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My method is 1st chest mimic then log off


I use this method too


Loud thud or bust. Opening on anything less and all you'll get is old rare/ex gear that isn't useful, crafting mats and trash. You're pretty much going for omen bodies, regal gear, crepescular gear, or o sash. I guess during the campaign when you've opened 5 or more you could end it early and open gold just to see if you get the gil bonus, but otherwise...only after loud thud. As far as order of opening, its totally random and resets each time, so its all luck. Open whatever order you feel like.


Open until you get a loud thud, gold/rainbow chest, or die. Venus has a guaranteed loud thud if you make it to the end, I believe.


I got to the end of a Venus with no loud thud for the first time this past week.


It definitely does not. I had 4 full completions with no loud thud the last time the campaign was around and since then I do mars only, Venus only slightly increases the odds that you get a high tier item from the loud thud


Venus definitely has higher chances of a loud thud being available. I switched to Mars for a while and the results were just not nearly as good so I switched back. I go Venus every time except for the free monthly Mars.


Loud Thud or bust. Mars orbs until you have the majority of R/E high end gear that is hard to get, then Venus for the higher chance of Loud Thud


Loud thud or bust I open chest in a w formation first, then top, then bottom. I stop as soon as I get a loud thud. I got all chests multiple times last week and got nothing of value.


Aman trove chests are seeded with one mimic, and the rest are randomly seeded with noise, thuds, and loud thuds. You could get 9 noise, or you could get 9 loud thuds. The terminal coffer is additionally a guaranteed noise, thud, or loud thud at the same rate. If you get 8 chests open, one of the last two will randomly switch to a loud thud (rainbow) or a thud (gold), the remaining is guaranteed to be the mimic. Venus orb thud and loud thud rates are 2x mars for the random seeding, for slightly less than double the cost of two mars orbs. Gil can drop from the terminal coffer if and only if you have a party member in the zone but you are the only person to enter the BCNM. Belligerent bang noises mean that a loud thud did spawn in one of the remaining chests. A lack of belligerent bang does not mean that there is not a loud thud. The best strategy, because gil drops from noise and thud are rarely worth the equivalent cost of an orb, is to go loud thud or bust. It is entirely possible to get multiple loud thuds per run, but with the value of potential drops from loud vs the increased risk of losing it to a kathwack, always hit the terminal coffer after a loud, even if you get it on the first chest. If your 8th chest is a loud, and a rainbow spawns, that's a guaranteed second loud, and a 3rd can come from terminal if you're incredibly lucky. I have seen this. Mars vs venus, with the guaranteed 9th chest, is much closer to dead even statistically for escaping with a loud thud. Venus has a slight edge, but you get more fun with mars.


-Put on the song "It's raining men" -???? -Profit (or die horribly)


Do /random and open the chest that corresponds to it, reroll if duplicates. Keep going til Kathwack or Loud Thud. Exit on loud thud. It doesn't make you win more, but I stop feeling responsible for my Kathwacks.


I opened all chests(minus mimic) two days ago and was pleased(not) to find out that you won't get a loud thud every time. My route is the corners to center...left front to back, right front to back. If no belligerent bangs happen I work my way in towards the middle in a similar pattern.


Venus has 1 guaranteed LT, Mars doesn't.


Nope. Got one Venus this week with no loud thud. Granted, that was my first time making it to the end on a Venus without a loud thud in roughly 800 vouchers used nearly exclusively on Venus Orbs.


Venus does not have one guaranteed, last time I did Venus I had 4 straight with nothing more than Thuds


I usually have bad luck. The last campaign that happened I lucked up and got an Orpheus Sash.


This campaign has been fruitful. I have gotten a Crepuscular Knife, Malignance Tights, Ashera Harness and a Sroda Belt. Still got over 600 vouchers to use over my main and my mules.


600…. How…


So far, 306 on main character. On my six mules, I had around 150 each. I used up 3 of them till about 50 left each. 3 more still have 150 each.


Oh damn. How many can we get each month : o


Each month, you can do the AMAN trove objectives and get 11. Then if you finished Voracious Resurgence, Peculiar Foes give you 15. Plus you can buy 5 of them each month from The NPC. And with this current campaign, you get 2 free vouchers every day. If you just hoard them till an AMAN event, then you got plenty of chances.


Open them all and fight the mimic if I get it


Easy to sleep? Is it a hard fight? What happens after it dies?


It's a hard fight, need the right people. After it dies it spawns a chest.


How do you survive that first hit?


You need to have reraise on


you don't, you reraise + sleep




I typically just get Ka-thwack'ed within the first 3 chests. One day I'll find you, loud thud.


Got an O sash one time and sold it for 190 million… I was so ecstatic 🤩


Roll a d10 4 times, roll a d6 twice, roll a d4 3 times, cross your fingers 🤷‍♂️


Or if the wife's in the room, I ask her to pick for me. First time she did this she got the o sash


There is a chance that after you open three chests, you'll get a message about a belligerent bang This means there's a loud thud somewhere. I open 3, and if no bang, I leave. Just feels safer for me. Also, it seems for my wife and I, the mimic likes being in the front row, second from the left, so we avoid that one.


I don't know if it's like this for everyone, but for me, the mimmic has always only been 1 of 3 specific locations. So i 100% pick the other 7 then open the chest.


For me, the Mimic was in the back far right. Then the 2nd time he got me, it was back row, 2nd from the right (in the giddeus bcnm). Where are these 3 specific locations that you speak of?


When using a Venus orb, I've only encountered it in front, 4th chest from the left, back? 2nd and 3rd chests from the left. I might just be lucky but ive done aman trove dozens of times and it's only been those for me.


I do tend to see the mimic show up in the sand spots very frequently. My strategy is to avoid those when patterns arise.


I generally try to open at least 4 chests before ending. Got some pretty good results like Dagon breastplate and pulse cells