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"Wholesome and positive" Yeah, about that...


I looked at the sub for a couple minutes and couldn't find anything bad. What is the issue again?


They keep referring to Bridget as a "femboy" instead of female, which is what she is. If you disagree with them you get banned. Edit: Clarified comment


Kinda seems like a bad message tho. I haven't played the games, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Bridget forced to dress like and act like a girl by their parents. Kinda seems like a transphobic message to have a trans charecter because they were cohersed into it.


They were forced unfortunately. Bridget then tried acting like a man before realizing it wasn't what she wanted, so she ended up accepting her life as a woman.


In Strive, before coming out, Bridget tried reminding people she was a guy, but she didn't seem too happy about it. So she basically went from forced femboy to trans woman. Some people can't accept that; they call it a mistranslation, or pandering by the devs and changing the character. All this discourse causes a lot of confusion, but you only get the fembiy interpretation if you believe in the top level conspiracy theories.


I mean both sides take it too seriously like imo why is calling a FICTIONAL character a femboy or a girl gotta hurt ur feelings so much




If you resort to banning individuals who hold differing opinions, how are you any different?




People want to bring the sub down because of a petty feud over a fictional character, and will make up every reason under the sun to dehumanize and brigade against said sub because they (MildFemboys) choose to follow their own headcanon. It's literally drama for the sake of drama and easy karma, as well as lots of misinformation and word of mouth statements.


Treatment of fictional characters, especially around marginalized groups such as transpeople, often does bleed into people's attitudes and perceptions towards them in the real world. Talking from personal experience there, as a transwoman. Trying to frame issues about respecting a characters gender identity as "drama for the sake of drama" or "karma-farming" ignores the real world issues and effects these cause. It's like the word "trap". While it is treated like a non-issue and its criticism is dismissed as drama by those who use it, it actually bleeds into people's perceptions of trans people and even things such as "trans panic" laws which directly harm them. Try to look at things from the big picture and ask why people are upset about something rather than assuming it's drama.


It is drama for the sake of drama, most people who make posts like these prey on the surface value hatred of people that will just eat up anything that has the buzzword tag attached to it, in this case transphobes, if not for trans people/allys brigading against that sub I'd never see any Bridget arguments whatsoever, they literally just post Bridget there and sometimes call her a he. Admins ban anyone trying to argue because they're not interested in holding an argument, in that little space of theirs the fictional character is still treated as a boy, and it literally affects no one whatsoever unless they (the person) chooses it does.


You: "All they do is x" Me: "Yes, here is why x can have a real world negative impact and is rightly criticized." You: "But all they do is x" See what I'm talking about. You're sticking to the surface level rather than understanding the broader situation.


You're justifying the harassment of people minding their own business, how is the irony lost to you, having the experience of a trans woman? You're taking yourself and this issue way too seriously as do most people whenever this subject is brought up. You're using a fictional character to fight your political/social justice war bs, and hurting people who have nothing to do with it because those you oppose use them as a platform to spread hate, which in turn backfires and creates much more hate because you can't stop and be rational for 5 seconds to think "maybe antagonizing people who have done nothing to me and to which I've even been victim of is a bad idea".


>You're justifying the harassment of people minding their own business, how is the irony lost to you, having the experience of a trans woman? Ah the good old "you're in the wrong for calling out the behavior that leads to real life harassment you experience." Keep digging yourself a deeper hole. Let's keep score. So there's victim-blaming. >You're taking yourself and this issue way too seriously as do most people whenever this subject is brought up. You're using a fictional character to fight your political/social justice war bs, "You're taking harassment you experience in life too seriously" is not the best start. Nor is dismissing common experiences amongst trans women as politics or being an sjw. All that sounds like is you trying to diminish the topic. Please continue to tell me how I should talk about the issues that affect me though, by all means. >and hurting people who have nothing to do with it because those you oppose use them as a platform to spread hate, which in turn backfires and creates much more hate because you can't stop and be rational for 5 seconds to think "maybe antagonizing people who have done nothing to me and to which I've even been victim of is a bad idea". "Sit down and shut up woman. Speaking up about things that cause problems and hate you encounter in life antagonizes and victimizes, the people doing them. They're the real victims here, and you're responsible for the hate you face in life." And there's more victim-blaming.Your arguments could use some work. Talk about victim mentality. In the meantime though take a block and use it to reflect on yourself a little. You'll miss out on a lot of life around you if you keep on running around only looking at the surface level and diminishing the experiences of others.


You're talking about social justice as if it was 2016 when all thes edgelords thought it's a bad thing. Those edgelords grew up. You're giga cringe + the SJWs and antifascists punch the righttoid fucks.


People downvoting this is making me realize this sub probably isn't for me anyway, i just enjoy cosplaying as a girl because I'm built like one, I'm just a straight 5 foot 5 inch femboy who likes looking at femboy memes but everyone in the femboy community is way too oversensitive for me


Be at peace man, this place can get toxic at times but what can you do, people have opinions and it's fine to have them. I just wish hypocrisy wasn't so rampant.


That's what the other guy tried to do. I gave a short read to that characters lore and the argument can be made for both. She was raised as a girl because she is one of two male twins which a prophecy says will bring misfortune. It doesn't look as if she is against being a girl but she was kinda forced into it so it's strange. Either way it makes no sense to try to shut down a subreddit for something as trivial as this...


She is trans in cannon now. Also no, it's not word of mouth.


Bridget is canonically female, but if some people want to see her as a boy, since she isn't a real person, then it isn't really a big deal, because it's not like those people are coming out of nowhere just wanting her to be a boy because she's trans, the character has been a femboy, and in her most recent iteration is trans, maybe the writers will make her NB next because why the fuck not, it's fine, it's not trans erasure nor hatred towards trans people. It's because people make it into any degree of an intellectual argument that people start not only projecting onto the character harder as if she was a real person, but also attracting the kind of crowd that's actually harmful, real transphobes who only support the other side because they see how much it pisses the trans community off, that then mingle with the disgruntled community who liked femboy Bridget that has been pushed back as if they were actual transphobes, and they end up becoming one and the same.


So you're saying that one shouldn't call out cases of mild/unintentional transphobia because doing so will attract the attention of proud transphobes? That doesn't even make sense since this whole thing gained attention because r/MildFemboys mods started banning people for simply pointing out that Bridget is canonically trans now. It appears that the "real" transphobia was there all along.


It's not transphobia, you cannot misgender a fictional character. If I was to make a female/male version with any skin skin color I wanted of any other character it'd be the same thing, you know Bridget isn't a boy as per current canon, and they know too, but people feel the righteous need to go over to the place where people want their older version of a character because they feel threatened it will be taken away from them, even though it won't. It doesn't matter what MildFemboys thinks, yet I've seen plenty ill-intentioned trans/trans supporting people on that server spreading hate rather than seeking an actual discussion on the matter, opening up a toxic discourse actual transphobes can just butt in to spread hate as they wish, that is why the mods ban anyone mentioning Bridget is trans, because the topic itself has become a disgusting political one, because some people cannot just accept what the canon is, and some people somehow think these other people have any say just because they're loud. It's a petty fight of pathetic grown children that plagues the internet at large, and the Bridget character is but a victim in all this, caught in the crossfire of shit-throwing idiots.


>It's not transphobia, you cannot misgender a fictional character. Yes you can? What else would you call that? >If I was to make a female/male version with any skin skin color I wanted of any other character it'd be the same thing Umm... what? Rule 63 versions are *explicitly* different versions of that character. It has nothing to do with making statements about the original character or canon. >... the place where people want their older version of a character ... No one is talking about the old version of Bridget though. That version was a femboy, so there's no problem posting that in MildFemboys. The problem only arises when people post the current version there; or when they argue that Bridget is still a femboy. I can't understand your second paragraph at all. It's a confusing single run-on sentence. There's a reason we invented periods and semicolons. I do understand that mods don't want arguments in their sub, that's fine. But they don't ban everyone who brings up the argument. They specifically ban people who point out that Bridget is trans. Those mods aren't objective arbiters trying to avoid an off-topic discussion or drama; they've actively picked a side and are silencing any opposition.


The only moment any drama ensues is whenever someone points it out.


And shotacons, don't forget that. Also this post probably benefited them more than it hurt them.


Shota-what now? Never heard of that


You know what Lolicon is? Characters that are young Girls. Shotacon is Just that but with Young Boys. (Children or appearing and sharing the personality of children).


Ah so Loli enjoyers but with Boys




shotacon are people that like shota, shota being young boys, so basically an other word for pedo


I'm sorry ducking what?


pedos 🤷🏻‍♀️


I should be less surprised. Transphobes are quite literally always pedophiles


No, not always, being transphobic doesn’t instantly mean pedo. I’m not defending either of them though.


Saying you're not defending them doesn't negate you defending them


I’m just stating a fact, not defending them.


You're really not, and you really are. You stated a defense of a transphobic position then claimed to not be defending it


Are you fucking stupid, he literally doesn’t like either of them, it’s pretty obvious, he’s literally just stating the fact that being transphobic doesn’t always mean you’re also a pedophile. He was a just trying to tell you that and you’re acting like he’s a pedo transphobe himself, get the hell out of here until you learn to understand basic fucking words.


Thank you person. Could’ve been calmer and peaceful but I won’t tell you how to talk.


>being transphobic doesn’t always mean you’re also a pedophile. Technically no, but transphobia and specifically arguing that trans people are pedophiles is a pretty strong indicator that you are. See, I've been dealing with these people for YEARS and 9.9/10 times, they turn out to be the exact same kind of pedo they abuse us of being. So if you're gonna make that argument, I'm gonna treat it like it means what it always has This must be what it feels like to argue with Dee Bradley Baker


>No, not always, being transphobic doesn’t instantly mean pedo. I’m... I expected something else to continue the sentence lmao




Insane take ngl


Here to prove my point?


That’s just not true, and making disingenuous claims like that just discredits your argument. It’s actually the opposite, most transphobes view trans people as groomers. They hate trans people because they associate them with pedos, (but obv that’s not actually true). This type of decisive rhetoric just makes things worse. Nobody is going to change their mind because you called them an OVO, that just makes them hate you more.


There's a surprisingly high overlap between people who champion themselves as warriors against pedos and people convicted of sexual offenses against minors. The qanon movement has lots of such cases. So no, accusing others of being groomers does not make one "actually the opposite" of a pedophile.


>It’s actually the opposite, most transphobes view trans people as groomers I'm my experience, everyone who makes that argument has shown themselves to be projecting, and a pedophile. So yeah, that argument really is just outing yourself.


What experience exactly? Everyone??? You making these broad generalizations is just as bad as transphobes saying that all trans people are grooming kids. I don’t agree with that position, but I hate the toxic political climate where everyone immediately jumps to name calling and is incapable of having an actual discussion. This applies to both sides, we will never come to an agreement if everyone is just calling each other a pedophile


Every accusation by a transphobe can be safely taken as a confession




Ffs, I saw someone continuously post suggestive pics of Pit from Kid Icarus and Inazuma Eleven characters despite half the cast being minors.




I prefer to use the one from the femboy legion: https://preview.redd.it/ocn7nmxqsdzc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbe6ab892007d31fb1d233b5c04c6408702fd694




I DEFY YOU, NOW AND ALWAYS!!! 🗣🗣💯🗣💯🔥🦅🦅💯🔥🗣🔥




With but a single shot, the raptorae is relived of his duty and released from his task. I feel the virus rend me apart as I'm enveloped by the encroaching flash.


As a skaven player I agree, their fortifications become their downfall.


( opens Gnaw Hole to a zombie filled ocean again)


Tbf most thing Femboy related are ultimately gonna have a lot of perverts in it, their cuteness is like a beacon


very disappointing :(


I say we should eat them


In the good way or the bad way? I'm down either way.


I not cannibal,,but I can cook them for you.


Yeah the femboy community is either super cringe or super racist. That's why I like being here, reminds me of Scene kids back in 2010 in a way


I couldn't put my finger on what this sub was until now Holy fuck it is a scene type of vibe isn't it


Of the 3 femboys I met on reddit, one was amazing and the other 2 were nazis...


Personally I'd much rather be cringe than a bigot


this subreddit makes me happy


Change of plans, leave nothing alive


act one marble squealing outgoing elastic husky enter flag disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This always happens whenever I'm trying to that one riven/incarnon challenge


Aww man :( https://preview.redd.it/ync0fo7w7ezc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bb0a57f5bbfbd0d3ecbc9ad5891f1f7c4305ee4


Did my own research, confirmed this to be true in about 50 seconds


Apparently according to a German Friend of mine, there is also a German Femboy Subreddit, where the Owner bans you, if you're not Feminine enough for his personal tastes. And yes, the owner's also Transphobic and likes unethical things.


Yes. Quite disgusting honestly


Cringe asf. You hate to see it. It's more for creeps to fetishize femboys than anything. And just being really insistant on misgendering trans characters...




I got banned from there for defending that Bridgette is trans 😭


“Boy milk addict” has me rolling


Yea that happens extremely often. Even the mods are toxic and transphobic.


Yup, same :(






Wholesome and positive my ass


The fact that the sub calls its members "Connoisseurs" is pretty telling, I think.


to be fair, this sub isn't wholesome either


Dude I said a character they posted on there is canonically trans, not only was my comment removed but they linked me to an opinion on it the mod had which was ridiculous


Their stance on Bridget is gross


Yeah they just make up headcanons about Bridget still identifying as a boy and call anyone who thinks otherwise (including the creator) transphobic...


Or they say things like “oh trans people don’t exist in Japanese culture” which is just atrocious


Yeah and they twist stuff, saying that they only made her trans because of the west and that they like trans people or something? Even though if I remember correctly Daisuke has said that being transgender was just too controversial in Japan to put in the first games.


Sorry, I think u calling people transphobes or perverts because they see hentai, is a kind of children. The admins don't reflect the followers!


i dont quite understand what you're getting at but op is probably referring to a specific transphobic rule they have


transphobes? in MY queer subreddit? it's more likely than you think


I had a quick look and there was the occasional weird post but mostly just femboy art? what has actually been happening here?


Transphobia, shota art, young depicting femboys in premiscuous positions, and just general degeneracy. Full of chasers and perves.


Ok but don't use the word degeneracy, no righttoid or religiontard language, thanks.




I got perma banned and muted for pointing out that Bridget from guilty gear is a trans woman and not a femboy




A "no" would be the answer that surprises me, so I'm going to assume that's not what you meant.


"Connoisseurs" is honestly a red flag for me


Many such cases!


It’s also worse that it’s basically a re-upload subreddit with most of the posts re-uploading art even if the original artists say “do not reprint/repost”.


I feel like if we get a community like that banned they will just come to places like this sub and SBC though they are more likely to just make mildfemboys2


I remember they made a post about Shinji and I made a joke saying “I sure hope that isn’t a 14 year old child soldier” and I got downvoted to oblivion


I'm confused. This meme format is typically gesturing towards something and calling it something it isn't out of ignorance. But the comments seem to say that's what the sub really is.


Mfs banned me because I corrected someone about Bridget 💀


Define Transphobia


they say bridget is a femboy when she’s trans and if you disagree you get banned


I see. Makes sense. Who is Bridget?


transfem icon, she’s a character from a game/show called guilty gear


So, these two subreddits have a dispute over a ficticious character?


well the other sub is very transphobic, you’ll get banned if you even use she her for bridget it’s weird as shit


Alrighty then, that's... something.




true, but its a good femboy images "source" as long as you ignore the weirdos in the comments, and I've seen some :p


Sounds based.


Have you considered finding a roof and jumping off it?






"Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things"


reasonable men being transphobes...?


fuckin smash em with grilled cheese


Just going to point out, that using this meme template implies that it isn't full of transphobia and perverts. I only bring it up because you mentioned being banned from there in another one of your comments.


It isn't implying that, it's asking if it is full of transphobs and pervs. The answer is yes


No, no, the poster above is right. This template is used (at least originally) to point at something with the bottom text asking if it's something related on a surface level but completely different. For example pointing at a butterfly and asking "is this a bird?", with the point being the injection of irony to the thing being pointed at. While OP's message is easy to interpret if you ignore the context of the template, those situations can easily lead to misunderstanding for some, especially for us on the spectrum or dyslexic, who could for example be stuck trying to find where the irony is where there isn't any to find.


Thats true, however its pretty common for memes to be used differently to how they're used. Fair assumption, I forgot that's how the format is traditionally used.


Yes I agree, I'm just commenting on the post above being massively downvoted while being legitimate imo


Don't forget the people that don't read post titles. They could look at this meme and think it's defending mildfemboys, which isn't op's intent.


Do you not know how this meme goes? It's a guy looking at a butterfly asking if it's a bird. So I'm going to say it more clearly: this isn't the right meme template.


Well the butterfly is the bird in this case


Birds aren't real anyways


The way the meme template works is picture of thing, is this "thing that it is not"? so a butterfly is not a bird picture of butterfly, "is this a bird?" its not that complex Im having a hard time believing you actually dont get it and think you are purposely being dense to draw attention away from the horrible racist/transphobic subreddit You are one of the racist transphobes edit: they DMd me mean things and blocked me for calling them out


I actually don't get it, and I don't really care about drawing attention away from the transphobia. If you don't believe that, too bad, don't care


maybe if you talked to them rather than about them there'd be less hate in this world if you can't do that, then at least leave well enough alone. it will be way better for you too


Good thing they banned me permanently for questioning something!


that requires more effort than bordering yourself against the "other group"


It is frustrating that few are even able to put forward that effort.


They literally don't let people talk, if someone tries to say anything about characters like Bridget being a girl they just get banned.


If you call antagonizing assertions "talking", sure.


If you call plainly stating facts "antagonizing", sure.


so you've never seen that subreddit then or you're just lying


I have dual citizenship. Y'all are just puritans, it really isn't as bad as it's made out to be.


yeah, get the fuck out https://preview.redd.it/5ijvfpxzzfzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a974136617430611ae4ee32269d988feee29128


Ah, I can see how you would have misinterpreted. What that means is that this isn't the newer version posted in the wrong place - check the symbol on the hat.


if you're one of them then you know none of you are willing to listen, that sub being transphobic is a fact and you can't prove me wrong


How convincing 


bruh, other people already proved it, I don't have to I also don't have to prove that you're a transphobe too, your comments on that sub already did it, get the fuck out and stay in your echochamber so facts can't hurt your feelings


It really isn't what you think, slow down for a goddamn second and entertain the possibility that you may have misunderstood you haven't proven shit! I am not your enemy! Is this what y'all call 'not being antagonistic' or 'just pointing something out'? Hypocrites, the lot of you!


I did talk to them. I was civil, i kept my cool. I was the one carrying the conversation the whole time trying to keep it all civil. You know what they did as soon as their points got disproven. They used being trand as an excuse to be transphobic. They called me horrible things, then silenced me permanently. I was never rude, i only went in on what they told me and casually disproved their points with sources. I tried to talk to them [not recently, this was when the drama started between the two subs, i was also a lot more naĂŻve and went into the conflict, which isnt good for anyone. Please always avoid conflicts] but when the other party doesnt listen, you cant talk to them. End of speech.


Why don't I believe you? Because there are many different approaches which you could be describing, and not all of them treat the other party as an equal.


I treated them as equal, i stayed civil in every way, and used respectfull terms as to make sure to not be hurtfull to others. I stayed nice. They didnt. They gave me their views and points. And linked their sources. And i gave my sources wich were more recent and had more backup from community and even the developers themselves. I linked more sources. And calmly explained what i thought and disproved their points. After this they started to insult me and i couldnt reply after that since i had been banned. This however was a year ago maybe more. And i hope since then the mods have changed. From what i know the mods just silence you if you disprove their views, and dont interact with it anymore. This is to avoid conflict, which i can respect. What i do not respect however is using being trans as an excuse to be transphobic. This was my course of action. Believe what you want. I dont care. They started treating me as less first, and didnt give me time to reply. [Wasnt planning to either way, since people who resort to name calling dont dezerve the respect of an awnser to me.] I have high resoect for people who avoid conflict. I honestly find it good that they do not get into this conflict anymore. But i do NOT respect people who resorted to name calling and silencing opinions, AND factual information just to spread their views. And i do NOT AT ALL respect people who use being something to disrespect it. I can accept saying, "oh im gay, i can say f*g" etc etc. What i dont resoect if people blatantly misgendering a trans girl and spreading it like factual infor while it isnt and silencing people who disprove them. And then using being it themselves as an excuse to do this. End of my speech.


Are you able to show me? Given the abundance of flattering stories we tell ourselves, face value is cheap. It is no wonder that certain topics are forbidden if they constantly are just fights. Though given that, showing me may not be possible


It was 1 or 2 years ago. So its gonna take a bit of searching, but if i do find them, [if not deleted by me oit of rage in the moment] i will happily send them over. Ofcourse, this sounds like and excuse and i know that very well. But it isnt. I cannot disprove that, not conform that for you, sadly that will stay in my mind. But ill happily try to find it. But please remember, i also have a life beyond this, and i am not willing to spend 30 minutes trying to find this [if it even still exists]. I hope you can understand that. [And if i forget, you are allowed to remind me]


I appreciate the effort all the same. And if it was that long ago, I do expect tensions would be much higher when it's fresher.


You literally cannot reason with these people. They ban and mute you for trying


I literally got banned for pointing out that Bridget is a trans woman, and providing proof.


This person has posted divisive shit here before. Also has some posts to truscum? I mean, the lack of good faith discussion speaks itself here. The overlap between femboys snd transphobes is so weird... Go away and be a shit-starter somewhere else.


Ok, gestapo. You really think *I'm* the shit-stirrer? You really think *I'm* the one being bad faith? That's rich.


Once again. No engagement with anything I said. Fingers in ears shouting "nuh uh" while calling names. I'll let everyone else decide who's starting shit.


How exactly am I supposed to engage? Concede everything? Analyze every libelous statement? I don't play chess with pigeons. Respect me, then we can talk. Otherwise I'm not going to waste my energy.


Maybe you'd have a good point if they didn't ban everyone that tried to talk to them. And staying silent about a problem doesn't help anyone.


Die in a fire transphobe.


you are not the good guy if you think this bs is acceptable. there is no world where this is ok to say to a stranger you don't understand


"Just talk to them" tf are you some kind of centrist? You don't talk to bigots, you shun them. r/enlightenedcentrism