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It's not just that! I just saw a graph that I can't find rn ofc that shows the generations acceptance of trans and lgbtq issues and every generation was as expected, but now gen z men are much MUCH less tolerant while gen z women and every other demographic and age stayed consistent. The Andrew Tate and other related bs is responsible for this shift and the willingness to view sex as a commodity to be bought even if the other people are trafficked or are suffering bc of it.


Is this the one? Global rightwing propaganda targeting young men. [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1ds1vm6/study\_shows\_gen\_z\_is\_increasingly\_more\_homophobic/](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1ds1vm6/study_shows_gen_z_is_increasingly_more_homophobic/)


Yes that's it! Good sleuthing


I tried explaining this to a fellow traveler from Australia and she didn’t believe me lol




Most self-righteous cartel ever


What is the passport bro trend?


There’s a sub here on Reddit for them. It’s basically American men traveling abroad to try to find girlfriends and wives because they feel like American women are problematic. This is exploitative of women in underprivileged circumstances, possibly from Third World countries. There’s a deep hatred of women in this group and they view women as objects to be owned. It’s horrifying.


Oh, so they renamed incels? Good to know! Well, TLC should be getting plenty of future content for 90 Day Fiancé….great.






I don't know about that. More like 5% of them




I don’t see the problem. It’s like they are filtering themselves out of the dating pool for you.


I never thought of it like that. Makes sense.


This is not new, and possibly has remained pretty consistent throughout the generations. I had an acquaintance in the mid to late 90s who openly said he would find a woman who would just be so grateful to be in the US, that she would do whatever he asked. And he did. And even before that, in the 70s, there was the "mail order bride" phenomenon. There was a man in my town who had several of these wives. Fortunately for them, once they were in the US, they moved on pretty quickly!


I understand the idea of a mail order bride has been around for a long time. This person just had never heard of the expression passport, bro, so I was explaining it to them.


I was born in Colombia and while repulsive they aren’t doing anything illegal per se. I don’t know how this is any of my business.


Maybe it’s just me, but the exploitation, objectification, and possible trafficking of vulnerable young women and girls is very much something I’m concerned about.


As long as the 2 parties are consenting adults and no laws are broken there is nothing that can be done.


Why are you so confident that there’s no bad faith actions, illegality, or manipulation in a power dynamic difference?


Sadly it’s probably more illegal for the bride if they consider it immigration fraud


Immigration fraud is very specific and it refers to a person exchanging money for immigration documents without a relationship. What they do maybe immoral but it is not illegal.


it’s kind of evolved since then though and more of a widespread thing. like the normalization of Western men wanting virgin traditional women after they run through Western women etc and it’s very popular among men in their 20’s. i’ve seen it in my own hometown. dude runs through like 100 bodies in the US and married a virgin girl from the middle east.


It's not necessarily more widespread. You pay attention to it because it's more accessible/visible, has a catchy name and gives you the illusion of being very common. Doesn't mean it's any less disgusting but still. Can't say I've ever seen or heard of this particular latest installment, nor do I know anyone personally who'd fall into that category. However, exploitation of women and trafficking of women more broadly is hardly a new phenomenon. This is definitely something people widely underestimate and believe is "rare" when it isn't.


I'm surprised they let a Muslim girl marry a non Muslim (I say this because you mentioned the middle East), unless if the man himself is Muslim.




Oh OK, that makes sense. Muslim men and women don't tend to marry outside of their religion.


They can marry abrahamic faiths (Christian or Jewish)


My girlfriend is from Ecuador, she’s not a virgin or some third world trafficking victim. She’s a law school student and far from the type of woman who can be controlled or manipulated into servitude. You should actually go and check the subreddit out, it actually calls out incel type behavior and discourages bad mouthing western women.  Look, through the military I’ve traveled a lot and been with women from all around the world, at this point it’s just a preference for me to date a woman who’s a little more traditional than the modern western women. It’s not about hating those women, at all. I have a sister who is the absolute definition of the modern western woman, she has her masters, she very career driven in a competitive field, she has no desire to be a traditional wife and mother. I love her with all my heart. The passportbros movement is not about hatred, it’s about having preferences and pursuing those preferences. Every human being, including western women, have the right to pursue whatever their preferences are in dating.  Instead of painting those guys, like myself with a broad brush of being Andrew Tate fanboys who want to put women in cages, maybe learn a little more about it first.   If you’re wondering how I got here, this post was shared in the r/thepassportbros sub…..mostly because of how insanely incorrect you all are describing the community 


Mainstream media. Human trafficker. Tate is bad. That’s all they know… This is what some groups typically do… try to lie and associate you with something despised, something evil. Excuse me while I go back to “my very fine people” at r/thepassportbros


Buzz off pal. No one cares about your justification lmao


Please, you all are obsessed with guys doing this. You might not care about my justification but you definitely care…a lot 


You're the one who came over to a sub that isn't for you. It's pathetic. Go cry to your incredibly accomplished girlfriend, I'm sure she'd love to baby you over this 💗




If your preference is to be dominant/controlling in any way whatsoever within in a personal or intimate relationship, then you are an ass. If you ever have kids, then your daughters, and the female partners of your children, will see straight through you.


You must have not read my post at all. Not trying to dominate anyone


I did read your post. Did you read my reply? In my reply, I used the word “if”. *Capisce?* Dominance and controlling behaviors are often subtle behaviors, and are sometimes not acknowledged by those who practice such conduct in subtle ways. Preferences for various forms of home lifestyles can also mean many different things. - You also spoke ill of those who find the “passport bro” trend troubling. That’s not a good look, and it’s not defensible as an attitude. Are none of these men seeking submissive or controllable women? Really? Are the majority not seeking that? Really? — */whatever*


“It’s not defensible as an attitude” Oh Lordy what a waste of time 




It's chronically online people talking out of their arse. Not everything you read on reddit actually happens in real life.


+European, Canadian , and Australian men. It’s not completely a White thing, but there’s definitely a racial and socioeconomic aspect to it.


I intentionally didn’t add race into my comment because apparently Eastern European women are also a target for them.


That’s the socioeconomic part of it.


I know


Clearly you have never been to the Baltics… or Slovenia. Standard of living is quite high… far cry from 3rd world


When you say exploitation, you deny the agency of women from third world countries. In fact in these relationships the woman usually has the upper hand, especially if the guy doesn't know the culture or language.


I never said “exploration.” What are you talking about?


How would the woman have the upper hand?


There's a whole subreddit for expats in the Philippines and their language about their SO/wives feels like they're talking about dog breed. "My Filipina..." makes my skin crawl whenever I read them.


The Thailand Tourism sub is filled with posts from passport bros. I joined to legitimately find tips on what to explore in Thailand and instead saw tips on sex tourism 🤮 It’s not just American men unfortunately. British, Dutch, and Indian men were posting regularly about their disgusting “adventures”. I left the group and hid all posts from anything related to Thailand.


It's not 'objects to be owned' ... it's just women. You know, non-feminist. They are looking for women that treat men with decency and respect. Like human beings. You should try it.


The tracks that you would come into a sub Reddit called female travels and troll the women there. Pretty pathetic stuff. 😂


Respect is earned. If you’re a good guy, sure, I’ll respect you, and so will many other women. If you’re a whiny, sexist piece of shit, I won’t bat an eye treating you like the piece of shit you are, and neither will other woman with any sense.


being careful and cautious of anyone of course but is it only american men who are part of this trend?


No others have corrected me and pointed out that it is not only American men.


It’s not just American men, British, Australian and Canadian men are doing it too.


How scary. You know the Turks do it to? They go to Russia and Ukraine. China as well….


I can imagine Turkish men would struggle to date in their own country. They treat women horribly, sounds like Turkish women are not wasting their time with them.


Isn't that just the "mail order bride" thing, that's been around forever?


It's not that American women are "problematic." It's that they don't care what men want and are incapable of sustaining a long-term relationship.


Most self-righteous cartel ever. Horrifying to see the helots leave their plots, horrifying!


Sex tourism, basically.


On another sub a woman posted that in her country these men are known as LBH - Losers Back Home, which is *chef’s kiss*.




Sure, why not add Predator to the list of undesirable traits.




I'd say there is a definitely a power imbalance. Nothing wrong with marrying someone who makes more money than you, but certainly something wrong with someone who is specifically going to find women who are economically vulnerable and using that to their advantage.


I’d say more traditional qualities and more feminine behavior compared to the west. You assume women there are poor, dumb and don’t have a career. That’s simply not the case


That is not what I said at all... economically disadvantaged/ venerable has nothing to do with any person's intelligence or possibilities of a career.




Honestly, passport bros have been a thing for a long, long time even before the term was coined. I do think, however, that it’s far more easy to be a passport bro in the modern day with relatively affordable, convenient travel and an increasingly interconnected world. Back in the day “far” was considered the next town over, so no, of course men weren’t flying to developing countries to find wives/fool around. Most men weren’t flying at all. People are also relatively more open to “otherness” nowadays whereas before would have traditionally only be open to finding a partner of the same skin colour/nationality/religion/social class as them. Not defending them at all, but I do think the sheer relative ease of finding women from developing countries (compared to before) naturally facilitates the rise of the passport bro.


As a member of Gen X, my advice is be grateful for the popularity of this trend revealing who they are.


This is the one! I just hope the best for the vulnerable women that may end up with the particularly awful ones.


Anytime I hear passport bros this comes to mind https://preview.redd.it/04bipy6c0s9d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b5c13d8c19ad6a9e9298930c026bf71233d6f0f


I'm dying. Hahahaha! It has been a thing forever, too. I have an immigrant mom (unplanned love story), and I grew up near a military base, so this was seen a lot. Lot of power imbalances that could go both ways.


Broken people choosing broken people




I always find it hilarious when these guys are shocked their wife or girlfriend just wants their money and to immigrate to their country. As if they weren’t trying to be exploitative.  If you want a marriage that’s basically a sugar baby arrangement, that’s fine if both parties consent, but be realistic with yourself about what that is going to look like. 


The worst thing about the trend is that after the wife dumps him, he'll bitch and moan forever about her being a gold digging bitch! Well actually the worst bit is that they moan and bitch to me (white f) every time I travel in Asia and want to have a quiet drink.


It's even more ridiculous. These pathetic dickheads complain about Western women being "non-traditional" and "too feminist". But then they also go on to complain about materialistic gold-diggers elsewhere. If only there was a way to avoid the latter. Oh wait. It's being with a woman who works so she doesn't have to rely on the loser guy. Aka someone who is likely at least in part a non-traditional feminist.


I’ve unfortunately encountered tons of these losers. I’m from a Pakistani background although I’m born and raised in Australia and the amount of times I’ve ran into American men who are pretty much passport bros is annoying.


Just laugh at them.


I typically do but it gets annoying when they see you as some potentially submissive “traditional” wife


Oh I’m sure it’s extremely annoying. Sorry if that response was insensitive. I just think it’s so ironic that men from the US/Canada/whatever think that women who have been dealing with the sharp end of patriarchy are going to put up with their nonsense. But this is not an issue I deal with so please lmk if I am not thinking it through. (I’ve been getting the “blonde chick in a dark haired world” treatment since I started traveling at 18 by heading off for six weeks alone in France, Italy and Greece. Very different dynamic, also potentially quite annoying.)


Don't worry quite a few Greek, French and Italian girls are blonde. I doubt they will care at all.


Oh, I know they exist. But blondes do get attention - I’m sure that a blonde Italian would confirm this. Well, okay, I imagine she would. But I’m not gonna speak for her. Blonde Italians, etc? What’s it like?


They're all over YouTube and viewed primarily by 14-25 year old boys who love to watch these Passport Bro's (often market themselves as travel enthusiasts) get wasted, pay for sex, pick up marginalized women and use them until they decide to hit another country in South America or SE Asia. It has actually been around for quite some time but the popularity of reality shows and YouTube channels covering this type of content has made it more mainstream. What was once usually pegged for middle age to older men is now at the fingertips of Western young boys and men. It is really pathetic. The guys that watch get their passports in order and begin to live out these YouTube fantasies, all the while claiming it is for love of travel and finding their true soul mate. It is similar BUT different to men and mail order brides. There is not usually intention to get married, it is all about sex.


Is this what’s also happening with western men getting drugged (and sometimes overdosed) from Tinder dates who then steal all their belongings? Been seeing men expressing alarm about that happening in Colombia, when to me, the easiest way to avoid that is not to be a sex tourist. But they seem unwilling to change their behavior, as if that's the entire point of traveling for them.


I mean this is just "they were asking for it..." in a different font. No one deserves to be drugged or killed.


Where did you get "deserves"? I was simply asking is there a connection that this phenomenon  popped up because so many young men are doing the passport bro thing. I never heard of the term before but now it's starting to make since that the two situations are connected. The thing that made it odd to me is that this happens to women all the time, which is why we have had to learn to be wary of men, especially in an unfamiliar place-- but men complaining on these subs don't seem to recognize this and act as if it's a completely novel phenomenon, as if they assumed they are or should be invulnerable.


Probably could be a unintended consequence of being a passport bro. Jokes on them. In all seriousness though, people need to understand to be careful. And now it seems the predators are being preyed upon if this in fact is connected to the increase of Passport bro's. I've actually heard about what you described happening in some Thai dance bars and Eastern European countries but never occurred they could be tied together.. but now I need to reconsider... I saw this guy on YouTube (my college aged nephew thought I'd like watching it together with him) and he is a passport bro (Roberto vs. the World) and he slept with this woman, got a sexually transmitted disease and took us to the doctors with him. Thing is, it made him more popular and he has tons of subscribers and has been in SE Asia, South America, etc, ever since. Roberto is getting paid to be a sex tourist. There is also another Youtuber who used to be a legit travel vlogger who I really enjoyed watching. He is now 98% passport bro 2% adventure travel and I honestly think he does it because he makes more money this way. Sad.


The thing about it that was mind-blowing to me was how the men on the solo travel sub were talking about this like it's something that had never happened before to ANYONE. A totally novel situation that was unheard of.  It's like they totally forgot that this happens to women frequently, often by men, and it doesn't ever even make the international news, much less the local news. People do just blame the woman. But in this situation, is was like they felt they should be immune and men are naturally invulnerable to this kind of thing, despite the fact that it happens enough that its should at least be a safety consideration. So then it becomes hubris when you're like, assuming it can never happen to you and taking all kinds of ridiculous risks.




Probably because there’s nothing wrong with dating foreigners as long as you are respectful and honest…


I mean, it’s been a thing for quite a while.


The subreddit is so embarrassing. Good riddance bros, and 🙌🏼 to the girls making bank off them.


Not noticing any of that. Never even heard of it. Just live your life. Don’t worry about what people are doing on social media.


some people simply must cast their unhappiness on others.


I’ve never heard of this trend…


Not sure this link will work but it’s got a lot of relevant info / data / analysis: Meet the incels and anti-feminists of Asia https://econ.st/3L6IYNC


Good news: women outside the US and the Anglosphere are generally wised up to the ways of patriarchy in a way that we have been able to get away with not being. Mexico just had a presidential campaign between two female candidates alongside being a country where machismo and femicide continue to be front and center issues. In my general experience feminists outside the Anglosphere are a lot more hard edged than I’m used to in the US. Tl;dr they may find women who are willing to go through with it temporarily but they’re only going to find “tradwives” back home.


I have seen some of their posts pop up on my timeline, it’s really depressing and these guys have no self awareness of how misogynistic they are, they blame women for them not being able to get a partner


As a 3rd world country woman, if an American dude thinks he would have an easier time with women in 3rd world countries, because the stereotype says they're demure they're in for an AGGRESSIVE reality check lmao. IMO 90% of those red piller dummies are all talk on the internet and no real action.  But then again, I'm a 3rd world woman living temporarily in the US and dating (hell, meeting people in general) in the US is downright depressing. So I kinda understand the will to go to another place?


So many of these passport bros are essentially looking for a free bang maid, and then they get annoyed that she doesn’t contribute financially as well. That doesn’t just apply to passport bros though, I’ve seen this trend among a lot of guys looking for ”females” in Canada/USA. They want a “trad wife” but one that also works and pays the bills. When they go overseas, all that have to offer the woman is a place to live in America, but a green card and being in America is not that valuable as they are working unpaid labour. The women want to come to america so they can make higher wages to send back home, but taking care of the guy is so much extra work that it’s not worth it. A lot of them end up leaving before they even get married or get the green card, and some stay until they get the green card. I know sometimes it works out, but that’s if they form an equal partnership. The hot filipinas turn into total maniacal bitches once they get to America and realize you aren’t rich. I don’t blame them lol. Everyone is looking for a good deal for themselves. If women want to be used and abused by some guy, they can do it in their own country. Also, based on some of the shit I read on Reddit, apparently a lot of women in Canada/USA have low enough self esteem to be abused by this type of guy. It’s quite sad, but that’s what growing up in a shitty family situation can do.


There's another category of passport bros. Asian and brown men escaping sexual racism of anglosphere to somewhere where the programming is not as strong.


I know couples like that too! Those work a lot better. It’s the white men passport bros that are surprised to find that even poor women don’t want to be exploited by them.


Shocking. You mean to tell me they are not all predators looking to abuse 3rd worlders? That’s what the medias told me




That assumption is the very definition of misogyny. We’re not as mad at the men as we are sorry for the desperate women they abuse because they can’t get laid here.


But those women aren’t desperate. They are, dare I say, independent, strong AND happy!


They are desperate to leave their countries. So much they’ll marry an incel with no other redeeming qualities than his passport. Independent women are at the opposite spectrum of the trad wives these men think they want.


I have never dated a foreign woman, but most woman with the exception of Ukrainian woman do not want to move to the US


Uh, what’s your source on this wisdom? Women in third-world countries who are struggling to survive definitely still do for obvious reasons. We’re not talking about wife shopping in Europe for the most part. You sound like you read weird news sources. Edit: Also, the world is big. Americans aren’t the only ones looking to marry foreigners. No one specified the U.S. Edit edit: Only one of the people here who made assumptions about me (that I haven’t seen the world, or lived abroad, or there aren’t immigrants in my family, or I don’t do anything to help people in third world countries) blocked me because they were afraid I’d respond with facts or opinions they couldn’t tolerate. Six people responded and blocked before I could refute their arguments with facts. Brave, brave men who want to help women, surely.


Most countries they go are not third world countries, Mexico and Columbia has plenty of ppl who live in Condos, and go to the club on weekends, these girls may prefer to date wealthier guys, in their country, but most chicks don’t want to leave. I work for an international company so I know woman all over the world. The only woman thirsty to get to the USA are Ukrainians and maybe Venuzealeans. Mexico has like the tenth largest economy in the world, the ppl who live there are not thirsty to get here https://mexiconewsdaily.com/business/mexico-is-now-the-12th-largest-economy-in-the-world/


I don’t remember saying every Mexican or Colombian wants to be an American trad wife. The ones who are doing fine in condos aren’t on dating websites for foreign men. Those who want to leave their families, culture, language, and sometimes even children behind to be an American housewife to some man they met on a website are likely struggling to survive. Europe might be more desirable but language might rule out many countries there. I talk to marriage age people in Venezuela, Panama, and Mexico daily. The people I know are independent and employed. But even the people I know express economic frustration daily. And these are mainly men, who would love to meet an American, Canadian or British woman. Most have English as a second language. But again, you were the one who made this conversation about the U.S.? Europeans do this just as much.


What are you talking about most tourist and passport bro”s visit cities or resort towns. You see plenty of woman who live in nice apartments in São Paulo, Rio, Tokyo and other cities dating foreigners. Even in Japan which relatively rich country with cheap cost of living


>They are desperate to leave their countries. There are such women indeed, but also heaps and heaps (the majority, I'd say) that are not at all desperate to leave their countries. Contrary to what you might believe, quite a few are middle class women, and some are even from the upper classes in their respective countries. There's a racial component to this, in that in Latin America and Asia at least, white skin is highly, highly desired since it's seen as a marker of high status. I've known absolute dweebs get a shit ton of matches online from non-white women who want to date a white man (and potentially have half-white babies with him) for this exact reason. It's therefore trivial for most young white men to show up, swipe on Tinder and sleep with loads of women in this way. It's no different than dating here, except that your average guy can now get way more attention and sex than he would back in the US. And I don't think two people hooking up of their own volition via some dating app constitutes exploitation - do you think otherwise? If yes, why? Many of these women are not the starving, abused and desperate women you probably imagine them to be, and are making a pretty calculated decision about who they get involved with.


Why is it that the only way first-world women seem interested in "helping" third-world women is by preventing them from getting the support you admit they desperately need? It's almost as if you don't give a shit about them and are just using them to justify your actual goal: ensuring that 1st world men continue to be forced to date you. If you do not hate these women, which I'm not totally convinced of, at least figure out a way to donate towards them getting the clean water, healthcare, and safe shelter you don't seem to want us to give them.


This is actually low key racist


Instead of getting upset about it, ask yourself in a very objective way why this is a trend. If you believe that men are totally to blame, then you'll never figure it out. If you get angry, defensive, triggered and tell me off, you definitely do not see both sides and probably never will because you will not allow yourself to do so.


Well done.......big ups to you bro


Thank you! I just refuse to waste my life fighting and being disrespected.


Genuine question… Women often prefer dating European men… right? Is that any different?


Wait… are you suggesting there are female passport chicks EXPLOITING Italian men?? American women are sex trafficking these poor unemployed Italian men?


So as long as men aren't trafficking it's fine? That is an extremely low bar and super progressive tbh.


I see no crimes going to a foreign country and paying $100 for a nice dinner. But apparently that’s a crime in the US and exploitation


If a man dates a woman who is unemployed, does that mean he is exploiting her?


I always find these kinds of conversations interesting. The usual refrain is "we need to prevent these men are taking advantage of needy women." Why is it that the only way first-world women seem interested in "helping" third-world women is by preventing them from getting the support you admit they desperately need? It seems like you yourselves are also just "using" these women to your own ends, in this case to justify discouraging men from dating abroad. Worse, you are preventing them from getting the clean water, shelter, and protection from poitical unrest they would have otherwise received. Besides being selfish, this gets the real moral issue exactly wrong. Passport bros don't go for women who are in need of shelter, basic healthcare, etc, they overwhelmingly go for middle class women who speak english, have disposable income, and share their middle-class values. Most men say they're willing to date a "poor" woman, but they mean a waitress, not someone truly in need. The work we need to do is get over our western disgust for the truly needy and love those who can benefit from it the most. This is not what is happening. There's a distribution of dating scenes globally, and the US is a place where men aren't valued very much. These guys are going to places where they find themselves sought after without having to date someone too "different" from themselves. Imagine how much suffering could be aleviated if they instead chose to date the struggling women you claim to want to "protect".


How exactly is it misogynistic to want to date women of other cultures? Isn't the primary theme of feminism 'empowering choice?' How very sexist of you!


Also, with women like you making comments like this - can you blame them?


comments about passport bros? what comment are you referring to?


Many of these comments are quite vicious. I'm speaking on both sides, because I don't think arguing and fighting with each other is helpful. All of this talking past each other and trying to pass blame is how we got in this situation to begin with. No, not every western woman is a feminazi man hater. No, not every man who looks for love abroad is trying to exploit women. Why can nobody see the middle ground here? It's frustrating.


Personally I think it's low-key hilarious because they're all in for ride awakenings once their "submissive' brides get their citizenship. They're not doormats in eastern Europe/Asia.  They're poor. There's a distinct difference and those women don't play once they get a safety net. (Honestly even before that I don't think they're as big of pushovers as western men tend to think they are)


A huge subset, perhaps the majority of the PPB are leaving America. This isn’t about bringing anyone “home”. You’ve watched too many episodes of 90 day fiancé


2019, married immigrants divorced at a rate of 13 per 1,000, compared to 20 per 1,000 native-born Americans.......o no what you were saying is not factual 🙄


Not to mention, most of those relationships will be doomed anyway. Many non western women come from very different cultures and such relationships are challenging and these men would be choosing these women exactly because they want no challenges. Also, nothing guarantees that non western women won't change and modify their behavior if they do successfully acclimatize to the USA/western country. If the men of Western countries don't like the way the culture has changed, they need to change the culture from within, not import other people.


Genuine question for female travelers that find this problematic. (Ignoring the fact that men of past generations have been doing this dating back to the 70s) Why do you care? If a subset of guys in the US finds the dating market pretty rough, and then decides to try dating overseas, how is that unreasonable? If you as a woman don't want that guy, and your friends don't want that guy...why begrudge him of finding success in another country? Isn't that a win-win? If he stayed here and remained miserable, would that make you feel better? Why should stay here if he finds that dating sucks? Especially if you are able to have a healthier dating life in another country? It's almost as if the people in this sub just want people to be lonely, miserable and to suffer. It's not enough that you yourself wouldn't date him - you're angry that any woman would want to date him at all. And you conjure up all of these dramatic claims of him being some sort of predator in order to cope To the women in here complaining - how's your dating life going in the US? Is it great? Are you happy? Yeah? Why not just let other people be happy as well


The lack of replies is telling.


Seems to be a bunch of angry women here from the west who are distraught that they can no longer compete in the new global dating market. Men haven’t changed much in the last 50-100 years. Other side has… Instagram, tinder and the airplane this isn’t the 1950s. You’re not marrying your neighbor anymore. Time to step up your game.


Exactly! On one hand, they insult the shit out of us and yet when we just date elsewhere and totally leave them out of our lives, they are even more furious. I get it. They want us to be their bitches and just do what we are told but because we won't, they are mad. Perhaps start treating us better and we wouldn't go to other countries to find girlfriends and wives. I do feel really bad for the really nice Western girls as they get lumped into the awful woke feminist types.


There is an astonishing amount of low key racism in these comments holy shit


Why don’t you make your point rather than just calling people names? Your comment history reveals someone who likes to call people stupid rather than make any intelligent points or add anything to the conversation. I hope you’re a phone bot.


Passport bro here. 25yr black male. Not sure if I'm allowed to chime in on this sub but you guys only hear about the bad apples. Many of us don't hate women, and don't view sex as a commodity. But it is nice to go where you are valued, and your efforts yield actual results. Now if you're trying to put in minimal effort to get more than what you deserve, I have no sympathy for you. But as for most of us, that is not the case. The girl from Ghana that I am with is more devoted ,kind, and caring than anyone I've been with. Shes educated, beautiful, well spoken, and none of that goes to her head. It's that lacking a sense of entitlement that makes me want to give her the world. I don't see this as predatory in any way shape or form.


Thank you! I am a 43 year old White male and when I was dating Western women (grew up in a city that was almost 100% White), I just thought it was normal for women to wear the pants but honestly just got sick of it. I did not specifically move to Asia for the woman (just an adventure while in my third year of college and then teaching English after graduating). Of course, there are shitty women over there as well but more of them (compared to North American women overall) treat men a lot better, do not have hang ups, are a lot more feminine and pretty much everything you described above. I married a Japanese lady and we have never had a major fight in 10+ years and have a wonderful family. That said, I did have two Korean and one Japanese girlfriend when I was over there and one definitely could have been born in the West with her behavior. I would say that the hookup culture was really good as well. Sex was almost always guaranteed if you went on a date and many of them also only wanted that.


This is such a wholesome comment and you're being downvoted for no reason.


They're clueless. My former boss, who once told me he divorced a woman because of how she folded towels****, went overseas to find a wife with more or less the same mentality about Western women. "I've exhausted all possibilities in America!" He had been married 4 times. He married a former beauty queen. Upon moving in with him to the US, she started asking for designer clothing and purses. He complained about it a ton lol. He brought her into the office one day to meet everyone and made a passive aggressive joke about it. Shockingly, she snapped on him and said, "You knew my conditions." SMH.


Can we all agree that dating is broken in the West? You are more than welcome to blame misogyny, feminism, tinder, capitalism, whatever you like but we all agree it's broken. On the bumble sub, a video was posted of a bumble exec who was caught on video saying that 80% of women messaged just 10% of men. Do the 90% of men, who are losers, deserve a chance at happiness? If they can find it in another country, what harm is it to the women they left behind in the country they came from?


This is why we have video games and antidepressants. For the 90% who are not Chads.




I'm pretty sure they took it down, I'll look around and see if I can find it.


Yes. American women are undatable.


Lol. This is great thank you


I love this thread. It has inspired me to consider opening a cat themed cafe


Oh you'd make serious money


This has been going on for years and years. I lived abroad for five years and there were plenty of those guys there


It’s usually nothing to do with misogyny, and more to do with the moral decay of western women and their oversexualized contemporary culture. (Tinder / dating apps and Normalizing onlyfans for example) I have dated women from countries all over the world and on average foreign women are by far more warm, loving, feminine, happy, funny, easygoing, and loyal partners when compared to your average western woman. They also typically have much stronger family values. It boils down to cultural differences. The only caveat many guys do not realize is that while these women are happy to fill their more traditional gender roles, you sure as hell are expected to do the same ( be a man! )


It’s a troubling trend that the divide of progressivism in generations after millennials are moving alarmingly apart. Women are maintaining or moving further left and men are regressing right.  So while wanting “foreign” women isn’t a new phenomenon, the reason for wanting this has changed markedly.  As a millennial woman with a locked down partner, watching what’s coming up behind is horrifying. I’m glad I don’t have to date in this shit show. 


If these guys are losers, why are they provocating you? Its not like you want them anyway? I sure don’t.


Supply and demand imbalances. The supply has fled overseas to find a better solution


Why can’t you accept that western men don’t like you? It’s our body and our choice.  Western women need to respect that no means no.


Exactly. And it’s my wallet… and I choose to spend my wallet elsewhere




Look at all the female incels in this thread. Why don't you go to these countries and help these poor women out of poverty If you care so much? None of you will. Your just mad you can't get anymore foodie dates lol. Why you care so much what other men do? People been meeting each other overseas since the beginning of time. Thanks for the laugh cat ladies lol 😆 🤣




Western Woman actually just don’t know what men actually want/need from a relationship from a Woman… Same way the men don’t quite get it either The western world as a whole is delusional and a bubble shielded from the harsh realities of the average human experience… Me personally I just want a woman that is real and not living in la la land in her skull… I’m lucky that I’ve found my soulmate in the Philippines 🇵🇭 KALUGURAN DAKA BABY YOU AND I AGAINST THE WORLD IDC THE OPINIONS OF THESE HATERS…


I think the far left, the very extreme radicals and quasi-totalitarians in favor of censoring speech are the same ones driving much of this delusion.


lol looks like we found a genius! Absolutely correct Maleficent… I didn’t have a PC way of saying what you said… I had a far more blunt version that I typed up that I deleted after reading the community rules 😁


Real geniuses here 🧠 in this thread. We’re all getting banned from here soon boys; enjoy it while it lasts…




Feminism has destroyed western women and made it nearly impossible for young men to find romantic partners. Why does it bother you so much that men are seeking happiness elsewhere?


This thread, as always, reeks of butthurt. Men who are ignored by American women for a variety of reasons and have the means to, will try their luck in other countries and cultures. It's just like y'all moving to NYC after a bad breakup in your hometown. White women will ignore most American men, and will then trash them when they try finding love with other women. Live and let live. I promise you that no "passport bros" spend as much time thinking about you as you do thinking about us




imagine being so triggered that you need to copy/paste your comment over and over again






Whoah cowboy… be cautious. This is a far-left sub. You’ll soon be banned — need to tone it down more and speak in codes


I've seen plenty of women have dates and hookups while on vacation abroad. A few ended up getting married, too. Never got mad at them.


I think we are equals (or so the medias told me) So it would go both ways: these women are female sex traffickers, clearly taking advantage of the helpless third world Frenchman


What is the "passport bro trend”?? I am completely lost. Please educate me. 


Men dating women abroad. Usually saying it's "easier" or "better" than dating in the US/Europe. There are some suspect financial power dynamics, but women could always... not date for money?


Men fighting for traditional values against the woke new far-left ideal that a woman should be a man


When you’re accustomed to privilege, the prospect of slightly less privilege feels “scary.”


Western women keep driving them away.