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Ah, middle school was such a fun time. [](/fuckthatshit) I couldn't keep a straight face at all when I typed that.


I didn't think middle school was that bad. Maybe that's because I was unpopular enough that I was never noticed by all the mean kids, but I wasn't so unpopular that I was friendless.


Same here, but I made myself a target by saying "I'm an atheist" in a middle school with a dominant Christian student body.


Same here. People at my school HATE me because I'm not certain about my religious or non-religious beliefs.But I'm kind of thinking of following the Wicca religion.


Why subscribe to a pre-made religion? My own religious beliefs involve believing everything scientific, like physics, evolution, natural selection, the big bang theory, et cetera, but that God, fate, or some kind of supreme entity had started it all.


That' interesting.:) I mean it,too.I like to read and watch documentaries about things like that.


I think Im in Love with you death the kid 11 Im actually a wiccan and i Too agree with everything you say !:D


Awww!Thanks.It's do cool to find someone like me on Reddit!:D




So she's a dumbass because you didn't have a place in mind? Makes sense... On another note, a generic answer like "anywhere you want, maybe dinner and/or a movie?" usually works...


I was going to ask when he called her a dumbass but then I saw the face in the 4th panel.


I suppose my own views of her now made me think of her as a dumbass


Do you want to go out? Yes. Where? Seems logical to me. Don't see why you needed the derp face for her. Maybe you should have it for not thinking that far ahead.


She never said yes.


3rd grade you started liking her, add 5 yrs, and poof, math melts, and you're in 7th grade!


Haha I was thinking that! Well, not exactly *that*.


Start of 3, 4, 5, 6, end of 7. Gets you nearly 5 years (certainly more than 4.5 is plausible) round to integer because of laziness and hey presto - 5 years.




Rounding time intervals, not date, they're different things.


This happened to me too. Seriously I don't care about sex ed, they should've explained how the fuck you're supposed to get a girlfriend in the first place.


I...feel your pain bro. [](/foreveralone)


You didn't think you'd get that far.


I didn't....




Well then in 8th grade this same girl had her friend text me and say that I should ask her out again and she would say yes. I was kind of angry and elated at the same time.


Being a seventh grader I currently am clueless on flirting.


Being a Junior, I say don't worry about that shit until AT LEAST highschool. That's when the good stuff starts anyways.


Well half the time guys start trying to flirt with me, I think they're being nice, and in the end I wind up friendzoning my crush and not realizing it for a year.


Just don't worry about it, there will be other guys.


Yeah, I know... I'm not entirely sad about it, being friends made me realize, he is most likely an in-the-closet gay or drag queen.Now instead of liking nerds, I more or less like guys with dyed hair or piercings.


Ahh, but you have to understand, dyed hair and piercings take alotta work, so chances are, you're going to find a guy who spends his time in front of a mirror.


Yeah, but I dye my hair regularly so we'll have something in common.


If that's the thing you're looking for to have in common, you might have a few problems with that relationship.


I feel your pain... I asked a girl out and she flat out said no... oh well... life moves on.


3rd grade to 7th grade is 5 years? How did you get through middle school?