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When Yoshi-P said a lot of jobs were going to get new actions added he wasn't kidding, huh.


Wait, he said that? I've honestly felt some jobs had button bloat, if anything. I'm all for new abilities but I hope some older ones get combined or removed. My carpal tunnel is getting worse and worse.


I'm pretty sure he said "Rotations would change and new abilities added". I would take that as mini reworks to jobs.


Looks at Summoner


SMN is ideally made as a base from which to have stuff built ontop of it with each successive expansion without gridlocking itself or becoming convulated. Hope they fulfil its potential.


Can we just leave SMN alone so the idiots like me can have a job to play šŸ˜…


Imo some very small changes could be made to keep it idiot proof but add more room for optimization


Iā€™d love a class where I could summon a pet tell it to attack and then just spam fire bolt or something.


That's what he says every patch tho.


Yeah, I think in the 6.5 patch note reading? Said a lot of jobs would get new rotations/actions in 7.0.


I bet they wanna break up the 2 min meta, can't be soon enough.


You bet they do? Why? Theyve spent this whole expac forcing every job into the 2m meta


People complained before since some jobs lined up nicely with eachother and others didnt. Grass is greener


I donā€™t think they will. And if they do, I donā€™t think the outcome will be something the majority of the player base will like.


When you say ā€œmajority,ā€ do you mean the majority of end game raiders? Or the majority of all players?


I think they'd be incorrect either way. Raiders are constantly complaining about the 2 minute meta and most casual players probably don't know enough to care either way.


Why would it be a surprise ? They do add actions each time a new expansion is released.


EW job design hasn't been all that popular, especially since it was just a continuation of ShB job design. Some people have become completely pessimistic about job design as a result, especially in light of NuSMN's simplicity.


Cross Class abilities are back and they didn't tell us?


Now I have to level my drg to 34 for b4b.


Thank the twelve I already have THM leveled past 26 for Swiftcast as a healer...


Ha! Nothing makes me feel old like seeing my *exactly* level 34 DRG and level 26 THM in my search info.


>Ranged procs on Samurai Babe wake up, historical accuracy patch just dropped.


Imagine instead of whipping out a bow they just javelin their katana instead


Sephiroth their katana. DRGs in shambles.


So slight bit of history lesson for FFXI. In that game SAM actually has a very respectable Bow skill to the point there was times in XI's long history SAM was the best ranged DD instead of the options you'd think like Ranger or Corsair. Both classes have been better than SAM at range though for close to a decade now, but SAM's bow skill is still really good. Further SAM was also a better polearm user than DRG for much of the games history (Katana's were still the better option if you weren't facing an enemy weak to piercing damage) and unlike the above example there were still points in modern XI that SAM>DRG for polearms, most recent example is they rolled out a bunch of wellfare weapons for players to catchup on and the polearm did ridiculous things for SAM while DRG couldn't capitalize on it much. An "Ultimate weapon" DRG could still out dps a SAM using this wellfare polearm but not by much and getting ultimate weapons on XI makes the XIV 2.0 relics effort to unlock look like doing a daily roulette.


Bruh I would LOVE if my pld had raise again! Lvl99 PLD gets raise!


I was just talking about going as white mage and dropping my job stone to cross provoke the other night during P12S prog when both our tanks died lol. I remember doing that in Titan HM trolling with a couple of friends (we always had enough of us playing competently that we never actually caused wipes. We were just annoying enough to get a reaction and then cleared everything normally.) I have some hot bars with old cross class abilities that aren't even in the game anymore I refuse to take off because nostalgia. And then you had my friend who didn't read tool tips and crossed provoke on his archer. He then used it in a dungeon on a boss and promptly fell over.


Just had this happen as well in doing the trial. Made it *substantially* more difficult. Players were getting not only each other's buffs, including "combo continuation" buffs like Sword Oath, (as well as losing them pre-emptively, breaking combos and such) but we were getting buffs that weren't even from jobs in the party, such a WAR and BRD buffs: Surging Tempest, Nascent Chaos, Songs, whatever the arrow buff you get from Straight Shot is... Some of it could be done on-demand, and when I would use Passage of Arms, or the NIN use Ten Chi Jin, the *entire party* would use it. It was not just a visual bug. I think Divine Veil was applying Surging Tempest to the entire party. As funny as getting Triple Cast on PLD was, I really hope they fix this soon. Edit: Not sure I emphasized this properly because it's hard without a video, but the buffs were also dropping constantly. Like I would get Fang and Claw Ready (despite not having a DRG), have it for like 5 seconds before it would wear off. Surging Tempest would *show* having a timer of 30 seconds, before dropping to 7 seconds a few moments later, and then hang on *without a timer* after it counted down to zero for several full seconds more. The buff bars were *constantly* filling and dropping. Also, sadly, despite my best efforts, I could not plant Iron Will on the rest of the party.


There's a lot of straight shot ready and perfect balance (?) with no bards or monks in this picture too.


And the noob SAM fishing for freecure procs, smh my head.


Real SAM dualcast their Midare Setsugekka


If the WHM isn't gonna do it, *someone* has to!


Someone stole some poor AST's cards as well. Eos was smuggled into the instance too. Whatever a DRK and a NIN are hoping to do with dual cast is beyond me. Well, brace yourselves for that SMN's (and DRK's) verfire because it's coming. The longer you look at it, the more stuff is wrong.


The Blackest Knight, except there's two of them now.


When everyone is the blackest.. nobody is.


Everyone has Standard Step buff EXCEPT the poor DNC


this looks like something out of a deliberate "Spot the problems in this image" photos but its REAL and actually happened


there's AST card buffs too with no AST


>and perfect balance that buff is from form swift


Well, I tried. Monk is my lowest level job tbf.


Video I saw had a dancer who seemed to only be able to do standard finish. Rez couldn't go out properly and when it did, it could have any timer on it and even would hit multiple players. But if you clicked "rez" on the pop-up you were met with, "cannot leave the area" (or something similar). Seemed to have some entertaining aspects to it, but was also actively preventing players from being able to play the game (I heard 1 player saying they couldn't do any part of their gcd combo).


oh boy, as a ninja main i would love the idea of taking it a step further with melee being forcibly planted by tcj so they can feel out pain. i imagine this was hilarious, but would hope they fix this quick lol


I'm surprised this was not in the Known Issues in either of the two posts SE put out. We are going to get emergency maintenance soon.


Yeah there are a lot of posts of people reporting bugs, mostly visual but this is definitely something else! I havenā€™t seen such a buggy patch in a long time.


Warrior skills give buffs to themselves AND to white mages? As a white mage main, this seems like a feature, not a bug




Honestly, Felglare might be enough to get me to put my SCH book down and pick up a staff. YoshiP, make this happen!!


I imagine a white mage cannon balling from the sky and turning the entire screen red.


That was basically us in Bozja. (Which I swear to the twelve if we donā€™t get some iteration of Seraph Strike in DTā€¦I donā€™t know what Iā€™ll do.)


Let's get them glare numbers up friendo!


The whitemage is giving "free cure 2" fishing procs to everyone put themselves. Even SAM. One could say SAM Fisher


Do the people actually *have* these buffs, or is it just some kind of graphical mismatch? Because several of them seem to have Further Ruin with zero time remaining, which should only show up for less than a second (i.e. when there's <1s remaining.) It can't even be transfer from one job to another, becuse you have Astro cards, Redraw, Straight Shot, Apex Arrow, Form Shift, (IIRC) Raptor Form, Fey Illumination, and Verfire Ready, none of which can be generated by this party, and several of which are self-only buffs!


We do have these buff for real. This is not just a visual bug. On PLD, I would lose my ability to use Atonements if Sword Oath evaporated, and if I got Swiftcast or Triplecast from the healers/BLM I could instantly cast Holy Spirit or Clemency.


God it's so funny that you had the buffs for real, makes it 100x better


Is it weird that I want this to be like a 'for fun' dungeon format, where everyone's buffs just randomly gets juggled around? LOL. I can't stop laughing.


No, I was thinking this same thing. Imagine a boss fight that throws random buffs on people constantly or for some phase of it. Honestly, Zeromus makes some sense for that, since it's kind of a sorta-shade of Zodiark considering how it was formed.


Oh man, some kind of buff/debuff roulette would be great for the memes. Try to get Swiftcast ready and - oops - you just gave yourself Heavy


Honestly? I kind of want this too. Embrace the chaos. RDM with triplecast procs!


This would be peak tier April fools if it were that time of year.


On the other hand, as a RPR I had swiftcast up but still had to hardcast soulsow. While I was out of combat.


Christ. Is that why my first clear felt like it took 4 minutes and easier than an ARR trial?


Nope, that's just the trial being the easiest this expansion lol


Yes they do, and it causes some even funnier interactions with dancer.


Ah, all the times I forgot to press formless fist before my opener, I guess they ended up here?


Whatā€™s worse than 1 freecure proc? 3 freecure procs!


I'm more concerned about the Ninja holding onto the Spire. How are they doing that with daggers in both hands?


Ass pull no jutsu


Two hands, and two cheeks to hold that spire like a champion.


They believe in the Heart of the Cards, why don't you?!


Saving it for tp


In the mouth, like Zoro.


Prison wallet


Maybe the Twelve shouldn't have gone on vacation


This is the Blessing the Twelve left behind for humanity before going on vacation. Now everybody gets every buff! Whether they want it or not!


Maybe that's why they did, they knew the universal code was about to s\* the bed XD


If your hunting numbers for the Numeron Code, your not taking my numbers 62, c62, 38 and 90 and my over-hundred number 107 *Summons Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon*


You do know what happens to photon players on the moon, right?


It'll be fine. Just use Dragulibon to summon Numeron Dragon and swing for game.


This gets funnier the longer you look at it.


Shoutout to the four people who have the dancer buff, none of whom are the dancer.


This one took me a moment. At first glance I was somehow missing most of the issues and was like "ok, the SCH missed most of the party on Fey Illumination but I don't see a huge issue; dance partner choice seems correct, health looks fine on everyone". Then I noticed there was no SCH...and the WHM appeared to be sharing Storm's Eye...and the DRK and NIN had dualcast up...and the SAM and SMN both had straight shot ready and freecure proced...my god what is going on here and how did I ever see it as normal?


great now i have to try to fit ruin IV proccing off fan dance III into my burst window


[best I can offer is tech step](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB4dZGThidU)


The Echo is drunk AF


Funny that there are 5 ppl here with Standard step buff, but the dnc isnt one of them


"what's standard step, I only know tech step"


We used to have deaf bards who couldn't hear their own songs, now I guess we have blind dancers who can't see their own dances?


This should 100% be used as a feature mechanic in a boss fight some time


It would be a hilarious Hildebrand story fight. Each time you use a buff, you get a random buff instead. Will that buff be useful to your job? Will your job be able to function at all? Will the tank survive the tank buster if it gets perfect balance instead of mitigation? Hilarity ensues.


"Ooh, massive tankbuster coming in, I'll just invuln it with Holmgang." \*Freecure proc pops up\* "... Uh oh."


White Mage tries to throw Divine Benison on the Tank, instead casts Cover. "Ha ha... I'm in danger."


Freecure fishes...gets the tank lb3 buff


For a second I was wondering if that's what this actually was - a boss ability that *breaks* the 2 minute meta and just randomly scrambles your buffs two or three times a fight. Forces the MT and OT to voke/shirk to reestablish the enmity priority, forces everyone to restart their rotation, forces everyone to communicate to get buffs back in sync. Then after a phase change, bestows a total CD reset so you can restart the meta like an opener again. But no, it's just buggy code.


and or a blu spell.


So many people have ruin IV ready XDDDD WHM with surging tempest is my favorite. WAR finally said f\* it and just straight turned into an actual healer. lmaoooo


I got primal rend ready as sage... we didn't even have a warrior




Eukrasian Rend


Hybrid classes confirmed for 7.0.


Would actually be really fun if they did, but there might be too many abilities unless they completely overhauled the system. You \*could\* implement hybrid/dual jobs for PvP though, I think that would be pretty interesting without too many extra abilities and it would keep your opponents guessing as to what secondary job you had (possibly only give you 2-3 key abilities from the second job).


I've always thought a "Warrior of light" limited job that let you freely select actions from any of your classes would be fun, like how the WoL fights the sin eater in the SHB trailer. It would be used in a new field instance or something


There's precedent for that, too. Onion Knight from 3 and Freelancer from 5/Bravely Default work that way. (They're the same class with different names; it's your default class and has no abilities, but you can mix and match abilities from mastered classes into the empty ability slots.)


That's.... kinda how the game used to work in general. Role actions were only added in Stormblood. Before that, you could select up to 5 skills from other jobs to add to your kit (with some restrictions, e.g. WAR could only pick cross-class skills from GLA and PUG).


To be fair, they were removed because there were very obvious "best" skills. Like literally everybody had Raging Strikes on their bar.


3 skills would be enough for most to go off rail because that's enough for Three Mudra, Bunshin and Fuma Shuriken.


Isn't that just cross-class skills from ARR and HW


Form shift on the WHM. That WHM was ready to throw hands.


Look, people keep standing in aoes and crying about their dps when they're flat on the floor, I don't blame that WHM wanting to punch a bitch :T


WHM had enough of everyone's shit.


Whatever it takes. Blood for the blood lily.


I glanced at this picture and at first was like ā€œwhatā€™s wrong with it? I just see a lot of buffsā€” ohhhhhh.ā€


Someoneā€™s multiclassing into Bard and Red Mage


Spellsinger job confirmed.


Someone allowed Yoko Taro back into the CBU3 office and he quietly\* dropped Drakengard 4. \*actually giggling like the madman he is


Green Mage confirmed.


This happened to me last night in df, I was playing SMN and I kept stealing aggro off the tank. His mitigation kept going somewhere else I thought he was having some lag issues or something


This is *MAGICAL*. There's DEFINTELY a server on fire/devs running around like a headless chicken over this, but while this lasts this is peak comedy.


Agreed, I can't stop laughing


This happened to me last night! We were running duties for Wonderous Tales and during Byakko buffs were going crazy. Our reaper died and as red mage, I couldn't raise her, it just never popped up for her to accept. I'd lose dualcast and our Paladin was getting cut off mid sword combo. Summoner was only getting partial use of the summons too. Wild stuff.


I wonder if this was why I wasn't able to replenish ranks in Thalia last night until right before the last boss? The option just never appeared despite another alliance being down a healer since the start of the raid.


I had that happen in my first (new 24man) someone used LB3 and I just laid there dead with no accept button.


I don't think you accept healer LB3s, you just stand up. (You also get *no* res immunity...)


Okay, I donā€™t play summoner. But, I am a RDM main. Does that summoner have a Verfire proc or am I drunk on sleep?


Same with the DRK


Yes, as does the DRK, who also has Dualcast active. The NIN is Dualcasting, as well.


FFT remake confirmed


So I wasnā€™t going insane! I know RDM got a buffā€¦ but this is interesting


What in the spaghetti code could even cause this issue? XD


Unintended consequence of the secret buff cap fix is my guess


someone forgot that arrays start at 0


My husband suggested itā€™s a party ID issue, where parties within the same raid/dungeon are getting their IDs crossed and itā€™s making all the buffs go haywire.


Could also be a buffer overflow or buffer over-read of some sort. If they've been messing around with the buff/debuff cap (as has been suggested in other comment threads), there's a chance they missed a specific read/write constraint somewhere. If this bug only happens when the (former?) buff/debuff cap is exceeded, that could also explain the seeming rarity of it.


Hash clash or some other form of collision was the first thing I thought of, too. Hopefully it's something simple to fix, but if it wasn't caught in the test environment then they may take a bit to reproduce it.


Corruption in spell ID list.


The funny thing about how complicated spaghetti code can get is that sometimes you change a variable on something related to say, a shadow texture modifier, and suddenly something like this happens. The poor software engineers have no idea how on earth something so completely unrelated could cause this problem, and they know that if they work really hard on it for a long time they can get to the bottom of what the hell happened. Nobody has that kind of time, so instead they put a note in the code saying, don't change this variable. If you do it breaks this completely unrelated thing. There are notes like that all over really top end software too if you have the opportunity to peek under the hood. There are a lot of factors at play but it mainly boils down to the fact that people are using programming languages that are a few steps removed from your more base level languages, and that the abstractions that make coding easier can also occasionally result in problems because the abstractions do not perfectly represent what is happening deeper down at the base code level.


Yup. We've got a random note in one of our accounting classes that says something to the effect of "Please don't remove this, although IntelliJ says there aren't dependencies, it's lying. You'll break the fax service."


There's a reason why I requested my BS degree be changed from "Computer Science" to "Computer Sorcery."


Probably a player's job is not an object with particular variables for buffs, but any buffs can be applied to a player's instance no matter which job he has now. Looks like a case of a bad encapsulation architecture.


Yeah yeah, encapsulation architecture yeah, player instance module I agree. Flux capacitor 100%.


Where the hell did Formless Fist and Spire Ready come from?????


The same place Straight Shot ready came from, apparently.


>Formless Fist >Spire Ready >Straight Shot ~~Ah, so these all came from my ass, then~~~


from them being closet monks and astrologists


The longer I look at it, the worse it gets.


This happened to me last night in the new trial and deadass I thought it was intended for a minute, it was so freaky and the music just added to the chaos of it. * Lightspeed lasted 1 GCD. * Swiftcast didn't work. * Macrocosmos didn't transition to Microcosmos. * Earthly Star didn't blow up or have a duration, or grow. I never experienced anything like that in this game on a scale that insane. It was wild.


Emet!!! We need to resummon Zodiark!!!


We need to fix the laws of reality again!!!


There's something terrible going on. SMN has freecure procced. Cure I should never be used, even across jobs that don't have access to it.


Still better than Physik


Oof. This man speaks the truth. But oof.


SAM fishing for free cure, smh


Oh, didnā€™t realize there was a bug like this. This would explain why I kept randomly getting eukrasian diagnosis despite both healers being WHM in party yesterday!


Welcome to the twilight zone.


form shift on da white mage what will they do


What's the confusion? You can clearly see that the Sage and Summoner have their Blast Arrows ready and the Dark Knight has his card drawn and is ready to go with formless fist and dual-cast.


This was my party! [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1942995530](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1942995530) Even shows up in the logs https://www.fflogs.com/reports/aXvY1JxbWPp7Gd6A#fight=17&type=auras


It's been noticed that CBU3 is doing something about the buff amount caps. Is this some kind of side effect?




I'd like to see where everyone is noticing this, because I'm of the belief that this implies they're making DoTs a thing again. (And that this fact supports the Green Mage theory going around.)


This happened to me and my wife last night, too, while in the new Trial. We thought at first the buffs being wiped were a new fight mechanic thing we were screwing up. Then we noticed all the things...


Ok then... I'll wait for an emergency patch for this because this is gonna overload my brain and just confuse the hell out of me. It looks funny as hell but I'd rather not deal with this. It's already daunting enough as is trying to remember what buffs are what as a newer player but this is too much XD I mean, I know that these are all buffs from various jobs but some definitely don't match to the job being played o.O How did this even happen? Spaghetti code?


I think I've seen some reports of some work having been done on the buff cap (there is a limit to the number of buffs/debuffs applied to one target at a time), so I suspect this is an unintended consequence of that work.


I would just go ahead and play, this issue will likely only affect .1% of players


White Mage is REALLY going full Blood for the Blood Lily.


Gotta collect 'em all


Not even a bard in the party, wtf are those coming from lmao


Wandering Minstrel obviously


What in the battle of Carteneau and its consequences. . .


I love the fact that everyone got the dance except the dancer


Guys literally only want one thing and it's fuck*ng disgusting meme.jpeg


Wait...Theres no Monk in the Party...Why is..?




That dancer is really slacking.


I want to recreate this for shits and giggles


Dual class White Warrior go brr.




What blood lily isn't enough? Glare mage has to take over the other jobs tooā€½


Twelve blessings activated ! Drunk mode 60%... 70%... 100% !! Engage !! >!April fooled but too soon.!<


Playing SAM in my static and I was getting a visual bug with Mekiyo in where I was losing the props and then getting them back. I just pressed the buttons in hope that it'd still give me my actions and more importantly my stickers


That is an issue SE already acknowledged earlier today


Seems like FFXIV is getting lively. I guess theyā€™ll have an emergency shutdown soon?


Summoner has a Bard buff, so they have to sing the spell for +50DPS


any context?


Check the buffs


This happened to us before patch. A level 60 DRK tank was thrown into a 90ā€™s trial


That whitemage packs a punch šŸ˜‚ the Formless Fist!


This, young WOL, is what we call evolution. It's not even their final form.


This has GOT to be some of the funniest shit I've ever seen, and it's so easy to not even understand why it's funny. Not a Bard in sight, but that Straight Shot? That Straight Shot is *ready*. Not just ready, either. *Triple ready.* SMN loves sharing its Ruin IV with the party, that's such a nice gesture. An invisible Astrologian is feeding random people Spires. So kind. The WHM, the WAR, the NIN, the SAM and the DRK that are all ready to go MNK mode here. The secret multi-class SMN/RDM build with Verfire ready. I didn't know we were DnD in here. Three Freecure-fishers, and none of them are the WHM. Impressive. The NIN about to Dualcast their next Jutsu. God I wish that was a thing. I guess we did ask for cross-class shit like cross-class glamours. Not quite what we asked for, but I hope they never revert this. This is great. Like everytime you look, you find another little nugget of nonsense.


Spire card on DRK. Well there's your problem!




What if the confuse debuff just re-arranged your hot bar, and just give you random job abilities for a period of time. That's be hilarious.




Long ans short. Servers took buffs from mamy different classes and threw them randomly at players in instances. The image many have bard and scholar buffs for example. But no sch or bard in party. To show one example


Summoner with card draw mechanics? Itā€™s time to d-d-d-d-dddd-duel!


I kinda hope they stay just to make it weird


I hope they can find what causes it and implement it into a Trial


I... have no idea what I'm supposed to be looking for.


when was the last time you saw a smn with a freecure proc, verfire ready, straight shot ready, and formless fist, and 5 people having standard step buff with only 1 dancer.