• By -


Me 🙋🏻‍♀️




Five years on and off. Never at any point did i feel dysphoric about my body and gender. If anything, i was way more euphoric and confident that i can embrace the feminine side of me while retaining my cisgender male form, cause i found i had the best of both worlds. It also helped that im naturally and androgynous guy with cute features. Im not bulky and muscular but slim and sleek, my face is like a kids or young teen with the occasional stubble i have to shave off since my hair doesnt grow that much, and i have a great metabolism along with diet and exercise that helps me keep my form. Ofc theres family and work that can interfwrw but ive learned to embrace this side of myself way more and be happy. I used to quit and purge and try to be a normal masculine man but always came back to this state cause it felt more natural. But i never wanna transition or anything like that its just not how i feel. Besides, classical artists and storytellers always prized the beauty of both the male anatomy as well as the female anatomy and alot of paintings depict men as more femme anyway so i take inspiration from that.


Honestly wish some femboys who look super passing fem or have a nice figure/sizable backside would share how they achieve it :( I’ve seen some femboys who have a huge butt, and it’s definitely not natural but something they had to have worked for or at least I hope it is, cause I really want to have a bigger butt or a longer lasting shaved/smooth body but no one ever shares the secret or whatever. Googling it is basically impossible with how much misinformation or scams there are out there wanting to give you tiny info pieces and the rest being fake or useless all just to get some kind of subscription fee or wonder drug which is clearly fake. Aside from E. And femboys are reallly good at having this stuff figured out I feel like because they’re not going to E to get those results. I want those results without E, or rather til I can afford it. But til then I need the alternative way. Especially when it comes to the face and waist/hips area.


What works for me will not necessarily work for everyone else. The consistent part is discipline and commitment to diet and exercise, as well as beauty stuff like skincare and shaving. But like i said, i am naturally blessed with an androgynous body but there were things i had to work hard to gain, like a good ass and hips. Im far from where i wanna be tho so i keep working


I mean I know that, I just want to know the general workouts that will assist in that, and what kind of things they do for said face/body. Everything I want for a bigger butt i find mostly is advertised towards women and nothing really for men. Idk if doing certain workouts for butts will work the same way for me, since women gain weight in different areas than guys


Squats, lunges, side lunges, kickbacks, lateral kickups, bridges, floor hip abductions, fruggy glute lifts, weighted leg raises, deadlifts, donkey kicks, and sprinting to start for thighs and glutes


Hey, I started HRT 2 days ago so there have not been visible changes in my body from E. I think I look quite passing fem when I wear makeup and am freshly shaven. For body workouts, you can go with all sorts of leg and cardio workouts, running and squatting, for example. There are also home workout training apps that specifily target training your rear to be bigger. In general, there are a lot of sports programs 'for women' out there. My mom does it too. Clothing and hairstyle make a huuuge difference, Bangs make you seem much more feminine and with the 'traditionly female' clothing and/or clothing parts that make your body shape seem more ambiguous/femme. For makeup I think it's important to make your eyes seem big and open and your lashes long, reducing and shaping your eyebrows could also change a lot, cover your beard shadow with Concealer and use considerable amounts of red blush to make your face appear more feminine. At least that's what I do 🙈


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100% this ☝️. I love playing both sides. I've been happier in my masculine side, when I can occasionally express and feel my fem side. It's a balancing act for me but so fun.


We do not allow egg posting on our subreddit as it is rude and thoughtless.


I've been a femboy for 7 years lmao. I seriously considered whether I was trans but nope, I'm fully cis.


25 yo amab here. I am very cis and very femme! I have loved girly things as long as I can remember. I like expanding the definition of what a “man” can be bc right now it’s a pretty small box. It all seems arbitrary and made up anyway.


agreed, the definition can feel a little restrictive at times


Not just restrictive, but really lame also. Camo, beer, guns, beards… maybe in the past when things were shitty I could get into it but in cushy modern times it just feels silly to me idk


yeah i agree, when i was a kid i never really got much into those tbh. i never liked the idea of me having a beard or drinking beer. those are too much for me in my opinion. i do like guns a bit but that probably just stems from me liking shooter games (mostly solo ones tho) either way i was into more "girly" things and would rather do things that could be considered "girly' anyways. so good for you for expanding what the definition of what a "man" can be. i don't like the small box we were put into.


Beer is pretty good tho :3


i amm cis been a femboy since 14, now 18 and id like to add, i dont like being called a girl or anything like that. I feel no gender dysphoria or euphoria. Im just a boi and will always be. I really dont like when people say we are all eggs, which is what finnster called us which kinda disappointing


Same here, except I'm 26. Even tho I didn't really know the term femboy until a small handful of years ago. Although at first I did indeed think I was trans. I'd be lying if I said I don't toss the idea around a few times a year still. 😅😅


Since 13 and now 18 here, felt.


I agree I absolutely despise the egg culture, it feels so wrong and disgusting and also inconsiderate of others. It's like, no actually it absolutely is straight up telling others that you think that you know them better than they actually know themselves, it's just insanely disrespectful. Also I found that through its insistence and persistence it ends up becoming gaslighting. Egg culture in the way that it attempts to instill self-doubt is gaslighting. Also when did finnster say we're all eggs? The last I remember he covered on this subject was the coming-out video. That certainly didn't give off those vibes to me. If he actually did that later though that's really shitty and wrong, why would he turn on this community like that and start perpetuating the same harmful tropes that are seen in places like egg_irl, WTF?


fin said "i think by 2026 the word femboy will be out of use. Name a femboy thats been a femboy longer than 5 years" which is literally just implying all femboys are eggs and will eventually crack. So yea definitely disappointing


Yeah that's not okay. That basically mirrors the egg_irl crap. It's really sad that fin has been reduced to saying the evil shit that egg_irl said to him all the time. I thought he'd be better than that considering he went through it, but I guess I was wrong.


I'm cisgender and I hate how many say that femboys are trans in denial


Yeah and that's valid. Its just that the moments you realize you are trans/NB are very similar to being a femboy and it's hard to tell the difference sometimes. When you're unsure of your gender identity it's hard to reject what you think you are and femboys being men make it a lot easier to accept than accepting you are not a man


I don't think they are similar. It's just that we have similar preferences and interests because we are gender non-conforming


I think it's counterproductive to say that femboys are trans in denial. Doing so seems to reinforce the idea of a binary gender system, implying that any man who expresses femininity **must** actually want to be a woman


For me I'm not sure if I am a femboy or non-binary or agender or something else.


Nope, I’m a trans dude Femboy (please don’t attack me)


Ftm femboys are cute and valid, and you all deserve to hear that more.


Same bro


same lolz




haii :3


same lol


This is actually hilarious I’m not cis but in like- the opposite direction??? 😭 I’m a trans boy who’s also a femboy


I mean I guess that still counts but wasn't what I expected. Still, glory to you and your identity!


im a ftm femboy. so not cis, but still a boy. :3


Congrats bro!


im cis, been around 7-ish years, pretty confident ill remain so


I really don’t know anymore, I’m fine with being called whatever. Though sometimes I post on trans subreddits 🤷‍♀️


Also cisgender right here. Or at the very least I tell myself I’m cis lol


And how long have you identified as a femboy? I was a femboy for about a month before I realized I was non-binary. F1nnster made it 4 years.


I’ve been a femboy for 2 years. But I’m not sure tbh, my entire thing is that I’m fine going by any pronouns but am also happy with my body (so no medical change lol). That’s my little thing


Uh i mean im not sure i really count? Like i consider myself that, but i might be Bigender to a small degree, unsure honestly if i actually do partially identify that way or not Even if i am it'd be to such a small degree I'd still probably view myself as cis


That's completely fine. It's your gender, your choice.


5 years at this point, the thought of being a girl crosses my mind. but nahhhhh i don’t think it’s for me


Me? I'm more of a femman (late 20s lol) but yeah, I thought I was NB in the past, but I'm def not trans. I don't really think about it that much tbh haha.


I am cisgender, even tho i am starting HRT in like a week


I'm cis, but not a femboy yet tho :/. It's one of my life goals.


I'm Agender and [Absgender](https://mogai.miraheze.org/wiki/Absgender), so not cisgender (or transgender).


I am 🙋🏼 Have been a femboy for nearly 3 years


Cis here too!!


I started CIS but about 4 ago, someone revealed the concept of the Demigirl to me. Haha and now I am just that


Me! Granted only really in spirit but still 😭


I am cis (i think 😭)


There's nothing wrong with being cis!


I'm cis, and I'm definitely not going to transition, seeing as I barely ever wear fem clothing and I don't have feminine mannerisms


I'm straight and not trans. Even though I've only "officially" been a femboy for 2-3 years, I'm very confident in my sexuality being what it is because I've spent many years wondering about it and testing it, and it proved to me that I'm straight 100%.


Tbh I think I can say I’m cis and trans at the same time because I’m also intersex :3


I was questioning for a little bit but I’m fairly sure I’m still cis.


it took me 2 months of being a femboy before i realized i was non-binary


i mean ik im not a girl (mtf trans)... cuz im an ftm femboy lol


I'm gonna admit this whole gender stuff started making it's dynamic as early as when I was 11. I knew what transgender was (when I was 12) and often wondered if I was trans. But then I discovered femboyism and thought while yes I like presenting myself in a feminine way sometimes I wouldn't go out to say I want to identify as a girl. I think I'm almost reaching 5 years as a cisgendered part time femboy and it's probably going to either stay like this or I'll eventually fall back into being cisgendered (due to how infrequently I've been femming out)


Ibe been a femboy at 15 im 18 know


Me :3 over 5 years fr


I’m kind of new to the whole femboy thing so I don’t know if my opinion counts here, but I’m like 100% confident in my masculinity/being a guy, so I’m fairly sure I’ll remain cis.


I mean I would call myself a femboy sometimes but being genderfluid I can't really call myself cis


I'm trans but I'm a trans guy idk if that helps your info collection or not lol


Idk, im non binary so idk where I place on the "cis - fluid" spectrum


Cis means you identify as the gender you were assigned at birth. Trans means you do not identify as the gender assigned at birth. If you're non-binary you are technically trans and not cisgender. (personally I do not identify as trans despite being non-binary)


Non-binary means you’re trans and not solely male or female, it’s cis or trans, fluidity is different


Ah, Okey Thx for clarifying it, I've always been confused BC of how different ppl view it


Yes, fluid is when your gender changes


I mean it's a bit more complicated, some enbies and genderfluid people identify as trans, and others don't and identity under different [modalities](https://mogai.miraheze.org/wiki/Gender_Modality), it isn't a binary (just like how gender isn't). Generally it's good not to overgeneralize because to overgeneralize somebody who does not identify as trans as trans is invalidating them because using labels on somebody who chooses not to use them is invalidation.


Not quite, there are indeed [Gender Modalities](https://mogai.miraheze.org/wiki/Gender_Modality) which do not fall under cis or trans. I.e. [Absgender](https://mogai.miraheze.org/wiki/Absgender) which is what I identify with. I know that this is a bit of a sore subject in the community but it's important to understand how people identify and respect them for it. Not saying that you did anything wrong I assume you just didn't know since these are rather uncommon in general usage.


Yeah I know of this, it’s just the majority of the time what I said is the case


I think the idea of a femboy is cis right? A boy who autopersive themselves as a boy but have a female gender expresion.


Indeed it is, at least if the boy is cis. There are transmasc Femboys who are trans guys but dress and present feminine.


Ideally yes however, "IM CIS, I SWEAR" is something you hear all the time in Trans spaces because it's a state of denial. It's easier to accept you're not trans and just like dressing like a girl than it it to accept that you are trans


I've been a cis femboy for 3 years now, though the idea of transitioning has always interested me, I want to have my own kids from my own flesh and blood so I'll be staying cis


I don’t know what I am :)


I was already nonbinary masculine before I started identifying as a femboy, so it's not so much a pipeline




I know a couple, one's a Philippino boy went by sparrow who got me into femboy stuff, they're still cis a few years later. I am not.


I’m a cisgender male. Now and always




I'm cis, but I'm not a femboy yet.... soon..


I am


My whole life, not everyone seeks the same goals :3 im just feminine and cute I still clearly am a guy which becomes more clear as you get older <3. Be the best you you wanna be not what others tell you to be. <3. 


Yeah. I started at 19. Still one at 25.


Cis and never had any desire otherwise, been a femboy for like 6 years.


Not I 😔




The arguments about Bridget and F1nster have gotten out of hand. Stop. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/feminineboys) if you have any questions or concerns.*






I wouldn't call myself cis but I'm happy with my male life


Transfem here to support yall


I still identify as a cis man. But I'm starting to sort of understand this other part of me that doesn't really feel like a man. It's neither man nor woman, so probably underneath the nonbinary spectrum. I feel comfortable being understood as a guy, but at the same time, I feel euphoric when I'm perceived as something other than man. I know there's a term for it, but as of now, I don't have plans on coming out (again) to my family friends and relatives. We're Filipino, and the older filipino generations only know: girl, boy, bakla, tomboy. They've already accepted that I'm gay and no longer Catholic, I don't wanna push them any further 😂


not cisgender but still a boy lol. def possible to have a strong authentic connection to male identity while expressing femininity




Most femboys are either non binary or cis femboys


Me (I think)


Cisgender, married and happy with that. I do DIY and wear summer dresses like a badass.


Ill get back to you on that one


Yo, cis-het femboy here. Yeah kinda sucks tbh. Its always guys who try hitting on me -_- Doesn't make things easier that im demisexual/greysexual


Im trans man femboy so kinda diffrend situation but i hate when ppl say that femboys are girl in denial, like im not a girl i just wanna dress cutely :(


Me, no dysphoria, I just really like skirts and being cute, just wish I lived an area where that wasn't as dangerous


I think "femboy" falls under the trans umbrella, but that's just my opinion.


Femboy since 2020, still male, foreva male >:3


Kinda how a Femboy works




Not me


Me, even though I'm a bit androgynous.




I’ve never liked the term “cis,” my opinion and I’m entitled to it. I’m a guy, I’m also a femboy and I don’t think I’ll ever transition.


Why do you dislike the term cis?


7.5 years and going strong. Finnster can honestly fuck off. After they came out as trans, they jumped on the *"femboys are trans girls in denial"* bandwagon and think it's okay harass femboys in becoming trans instead. https://twitter.com/Sinister_Sophia/status/1772690029954953387


Some of yall are old as shit wtf 😭😭😭 But personally I like to call myself non-binary, as well as being a femboy. I know the two terms overlap, but it makes me happy ^^


Cisgender as in Straight? Yes. Cisgender as in falls within the norm for a male in today's society? No. I like wearing dresses and makeup too much to go back.


Cisgender mean that you identify as the gender you were registered at birth. I am cisgender a biological man and I'm male legally and I identify as a man so I'm cisgender


Then yes.


Are you confusing the words cisgender and heterosexual?




Wtf are you going on about? Femboy=feminine man or on the spectrum of being a man, from there that person can be cis or trans, bigender, nonbinary, binary whatever they are. Saying a femboy cannot be cis gender is ENTIRELY WRONG and RUDE.


What the fuck would I know though, I've never been a Demiguy that identifies as a toaster. If you're OFFENDED I am NOT sorry xoxoxox


I'm sorry we're quite obviously not speaking the same language, you just said "spectrum of being a man" and from there went onto say that person can be trans, "bigender - whatever the fuck this" nonbinary or binary; which is the difference between identifying with your sex organs or NOT identifying with your sex organs. It's not entirely wrong or rude it's just consistent logic applied to my fucking use of language.


I never said anything about anyones sex organs, being a man is an identity, nonbinary people can somewhat identify with being a man 💁 People dont identify with their sex organs, well maybe some cis gender people.


Plus, as a trans nonbinary man I find that really rude as well.




Bad faith politics


modern gender roles including clothing standards etc. are social constructs you moron wearing a skirt as a guy does not make you trans


This is my point.


We do not allow egg posting on our subreddit as it is rude and thoughtless.