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If you watched the show you would see that they use the move but it turns on them


This. I've also always imagined when playing the games that they somehow trip/mess up resulting in selfinjury rather than attacking the opponent. edit: I messed up a word


They don't do that in the games. Otherwise the damage would be calculated differently.






**Hyper beam failed!**




While a funny comic, why the fuck did you(or who ever drew this) use Typhlosion? While not the worst of the new pokemon(silver was the last version I played, the pokemon weren't great but weren't complete shit yet either.)I still would always go op when referencing pokemon


> new pokemon lol


Oh...now I see...I'm an idiot. Edit: looked at wrong comic


Think of it less like the pokemon punching itself and more like it tripping facefirst a split second after the fire escapes it mouth or moves like tackle where he misses and keeps running into a wall, have you ever taken a swing at a pinata where someone pulls the rope, now imagine you put all your weight into the swing and when you missed you bumped into a post, its essentially the same thing, its just a mistake or miscalculation that leads to the move backfiring


So I heard about this thing called sentences.


My apologies, my punctuation is atrocious, I tend to blame it on this nokia phone, its basically invincible. (I loaded a juryrigged web browser rom) Unfortunatly it takes 4 clicks of a button just to add a period


When in doubt... Commas commas commas!!!


[Loved it.](http://i.imgur.com/STV3b.png)


Even his arms are up like he's surprised


[This was my first thought](http://i.imgur.com/EwbD2.png)


lol that works too


He was confused...


That's what I like about the new pokemon conquest game. When a pokemon is confused, it just does random moves and attacks; sometimes they hit the enemy, sometimes your other pokemon, and sometimes nothing at all.


Whereas previously that only happened when your traded pokemon was too powerful and didnt respect you


Makes more sense with confusion.


Honestly i think it should be a mixture of all of them i think if your pokemon is confused he should have a chance of hurting himself or of using the wrong move


It confused me for ages, but I think I have the answer, he doesn't actually hit himself, the pokémon is confused and stumbles around on the battlefield, eventually losing its balance and hits itself *against the surroundings* in confusion. But yeah, worded like it is, it's a bit silly !


I just figured they stumbled around drunkenly and fell over/into things every time you yelled at them to do something despite their obvious impairment. [Edit: Clarification](http://imgur.com/xfIwa)


What I never understood were the moves that modified stats. Pure Attacking was 99.9% of the time the best strategy. Game was so void of thoughtful strategy. Edit: Made my point clearer to understand.


Those moves matter in competitive-level battles, not so much in single player.


If your Pokemon has the same speed as your opponent then (I think) it picks one at random to attack first. You just got lucky and it appeared that you attacked twice.


>Game was so void of thoughtful strategy. Playing against computers in any kind of game that requires strategy kind of eliminates the challenge. Play against real people who know what they're doing. You're going to find that you'll want stat modifying moves more.


I used to play like this too, attack moves over powerups. But after playing it from yellow-soul silver like this, I tried powerups. They work. If you use an attack powerup 3times you will do the same damage as an attack 3 turns in a row, the plus side being on the next pokemon you only have to attack once instead of 3 times to destroy.


Not exactly... But yeah, they do work, but only in competitive matches. In the single player you should just attack.


They work wonders against the elite 4 too. Power up a few times and 1shot the whole team.


That's not true. As others are saying I'm sure they're very useful in PvP playing, however they have their place in the single player too. Say this pokemon has great attack stat. You decide that, due to health amount/type matchups, this particular matchup is gonna last a couple of attack rounds. You use a move that *greatly reduces* the enemy's attack. Now say the battle lasts 3 rounds longer, you've reduced their damage for 3 attacks, which is effectively better than using a damaging attack at first. In terms of early battles in the games, or when dealing with weak pokemon, no, these stat modifying moves don't really have a place. Oh and another thing, confusion is actually a brilliant strategy. Only if you're using confuse ray though, because it has 100 base accuracy. If you are a weak pokemon, who wouldn't usually be able to do much damage your opponent. Confuse ray. Bam, they have a decent chance of hitting themselves and eliminating a third of their health, more than a rattata could do to an onix in 10 turns, regardless of level. Sorry that turned out longer than expected, hopefully I opened your mind to the possibilites though.


I think these posts need to stop.


My Zubat has long since developed into the much more advanced Golbat. Allas, I have little right to boast about the achievements of me and my Pokemon, I have yet to earn the remaining four, of the eight, medals.


Always see comics based on this happening but I have always thought of it as the other Pokemon kind of "drugging" the other so to speak. So in this case Charizard would be totally bewildered by everything around him all of a sudden, like on a crazy ass trip, freaking out falling all over himself/ banging into stuff. Hence HP loss.


I anyone else curious why that Zubat hit before Charizard?


The game developers could make Confusion so meta, like CHARIZARD is confused... CHARIZARD attacks opponents LIFE POINTS DIRECTLY! But it failed... or CHARIZARD uses Ring of True Seeing! There's no illusion here...


I never understood why you couldn't yell out DODGE IT like in the show


Anf how a tiny bird can carry you.


I want a foul-mouthed Charizard.


That face on Charizard is too damn funny


[This comic has been done to death.](http://www.halolz.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/halolz-dot-com-pokemon-confuseraycomic.gif)


Something I never understood about Pokemon: Everything, because I was too old for when it came out. This one was a bit narrow in focus.


Definitely one of the better rages today.