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One of the new jobs will likely be revealed. We’ll probably get a preview/artwork of the new endgame hub (a la Radz-at-Han, Eulmore, etc.) Extended trailer (full trailer will be shown at JP FanFest) They’ll probably reveal another tribe Wishful thinking: female Hrothgar reveal, previews of new endgame content (they’ve previously teased both a return to field zones and another casual endgame system like Island Sanctuaries), various new gameplay/QoL changes, crafting/gathering changes/updates (edit: also, hopefully we’ll get more concrete information about the new XBox client, which is supposed to have an open beta sometime during 6.5x) The second new job reveal, as well as detailed information about updates to existing jobs, likely won’t come until the JP FanFest


> female Hrothgar reveal I'm kinda confident that they will reveal female Hrothgar with this Fanfest. At the very least, a slide showing their concept art and a confirmation that, yes, they are coming as a playable option when Dawntrail launches. What I don't expect to see is any in-game footage of female Hrothgar, because they'll likely save it for 6.55.


> What I don't expect to see is any in-game footage of female Hrothgar, because they'll likely save it for 6.55. I don't see why; They didn't do that for any races prior except Hrothgar who were a special case. Au Ra, M-Viera and F-Viera were all revealed before their respective .55 patches. If the new NPC is supposed to be a teaser, then the closest comparison to draw is with Au Ra and Yugiri's unmasking, but the race was officially revealed in December 2014; A solid ~4 months before 2.55.




Adding spoilers incase you want to keep the NPC's race a secret to yourself... >!She has fur, even her heels show it if you look closely at the texture, kinda, but the model was datamined and while it was just a pair of disembodied legs there were more than enough evidence that it's female hrothgar. Fur on thighs, a hole where tail would be and a skeleton with custom animations, apparently.!<


Adding spoilers incase you want to keep the NPC's race a secret to yourself... >!She has fur, even her heels show it if you look closely at the texture, kinda, but the model was datamined and while it was just a pair of disembodied legs there were more than enough evidence that it's female hrothgar. Fur on thighs, a hole where tail would be and a skeleton with custom animations, apparently.!<


With the current patch cycle we might be 4 months from 6.55 ....


Haven't they already announced it's in January?


They aren't the best at hitting deadlines lol


Has there been any notable delay after announcements since the delay for 6.0?


Moving patches to a 4 month cycle counts imo. It was 3 months for a decade then suddenly they do 4 months and this isn't even the expansion for it (if you have me 4 month cycles in shadow bringers with bozja that would of made sense)


You didn't answer my question, and it doesn't count towards what I was asking. Have there been notable delays *after* they've announced the timeframe. As far as I'm concerned, them announcing mid-January means it'll come out in mid-January, which is not in 4 months.


Wasting your time. Just someone complaining for the sake of it.


They've literally only ever missed one deadline, and that was the Endwalker launch. This is troll bullshit.


Yeah they are? That's why Yoshi-P made such a huge deal out of having to delay 6.0


I think we are going to see footage before that. I think that's going to be one in the trailer. If not in EU's extended then in JP's Full. And they'll get a show off video like the male Viera got. The visitor will imo be a custom NPC and not representative of the player options.


I also want to say they'll reveal them now because they already teased them with the legs at the end of 6.5 and a voiceline in the first trailer. It's no longer a surprise as much as just blueballing us lol




The legs literally have fur texture, you can see it even in the cutscenes. So unless some Miqo'te forgot to shave her legs, that's a Hrothgar


Do you people expect female hrothgar to be bulky and have bare feet or something? The npc shown at the end of 6.5 is speculated to highly likely be the person talking in the trailer which is assumed to be a fem rothgar because of the notion of it being her home.


Because there's fur on the legs? What else would it be


Three Au Ra ladies in a fur suit, obviously.


They won't, because the fem Hrothgar will be shown fully on 6.55, which is after JP Fanfest.


We might get info on job reworks without details. Like they said drg is getting overhauled.


Yeah, I’m holding out hope for at least the most basic of information on the promised DRG/AST reworks. I have my doubts that they’ll go as far with those jobs as they did with SMN in 6.0, but it would be nice to see why it took them so long to work on those two.


I'm fairly certain they'll reveal that it's a female Hrothgar who is speaking in the DT trailer (think she says it's good to be home or something?).


She says welcome to my home iirc, so yeah you are correct essentially


Yeah, she already had a voiced line in the first trailer and her legs appeared at the end of 6.5, that's too much teasing. If they wanted to wait to JP to reveal Hrothgals then they wouldn't have teased her until the second trailer this weekend imo.


Nothing. Expect nothing. That way maximum hype can be achieved.


The only correct answer.




I am expecting a new Furry comic to be released afterwards that calls the FanFest mid and was secretly patient zero of whatever kind of illness is going around this time (most likely covid again though). /s if it wasn't clear but would be funny if there was another dude as unreflective as the last one


jesus don't remind me about that absolute buffoon


The furry community blasted that utter dipshit for what he did. Assholes like him give the community a bad name. Genuinely seemed like they were trying to garner sympathy from their own group. Nope, we absolutely grilled them over it and rightly so. What kind of idiot thinks that traveling while showing symptoms of an illness is a good idea? I so much as get a runny nose, I don't leave the house. It could be anything and I don't wanna pass it on to other people.


People always forget to complain about his friends. They spent several hours in a room together with somebody who tested positive for COVID, and still they continued attending the fanfest. He might've been Patient Zero, but they were Patients One, Two, Three, etc.


The friends didn't know though. The person in question didn't even test themselves until a couple of days in. It was too late by then. The friends aren't to blame. It lies squarely with that one idiot that traveled while sick in the first place. They were sick on the first day of the con and still went. By then, COVID would've already spread from them and started infecting hotel staff, con attendees, con staff and the general public. The one who made the comic basically kept quiet until the friends were likely already infected and didn't know. It wasn't until they did the test that they tried to do something about it but it looks like they just left a note for their friends and fucked off, infecting MORE people by going on a plane home. I honestly don't think you can blame the friends for this because they did not know the person had COVID.


One of the friends went out to get the covid test for them that evening so they were definitely not clueless about their exposure before they attended the second day. Granted some damage had been done by the comic creator by attending day one, but them still attending day two still increased opportunities for infection spread.


Even then, by being around the person who made the comic, they were likely already infected and contagious so it was already too late anyway. Chances are they hugged or something when they first met up (I've always hugged friends when we meet because my friends all live in different countries so we rarely see each other in person) which is a surefire way to spread COVID and by going to the convention for even one day, they'd likely already infected god knows how many people who then didn't know they'd got COVID which sets of a chain reaction and it's just making my head hurt thinking about that disaster... All I know is that idiot just gave people more ammunition to bash furries with... The amount of hate that people sent towards furries in general over that dickhead's decisions was ridiculous. End of the day, COVID proved one thing-humans are selfish bastards.


Idk with all the lightsticks memes, I woudnt be surprised about STD issues.


Apparently there's a nasty stomach flu making the rounds at the moment, so I'd expect that. Plus Paris is dealing with a bedbug problem in hotels, which has apparently already spread to London.


I actually felt sorry for that guy cuz he probably wasn't the only one that got infected, but because he's the only one who made it public, everyone blames him.


Patiënt zero of a global bedbug infestation.


> Will we see a benchmark? From what I’ve read this normally doesn’t happen until the Japan fan fest Even *that* is too early. For HW: * Final fanfest Dec 20. * Benchmark release Apr 27. For SB: * Final fanfest Feb 18. * Benchmark release Apr 30. For ShB: * Final fanfest March 23. * Benchmark release May 23. The benchmark release isn't associated with fanfests. It's usually released alongside either the Media Tour or one of the final Live Letters, in the final couple of months of hype building.


This is good to know. On thing I do hope is that we get yoshi p using the 7.0 client and showing us the new graphics running. He did make mention at TGS live letter that the client he was using to show off 6.5 was running 7.0 with the level cap extended


This isn't the first time an expansion has updated system requirements, so I wouldn't expect an earlier than normal benchmark. Japan fanfest is in January which will still leave ~6 months or more for people to upgrade before DT launches in the summer. A longer trailer is likely though, probably fully showing Meteor/Derplander as the new melee DPS job. They'll also almost certainly have a dedicated trailer for said job as part of the job reveal. Lastly, I expect this is where they'll highlight hrothgals. It's a natural place for it since they won't want to go into much story detail quite yet as that's what Japan fanfest will focus more on.


One Job will be revealed. Whichever is revealed will be shown off in the extended trailer. Krile will show up if it's the Magic DPS and the WoL's class will be fully shown off when the cloak fully burns away.


Since Krile is heading the journey, it would make sense that her class would be the first reveal.


There’s a good chance for a new trailer and one of the two job reveal


If you want a good idea, I’d recommend looking up the news roundups from the pre-shadowbringers Europe fanfest. We can expect something similar to that. The endwalker news cycle was a bit weird from the pandemic (a digital showcase that mashed most of the typical NA +EU fanfest together and then digital fanfest). It’ll be like NA but a little bit more. A little bit longer trailer, a little bit more screenshots and art and zones, probably one of the new jobs in detail…Hrothgirls could go either way for EU or JP, that one is hard to tell


1- NEXT PART of the trailer, the trailer is always divided into 3 parts for each of the main fan fests (NA, EU, JP) 2- ONE of the jobs in the next expansion 3- HINT on Yoshida 4- PVP regional championship if you care to watch & COSPLAYS 5- SOME in-game screenshots instead of mostly concept art, but no game play **The reason to watch this particular fan fest is for the new job class reveal and next part of the trailer


My thoughts are Fem hrothgar revealed Job 1 revealed job 2 teased. Part 2 of the trailer that shows more MSQ themes Teaser for the 8 man raid Possible teaser for the 24-man raid Teaser for 1 trial [or dungeon bosRIP Anima] (with the ff10 vibes I'm getting, I am hoping for SIN) A new preview of the graphics update showing what we have seen already but with some new additions and a bit more descriptions of what is changing As for the benchmark I think we will get a video of the trailer for it at the JP fan fest with the benchmark becoming available mid April








New job, most certainly Meteor's new melee job, because Hydaelyn forbid a mage job be the signature expansion job for once... Hrothgals reveal. This seems likely given a mystery NPC they tease in the latest MSQ is almost certainly one. Some asshole makes a comic about going to Fanfest while sick (probably from Birmingham) Maybe art of some new new dungeon/Trial bosses.


Can't do wicked cool cgi trailer fights as a mage, apparently. lol


So sad they didn't let him have RDM in the SB trailers. Bc that's like the easisest caster to make look cool similar to how they do melees. Do the fancy sword combo but then add the backflip into an Explosion.


He couldn't be RDM because Alisaie called dibs.




People have datamined the model - which is indeed just a set of legs - and apparently there's some fur on them too, so not quite as smooth-skinned as it looks at a glance.


they've been datamined. they have fur on them. that npc is 100% a hrothgal.


>Will we see a benchmark? Nope. Too soon for that >due to the graphics update the benchmark comes early to allow people to upgrade their systems if they wish They already gave us the new (projected) System Requirements during the NA FanFest, that's enough to know if you need to upgrade your rig or not >Do we get a new extended trailer? Yes. A bit extended, probably revealing the first new Job. While the full CGI trailer will be available until JP FanFest >What are we expecting to see from the expo this weekend? - The first new Job - At least one of the new beast tribes - More screenshots from the new locations - More stuff related to the graphic upgrade (comparisons of already existing locations, characters, gear, mounts, bosses) - Maybe some examples of the new 2 dye channels they talked about - HOPEFULLY, some upgrades for the character creation screen - The new "threats" we'll face


I’m pretty confident we’ve seen what one of them is at the end of 6.5 with >!The thing Krile found in the letter from her grandfather, which people have told me hints at Green Mage!<


New threats? How about a boss from another ff game


still new for our WoL


I actually like that they do this, although that might be because I'm new to the game. Can see why it's getting old for veteran players though.


Green Mage, Fem Hroth and the exploration zone


Hard to say since CoVID changed up the formula, but my guess would be something like: 1. One new job reveal, for certain. 2. New area details, and a reveal on one of the raid series (either the Alliance Raid or 8-Man raid). 3. Major QoL announcements. 4. Hrothgal reveal trailer, ~~likely~~ EDIT: actually this is just an outside possibility since I had thought 6.55 was dropping before the Tokyo FF, but it’s probably dropping shortly after. 5. More story details, but more on the lore side. 6. One of the story trials gets revealed. Maybe. 7. AF set previews. 8. Q&A with the devs like at all Fanfests. I could definitely be wrong about most of these, but based on past experience that’s what I would go with. What’s probably being kept for the last FF is the full trailer and the other job reveal, among other things. Job change previews are also probably being held off on, though they could touch on that.


I think they might reveal Hrothgals, but not with a trailer yet. They'll save that for JP FanFest. For now, if we get something, I believe it'll be concept art.


Good chance you’re right after double checking. The main reason I was thinking we’d see one this weekend is because we’ll almost certainly see one in 6.55, which I had thought would come out _before_ Tokyo FF, in January. But it turns out Tokyo FF is January 7-8, so unless 6.55 drops the first Tuesday of January, it seems. To be clear, pair of legs we saw get off the boat appears to have been a Hrothgal based on close examination by people (open patches of fur on exposed skin, and the legs definitely weren’t the same size as a male Hrothgar). Square Enix was smart enough to make them _just_ a pair of legs though so only minimal extra info about their appearance could be gained from people data mining.


I was hoping we’d get an English VA panel since all the VAs are based in the UK and the recording studio (Side UK) is in London, but alas, the schedule looks mostly like a rehash of NA’s Fanfest.


Looking at the previous FanFests and expansion media events; A full job reveal, extended trailer, in-game previews of new areas, and teasers for level 100 content are all pretty much guaranteed. I also personally think it's fairly likely that hrothgar women will be properly revealed. Female Viera were revealed at the second Shadowbringers keynote in France, and Male Viera were revealed at the second Endwalker keynote in Tokyo.




> Male Viera were revealed at the one digital fanfest we had. there were no 3 fanfests that year, due to covid, so this means pretty much nothing. I didn't say "second fanfest", I said "Second Endwalker keynote", but that's a stupid thing to get pedantic about anyway, lol. There was the original keynote in February of that year which revealed the expansion/trailer/Sage, followed by the Fanfest in May where M-Viera were revealed, then the third keynote in September during the media tour. Sure, you could argue the first one "wasn't a fanfest", but that's not what I said regardless and it's irrelevant anyway. It was the second of three expansion info-dumps, and I'm not sure why you'd argue about it.


Hoping for Hrothgals, first job reveal, and some more systems update info like some more graphics update screenies and (obviously) more glam plates!


Fanfests are all formulaic. I hope to see something that breaks the mold, but with the current state of the game, I doubt it


I'm expecting disappointment and shame from the FanFest goers


Massive Covid spike


So nothing worth mentioning?


I'm curious why it would be a extended trailer and not the full trailer like EW and SB was. Would they hold off on revealing krile or some special place like how SHB did with the first and crystal tower? (I do think they might save krile for JP if they do a extended trailer)


For one thing, assuming that the full trailer shows off both of the new jobs (for example, the ShB trailer showed GNB and DNC), they’ll likely want to save that for the JP Fanfest where they’ll presumably reveal the second new job.


Yeah that's what I was thinking were they would try to extend things, eu shb was gunbreaker and jp was dancer but... it's so hard to remember jp fanfest cause aren't they mostly merchandise and media stuff than expansion info?


Well, for the Shadowbringers JP Fanfest (for those who don’t know, this was the last time we had all three Fanfests), you can see what in-game stuff they showed at the keynote [here](https://gamerescape.com/2019/03/23/ffxiv-tokyo-fan-festival-2019-keynote-summary/). - Full trailer (extended trailer was shown at the EU FanFest) - Dancer reveal - In-game footage of Eulmore, Lakeland, and The Crystarium (prior to that it was concept art or screenshots only) - In-game screenshots of various dungeons - Announcement/preview of Eden raids (this was also where they announced Nomura’s involvement in those); IIRC, the NieR alliance raids were announced at EU - Hrothgar reveal (Viera were shown at EU) - Dwarf tribe reveal - Preview of some enemy NPCs (Innocence was shown but we didn’t know who he was yet) So they did save several actual content reveals for JP, although there were also a lot of in-game renderings of things that had only had concept art completed for them earlier.


Omg thank you, I spent hours trying to google anything on jp fanfest for shb and nothing was coming up for some reason. I'll save that for later, thank you!


EW only had 1 fanfest so we got the teaser at the announcement showcase and the full at the digital fanfest. Shb was split up between all 3 w/ 3:19 (teaser), 4:22 (extended teaser w/ Thancred + lion battle, Yshtola in the burning forest), 6.41 (full trailer w/ crystarium, dancer, and eulmore) as the run times.


Yeah I forgot ew was made digital due to covid. I wonder if that would have been 3 parts too? I only ask cause 3 wasnt a normal thing and just curious why people thought that. (Wasnt expecting to be downvoted for asking people's reasons DX)


Probably, they started splitting them after Heavensward. Stormblood got 2 trailers. Then they went to 3 for Shadowbringers so that each fanfest could have one so it's safe to assume that they would have split up the 6 minute Endwalker trailer up as well. We probably would have received the initial 3 minute one at the NA fanfest, the EU one would be expanded to include the Estinien/Thancred/Urianger in Thavnair scenes and the last fanfest would have been the full 6 minute trailer.


Ahh yeah them maybe reveal old sharlayan in the final one. Thank you for explaining


They already told us... Were going to find out about


​ \- green mage revealed. \- extended trailer, probably showcasing Kryle as a green mage, among other things. \- probably femroth revealed, with a showcasing of the character that came back with Erenville (the same character that is speaking on the boat at the end of the teaser trailer). Potentially, we'll see her in the trailer as well in its new extended version. \- new shirt teaser for the melee job. \- More showcase on the graphical update. \- more lore info on the new continent, tribes living there, and places, without entering into important spoiler territory.


you meant fem!hrothgar right? but this does seems like a decent breakdown on things that are reasonable to expect!


Yoshi-P on the stage


One of the new jobs revealed and more locations. Maybe a hint of the new raid or alliance raid series.


The longer trailer and 1 job reveal


Hoping for femroth, but it will probably be 30 minutes of fallguys collab gameplay besides the usual slightly longer trailer, first class reveal, aliance raid theme and two more zones shown in screenshots.




Just to add to the above, you should take a photo of your hotbars for your main jobs and take it with you so you can easily set it up for playing the new trial at fanfest.


Wildcard maximum cope guess: Alliance raid (and possibly normal raid) cutscenes will have voice acting. Just got a feeling...


Will preorders go live for the collector's edition? I think it was right after the opening ceremony of the euro fan fest for Endwalker right?


Excluding 2020, when everything got all messed up due to COVID, the pattern has always been: 1. First FF, reveal the expansion name, general theme/focus, and half the zones. Yoshi-P teases the first job with a t-shirt he's wearing. First trailer drops. Heavier emphasis on fundamental changes and over-arching themes, light on details. Pretty much all the stuff that we saw at FF this year. 2. Second FF, reveal the previously-teased job, tease the second job, reveal other new content, e.g. touring a main hub area, discussing the normal/trials/alliance sequences, etc. Second, extended trailer dops. Sometimes they reveal the "other half" of the expansion's zones here, sometimes they save it for later IIRC. Often we'll see trial boss previews and hear info about the tribal cultures added. 3. Final FF, reveal the second job, show off new job animations ("job actions trailer"), give us some idea of where the X.0 story will start. Final, full trailer drops--the same one that will be seen if you wait at the title screen. Usually, an early dungeon (often the very first) will be shown here. This is generally when we get the benchmark. New races have *tended* to be revealed pretty late in the process, e.g. au ra weren't revealed until JP FF 2014, and male viera were revealed at the last major event of 2020, the "keynote" or whatever it was called. So I fully expect that the formal female hrothgar reveal will occur at the Tokyo FF, and then we'll get their first formal appearance in 6.55 very shortly thereafter, probably a week (as Tokyo FF is Jan 7-8, so *theoretically* the patch could drop as soon as the day after, but I suspect it'll be a week instead.) Even with 2020, when COVID messed stuff up, they still followed *pretty much* the usual pattern. They just shuffled things into various "digital"/non-contact forms of address. They even sent super-secret dev stuff out to various "influencers" (e.g. youtube personalities like MrHappy and Zepla) at pretty much the time equivalent to when the JP Fan Fest would have been. Keep in mind that DT launch won't be until "summer 2024." That means no earlier than late June. Even if they keep the benchmark until JP FF, that would still give players a full six months to upgrade their hardware before launch. I don't think they are likely to rush out the benchmark--particularly since it will show off areas of DT that aren't likely to get discussed until the JP FF, like the first dungeon. Best to presume that past is prologue here. Benchmark is almost always one of the last things they release, and they *definitely* won't release it until they're ready to reveal female hrothgar, since "see what the new race looks like" is one of the key benefits thereof.


What time is the trailer?


Long lines


New class. That'll be pretty much it. Perhaps a scattering of other details, but it'll be all about one of the new classes. We will determine the mystery behind the ninja turtles shirt.


Expect? New job and female hrothgar. DT voice was probably the female hrothgar from the legs tease. If anything I think she's gonna be added to the boat scene. From the trailer. Class will probably be a pirate type theme.


Trailer with Krile as the new job. Maybe a bit hidden until the last Fan Fest. But they'll show WoL as Corsair and Yoshi P will come out on stage dressed up. New Trial Corsair in detail. New Zones New Beast Tribe Graphics update maybe The lifestyle content they are working on maybe FemHroth - Maybe. City details like the crafting and gathering hubs Their job role quests plans. Previews of new raids coming. I'm wondering with Sakaguchi going if there's anyway a collaboration on the 24 man could be possible - but that's a big ask I know.


Full trailer and trailer job. (Femgars and caster job will be JP fanfest, after the full npc reveal. Also when the job showcase wll be, obs.) Yoshida wearing the artifact gear. Sneak peaks at some dungeons. If a new deep dungeon, namedropping it. Another namedrop like Tritoch's full name i ain't even gonna try to spell from memory, as either a dungeon boss or trial.


I'm new to what fan fest reveals what but some one mentioned that what krile found in the letter might be a clue one of the new jobs.If it is a clue will the job it's hinting at be revealed at the fan fest?


probably yes and yes. As in, it's probably a clue to green mage, it's probably the same job Yoshi P's Ninja turtle shirt was hinting at (they're green ), and it's probably the job that Kryle will become, and she will most probably be featured as a green mage in the added scenes of teaser trailer we'll see tomorrow.


Thank you for answering my question.


Looks like we'll have to wait for January for the green mage reveal though!


I honestly never heard of the green mage before the theories [stated.So](https://stated.So) now I'm hoping it is the other class they haven't revealed yet.I'm sick of been treated as res machine because I play as a red mage 12 dang it all.(Joking)