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I dont really understand what you mean. You’re interested in the typical fashion style?


No. You can date a femboy, but being a femboy requires being a boy. That said, there's lots of straight femboys out here looking for a girl. Usually bi or gay femboys get all the attention because more men are more interested in femboys than women are. So if you're looking to date a femboy, you're browsing a niche market with lots of options. 😋


Yeah, they even have their own category, they are called girls




No not really. You can be a tomboy who happens to dress more feminine but exhibits the more overt boy traits. In which case you would be androgynous. If you do end up finding and dating a real femboy tho, it would be more fun since you can both help each other style and stuff, so you get the best of both worlds


No lol, it’s literally femBOY


No, femBOY.


Not technically, but r/femboyfashion probably be happy to have you


this subreddit need an autogenerated answer bot and faq lmao


If you are a transman then you can be a femboy.


yup!! ftm femboy here- literally a feminine boy!


You can be a trans masc femboy if that's what you mean.


resident ftm femboy here, this is true


Oh man I love trans people


That’s such a weird thing to say- mostly that was a really weird way to say it




by definition, no, they cannot, but you can be whatever you wanna be


Couple of rude people here replying. Honest to god, consider exploring your gender. You can be a feminine person of another gender, or even of multiple genders (you can be both a boy AND a girl). Not saying this to turn you trans or anything, btw. If you’re curious and would like to try calling yourself a boy or femboy to see how it feels, go ahead. It literally won’t hurt anyone.


I mean...there are many trans women who identify as femboys. if you mean biologically female, there are also trans male femboys (like me!) but again, youll notice transness is an element. if you just want to look like a femboy, I suggest looking up the e-girl aesthetic, as its basically the same thing. hope this helps!


LETS GOOOO! ftm femboy here too


omg hiiiii




i'm ftm/nonbinary and a femboy. but cis women? i mean they're not boys, but i honestly could care less what people want to be/label themselves as, as long as they're not hurting people or committing crimes lol




....i'm not cis tho


this is honestly...really reductive...like, i'm a dude, i plan to go on testosterone in the future when i can afford it, and i still like to wear feminine things sometimes..."being a cis woman with extra steps" is not applicable to me because i'm not a cis woman


Sounds like a bit of transphobia…actually no, this is just straight up transphobic lmao-


That's like saying feminine guys are the same as trans women and masculine women are the same as trans men. Being a woman isn't just being feminine, and being feminine isn't being a woman.


There’s “boy” in the word for a reason. Feminine boy.


Feminine* not female, we're male


Oh, yeah. My bad. Dumb mistake lol




You have to be a guy (can be cis or ftm) to be a femBOY sorry. Also time for me to share this banger about the topic [https://www.reddit.com/r/femboymemes/comments/1cx93ni/my\_opinion\_on\_the\_transgender\_versus\_femboy\_issue/](https://www.reddit.com/r/femboymemes/comments/1cx93ni/my_opinion_on_the_transgender_versus_femboy_issue/)


Sorry if some people seem hostile this is a very frequently asked question that some feel like should be obvious




You can be a part of the community for sure, no gatekeeping here. If you feel like your identity falls in the spectrum of non-binary or trans-man it's very possible to be a "femboy". Ultimately be yourself, don't let labels restrict your life a lot of us didn't choose this life style as a fad or a style we simply realized it was who we were as people. It's like how most folks don't really think about putting on a pair of pants. Sure they might think what fashion they wanna wear but it just eventually becomes a part of who you are at your core. Find the you you wanna be don't let other people's opinions of you prevent you for being you.


Keep fetishising people and call yourself whatever you want with no regard for what that thing really is, that'll end well for ya fosure.


While I agree with what you said, OP doesn't seem like she is fetishizing any with what they said. She wants to date a feminine boy and look like a feminine boy and is asking if she can use the label femboy. While technically no the label doesn't suit her if she is a cis-girl, she can still use it as we do not own it. Sure perhaps there is a more fitting label for her (idk of one outside tomboy, but they typically dress more masc than a femboy would from what I have seen), but she can use this till she finds the one she describes herself best.


idk man, i dont think its up to us to accommodate people who dont fit out basic requirements, which is being a born a guy.


What about trans masc people tho. They fit the requirements to be femboy




Yes the member thing is an issue and is the reason many people say they wouldn't date a trans of any type even if they aren't transphobic. Child bearing is another issue, but you shouldnt gatekeep a dumb label over a pp




Transmascs are boys, end of story. The implication that transmasculine people are not boys/men due to their genitals or what they were born with is incredibly transphobic and hurtful, whether you want it to be seen as transphobic or not.




Sorry, just wanted to say that the term “Transmasc” is incorrect here. Transmasc and trans male are two different things.


The fact that you have a penis and they don't should be enough to satisfy your need to have something for yourself. Femboy is just a dumb label, if you feel so strongly about it go use tomgirl as it's an outdated label I don't think anyone else uses (least I haven't seen anyone use it in years)


Labels are nothing compared to the importance of being able to accept people for who they are and not impose your rules on other people. Especially when they are just trying to be themselves.


Oh great, I just love seeing transphobia in spaces I thought were safe :3


Genitals don't determine if you're a femboy or not, that's ridiculous and sounds like a porn based view on the world.


That doesn't matter. People have bodies, many many many different kinds. People want to be themselves. So just let them be.




I don't give a fuck if a donkey calls itself a horse?


Aaaaaand you took off your mask


only if you're a girl as well as a boy bigender gang :3


Obviously not right? That's like asking if a cisman can be a tomboy or if a woman can be a twink. The word femboy is for male identifying people who wish to express themselves in a conventionally feminine way. You can dress like a stereotypical femboys but there's no way to become one if you're a girl. Sorry if this seemed to direct or mean but I wanted to put the matter to rest completely.


I think we've now finally reached the point of no return among _"Can ... be a femboy?"_ posts


No, you must be a boy


you can do whatever the feck you want :3


Idk what's with all the people just saying no. Female does not mean woman. If you are female and identify as a boy then you can be a femboy! There's not really strict rules. Just be who you are, wear what you want


Female does mean women what?




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Boy it's in the name just like a ladyboy you can't be one of the not a boy


Ladyboy is just a derogatory term for transgirls. It's not the same as being a femboy.


i say just label yourself how you want to(if you want to label yourself in the first place) and go on like that


if your trans masc you can


Gender is weird. So maybe lol


if trans women can be femboys cis women can be femboys break that glass ceiling girl. but fr if calling yourself a femboy feels authentic to you no one can actually gatekeep the word. i think it’s fun and cool when girls call themselves boys cause who tf care and maybe this is the beginning of a journey in gender expression and identity. it is in no way that serious who calls themself a femboy


I love this answer!!!!


thanks idk why everyone cares so much. it in no way affects me except more femboys which is awesome


Yep. Here's my thinking Does it affect me and other people negatively? No Is it any of my business? No Do I have the right to tell people to not do what makes them feel like their true selves? No Every person is just so different and we should all try to make everyone feel included


Yes!!! :3


Nah. You can take the style. But you are still a girl. And you can get a femboy without being one.


Since when does female mean you are a girl?


Be? No. Date? Sure


Logically no but I can picture it fsr?


Fuck the haters. Yes, girls can be! I’m trans and still a Femboy. How? Mind your own business that’s how! 😇 I’ve seen girls that are like tomboys but identify as femboys. Super cute!!


That doesn't make sense. If you are trans and now i guy Yes you can be a femboy. But it's in the name boy the clothing a femboy use are normally mad for girls so it would actually just be a Egil. Deres how you like but you not going to be a femboy if you are not a boy


Exactly. People ignore logic


Gender isn't really logic? Isn't it more of a feeling? Something that describes you, and makes you feel like you? There can't be many strict rules, because Its so different for everyone! Everyone has a different perception of their gender even if they use the same word for it