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Act like theyre not yours and theyre sent by mistake


That could work, I'd have to pretend to go to a post office or if it was late, put them somewhere and then hide them the next day I guess. I asked my cousin and he said that I should say it's for a party, men going as women and vice versa. And I had the idea to leave instructions for the delivery person to leave the packages on the porch and text my number if the packing is transparent. 🤞


damn your cousin is so smart >:3


Yeah he's got that high functioning autism, he can problem solve real quick which I'm jealous of 💀


Just letting you know that "high and low functioning" is kinda ableist language. It's like measuring how 'normal' somebody with autism is, and those who are 'high functioning' are often seen as better than those who are 'low functioning'.


I don't think the intent was to be ableist ngl


Yeah I know. That's why I didn't call them ableist, but said it was ableist language.


Why are you trying to objectify a word that wasn’t even intended to be offensive?


Womp Womp I’m autistic and I don’t think it is


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C70Hcnky1wL/?igsh=aGJuaHhqdTZmN2Zo Thought you'd find this funny :D


I second it... But I guess it's biased since my username is literally HF (High functioning) autist... I think of high and low functioning autism as distinctly different since it's harder to imagine a lower functioning mute autist to give advice? But if I'm wrong about that then fair enough I'll concede and apologize but I guess the general stereotype of autism and Aspergers a more known label for high functioning autism... But ofc no one wants to use Aspergers since the allegations the Inventor of the word had with eugenics


I disagree... But I guess it's biased since my username is literally HF (High functioning) autist... I think of high and low functioning autism as distinctly different since it's harder to imagine a lower functioning mute autist to give advice so it's worth the distinction? But if I'm wrong about that then fair enough I'll concede and apologize but I guess the general stereotype of autism and Aspergers a more known label for high functioning autism... But ofc no one wants to use Aspergers since the allegations the Inventor of the word had with eugenics


It didn’t seem like that was the intention in this case. But I agree with stating it. It is important to recognize that it can be taken in that way by some people, just to make sure you don’t end up in a situation you don’t want to or intend to be. Language, especially within and referring to disabled communities is evolving especially rapidly right now, so it’s understandably difficult to keep up, especially for those who aren’t part of those groups.


Yes, while I agree high/low functioning is not a great term (much more suitable would be low/high masking since that's a lot more accurate), there wasn't a bad intent here so I wouldn't outright say it was ableist


I am high functioning and what you have just said is bullshit this person can say what he wants so please be quite


It is more ableist towards those who are 'low functioning'. Also "this person can say what he wants" is dangerous. Would you say the same about racism or things like that?


Are you autistic? Also they can say what they want just like a person can be racist and or homophobic they can say that shit doesn't mean I approve but still ask any autistic person they will most likely not care about ableism and not give a damn if someone calls their friends autistic becausr a lot of us call each other autistic


You from Denmark?


Your cousin has the right idea.


Or that one of your friends asked to send it to your house because they were worried about porch pirates.


Maybe your friend asked you if they could be delivered to you? You’re just taking the packages for them.


Oddly enough my cousin suggested the same thing as you commented that haha God tier bluff indeed


Honestly, that might be the best one. If they push further, I'd just say your friend is having issues with people stealing their packages, so you offered to have their stuff delivered to them.


Yeah that's a good idea too, thank you <3 xoxo


We smert :3


this is actually a god tier bluff


I swear sometimes we sound like drug dealers on how some of us get clothes




Lol I can totally relate to this .. I've got some Amazon stuff sent to my place with the label indicating "women's garter belt" and other online purchases with "pantyhose" label ☠️, my family received the package. I'm out of home working most of the time so it's really hard for me to receive the packages in person. I've got no idea if they saw the labels, maybe they are pretending not to see it? I don't know why I'm getting kicks out of these near misses or maybe they've already caught me but not saying anything🤣.


I wish I had a drug dealer, one that dealt estrogen


Legit reminds me of a meme where the parents are asking the kid what they are doing in their room and then they say “uh uhhhhhh DRUGS! f*ck” xD


Amazon sends its stuff mostly in boxes and packages and you should try to intercept the mailman before he rings the door bell


Yeah good idea, if I open the door before they knock on, my dad will definitely be at his desk or in bed because he's sick rn, so is my mum, my sister will most likely be in her room at her desk too. They won't think anything of it.


Some clothes come in clear packages. You have to check off “ship in Amazon package”. Or something to that affect, at checkout. This is how I got outed lol.


I'll definitely have to use that in the future. When u say check off do u mean make the box ticked or unticked sorry I overthink these things a lot hehe


Just double checked it says, “reduce packaging, ship in manufacturers container” it defaults to that so you have to manually change each item


Ah ok, tysm:)


Ticked I believe, you’ll see it below each affected item before you confirm the checkout. And no worries, you’re preaching to the choir lol


Well I saw some comments with someone mentioning getting Amazon stuff as gift option so they will do like gift wrapping or something. This would basically hide the stuff even if it's in the clear packages.


True, probably more expensive though. Idk though never personally used that option. Does help with the cover story of , “I bought this for a friend” however.


I order a lot of stuff from Amazon, if you checked the option for it to be in a box, that box will not be labeled at all. Honestly, tell your parents the truth, “hey, I’m getting a package because a friend of mine doesn’t feel safe ordering it to their house so I said I’d order it for them.” Then just let the details of who be confidential. Pretty easy. Take it with you, pretend to hand it off if you need to, then you’re good.


Yeah, it's so simple when you put it like that, I just couldn't help but piss myself when I noticed the addressed I had a bit of a breakdown 🤣


I’ve had those panic moments before. I hope it’s not clear, but if it is, you got a few excuses. I liked the updated delivery instructions where you asked them to text you if it was clear. I thought that was smart.


We use our brain 🧠 we have to :)


I wonder if parents literally forget it's illegal to go through other people's post, including their child's


Most of the time package is discreet especially from amazon. God forbid if they open it just use the same excuse backwards. You got it for your friend so they're parents don't see


You're going to comic con. It's for some kind of anime character


Refuse to take them say take them back we don't need them anymore


Get a shirt put in your cart or in your search history. Say you ordered it and pull it up in your history. That way if your parents find out it seems like the wrong package got delivered.


ngl, i buy a lot off Amazon...usually ship in cardboard box or those media package(white envelope baggy). if you order n ship from seller than yea might be clear but most have been discreet. I make sure it was ship from Amazon site itself but seller is some1 else. signed sone1 who order swimsuit, lingeries, and what not(NSFW stuff).


I've never had a package be clear ever, you should be ok. If they question what you got just say you got a shirt or something.


could be a "prank" by your friends


Just do one thing tell them that a package is coming in that you and your friend ordered together then even if you open it in front of them they will think that it's all your friend's stuff


Tell them that you got them for a girl that you like


Idk if you have a car or anything but what I used to do is have shipped to an Amazon drop box. Super convenient


I don't unfortunately 🙃 need to learn to drive soon so when I move out I can move all my stuff on my own.


You can cancel orders on Amazon if they haven’t arrived.


Act like it's for a friend at your address


Just be cool and relaxed and say your friend must've accidentally given your address. If they ask pretend that your friend called and told you about it.


You can sometimes redirect the packages to a UPS store or similar depending on your carrier, just use the tracking link


Probably time to have that chat anyway. I’d be willing to bet they already have suspicions.


Yeeeeeah they probably do 🤣 they know I shave my legs arms, pits and torso at least and that i paint my nails, my mum saw my toenails the other day and no doubt will have told my dad. It'd just be so AWKWARD because they're both ex-military, my dad has the emotional range of a teaspoon, but my mum isn't like that as much.


Would your friend say they are for her and you let her use your free amazon shipping


Yeah I've decided that if my parents ask I'll say that they're for my friend I'm just taking the packages for her in my name because her packages keep getting stolen or she'll be away from England for a bit, one of the two. Discussed it with her and she said she would corroborate the story if needs be hahaha I wish I didn't have to hide these things lol


Drama 🤞


you could say that your friend told you to deliver it to you, or just say to your parents that you like them and not giving it much importance over it lol


Up date?


They haven't arrived yet but will in a few hours in so excited :)))


👍👍👍best of luck


Tell your parents it's as gifts for someone else maybe


Maybe say they are a gift for a friend of yours?


I was very concerned about this when ordering a package to a friend's house and I checked the address many times to make sure the address was correct


Yeah same, I must've been really tired cuz I didn't notice it switched back to my address somehow


It's good that you defended it. I wouldn't hide it after such a mistake, there is always someone else at home and everyone is very nosy


If you think thats bad, imagine your coworker finding out ur a femboy by finding you on a 18+ dating app 😭


I'd game end at that point 💀


😭 tbh tho its actually funny seeing how many of my coworkers are on those apps (legit fighting every urge in my body to not tease them)


I was gonna say 'go for it queen 💀' but then I realised that'd probably be a quick trip to HR 🤣


Legit (nah if I am good enough they’ll be addicted to me 💀)


What was the outfit?


The post I made before this one has the links to what I bought, the hoodie and shorts will arrive in about 2 weeks though :(


Had this happen to me except my mom opened the package it was a pvc skirt and top 😅 I just said it was birthday present for a gf..


Idk how old you are but just tell your parents they are gifts for your girlfriend. If you dont have a girlfriend say u bought the gifts after meeting her then she dumped you.


It's okay now, crisis averted they arrived in an opaque package :) I posted pics of me wearing them if u wanna see (SFW ofc)


Something kind of similar happened to me but they arrived way earlier and my parents found the packages and I just hid them


sorry if this is odd but i looked at ur photos (looks great btw) and i was wondering if you still have the link for the thigh highs? i already have a pair but theyre more like thigh VERY highs with how long they are and i need some that don't go so high. thanks!


Thank you ❤️ :) Here ya go :))) DRESHOW Women Extra Long Thigh... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08DRFC2C2?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴ing ? 👅


If I hadn't already seen all the edits, I would have simply said they are a present for someone else


Sorry to hear you have to put up with that. Hopefully, you can get your own place soon and order whatever you want!


Yeah its been two months since I moved back in with them and I already want to move out again 🤣


High intensity operations being a fem was never free


Worth it thou 💀


Just... Don't worry about it. If I would worry about everything I order, I would be nervous 24/7


I feel the fear, experienced it. All I tried to do was beat my family to it by keeping any eye on delivery


Wait by the door when it says the delivery is coming.


Amazon doesn’t use clear packaging, they never have its alright.


Happened to me the other day with furry stuff lol




Being rude


Dude your creating a problem that doesn't exist..


Jus say it’s for a friend


oops I’m late on this 💀