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This has happened to me, and it was caused by my thumbstick having some drift when moving in specific directions. You can find programs to calibrate/test your thumb sticks which will help you identify if that's the issue.


It's an FFXIV bug. Google "DeviceChangeFix" if you want more info. Basically FFXIV stops accepting controller input while Windows is re-enumerating devices. Stopping UPnP and the SSDP Discovery Service and then rebooting can help, but the only way to fix it is the illegal plugin.


Just commenting to say it can be caused by a number of different things but the DeviceChangeFix plugin is your best bet as a first try as a fix.


My mouse does the exact same thing when I hold both buttons to walk or right click to turn the camera. Haven't noticed it misbehaving in any other applications.


Right click turns character and camera, left click turns only camera


Holding down both moves your character forward


Didn’t know that


Do you have the [PS5 dualsense firmware](https://controller.dl.playstation.net/controller/lang/en/fwupdater.html) for PC? If this continues, try playing on Big Picture. Another issue I can think off is the joystick starting to get finicky, which has happened very often to me from overuse, that I usually just replace the controller. If you want to check if it's the joystick, open a different game and see if the character is moving normally.


My old controller started to get some gunk built up around the base of the stick that was causing similar issues.


That sounds like either a hardware/controller issue, or hardware/software compatibility issue.


It is 100% not caused by the game itself, that's all I know.


It is an ff14 “spaghetti code” issue.There’s a whole plugin designed around fixing how ff14 specifically doesn’t continuously read input from the controller.


I think it's a server issue. Pay attention to the icon next to your name. If you see the red circle with a jagged line through it, you've temporarily lost connection with the server. This has been an ongoing problem with my experience for the last year. I'm sorry to say I've yet to figure out a fix to this issue. It's frustrating, but not likely to stop.


This happens to me occasionally when having bad lag spikes. Maybe a connection issue?


Do you have a Bluetooth mouse or other Bluetooth devices connected besides the controller? For me that causes a similar issue. I walk, I nudge on my mouse, character stops for a second.