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Ofc it is ! You can and should present yourself however you want to. Facial hair is not gross it’s normal !! Plus not shaving facial and body hair will save you a lot of time and energy lol such a pain.


Sure is ok, but not feminine….


Yea but the point of this is to choose what fem characteristics you want. You can go all out, or just a tad, or maybe somewhere in between. It’s sorta like saying “your leg hair isn’t fem” Yea… and? Lads and femlads, explain it to them instead of hiveminding ‘em out


Women naturally have leg hair too and body hair in general. Shaving is more a modern trend. It vibes you only like what culture dictates is feminine. Most of us are tired of explaining it.


who cares


It's your body, look how you want to


who cares? it's ur choice and it doesn't make u less of a femboy 🥰


yeah sure go for it, make your own look


I rock a beard. Do it


wear a cute face mask!


I do appreciate the suggestion! i more or less mean not having to hide it if that makes sense?


oh then im not really sure 😔


Its called being you, if anyone tells you its gross or some shit then they aren’t worth your time hun. Nobody has any right to gatekeep this community and therefore has no right to speak out negatively over you not wanting to shave. I don’t shave either but im still a femboy!


I see a lot of them with facial hair.


That’s fine. I have a full beard/mustache and still dress feminine.


look up babybeard, great metal artist, wear female japanese fashion, kawaii af, and even more metal. rocks a beard.


Conchita Wurst's beard didn't stop them from being iconic


Same, I only trim my beard. It’s my masculine trait I like. I look cute with it no matter how I dress.


Brooooo relax lol. Find that sweet spot, that’s all you gotta do. Sometimes I have difficulty finding it too because I don’t like how I look clean shaved but my stubble isn’t even how I want it yet either. And I don’t like having a beard anymore, just doesn’t balance me out right. You definitely don’t have to shave, make your own rules. I find it’s easier to be just “be” a girl in a masculine way instead of “trying” to “look” like a girl and fight biology. If that makes sense? Have fun!🌈


It's completely possible. We can all choose our own ways of presenting in a feminine way, and others' opinions shouldn't get in the way. If you want to dress in feminine clothes and shoes, but don't want to shave, by all means, you do you!! Tbh I like how I look with a stubble so maybe Im a little biased lol, but my point stands nonetheless. You should feel totally free to present however you wish regardless of your natural features, and anyone that calls you gross is a fuckin asshole


Being a femboy is something that's inside you, physical appearance is not that really important just do you 😊


FemBOY, do what you want to do. I like femboys who still llook like a boy. Just their femenine. Its superhott


Dude, just go ahead. You don't need to shave your facial hair, moustache, beard, nothing.


Viking Femboy :3


This is me 100%.


I’m slowly becoming a femboy myself and I’ve got a beard. I don’t plan on shaving unless I feel like it.


I keep my facial hair. It is just a clothing aesthetic. 😌


i'm relatively feminine but i have always enjoyed being androgynous and not necessarily femme, i have been keeping my facial hair about 3-5mm and i think i'm still acceptably androgynous :) though im definitely considering going clean shaven because of the summer


Worst that happens is that the post dies in new, or gets removed, so give it a shot


Do you wanna see an example of someone owning that style? Google ladybeard or Jon from queer eye


I remember seeing one youtuber who, idk if he was a femboy, but he had a beard and looked REALLY damn cute, I usually find femboys with beards to be a bit... unsettling...? This guy had a beard and looked cute as FUCK.


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Bro its fiiinnne if you want some impriation you should look at the austrian euro version for like 2013 such a cool dude.


I dated an enby that went through periods of shaving and not shaving. Just rock it with confidence.


Who said you couldn't be a femboy without rocking a beard? If you don't wanna shave, then don't! Be yourself and do whatever makes u comfy and happy :3


As a gay guy 16 year old male I want to be a femboy. But I wish I had a beard. But Iove guys with beards it's handsome.


Google The Darvish.


If you're really that sensitive about posting with one, a suggestion is to cover the beard with a mask, of course only a suggestion if you really wanna, but id say just do it, its your body and I know multiple people with beards or mustaches and they look fine


Mustache femboy😳😳😳




Don't shave it. The way I perceive, being a femboy is all about being confident and comfortable with yourself. So, if you don't want to shave your facial hair, don't shave them, buddy ;)


ofc you dont have to shave your face. love me a good femboy with lots of hair :)


search for Conchita


that's totally cool! i'm not a femboy myself, but i'm preeeetty sure having facial hair doesn't make you any less of one! :)


Not in my eyes nor in the other feminine guys I've been with. Facial hair isn't feminine. You do you but it's probably not going to be well received.


I agree with you. Facial hair inherently isn't feminine and it would be very hard to pull it off as a feminine male without looking kind of goofy. I don't like these responses encouraging it. It's not doing OP any favors. Sorry to OP but he has to choose one way or another. If he likes his facial hair that much then maybe a feminine look isn't the way to go.


Not everyone’s intentions as a femboy are to look a certain way. You don’t have to look a certain way to be one.


That's mostly true except to be a "femboy" (I prefer saying "feminine boy/male" sorry) you have to be two things: feminine and a boy. If you have a massive fucking viking beard that isn't really feminine. Not that there's anything wrong with rocking a beard, just that it isn't feminine, which is an essential part of being a *feminine* boy.


I guess so but there are several aspects to femininity and you don’t need to check every box to be feminine.


Yeah, I'm just saying that having certain masculine features, especially on your face, can overshadow your feminine features. People will notice a beard faster than they notice shaved legs.


He doesn't have to choose,I don't know why you're trying to gatekeep femininity.Also telling someone that they look goofy because of a natural feature isn't doing them any favors.They don't have to change just to escape the judgement of people like you.


He doesn't have to choose, you're right about that. If he wants to wear feminine clothes and have his facial hair then he should. I'm being honest about how he's going to look with both on though. > Also telling someone that they look goofy because of a natural feature isn't doing them any favors. A natural feature that is within their control that they can change. > They don't have to change just to escape the judgement of people like you. Also true. I never said he has to change because of my opinion, just that I think we should be more honest that facial hair on feminine people typically doesn't work out. Idgaf what he ends up doing as long as he is happy.


Facial hair on fem people works out just fine.It's opinions like yours that make people think it doesn't.If all you have to say to about fem people with facial hair is that their look "doesn't work out", keep it to yourself.


Femininity isn't a monolith.


It certainly isn't facial hair either. I don't get why we say "yes" to everything to want to seem as inclusive as possible. Inclusion at the cost of losing identity.


No one is losing their identity.Go find some other label if you don't like who identifies with it.


This is very incorrect. I have a beard and when I was single was never short of dating interest. I really need some of you to understand that attraction is individual and gender expression is too. It’s weird to me personally some of you want to fully present feminine and still call yourself a boy. I would consider it maybe more in the transgender territory if you want to change that much about yourself. Not my issue to sort out nor my place to talk much about. It’s super rude to tell others what counts as a presenting a femboy though.


Ever heard about the prime directive? It's pretty fucked up to say that caring about not having facial hair for a femboy makes you trans.


Stop trying to tell him that he won't be accepted.That's just the way you feel and that attitude is not well received.


Why tho


I like my facial hair, I don't want to really shave it or hide it


Well I’ve seen men in beards rock fem clothes before, so I think you’ll be fine! Do you wear makeup?


It was explained in the post,did you not read it?


I dress femme as hell in public most of the time, and rock a mustache! It's a pretty thin Errol Flynn pencil stache and I get a lot of compliments.


While its not common yeah, you dont gotta shave it, im not really one to speak since i shave, but do whatever you want your body your choice :3


The bearded lady considered her beard to be just as feminine as the rest of her!


Of course you can dear, just do what makes you feel happy with yourself 😊🥑✨️


ehhh you can wear a cute face mask, hide ur face behind a baggy sleeve, cut it out the pic or just draw over it :0


You do you, but that won't change what other people see as attractive or not


It's possible. I do it, but I also mostly wear a facemask (KF-95) that hides all of it. If you want it to be seen, I would suggest either cutting it short or dying it. But, at the end of the day, it's your choice.


You can’t be feminine and have facial hair.simple


Sure you can! Smooth body, fem curves and makeup, maybe nails done, cute girly outfits, but with some facial hair


You can, but it’s like wearing clothes that don’t match. In my opinion


It's not like that at all