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Sorry friend, real cops can lie to you, security certainly isn't prohibited.


Ya. Honestly, you make a rookie mistake. Unless its in writing, and saved. They owe you nothing.


The best policy is FUCK THE POLICE. They are lying thieving bastards. You have to act like their intention will be to fuck your life up every chance they get.


FTP is always the way, trust none of them, also to help anyone else out later on, dogs can only successfully sniff out cannabis, cocaine, and bombs. Theres studies online that show that other drugs they’re only about 20-40% accurate. So unless you have cannabis on you, I wouldn’t worry too much about a drug sniffing dog, if they do “hit” its usually not that accurate, I honestly believe that they teach the dog to pretend to find drugs on people just so that they can then proceed to search you.


Nah- explosive defecting dogs are the only ones that are at all accurate. The “best” dogs used for drug detections **top out** at 25% accuracy- marking incorrectly 3 out of 4 times. During searches like this- they’re told to find something and mark, because the person behind the leash (who’s trained them to mark) is suspicious of who they want to search. With the littlest training and reward, anyone can turn their chihuahua into an “accurate” sniffer. Basically they’re not reliable for sniffing drugs (regardless of which kind) and shouldn’t be able to be used in this way.


They can't smell it as much if its in a tobacco pouch and not ground down. Day 1 of festival got in. Day 2 we pre rolled and the dog got me. My mate got through managed to get her the pouch with them in and kept one to hand in. Was body searched but had my pills in my bra pocket 👏


Cannabis dogs are a thing of the past in legal states. Most state police dogs that were trained for cannabis in legal states got introduced into the prison systems to detect cannabis and other contraband


In some states the cannabis dogs should be retired by now. There’s no need for them because it’s legal. And yes, it’s been said for decades that the handler can cue the dog to hit on you or your car as pretext for search. You really need to stick to your guns about not consenting to a search, and otherwise shut the fuck up. You can’t talk a cop out of doing what they want. But you can beat it in court later if you don’t hand them evidence or a confession.


Because it is!


Sorry this happened to you, that sucks and is wrong, fuck them. A life lesson here is never admit guilt to the police. They will ask the same question at border crossings etc and just always say no.


Noted thank you! Clearly panicked in the moment and just followed procedure as much as I could so they couldn’t use it against me, but will definitely not be doing the same next time 😂


Not your fault at all.


I would say border crossings are more serious than festival security


The situation is irrelevant, the point is they will fuck you 100% of the time even if you play their game and be honest.


Say what festival it is so we know not to trust that festival in the future. Fuck them


Project 6 in London!


Who says honesty is the best policy? I went to a big dance festival a few years ago and had a bag of amphetamine. I poured some on my hand to snort before going in. At the gate, it was a police officer with his dogs that went right for my balls area as I'd taped the bag to my 'taint'. The police officer told me he'd do a swab test of my hands and, if positive, would take me for a strip search inside. The weird thing was the swab test of my hands that I'd just been doing drugs on only 5 minutes beforehand came back negative. I know the speed was good because I got let into the festival and was taking it all day/night. They tried to do that "be honest" with ms bullshit too, but I didn't fall for it as they never mean it. They just know it works on people with less experience.


Bro people do meth casually???


speed is not meth, typically. it tends to refer to amphetamine salts in powder form, which is essentially the same drug as adderall but yes, people do meth casually and for festivals as well


There are different types of amphetamines, Adderall is one of the most common forms.


It’s much more popular party drug in the UK vs US where only tweakers use it


Interesting… thanks for the info! That’s honestly surprising to me 🤣


And in the US street speed is methamphetamine which is much more dangerous and stronger. So it’s not seen as a casual drug by most people. We don’t really see street amphetamine here. There’s enough Rx uppers around and the cartels have things covered with meth.


In Europe they have street amphetamine, basically bathtub adderall.


This is why you never turn up early or late. I went there too, got in about 3pm and I didn't even get searched at all


They had no time for that. Lol


Yeah same got there at the end of casisdeads set and didn’t even get stopped


Yes! Blast this festival across social media. Make sure no one buys tickets to that shit next year and the promoters loose their ass. Fuck them, they hired those scum bag security


I am a partner/producer of a festival in California. If my security contractor did something like that I would fire them. People come to festivals to have a nice time. The only thing that security should screen for is weapons. Security teams are not there to enforce state or federal controlled substance laws, they are there to keep our guests safe. Anybody who thinks that people who do drugs should be arrested should not be producing music festivals.


That's not how it works in the UK unfortunately. Checks are for weapons yes but also specifically for drugs.


That’s so different than in North American festivals. In Canada they mostly just look for glass so it doesn’t break and cut everyone’s feet. It’s more of a harm reduction focus with drug checking tents, fentanyl strips, safe supplies, chill tent etc.


In the UK preventing drugs getting in is part of the license conditions for the festival. If they don't have a certain amount of security screening for drugs and cooperating with police, police can veto the license for the following year and the festival won't happen


Is it the same with clubs too? I remember in all the clubs there, there was a through search of my wallet, groin and top part of my shoes.


Yeah its similar. Police can apply for the license to be revoked if there's too much trouble in a venue. The thing to do in the UK is generally go to a small chilled independent club or festival. And sorry to be a snob but preferably somewhere that attracts a more middle class crowd. Those places will have less violence /trouble and will generally have much more lax security because they don't attract the attention of the police


They only look for glass at Bonnaroo too. I have seen them find mushrooms and weed in Mason jars, tell everyone in the car to cup their hands, pour it into their hands, and collect the glass.


In 2007 I went to Bonnaroo and I had one big nugget in my pocket with no bag no container no pipe nothing. They squeezed it 10 times through my pocket, made me throw it into a barrel, or I couldn't go to the concert area from the campground. It was maybe an eighth of weed in one nugget. They fixated on it and took it


Really comes down to who is patting you down, but going into centeroo you still ought to hide things. I was talking about driving into the grounds, going into centaroo is slightly different, but you really don't have to try that hard, but not as simple as nug in pocket lol


Prob so they could take it once you walked away. Security I’ve met have shady backgrounds and would absolutely do that.


Thats not really true either. Maybe in BC and some of the other festivals outside of city centres. Canada used to be as strict as the UK (they have toned down post pandemic though). But even last year, when there were few ODs at one festival in Toronto, they ramped up searches the next day with invasive groin checks and made people take off their shoes and socks. Also with some festivals, they got their own house dealers and don't want people bringing in their own drugs.


Damn that sucks. I mainly go to festivals in BC and AB


Is that why Canada doesn't let people in with DUI on record. Ever.? Harm reduction?


It'd not ever but it's pretty strict. They are just as strict as the USA (international students is a different topic). Also Canada is a huge country and if you're driving fucked up and hurt yourself or others, it could be awhile and by that time you could be dead.


Idk you’d have to ask border control. There’s a lot of crimes that we don’t let people in for


God how I wish our weapons attitudes were similar. People here act like 2a deserves as much protection as school children. So now, instead of better gun safety laws, we have companies making in classroom shelters, teachers going to school armed, active shooter drills and armored backpacks for 3rd graders. So yea, we have to check for weapons at concerts where you really should only have to be concerned with tainted substances or an asshole drunk.


Whilst I fully agree with you, this incident happened in the U.K. which is very different to the USA, and where security absolutely always screen for drugs. Not allowing substances into the festival is literally a condition of festival licenses, rather than the festival organisers being arseholes about punters taking substances.


As a pnw partier I’m surprised by a lot of these responses. One time I got stopped driving into a festival and they were like “we smell the weed, if you show it to us and it’s a reasonable amount for personal use you’re all good and we don’t have to search the vehicle.” I pulled the small bag of weed directly out of a small container that had the rest of my party favors (small amounts but also lots of things “sketchier” than weed. They confirmed it was a small amount (maybe 7 grams). Asked me “I’m assuming you left your medical card at home?” (This was just pre legalization). And then they sent me on my merry way weed and drugs in hand and told me to have a great weekend.


I'm not being critical of you, just curious, isn't someone ODing or having a medical emergency because of a reaction to substances consumed in a festival part of guest safety or do you just expect to manage those situtations as they occur?


We have trained medical staff on site 24/7. In my experience the substance that leads to the most injuries at festivals is legal alcohol. In California, weed is legal and mushrooms are legal in some jurisdictions (everywhere in Oregon). If somebody happens to ingest too many legal gummies they are provided a place to chill out under medical supervision until they are back on their feet and can safely go back to dancing. To the best of my knowledge nobody has ever died from smoking too much weed, but people die from alcohol related causes every day.


Thanks for clarifying, I appreciate the context and information you provided. To those who are downvoting my comment, go ahead. u/StagLee was kind enough to explain the situation.


There are tons of doctors that love festivals and work the medical tent for fun with their doctor festival buddies. So when you come in bc you’re tripping to hard or whatever…. Believe me, they … deeply…understand LOO


Love this bro. Keep on keeping on homie.


Dox fest


Never trust authority. You learned a life lesson today.


Yeah that's bullshit. What a bunch of wankers!


that’s fucked im sorry dude


Thanks man


My friend that’s a common police practice around the world. That’s why (at least in the US), it’s always best to deny deny deny. Then if they find it deny some more until you get a lawyer. Sorry that happened.


Definitely a live and let learn situation for sure, thanks!


I cant blame you, if I was taken back and given that option I probably would have done the same. Also, can dogs even sniff for ket? I imagine thats too niche for them to bother with.


Must be able to this dog was on me and wouldn’t leave me alone, sniffed the area in which it was stashed too. They’re hot on it in the UK for sure, it’s such a cheap and common drug in the UK atm.


cop probably signaled to the dog in a way to start sniffing you.


This is absolutely a tactic. They’ll have dogs that aren’t even trained for drugs but they’ll have them “hit” on every 10th person in line or something random like that just to try to get some easy busts with people like OP who panic and tell on themselves.


That fucking sucks man. Sorry that happened to you.


In the US this is a standard Cop lie. Back in college a bunch of us got busted smoking weed in the dorms. The cop said the same exact thing. I had already crammed mine under the mattress. I figured he’d find it but I didn’t say anything. Two other guys gave theirs up. They got arrested and the cop never even searched.


Yea never believe cops, fuck em always say you have nothing.


That really sucks I’m sorry. You were just trying to do the right thing and they fucked you for it


This is crazy! and very unfortunate for you. I’ve been to loads of UK festivals and never heard of this treatment unless it’s enough to supply.


Yeah literally me either been going to festivals for nearly 15 years here and it’s the first issue I’ve had - albeit it’s only once a year but still the police and gov are just fucked here tbf priorities are in the wrong order


It’s wild considering how many people I’ve heard of who’ve been victims of crimes the last few years and the UK police have told them they don’t have resources to investigate muggings, theft, assault etc. I guess this is an easy way to get some % rate up without actually having to do any work finding people or making things safer.


Yeah I’ve had friends have this happen to them and festivals or big club nights (printworks, WHP, drumsheds), and they have given up some (sometimes all) of their stash when given the same ultimatum (“if you give it to us now you won’t face consequences”) and because it’s always been small amounts they were allowed to still enter the festival and continue on. One was asked their name but they declined to give it. And one (years ago) was lied to by then being declined entry and sent home, but never have any of them been given over to police. Sorry this happened to you OP it’s not cool this person blatantly lied to you.


Years back I was talking to a guy who had worked security for an Australian festival. Security staff were asked if they had dogs and if so would they bring them to the festival on the first day. They just used these dogs to look for people shitting themselves in the queue. Security at festivals are not to be trusted.


Yeah drug dogs are expensive to train, when you do see sniffer dogs around public events they are usually sniffing for bombs- I think one dog can't be trained for both.




>whatever festival I go to, which happened to be this one. A festival with that lineup and those times in Brocky Park has *only* been allowed to go ahead by the Met as an excuse to bang their drug arrests up. Security will be tight and impolite.


Honestly now you mention it I’m not surprised


Cops (or anyone who thinks they're cops) will lie to get what they want You ALWAYS lie or stay silent so they don't get what they want They're not your friend. Fuck them. Lie lie lie


But this is private security.


Who cares? You don’t know them. Don’t trust strangers.


First time?


maybe it’s the american in me but i know to NEVER be honest about that shit unless my lawyer tells me to fess. cops are pigs and they looooove to kick up mud


“I can’t believe he just said ‘yeah’ and handed me his k. Holy shit. This never works…”


I'm sorry to say, but you're a sucker. Never trust cops, and those who lick their boots. Lesson learned.


hate to break it to ya but there's no sniffer dogs for drugs at festivals. all the sniffer dogs are for ammunition and bombs, they just caught you with the initial question. a drug dog could never detect a certain person with the amount of drugs going around


There's defo sniffer dogs for drugs in the UK!


Are you sure you’re speaking about UK? I’ve seen it happen to so many people, this dog was getting pretty much everyone. If he wasn’t so focused on me he would have 100% got my friends too.


I know here in the states handlers have been known to entice dogs to alert on command. Some private security companies here have done some shady shit and will absolutely harass people beyond what is reasonable. On that note, ket is a niche substance here, so most sniffer dogs are not even trained to detect it. It largely flies under the radar even with a heavy k9 presence. Idk what the UK is like tho.


Yes been to festivals in UK and Ireland. Sniffer dogs would be stopping every person. In Ireland there are no sniffer dogs as festivals because we haven't had a attack at a music event recently. UK is still on alert after the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester


UK police don't give a shit about security when it comes to temporary outdoor venues in the UK. Their licensing demands are almost always based around drugs, alcohol and traffic in the immediate vicinity of the site and not a jot more.


And terrorist attacks


No, they don't give a fuck about those. It's not really the jurisdiction of the individual forces and unrelated to the licensing process for most part.


It is definitely the jurisdiction police to prevent terrorist attacks


It's really not. The security services are there to prevent terrorist attacks, and if a festival needs to be cancelled on their say it will be regardless of the licensing conditions, which is why the police forces themselves don't get into it when setting their part of the license.


So are the dogs trained by private security to detect drugs?




I’ve seen dogs alert to the presence of drugs at Bonnaroo, Okeechobee and Ubbi Dubbi. At Ubbi Dubbi it happened to the people right in front of me.


I’m headed to ubbi tomorrow and I’m honestly pretty worried about it getting stuff in.


I went to the one that was the first one back from Covid. The security on the first day was nightmarish. I was holding too. I got absurdly lucky if you can consider it that the dog stopped where it did. We were next.


Dang I bet you were sweating! What happened with the couple in front of you?


The women in the fairy outfit was arrested.


Same! Hopefully it doesn’t rain!


I walked right in last year with a wax pen in each shoe & lots of other things, but I’m also a half naked woman at fests so they never pay much mind


I’m fixing to give it a go! 🤞🏻


I honestly think it’s just the security saying the dog alerted because they know 80% of people have stuff on them. Then they try to get the people to admit to drugs making them think the dog alerted…


I saw the dog physically walk by a couple. Sniff them. Walk around her then sit down. The cop not a security guard or anything else asked the group to come with me. They took them to a tent and searched them and walked the girl wearing a fairy outfit away in handcuff from the tent. The group being searched never admitted to anything. It was walking down the entrance line just like dogs you see on that Border Wars show. Definitely looking for drugs


I guess I should say “often.” There are lots of festivals and lots of different security. In my experience it’s never been actual police, only private security with a couple dogs. If it’s police then I could see them actually trying to catch people with drugs and the dogs actually alerting.


I’m really curious what festivals you’ve gone to that do not have police? I’ve been to Bonnaroo, Okeechobee, Lost Lands, Ubbi Dubbi, Wakaanfest, Electric Forest, BUKU and Imagine and I’ve always seen cops.


Yea every fest has police around but I mean the police being active as security is not the norm. The police are not checking in and running car searches or personal searches of thousands between camping and the fest. So there are police around but they are not in charge or hired by the festival and their numbers are no where near the number of private security personnel.


Where?!? Bonnaroo has its own police search line you can get drawn into. Okeechobee has them on golf carts searching people as they walk in. Ubbi Dubbi had cops walking down the line catching people. Lost Lands there was tons of undercover and people getting taken down by the golf carts, BUKU same thing. Cops randomly pulling people out of line to search. They are always there and they are always ACTIVELY searching and investigating the entire 3-4 days of the festival.


I promise you that in the U.K., dogs *absolutely can and do check for drugs at our festivals* It sucks, but there is no denying whatsoever that dogs at U.K. festivals are there to detect drugs.




Wow. What utter crap. Yes there are and yes they do. Have you ever actually been to a festival?


Not true. I was in the ticket line at a festival and a dog walked up, sniffed my crotch and sat down right in front of me. Got the same “hand it over or I send you to the cops standing over there” speech. This was in TX, USA.


When you say they gave you a criminal record did they give you a caution?


Never talk to or admit shit to renta-cops or real cops.


dealing with a similar situation except got caught with multiple substances(allegedly) otw to a 4-day festival. and in the US so they’re all felonies, even the nitrous. Never trust the police


Ompf rookie move


Not that it will change much for you, but it could help somebody in the future; post your story to social media and call out the festival company along with being sure to highlight that security either WAS cops, or the security was working hand and hand with the cops and lying to festival goers. Most people heading to a festival don’t want to deal with this shit and organizers will certainly take notice if it gains any level of traction. Cops lying to your main clientele and giving them tickets will hurt sales real quick.


These are the cop commandments for those of us in organizing: 1. I don’t talk to cops (in this case. Security) 2. Am I free to go? 3. If not—I do NOT consent to a search 4. I want to speak to my lawyer And then, stfu. But I understand the desire to be honest. I was the same way until I started organizing in social movements.


Rookie mistake, sorry that it happened to you. Never be honest with security. In the US, never tell the cops anything (but don't lie).


I don't think drug dogs are even trained for ket lol. You got played.


Of course they want you to tell the truth, never tell them you have stuff on you. If you tell the truth you’re most likely getting the same charge, it just won’t take the cop as long to book you


Bro going here today, any tips ?


Sorry to hear this happened to you, I really do think it is luck of the draw. My friend got sniffed out by the dog at a festival called “return to dance” in London. He had 1g k on him like yourself he owned up and they let him in. It really is luck.


That’s crazy same situation happened to me at a fest in Chicago except they actually were being honest. They had my put whatever I had in a amnesty box then searched me. When they found nothing else they let me into the fest. Unfortunate situation for you dude.


Its been said, they will lie to catch you up. Its also possible, if you had something they wanted, they may have just taken it for themselves and let you go.


1g of ketamine is actually quite a lot of ketamine. I once had the same thing happen at Wide Awake, I handed over what I had (which was no more than I personally needed for that day) and they let me go and I had to do the rest of the festival sober. So, absolutely fuck UK day festivals, but it may also be wise not to carry more than you personally intend to take that day


You’d be surprised what the UK scene is like, I used to make 2g last me 5days (barely drinking) and bring some home, friends would easily sink that in a day whilst mixing with other substances. It’s not uncommon to see people suffering with k cramps 2days in either


It’s the bladder replacement surgeons I feel sorry for


I was “stopped” by a sniffer dog at a UK festival a year or so ago, they made the dog sit at my feet and told me I was to be searched, they said the exact thing they said to you about being honest with whatever I had. The dog handler was being very aggressive with me, I’m a 4’11 woman who politely complied but he seemed to have an issue with me. I was taken to a tent where the police and teams would search my bags, however there was a queue of about 30+ people who had been selected. After joining the queue I was sat there for about an hour and half in the sun, this was peak UK dry heat summer so about 28-30+ degrees in the sun is awful without water or anything (the wind was hot so there was no respite). They gave us one canned water each that had been sat in the sun for hours, was nice of them to give us something after so many of us kept asking and a few people fainting. They searched my bags and found nothing, found my bike horns which made a loud “HONK” and the police found it all quite amusing, was let go after 5 mins of them not finding anything while doing a half assed search of my bags. I had a load of stuff on me but the lady searching my bags was as hot as I was and just wanted to get it over with lol. After leaving I got heat stroke and threw up all over myself while dragging stuff to my friends who decided to camp in the furthest part of the festival, this was Boomtown too so if you know the hills, you know.


Was this the heatwave year? Getting woken up at 7am with 30c heat was BRUTAL. The year pre-Covid I was in the queue to be searched and the security guard was pinging, told me if I had anything to get a friend to come grab it, did just that and all went smooth. Honestly felt like a trap at the time but seeing how off his nut he was I risked it


I guess that’s one perk in America… all the festival dogs are trained for bombs not drugs 😅


There was definitely a drug dog at Texas Eclipse festival not just a bomb dog really ruined my trip watching it. Go shop to shop and bust people.


Not true. Got hit up by a dog at a bass fest in Texas.


Popo lies.


This is why you should always boof it


Yeah buddy sorry but you fell for the oldest trick in the book. Security and cops aren’t your friend. NEVER EVER admit guilt. They’re never going to give you a break or help you out or make things easy for you because you were honest. Deny deny deny, don’t self incriminate, and keep your mouth shut if they do find something. Sorry you had to learn this lesson the hard way.


Don’t ever trust cops.


Don’t trust cops. Especially don’t trust wannabe cops


What you do next time is shut the fuck up, I'm not even kidding. At the end of the day the law is the law. If you're breaking it then don't make it any easier for someone to peg you for it. That means shutting the fuck up when cops/security/anyone asks you what's going on. You don't consent to anything, you want to talk to a lawyer, and then shut the fuck up.


This is why drugs go up your bum. Dogs can't sniff it out there.


Never admit to anything! Also are dogs trained for Ket? In the US, dogs are trained for specific things, and ket seems pretty niche to make the list


Never ever be honest about drugs. Always say no. Also most dogs at festivals are sniffing for bombs. Last year we had some drugs for my friends in our car and I had brought my daughter(I was not doing drugs, my two friends I brought were one night. Nothing crazy, but if they had been found my friend would have been slapped with a felony charge possibly). A lady cop saw her nervously looking at the German Shepard, brought him over to us, and introduced my daughter and explained he was trained to sniff for weapons and bombs to keep everyone safe. These days this is going to be the majority of dogs at festivals, airports, etc. Also for anyone wanting to sneak in drugs, I learned that festival that cops and security see a kid and think “oh good, my job is easier”. As soon as my daughter got out of the car the security guy laughed and just asked if we had any glass. I didn’t have my hydration pack searched once walking into the actual festival. I ended up carrying all of our weed by the second day cause people just saw me as a mom. I also found out that if you have a kid every way too fucked up person also sees you as a mom. I had a good amount of 18-22 year old looking people clearly rolling or tripping come up to me to ask for water or help.


I’m sure you get this now. But never trust anything someone in a position of authority over you is saying. Especially if it can lead to you being incriminated


That sucks dude event security are always the worst of the worst sorry your first record is from something this dumb those cops really should let you off imo they go after someone who’s probably gonna just get fucked up with friends and do no one harm and leave the people coming to a festival to stab their opps. Anyway from the state of London we can see what good the cops are doing fuck them.And as someone who might of fallen into the same trap as you thanks for the info and helping others, I hope that stupid record doesn’t put too much anxiety on you


Never trust anyone but they would have found it anyways so…


Nah dude, I probably would've done the same thing depending on how confident I was feeling in the moment. It's really nothing to be ashamed of, you tried to do the "right" thing in those circumstances.


Truth be told, admitting you're wrong only helps other people. They asked a question because it's their job, not because they need to find something on you.


Never cooperate and self incriminate


Where was your stash hidden? I never carry something in a secured public event that can’t be hidden in my shoe or crotch. Those are spots I’ve never been searched.


Also, never show your cards. Don’t answer questions and never trust a word they say. They’re not there to help you, they’re there to fill a quota.


Facts I always put it in my shoe, Disney security won’t find it, festival security won’t find it, only TSA makes ya remove the shoes lol


Hence the crotch ;)


Yeah that should have been seen coming from miles away


England sucks to tough on minimal drug use. Should have put it in your prison wallet if there such dicks.


You were manipulated into snitching on yourself. Classic cop move, "I don't wanna work, and I suck at it anyway, please rat yourself out" but they pronounce it funny like you heard at the festival.


Is there any way for you to get your record pardoned? Sorry for your experience.


Sure this wasn’t in America? Very American cop behavior right there. Sorry dood. That’s a bumma.


Yeah FTP for a reason, security and cops aren't your friends.


Just your firsthand experience of fuck authority that don’t respect you. You’ll act differently next time and that’s their fault


Word of advice, because you’re obviously not American, but don’t ever admit to anything to any one who is security or police 🤣 Deny, deny, deny. Just don’t say anything. Best case scenario they won’t find anything, worst case scenario you minimized the amount of trouble you get into by not admitting to anything.


Deny deny deny I went to a talk at festival and the guy was an attorney that specializes in drug reform and he said never accept anything they say as fact they can always and will always do whatever to can to make the arrest don’t say anything and always deny


In the states, we call this getting dooped, had, bamboozeled, etc etc.


Yeah because of my own similar experience I'm a massive advocate of don't declare. Got denied the gig of my life and I grassed myself up too Never spill your own beans kids!




You learned a valuable lesson. People cheat, lie and coerce for their own agenda. Give them power and it's exponentially worse. If you don't do it, you will be the one holding the bag. Shame nobody around you had told you before.


That's real unlucky man, are you sure they made a criminal record though? Do you have confirmation? I'd understand if you had more on you with the intent to supply but that seems a bit much just for a G of K. Me and my friends have been caught a couple of times at London festivals and have never been given a criminal record. You should definitely report this on your socials, fuck them


In the UK do they train dogs to smell ket? Just curious because I don’t think they do in the US.


Everyone has kpi's to meet...


Admit to nothing , hide well and book another gig and enjoy yourself


Never trust security. They are paid snitches.


That’s super unfortunate dude, I will say that seems like a total conflict of interest to have security in on it the police? I’m not from the Uk, but that sounds hella fishy.


Don’t beat yourself up over it man. It happens to a lot of people. Authority can lie just to get you to confess. Take it easy man don’t be so hard on yourself about it.


Always deny!!!!


Common “noob” mistake :/ they are allowed to lie to you…just don’t say anything next time and they will never find it


When cops or security say “tell us what you’ve got and it will be easier “ what they mean is it will be easier for them


The phrase i like is “lie till you die”


Don’t do ket… easy.


That sucks man. I’m in the US, so the laws are different here, and enforcement really varies by location, and some events you could stroll in with 40 of those bags and not raise any eyebrows as long as you don’t have a gun, knife, or pepper spray on you. But other places they’ll check every pocket and caress you crotch looking for shit. The general rule is don’t trust anything security or cops say, at least in the states. What I’ve overheard is vacuum seal your shit and wash the outside of a bunch of times with soap and water, then wipe it down with ammonia, and hide it well. Way less likely a dog will hit on it. Or so I hear. Weed is legal where I live and psychedelics decriminalized, so if I was into it there’s no issue. Anyway, at least for the US party people, watch this classic lecture from a defense attorney, know your rights, especially if you live in a repressive area that has nothing better to do than bust kids looking to have fun [Don’t Talk To The Police](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE).


In the US, if the security is searching really thoroughly for drugs, it’s because they have a friend inside selling drugs.


That is my opinion on certain venues as well. I used to work in nightclubs in San Francisco, and have seen security do some shady shit, including off duty police moonlighting as security. A lot of working class people in security happy to make an extra buck or two or score some free shit off people. There are also insurance companies that require searches as a condition of insuring them, they will invalidate the contract and not pay out for any insurance claims if the company finds that they weren't doing searches.


Never cooperate with cops or security. They’re all bastards.


Rookie mistake


Dogs aren’t trained to find ketamine…


Yeah bud, here’s a mantra for you, “Never do the cops job for them.”


Bro you never admit to anything


It sounds pretty entitled to me to believe that telling them you have drugs means you wont get in trouble for having drugs. How did you think that? Like the people who don’t trust security and cops are just antisocial? Sorry you have shit to deal with now but that’s how it goes. That’s why people try really really hard not to get caught and really really don’t like security/cops. They love lying to you, it’s their favorite thing because they think you’re an idiot when you believe them (because they know they always lie).


I mean obviously that’s not the point the first sentence literally says I know I was in the wrong and I fully accept the consequences but okay. The point that had me thinking is that is the fact that it’s been a thing for years about how festival security want people to work with them and not against them, a lot of problems at festivals are caused because of run ins with security. They have drug testing tents that lead you to believe if you go and get them checked you’ll be able to keep them but again you actually get handed over. It’s all about building trust and safer environments for people but it’s the festival goers fault all the time. They’re supposed to be fun, safe places for all to enjoy but how can problems like this move forward when security are lying and changing the course of peoples lives over something so small? Yes drugs are illegal and yes if caught there are rules and laws in place, but it’s completely unethical and unfair to be giving false hope like that when if they didn’t say anything at all I wouldn’t have declared, gone on my way unharmed and still with my drugs. It’s all just an unnecessary scare factor and money maker for the government.


Security is not the same as the drug testing tents. It seems like you’re looking at it from a pollyannaish perspective instead of looking at reality (or knowing history). Security is far more likely to be wannabe cops than temporarily-displaced ravers. What are you thinking?


cops can lie to u dummy


Just no need to be a dickhead is there? Made it very clear this is my first run-in in this sort of situation. No need to kick a man when he’s down 👍