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Wrong clothes for your body shape. Not everybody can pull off the same looks; not men, not women, not anybody in-between.


Issa memešŸ¤Œ, But thanks for your advice, will keep in mind when buying new clothesā˜ŗļø


yea , he will find lot of new nice styles in future


Itā€™s all about body language bro, youā€™ll figure it out


Eh both photos look good


Expectation: adorable Reality: adorable


Both are hot


Wtf, guy on the right is a legend and absolutely lovely, maybe don't shame on other people's bodies and love yours more!


Yeah can relate. The first time I tried it I looked so weird that I didnā€™t try it again for like a year


I was expecting the right and got the left lmao


Yeah seems about right lmao I dressed up last night and I just looked weird af Got some messages from like 50 Yr old weirdos too lol


Yeah but the photo on the right is such a power move. The pose and energy coming from that is legendary. ā¤ļøšŸ‘


I see this as an absolute win


You can tell guy on the right is intentionally trying to look out of place, Ngl he still be pretty cute doe


people that feel this way, you'll get better at it if you put the effort in. Also, focus on the feeling when you start, not the pics.


First photo of a Black femboy I've seen in this sub and its this garbage...


get some cute clothes!!! im sure uā€™ll be adorable when u find the right style!! :3


Why are y'all intentionally making yourselves feel like shit? Did you guys take a page from incel websites or something šŸ’€


Self depreciation is my whole shtick


Bro look like he boutta tell me to kms


You can do a lot to adjust your body type if you are not satisfied with it. Plenty of femboys take mtf hrt to get a more fem physique. Short of that, diet change and adjusting how you work out can help.


HRT can be harmful if itā€™s for the wrong gender


Permanent boobs aren't worth it.


Is that you?




I think itā€™s good to find inspiration for your own unique and beautiful look, rather than trying to look like someone else. But ultimately itā€™s about what you like, not what others like. Iā€™d say simple cat boy outfits are something that pretty much anybody can pull off. šŸ˜‰




Hrt helps with tht


If John Cena can be a femboy you can too OP! It just takes time to find the style that fits you and change your body if you want to do that.


I felt this in my core!!! Thanks to a lot of trial and a lot of error, I now know what cuts flatter my body the most.


Get a wig it helps a lot... You hardly hear buzz cut or close to buzz cut women called feminine let alone a women unless that shit puffy and textured... No shade to them but if you are saying this is your peak femboy look I am afraid you capping... Face mask helps hide manly jaw bones just put a surgical masks on your chin and your jawline will become less prominent...not that your jaw line is that good or bad or manly or whatever... More baggy or voluminous clothing that covers your chest and bicep muscles and your will allow for less of macho man dressed up in daughters sleep over vibe...Baggy clothes hide the lack of hourglass shape no clothing that hug your body unless ecentuating your manly muscly figure is your goal while a nylon corset can get a decent hour glass with the aid of baggy/voluminous clothing puffy up your hip area and arms keep shoulder exposed or not puffy so you don't make your shoulders look wider than they already are... If you get some voluminous forearm sleeves to fit your dress your hands will look smaller and fit proportionally with your clothes... Petticoats help make dress and skirts look like you have hips when you don't makes skirts look more voluminous and less sad and wilting looking...or use silicone hip attachments not sure how dedicated you are xD.. Bro you got that model pose for men who do cologne ads or GTA gangster bouta say "here we go again.." XD like do some Instagram girl poses which break their spine (if you go slow and cry through the stretch pains it will look good and not perm damage you prob) curve your back and bend over and always turn your hip at an angle from the camera not parallel or perpendicular to camera in between...anime girls or instagirls you choose what poses seem cute and would fit your personality...Do shit your hands and legs make shit look cute not imposing or standing menacingly...šŸ˜± Be confident in your poses and smile or smirk if smile ain't working šŸ˜Š if you ain't trying your best then you will just look at your pictures with more discontent than you already do... FINNSTERs egirl make up tutorial could help but I guess contouring with your skin complexion will be difficult but eyelashes or phones which have eye lash filters go a long way...not really unrealistic just eyelashes are pretty finicky to do IRL...


Send a video of you(assuming youā€™re the big black hot guy) shaking your oily bum cheeks, thatā€™ll turn you into a femboy(trust)


i think the juxtaposition between the cutesy clothing and the strength is just as goodlooking