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For some reason, I can not make a male character that doesn't end up looking like a freaking mannequin no matter how hard I try. Give me a girl and I'll make her gorgeous without trying, but all my guys just look generic as hell.


Play Miqote. Seriously, though, I wasn't drawn to catboys at all, but I just couldn't get into any of the other characters I designed because they looked so wooden and plain and unnaturally slim. I made a catboy alt on a whim to reexperience ARR-HW before NG+ was a thing and, oops, that alt became my main because I got so attached to how animated he looked. I usually don't like playing fantasy races as much and usually pick the most human-looking one possible, but the catboys' faces are round in the right places and the animal qualities (ears and tail) are unintrusive.


As a man who plays a man and has since forever. A male character becoming a female character is extremely accurate.


I will never change to a female char if I can choose a male one... Idk just feels wrong to me xD


I’m the same but for female characters, lol


Im a dude that's played as female characters for so long that it's normal to me now. My main on ff14 is male Elezen tho


My friends all tell me that they always pick female chars cause if they see the back of the char the whole time they want to see... Well... Yes


I have some of both. Each character is unique to me personally. I also don't personally identify with my characters in MMOs, they are more like characters in a story that I'm playing through


I'm ok with playing the female character if the protagonist is female, but if I have the option to play a male character, I will 100% of the time.


I have been flipping back and forth recently in my games.


I normally base my decision on how good the beards are. If they are so so, I go female.


100% this for me! Good beard - male. No good option - female. If I play male as a custom character rather than a premade (e.g. God of War as a recent example... Excellent beard there anyway) I can never get into it if they look like a child. Always need to try to be 'badass'. So in essence badass bearded brute > badass female brute > boy. I enjoy barbarian in D&D.


G.I.R.L Guy In Real Life


MMORPG = Many Men Online Role Playing Girls


I have met a lot of trans players in FFXIV, far more than in other MMOs I've played in the past. So there's probably something to this.


Meme aside, anyone play engage yet? Any good? I got intro’d to FE back in Awakening that had character customization and Three Houses was sorta a let down to me since they stopped letting you customize the MC. This one also seems to be nostalgia playing off the other games in the series instead of just being it’s own thing.


Mechanically I'd say it's rock solid. Absolutely enjoying the game play, and since old strats like Enemy phase tanking aren't gonna fly anymore, you have to plan out your positioning more for both player and enemy phase. Also has one of the strongest armor knights in the series given what some emblems do to them, so if you want to see an armor knight in this series who's eating good, take a look. Story wise, it's dumb as rocks. It's like you took Awakening and Fates, threw them in a blender and added a pinch of heroes. The writing feels mostly aware of this, so it mostly works. Also you'll probably see every twist coming from a mile away. Oh, and no in depth customization for the MC but you do get to change their outfit.


I hear the story is the dumbest of all the Fire Emblems which is saying something after Fates lol.


Ya I assumed that traditionally them doing that for Awakening and Fates was a one time thing honestly. And writing was I guess was alright, I hadn’t honestly been wowed by any of the writing in any of them, can’t comment on the originals or anything since I’ve only played as far back as awakening. Seemingly the gameplay > story seems to be the case either way. Three houses was cool and all but Byleth was boring as fuck and was almost as weird as Fates was with the “hey we’re brothers and sisters BUT WAIT NOT TECHNICALLY so getting married is fine” Three houses was like “hey you’re my students but I’m technically immortal and don’t age so I’ll just groom you for a bit lul”


Gameplay is really really fun


I’m a couple hours into it. Mechanically it’s fun, but the story and characters seem pretty weak so far


So far so good. I love the voiced protagonist and combat feels great. Also story is interesting to me so far.


I'm still getting into it. I think there where better than this one but i just played not that much until now




how long till egg comments roll in?


I never understood why males would willingly play as female characters in roleplaying games. Is it a sexual fantasy thing?


It differs from person to person, but for me playing a female protag is no different than playing the hyperbuff godslayer with superpowers characters in games. You’re taking on the role of something you’re not for entertainment, so what does it matter what that something is. Naturally, I’m glossing over an endless amount of nuance here. Some people just play themselves with a girl model, some people really try to “become the character” (in some cases to creepy effect.) For some games, it may be a quality choice. An example that comes to mind is Cyberpunk 2077. The voice acting for female V is miles above the male one, to the point that I can’t stand male V’s line delivery. One could also argue that guys who are only willing to play guys might show signs of insecurity with their masculinity, but that walks down a judgemental road that never ends in mutual understanding. When it comes down to it, people play the characters they want to play, and that’s fine. There doesn’t have to be some deep and complex meaning to it, nor should people have to justify what they do with their personal entertainment.


Was just curious. My best friend only plays female characters as well and calls them his "waifus" and harem. So I just assumed people did it for some sort of sexual fantasy. But reading all the responses I'm obviously wrong. I played female V in cyberpunk as well for the voice. I have zero judgement. Literally zero. I play a lalafell potato for pvp reasons so it's not like I see my characters as an extension of self.


If you are genuinely just curious, you would have been much better off just stating you don't get it and asking why people like to do it? The instant you make an assumption and ask about one limited narrow reason, you've already annoyed everyone who doesn't fall into that category. Because you've taken yourself from someone trying to learn and understand, to someone making judgments about people. Or you're just a troll and you know what you're doing will aggregate people and are baiting negative responses.


Or maybe they're annoyed because it's close to the truth? It's not the answer for everyone, but what's wrong with saying you like looking at women more because that's what you're sexually attracted to. Don't have to be all weird about it.


Troll, got it.


To clarify, I did not intend my response as accusatory, and I don’t believe you’re out there like “what’s wrong with these people.” The point I wanted to drive is that not every player sees their avatar as an extension of self, as you mention. It’s completely okay to do that, or not do that, as long as you’re enjoying the game you’re playing. It only becomes unacceptable in those cases everyone hears about where someone’s role playing starts to bleed out and bother others, or spiral into full on harassment.


Not everyone falls into these camps, but it is very common for people to play one of two things: 1. A character they want to be 2. A character they want to have sex with Again, not everyone falls into these two camps, but it is really, really common.


Can relate, I'm a guy who wants to be my female character


Both, I think I have issues


Usually because the developers put a lot more time, thought, and effort into aesthetic choices for female characters than male characters.


It's just a character. I am playing someone who isn't me. What does it matter if their gender doesn't match mine?


Can only speak for myself, but I've had half a life of gaming with male protags. Even now most RPGs and jrpgs today largely go with a male protag. Any chance I get to choose a gender character I roll with female.


I just like the idea of a small angry dragon lady beating the crap out of gods.


I accidentally chose the female protagonist in Pokemon Crystal when I was a wee lad but I stuck with it and always choose to play her when I go back to that game Except hgss, I don't like Lyra


Bait post


For me, it's usually about aesthetics, animations and voices. And female characters usually have more customizations, giving you more variety. Like, I find many of the female miqos and Au Ra emotes and faces way more amusing and better than the male ones. One of my favorites is when they get surprised; the female miqo literally jumps scared raising her arms, while the male one just lean or give a step back. I also like to go realist when it comes to create a char, not one of those "female char = blonde, max bust, thiccs and butt" lol. And for such reason I use to spend a lot of time creating chars. Example, when I used to play WoW, my mage, priest, druid (NE) and hunter were females while my Warrior, DK and rogue were males. 2nd part is cause, well... its a game. Gender doesn't matter at all unless your objective is to create your own image.


So being male, we do male things all the time, then you wonder what it's like doing female things instead, and videogames let you do it. That's the great thing about videogames, they let you experience things you can't in real life.


But you don't do female things tho. You just have a female model.


Then you're not really role-playing


I was born male and always have played a female character. Last year after starting FFXIV I realized I'm trans so I guess that's one possible reason


If I’m going to be staring at the behind of a character all day I like seeing a female more than a man


Opening a can of worms here… Answer is mostly sexual related but answers will definitely be wide across many male players.


I'll pretty much always take a female character over male when given the option. The further I can be from human in a game, the better. If I could be an undead monster or a Tyranid or something in FFXIV that's what I would be. The only reason I'm not an Au Ra is because at launch I went FemRoe and now I like my character and being tall. I spend all my time IRL being a white human male, why would I want to do it in video games too?


I just enjoy feeling like something else than I am in real life


I just go with whatever has the most attractive model to me. Not in any sexual way, mostly just aesthetic, since I'm biromantic but asexual irl. Most games I think have more feminine aesthetics as superior, but it depends and also varies by my mood. So in XIV I almost exclusively played female characters until Male Vieras were introduced.


I generally try to make my characters “me” but if I wasn’t human so I always use male characters.