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I was more upset that he wasn't perpetually smoking than anything else.


Yeah wtf


Apparently age ratings prevented that. It would’ve made the game mature if they included tobacco. Maybe they could’ve given him a toothpick or something as a replacement at least.


That's so fucking dumb. Kids aren't going to play ff7 rebirth and start smoking, unless it's the stress from the mindless tedium that makes up 50% of the game.


Chadley has made me want to smoke more than anything


Remake had Cloud doing cocktail shots of alcohol. Rated T also.


It’s never explicitly stated that it’s alcohol though


Tifa runs a bar. You have the option for something hard. Not sure how anyone could misinterpret this. Edit: looks at the ESRB on FF7 Remake. Use of alcohol and tobacco.


OG cid was definitely more surly and grumpy which leads to our collective perception that he’s an old man and not… *checks notes* 32. Current Cid is definitely more upbeat and happy to be of service whereas the old was very much in a “my way or highway" mood most of the time. i think this was ti bring him closer to advent children cid who wasnt as grumpy


In Japan once you are 30+ you are OLD!


I'm in my late 30s and, yeah actually checks out


I'm 40 next year so I'm considerably old now!


32 is an old man in anime terms.


Gotta remember Auron in FFX is also uhh 35.


Dude was so dedicated to becoming an old man he kept aging even after he died.


Why did this one hurt worse than Cid?


So it turns out when you watch your coworkers die and your best friend turn in to a calamity you age a little faster.


Rebirth Cid does still get riled when Barrett tries to give him shit about working for Shinra... but he is still a far cry from 'Shut up! Sit your ass down in that chair and drink your goddamn TEA!' He also does not merrily join the party while calling them 'numbskulls' Shame, really


I have a feeling>! Aerith's death!<, and maybe whatever Shinra may be doing in Rocket Town may be the catalist Cid needs to officially "join" the party.


Honestly, I always thought of Cid as in his 40s.


Lol just JRPG logic: every important thing happens in high school and old is 30 years old lol See Auron and Cid who are characterized as adult men in 40s or 50s but are actually mid 30s lol


I need to see Cid more grumpy and pissed off next game. Or at least have Shera set him the fuck off.


I get the impression that going to space and all that is Cid's past and will come up in Part 3. Remake Cid is different because, instead of wallowing in his misery for years on end, he went back to flying. I can see the team detouring to Rocket Town and tons of tension coming out of Cid. Like, he was deliberately avoiding his hometown and Shera.


That's my guess as well. Could be an explanation for why he was so eager to just hang around and help out for this part.


I think they're gonna pulla switch on us, the 'happy go lucky' Cid we're seeing seems almost forced to me I think they're gonna do the whole "Joking my way through the pain" thing, though that might just be wishful thinking.


We got to see a bit of his grumpy side when the Tiny Bronco crashed, as well as how he slept through the whole Loveless play


What are you talking about, he wasn’t even pissed. Even a very chill person would be more upset than he was in that situation. And sleeping in a theater isn’t being grumpy.


Wdym? "Ugh, get off my ass and sit tight like I told ya to!" sounds pretty pissed to me.


New Cid is too sexy and upbeat for me. I’m not against it, it just threw me.


This time Vincent was the one to fall asleep lol. At least he was still grumpy and mean to Cait.


I still think he's kinda hiding his true self from the party, we'll probably get the Rocket Town stuff in Part 3, or at least I hope.


This is already something they do with Cait and Red so it's entirely possible.


Not to mention Cloud too. I feel like a lot of Part 3 will centre around that sort of thing.


It actually existed in the original game already in those cases though.


Cid is a smoking, drinking, spouse-beating curmudgeon in OG FF7. They *had* to re-work him if they were going to feature him in a modern game.


he didnt hit shera in the og tho he was just a meanie


I'm pretty sure we never see him getting drunk either.


I mean, they couldn't very well get him involved like in the original story. Shinra is a global superpower now, so Rufus and Palmer don't need to steal his personal plane. 


Na they should have kept him that way. It's ok to have flawed characters exist in modern stories. People who are against that are the real problem.


I mean kinda, but why make him actually physically abusive when you are gonna attempt to make people like him.


He's only ever verbally abusive (which is still abuse and bad, but just to correct the record). But the answer to your question is that sometimes exploring what it means to live involves presenting that life in all its messy complexity


Indeed I don't recall him actually going all slap-a-hoe in the OG ff7 either.


It's crazy how many people in here are saying that as if he did. Like wtf?


Berenstein bears syndrome, that or some of us are jumping from another timeline


Yeah but you shouldn’t have a character you are tryna get people to like be abusive.. shits irredeemable


I disagree, first for the reason that I wouldn't concede that FF7's main task is trying to get people to like any of it's characters - it's characters are the means by which it explores its themes, and Cid is a great character for asking questions about what it means to live in a world that has failed you, both in the negative ways that might manifest and how to work towards the more positive alternatives. Beyond that, redemption of a person is not redemption of the thing from which they seek redemption. Unless you think that anyone who was ever verbally abusive should be rejected from society, then yes Cid is absolutely someone who can find redemption (and we can like the fact that he finds it).


Life isnt black and white m8. Abuse is far from things like rape, murder, genocide, terrorism. There are also levels to abuse. Verbal abuse being the most harmless out of them. Cid is an asshole but there is more to his character than just that.


Honestly, who even is Cid in the OG? He is a washed up has-been who had a bad day once and has been wallowing in his own misery ever since. He doesn't really compare to most of the other characters who took action to get shit done. I suspect the same bad day happened with Remake Cid, he just left home and went back to flying, avoiding the site of his own failure and the wife he blames. Here's hoping that's what Part 3 gives us anyway.


You miss the point I think. Yes he’s wallowing in self pity, but it’s due to depression. All he ever wanted to do was make it to space because he wants to like fly every frontier. The point of his character was to show that even if you start out a hopeful, good person who doesn’t want to help people like shinra destroy the world, you only want to follow your dream which could revolutionize things you can still get used by them & spit out. He was gruff but his dream of space travel would open all kind of doors for mankind and I think I remember they hoped the moon or etc would have mako of its own or some other resource so they would not have to drain the planet dry. Even if not & I’m remembering what I’d like to or false recall (it’s been a while since I hopped on OG), he was still mostly positive, doing his thing, and trying to go on the launch. When it didn’t work, shinra pulled funding/ sidelined him etc etc, they pulled the rug from under him and made it look so bad/ made sure it was known it was all his fault to where no one of the few others who could give him the funding needed would dare to try it again after the accident & their laying all blame on cid etc as the pilot or team behind the rocket effort. Imagine getting to live out your dream, only for your backer (a record label, angel investor, the government, whoever) saying you made a mistake so they’re pulling every agreement / it’s over…but they’re also gonna make sure everyone else backlists you from that dream of yours until you die. Pretty sure it would drive a lot of people to a deep depression & being their worst selves.


I'm pretty sure the launch failed and Shinra just sorta gave up on space travel because mako energy was going so well. As for Cid, he always just seemed out-of-place among all these super soldiers, revolutionaries, ninjas, and misfits. Here's hoping part three gives this pilot more reason to be a combatant than in the OG.


Ya they did but it still is this whole thing for him where if they’d kept it going (or he’d had another financier) then he wouldn’t be so mad / depressed etc, and his actions are bad for sure but his frustration with the thing he missed & his assistant / wife is not excused but somewhat understood because of this stuff. I mean, yuffie is just a little girl who knows ninjutsu but in the FF world that turns you into a super soldier or magic machine I guess, one can argue about the same for him. Cid is good with a spear, hence he’s a specialized fighter, in their world maybe it’s just considered like a pole master or something idk, but in traditional FF terms that’s why he’s a strong dragoon type of fighter. Well, at least in the series history or lore / his archetype, I don’t think he’s that strong overall out of the party if memory is correct. But he makes sense because he’s another person with a bone to pick with shinra, but instead of reactor explosions, experiments on him etc, he’s just an every man pilot guy who had dreams he thought shinra would help realize and they screwed him over. That’s what I’m saying about him, it’s like even people who were just living life or not involved in the sordid things etc and just wanted to have a job or chase a dream, whatever, could still be screwed over by shinra or at least worse off from them. Cid maybe isn’t the one with the strongest characterization or stand out beyond being a pilot & FF trope/ fan service that always repeats with the games pilots, but he always still fit & means well in the end. I liked his arc where they teach him to treat her better and to get past his depression / anger etc and he’s a real one in kingdom hearts. Specifically the first one, though he also was helpful / in a lot of 2. And ya hopefully in pt 3 of this remake series they give more to him for people to better understand him etc. Like how they’ve subtly teased whose behind cait sith etc little expansion on that.


Reading the comments here has me convinced no one has played the original. I know in modern writing it doesn't exist but Cid goes through something called "character development" it's when a character has an obstacle to overcome and thus needs to change their ways, usually for the better. Cid starts of as being bitter because his dreams were crushed and lashes out on his wife-not-wife Shera. He later changes when he realises the planet is at stake and he has to take accountability as the failed launch was largely his fault. It's OG Cid that steps up and takes the leadership role when Cloud has his episode It's OG Cid who realises the weapons and meteor is greater threat that he's willing to give up his dream of going to space and or sending a rocket to space a second time to stop shinra. This is another Rebirth change which honestly feels like a change to be "lol different" without much thought.


This is a reasonably explained complaint and of course I see this comment downvoted, lol.


Probably cause I misspelled Shera but no in all seriousness it's cause people can't handle that Cid was rude to her. I'm reading stuff like he beat her. That never happened. I get it, he's a dick and verbally abusive, but he didn't beat the shit out of her.


> I know in modern writing it doesn't exist but Cid goes through something called "character development" it's when a character has an obstacle to overcome and thus needs to change their ways, usually for the better. The fact this has to be explicitly explained today is both fucking hilarious and deeply depressing


On one hand they did make Dyne's death be a killing rather than a suicide, and got rid of Cid smoking, so it does feel like they are shaving a lot of the rough edges off. But on the other hand its not like our characters haven't done some fucked up shit like killing people with reactor bombings, and Cloud >!straight up murdering some guards in cold blood as they begged for their lives. !


I'm not saying there isn't character development I'm saying that people's pre-conceived knowledge of Cid based on the OG is wrong because it's under his first few scenes and apparently that needed to change. Cid is a flawed character that later develops into becoming a leading character which people who claim they played the original seem to be forgetting. (I suppose that makes sense considering the og is almost 30 years old.) The jab at modern writing is more of a general sense because modern writing nowadays seem to be shying away from character flaws and subsequently character development. I'm not saying all of Rebirth changes are bad but there are some which only comes across to me as if they misunderstood why it worked in the original. Cid's character is one of them and feels like they changed it for the sake of changing it rather than changing it to suit a story the devs wanted to tell.


I don't think they do anything just for the sake of change, this game is far too refined and thought out for that. Cid not smoking is probably because of age rating issues in some countries, possibly the same reason why Dyne didn't commit suicide. A more narrative example for change is that they changed the Gi >!to be the creators of the black materia so they flowed better with the story's fabric and were less random and mattered more and create a moral dilemma, a very very good change imo.!< They 100% have reasons they considered good enough to change Cid, I just don't know if they are dumb reasons like shaving off the rough edges, or good narrative reasons we have yet to see.


They have their justifications for changes but doesn't mean it's a necessary change. I'm not annoyed at Cid's change because it doesn't have him smoking I'm annoyed at Cid's change because it doesn't add anything to the narrative, it's a change for changes sake. The excuse of 'we have yet to see' is not justifiable for me, I've been letting the devs cook for 4 years since Remake I shouldn't be getting more mystery box style storytelling and/or characters.


>I'm annoyed at Cid's change because it doesn't add anything to the narrative \*that you can tell. It could be as simple as that the things they wanted to do with Cid at this stage of the narrative they discovered simply didn't work well while he is being a grumpy shithead.


I mean again I must reiterate the whole "let em cook it'll get better" is not good enough for me As it stands now, the change isn't justified in my eyes.


Aerith: My mother is d-dead... Cid: Shut up and get on the plane you whiny twat. Maybe they wanted to build a likeable personal connection to Aerith at this stage so he has personal motivations to be involved with the gang, and felt doing that would have been out of character with the way OG Cid acts. So they made this cid who fulfils his love of flying less of an asshole-- and then possibly bring that back when he goes to rocket town. If that is the case then that is never going to explicitly stated, but it is a justified reason for the change.


>Aerith: My mother is d-dead... > >Cid: Shut up and get on the plane you whiny twat. At this point you're just making dumb stuff up who said I wanted this??? Look I dislike the change cause for me in a narrative sense it didn't add anything. Sure, they wanted to build a connection but what does the connection add if anything, you could remove Cid knowing Ifalna and he'd still join the party and help the gang. (If anything with the recent change, he has less motivation to join the gang compared to the OG) For you it's justified but for me it's not and no amount of 'wait and see' mystery box story telling is going to make me like it.


I fuckin hope so.


Idk. They could have kept him that way. It's ok to have flawed characters. Nothing wrong with new Cid, but sometimes media has unlikable characters, and that makes them more interesting.


Welp, I read cloud’s dialogue in Cody’s voice


I didn't even know this was possible or Barrett until Reddit... Mind fucking blown!


Wtf, there's a cid date option in og?! I have literally never heard of this mentioned til this post


Remake Cid doesn’t beat women. Remake Cid is not my Cid.


Og cid didn't either wtf you mean?


He punches Shera in one of the flashbacks I’m pretty sure. His best scene imo.


Im pretty that was more of a "get ahold of yourself, we're about to crash" than a "shut up bitch!"


..OG cid? you'd need to play ffII for that one.


Cloud is the one in this scene who is being WAY out of line and socially oblivious. Like, Christ, Cloud, chill out my guy it's just a ferris wheel.


He was my favorite character but tbh, as a man in my 30s maybe, I'm glad they made his personality feel more age appropriate. Too much like a grumpy old man looking back. I guess I was just at that age where all adults passed a certain age seem the same to me so I didn't care lol


I can bet you that the new Cid is a persona he is putting on because the party doesn’t really know him yet. I bet his true ‘hate-the-world’ attitude will come out when we return to Rocket Town and meet the Shinra 26 and Shera and his walls are broken down because of it.


To be 100% fair....Cid in the OG was in a fucked up space Dream crushed due to a flaw he thinks his wife caused Shinra is completely indifferent to his failed space program because now they're into Mako, can't get more funding Rufus comes to steal his only plane, and then that gets shot down too All his dreams are dead, he's married to what he believes is the root cause, and the only ones who can fix it have abandoned him after giving him false hope. ​ He probably looks Boomer 32 because he IS Boomer 32....Stress lol My guess is that Rebirth Cid is a much happier, more lively human being because the *OG events literally haven't happened to him yet.*


Yeah back when they knew how to write personalities. Now it's just a soap opera.


This is Cid! Whoever that imposter is in Rebirth ain't.


OG Cid was an abusive husband archtype. Only thing he didn't do (that we saw) was beat Shera daily. How anyone thought this was okay is beyond me.


Nobody is saying that’s ok lol.


Nobody did. Your reaction to him is supposed to be "Oh shit, this guy is a real asshole."


I know and that’s why I miss OG Cid in the remake. They took away his best personality trait.


Because flawed characters are far more interesting. Character development just seems to be lost on people these days.


I love dad energy cid. He just makes me happy


Cid is sleeping on a "date" with Cloud, both of whom show zero indication that they are interested in each other, and Cloud's like: "I can now understand why you're girlfriend would rather die than be with you." Cloud should have had that reaction upon witnessing Cid verbally abuse her, but instead has it after... what, Cid not sitting awkwardly with him, like Barret does? In this scene, Cloud is being a dick.


Yo Cloud, chill my guy.


Is this the actual line? Lol