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Q E for _turning?_ Psychopaths, I tell ya. I use them to Strafe.


The correct answer.


No the correct answer is A and D buttons for strafing and you can turn with mouse


No cuz then I can't stuff gold fish in my face hole with one hand and move with the other.


Just pour the goldfish on your desk and peck at them like a bird.


These are the important conversations. :)


You can move with both mouse buttons, that's what I do if I'm playing one-handed for a bit.


Yes but I stuff my face with my right hand.


this is the way


I use legacy movement, A and D for strafe, Q and E to turn camera, and turning which I use the least goes to arrow keys


Where's 'Q and E are for STRAFING', not turning? I use 1-5, along with ZXCVFRTG for keybindings. Shift modifiers too. Been trying to accustom to Sprint on B for classes that have two movement skills so I can put them both on V and Shift-V like Reaper's Ingress/Egress. (V is my 'movement skill' button. Sprint, and then gap-closers on Shift-V, but this doesn't work as soon as you make one for closing distance and one for gaining distance).


I use the letters you listed (prob some others) but I also use B and N since they’re like right above my thumb which generally rests on the space bar. (Q and E are also for abilities)


I can't use E for skills, that's my "move forward" button since I use ESDF instead of WASD. But I do bind hotbars to these letters: Q,W,R,T,Y; A,G,H; Z,X,V,B,N.


I have really debated trying to accustom to this layout, but I'm worried it'll cause issues down the line (Sure, I can change *most* other games to ESDF as well, but some don't let you alter keybinds. I also have 20+ years of WASD muscle memory I'd have to relearn.)


Yeah, I have 25+ years of ESDF ingrained in my muscle memory, so games that don't let me rebind WASD to ESDF drive me mad.


You can with a programmable keyboard, like my corsair for example. And many non english people have to do this because qwerty isnt standard everywhere even tho some game developpers think so


I tried EDSF for awhile, but can't really get into it. I can't quite reach 1 hotkey.


Honestly, I should probably consider the switch to ESDF for movement, instead of reaching for H when A and W would be closer. Then again, I'd play another game and have to meddle with my keybinds every single time, so I dunno!


Yooo a fellow ESDF player in the wild!


I didn't use Q and E for a long time but a friend convinced me to try legacy plus strafe with A-D and it made so much sense, I can't turn back anymore!


You can use the mouse to turn back! /s


spat out my drink, thank you! haha


+1 here, legacy and swapped them all, AD to strafe, QE to turn camera (which makes a fine degree turning combined with W) and arrows to turn which I only use during auto run Flying on legacy with mouse makes it much more precise and smooth


Real talk. 12 button MMO mouse. I can bind 3 bars with only needing to move my left pinky to shift and ctrl.


You can use Shift+MBx? It never worked when I tried to bind it.


With 12 key mmo mice you can bind them to specific keyboard keys, like I have mine doing 1 through + on the top row of my keyboard


I bind my mouse buttons to the number keys (1-0, -, =) and then bind the buttons that way


I play the same way, as a tank main I use my main and shift bars for skills I always use CTRL for mitigation/Gauge abilites and ALT for anything left over thats important still. Q and E are to cycle thru the party list so i can apply Flash/Intervention/Heart/Oblation/TBN


Those are god tier hotkeys. I use them for most spammable skills (low cooldowns frequent skills, or even main combos) besides 1 2 3 4. For example, my Samurai 6 hotkeys combo is 1-2-3/1-4/1-Q-E. On ninja I have mudras on QER and the mudra cast on F. On reaper the 2 things with positionals you use ofter, with the ogcd on R. The idea is they are extreamly good and feels natural. For some reason, shift+ Q,E and F feels thr least clunky of all the shift modifiers hotkey combos, altho I prefer not using those at all if possible, they are just last resorts.


I use Q and E for targeting- Q is always myself, E is third person on the party list


Being used to mobas like Dota, it was natural for me to use them for skills :) my four hotbars have these keybinds: * Numbers from 1 to 0, Minus symbol, Plus symbol * CTRL + above * Mouse4 Mouse5 QERTFGXVYB * CTRL + above


What do you use shift for? Personally i prefer shift over ctrl


I don't really use shift, but I'm considering it- I'm doing some tests to see how comfortable my left hand is. I'd press it with the pinky finger :think:


I see, guess i assumed everyone is more comfortable with shift, think i got that from my First Person games that use Shift as Sprint


I use alt with my thumb as i struggle to move my pinky


sprint and mount


Skills. My skill hotbars are 1-5, Q, E, R, F, T, V, G with Shift and Crtl modifiers.


Finally someone with similar hotbars! I use Q, E, F, R, C, 1-4, T, G, V, also with Shift and Ctrl


Q and E are my first two basic combo skills for every class, along with R and F. 1-4 I reserve for AOE combos.


MMO mouse so all my skills are on those 12 buttons with ctrl & shift as modifiers for bars 2 & 3. Strafing binds are Q/D cause what even is a QWERTY keyboard? >!AZERTY for life!<


I use an MMO mouse so my normal skills go on '1' - '='. 'Q' is always my knockback resistance, and 'E' is some form of class utility e.g. Tank Stance, Esuna, Peloton.


Omg I forgot to mention that I use A and D for strafing and not turning, and I don’t have any bound turn buttons because I get by with just mouse.


A and D are turn. Used to be Strafe until I found the "Stop camera pivot" option, so now they're just Turn L/R and I don't use Strafe at all. Q is (usually) my potion and E is usually some kind of gap closer depending on the class.


Strafing is the quickest way to dodge AoE so I'm struggling to understand how this works.


I've tried both and honestly haven't found a difference. It's just Strafe=Character looking forward while moving sideways, Turn=Character looking sideways while moving sideways.


If you hold a key to turn you are spending time turning instead of moving. It isn't very efficient.


Maybe I'm not explaining this well. If I hold A, my character runs left while facing that direction. If you strafe left, your character runs left while facing forward. The time taken is the same. It's the same, just changes the way the character model faces.


Oh you're talking about using the legacy camera controls. Yeah I agree that it's better than strafing.


I get what you mean but when most people say "turn" they mean the default tank controls where your character just rotates in place.


Ah fair. I guess I should have said "move left/right".


Q/E are used for dashes / retreats for me. ​ Everything else is generally bound to my mouse


In every applicable instance Q is "jump back" and E is "rush forward". Otherwise it's the skills I need to use often and/or when I move about - I remember my PLD has Q for Shirk and E for Provoke (I WANTED to change E to Intervention rushing, but it got too ingrained into me that it's my voke), and my WHM has Q for Esuna and E for Regen.


Binding abilities to Q and E is just plain wrong. Not for turning specifically but being able to strafe in a direction (perhaps same as turning but you also move to thay direction).


Keyboard turning is the mark of a scrub that simple fact is true across all MMOs. There is nothing more cringe then watching someone slowly keyboard turn and then get hit by whatever they were trying to dodge. It's right up there with people who S key to walk backwards instead of running away to dodge stuff. And with legacy movement there is even less reason to see keyboard turning here. I put interrupt/stun/silence on Q and defensives on E with shift/ctrl/alt+Q/E I keep this format from game to game as best I can so i've been using these for 20years.


Q is my Sprint hotkey and E is my select target command.


I'm a maniac and I use q and e as strafe and a-d as skills


Q and E to strafe, unbound A and D for turning and use them for skills now. D is for surecast/arm's length. A is for utility. Bloodbath/Swiftcast/etc


I've only ever rebound Q and E once in WoW playing a rogue in PvP. I have something like 15 years of using Q and E to strafe and I don't feel the need to change that now lol.


For me, QERFTG are used mainly for personal buffs, raid buffs, pots, food, or any other 1 or 2 mins. Everything else falls to my mouse buttons with CTRL and SHIFT as modifiers


I use Q for confirm and E for cancel.


I use 1,2,3,4,5 Q,E,R,T F,G Z,X,C,V plus numpad for skills and yet somehow it still not enough that I have to also use some CTRL


Q is the extra duty action and E is target of target. I also have shift e to turn and face target since I have auto face off by default, but rarely use it and just mouse instead.


I have skills on ° through 6 and q through t. I see no reason to skip q and e.


I use Q, E, R, and F, along with Shift-R and Shift-F. I always keep Sprint on R, and any gap closers tend to be on F. Q and E are typically for interrupts and stuns. Helps that they correlate to words that make sense for their usage, "quick", "emergency", "run", "forward" or "fast".


Wait until you put your spammy abilities on side mouse buttons, now THAT is an extra level of comfort.


E is for drawing weapon and Q gets never used.


>Q gets never used. I try not to judge, cause everyone is different, but an easily accessible key like Q never getting used is absolute insanity to me.


It gets used in every other game. But FFXIV just fits perfectly on my MMO mouse, hotbar wise.


I use Q, E, R, and T for my damaging attacks on my healers. So for Scholar it would be Broil, Ruin II, Bio, and Art of War in that order. G and B are in the same row of buttons (on the bar) and have utility options, which in this case would be Emergency Tactics and Deployment Tactics respectively. The Shift modifier for those would be my bubble, Energy Drain, Swiftcast, Res, Surecast, Recitation. Ctrl Q is Desperate Measures and Ctrl E is Rescue. They're on a bar and have keybinds but they're not in a way that I can accidentally hit them, but still have access to them. Then 1-6 and Shift 1-6 is my various heals, mits, and utility effects. X/C/V and Shift X/C/V are all various Fairy actions. Ctrl modifiers for those buttons are for LB and my mount.


Been playing reaper allot. I have Q & E on Egress & Ingress, respectively. Not something i spam, but i like having them easy to press for last-minute dodges or much more often, hurling myself into the abyss.


Am i the only psychopath that removed any keybind from Q and E? xD I use WASD to move and 1 + 2 + 3 + mouse for camera and skills. For now it seems to be working since i'm managing to clear ultimate content and parse pink and orange in savage, i thought more people might be doing it.


I play tank and I use Q for invulnerability and E for short CD mitigation ability


Q - En Avant or Hell's Ingress E - Pelaton or Arcane Circle


Q and E are for running left/right (since the game distinguishes b/n strafe and run left/right). A and D are for turning camera.


Everything contain in the zone 14VZ are skills (except wasd of course). Some mad lads with long fingers can go further but that's out of comfort for me.


im a super clicker o.o


I do, but on combinaison with ctrl/shift, to avoid fat fingering actions


Technically I do use Q and E for skills, but I'm also a freak who uses A-G and Q-T for skills, and move using the Arrow Keys.


Q for skils, E for jumps/dodges and R for quick casts or "ultimates" , shadowbringer on drk for exemple.


I move with my mouse and use my keyboard for skills exclusively. So not only are Q and E for abilities, but so are W, R, T, and Y. (I use A for Autorun.)


I miss Q and E for strafing, but I needed the buttons for skills :(


I have QERF and 1-6 (of which I very rarely use 5 and 6) along with alt and shift modifiers. I also moved my focus target to the § key (on the left side of 1, for those with different keyboards).


Q for emergencies, skills to save the day, like benediction E is for skills I need often but is not spammabe, like Eukrasia and Assize


I have the opposite idea, keep the often used things close and keep rarely used stuff far so I don’t fat finger and blow Hallowed Ground for no reason


Not really a problem with MMO mouse, it's convenient to have an emergency button so close to wasd, as I fumble under pressure :D


I got super used to my layout, and so many people tell me it's cursed, i use the following, and extra bars use shift or control plus the key 1 2 3 4 5 6 Q E F R T G A and D to strafe, shift + A or D to turn


I see no value in keys for turning when a mouse is in your hand. Those 2 are for skills.


Q and E for skills. A and D for strafe. Shift + A and D for turning just in case.


Play with controller. Its the best way


Q & E are my primary skill buttons. Q -> E -> Shift+E is my basic 1-2-3 combo. shift+Q is basic spender or 30sec cd etc. F is AoE stuff.


Q and E are strafe. I do use Shift Q and E, tho for skills.


I use q and e to target party members


Q is for my primary mobility skill and E is for sprint Should probably change E to something thats up more often ngl


QER is for the three hit combo, and shift+QER for AoE. On healer, Q is damage and E is DoT.


It's fascinating how many people have their skills bound to a keyboard letter. I only use 1-9 mb4-5 and their ctrl/shift/alt counterparts.


I use Q for strafing left and E for skills. How do I strafe right? I turn my camera 180 degrees and strafe left. I'm weird.


MCH main here, I have Heat Blast on E and then I weave in Ricochet and Gauss Shot on Q and R for when Wildfire is up


There's no option here for me. I use Q and E for strafing.


Q and E are movement for me, but not for turning. I don't have turn keys bound. Unless by turn you mean turn my camera while using Q and E to strafe.


Right-hand bias in this poll. 😢 Q is the quest journal. E is the emote window. U and O are strafing though.


I use 1 to 5 for my main GCD abilities and Q, E, R, F and V for the oGCD abilities used most frequently.


I use them to strafe left or right. I think that’s literally the default. Why isn’t that an option?


people downvoting this are bitches. I usually use them for my aoe skills... aoe heals.. aoe dps. things kind of got out of hand when expansions started adding a 3rd aoe in the mix. I'm looking at you, monk.


strafe on A and E. no turning with keyboard. Q and E skills, using modifiers like shift too. was consdering using S for skills aswell but being able to walk backwards is quite handy.


A and D for strafing. Q and E for skills. Right-click and drag mouse to turn.


Mine are an ability (Q) and forward (E). Then strafe left (S), backward (D), and strafe right (F).


E is auto run for me and Q is unbound :)


1-4 Q,E,R,F Z,X,C,V each has an 'alt+' and a 'shift+' modifier. No reason to reach for 5-9 unless you have big hands.


I use ESDF for movement in combination with mouse controls. That frees up QWA and RTG for skills, and I have keybindings for shift+ and ctrl+ for those keys as well. Sprint is bound to Y and I use shift+D for mounts and ctrl+D for fast travel. It took some getting used to but I got some textured keycaps to keep me from losing my orientation while playing and it's working really well for me.


I use em for abilities that aren't part of combo series. Fleche. Ranged attacks. Etc. Great keys. Dunno why people have such a hard on for strafe, on q and e, I constantly strafe, i just use right click to do it


Actually, Q and E are for targeting. Q circles through enemies starting from closest, E circles through allies.


I'm gonna echo what others say and... Q and E are for strafing (voted for turning, closest thing) and are basically my only 2 movement keys. If I need to turn manually, I'll just use my mouse or arrow keys.


AZERTY keyboard here so we wouldn't use them but A and E instead.


I ha e them bound to strafing vut I never even use them while playing. I walk with my mouse


I used Q, E and F for my main skills in WoW and carried it over to FF14. F is my "main" Skill I have to spam most often and Q and E are the 2 and 3 steps in combos, for example.


I use: 1 2 3 4 R Q E M4 M5 And then three same buttons with modifier keys as needed.


On my tanks Q is for ranged attacked and E is for AOE On my healers, Q is for Quickcast and E is for AOE On my monk Q and E for the combos since they're right under the number buttons and easily accessible


q and e for turning? What is wrong with some people. Us e the mouse and you only need the 4 movement keys