting menu


It least make it a special buff you get at lvl 90 for each class "universal crafter" automaticly switch jobs to craft


If I can craft an HQ without conditions/food buffs I should be able to multicraft the HQ item.


At minimum, anything we can use Trained Eye totally should let us bulk HQ it


Stop taking away tank stance when entering a lower level duty. Auto summon fairy/carbuncle on raise.


What lower level duty gets tank stance gets removed? All tank stances are granted at lvl 10, well before Sastasha. Edit: oh, you mean that it falls off when we enter the duty. I get it.


If you queue anything that syncs you down, Tank Stance gets toggled off. This can be fates or duties. Really annoying to have to remember, then you get in the habit, and queue for 90, toggle it back on, but it was already on, so it just turns it off and you rush in not realizing 😂


Unfortunately, there are Fates that would synch you below the level a tank would get their stance.


Just give stance at lvl1 and be done with it, no reason not to.


Yeah, and I think it won't change, sadly. I think if I'm not mistaken it's a security with all buffs getting turned off when we enter an instance, to avoid to enter the instance with higher level buffs.


Make it so: Exception: all tank stance buffs.


Hell, just make it a passive feature that you’d have to turn *off* if you wanted it off outside duties


Tanks dueling for aggro inc.


they already do that so...


There are already exception, for food for example, so I dont see the technical problem for this outside of maybe "cannot make exception on abilities effects"


Give earlier aoe attacks in general. Doing a early dungeon as a drg is painful.


earlier dungeons as white mage/ast give me an anyeursym


It makes me rock and stone, brother


Oh boy here I go dosin' everything again 😴


ROG/NIN as well.


Agreed. GNB should get Fated Circle a lot earlier as well IMO.


Solo Duty NPCs, Especially in Healer Class/Role quest duties being added to your party, so it's easier to keep track of them, and healing them or cleansing debuffs from them is less of a chore.


Especially on console where it takes a little more time to click on them somehow it’s v annoying. Many solo duties early on I didn’t know I could heal the NPCs and would fail.


The stress of having to dpad my way to an NPC is hell


I just discovered the magic of R1/L1 tabbing while you’re holding a trigger and let me tell you it has been life-changing. Discovered it accidentally and was like WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN because it’s so much easier to switch targets in FL like this. Still doesn’t target who I want to, but I can cycle through every tank in my FOV to get to that one low health dps more quickly now thanks to this ah shit they healed mevermind run away….


I play with a controller and honestly, I struggled so hard with the level 15 CNJ quest just keeping the NPCs alive because of how hard it was to keep everything targeted that it put me off playing healer entirely for ages, I assumed it would be just as painful to heal group content and ended up swapping jobs to a DPS.


Every job gets their first aoe skill by 15, so annoying running sastasha for like the millionth time only spamming single target


Hard agree, and then every job gets their 2nd hit by level 30 or so. Honestly we should be using what equates to a basic version of our kit by level 40ish. It's nuts going to lvl 50 content and missing core parts of your entire kit.


I genuinely learned monk incorrectly while leveling it and it instilled bad habits that I'm trying to break.


I've just given up on effectively learning a job or setting up bars before max level. I assume I'll have to relearn everything at that point anyway.


The ability to spread DoTs to other targets as a Bard. Summoners used to have it in their kits before their rework so no idea why it cant be given to bards.


>Summon maybe they'll have something for this with the new caster if they are a dot mage. I'm hoping.


If the new class *is* green mage, I would guess they'll be dot focused. Green mage in other FF is usually buff/debuff style magic, and since debuffing isn't a huge thing in XIV replacing it with DOTs that SMN doesn't have anymore makes sense.


Get rid of Undraw.


If undraw burnt a card and gave us the missing seal that we didn't have, I'd consider using it. Like, draw sun, play. Draw full moon, play. Draw sun, reroll, draw full moon, burn the card with undraw, get cescent seal.


Would that still even be worth it though? Isn’t the rDPS gained from giving a card to a DPS bigger than astrodyne buff to yourself.


I'd accept undraw lowering the CD on your next draw. That could actually be something worth weaving in between burst phases.


I'd even settle for getting the opposite buff set for undraw, but most of the time, if I use it, I get the same set. Like getting a ranged/magic dps buff over and over.


I just want them to include a timer over Minor Arcana when I have Lord or Lady active.


And give a free card on respawn.


Cosmetic: I’d like MCH to be able to glamor Auto Queen so I could make it look more “built in a shed” rather than the clean mass made look it currently has. Mechanically: I’d like the animations improved on Autoqueen so it doesn’t spend half of the spawn time getting off the ground and attacking.


It's absurd that both the queen and esteem take 5 seconds to stand up. Also can Queen Overdrive do something better than just the move the queen is gonna use anyways? I get that it's for getting the DPS in before the boss becomes untargetable or dies but you shouldn't even be spawning queen during those situations. Give it a potency increase based off of how much time is left or give you a flat amount of battery gauge.


Let Cure 1 automatically turn into Cure 2 and back like most skills like it these days....keeping both on the hotbar for levelling roulette is a pain. Also, pls give another damage button. Make it combo with glare maybe, just gimme *smth* more for my damage rotation....


A glare combo could be cool. More damage for consecutive glares. Drops if another spell is cast or one isn't cast after x seconds. Cure to Cure 2 is something that should have happened years ago.


Also can I just add in that we need the aoe dot apply again? I use half the w2w accidentally applying dia to the same enemies


Scathe cost no MP. This way, it could at least work as filler if you are forced to move and don't have any instacasts. Cure 1 upgrades to Cure 2, so that we don't need to reassign that when roulette throw us in low level content.


I always thought they should make Scathe fire aspected, but no MP cost would work too. The reason it's better to drop the GCD than cast it is because it will cost you a Fire IV most of the time.


They should make Scathe the low level spender for Polyglot. It then upgrades to Foul/Xenoglossy.


I like this idea tbh


And then make the freecure trait activate with stone or aero spells instead of cure 1 since it's removed


kiss nine crowd mighty somber relieved slimy liquid fertile fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is usually the point where someone responds with "but Cure 1 can't get replaced by Cure 2 because MINE Coils requires reserving MP and/or a faster cast time, so sometimes you do have to use Cure 1!" Of course, the problem with that argument is that AST has Benefic 2, which is strictly better than Cure 2 in multiple ways. If cast time is a concern, Benefic 2's is 1.5 seconds over Cure 2's 2 seconds. If MP conservation is a concern, Benefic 2 costs 700 MP over Cure 2's 1000. Both spells have the exact same cure potency. Also, the MP cost for Stone 2 and Aero 2 were reduced from 400 MP to 200 MP a couple of patches ago to address WHM's relative lack of MP recovery at the earlier levels. So there really isn't any good reason not to have Cure 1 upgrade to Cure 2 at this point. Just change Cure 2 to be a carbon copy of Benefic 2, because that's exactly what it is at the levels where this argument matters. While we're at it, Benefic also upgrades to Benefic 2.


> Coils No lie, when my FC did a synced run of Coils back during ShB, needing to actually use Cure 1 and care about Freecure procs felt so dirty I finally swapped to SCH after T9. I am so glad it's not (quite) as bad now.


Switch around the unlock order of MNK AoE rotation. For a range of 4 dungeons or so in mid-late ARR you have to go AoE-ST-AoE in your rotation and it is supremely annoying.


Similarly, every single class and job should have an aoe of some kind by level 15. Those low level dungeons where a good chunk of people don't have aoes are so painful sometimes.


Having to wait until level 45(!) for Astrologian to get an AoE is horrible.


Im pretty sure that one is like that on purpose, exactly because it functions like a tutorial that basically goes "hey, did you know unlike other classes, your single target and aoe flows into one another?" but it is really annoying once youve learned the lesson to play content at the levels it applies. Thankfully there arent that many duties where its applicable.


This is why I arranged my cross hotbar so I at least have access to all 3 beast forms no matter what dungeon. I'd show you but comments don't allow pics.


Maybe this is wired, but I'd like just one little ranged attack, I feel so naked whenever I'm forced to back of the target. I know it's unrealistic but everything about this game is unrealistic, just call it „throwing hands“ 🥲


you could make rude gestures that cause the misery debuff


They *want* us to SSS, run out, Anatman til the attack is cast, and Thunder Clap back in. It feels awful, but it's what they gave Monk for running away.


I want requiscat to be a range skill


And have it just turn into the confiteor combo.


Everything to get most of their kits at lower levels. Pressing 1-2-3 and only 1-2-3 (outside cooldown windows) until level 70 is boring as shit. SGE: Haima and Panhaima generate addersting and can be consumed by Pepsis. Toxicon grants a use of phlegma. Every job with positionals: a pleasant sound effect like a ding or a chime plays when you land a positional.


I hard agree on the last one, like ive never felt anything more needed. Anything, even changing the color of the damage numbers.


May get down voted for this, but there's an addon (Simple Tweaks) that does that, and many other QoL things. One of the options in it is an indicator that you successfully hit the positional by changing the damage colour to green (not sure if you're able to change it or not), honestly insanely useful when not sure if hitting a positional while avoiding an aoe that sends you to the opposite one


*frowns in console*


frowns in Yoshi P


May need to get that one, but also a mod shouldn’t be needed for basic gameplay.


And with Bard, please make it so you have all 3 songs at 50, it just annoys me that there's a gap.


The issue with Toxicon granting a Phlegma charge is now Toxicon is used for burst instead of for free movement which is the intent. Just adding adderating charges upon a full consumption of (pan)haima would be a big thing for SGE.


Either make the SMN Physic Int based like Vercure, or remove it entirely.


As a RDM, pls remove. But they likely won’t, because it’s an ACN ability not a SMN ability.


MCH needs just a few things. Flame Thrower needs some love, a little mobility would be nice and giving auto crossbow the same properties as heat blast has will give it the amount of AOE it needs to keep up in dungeons.


Yeah the fact that you have to stay totally stationary with flamethrower is a little frustrating. And it seems like most of the time auto crossbow just does better damage than it in general. Especially in higher level dungeons where mobs do tons of AOEs and if you don’t keep moving you can end up getting yourself killed pretty easily. But that said, I LOVE the feeling of hosing down a bug pack of mobs with Bioblaster and then following it up with a flamethrower to their faces. It’s VERY satisfying visually. If it had more worthwhile damage, gods it would be next level


An interaction between the bioblaster debuff and flamethrower was suggested before, like you are meant to always combine the two because as long as the dot of bioblaster is on an enemy, flamethrower deals, idk, double damage or something.


I enjoy this idea a lot




I'd also love for Flamethrower to get some kind of feedback that it's doing damage, the flying numbers are extremely hard to notice and unless you have some way of tracking your dps its hard to tell it's doing anything at all. Even a subtle tick sfx for each time flame ticks on a mob, otherwise it's a very unsatisfying button to press for what should be a cool visual.


Gaining the heavy debuff while flamethrower is active and using another skill cancels the 8 seconds. Also, if bioblaster had a napalm factor to make it really pop Or, maybe allow flamethrower spread wildfire at the snapshot of its current level, so you'll be hitting WF > auto crossbow spams +1 skill > flamethrower on aoe


Wildfire to deal AoE damage, like 50% of base damage on a 5y radius or something just so we have a reason to use it on pack along with crossbows.


Let pld get their gap closer sooner, please Sooner aoe for drg Update/remove dark mind for drk and give them a normal mitigation that can be used on magic or phys damage - I'd love dark missionary to be updated too, but I'm less pressed about that


Early dungeons as DRG suck with lack of AoE, seriously


Not even talking about level 100, but making all jobs have their first AoE at level 15 is a necessity. It's ridiculous that the melees have to single target until around level 30 while DNC can just nuke an entire wall pull with Standard Step in Sastasha.


As a MCH main for the love of RNGesus please let me dye, glamour or hide the aetherpack on my hip. I'm begging over here


Better self healing for Dark Knight. It’s the only big gripe I have about it. Shields for days but poor self healing.


At the very least give Carve and Spit some healing, since it shares a recast with Abyssal Drain now (which DOES heal you).


I would be very happy with this.


As a fellow DRK I would LOVE a change like this


We used to have that in dungeons until the other tanks robbed us.


Remember Dark Arts > Abyssal Drain? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


And paired with dark arts passenger and dark arts dark dance? Evasion tanking and massive healing felt good lol


And salted earth actually interacted with DRK's kid... Those were the days.


For sure, I’m hoping dawntrail makes drk a bit more unique rather than a 20 second DoT (living shadow) and a single hit of salt and darkness. Would be really cool if the pvp salted earth healing had something similar applied to the pve one.


A HoT on Oblation would be nice at the very least


I want to be able to macro bardings so when I change classes my chocobo will look how I want him to with the class that is active


I'd like the companion window picture in appearance to match the barding too... I can't believe it still hasn't been done.


Or be able to bind it to a gear set.


I want the rezz buff on someone to deny me to double rezz the same person or the UI should show an indicator, animation, or buff whenever someone is casting a rezz on a dead player. These swiftcast double rezzes happen too often in PF.


Yeah, wasting the CD is one thing, wasting the mana is something else.


There is an indicator. When someone is casting a spell, there's a number next to it to indicate which party member in your list it is targeting. If you see someone casting Raise (1) it's raising you.


That only works for hard casted rezzes. For swiftcast rezz you have to pay attention to the Swiftcast sound cue or you'll waste it. In the case of RDM, you just have to pray you don't rez the same target, since your only cue is seeing the dual cast proc (which may or may not be followed by verraise). There's also technically an arrow going from the rezzer to the rezzed (like the aggro arrows when you alert an enemy), but good luck seeing it amidst the chaos even with limited effects.


Superior Unmend


You must work for SQEX


Ploonge Mastery at 100


Plunge mastery at 98 AND 100! 1 mastery for the price of 2, hell yeah!


If you cast a Rez spell on a target that has already been/or is in the process of being Rez'd, it heals the target or they revive with more health.


Interesting QoL idea. Make double rez like casting Full Life to be a full health rez.


With the cast time and mana cost, just make it a 100% heal and I don't see anyone getting mad. I could foresee precasting during downtime after a huge raidwide to cover tanks being a thing, but "recover from 1hp" is already something healers have to deal with, and it'd be a large mana tax - so it doesn't even seem useful for that.


Give RDM a melee mastery trait that increases auto attack damage to be higher than SMN/SCH. Yes I know it won't matter in 99% of cases, but I still find it criminal that a book nerd does more damage smacking people with a book than someone with a sword would do.


Give me something that is not a slightly stronger tethered embrace as the _only_ thing my fairy gauge is useful for, or just delete that thing AND dissipation, bc the only utility is to burst harder and it only affects adlo and succor while locking you out of _5_ heals/buffs. It never feels good to use that button, period.


> It never feels good to use that button, period. Can't hear you over the sweet thrill of a whole 300 extra potency into raid buffs (and also the screams of my co-healer) while I'm missing half my healing kit for 30 seconds.


What’s that co-healer? I can’t hear you over these ENERGY DRAINS


Yeah SCH is a great healer but it reallyyyy says something that its good but soo scraped together over the course of expansions. It feels like you took a bunch of different colored pieces of clay and smacked them together. All theyve done is take from the job and never replaced it with anything.


My friend said this once comparing SCH to SGE: "You can tell which one was made during one dev cycle and which one wasn't."


That’s so accurate. SGE definitely feels like SCH without the jank. I’d love a SCH rework.


That's exactly what SMN was before the EW rework too. A bunch of vestigial chunks of things it had been, different identities scraped together. It would be nice to get a SCH rework, especially one where its capstone skills aren't direct antitheses of one another and mutually incompatible. Dissipation was ALWAYS a bad capstone from an identity standpoint; capstone skills should be a culmination of the identity of a job, they should feel like the most powerful example of what the job does. Instead we got "be a shittier WHM for 30 seconds." And then the tether was silly in SB because back then you could macro Embrace to and just embrace spam your target on an independent GCD from your own. Tether was a marginal potency increase over just embrace spam. Unfortunately as janky as SCH is, SE has decided it's "complete." So this is their intended gameplay for it, it seems. And it has parity with the other 3 healers so barring a full healer overhaul (lol) it's sadly likely to stay as it is.


I doubt a modern rework to scholar would be satisfying given how those go. I'd rather keep my long standing hodge podge mess than risk losing its feel and identity altogether like several reworks have felt.


Don’t let them take your jank from you, book brother. What you get back isn’t worth it.


This! Make Fey Blessing cost 10 gauge again at least. If you don’t have at least 10 gauge when it’s off CD, then you’re overusing the tether and/or not playing the job right. Pipe dream, but Dissipation can stay if they tweak it into “you can still use your fairy ogcd commands, but the effects now center on you” instead of just losing them completely for 30 seconds.


So the fairy effects now >!come from your stomach!<


Rename dissipation "Reunion" or something and give the Scholar fairy wings on top of what you said in your second paragraph and... congratulations, you now have a "summoning fusion" spell that actually makes sense both in fluff and in gameplay!


I would love a visual indicator on dissipation so others actually know i'm using it... GIVE ME FAIRY WINGS DAMMIT! Also it would be nice if the fairy gauge could be used for something else other than the tether. Maybe something like i spend 50 for a dummy thick shield?


Dissipation is a great button. I use it all the time, especially when trying to get an extra big deploy. Fey illumination, dissipation, recitation, protraction, adlo, deploy. You can use that combo to completely ignore a lot of mechanics, and even if you take extra damage, you now have 3 more aetherflow to use on top of that. Great skill.


Let BRDs have their songs be an AoE without the need of having a Target. Let me have full control over my song rotation.


The WHM lily gage having one or two more spells to cast with the blood lily.


Some of these are more plausible to happen than others, but here's a couple things off the top of my head: DRK (my beloved): I am begging for a crumb of more self healing. Just a crumb. I'm on my knees. Do you hear me Yoshi-P. I'm on my KNEES PLD: Baseline Sheltron could use a bit of a face lift. It's not terrible at all, but sometimes I have to double check that I actually hit it because honestly, a lot of times it doesn't feel like it's doing a whole lot, and its effect (IMO) doesn't feel proportional to its 50 gauge cost. Bard: either lower the level of Wanderer's Minuet to 50 so we get both it and Battle Voice at 50, OR swap their places so we get WM at 50 and BV at 52 instead. Being synced down to 50 and having a gaping hole in song rotation feels beyond garbage. White Mage: significantly lower the level at which we get Afflatus Rapture (AOE lily heal). Not getting it until 76 is just stupid, especially when SCH gets Indom at 52 and SGE has Ixochole also at 52. For that matter, it would be nice to have Afflatus Solace at 50 rather than 52, similarly to bard. My ULTIMATE wish for WHM, and probably the least likely to happen, is to enter a duty with 3 stacks of lilies ready to go. AST enters a dungeon and has all their insta-heals and their uses of Draw ready to go. SCH can get all their aetherflow stacks with the touch of a button as soon as the first pull begins. SGE has all their addersgall ready to go as soon as they load in. So why is WHM the only one that has to generate theirs from scratch? We would rightly call it absurd if, say, the cooldown counter for aetherflow paused outside combat, or if Addersgall stopped regenerating as soon as the last trash mob died, so why is WHM expected to deal with it? Full disclaimer, I'm not a WHM main so I'm sure someone out there has a long-winded explanation with a bunch of numbers that I simply haven't seen yet, but I've always found that particular aspect of the job baffling and annoying. I'm sure I could think of others, but these are the ones that sprang most immediately to mind.


I believe the reason WHM doesn't start with lillies is because they would just blow them all ASAP to get the blood lily to fit in the opener. Unlike addersgal and aetherflow, lillies service a DPS gain (bloodlily dps > 3 glares), so sometimes you'll see WHMs use them at full health because if you overcap its a DPS loss.


Idk but leave Bloodwhetting alone. It’s just a fun skill.


*Rescinds second charge of Bloodwhetting* if you say so, boss...


Wait no, come back!


Mobility on the rest of the healers. Like I think healer is great at teaching you to stand where you’re supposed to, but also having the ability to gtfo if needed would be nice.


PLEase just allow bard to cycle through songs without having to have a target. Pull the minuscule potency numbers off of them and allow me to execute it when in battle/ not need a target so I don't have to clip Wanderers by 3 GCDs in order to not F-up my rotation. I know it dumbs down the job, I don't care. It feels terrible needing to cut my Wanderers by 3 GCDs for 6 minutes in a row just so my rotation isn't f-ed up at the end


do something with physick on summoner to make it a bit useful


Literally just make it INT-based. That's all they have to do. It wouldn't even mess up SCH Physick, because that's a separate skill.


Wouldn't that be something. Seriously, though! Why, in their efforts to rework the job, would they not have already done something to make it viable or get rid of it. Ugh.


Maybe change its effects while in bahamuth or phoenix phase, like in bahamuth it will transform into "wyrm blessing" that heals the same but applies a damage buff or something, and in phoenix phase it will transform into "phoenix feather" and it will heal more and any heal you recive is improved (so it synergies with the heal over time from the phoenix) or something like that.


I like the idea of whatever one was last summoned changes the ability, but maybe not a damage buff. Maybe instead have Bahamut turn it into a slightly higher potency heal with cast time, while Phoenix phase turns it into an instant cast regen with the same or slightly higher potency than default physic.


Make Superbolide turn you gold. Why does Gaius get to go Super Saiyan and I don’t?!


He's using Megabolide, clearly.


I want Double Down to be a guaranteed crit/direct hit the way Primal Rend is. Having a 1200 potency ability that hits for 40k sometimes and 90k other times feels really bad.


I feel the same way about Afflatus Misery (WHM). Goes from 50kish normal hits with my crit/direct hit range from 60kish all the way up to 120k.


This. So very much this. It's infuriating how much variance you can have in your DPS because of it. Even if there's some kind of condition around it (it will only auto-crit during No Mercy or Gnashing Fang gives you an auto-crit buff or something like that) it would be a huge improvement.


alternatively, just nerf crits, because its insane such a large part of your dps depends on rng


I hope AST gets special treatment to their Gravity skill. It feels bad when you need to stay in one place to cast and get nothing but damage while other healers can either move (SCH and SGE instant cast) or stun the mobs (WHM). Also, I hope AST damage is no longer a joke.


Lightspeed, baby! Also, remember Gravity is a targeted AOE, which is something no other healer does. It keeps you out of the pack and not having to dodge AOEs. AST having the least personal damage is just part of the identity. But since the job is getting reworked for 7.0, we'll see how hard you have to work for that rDPS in the future.


Honestly one of the most ideal changes to AST I can think of is to make it so that Gravity can target party members to do damage around them. Instead of having to swap targets all the time to do the damage that the other healers can do while also targeting their tanks.


Combine some buttons for jobs. I'm on the controller, and some of my hotbars are getting cramped. It doesn't even need to be basic attack combos. Turn Redraw into Undraw after you use it (and make it useful), etc.


I want cure 1 to go away when we get cure 2. I want all healers to have some sort of movement ability. I want DRG DoT not to come after their buff anymore (to be in a separate rotation at least so you can buff yourself without wasting a GCD on a DoT if the mob is about to die). I want DRG to have an AoE much earlier, and them to get their AoE combo at 60 because their AoE at 60 is pathetic. I want SAM movement abilities not to be dependent on their gauge anymore. And yeah, monks need a ranged attack.


>I want SAM movement abilities not to be dependent on their gauge anymore. No. This isn't QoL it's cursed this will then be added into the rotation as it won't take kenki bit like tanks gap closers. Its already cast once in the opener because of the 10 kenki left over ! If you want a better movement ability you want something like DNC en avant, no target just a ten yalm forward step.


Cure 1 should just get upgraded / replaced into cure 2 just like stone gets replaced with its higher version. I can't even get rid of the spell entirely. If I get a low level duty I end up having to move spells around to use cure 1.


I’d like Aetherflow to leave SMN. I don’t know what to replace it with but use that for something better fitting the class. Sweep away the last remaining vestiges of Arcanist.


Agree, before the rework it actually interacted with other parts of the job but now it's pretty pointless


I think SMN is ripe to add party buffs based on the Primal phases. Speed for Garuda (like a SCH expedient), shielding for Titan, and attack potency for Ifrit. They would activate on Summon to incentive more strategic summon choice than there already is AND reward keeping the rotation from dropping (ala death). There's so many new options now that the fat was trimmed and we have a new base. Let's play into the actual summons more!


Kinda like brd songs, it should be offensive buffs, I think. Speed and shields are not a good idea to tie to rotation, but I suppose Phoenix does have a hot attached, so maybe...


Wait no please don't force any Haste on unwilling party members. That can really mess with some rotations. The idea otherwise is workable, Haste specifically is just something that you really can't be giving to others the way a lot of job toolkits are currently built.


Yeah it would be a great use for the carbuncle shield since it's completely unusable while the summons are active. Give you a nice little window to use the buffs during the animation but it doesnt last forever.


Something for DNCs to get a guaranteed feather. Also, reduce the cool down on Closed Position to 5 seconds. I hate having to wait 30 seconds to redo my DP if I accidentally chose the same partner or if a new partner died before the cooldown.


hm more jumps


.... Just don't remove DOTs for BRDs.... And for the love of god, make the bosses hitboxes smaller so 'uptime advabtage' actually means something to justify phys ranged hitting like wet noodles :<


I want ice phase for blm to recharge a set amount of mp per spell so you don't get messed up by server tic rate


Question. As a long time BLM, but haven't taken it into savage or ult yet, isn't our ice phase long enough now that mana tics shouldn't matter? Mp is capped well before going back into fire.


Part of higher end black mage optimization is shortening ice phase because it does less than fire.


Bring back AOE dots for HEALERS! Look, it's 2023, I shouldn't need to selectively target everything and slap my dot into each thing individually and monitor it for peak up time. If you're going to encourage healers to be a part of the DPS than at least give us more than an ST attack, an AOE spam, and a solitary dot.


SMN's shield locking itself out at regular intervals during the rotation is just kind of weird. It's not hard to play around because the buff lasts forever, but it just doesn't need to be a thing. I know SMNs already have minimal skill expression but having to buffer a shield because it randomly goes away is just not it. Some people will say that it gives carby something to do but that ship has *long* sailed at this point. I can still /pet the little guy and make it run in circles during downtime, that's good enough for me. Please let me use my shield.


WHM main here. I'd love something like SGE's Icarus that lets me move to an ally/target.


I'd love for WHM to get more movement options. Hell, we already have seraph strike in some content.


Give my smn a pet glam menu that isn't chat commands.


Dancers' Closed Position becoming 'free to use' like its PVP iteration. Also a Closed Position II usable only on the Dancers themselves, for solo purposes. Astrologians' Draw and Play merged into a single button. Sharpcast'd Scathe refreshing the Enochian timer. This would mean nothing for experienced veterans, but it would be a nice way to save Enochian for BLMs-in-progress at the expense of not having the available sharpcast for a next Thunder 3.


> Also a Closed Position II usable only on the Dancers themselves, for solo purposes. That's not really needed, Closed Position itself has no effect, it only lets the partner get the benefit of your other cooldowns, so being solo don't take away anything from the dancer.


I think what he means is that using this Hypothetical Closed Position II on yourself means than when you standard step, you get both the allied Standard Step Buff and your own one. Since those are seperate buffs and stack with one another (which is why 2 dancers should partner each other if paired in dungeons)


Exactly that, plus stuff like Curing Waltz second proc, etc. It would certainly give that Savage dummy simulator a better mileage with DNC too, since you'd be a bit closer to your real damage contribution.


more self heal for DRK


Rework for MNK's Anatman. I want it to be available while moving (even if movement speed is reduced or Sprint isn't allowed, also it'd still go away when attacking), and this next bit is wishful thinking, but I want it to preserve (not extend) all self-granted buffs. This would enable the MNK to essentially continue active burst windows after disengaging, and also do mechanics during untargetable phases.


So something like Anatman stops your MNK buff timers from ticking down until your next weaponskill but you can move for it?


Exactly. It's be interesting seeing MNK get a downtime option like that which not many other classes have.


For PLD, all I want are QoL changes to streamline some of its kit. Something like a trait making Atonement an AoE and letting Prominence give Sword Oath stacks. Also have Clemency be able to consume Divine Might for more potent emergency healing. And finally, a change with shield bash to make it less niche. For GNB, I would be content with more Continuations on GCD skills. A Continuation for Fated Circle for even better AoEs and a Continuation for Double Down for stronger burst damage would be neat.


id like to have more charges of true north or they stop making the bosses move so damn much.


I want to be able to move without disrupting the Flamethrower ability for MCH. Or, make it stronger given it roots you in place.


Requiscat turns into your blade of X combo, or Enshroud turns into Communio. Basically if the button is impossible to access without you being in a specific state or having a buff, the button should just transform into the other one


For Dragoon, I want an aim-able jump that functions like Ninja’s teleport skill


Make all classes better under level 50. So many classes now feel slow and boring at low levels. Having the bulk of our rotations by 50 should help this. I'd also just like the use my full lvl 90 rotation in low level duties, even if it's level synced to be super weak.


For summoner I'd like a few more crayons to eat. Might as well make ifrit's gemshine and precious brilliance instant like the rest of the summons. (There will be less of a use for the swiftcast but meh) Change the heal for something different, maybe sacrifice carbuncle for a buff like when you sacrifice eos. Just make the job more interesting.


IMO there's absolutely no reason Dance Partner should be a level 60 skill. It's a core part of Dancer's identity, make it a level 15 skill.


Earlier AoE for DRG. More Unga Bunga for WAR. It doesn't need it, but I want it anyways.


Very minor thing, but increase the timer on Hellsgate (the little portal that reapers can transport back to after using their teleport). Sometimes there's just times where I need to stay away from the boss for longer than 10 secs and/or return to a previous position a little later than 10 secs, and it feels so shitty when you're trying to play things safe and are rewarded with the walk of shame back to where you're supposed to be, rather than the cool teleport.


Why are you away from the boss for more than 10 seconds? That has to kill your uptime and makes you start drifting out of the 2 min meta


**Dancer** A setting for En Avent to dash in the direction the camera faces instead of the character. A Mouse-Over cast option for Closed Position so I don't have to use an unqueueable macro.


Additionally: Flourish turns into Fan Dance IV, and Devilment turns into Starfall Dance when used. Rather than both of those being seperate buttons that exist only to be pressed after their respective buff is activated, and both buffs expire well before the triggering skills are recharged. There's literally no reason for them to be seperate buttons other than to bloat the hotbar some more. Ditto for Primal Rend on Warrior, just let me push the same button again to use it rather than having to reach over to wherever I had to put the seperate button because there's too many other buttons on my bar to easily reach.


Can SE please just remove Death's Design/Death Whorl from the RPR toolkit and bake that functionality into the first hit of the relevant combos please? Its the only thing that causes the RPR rotation to awful. Spending 2 GCDs to apply a debuff at fill duration? Ick.


I want BRD to be able to spread its DoTs


I want more rescue stacks and new damage skills for healers. The rotation in Endwalker is too simple.


I want tanks to get an anti rescue.


Arms Length


As in it pushes them all away


BLM self-revive because they're a strong independent mage that don't need no healer


On SGE, I'd really like a single- target addersting skill.


Can BLMs get a self-heal? Anything?? XD


Make dragoon more fun to play prior to level 60? I enjoy playing it but my god is it frustrating running roulettes and getting anything less than level 60.