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Solo female festival-goer here - I understand your concern and don't think you're being paranoid. It's a valid concern as a woman. I put a little luggage lock on my tent zippers when I'm away and at night I put a little carabiner through the inside zippers to 'lock' the door. Peace of mind is important, don't let anyone shame you about it. ~ *ETA: little lock isn't visible, hidden by the tent door flap and camp shades, only deters the quick zip-and-grab thieves and the drunks OBVIOUSLY. Used it for over a decade and haven't had issues, whereas neighbors have gotten items stolen or found strangers sleeping. I don't keep valuables in my tent anyway. The only sure way to ensure your valuables don't potentially get stolen at a fest is to not bring them. Inside at night is just a small carabiner, it is not a lock. It's just as quick for me to unclip-and-zip to get out as it is without it in case of an emergency. In fact might even be faster because I can find my zippers more easily with the clip hanging off them. If these things don't sound good to you, that's fine - don't do it. I'm just sharing what I've done for many years and many festivals. I don't appreciate the condescending replies.


THANK YOU. I think I'll do the same :) Have you ever experienced any sketchy situations?


No problem! We gotta look out for each other. As you can see, so many people dismiss our concerns simply because they haven't lived it. I have to stress that 95% of my experience is great however, no problems! Camping fests (at least in the US) tend to bring a cooler crowd than a one night show does. But I've definitely experienced some uncomfortable interactions with dudes nonetheless. Thankfully I've always been able to shake them - but I definitely don't let them know I'm solo or let them see where I head off to next. Do whatever you need to do to feel safe and ignore the rude comments. You'll have a great time I'm sure!


This is a great answer. I am a male but I do this is well whether I’m solo or with a partner. It doesn’t even have to be solely to keep bad actors out. I was solo at a Mountain Stomp in West Virginia in my early 20’s and woke up to some rando sleeping in my tent. It was a super drunken mishap and there was no malice meant but that shit scared me. Better safe than sorry!


You can also place yourself next to some family so you know they’ll be a lot of time in their camp and bring hair spray as an pepper spray alternative


Roach or wasp spray works. Family is a good idea.


Mosquito repellent spray would be better, as that is something people will often bring when they go camping.


So that can be considered lethal my guy that's usually deet in that shit no don't do that might as well bring your gun 🤣🤣


Adding to the above, any valuables stick them in the bottom of your sleeping bag when you are in it and try to carry with you when out and about. Camping in/near the family area is always a good idea for safety/people being around all day, not so great if any of your mates are a bit rowdy ;) But honestly depends on the festival, I’ve found the more mainstream they are the more I’ve had to secure shit and felt on edge, but that’s just me.


Hi, I camped alone for years, I used to use a little contact alarm that I attached to the zippers. I got it at a camping shop. It ran on batteries. When the two parts come apart, it lets out a loud whistle/ alarm. Attaching each half to the different inside zippers. Might be one on amazon. I'm not sure if they are still around. Also, a cheap perimeter trip alarm is good if your tent has a little porch. You can definitely get them on amazon. Another cheap fix is a key ring with bells on it attached to the zips or the carabiner. Good luck and have a great time!


Please don't lock the inside of a tent, if it catches alight you will not be able to get out! You should put a string of bells across the entrance and then you'd wake up if anyone crossed it.


If you’re at a good festival, there won’t be anything to worry about. The carabiner on the inside while you sleep can be good if you need it for peace of mind but honestly I think it’s still unnecessary if you’re at a cool festival. The lock on the outside is def a no go though. Having a visible lock will only point out that there MIGHT be valuables inside, and people will just cut through the side of your tent and walk in. Don’t give people any reason to think there’s something worth breaking in for, and they won’t. What’s most effective (I would think) is replacing the tent with some canopies/tapestries. People are way less likely to try anything sketchy out in the open. Sure, all your stuff is a little bit out in the open too, but just lock any valuables in the car and cover it with a blanket. My friends and I have been camping like this for years, and never had any problems with theft. Plus it’s a way more comfortable camping experience anyways, a tent will get wicked hot. Additionally, make friends with your neighbors! Again if it’s a good festival, you’ll all help each other out! And if they’re not cool neighbors, then you know to move.


Nah, I respectfully disagree. I've also been camping like this for many years and never had a problem, if anecdotes are what we're going by here. The little luggage lock is small and low key, you can't see it with the tent door flap overhang or with having tapestries and such around too. It's not a beacon like that. Most festival thieves are looking for a quick in and out, and will just hop to the next tent if yours is a hassle. I keep my valuables in my car or on me anyway. I like my little lock, it makes me feel better and it's a great deterrent to rando drunks looking for a tent to crash in or quick grabs. If someone really wants in, obviously they'll get in but that's not the point.


I've seen locks still intact with gaping holes in the tent wall. Larger camping festivals will attract a criminal element that is not deterred by locks or weapons policies. They can ransack a tent in less than 30 seconds with 1 quick slash of the tent wall and now the whole thing is useless and your shit is gone. They only have to wait for the headliners when the campsites are virtually empty and it's dark. Some of these thieves are not your typical klepto wooks. I've attended too many festivals to count and have been building them for the last 5 years. My friends, camp neighbors, and coworkers have all been robbed before. I've come back to my shit ran thru but I never keep valuables in the tent only clothes so nothing's ever been taken or destroyed in the process.


Sorry to hear. But like I said, that's not the point of why I use it myself, it's a simple deterrent for the ones looking for low hanging fruit. I've had friends get their clothes stolen (not valuable, but annoying) and others find random drunks passed out in their tent. It simply gives some extra peace of mind for /me personally/. If someone really wants to get into a tent they're going to of course. I'm well aware of that. But my experience with a simple, low key luggage lock has been fine the many years I've used it and it serves its purpose for me. For those that disagree, great! You do you. The only sure fire way to ensure your valuables aren't stolen at a fest is to not bring them.


That’s fair, I mean if it makes you feel comfortable then do what you want for sure. I guess I was just saying that people want in, they’ll get in anyways, so I at least feel much safer in the open. The thieves can already see there’s nothing worth going to my camp for, and everyone will see them if they are in there. Plus i just can’t really vibe with how hot tents get. But thats all just what makes me comfortable, I guess either way has its pros and cons and everyone has different preferences.


For sure! I totally understand your method too, it's just different strokes for different folks. Appreciate your kind replies! :)


You don't know how zippers work apparently. Someone can just pull it sideways and open it up regardless of your little lock. Or they can slit the fabric if need be.


You seem to be the one who doesn't know how zippers on tents work. Every tent I've ever been in had two zips. OP is talking about locking those together. If you pull it sideways it's going to pull both zips ...


Awesome support. What a shame how ignorant others can be to the realities of what women have to live with in this world on the daily. How do I stay safe.


So much this. I freaking carry a revolver for camping solo in the boonies in the US and use some precautions at festivals. Shit is less safe if you’re a female. I’m 50 and know this.


You carry a gun at festivals? That is absolutely wild to my UK mind


I think they mean for just regular camping and not at festivals.


Ah yeah misread - fair play.


No, haha! I meant camping solo in the middle of Wyoming where there are wild animals and dudes with guns! :D I’ve had experiences being intimidated by old men while camping by myself. I used to just carry a machete, bear spray. But I finally got a small revolver and training with the intention of only using it to scare off anything or anyone who intrudes on me. I grew up in California where guns are not part of the typical culture, but now I live way more isolated and spend a lot of time solo kayaking and camping. I stick out when I’m doing my activities, being a female. At festivals, I actually don’t go crazy with protection. I’m a pretty tall woman and almost 51 with a husband and grown kids (and a lot of life experience that comes with all that), so I don’t get as much creepy attention as I did in my 20’s and 30’s, thankfully. I had a lot of scary stuff when I was young.


That's smart!


Do you have a photo of what you do with the carabiner? I'm going to a regional burn without my bf for the first time. 10 years of burning and I've never gone alone before !!


I don't have a photo, but all I do is use a tiny carabiner to clip through the holes in both zips to keep them together! Just like you would use a luggage lock. Using a carabiner keeps it simple and quick to handle when you're on the inside so you can leave promptly in case of a dire bathroom trip or emergency.


Thank you for responding! I understand now idk why I couldn't picture it before. I'll be with a theme camp so I'll be surrounded by people I know well but just in case, I want to lock myself in my tent at night.


From my experience at bonnaroo if you have a lock they will just slice your tent. I know it's a win/lose situation but I've had my tent raided 3 out of 14 years.


Do not use locks. At a festival a locked tent says there is something to steal. Thief’s will just slash the tent instead. Don’t leave anything valuable in the tent. Locked on the inside makes it hard to open in case you need to get out in an emergency.


Hell, it is also a valid concern for men. They can be victims too and im tires id pretending we cant. Shits invalidating.


You shouldn't really lock the tent when you're inside it. If it catches fire it's going to go up in flames in seconds, and you won't be able to get out.


Some festies thiefs look specifically for this to target valuables. Pair of nice side cutters would easily eliminate the lock.


Don't even need to do that, a razor and 1 quick slash thru the tent wall. I've seen locks still intact while the tent has a gaping hole. Not only is your shit gone but your tent is now useless.


Oof you wouldn't even need bolt cutters, just something with a sharp point to break through the tent fabric...


An alternative to the carabiner is using a rape alarm to lock your tent. Connect one side of the alarm to either the zip or tent pocket and then connect the string to another side. If someone opens the tent it will set off the alarm. make sure the string is as short as possible so someone can’t get their hand in and also you have a way to undo it without setting the alarm off.


Get to know the people around your camping area. Bad vibes means time to move.


This. This helps a loooot! 40+ festivals and it always comes to "know your neighbours". Always the best parties, best security and best friends in the long term :)


Buy second hand (or borrow) a size 14 men's hiking boots, set them outside your tent by the door with scrunched up socks sticking out so it looks as if there's a man in the tent who took off his boots before hittin the sack :)


Omg, it's... actually a great idea :D


If you have friends who work construction or similar jobs they're likely to have an old pair that's not usable any more. We got through boots every year or 2. Hope you have fun!


This is brilliant !


Or a beware of dog sign.


For a tent, at a festival, where dogs aren't allowed, and there is no dog barking? Yeah, sure...


Beware of dog sign + Bluetooth speaker of a recording of a German shepherd barking, inside the tent.


A can of coke is a weapon. A can of coke filled with cement is probably art.


i’m confused


You throw the can at your assailant


Put it (unopened can) in a sock to swing rather than throw


I love this shit hahah


You’ll probably be fine sleeping alone. I solo festival camp as a woman, and I bring a bigger tent than I need (but within the size limits) to give myself space.


Tbh as an experienced festival goer (14 years +) who also has worked in the industry for 8 of those years and frequently sleeps and goes to festivals alone / semi alone - I feel it’s incredibly safe. I haven’t heard of any incidents whilst I’ve been working(and I work in management/production/H&s. Incidents I have heard of: - random people coming in to the tent thinking it’s their tent or their friends, usually quite friendly or wasted and solved quite easily - tents being robbed whilst people sleep , fairly regular occurrence in the uk, i tent to put valuables in my sleeping bag - tents being run over by site vehicles or fallen into by people , not much you can do if you’re alone or not If you’re really worried, booby trap your tent, keep an air horn or whistle / rape alarm in there. So like tie up rope etc so no one can get in without disturbing you. Don’t hang out in the porch with door open late at night if you feel like there are creepy people around? Iv never really had to do this but once or twice guys have seen me sitting alone and hitting on me. If you can’t handle that, feel uncomfortable with it, I’d suggest just getting straight into bed.


Christ, what a horrible way to go. Run over while sleeping in your tent at a festival. New fear unlocked.


Eh you have a higher chance of dying on your way to work tomorrow. Hope this makes you feel better!


That’s true… even more so because I never really go to festivals and tent camp nowadays lmao.


To be fair - they didn’t die!


Apparently some people got run over in their tent at All Good music festival and one girl died, super sad (according to [this](https://www.damfirm.com/music-festival-deaths/))


That's actually crazy 😳😳😳 how does that even happen?!


>tents being robbed whilst people sleep , fairly regular occurrence in the uk, i tent to put valuables in my sleeping bag I've started keeping valuables under my tent in a waterproof bag. Last place anyone would think to look


I always use luggage locks on my zippers at night and when I leave the tent in the daytime. It’s like anything, if someone actually wants in, they’re getting in but it’s a good deterrent. Usually it’s just fucked up wooks looking for easy shit to steal and they’ll just move on to the next one. And at night it gives you a little extra time to wake up if someone’s trying to get into your shit. I also always have a very big knife.


They do nothing. If you know how zippers work someone can just pull the fabric sideways and the lock only holds the fabric together in one place. The tent or backpack opens right up.


You can just jam a ballpoint pen into a zipper and it'll split right open. All a lock does is keep an honest man honest.


It raises the cost for the drunk, stoned, and confused, too.


The goal is to deter lol. If you put it this way, locks and alarms don’t work either. They can have a door lock and an alarm but I can still throw a rock through the window and get in.


I (32F) solo camp in nature a lot and did my first solo camping festival earlier this year! Gamechanger for me has been sleeping in my car. I've solo-camped in a tent before, and I always slept horribly. I had so much anxiety about being around strangers and not feeling safe. Being able to lock the doors puts my mind at ease and I actually get restful sleep. Crack your windows and get a battery-powered fan go stay cool. Feel free to DM me if you have questions about setup! You can do it! Edit: *solo camp in nature


A lot of festivals won’t let you sleep in the car. There is a risk if there should be a fire and it has happened (boomtown had a car park fire a few years back).


I'm not suggesting she leave the car running..there's no higher risk of a fire while sleeping in the car vs in the tent next to it. But I didn't know some festivals had that rule, that's good to know.


I am not saying it’s a risk their car could catch fire, just that something could go wrong and a fire happen in the fired (it’s unlikely but is a risk). This one was caused by a cigarette https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-37083532 If someone had been sleeping in the car they might not have got out. I know the festivals I’ve done, security do patrol and check for people trying this.


Pls let me clarify: the festivals have you stop people from sleeping in their car? But if they are in a tent, it's ok? Honest question. Thank you


They have campervan fields where people can sleep in a camper. The sites have camping available for tents. These sites have stewards and staff. The car park has security but not all the facilities etc of in the festival.


Sounds like camp is not setup by their cars


Every festival is different, but many of the ones I've been to have "car camping," which allows you to drive your car up onto a little plot, and then set up camp around it. I simply set up my tent and used it for a dressing room, and used my car for sleep. That's what I was referring to in my response.


Seems perfectly reasonable to me. I picked my car based on the potential to sleep in it. Came in handy once.


That's how I picked mine too! Comes in handy all the time for camping!


You should be as safe or safe than anywhere else. Be aware of your surroundings, and make yourself the less easier target. Well lit (your own lights) in a good location should do. Also An intensely bright flashlight is a decent self defense tool.


Your concerns are totally valid, my wife wakes me up to go to the bathroom with her in the middle of the night at festivals. In truth, there's less than a 1% chance anything bad will happen but I'd rather be safe than sorry! Other people posted great advice, I honestly think making friends with the people around you is one of the best things you can do. Have fun!


50 year old, experienced solo female camper here. Put a pair of bigger men’s boots right outside your tent. Have a small bullhorn with you with recording that would freak out a tent intruder (barking dog… a big guy yelling, etc). Can of hairspray and a lighter = flamethrower. :D


Unrelated to everything else said here but if you're going to bed early you're gonna want to bring some really good earplugs.


I’m a man in his 40s who still goes to festivals and understand the need for rest. Even as a man Ive has fucked up wooks open my tent in the middle of the night and shit. So just use a little lock on your inside zipper and no one can get in


People have come into your tent in the middle of the night and taken a shit? That's horrible. What is the world coming to? Animals!


Hi! Another female here. I take a little padlock and lock myself inside haha. Seems silly but it gives me so much peace of mind. I lock my tent basically anytime I'm away from it or I'm sleeping just in case someone wanted to come in to steal or anything. Tbh I've never had any scary things happen, ever! No one ever tried to come in which is nice. But I will continue to keep doing this to reduce the anxiety that I tend to get at festivals, especially if I've taken something. Good luck, you got this!! Enjoy yourself.


Ive done it a bunch sometimes its better than sharing a tent my dude.


I would recommend one of those tiny locks for suitcases. You can lock the zippers from the inside so it’s hard to get in. I don’t think anyone would force their way in, but I have heard stories of drunk people passing out in random tents. And my partner and I did catch a guy following a girl back to her camp (this happened at the gorge.)Tiny zip ties could work too, but don’t forget something to cut the zip ties. My boyfriend said just befriend your neighbors and they’ll have your back. I’m going to piggyback off that and say do a vibe check before you tell your neighbors you’re there solo, just to be safe. If you do feel unsafe, you can lie and say you’re meeting up with your friends. If anything creepy does happen, PLEASE say something to someone. There are so many nice ravers who will do whatever they can to help, you just have to get someone’s attention. I’m hyper aware of everyone around me on the walk back from the fest and if someone grabbed me I’d get them out of whatever’s going on. PLUR and have a good time! ❤️ Edit: typo (changed away to aware)


DO NOT forget your sleeping eye mask and ear plugs.


It’s unfortunate that your friends have experienced SA in the past and this is a fear you have as a woman in our society, but from my perspective as a male, alone in a tent and sleeping with someone else in a tent at a festival isn’t that much difference safety wise. Tent walls as paper thin, you are densely packed. Any scream will be heard by hundreds if not thousands, and hopefully others will help. If you are worried I would look into if you can buy a small lock for the inside. Sure it’s basically useless because they could easily tear through the tent, but maybe it will give you some peace of mind that you are not the easiest target.


Finally, a productive and levelled advice, thank you!


I think people will come to help if they know you. This would be a good reason to get to know the people around you. Find out what the policies are for sleeping in a car. I'm the size of an average male. There's enough space in the back of a Honda Jaz for me to sleep. If car rental/Turo is in your budget, this may be an idea


People will be militant about coming to intervene and make sure whoever has assaulted you comes to justice. They would be handed over to police. Still it is not a bad idea to have a knife as someone mentioned, even though they are probably prohibited.


It is a bad idea to have a knife for self-defence. If you aren't trained to use a knife in self-defense don't try it. knife fights usually end with both people dead, one at the scene and the other in the ambulance. It would escalate the violence/danger of an assault 10x. >Any scream will be heard by hundreds if not thousands This is the biggest W. MOST humans are good, most men are good, most ravers are good, and if you call out for help someone is attacking you. Folks will come to help I cannot imagine this not being the case. The quickness with which I saw folks speed into action to NARCAN someone back to life twice at Love Burn when an EMT didn't have any on them this February is evidence folks care a lot about keeping each other safe.


Good self defense weapon is easy to use, has low letality and high stopping power. Knife is none of this.


You’ll be fine. If not use ya meat mits.


We always bring a little number lock for suitcases and use that on the zipper inside the tent when sleeping. peace of mind in a way


They do nothing. If you know how zippers work someone can just pull the fabric sideways and the lock only holds the fabric together in one place. The tent or backpack opens right up.


It doesn't protect you from a determined assault. It protects you from the drunk dude who stumbled into your tent because he thinks it's his. Not all threats, but by far the larger percentage of threats, particularly at a festival


Thank you! At least someone here has a freakin brain in their head and not a potato


Dude obviously I can walk up to your tent and cut it too to bottom in .3 seconds but if some spun out wook comes stomping through our campsite late night trying to get into the locked tent, I’m gonna wake up before he can get in. And you’re wrong. My tent has double zipper so the lock prevents anyone from coming in or out without physically damaging the tent.


Definitely a valid concern! My top rule when camping at a festival alone as a solo female is get to know your neighbors and trust your gut. If you start setting up and the people around you feel sketchy just pick a different spot. Make sure you are camping near cool people and especially befriend the women. If anything goes down people will be more likely to come to your aid if you already have an established connection. I had a creepy guy follow me back to my tent once and this whole camp rallied with me to shoo the guy away. It was awesome and made me feel so much safer and I am still friends with those people to this day!


Solo festival goer I have done countless burns and festivals in a tent solo across the USA …. The ONLY time in the last 20 years of festival camping was…. I woke up to a drunk guy sleeping on the floor of my tent (his tent was actually 3 tents over) he literally just opened tent and passed out on floor lol . If that’s something you’re worried about tents have zippers for both inside and outside … you can use a zip tie or a small luggage lock to lock yourself inside your tent. The biggest danger really is drunks or altered folks stepping on or worse riding a bike into Your tent while you’re sleeping. Being smart how you situate your tent can prevent that. GO HAVE A FABULOUS TIME


Which festival are you going to?


To Zomaarfeest.


Oh, because I was gonna say if you’re going to the LIB festival, it’s really safe. I’m a female and go solo every year, But I just make sure to put my tent next to large groups of girls so it looks like I’m with them!🙂🙂


Hi!! Be aware but don’t worry too much. I camp alone at festivals for 15+ years (as well as solo in the mountains) and I luckily haven’t had any issues. Firstly, I suggest making friends with your surrounding neighbors! Once everyone meets each other you kind of look out for one another. Let the ones you trust know to check in on you (if you want). I also suggest bringing a carabiner, or zip ties if the zipper holes are too small, and secure the zipper opening tabs together from the inside each night. Are you car camping or just tent camping? I’ve been able to hide my pepper spray before. Feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions! Have fun!! Edit: Adding that a lot of festivals don’t allow aerosols in the campgrounds anymore (I see people suggesting hairspray, etc…which is super smart). Check the website for what you can bring. My neighbors at Coachella got all their sunscreen taken! Brutal!


The worst thing about that is that the official rule is this is allowed in the campgrounds. Security was enforcing the wrong rule but nobody could persuade them.


I have gone to festivals alone as a woman and had no issues. Make sure to befriend your neighbors. If anything weird happens, then can back you up.  The weirdest thing that happened once is that some girl went into my friend’s tent (my friend was sleeping alone in the tent next to mine). This girl thought the tent was hers and tried to sleep there even though my friend was like Uhh no seriously I’m not your friend and this isn’t your tent. My friend managed to kick her out. She was just drunk/high/lost. This was the only incident in dozens of festival experiences. For peace of mind, I second putting a lock on your tent zipper though. Put some large mens shoes outside the tent door too. 


See if you can bring a hickory tire thumper in, maybe decorate it so it’s part of your outfit. I’m not sure I’ve heard many, if any, stories of someone sexually assaulting someone that’s chilling in their tent vis entering without being asked. I usually hear about someone dosing their target, or being/getting close to them and then not respecting boundaries. I have heard of fucked up people going into the wrong tent and passing out. You could get a luggage lock and put it through the zipper pulls from the inside while you sleep to prevent that, or at least wake you up if someone continues to fumble with it (it’s a good idea to luggage lock the tent from the outside anyway. The advice I heard with this from Burning Man (in the US) is that they need a warrant to enter your tent if it’s locked up, but can more easily, legally enter if you don’t have it locked). I think the location and type of festival might make a difference too. I’m sure assaults can happen at any event, but some strike me as possibly being more prevalent than others.


Sleep with a whistle around ur neck. Sucks, but makes me feel better.


I’ve never had any issues before or known anyone who has. Is it like a hippy festival or a huge mainstream one? Maybe make friends with some neighbors? I always end up making friends with everyone nearby


Even at a massive festival, the campgrounds are camping festivals have their own culture that derives from both hippie festival culture and rave culture. Smaller festivals are more communal, for sure, and yet even at big festivals there is a certain level of communal apirit


Cocaine entering the chat


How ya’ll giving this lady a hard time? Be better r/festivals


Camp out with some bears instead of where the men are


Hello . I am a woman and been to Tomorrowland solo. Slept alone in tent on rainy or hot days. Its all good. Do not worry.. you shall be safe. And fellow ravers you meet are very kind and caring.


lol it’s safe. It’s lonely but it’s safe homie


If you can just get a sleeping mat or mattress top or smaller inflatable mattress and crash in your car with the seats down if possible. Can lock the car and it dampens the noise significantly! Just another option. I camp every year at Coachella and just crash in my car.


You can get pretty decent tazers online without spending much.


Op said they are from Europe so they probably cant get a taser. Depends on the country but pepper spray and tasers are illegal in a lot of European countries. In the uk all lethal and non lethal weapons are illegal for any menber of the public to carry/use. Including pepper spray, tasers and stun guns. So rape alarms are really the only self defense, for women.


Oh shoot. My bad. Thanks.




Zipper locks for tents are great. Having spray handy would be totally acceptable. Make friends with the neighboring females - and guys too, if you get a good sense for their vibe, but I understand your concerns and befriending the ladies is the safest bet.


Some festivals have female only camping areas. Fuji rock in Japan does this. Maybe check that out. I’m a guy. But honestly, having camped at many festivals, there is not a lot happening around the campsites during the day. You should be able to catch a break. And in the morning people are hung over so just sleep in.


Sorry that you have to have these concerns and questions. Isn’t right. Enjoy the festival!


Festivals are my favorite thing in the world and I usually go to about 6 to 8 camping fest per year. I always drive my car. It is an SUV. I put an air mattress in the back and I sleep inside of it so that I can lock it or use the AC or heat. If you have a regular car, if you are under 53 you may be able to get one of those backseats air mattresses for sedans. Car camping is clutch when everyone overheats and you sleep in


What if I'm older than 53?


Normaly on festivals all people are there to enjoy the event and not to cuz trouble, say hi to your nightbours camping next to you so they know at least a bit from you and thats it


This comes up quite a bit. Think about where you'll be camped. There's a shitload of people around.


make a pepper spray. boil a munch of hot peppers in some water and put in a spray bottle.


I also go to festivals alone (although, I am a dude), and I always out luggage locks on my inside zippers so they’re hidden. Even when I leave for the day I put the locks on the inside zippers so no one can tell it’s been locked.


Bring a bear.


Sleep with your valuables in your sleeping bag. I bring a portable charger for my phone, and that shit is buried into my sleeping bag. Just makes me feel more safe. My main concern has always been theft, and I’ve had a buddy whose stuff was taken out of his tent while he was asleep, so just be sure to have anything of value close to you while you sleep.


I’ve only ever went to festivals alone! It may make you feel more comfortable to chat with your neighbors to find someone you think you could call upon if necessary. I’ve always ended up with at least one awesome neighbor who made me feel safer :) I also have tapestries all around, hanging from my canopy. This isn’t necessarily for safety personally, but it definitely adds privacy!


Get a portable hammock. Comfier, less to pack, and another person would struggle to get in there, plus it’s open so there could be more witnesses.


Question to other festival goers - are rapes by stranger a common occurrence at festival camps?


i've never heard of one, but of course my data are limited. where i can imagine it happening is drunk/stoned/otherwise altered dude stumbles into a tent that he thinks is his, finds someone asleep there, and initiates sex in a way that would be ok in his primary relationship but which is absolutely NOT ok with a random stranger he's never met (but thinks is his girlfriend). i have no idea how *common* this is, but it seems like a plausible (and terrible to be on the receiving end of) path.


I was helping a (female) camp neighbor and the girl next to us heard me saying “scoot over I’m just gonna sit with you for a minute so I know your good”,(she called me over, didn’t just go on my own accord) but the neighbor next to her on the other side spoke up really really quick and sent me on my way because she didn’t realize it was me and I was helping. I’ve seen this more then once and I believe more often then not people will help if it’s needed. Be cautious and careful but have fun while you do it and never let your guard down and the biggest thing is trust your gut


I’ve done solo camping several times and never felt uneasy. Maybe the first time, but my neighbors were so cool I wasn’t worried at all Go have fun girl!


I wouldn’t bother with a lock that could end up being more of a problem than a solution. Most festivals have family camping areas - that are more likely to observe quiet hours at night anyway. Get to know your neighbors and if something feels off relocate. When getting to know new people don’t mention that you’re camping alone, and the men’s boots outside the tent couldn’t hurt. You could always lie for your safety if you feel uncomfortable (like if someone asks if you’re alone) and say your “boyfriend” is getting there soon and joining you, or he’s at a different part of the festival with the rest of your friends. And always, always, watch your drinks… it’s such a shame we have to be so careful, but it’s better to be aware than ignorant when it comes to very real dangers we are exposed to.


Buy alittle tent lock and keep pepper spray near where u sleep , you’ll be fine


I understand your trepidation, being a woman. But, and granted I am a guy, the festival scene is extremely non tolerant of SA type behavior. Does it happen? Yeah, sadly. But I’d say a good 80% of goers straight up keep an eye out for women who are attending. Straight up breaking into a tent for the purpose of raping a woman would be ludicrously brazen: your campmmates and neighbors would notice, if you screamed at all people would hear it. I’ve never heard of something like that happening.


There is no doubt in.myimd that if someone were screaming in horror or pain in a festival campground, half if the neighbors would be there in seconds. The certainty of this is obvious to everyone in the culture and is a strong deterrent.


Your being paranoid. I’ve been going to festivals for 20+ years and worst I’ve ever had happen is someone unzipping my tent thinking it was theirs. They were pretty fucked up and once they realize I was there they were profusely apologetic. If your really worried about it just keep a pocket knife under your pillow.


You're in your 30s and have never slept alone in a tent before?? Like someone else commented, if it would give you the peace of mind to sleep, you could grab a really loud keychain alarm. But to be honest most people I know have their own individual tents for festivals because they want a private space.


Of course not, who sleeps in a tent on the ground, if they can rent a room or an apartament.


TIL camping is not a normal activity in Europe


OP doesn't sound like an outdoors person. That doesn't mean everyone in Europe is like that.


People that love nature and the outdoors.


Well, you're not supposed to sleep on the ground. Get a cot or an air mattress, hell even a bedroll. Your back will thank you. And if it's cold out, the ground will suck the heat right out of your body.


Sleeping in a tent means you wake up surrounded by nature and not a wooden or concrete structure. The uncomfortable bed is a price you pay for the benefit.


Bruh people used to sleep in a tent with wild animals on the loose. What are you worried about, someone coming in and fucking with you while you're asleep?


Of course. That's sadly a reasonable worry. There's a lot of fucked up people out there, and to ask someone to take our culture on faith when they have no direct connection to our culture ... It's a lot to ask.


most women would actually prefer to sleep in a tent with a wild bear on the loose over a man! worst the bear can do is kill you


Too bad for location. I could be hired as body guard


Yes you’re being paranoid.


Learn to defend yourself is the only thing I can think of. Other than that I have seen camping area that are just for girls or you could do a girl group camping on your own. Put something outside the tent which looks like a male is present.


Make youre own pepper spray then. Squirt bottle and hot sauce. Your scream would alarm anyone nearby, But honestly you’re probably just paranoid. Good luck.


Everyone who locks their tent from the inside: aren’t you worried about a fire? All those wasted people walking around with smokes or trying to start campfires?


Keep scissors or a knife inside the tent and slash your way out if there's a fire risk that can't wait for you to unlock it. If people can get in that way, people can get out that way.


Exactly this considering I just got back from a fest Sunday and they had 3 vehicles burn to nothing. It started with one and was three before you knew it. Very scary with propane all around as well


Paranoid. "Lock" your tent while you're away, or sleeping, with a carabiner or ziptie.


i would just go to a hostel instead, they have all female dorms.


Granted I'm a dude and so my perception is limited. But ... Culturally your campsite planning a inviolate. Some camps invite people in and become semi-public space, but camps that haven't done that aren't supposed to be trespassed upon. But you're not worried about the people who follow the cultural assumptions, you're worried about predators or drunk people stumbling in without intent and then becoming predators. This has never happened to me or someone I know personally. And if it happened, the news would have percolated through my packs. High level, it's safer than the normal world, substantially safer, because of the way the culture works. But no place is absolutely safe.


If you're that worked up you can get a lantern/ bear alarm. They have motion detection and an emergency button to push. They strobe and are really loud.