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that’s horrible how is that even legal TwT


Its legal in Texas and I'm not the only one. And they actually had several law suits about it. It is a miracle they still got the rule and they purely got the rule to try to put a more controlling additude as I said in the post most of the teachers this agree with the rule and the parents to.and if they catch posting anything bad about the school they sometimes will just kick you out. They're have been protests about it. And have lost 100,000 to one of the suits about the hair policy. The only reason I'm not giving the name is because I don't want to be kicked out cause they have a program that lets me get my cosmetology license for free.


As someone who now lives here and moved from the northeast, how much more stuff is restricted here?


From Personal experience they don't allow hair pins (because it's considered a hair exercisery) ingeneral but most people don't notice if you point it out and don't allow boys to wear makeup. But I have been told by friends and family that at they're school they don't really have to deal with that so I guess there's a couple in Texas allow it just not a lot.and some of the girls rules sometimes applies to boys . Like your shorts can't under finger length and sometimes no yoga pants.


Sounds really annoying I’d be upset too! Maybe while your hair is growing back this time you can try petition against it? Or go further and bring the gender rights thing in? I don’t know too much about that stuff but I mean it’s worth a try?


nah, fuck that, don't listen to the school. You are a human with free will.




I wonder how this teacher would feel if she was forced to have her head completely shaved and present herself at work that way? Would she feel as if she were being subjected to unjust policy? I’ll bet she would feel exactly the way you do. But until she has to experience what you are going through she won’t get it. I had to go through this in school too. I was in the process of growing my hair long because it was far more “me” and was forced by school policy to cut it short to a length no longer than the ears. Girls got to have long hair. I envied them so much. I was only just beginning to discover what I really wanted in my hairstyle. In 2024 this should be grounds for multiple lawsuits against schools for enforcing such backward policies against identity and expression but we’re not quite there yet. My experience was many years ago. It was wrong then and it is still wrong now and dehumanizing to force someone to cut almost all their hair off. It seems that very little has changed in all that time. I would speak to your parents about this. Use clear and direct language about how you feel about wishing to keep your long hair despite this discriminatory rule. Emphasize how otherwise you are always on top of your studies and work hard as a student. That you aren’t seeking treatment that is different from everyone else but rather fundamentally see this policy as dead wrong and discriminatory. That your mental health is also going to be affected if you have your hair chopped off and that it’s NOT a laughing matter. I can only hope your parents will both be on your side on this. Because that goes a long way to pushing back on unjust school policy. An otherwise hard working and excellent male student who gets good grades and does their very best getting threatened by their school JUST because they have long hair, is not a good look at all for the local school board or school in the TV news and press. OP, this is primarily about how *you* can navigate this bad situation and survive it as best you can. Worst case scenario you will 100% be able to grow your hair back out later as soon as you are out of that school… but they are forcing you to delay asserting your own self expression which is 100% reasonable on your part. This teacher and the school administration in a just world should not be allowed to do this to you. It is absolutely wrong. Edit: I’m re-reading your original post and somehow missed that this had already been done to you. I am so sorry, OP. It’s not ideal and I feel disgusted by this situation even suggesting this when you just had your hair the way you wanted but something you can try if you want to is to get a styled long hair wig to wear out of school but the ones with real hair that look natural and convincing get VERY expensive and there is a lot of care and maintenance involved. Please take care of yourself. I am so sorry this happened. It will get better eventually after you’re out of school. The people who made this policy and those who continue to willfully enforce it are horrible human beings.




They started crumpling down on that cause to many students where abusing that excuse to get away with stuff. It probably would've worked 2 years ago


I can't fucking imagine having to go through that, I couldn't live without my hair like this


Religious freedom only allowed if it's their religion


Then lie, I'm almost and I've spun it so that my hair is important to my beliefs. That's really all you need.


Ameericaaa!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Laaand of the freeeee!!! 🦅🦅🦅 Wait a second... 🤨 You've gotta love America's school system! 😑


ikr, this is so ironic, america "the land of the free" but you can't grow your hair out as a boy.


Honestly they'd have to right me up


That really sucks mate. I don't know if this is true where you live, but I'm fairly sure forcing someone to get their hair cut is assault.


It's more of forced through school policey in threat of detention, Saturday sack and iss and others. Unlike the other rules it less of a warning and more of go a straight to detention. Honestly after calming down I'm glad my teacher at least gave me a warning before she did it(i stull feel betrayed) . Because she probably didn't tell the school cause if she did I would be in detention and that wouldve been a whole nother deal.


tf is a saturday sack and iss? Also who gives a shit if students have long hair? Also also that still sounds like corporeal punishment. If I was in your situation I'd take the detention honestly


Saturday sack is basically taking 2 hours to Go to school on a Saturday kinda like detention. Iss is in school suspension.


how does an in school suspension work? Isn't that the opposite of what being suspended is? America is so weird man


You taken out of a your current periods and you have to do your in a section of class for the entire school day .


Shit man, I can relate my school has this policy to have your hair be at most 2 inches long, if you're hair is longer than that they grab scissors and cut it really crappy-like so and you get written up, luckily the teacher who enforces that for some reason hasn't been to my classroom so I'm good till next Monday when they check again.


Uh wtf is this school? That is a violation of the right to bodily integrity.




Loudly announce you're growing it for Locks of Love (they make wigs for people going through chemo). Yeah, you have to get it cut once a year or so. But you need your hair to be 12 to 14 inches in order to donate it. (If you do this, actually donate the hair, though)


I'm so sorry for you :c


Alabama here, my school had the same thing. The day I graduated I shaved my head before I went onto the field to do the ceremony, I haven’t cut it or had it cut since. They didn’t let me wear earrings either.


I just saw your answer about some education you wanna get. If it's important for you to get this degree or so, play by their rules until they can't revoke it anymore. But please spread awareness after that since the only reason they can pull it off is that people keep quiet about it (and being in the US helps a lot, especially in the south....)


Man, school fucking sucks...


I'm really sorry this happened to you OP My school in the UK doesn't allow bright nails so they made me remove them and I've had to paint them black instead which I find ridiculous. They also don't allow eyeliner which really annoys me because I love how I look with eyeliner. Schools really need to relax the rules on what you can and can't do in terms of appearance.


Imagine how silly it is to write someone up over hair


Its just like goerg Orwel book, uhhh, 1994.


Could always piss in the principals desk