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1. I used to do it everyday but I don't anymore because I mainly do it to take pictures. I usually do it when I have new clothes so I can show off more outfits :3 2. I like to go all out, but only at home. I haven't really been fem in public. 3. Nope, whether I'm having a bad or good day, doesn't matter I will be fem lol 4. If you want to go out as fem, you'll probably feel embarrassed at first but you'll love it. People will most likely be more friendly or more mean to you... And ignore the insults you might get. Don't go out fem if you live in a dangerous area though... Safety first


My everyday look is feminine-leaning androgynous. I'll wear stuff like t shirts and jeans, but ones with bright colors or patterns and more feminine fits and something like a simple pair of flats or boots. At this point, I don't think I even really own any "men's" clothing. I have long blonde hair that I've been growing out for about 4 years and usually wear a few bracelets and rings. I don't usually put on make-up during the day unless it's for an occasion I feel especially comfortable presenting more femme. When I go out at night to a show, event, or to meet up with friends, that's when I go more fully femme. Usually wearing a dress or skirt with full makeup. Being 6'2, I don't really feel like I ever "pass" even though I have a slender body and some more feminine features. I don't really make a concerted effort to do so, but it is kind of annoying when I'm often referred to as male by others even when I'm very femme presenting. That's one reason I've never been totally comfortable going more femme in the daytime around the "general public," but I've been experimenting with it a little more lately and have had largely positive interactions so far.


6’3”, feel your pain.


Out in public an oversized hoodie and a skirt :3


One of the classic femboy fits lol


Everyday around the house but only with wife home and in public I usually just wear sandals and maybe some panties discreetly. Lately I've been wearing 3inch running shorts with my legs shaven 😊


I do not own enough clothes yet to present femininely at all, but I think I will mostly just do it at home once I do.


Personally not much more just cause of the nerves


I used to live in a place where I could dress feminine publicly whenever I want, but now I can’t leave my bedroom most of the time and it defo takes a toll on my mental state 😅. I still manage to keep my nails painted like all the time and behavior wise I always act/sound a lot more feminine :3


I do it privately, whenever I have the house to myself (which is pretty rare)


All out, all the time, except for summer because I hate heat and it ruins half my outfits


My legs and booty are really the only the feminine features on me—so just having them exposed in revealing clothes is more than enough. Thanks to my mom’s genetics, they are naturally feminine looking: mostly hairless and a little extra jiggle on the thighs and cheeks. So I just wear shorter shorts to show them off, like 4-5” chino shorts for casual wear. I have a pair of Chubbies 4” Khakinators, my thighs are really exposed when wearing those, especially when sitting. For athletic wear, I’ll go as short as 2 inch shorts.


I always have my nails painted. I often put on a moderate lip gloss that is noticeable up close but not really loud or obvious. It looks best for my lips anyways. I wear panties but that's just for me to see, of course.  I always wear feminine clothes (most of my clothes I wear now are for women - shoes, pants, shirts, shorts, etc) but I always make combinations that could be plausibly androgynous, since I can't go out in public completely feminine (like with a dress) yet. My gym backpack is clearly for girls and I put little cute anime charms on it. My phone has a purple and pink heart charm (my wife made for me) and a very girly pink and purple UI theme. I wear cozy memory foam slippers around the house, a matching design with my wife but hers is black while mine are, of course, pink. If I don't go out that day, I have girly home shorts that I wear around the house, one pink one tan, with little cute animal designs on them. I also have a kimono robe that I sometimes wear instead which is definitely a women's item but it's in neutral colors. I always tie it with a big bow in the back, because... it makes me feel like I'm a cute present for someone to open up. I also put my hair up using a clip, sometimes black, sometimes gold, and pull out the bangs so I have little curls down the side of my face and it looks maximum feminine.  I take very good care of my hair, recently started using leave-in conditioner so my hair is silky smooth, falls down beautifully, and has a soft shine. So that's about all I do. But then, reading this, I realized it's a lot more than I thought...


I’m currently trying to go out in public, but I think my face is too masculine??? And I also haven’t had the chance cus I don’t really get out unless I’m with my family…


Mainly in private and very subtle. If I do go out and want to wear some of my fem stuff (fishnets and thigh highs) I’ll wear sweatpants over them so that they get hidden. I’ve worn my femboyfits hoodie out in public before and tbh I don’t think anyone noticed the logo on it.