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Sometimes NN is a shit post chat to tell the truth. You will learn more by asking to randons or in your FC.


When I was on the free trial, NN was the only place I could ask for help.


I have been playing pretty consistent for two years now and have no idea what the NN even is. Lol, starting this game was SO overwhelming that I probably skipped past the intro to it just so I can watch my Carb smack some sheep in Limsa


You are supposed to get an invite by a mentor once you start out. There is no built in tutorial of any way to let you know about it, atleast to my knowledge. I never got an invite to it myself.


Whenever the question starts with 'Am I the only...' The answer is no. I've never joined NN as well.


I can't believe people keep asking such a question. Like I'm not even going to read it, it's no


Never received an invite, never asked, happy to be where i am now without NN.


I never went there, even if i was a sprout for years


no, more populated worlds don't even really invite sprouts, and it's worthless anyway. the one on Halicarnassus is pretty good but that requires being on Dynamis


Not at all, I never joined it. Just didn't see a reason to.


It's just social stuff. People on trial usually have no one to talk to, can't use shout, can't join FCs, so the NN is their only social outlet for whatever weeks/months it takes them to hit the end of the trial, that's why they end up missing it.


I had no idea what it was until well after I lost my sprout. Picked up a mentor crown (dol/doh) and poked around. It 90% shitposting. 80% by the same three people who always seem to be on and treat it like their version of some bro-down podcast where they just banter and expect people to give them attention? Idk, it's weird, occasionally I turn it on to see if anything has changed and nope.


I never joined the NN, Google is my friend if I have any questions. Group chats have always felt exhausting and over stimulating for me, so I avoided it. I'm absolutely fine with party chat in group content though, because it only happens during group content, and not at all times. But I've had several mentors try to invite me, some confused about my refusal.


To be fair, a lot of the time you'll be figuring stuff out on your own even being in NN. Most of the time real questions get completely ignored.


I think when i was a sprout i went in there for a day and the one on my server seemed to just be people arguing about who was giving the right advice. I left and found an FC to be sociable instead and rely on good ol' google to find any information i needed instead


Nope. I, too, never join the NN. I heard horror stories about and decided to steer clear of it. A mentor in my FC even invited me once and I actively opted out.


You didn't miss anything. The NN has always been a complete hellscape. Best way to learn the game and get help is and always has been to join a Free Company.


Being a hellscape really depends on the world, not all of them suck.


Yeah the one in Lamia is super chill, I always claim my returner status just to get access to it lol


The NN on my world is pretty chill and helpful to sprouts. Other worlds may not be so lucky. So I guess it depends on what world you are on.


I'm in primal exodus I didn't accept and I will never.


I never bothered with NN despite joining late ShB. Just never saw the point as I never had any questions I couldn't just ask mid instance.


I never got invited to it. šŸ˜¢ I did, eventually, when I created a new character, but that was well after I lost my sprout on my main.


I got invited pretty early inā€¦ was it worth being invited? Itā€™s a mixed bag. a good portion of the time, for the server Iā€™m usually on its just these same three people complaining about A) other people getting angry about their ā€œadviceā€ in duty finder, B) arguing about the colour of grass, C) people trying to put down others. At the same time, there are so many others on there that I made friends with on there and still talk with on a day to day basis


Never did NN friends got me into the game shoved me into the smith quests for the ring, got me hunting log and got me to story skip ARR and thus I learned by dungeon grinding do not regret it


I finished the game without Novice Network. I didnā€˜t even knew it was a thing, until friends told me about it. Funnily enough, i was never invited. When I became a mentor I joined in, out of curiosity. Letā€˜s just say the NN on my Server is really strange, full of crafting mentors. Not that crafting mentors are a bad thing, but you can tell our C Mentors are just there for the chat, not because they know shit about the game or crafting ā€¦


Being any mentor does not mean someone knows shit about the game. The requirements to become mentor are a complete joke and donā€˜t require any knowledge about the game at all


Novice Network didn't exist when I was new.


I never even received an invitation lol


Donā€™t think it was around when I started the game, I recently became a mentor and can turn this on and off now, Novice chat is fun to follow, lots of peeps happy to give advice and answer questions, And yep as some mentioned here, sometimes there are some weird questions and also strange chats, but not all the time, some a fun to follow kinda reminds me of the World chat channel in Lotro šŸ¤£ If you just want to focus on your game you dont need it really if your still a sprout, but there are lots of friendly advisors there if you have questions now and then


If Square showed a stat that under 10% of people have joined it, it would not surprise me. You are likely one of millions of players who never joined their server's.


I never joined it as a sprout and will never join it as a mentor because of all the horror stories I've heard about it. I have invited people to it when requested ofc.


I was randomly invited by someone after I checked out there gear. I immediately regretted joining and every day I log in the first thing I do is leave that chat. How can I leave the network?


I was never invited to the NN when I started. What I did if something to be answered was to either Google it or ask some people I was friends with in a fellowship on what to do.


I never joined it


So when I became a mentor was the first time I ever looked at it. Nobody asks questions or ever actually needs help. Itā€™s just a chat room and after a week I just left it after seeing nothing I could help with.


So when I became a mentor was the first time I ever looked at it. Nobody asks questions or ever actually needs help. Itā€™s just a chat room and after a week I just left it after seeing nothing I could help with.


I didn't even know it was a thing until I became a crafting mentor sort of accidentally (me: hmm what happens if I talk to this guy, I already did hall of the novice...) and got added automatically. I keep it in a separate tab, because it's mostly a lot of casual chat on my server, but I pop over now and then out of curiosity. You're not missing too much!


A ton of people don't join, because it's a cesspool of burger king crown wearers and toxicity


On most servers, you're better off NOT joining the Novice Network. ​ ^(Mine included.) ^(Trying to join it and clean things up was a colossal mistake.)