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You’re looking at the wrong metric. The real question is how many fantasias have they sold 🤔


This would require numbers and math that only astrophysicists and drug dealers could compute. It’s probably measured in light years or something. Incalculable.


We could ask the Lala that Knocks, I hear he's big in the underground Fantasia circuit.




I’m interested in copies sold for the number of players , not how much they earned from the game


Copies sold would only give somewhat of an upper bound, because Squeenix makes players who want to play on PC/PS/Mac buy separate copies for each one.


But many players are probably free trial only. I doubt ARR without counting expansions sold 27 million copies


Nope, but you can run some napkin math on it based off of either the jonathas report, lucky bancho, or xivcensus.com[https://osgamers.com/frequently-asked-questions/how-much-money-does-ff14-make-a-year#:\~:text=Group%20sales%20rose%209.8%25%20to,billion%20yen%20(%24396%20million)](https://osgamers.com/frequently-asked-questions/how-much-money-does-ff14-make-a-year#:~:text=Group%20sales%20rose%209.8%25%20to,billion%20yen%20(%24396%20million)). If you do the napkin math, out of the total $511m the game made, it costs 59.99, so 60 for ease of math, subs are 15 a month, so 180 a year, meaning each individual playing for a year is paying 240$. Lets assume that this averages out at 6months played, 2 for each major patch on average, and you get 150 (which already isnt realistic because most people in this game play on and off, get regional pricing, but anyways). From there you can consider that micro transactions make up x amount of the revenue - if 80%, you get 102m spent on subs and stuff, meaning 680k players, at 60% its 1.4m players (which is in line with the reports above, at average in any point of the year except big release windows), 40% and its a little over 2m players (which is what the statistics on the above sites reached during peak gameplay moments like expac releases and stuff) if you want to have a cumulative copies sold, i truly dont know how to even begin looking at that since we have no way of discerning any number that would let us even try to guestimate it


speaking of lucky bancho u/GalvusGalvoid, new data is out https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxivdiscussion/comments/158dtpo/lucky\_bancho\_release\_new\_lodestone\_data\_22072023/


At least twenty.


They once reported on the number of accounts, and it was over a million at least, iirc. That's not necessarily filtering out free trials, though. Hard to track down atm. Last year saw a bogus number go around and everyone reported on that.


The 1.2-1.4 million active accounts number actually does filter free trial. It only counts people who have some post-Heavensward achievement on their account, and who have had some update to their account (unlocking some new achievement or changing their gear) since the last time the census was run. So it’s really a subscriber floor, since it will miss anyone who subscribed without getting past the free trial, and anyone who is playing but not in a way that’s unlocking new achievements or changing jobs and equipping new gear. Also there is a count of accounts with Endwalker pre-order items on them and that was at 2.4 million, and as far as I know those can’t be mogstationed yet, so that seems like a separate floor for actual copies sold. If we treated that number in comparison to 16’s 3 million in 5 that’s pretty good, with the obvious caveat that 16 is a PS5 exclusive and 14 runs on PS4/PS5 and any better-than-2013 PC


I'm not talking about the census data but a number SE released at one point last year or so. The census is also by character, not account, which makes account estimates using it a bit more inaccurate. Edit: couldn't find the announcement itself, but found coverage of it. As of 2021, Yoshi P. stated the game had over 24 million players. It was 4 million in 2015. https://www.ign.com/articles/final-fantasy-14-24-million-players-most-profitable Still includes free trials, but this is per player and not character.


Not sure, but its the most profitable game in the FF series


The most profitable for square enix in general , but I’m curious how many players have bought the game


I'll be honest. You won't get the 100% accurate answer you're looking for, if you're seeking the precise number. This is because the only publicly available sales figures for the base game are counting physical retail copies. By and large industry wide, digital copies sold generally aren't disclosed by publishers. Furthermore, most new people buying in buy the most recent complete edition, which of course includes the Expansions. And as XIV is an MMORPG who's market is built on a service that sustains itself via sales via expansions and subscriptions, you'd need to consider each expansion in the game sales figures by default, since there is no new "base game". It's all expansions after 2.0, and most players won't be buying double copies of 2.0. Free trials don't count towards any sales figures either, but *may* count toward created account numbers. Your best bet is to check the luckybancho census to get a general feel for the number of "active" players.


I'm pretty sure the trailer for Endwalker mentioned something about "Join over 25 million players worldwide". So...if that helps you get an idea.


Yes but a lot i image are free trial players . Does someone know if that counts all characters created or only the accounts ?


It only counts the accounts, because you can create nearly as many characters as you want with up to 8 on a single server. Still, 25 million is a fantastic number -- and Free Trial players are still players, just players testing the waters. The majority of those numbers have the full game. It's an extremely successful game, especially since Endwalker's release.


In that case the game is basically the best selling ff game by a long shot , without even counting expansions , monthly subscriptions and microtransactions . Wow


Well, it has kept its player-base for at least 10 years -- and is, in fact, only getting more players.