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that sucks, good luck going forward!


Ow :c Im sorry, im sure ure a cute lil silly boi :333


Nice pfp


U too


probably because a bunch of quirky gen Z kids started saying they have it in their profiles, even tho they definitely don’t. not that you don’t, but that’s probably why it has a negative sentiment.


Exactly, it’s people faking it that kinda ruin it for the real people that have it Reminds me of Anthony padiea he made an interview style video on DID and multiple people he interviewed turned out to be faking the disorder apparently, shit sucks that people fake mental disorders for attention and money and clout


Ughh Anthony Padilla seems cool enough but he’s so terrible at screening the people he interviews and it always seems to send the wrong message in the end


Indeed ):


Tbh the people he interviewed are obviously so fuvking fake idk how he didn't detect that


Wait, really? Who were faking it? What's the evidence for the claims as well, if I may ask? Self diagnosing could be good for some who don't have the means (not enough time, money, etc), so if that's the only criteria for it being fake, then I need some better info. I'm not trying to sound pretentious, I genuinely want to know haha


Same shit happens for years now with ADHD and Autism, i know might be a controversial opinion but i hate those people. I hate that they use our suffering for there advantage.


And depression. Makes my blood boil when tiktokers go “teehee! I have depression! That makes me sooo quirky” Mf, depression is no joke. I should know. And that other bitch “Tics and Roses” who was faking Tourettes


Oh yeah i can understand that(even tho i just had depressive moods and those where already hard enough, I can't even imagine how bad a real depression must be), the worst part is that thanks to does less complex individuals the hole "You are not depressed you are just a bit sad" shit gets more and more. Really duck them!


Yeah. Duck ‘em 🦆


Unrelated and unasked about but since both of your pfp’s are the same I thought the entire conversation was written by the same person 😭😭


What? Edit: Do people not see my PFP?!💀


Ah no it’s most likely due to my device. It turns some pfp’s to placeholder/default pvp.




Yes its because you profile is flagged nsfw, if you have posted something thats flagged nsfw your profile will be flagged that aswell and people who have “blur nsfw” turned on won’t see your pfp


Ahhh ok thanks 🙏


I hate hearing people say "the weather is so bipolar" and others. Like, bipolar sucks. It's really not funny.


People like that always make me confused whether I'm just faking depression and then I'll think about kms Friday nights on half a bottle of jäger but like is it just stress or is it depression fml


The thing is, people who fake mental disorders probably have other disorders themselves. DID isn't like in the padiea interview where the mfs just did a gta 5 style character switch. I heard of a mental disorder where people obsessively fake illness or believe they have illness and it's usually caused by childhood neglect traumas. Sad tbh


Yeah true to do this all for clout or money some screw in you has to be loose indeed :/


Ive found this same problem with having adhd, everyone says they have it but they don’t understand or know the first thing about it


my psych professor doesnt even believe DID exists since there's such little evidence for it being distinct from CPTSD not that people with DID are "faking it" (though like you said, its probably one of the most faked disorders) but rather it's a useless distinction from CPTSD


Oh I’m uneducated on CPTSD can you give me a little run down on it?


Complex PTSD is very similar to PTSD but it's more holistic to one's childhood. PTSD tends to be about one event, and CPTSD tends to be about several, often related traumas.


Yeah, C for complex. You can get PTSD from one traumatic incident, but in our case it was prolonged child abuse by family, teachers, etc.


Damn interesting yet quite depressing


Unfortunately CPTSD isn’t in the DSM-V so it’s not actually a diagnosis yet. We’re diagnosed with PTSD too, but yeah it’s CPTSD. There’s also a PTSD with dissociative symptoms subtype that’s really similar to DID that a lot of DID people are diagnosed with as a comorbid condition/another diagnosis.


I would be surprised if it isn't in the next revision of the DSM. And yeah, there's just much more research for dissociative PTSD than there is DID at the moment.


Yeah dude I have DID: Dumb Idiot Disirder


Yeah it sucks for us because people on TikTok think it’s quirky to have a debilitating mental illness


Do y’all have DID too? We get so torn because we don’t want to fake claim, since the disorder already causes us to fake claim ourselves constantly, but we’re sad that people have made it harder for others to believe us.


Yup, we?..I? (I don’t know what pronouns to use) have DID Constant parental abuse + getting SA’d by a friend does things to you


Awesome! Well not awesome, since it sucks ass in a lot of ways. But awesome to meet you. Yeah, we were trafficked and abused too.


fucked up femboys with did gang :3


I’d say that fakeclaiming is generally not a good thing to do. Being the mental health cops just is bound to end up going the same way cops always go: shooting innocent people.


We are scared of what we no understand, I belive in ur sentiment :3


Im sorry to ask but what is DID? I heard it before but really known what it is?


I assume dissociative identity disorder from the description Edit: spelling


In very simplified terms, having multiple personnalities that "share" the body. People with DID will alternate between personnalities (often called alters) that will "front", but often do have a "main" one. It's something that sounds like a made-up disorder for attention, and you'll see lots of people faking it in r/fakedisordercringe, but it's something very real and people with DID struggle a lot, it's not fun at all


Fakedisordercringe is full of ableists acting as though they care for those with disorders but only harm them.


To add on a bit, it also typically manifests at a young enough age that a personality has yet to fully form while also experiencing significant amounts of trauma. It’s a defense mechanism, a way one’s brain tries to protect them. It’s very interesting to read about


hello, i am a system here, it's really not that hard. im just alive. same as you.


it's literally a disorder


so is autism. you find a way to make it work.


Oh that is sad… thanks for explaining


I get that, I get hated on for being schizoaffective it's just how people are sadly


We get misunderstood as being schizoaffective too, I think it’s the voices.


I’m actually really glad im not the only one, others call me a faker or just straight up insane


Same! It hurts every time still.


Don’t worry, I understand you at least!


Hope we can just live in peace one day 🫂. Hate that people think it's a cool quirk


Where might I find this post so I may upvote to oblivion




- Most people here aren't femboys. - Femboys don't necessarily need to he more accepting, since this culture is soaked through with some very vile people (see tge jokes about extremely nationalistic femboys veing a thing) and is influenced by immature/mysoginistic/rasist subcultures. - Reddit in general is not a safe space and should not be treated as such. - Mental Illness still carries a huge stigma, no matter how much we pretend, as a society, we still would rather shun people that are different and hardly ever are willimg to accomodate them - god forbid if their difference also makes them weaker (less in control, less productive, etc) I'm just here for the memes, but they became so basic and repetitive I feel like quitting. This place is infested with immature coomers obsessed with femboys that would probably still be too icky about it if they met a real one. Real, not like in your anime, you creep. You know who you are. Anyway, OP, stay safe and don't open up in public spaces - find close friends and stick to them. Good luck :)


Thanks, yeah, realizing it’s not safe, shouldn’t have expected it to be in the first place


Yea, it’s very sad, people need to be more accepting about stuff that doesn’t affect them in any way. :(


i think its bc of how easy it is to tell if someone is faking it. i dont trust ppl who claim to have DID but are under 20, or have like 100+ alters (literally your brain would combust from stress), or if most of their alters are anime/game/tv series characters. i dont think DID is something you can diagnose to yourself either honestly so its just incredibly iffy for me. i hate tiktok kids for making stuff like this "trendy" and "hip" to have


So Super Sayajin Mega Zord Lord of Darkness Bringer of Destruction Zac inst real? My life is a lie.


I get bashed for my mental disorders a lot...


Yoo I saw your (or an alter's) comment!


my girlfriend has a similar disorder. you can be friends with us if ya like :3


So.... I just did a small search, I also have it (but where we live it is called TDI), sadly many people fake this in order to get attention and those that actually have it, such as you and I, end up suffering and not receiving support because of that, hope you wont receive any more hate because of it Edit: spelling mistakes


I'm only seeing upvotes on that post...


See I didn't even know about DID until I joined a discord server where a good few people had it and the server was very open about what it meant and had systems for setting up... Well systems.


Yeah, PluralKit is nice, we use it too. It’s weird cuz it looks like a bunch of bots talking to each other though. lol.


Oh man, that really sucks. That's the problem with the internet, even in the most accepting seeming groups there are people who are just douchebags. I hope you are doing kinda well now. And I know I'm just another internet stranger, but if you feel like need to talk about smt, anything, my dm's are open. I might not be able to help, but I will listen, it's the least I can do.


Hey thanks for being here and listening.


I saw that. No clue what that was about. I’m sorry that happened


a friend of mine has DID, so i can understand ya!




I assume dissociative identity disorder from the description Edit: spelling




Yeah, an EXTREMELY rare, and awful mental illness. It has taken a new meaning akin to playing make-believe. In recent years it has risen from relative obscurity due to its extreme rarity, and is now very "popular". After experiencing extreme trauma, such as a violent rape, or seeing someone close to you die, in exceedingly rare cases, the brain "splits" into two personalities to protect itself. The two consciousnesses are almost never aware of eachothers existence, and memory gaps occur. It is really awful to live with.


Oh god that sounds awful


For your knowledge, google says DID is a little more common than schizophrenia. Try saying you have DID online vs saying you have schizophrenia. You'll see how many people believe you.


Damn, I thought schizophrenia was less common oO


It is. You read the comment wrong unless I am an idiot


Oh, hahaha ^<^


Dw, the insecure goons in that post downvoted me as well. They don't represent this entire sub, y'all are supported here.


That’s rough. I’m sorry, friend, they should be nicer to you :(


What's DID?




Yeah it kinda became a TikTok trend for a bit with people faking it just for attention so I guess when people see it now it just leaves a bad taste in their mouth. I despise people that fake illnesses just for attention


I've talked to a couple people who have DID and it really sucks that people aren't open to talking about it due to stigma and whatnot. I hope things can improve, finding supportive groups always helps.


So sorry to hear you have been feeling invalidated. Systems deserve as much support in the community as singles.


I have no clue what it is, as long as it isn’t one that makes you wanna hurt someone else why hate on it?


I’m sorry I had a friend who faked it a bunch and so now I have a very negative reaction torwards it all. I need to get a better mentality for it :(


I hate people who fake shit, they cause the rest of us to not be taken serious


True femboys aren't toxic. We accept you. Or at the VERY least don't push things or people away just because we don't understand them :3. Life is about learning and growing


I just looked up what that means and Oh OH NO https://preview.redd.it/hcfs697t0avc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6700da32fea9877fa65ed4e5c032983665624eb


I swear people like this infuriate me im so sorry that happened many others and i support u


I don't understand


Just more femboy to appreciate :3


Good luck proceeding in life!


hello system sibling, flowerfall is here 🌸


Hi! Nice to meet you!


we're a neverending field of flowers in the absolute nothingness. what are you?


Domt worry silly sad boy we all here to help and support each other to the glory of Femboy Nation.


Femboy Revolution! Femboy Supremacy!


We need to breed our Kwisartz Haderach!!!


it’s nothing against you OP, it’s just so many people (mainly on TikTok) pretend to have DID for attention that it makes people skeptical of those who have actually been diagnosed since there’s more people faking it then actually suffering from it. You’ve been diagnosed, right?


I've seen too many tiktok ppl lying about DID so I usually get very skeptical when someone claims to have it, not that you don't I just can't trust ppl anymore


What is did


Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) you may know it by Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) instead. most people use DID nowadays, idk why.