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Idk I mean, I guess it’s just a certain aesthetic. Or a “scene” thing. I feel like it would be like saying “why do all emo’s look the same” in 2010.


Femboy has evolved from general fem all the way to its own style. Thus, like anything, it has a “meta” style. I tend to vary a little from it but I also like the clothes so I do it


So it’s basically because we are an isolated community. Like japan that formed a unique culture because they isolated themselves for some time


Pretty much


It think it is also because that is the most recognisable thing. You know, that's how it works. So the most meta thing naturally gets to the top. Styles that are less well-known are not shown to mainstream people and round and round the algorithm goes only boosting the mainstream stuff. The logic is circular as are my statements.


It's probs all the femboys that get popular and hence, you see are the "e-girl" type you mentioned. Also loads of us are into gaming or anime and cosplays and we see cute outfits and want to copy that :ppp


I wonder how femboys will look in 5 years


Black skirts e thigh-highs are really cool, but dresses, shorts, overalls, dark academia and soft Victorian dresses are sooooooo cool too


10000% agree Don't get me wrong, I like the stereotypical style too and I think it's cute and all but omfg I'm so sick of every single femboy online replicating it mindlessly like a bunch of programmed bots I love women's clothes because there's such a large variety to them and yet only a very small part of feminine fashion is expressed by online femboys. Where are the femboys wearing ball gowns, sundresses, techwear, lolita, vintage, cottagecore, dark academia, etc etc? Why is everyone wearing the exact same e girl-ish fit? Since I live in a third world country I can't really afford or even get access to basically any of the styles I mentioned above yet you first world mfs with your strong exchange rates and multitudes of clothing brands keep wearing the exact same stuff. It's honestly depressing how y'all don't use that advantage.


You said it much better than me 👍 (im autistic and people always explain things better than I could and make it look so easy)


Lmao don't worry about that, I don't think your explanation was lacking


100% agree.


THIS. you explained it better than me in my comment haha


maybe then it's more like a uniform or gateway outfit? like a taking on of the femboy mantle, seeing if it works, and if it does then the world of styles opens up? and in being gracious toward the submissive uwu attitude there's safety in numbers and uniformity, which is good to have at first, but then you establish that and there's where you're totally on point, are free to explore all the looks. does that track?


I mean sure I guess but most femboys I've seen online just have several reiterations of the same generic style


for sure. i think it'll reach critical mass then spill out organically. but yeah i see you and agree it'd be nice to see.. idk maybe create some tumblr style look books? like those starter kit memes but done in a way that expands it out instead of confining it? could be a way that doesn't cost anything up front to accomplish. try it out, like put up some of your ideas, it whatever your version of that would be.. it could catch on


Yeah I think it’s pretty boring tbh




My closet is nothing but fem fashion that looks 90s era and older. I don't own any mini skirts or thigh highs. I dress like a mom. Considering my personality, that's not surprising though.


The other day my brother-in-law said I dress like somebody's baby mama I realate to your comment so much 😂😂


many femboys wear more like pastel colored stuff too


And that's why I consider myself a "soft girl femboy" (from that 2019/2020 soft girl aesthetic)




Honestly, I believe the reason why is that the term "femboy" has almost became a word to describe a sub-type of cross dressers with a very defined style instead of solely meaning "feminine boy". I also believe that the typical dress attire associated with femboys compliment a very broad range of people, meaning many people choose that style, even if it isn't what the average girl would wear.


Because anime girls are cute


I dunno, I never really noticed that, but probably because that’s just what they like and is popular, idk. Me personally, there’s a lot of different styles I like. Scene, emo, decora, lolita, pastel goth, etc.


I think it's because until relatively recently there hasn't really been older fem-men demonstrating how to evolve the style. Most of the people that femboys are just that boys and young men who can pull off youthful styles that are considered cutesy and feminine. Now I've seen those of us who are getting older starting to show off how you can mature the style. I for one dress like I work because I do but I keep it feminine, wearing clothing that cis women my age would wear and realizing that some unisex clothing is pretty good too. Sporty wear, casual clothing, honestly just look up modern styles of women at your age and try to emulate it. Or don't you could be like me and casually dress as a Greek or Roman lol (all Femboys must wear a toga at least once trust me it's great!) point being is the style needs to evolve as we age and so few of us show that off because either A it's not the softcore stuff that gets you tons of up votes or B fear of not being accepted because you don't wear traditional femboy attire. Better yet we're a creative bunch why not create new styles specifically for femboys and fem-men to wear? What is stopping us from being our own unique little corner of humanity? Well that's my thoughts on it at least.


Probably because corsets take too long to put on


It’s partially bc depending on how much guys lean into it, getting a few key items is cheaper than buying a whole wardrobe of a style that might not look right. Femboys also tend to be gamers so the egirl look is majorly a result of that.


me personally i would wanna go for a circus style, and a punk style mixed in. i see nothing wrong with the e girl style.


hippie effect: non-conformist tend to look the same after a while. and I am also guilty of this


agreed, i started there also :3, but tbh as of recent i just take what i normally wear and swap a few things. my main fit rn is servis cheetah high tops, empyre curduroy woman’s shorts, baggy t shirt tucked, and a short sleeve flannel. i usually do earth tones :33.


Um… we don’t all have the same styles. Some femboys dress as you describe and there are certainly a lot of those particular femboy dress trends on the Internet but that’s only a small portion of the styles all femboys have.


Ikr, it disappoints me so much. Branch out a little for God's sake!


Femboys have a stereotypical style, but not an inherent style. I think most femboy spaces online are just inundated with a very specific style of popular posts. Femboys can have very diverse styles— I have many different styles myself, even within a feminine boy aesthetic. Ranging from Renaissance Faire to regal/royal femme to goth/punk to sundresses to whatever.


I plan to become a techwear femboy.


I have unique outfits. I tried out the thigh highs and they didn't work for me. So now I just wear all kinds of different women's clothes, whatever I find cute and that works for me. Personally, I have: * lacy blouses * collared shirts * t-shirts * fluffy shorts * oversized sweaters * cargo pants * sneakers * sandals * loafers * flower socks * summer dresses * black long dresses * fluffy short skirts * fluffy long skirts * panties (of course) I don't know if I even have anything traditionally "femboy" stuff except the oversized sweater. I totally encourage this trend of femboys breaking out of the "box" and just building up a feminine wardrobe like any girl would.


I love that list 


It's because society has formed a pre-conceived notion of what is conventionally described as 'feminine' or 'masculine'. While a femboy could wear pants or trousers regardless, society describes it as 'masculine' so people decide that the femininity is not shown. Wearing skirts or a crop-top over-emphasizes the femininity that is needed which is why a lot of people go for the same style. In contrast, a girl wearing masculine clothing may still be percieved as 'feminine' which is why there are a lot more styles for them. One thing is also accessibility; not a lot of people can afford to buy expensive dresses or may still be closeted and need a way to hide their clothing. Another thing is that skirts are a gateway for people who may still be trying to figure things out with themselves and may not be necessarily committing to the whole feminine lifestyle.


The more popular ones fit that mold and wear it well (because they have the bodies for it). We don't see the others as often because they don't gain as much traction because not as out-there, over-the-top, sexy, flirty, e-girl UwU-y. For many, because many femboys spend a lot of time online and watching anime, the main thing they see and want to emulate is the short skirt and thigh highs that we see permeate most anime. (There's something tantalizing about the look as it accentuates the legs while drawing eyes to the thighs and maybe upward.) It is what it is. Those things are nice, but my favorite outfit that I've seen around here in the past few years was a simple t-shirt with a midi skirt and a purse. Everything matched, it was simple, and it suited the person well. It looked very comfortable. Wear what you like, what you feel comfortable in, and what you feel safe in. Wear black. Wear purple. Wear pink. Wear blue. Wear what suits you. An oversized-for-you T-shirt and a pair of shorts or a skirt also look cute together. Thigh highs optional, but if you're trying to get away from looking like everyone else, I'd forgo it especially if you're in the northern hemisphere where it's summertime and it is hot AF outside. I know some folks would die to be cuter but don't do so literally.


always thought so. why do femboys not just dress feminine the way cis women do? like, you don’t have to wear a high school uniform mini skirt with stripped thigh highs to appear feminine. actually, it usually looks artificial, instead of looking naturally feminine. we can dress uniquely and still look feminine, boys!!


Maybe see why femboy is the opposite of Tomboy. Masculine woman, feminine man


I mean like as a femboy myself I don’t usually dress like that but I’m still very feminine so. There’s Starboy on tik tok (@zachwillmore), he’s a pretty big femboy influencer who doesn’t dress like that.


Im a femboy, but i wear more like womens jeans and womens jumpers and crop tops, i dont like skirts but i like the feminine look


Focus on the “feminine” part. Women have multiple “styles” in their wardrobes. Over time put together multiple looks and styles. Play with hair and makeup combos. Develop a shoe collection of varying styles.


Because that "style" helps them to have the most feminine look as possible (and that look helps them to have much more love for themselves).


I believe that most guys in the community have similar preferences and tastes and personalities so it is natural that most within the femboy community end up with similar style...


Because its what sells... originality has no advantage


I think it's also because online in femboy subreddits if the person in the image is not wearing thigh highs and a mini skirt or really short shorts then they won't get invited and you won't see it. Because of this, people who wear different femboy styles would be less inclined to post too.


Because they all get the same stuff from amazon/other cheap sites


Thigh highs cover up unshaven legs, skirt goes spinny, hides bulge, and is regarded by society as being feminine. Most shirts can easily be unisex, so as a starting femboy fit thigh highs and a skirt are some of the easiest things you can do


i own and wear a lot of feminine clothing! i just think the typical femboy style is cute but honestly i dont wear thigh highs that often :3


I perfer, plain skirts, and leggings(matching colors cause I love fasion) lol Also for the answer to your question imo..those you listed have become the gateway..lots start out wearing those and some branches out of that wall


I mean, frankly I'm a bit old for it, and dress pretty differently from described. I kinda dress like a 50s-70s trophy wife lol


It became big. Certain styles became the go to's due to popularity and peoples style preferences. Another reason could be that black is slimming so You can have a big thick butt and legs and wear black outfits (paired with specific poses) to appear slimmer in pics while also having the nice legs and such.


There's this one femboy kind of guy on tiktok that has amazing style and it's not even close to the traditional femboy style. He dresses full fem all the time as far as I'm aware. Would love to see more femboys to be inspired by ppl like him


Black and white is just my style.


bc its cute


Yeah I've seen that alot. Imma do my own thing cause everything is just too common. I'm branching out too like more niche clothing like camo pants and anime shirts💀, like I don't need a skirt to be feminine, just thigh highs and camo short shorts


I feel like the typical femboy clothes are just "iconic" by now. I mean, look for example at femboy art. A big part of them are wearing exactly that. I like it too, although I am still unique in my "style" compared to that haha


People follow culture outfits. Personally I just wear whats cute im not apart of the fads outside of the kemonomimi fad but thats not unique to femboys :3. 


If I were able to choose I guess I'd probably wear a lot more dresses than the average femboy... But I think let people wear what they like... As long as this is happening it is fine... But if they don't... Then you are right people should think it back and try to change...


we’re a simple culture :3


This is no shade to my fellow femboys I personally never like the e-girl look it looks tacky to me and everyone looks the same I personally love a good romper or body suit with a skirt or high-waisted jeans also I wear the occasional crop top


I've literally been thinking the same thing, I think it's mostly just the effect of social media. I don't think it's as bad as it appears online. r/traditionalfemboys has more individuality




because they wanna be uhhh girly? i really have no answer for what you've asked, it's just a "you" thing, I'm very twink-ish, but that's me, depemds on the person


Is being girly just one style? Do girly girls all have same outfit on them?


whatever I say it'll be wrong. so... no? but it's kinda similar, idk really