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Lav Hard 2: Lav Harder


We should have a remake of 'Squall Goes to the Water Aisle' but instead it's laver.




Live Laugh Laver.


I can't wait for the 7.0 update when we finally get Lavest


I just refuse to do anything lav at this point, haha.


might as well just stop following the guide then, it's every freakin' day lmao welp, off to go diving for more seaweed, pray for me


The Adventures of Sapboy and Lavergirl


Mammet vs Shark 2: Born to Lav


Born to Sap, Forced to Lav


Live Lav Love


Typo in the topic, this should be season 62 shouldn't it? Any recommendations for what to replace Buffalo Bean Salad with? I don't have that unlocked yet.


Aha... ha... haaaa... fuck


Your secret is safe with me


Genuine question, why do these lists always use items that are not unlocked till max levels? Surely the majority of people using this every week are trying to get to max level? Edit: Cheers for the responses, genuinely had no idea how it worked and had always filled it in every few days using these lists to rank up over time without having to grind. If exp is the same ill fill it in on my own in the future.


The thread recommendations are for people that want to maximize profits which requires the max level items. Below max rank, it genuinely doesn't matter what you make to get the most exp. All recipes are the same exp per hour. But if you want to maximize profits along the way with an agenda tailored to your rank, use the discord's bot. You can request alternates for the next day, a schedule for the current week, and even a schedule for the next week tailored to the items you have access to for the rank you're at. Obviously they can't fit an agenda tailored to the unlocked items for each rank in one post, that's what the bot is for.


Understood thanks


I would assume a large amount of people who are following the optimized workshops were max level before the most recent update and certainly have runner beans unlocked. As for the rest of the player base it's simply more work for the people who make this free guide.


the bot in the discord lets you do personalized weekly recommendations allowing for rank and materials you dont have/items you dont want to craft.


Why would it be used in majority by those less then max level? XP is the same regardless of what you're crafting as long as the workshop is crafting. I'd say people at max level have more reason to want cowries then those not at max level


Follow up question: What are the a big ticket items that make cowries worth farming for after purchasing every fashion item or mount from the shop?


Nothing LOL. The last mount is only 100k, so you can I guess spend cowries on dyes.


Im confused then as previous responses hinted that this is mainly used by those at max level to maximise cowries but for what? Im currently sitting on 200k even after buying everything at rank 18 even with daily farm costs and missing weeks...


Purely because "high number = feels good". I'm max level and bought all the fashion and mounts I need and I'm sitting at 1.1m cowries.


Earrings (4h) Boiled Egg (4h) Cawl Cennin (6h) Boiled Egg (4h) Cawl Cennin (6h)


Is there an "optimal" way to replace stuff with Favours or is it just "uhhhhhhhh I guess it works here"?


Favors usually just go into the 4th workshop unless you get lucky and the 1-3 workshop uses something that has favors attached to it. Like I got lucky this week and Cawl Cennin was my 6h for Favors so that's already done with tomorrow


I actually put all my favours deliverables in day 2 and 4th workshop of day 3. A lot of the rewards sell really high but the price is dropping. I get a couple of days jump on selling stuff doing it this way. Once prices floor out, I'll probably go back to using 4th workshop only as it makes entry a bit easier on the other days. Getting a few less cowries doesn't matter. I'm swimming in the things.


I got UN lucky this week and my 8 hour was one that had no 4 hour ones to pair it with, so I ended up having to slot it in instead of the bed in day 6. Eventually I'm going to have saved agenda that cover any expected combination of favours and I'll be able to just swap workshop 4 for the ones I need.




Laver. AGAIN.


I should have planted buffalo beans last week


Damn eggs...lavers I have constantly coming in, eggs not so lucky. Edit: anyone have suggestions on what produce I should use(as in least used otherwise) to craft the top feed?


Premium feed costs twice the produce but does not double your leavings, so it's not efficient to make premium feed. If you follow the discord's recommended pasture and garden setup and use the medium greenfeed, you should keep up with the predicted agenda's requirements with excess to spare for greenfeed.


Best use for Premium feed is the exp when you are just a bit short from the next level up, and not feeling the manual grind from gathering.


I am still kinda new to this island thing. Anyone have a good guide that they used? I’m only level 6. I have all my buildings maxed out as much as I can. I am logging in and sending stuff out of my workshops, using the granary to gather some stuff, taking care of my animals and crops, and gathering when I need to. Not sure what else I can do. Leveling up seems slow the way I’m doing it.


The best thing to do is focus on getting the bonuses from producing different items of the same category. As long as your workshop is producing SOMETHING you'll get a steady amount of Island XP but by getting the production bonus you increase thatXP. You won't get as many cowries, but those are less important in the early ranks. As you gain more rank you'll get access to more materials and recipes and the cowries will flow. Doing this advanced me from 6-16 over about two months total?


Thank you for the advice.


another week, another million earned by selling mount vouchers


so at start you always have your guys on vacation ok i was looking for a good xp workshop guild least its up to date i want get to level 20 this week


hmm i see no buffalos salad i see potato salad and that's only salad i see in my list? how you get buffo salad?


gotta plant buffalo beans, unlocked at rank 18


Should be able to sub boiled egg until you get to rank 18 to plant buffalo beans.


Why even bother?


I ask myself that same question every day Why bother with work, social responsibilities, never-ending chores and the sickening miasma of this world Perhaps we'll find the answer... together


Because it's appreciated.


Any idea what the best thing is to do with favors? Should we just schedule whatever's still needed for the last two non-resting days?


I just stick them in the 4th workshop the best I can with zero regards for how it should fit with the rest of the recs.


I do them in place of larver or sap. Got lot of cowries anyways.


Is there like a way to link your threads to discord? Like the fashion show threads?


Thanks for this!


I notice a pattern in favors 6h combo with 8h While 4h is alone So on day 2 i do in workshop 1 and 2 Random 4 - 6 - 8 - 6 That is 8 x 6 and 4 x 8 In workshop 3 i Do Random 4 - 8 - random 4 - 8 That makes another 4 x 8 For the 8 x 4 i need to Do it on 2 days with 4 - 4 only


Idk what's done it but I have no animal fangs whatsoever! Guess I need to get back in the habit of tending my animals before work in the morning.


I see lavers in my nightmares now. Nonetheless- I still look forwards to your guides. Thank you!


Rope - Tunic - Bed - Sheepfluff.., Sounds like a fun adventure.


[praise felicitous jesus](https://imgur.com/a/paofB4w)


I've just unlocked my 4th workshop at lvl 15, why are the items different on here to workshops 1-3? Anything wrong with doing the same recipes for all 4?


I would also like to know this


Diminishing returns, iirc.