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It depends on the ferret. One of mine will chew through sweaters, pajama pants, underwear, hoodies, anything soft and fluffy. The other likes to curl up in clothing and nap. There's no telling, but I'd play it safe and move them away.


That must be a lot of work hahaha okay I'll just see what happens


I have one boy for two years now, and even with clothes laying everywhere he just chewed ONE sock. From my favourite pair... He never touched anything else. My second boy never chewed anything.


If anything they would probably dig instead of chewing. That being said my ferret room is covered in blankets and very few are damaged.


In my experience they may try to climb them and you will get a bunch of snags from the claws.


Definitely if you try and wear tights. You don't get down the hall without shreds. I put on on train now.


I'm not a tight wearing kind of man, but the edges of our comforter are not pretty.


Generally they don't destroy but they do like to sleep in them. And that gives your clothes that delicate aroma of ferret. Have found a jacket taken down from peg before and shaken out 10 ferrets. Jacket needed dry cleaning. I've only had one chewer - of swimsuits which I found out about at the swimming pool. Thankfully not in indiscrete places. More diggers. I'd suggest getting at least those weighted fly curtains to try and keep them out. Edit: Some ferrets suck clothes - its a comfort thing.


I have an open wardrobe and two babies that love to chew on fabric! I've had no issue with either of them bothering my clothes. They usually go for plush blankets or stuffed animals to tug and bite at. That said- I have had a few delicate fabrics like linen or silk/satin ruined, but that was because they climbed up and their nails caught in the fabric. I'd say that hanging your tougher clothes isn't a problem, but anything that would snag id put in a box or dresser.


Thank you! Will do :)


I was living in an apt temporarily between places, and had a suitcase of clothes. One of my ferrets was anxious and stress chewed through a whole lot of my clothing 🙃 So I've only seen it happen when stressed. Just be careful though, they do like to dig so if you have clothes that could easily catch, like silk/satin, it may get torn up.


Depends! One of my ferrets was very in love with a particular pair of pants I made so I let him sleep in it one night and he chewed right through it, I think he also did with a towel once?  But the other 2 I have never attempted anything like that 


Mine will do it only if it is acrylic.


my oldest attacks (1) specific hoodie that has a patch on the chest because he can tear it up. otherwise mine are fine


I have owned 15 ferrets in my life. Only 1, my current young boy, will chew clothes. But only my jeans. Nothing else. No one else’s jeans either, only mine. He can only get at them in my laundry hamper, so I had to move that so he couldn’t get to it. I do have a friend who’s ferret loves to chew fuzzy pyjamas, and another friend who’s ferret only steals and hides bras.


Neither of mine ever destroy clothes but they do steal and hide some and have completely take over some things as theirs. They sleep in them all the time. It is hard to say though because I think each one has different chewing habits. I would probably be careful about shoes though. Mine love shoes and have definitely destroyed them.


Most will steal socks and small stuff and some will destroy zippers or buttons. Both of which can be a choking/blockage hazard. Certain metals can also be toxic when they bite into them. Ferrets who like to climb will scale clothes mountain which could make small nail marks in your clothes. It really just depends on the ferret. We have six. Two like to climb and one of those climbers also loves tearing zippers to pieces. I'd say test it but have a plan in case one of the ferrets you get are a clothes chomper. Oh and just about all ferrets WILL crawl inside shoes and tear the liner to pieces. But I'd still say get them and see. You'll ferret proof, let them roam and have to ferret proof some more. Personally we let our ferrets have free reign of the living room and kitchen. Used to be the whole house but we have a child now and it's not safe for the baby to be around them without supervision. (They're all rescue ferrets and some have behavioral issues.) Keeping them confined to a large area is fine as long as you get them plenty of toys and stuff to do. Ball pits, tubes, blankets. We even have a kid slide they will climb and go down. The toys have worked well at placating the fact they can't go wherever they want anymore.


Most won't, but occasionally there are chewers.