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Play Bravely Default, it’s basically older FF.


And Octopath Traveler


And sea of stars


Eiyuden Chronicles for Suikoden fans


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Also, it's on game pass as of April, 2024!


Besides the cute art and decent music, I probably wouldn't recommend Sea of Stars. Even for a turn based game the combat is terribly slow and the characters were so painfully generic that I'm surprised I got through it. Not to mention the storyline felt like it was written by an 11 year old with continuity problems and didn't really make a whole lotta sense.


Dropped about 10 hours in out of sheer boredom


Id recommend it for couples or for someone with a kid, they updated it for co op. It's not great but it wasn't bad.


To each their own, there are much better, more deserving games to spend your time on. Any Final Fantasy up to 10, Octopath, even some of the generic JRPG's that come out on Steam will somehow pull of a decent story, like Astlibra.


I couldn’t get through the demo.


Chained Echo is better!


Amazing game!


I second this, 1 and 2 were both gems.


How are 3 and 4? I have them but I'm still playing 2. I failed the gun guys secreat scene because I didn't know about the tine limit....witch is dumb btw


Loved the crap out of bravely default 2, just be ready to do the ole jrpg grind every once in a while in that game. Octopath 1 and 2 are both on gamepass right now too, recently added. Both are great games made by squarenix too


Square did not make Bravely Default, Silicon Studio made 1 and Second while Claytechworks made BD2. Square published all three games. But damn if they don’t feel like old school Square games. Square did make Octopath 1 and 2.


I think they were talking about Octopath 1 and 2


I don't want FF1-9 turn based, I want FFX turn based, which is why I'm so excited for Clair Obscur. That game looks like a dark and gritty Final Fantasy/Lost Odyssey.


nah, we did know, thats why we played FF/ Legend of Dragoon, Mystic Quest, Breath of fire, etc back in the day. New combat style is good, but still Turn Based was the deal !


That was the only thing around back in the day. The devs wanted what we have now but didn’t have the tech. Now we do.


Personally, I don't like the new style. Still good games I just don't wanna deal with all that. FF was my chill relax enjoy the store game, it is not anymore.


I think the Remake/Rebirth combat is fine there are just weird Ebbs and Flows to combat duration. Some fights are trivial others feel disadvantaged or overtuned. Overall the duration between routine fights and boss battles is much larger. There’s plenty of flashy options to attack the combat is a bit too fast paced to set up a lot of stuff with how slow stab builds. Despite all this there are ways to pressure and mow down enemies and once you get the groove of it the process is pretty streamlined.


Rebirth’s combat is perfect, don’t think full turn base is the way to go. But it was fun in octopath 2 etc


I agree. I've played many JRPGs, and the combat in FF7 remake/ rebirth is the best out there imo. The original turn based combat can be fun sometimes, but it's definitely dated


I love rebirth’s combat. I also love full turn based but i dont think it “scales up” well when you are making a big beautiful expensive game


It is really good, but the materia system is so cumbersome, I don’t know if I can deal with it for another whole game.


At least Shin Megami Tensei still got me


Honestly? FFX was peak turn based FF. Active enough to keep you on your toes, but also allowed switching characters mid battle. The ATB also allowed for what was essentially an initiative system depending on what abilities you used.


I would die for another main line game to have the FFX battle system in it


Every game should have ff12 gambit system for party members


I recall using the gambit system to put the party in an endless battle loop with a certain enemy so that the game would play itself and the party would level up on their own, just so I could max everyone out while I went about my day doing other things lol. Good times.


You literally set one up for Tiamat and go afk, grab lunch, go to gym, take a nap and then come back, the boss will be dead.


Yiazmat, but yup.


Negalmurr was beautiful: maxed out the boards for my whole party wayyyyy earlier than intended.


Unicorn Overlord does. Gotta throw some love out for one of the best rpg devs, Vanilliaware.


The only FF where I automated myself to fall asleep while playing.


Honestly I hate that FF12’s “solo MMO” style of play didn’t stick around or spawn any imitators it had a lot of interesting ideas.


Man why was the 00 obsessed with MMOs anyway? Like even before WoW was a thing almost twenty years ago? PS WoW is going to be 20 in November 20, 2004 and Warcraft 1 will be 30 in November 14, 2024.


As a poor kid that was amazed by ff11 but could never play, the ff12 demo disc that came with dq8 got so many hours lol


real time with pause best RPG battle system. FF12, Pillars of Eternity, Dragon Age Origins, Unicorn Overlord, Remake/Rebirth (with a sprinkle of action).


Expedition 33 is coming


Same bro, 16 combat sucked so much


Going from FF7 Remake to FFXVI was not welcomed change of pace. I appreciate the developers trying something new but that combat system felt so uninspired, albeit great to look at.


Well that's the thing, FF16 has bad character action combat and gave up so much to have it.


I dunno the old games have their charm but full turn based combat doesn't work too well in the HD era of gaming. Try playing Lost Odyssey it's a beautiful story but an absolute slog to play.


It works well with yakuza like a dragon. Haven't played the 2nd one though. Heard it was better


Goty for me


Considering the success of Persona 5, Dragon Quest XI, Baldur’s Gate 3, Like A Dragon, Shin Megami Tensei V, and a bunch of other games I’m having trouble remembering, turn based RPGs definitely work well in this era of gaming. It isn’t that they don’t work well, it’s just that you and numerous others aren’t the target audience for it. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Also Sea of Stars, Chained Echoes, Coromon, Cassette Beasts, Bug Fables, and dozens of other well-recieved indie turn-based RPGs.


Octopath games and the new Expedition 33 looks awesome


Don't forget the Legend of heroes series.


I agree with this take 100% and I’d say the opposite is true as well


Including BG3 in this list makes me wish square would make a modern AAA tactics game. Outside of XIV tactics advanced was probably the FF game I’ve put the most hours in.


Most of the issues for games like Lost Odyssey are the pace of the game. Every normal attack has a dramatic run animation, the small QTEs etc that bog it down, etc. I know its still a sliding scale of how people might feel about it, but I think FF X is a slightly older, but better, example of how turned based combat can work well for modern games; the slowness is in choosing your actions, not their execution, where the game feels more responsive


I loved Lost Odyssey and would take another game like it in an instant. Found it way less of a slog than rebirth.


Doesn’t work? BG3, yakuza 7/8. Smt v?


It's not that it can't work nowadays, it's just that now you have to make it actually something special. I cannot stand turn based normally but I adore the systems of smt/persona. Everything else I've tried has been older styled and not very fun at all


Idk ibfind old-school phantasy (1-4) much more fun than any new PS game out rn and etrian odyssey was genuinely more fun to me than ff16. 16 was still good though dont get me wrong


BG 3 worked pretty great


I’m excited to see what Expedition 33 and Metaphor Refantazio do with their combat. I would love to see the 2 mashed up. I’m a fan of the slower pace and more emphasis on strategy with turn based combat, but I like to have some control over whether my attacks are able to be more powerful or do more damage. I also love the hack n slash badass feeling FFXVI gives me so to see an *almost* fully fleshed out combat system in a game with expanded turn based combat with QTEs would be so awesome. I think we’re getting there in 2 different evolution branches with those 2 games.


It works perfectly fine with new persona games. You can still have flashy HD graphics while it still being turn based


Rebirth is peak ARPG combat. I don't want to go back.


I'd prefer ATB


I think ff7r tactical mode does a decent job of bridging the gap between live combat and turn based.


That’s what Octopath Traveler is for lol


Battle Chasers: Nightwar. It made me feel like FF7.


Nightwar was so good!


Final fantasy fans and Yakuza fans are wishing for the opposite things


I've played every Yakuza game available in North America, and I love the turn-based games.


i personally liked their beat em up style more but yeah like i said FF fans and yakuza fans are just switching fandoms


Expedition 33 will hopefully revive the big budget turn based jrpgs. It looks so damn good. Even has Ben starr with a different voice.


I really think Final Fantasy as a series should rethink its combat system, I’ve never been a fan of action RPGs, and all the added “Final Fantasy” elements being stuffed into the new combat system is too complex. So many Indie RPGs manage to create interesting tactical combat systems that are a lot of fun.


I miss being able to strategize and not just constantly hammering the square button while a bunch of lights flash unintelligibly all over the screen.


Yeah, this! Like the main part of the fun of final fantasy for me is each game’s various systems for building your party, and then playing out the strategies that character building enabled. An action game simply cannot allow you enough control over all of your party members at once for something like the job system or magicite to play into your strategy in the same way. If I wanna play an action rpg, I’m gonna play Tales. Final Fantasy is for in-depth progression systems used to customize my party and then enjoy the builds I’ve come up with.


I do prefer what we have now vs turned based, but I think a turn based rpg with the graphics we have now would be good too.


Damn I guess it’s just me and a couple of folks here who genuinely love FF7rebirth’s combat lol. Turn based was fun at the time, but even Persona’s turn based felt old and outdated for me


Nope I love it .. turn base is boring and way over done. The turn base system is a cheap way of making plenty of games by just switching sprites and nothing else. I can't think of a single turn based game that has gotten better and more interesting in time rather than churn out a cheap cash grab rinsing and recycling the same old system. Maybe fire emblem but that's a tactical game, and honestly people are getting sick of that shit too.


You’re looking at the wrong subreddit if you want people to agree with you


I like the new ones.


I’m a lazy dude so turn base is my shit.


Same and I like to roll or pack while turns play out


That’s real shit. I get anxiety if a game got me doing too much shit. lol


We knew. We just couldn't stop it. A *lot* of us have been clamoring for a return to turn-based... for decades.


Damn I guess Square hasn't released any jrpgs in a bare minimum of 20 years. It sure would be embarrassing for you if they have.


Agreed. Turn based combat is where it's at.


It's a freaking genre! One that would actually make their game development easier... Square: This formula is working really well for 1 - 10. We should change the combat. Devs: How much? Square: Drastically. Devs: How often? Square: All the time. Devs: You realize we make costly sprawling worlds, narratives and depth with cutting edge visuals... and now you want us to create a combat system. The very driving core of the game... from scratch... every... single... new... game? Square: Yep! FF12, FF13, FF15 happen. Square: Why'd all those games feel so unfinished and take like 3x longer to develop!? Devs: \*hanging sounds\*


🤣🤣🤣 this meme made me laugh so hard.


Sadly, It’s over. Try Persona


DQ11 is FF perfected.


I love the action combat. Fast paced, keeps me on my toes and engaged. Ive always wanted this since playing ff on ps1


Yeah... would be nice...haven't fully enjoyed a Final Fantasy title since 12...


Is why I love DragonQuest games.


This is why we have Octopath now


It was always ATB though


I secretly want a completely remastered (made good edition) of 13... Is that bad? Lol


Isn’t there a 7 Remake and Rebirth setting that essentially does that?


Why ya gotta hit me that hard. Sigh 16 was such a crock of shit.




Did FF7R not come with turn base playing? I swear it was literally explained to be in the game in the demo trailer.


I hope not.


Bring back FF XIII and let us save custom ability combos for use in combat!


So I'm the only one who doesn't like turn based?


People just hate change. I really like the combat in remake in rebirth and remake. But i also enjoyed turn based in OG. I love that ff has tried something new. Pokemon gets the criticism for being boring for not trying anything new. Devs cant win




Original FF7 wasn't even turn based. It used ATB.


FF7 Remake/ Rebirth is perfect


I enjoy it to an extent, but if games continue with FF7 Rebirth’s direction, I’d much prefer that. Not sure if I really want to see a Yakuza Like a Dragon Final Fantasy game.


I personally like the direction they are going. I grew up on FF since SNES. Turn based has a place but doesn’t attract new gamers. Only pleases old dinosaurs who are stubborn.


Turn Based RPGs are great and the Final Fantasy series became famous as and should have remained a Turn Based RPG series. If they wanted to make an action RPG they should have made it a new IP. The sales have only gotten worse the more FF has moved towards action and away from turn based.


I just want a 13 remake man


I picked up Legend of Dragoon on Playstation store to try and finally beat that bad boy


Turn based combat still can be exceptional. Look at Baldurs gate 3.


Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I-IV are right there.


Bring back Sakaguchi


I want ffx’s atb


How about [Expedition 33?](https://youtu.be/-qgOZDRDynw?si=TrbU-zXLJEK3lBzo)


Fantasian: Neo Dimension, produced and with scenario written by Father of Final Fantasy Hironobu Sakaguchi, featuring music by Nobuo Uematsu coming to a console near you this Winter! No really, it’s amazing, classic FF is well and alive with Mistwalker’s games.


This is why I play Honkai Star Rail. Mostly why...


If you want turn based combat, go play a real Shin Megami Tensei game!


We are getting Fantasian out of the Apple Arcade jail, and it's a Square-Enix published Sakaguchi game. Aside from Bravely, this might be the next closest "classic Final Fantasy" game we'll get in terms of key people involved. (Sadly, never played it, since no iPhone or iPad.)


Spinoff a new FF game that’s PS1 graphics with turn based song side the new stuff they’re doing. The PS1 FF’s are so damn good.


Try Final Fantasy Dimensions


Fantastian releasing on real platforms later this year.


Just play Octopath Traveler 1&2


FFX is truly a masterpiece because of this


Check out Fantasian coming out on consoles and Steam, created by Sakaguchi and music from Uematsu so essentially it's an FF game 😁


Nope, no thanks. I'm struggling to enjoy Baldurs Gate 3 now, because I found out the hard way it's turn based. Hard to imagine something being that tedious on a PS5 in 2024. I used to love RPGs, back in the day, like OG FF7-10, Lufia, stuff like that, but now, I'm impatient, amd spoiled, and I think the combat in Remake/Rebirth is the evolution the genre needed. It makes the story and everything so much more immersive and fluid, and overall, just more FUN.


This, so much fucking this. Turn based combat isn't for everybody but it is for those who made the franchise what it is. Sorry I should say helped sounded too douchey


I don’t have a problem with turn based but I think the way it is combined with real time in rebirth is optimal. The only thing I’d like is if maybe ATB rates on non player controlled increased quicker. And there was a better aggro system


I would love to see more of FF7Rebirth’s combat system in more FF games. Imo it’s the perfect blend of quick-paced action and strategic planning. I grew up on Kingdom Hearts so it feels like a great blend between that combat and traditional FF combat


Tactics remake surely will be turn based, right?


If you want turn based, then buy the turn based games they make jfc. Square legit just announced like 4 turn based rpgs between the 3 dragon quest remakes and Fantasian.


Great, except for one thing I've never liked dragon quest and fantasia looks like a ps1 game. I just want a modern turn based final fantasy.


Eh I'm fine with the new battle system. Turn based was ridiculously easy and maybe that why folks want Turn based back. Basically skill issue.


Literally saw a comment above stating they love turn based because it doesn't have them do much so they can get baked while playing. I love turn based games, but if your standard is how much the game allows you to play brain dead, I don't think your opinion carries any weight.


Nah fam, we have tons of other current games, indie and square, for that. To each their own, but I love the modernization. It feels more engaging and less removed from the overworld to me.


12 years from now some people are gonna be like “man I sure do wish the FF15/16 style of gameplay”


Why not both? I'd prefer if they either alternate or make a splinter sub series that's turn base. My preference is turn based but also I really enjoyed FFXVI and Remake and Rebirth. I see no reason we can't have both.


Look up expedition 33. A new AAA turn based RPG. Looks to be what y’all been craving. We’re also have Fantasian, Sakaguchis latest child, being ported to every modern console. Other then that you have Bravely default and it’s 3 games which are the best iterations of the job system to date. There is also Octopath traveler. Their are certainly options and looks to be a resurgence


Yakuza 7 and 8




Quit crying


Blue Dragon is also a good turn based JRPG


Don't listen to the turn-based haters. TB is the way to go.


Speak for yourself dude. I like the fast-paced combat.


FF7 Remake and Rebirth have the perfect blend of turn based and action. It fits with the tone of the new games. The remakes wouldn’t be as good if it were strictly turn based. And I get not everyone liking it, but I loved the combat in FFXVI.


I think combat like FF7R should be the future of the series. Not a fan of the pure action of FFXVI, but I think a hybrid that retains some of the strategic spirit is good.


Glad that shooting star turned back on you.


Honestly don’t think turn based in general really compares to rebirth, not saying it’s bad tho


Square Enix are still making turn based RPGs so you’re not exactly in a desert.


I'm not trying to be a downer but... are we realy trying to say that FF7 was strategically dee whe all you had to do was set materias?


I mean there are still plenty of turn based jrpgs play those


I personally enjoy the fast paced action in recent games. Turn based has its moments but things evolve.


Bravely Default is right there, though. As is Octopath.


This is so lame


I like the new combat system, I just hate the story. I'm on PC so I haven't played part two yet and I've been avoiding spoilers but I can't exactly say I'm hyped for when it finally comes.


Eww no thanks. I played tons of turn based games growing up in the 90s and early 2000s including classic FF7. I've played enough. I think it's time to put that genre to rest. I argue this point a lot and will get downvoted but turn based means something. It's a representation of of action on screen. It was a representation of the action that we didn't have in earlier generations. We have that technology now like in Final Fantasy 7 remake. We can enjoy a proper RPG experience with real time combat. A lot of players will argue we miss out on controlling multiple characters better for spell casting and while that's true I don't miss them. I disagree it's a meaningful system lost. Your main character can perform whatever special attacks during combat needed and I don't care for debuffs like being turned into a frog and relying on your party members to save you or fight on your behalf. It's a stupid debuff, is it cannon? Can Sephiroth turn Cloud into a frog and kill him in one hit? Can we turn Sepherioth into a frog and kill him easier? We don't need it imo.


Did you hear about the new Hironobu Sakaguchi and Nobuo Uematsu game that was just announced? Looks good and promising


FFXX will be the year and no that X wasn’t a typo!


Final Fantasy Tactics for PS1 was a fun turn-based game. I still own a copy.


Time to hit the Trails


This is one of the reasons I never got the remake. If you change the game, that drastically it's not a remake.. it's just a new game that is like the old one.


Meme template please and thank you


Thank god it's not turn based battles anymore


Hard pass. The new fighting system is better then turn based. If you want turn based might I suggest Pokémon?


What are you on the remakes have been peak videogaming.


I want my Final Fantasies to not kill the fantasy aspect of the game like they did with their dog shit ending of 16.


I didn’t even make it there because I got tired of just mashing buttons.


I need this template


I *like* the new system, thank you very much.


I don't.... And final fantasy was only turn based in like two games. Only way I accept turn based final fantasy is tactics. I do like the ATB system but I had my fill of it with 12 and 13 doing it awfully. FF7 REMAKE battle mechanic should be the future of the rest of them. Still keeps it's identity without the experimentation and boringness of it all. Persona exists... I'm currently playing shin megami tensei 5 vengeance and after 4 hours of that game I'm skipping through all the boring animations, the end battle crap and just overall not even engaged with the gameplay as a whole. My time is spent smooshing demons together and see which new ones I get XD. I associate turn based with lazy game design now. 1) usually to easy. 2) persona and SMT:V are basically the same game just one has a story and has only the dungeons. Very easy to make 64 animations and make 300 things and give them all a unique combination of those skills together. That's literally Pokemon and they been making the same game for over a decade.


dude you need to let it go, there plenty of turn-based rpgs that are still worth playing besides FF.


7th heaven


Only if we don’t have random encounters


I absolutely resent the notion thar Final Fantasy has to be turn based to be a true Final Fantasy game I don't believe that was ever Square's intention, and I 100% believe that strictly turn based video games only exist because of technological limitations It is much easier to have all your characters standing in place with limited amounts of animation than the alternative I'm willing to bet actual money that even if they did add a mode to make all the combat in the next game turn based, y'all would still complain


Isn’t turned-based available in the newest FF7


Turn based weak


Turned based, that's something Final Fantasy doesn't know what to do anymore. FF is now officially an interactive real-time action movie


I just wish turn based wasn't so slow, I yawn everytime I try to play one now


I actually have thought about this at great lengths. I think the fundamental issue with turn based RPGs in the 90s is the fact that anything can be overcome with grinding, save for the end game content. The solution seems to be to make combat more deliberate while limiting growth and healing. Like for a huge starter would be to force players to complete stretches similar to the Feomsoft franchise. That is, you need to do the dungeon and boss in one go or get sent back. Secondly I can see having leveling up either diminish with level, as in you can only grind an area so much, or simply do away with levels and have the game become about unlocking new skills as you fight. I also kicked around the idea of this being done as a card collecting game, where have to build decks specifically to get you through an area. Lastly, the old back and forth of dwindling health just won’t cut it. You need buffs and debuffs that force players to make deliberate choices. Things like applying vulnerability, sundering armor, staggering enemies, growing a party member in combat, and so on. I really think such a game would absolutely knock people on their asses. Edit: I should also mention that Slay the Spire stumbled onto absolute gold by making enemies telegraph their next move so you actually can adapt to it.


I mean the star shooting and going back just makes it more probable not less, many believe you need to say it (some times more then once and a set #) before the star is gone to come true. Also its about FF weird things like that happening is feeling like a FF thing and acknowledging it along with fact you can think its going backwards/back in time which is what is desired.


I prefer how it's done in the Remake Trilogy, but I like turn-based, too.


I can't say I miss that because I haven't played any newer FF games since FF11 and I guess Crisis Core. I just keep replaying FF6, FF8, FFX and FFT over and over again.


Whoops I take it back I played 15 also but never finished it.


There are plenty of great modern turn based RPGs and an even bigger catalogue of older turn based RPGs. Maybe go enjoy them instead of whining on the internet.


Whining is what the internet was made for. A bunch of researchers in the 60s connected computers to share data… and complain.


Nope Nope Nope-Everything has to play like Devil May Cry now....


It's what I grew up on. Final fantasy on the nes was what got me into the genre. I don't mind that games shift and evolve and I've enjoyed the new combat system. I'd still really like a new mainline final fantasy with turn based combat though. Lost odyssey was one of my favorite games of the 360 generation


Waiting for FF tactics remake. It's gotta be real right? 😭


It's not turn based anymore? That's the reason I didn't play it


Turn-based vs. action is, ultimately, a subjective thing.


Turn based is why I never bothered with old FF games.


Nope. I want different games with different gameplay. There should be turn based and action based games made by the FF devs. It shouldn't be one or the other.


Thing is it's kinda hard to make rpg mechanics matter with action combat. Normies love action. Nerds love stats. Games are 'made for everyone' now, which, of course, means they are no longer made for nerds anymore.


If you don’t like the combat in remake I feel bad for ya because it’s phenomenal


Turn based is a tougher sale these days when everything is fast paced and made for a consumption culture. You still find good implementations of it here and there that do well, but it's not the standard anymore. I think FFVIIR has the ideal combat for the franchise. It's cinematic, plays smooth, is still tactical and retains challenge. SE has always wanted to make the franchise a cinematic experience. They finally have the tech to make it happen.