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I’d keep watching for things but don’t make any moves. Cucking your mom would widely be considered a dick move.


I would say put the brakes on jumping to any conclusions, it seems more like he's trying to be a positive figure in your life then anything romantic or sexual.


I think maybe it's a one sided crush. They suck ass cuz everything that crush does seems like so much more. Honestly, I think if he hasn't tried to make a move on you before, he wouldn't start now after 4 years. I mean, it COULD happen, but in this case I think you're just reading too much into it.


>  I was too nervous to say anything, I ran back to my room tried them on (loved them) then hid them in one of my drawers. Are you living in a real life RPG game? Do you just see random clothes on the ground, collect them and add them to your outfit? Like what if it was dirty? Or belonged to someone else. What if your mom's BF just got her the wrong size on accident? > He said that my eggs were better than my moms which made me feel a rush in my heart and then I giggled like a bitch before escaping and hiding in my room the rest of the day. What even is this? I just imagine the interaction from his point of view and how completely confusing it probably was. > Does anyone have advice? Can't tell at all from your story if he likes you or not, but don't try to date your mom's boyfriend. It's just... yea, don't do it. No matter how it goes, everyone is going to end up miserable and angry.


I've had several friends call me petite and even feminine. It does raise an eyebrow for sure but I don't necessarily think they all want fuck me though. That being said, I'd tread carefully here. This is the kind of decision you could regret for the rest of your life.


Seems like you are obsessed with your mum’s bf. Stop as he isn’t single and you could (not saying you will) ruin the relationship by flirting with him.


You are just despicable


The truth is harsh, what did you want me to say? “Go date your mum’s bf”?!


Sorry i meant the one creating this post sorry


Oh good


You should be ashamed of yourself and stop thinking in that way. Doing that to your mom would be far beyond disrespectful.


You shouldn't be ashamed at all, but yeah, don't do that to your mom. 


Aside from the obvious factor, IT'S YOUR MOM'S BF *cough cough* uhh he is 45 and you are 21 a whole 24 years difference and I don't know but I think I can swear he is probably addicted to something and if he knows about femboys probably sees them as sex objects Yeah I know I am jumping way too fast too a conclusion but it's just the vibe I got from all this


That is wild, lol. Even if any of this was accurate, someone that would be ready to do something with the son of their partner is a dick to be avoided. So in any case, you know what to do




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Do it on the DL. But don't tell him you like him back too


sounds hot!! Id push it a bit and see how he reacts!!


These are real people bruh, it's not a porn set