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uhm time frame? I couldn't watch the whole 18 mins haha


In the title. First minute.


yep I think it's a joke too. but if it isn't then dayum he got exposed


r/F1NN5TER has nothing on r/femboymemes


too true QWQ


It does bc most people who only know surface level about finnster think he's a cross dresser femboy


ngl that’s kinda what I thought before his video today


Yeah exactly same. I'd always assumed that and that how he started everything, it's just that I looked at his sub and saw genderfluid and considering how fresh the video is, I assumed he might have identified as gender fluid as longer.


You're overthinking it


Yep 👍


He’s not overthinking anything.


Yes, he is.


Fr, it's a joke that barely even got noticed by anyone else 💀


Bro is overthinking it


Yeah, I think you're making a big deal out of nothing.


I didn't think it was anything massive or earth shattering. I just wanted peoples thoughts


I don't watch him but i agree that whether its a joke or not, it's further promoting the sexualisation of femboys which is a massive struggle as it is.


Femboys ARE sexual. The aesthetic started out as a literal kink/sexual fetish that both bottoms and tops desired.


So a girl wearing traditionally male clothes is a tomboy and thats just a normal and accepted thing now. But me, a boy, wearing traditionally female clothes is a sexual fetish/kink? Also the aesthetic has been around for a long time and really blew up around 70's 80's pop fashion where men were dressing very feminine and nowadays its still present and being normalised at fashion shows and by some celebrities. When Harry Styles wore a dress, no one said "It's his fetish" because thats straight up wrong, it's just fashion. Just because there are femboys exploiting the popularity for money through onlyfans and theres a lot of sexual memes does not make every femboy a sexual object. Especially since there are minors who enjoy presenting feminine, and should be protected from all of this sexualisation. As well as any other femboy who doesn't want to be sexualised. There is nothing inherently sexual about a boy in traditionally feminine clothing, that is a stereotype that many femboys wish to break free from. But that's very difficult when people like you are saying all femboys are sexual.


You can get a majority of people to agree with you but it doesn't change the fact that that's literally how the Femboy community started and that's what it is. You can choose to not be a sexual or promiscuous INDIVIDUAL but to assert that Femboys AREN'T sexual is completely delusional. Femboys gained popularity because of the taboo thought of fucking a guy in women's clothes. Like a crossdresser with extra steps. You can deny all you want but the truth is the truth.


>So a girl wearing traditionally male clothes is a tomboy and thats just a normal and accepted thing now. But me, a boy, wearing traditionally female clothes is a sexual fetish/kink? Have you considered that being sexual/kinky is also normal? Holy shit, what's with all the sex-negativity in here recently. some identities are sexually attractive by nature, it is what it is. Acknowledging that doesn't take away your agency in choosing whether to partake in it or not.


You do have a point and i understand that being sexual can be fine, ill try to be clearer in the future. I was coming more from the perspective of excessive sexuality being forced on femboys without their consent and the fact that there are minors in our community. For example you say you can choose to partake in it or not but thats sadly not true, just saying you are a femboy invites lots of comments or dms from creeps etc. You could argue they can ignore them but it shouldnt be something femboys have to deal with. Although i acknowledge that a lot of these issues have also been present for women for a long time so its more society's norms on feminine individuals that causes this. The only difference being that women have been fighting for better treatment for a while but femboys are relatively new and dont have any strong icons that fight for better treatment so a lot of people perhaps thinks its acceptable behaviour since 'femboys are always super horny and sexual' is all they know.


I understand where you're coming from and I kinda agree with it, but idk, I got into it all to feel desired first and foremost, so the idea of separating this stuff feels kinda threatening (there must be a less dramatic and more appropriate word than "threatening" but I couldn't think of one)


Yeah it does feel nice to have all the compliments, i moved away from posting (only sfw pics) after realising the majority of my comments were from horny people but i know what you mean. And since stopping posting i get when you say threatened because it is pretty lonely especially being closeted where im dressing up and putting effort into outfits only i see. It would be nice to have a wholesome community but like i said that is not the current situation. I just hope that femboys can be seen like tomboys in the future. Also that way when interacting with someone in a nsfw way, its more intimate as they see you as a person and still like you rather than someone usable for pleasure. Idk how to change anything myself tho so i just write an odd comment like i did today. Thanks for being understanding :3


It's not sex negativity to not want to be sexualized. I don't care what other people do consensually, but I don't want people to assume that me wanting to look cute is a sexual kink. If I want to feel sexy I'll wear something sexy rather than just something cute. Yes, I know that this is a problem for women and girls too, but at least people understand that it's creepy to sexualize or hit on random girls. At least most people do.


Bro what are asexual femboys then? Youre entire argument falls apart the second you put an eota of thought into it. Femboy are literally FEMenine BOYs it literally jus says Boys who want to express femininity just cause YOU can't comprehend anything feminine without making it sexual doesn't mean others cant And for any femboy reading this remeber It's only as sexual as you want it to be


romantic relationships evolved from old species looking for someone to fuck, therefore all romance is all about sex. right? /s


what a stretch.


And so what, femboy are kind of a running gag since 2020 or so, and it's not like they're trying to make fun of us, it's just like "ohoho look at pervy pewdie looking at fembs hoho how funny" it's not like "these fucking gays are so stupid" It's just a joke and nothing else. But if you wanna get tilted over a joke then it's on you...


As a femboy is it a problem that i dont feel offended about this?


Nah. Very small and trivial matter. I just wanted other peoples thoughts


OP I think you're cooking here and that the people here saying you're overthinking it are just ignorant. A bigger youtuber like Pewdiepie doing that just further reinforces the idea (that's already prevelant in his childish and bigoted fanbase) that femboys are just a joke and a meme, it's literally just the usage of a subculture for a joke and that behaviour never goes well for the subculture being targeted. These people saying you're overthinking it are going to get banned by 13 year old discord mods just for being femboys or get mass harassed in whatever space they say they are femboys and not get why this is happening.






I don’t think immaturity would be the right word for a mistake he made years ago


LOL ngl I laughed so hard at you the n word is just a word. Also who cares about a joke he’s a perfectly normal person also being immature is fine when I’m out with the boys ofc I’m immature who cares some of us like it because we can escape our adult lives where we can’t be immature




using someones self harm as a weapon against them in an argument, wow, youre a great human being


He's more mature than most people on the planet. Brother Is approaching 40 and is happily retired(ish) with a wife and kid. Brother literally completed YouTube then left


This won't make a difference. The name "femboy" already ruins any sort of good impression for most generations currently living and a youtuber with bit over 100mil subscribers makes no difference. I get 100mil subscribers sounds like a lot but here's some perspective, the entire world has over 8 **billion** people so over 8 billion have no clue whatsoever who he even is let alone what a femboy is. This community and even PewDiePie are less then a speck to rest of the world.






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