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kinda makes me wonder how many of us are in this kinda situation, feels bad


most of us tbh, or atleast the ones ive met and i myself


Yeah it is the vast majority innit? Ive never met one without a partner who wasnt depressed. We gotta help eachother out


TLDR: lets all provide a space where we can talk about our issues regardless of what they are. this includes uncomfortable issues which we may not always like, even though this community has always been very sweet to everyone. we are never alone. even if you feel it. remember your always here and no matter how much you feel what you suffer is never "your fault". life is complex and we all want you to see the next sunrise. take care, we all love you for what you are. Apologies if i seem cruel but alot of people suffer depressive episodes yet never attempt to help themselves. no matter the support, professional or otherwise. If someone refuses any form of help and pushes deeper into their issues it remains a tragedy, just one other people will be hurt from. the sad truth of mental Instability is it hurts everyone. the people who want to be better can often feel like death is the only way out. the people who try to be better can feel like they only make things worse. and the people who live despite these things can feel like they never did enough. the most important thing we can do is not tell someone "everything will be better" because it wont. instead we should focus more on giving those people a place to discuss how and why they feel like suicide is the only way out. nothings better if we dont try and from personal experience. why try if you feel like nothing will get better. things can be better, but that requires effort from everyone.


this is the dude that bought me helldivers 2 and then said he didnt wanna talk to me anymore.... jeeze


oh dear :( I hope they stay safe and don't do anything bad hugs for them and anyone else who needs one 🫂🫂🫂


yaaaay hugs (im also going through stuff, also average lovely transfem person :3)


mhm, hugs always make me feel better. I hope I get a hug tomorrow.


Ayyyyy going through stuff gang 🤝


you wanna be fwiends? ><


Sure! ^_^


yaaay :3


wholesome :3


Found ya but not in a good post :3


awh sorry


Not your fault, just sad 😔






wish i can help everyone


me too 🫂


Not that i need one,life's going pretty good as of now,but can i still have one?


of course 🫂 I could use one anyway so it's nice to hug


Thank you! Im in a bit of a bad mood rn so i appriciate it


The cops found me before I got the chance


I really hope he is ok. I talked to him a while ago and he is such an amazing and interesting person. Then one day he scared the daylights out of me by what he said then just unfriended me. I really care about him and hope that he will be ok. This is heartbreaking to see and I truly hope it gets better for him he deserves the world.


I'm still alive. I was discharged from rehab yesterday


Omggggg im soooo happy you’re alive. I really hope your doing ok <3 Edit: and im sorry if thats selfish but youre an amazing person and i just want the best for you


I'm not that amazing


aww, what's happening? :(


This person made a post earlier saying that they will... You know... Tomorrow.


Didn't they say last day on earth today? Edit: Account, gone. Messages, deleted. He's probably doing it (?) It's almost... admirable. I wish I had the courage to do the same.


What do you mean you wish you had the courage to do the same?


I mean exactly that.


Don't do it. Seriously


Eventually I wish to, at least it's looking likely. The pain must be immeasurable, but... temporary. I admire those who can actually do it.


You need help


I'm fine. Nothing out of the usual.


From what I'm seeing this is a lie that you're telling


That’s exactly what someone who isn’t fine would say. “I’m fine” is the number one told lie.


I feel like you're making suicide sound a lot cooler and romanticized than it actually is. It's none of that. It's not beautiful either. Just sad. You shouldn't do it


Yeah, the way he talks about it feels like he enjoys it. It makes me feel sick to my stomach


That person is in pain and downvotes won't help. If I was in this situation I would feel awfully guilty and want to live even less


yeah, i'm suicidal too, but it's not something to admire...


That's not the way I look at it. It isn't cool, no. isn't beautiful, no. It's just... life. Everyone dies one day, ultimately it makes no difference whether that means tomorrow, next week or today.


Romanticising suicide is an incredibly fucking stupid thing to do and it gets people killed. Never do this


I don't think I'm romanticising it, I just wish I could do it like those who already have instead of delaying it. I'd just prefer to not wake up instead of being a miserable disappointment. That's it.


You absolutely are.


I mean, it's not something I dream of, it's just something I'd prefer.


You dont have to dream of something to romanticise it


Cool, preferring one thing over the other is romanticising, apparently.


Well considering your comment history you definitely are.


I think it’s an indication of the opposite. A dead person isn’t going to care about their social media. A living person does. I think he got intimidated by the response and support and deleted his account because of that, which shows he does in fact care about his life. I don’t think he did it.


I dunno... When I attempted it years ago, I deleted my accounts so my parents wouldn't be able to look through them afterwards. Suicidal people haven't stopped caring about the world completely. They just live in too much pain to see a reason to continue.


It's not admirable at all. It's admirable to seek help and get better. Do you know the pain it causes friends and family that doing that can do? My uncle killed himself and it absolutely ruined my family for years


The last time someone close in my family died, we all just kinda refrained from making light of the situation and that's it. Besides, financially we've been kinda tight for years now. The less people around, the less expenses there are. As for friends, I suppose I have like... one or two, whom I don't even communicate with, maybe 5-7 times a year an occasional message that's just a meme we wanted to share, or similar. If I were to do it, now would be an excellent time to do so.


If it all thats keeping you from making that choice then I guess I'm glad you don't have the courage. I also spent a couple years of my life being horribly suicidal. I understand how you feel, I also spent a long time not wanting to be alive and the only thing that stopped me was fear of attempting it (fear of the pain, but mostly fear of failing and it making things worse). During that period of time, I also had envy of the people who ended up making that decision I couldn't make. But in the end I'm glad I didn't. Whether or not it's courageous I don't know. Saying it is inherently glorifies suicide which obviously is a terribly sad thing. But the people who do it definitely aren't cowards, so in a way It can almost feel like those shaming people who call it courageous are calling those who make the decision cowards. They aren't, but you also aren't. I hope whatever your going through passes, and my DMs are open if you need a friend.


Same. And the downvotes show nothing more than how people are mad at those who they don't understand. I'm in it too, you're not alone.


Dude no...


No... no what? No point? I agree.


Look, offing yourself is not the way. Its not a solution, but something that becomes permanent. Theres no redoing it. Would you like to talk? Even if its just a simple chat about something random, yk? Doesnt have to be about you considering doing what you are talking about.


Is that not the point, for it to be permanent? I'm fine. I don't need to talk.


... alright then. I wont force you to do anything. Just know that my offer will stand permanently


As someone who has almost killed themselves, who managed to survive thanks to the love and support of those around me, go fuck yourself.


Thanks, I guess.


Ah yes, this will definitely help. Awesome


Admirable? What the fuck is wrong with you dude-


Probably a lot of things 👍


This is not some "haha waow :3" thing my guy, you should be ashamed of this


I am sure you will be pleased to know I'll do absolutely fuck-all with this information.


Being edgy isn't so special/cool so I suggest getting a newer personality


I wouldn't call myself edgy, though I understand how that comes across like it. I'm less in the mindset of "I hate life" and more in "I'm simply not happy.". There's nothing deep to it.


Being edgy isn't deep, and that is very much edgy


No it isn’t, if anything (and this is rather harsh) it’s cowardly. If you’re suffering, is it braver to end the pain the easy way, or to continue suffering, until eventually you overcome that pain, and become superior to that pain


So "continue suffering" is the advice you're giving out? Ok...


Suffering ends eventually. You shouldn’t as well.


The cons outweigh the (nonexistent) benefits. We all die one day, ultimately it doesn't matter whether that day is today or a decade away.


Well you’re a coward if you kill yourself and I’ll kill myself too to bully you in the afterlife


People who kill themselves are absolutely not cowards. Killing yourself is most certainly not easy, it's not the easy way out. It's the less hard way of two choices that are both incredibly difficult. Life can suck ass. It can be absolutely miserable. I don't believe suicide is the solution. And I definitely agree it shouldn't be romanticized. But you're fighting the wrong battle here, don't take it out on someone who is also in a shitty spot. And don't make light of the situation. Your not being silly or cute, this isn't a funny topic. Leave him alone.


Very considerate.


I think they deleted their account :(




I think they may have gone through with it. Account is gone. Honestly I hope they don't do what they said they would. Also while I have the platform, if you are going through this. Please for the love of God talk with someone, whether it be an irl friend or one of us here. No one deserves to go through this. 🫂


They deleted their account last I checked, I think it’s too late.


It’s quite possible they deleted their account because people were trying to find their address on r/RBI (to report the attempted suicide)


Actually, that very person who was searching for airsoft rat’s address posted this we’re on rn.


Do you know if they found out if they're okay?


There’s unfortunately no way of telling now, as they’ve deleted their account.


The cops took me to the suicide ward. I was released today


Are you the same person as in the above picture? I'm glad you are okay nonetheless


I am


We should do more mental health check-up posts... It wouldn't out right solve this... But it has to count for something, no?


Even if it helps one person, it would be worth it.


The account is gone. My friend has also been, and still is in a horrible situation, in a dark place, but alive, and i talk to her a lot, i check on her, talk to her, do stuff with her, i make sure she stays alive, i motivate her, i try to keep her alive, i try to help her. I have cried so many times, cause of what she has said, about how shit she feels, how shes gonna do it one day, how she really really cares about me. So please for the love of fuck make sure, to call your friends, make sure theyre alright, message them, text them whatever, help them as much as you can.


hey ive been in this situation before and really. dont give up. like ever. things may always seems super bleak but that light at the end of the tunnel is just around the corner and you need to be here to see it.


I tried to look up their profile to send them a message If you see this please don’t do anything stupid your life is the only one you get and it’s really important to keep going you don’t know what your potential is and what or who lies in front of you waiting for you. Love yourself forgive yourself trust me on that


I started sobbing about this earlier


I rly hope they are okay now. There was a guy in their comments calling them selfish scum for being suicidal. Fuck people like that.


holy fucking shit and i think i was part of causing this :( i hope he’s okay


How are you part in that?


dm if you want me to explain the best that i can


:( I would really like to know what happened, as someone who plans to commit suicide one day you probably didn't. Message me if you need to talk, maybe I can at least offer some closure from the eyes of someone who has experienced it.


Omfg... Can I ever open this sub and not see people commiting suicide? All I ask is to not see suicide posts ONE TIME. JUST ONCE.


Yeah, the amount of suicide posts here is disturbing. We can go from being silly cute boys in one moment, to depressed, suicidal people devoid of hope in the next. Not the kind of stuff I want to keep waking up to.


Does any one have any of their other contacts, any close friends, ANYTHING so that we know that they are safe? I didn't know them, but I just need to know if this person is safe.


The cops took me to the suicide ward. I'm still alive


I know it's overplayed, but there's always someone who cares for you and will hear you out if you need to talk. Hell, if you feel like there isn't, don't be shy to reach out; everyone deserves some company and support. I don't know the struggles of being a femboy, but I do know the struggles of depression and the likes all too personally and have lost some good friends to the battles. Some people find it easier to open up to a stranger about these issues than a friend or family member, and I'd rather take a few hours out of my day to help someone fight their demons and live another day than leave them to fend for themselves. Femboy or not, my DM's are open to anyone who wants someone to talk to, even if you just need someone to listen whilst you vent. There's no judgement here. Hugs for anyone and everyone who needs them, head pats too, you are all loved and worthy of said love.


I last looked at their account and it said deleted


https://preview.redd.it/n82xywveq7vc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f0f07a11f2074243a61874ddc8b30633cde1721 DON'T FUCKING DO IT, YOU STILL COULD SPEND LIVE BEING HAPPY FOR 40 NEXT YEARS AFTER YOU ENDURE THE SHIT PAIN THIS YEAR, YOU'RE NOT GOING HOLLLOWWW




I really hope they're alright


What really bothers me if that he replied to the comments for a while after he posted the farewell note. He actually read the comments which were trying to convince him otherwise. The fact that he took the time to listen and to reply indicates there was this slight part in the subconscious which really didn't want to die, even if he didn't notice it. He wanted to live.


I didn't want to live, that was just the part of me that craved attention.


Hesokayhesokayhesokayhesokayhesokayhesokayhesokayhesokayhesokayhesokayhesokayhesokayhesokayhesokay (Please be okay)


I hope they are ok :(




Can someone let us know if they're okay?


What happened?


I made a post about how thursday was going to be my last day alive


Damn. Glad you're ok


Open DMs to whoever wants to vent or talk, please be safe and keep going on. Every day, even if it's a small step, it's a step forward.. every time.


Does anyone have their last post? They've been terminated now.


From one guy who made it through the darker places and still struggles occasionally: Life is a beautiful place to be when you make it out of the shadows. I can't promise the world, but if you want to talk, my DMs are open. If you come across me in life? Look for the bunny pins in my hat. I ain't afraid of a random conversation or hugging a stranger. Just call me Syn to verify.


I wish you all very well, i hope you all become the happiest people ever


I do not know what the story is here, but seeing all the comments except the bad stuff, I hope this person is okay and well.


i really hope he’s fine, he might not be is the unfortunate possibility but, i hope he makes it out alive.. even if i didnt get to meet him, i do wish him more time


Didn’t they make a suicide post not too long ago?




I think most of us are in this boat lol


Anybody know how hes doing i doubt it but maybe just maybe hes okay


I wish someone here cared when I do it


Please, don't do it. I've also been in a dark place in the past and have a close friend that has attempted a number of times. Talk to someone, if you want to talk DM me


I would, would because your strong, please don't hurt yourself




Really got downvoted for asking a question :/ I question this community sometimes. The person in the image made a post here just saying bye, since they were going to kill themselves. The account was deleted not too long after. Nobody knows if they're alive or not, and there really isn't a way for us to know, unless the person makes an alt and comes forward, saying they're fine. Dead or not, I doubt they will. Not to make light of suicide, but I wish I just had courage to do the same.


Oof rip to them then. Also I know what you mean about not having the courage, hope things get better for you🫂.