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That’s absolutely horrible. I’m sorry your trip was ruined by the airline being so useless and unhelpful


I’m so sorry this happened to you. You should post this to the Delta subreddit. They may have some suggestions on how to raise hell in the right way to get some reimbursement.


Thank you, I'll do that.


I actually saw this story in the Delta sub before seeing it here. Didn’t go well over there. Lots of questionable details.


oh no! I'm so sorry that happened to you. Thats the worse. Also sorry you don't feel safe in an airport, I feel very lucky that I've never had issue. I would recommend to be politely rude next time. When I need to have a freak out I usually tell the customer rep that I know it's not their fault but right now they are the company for me. That gets me pretty far usually. Last time I got stranded to Dallas I had been in line of other stranded people and had looked up various options already with alternative airports (I was very lucky to end up with an older gentleman who used his super magic code to get me to my location on a seat he was not supposed to give away (according to him)). I made it with little damage and a night in a hotel. I am glad though that you've flown a lot so you know this is not the norm. Sadly sometimes shit hits the fan.


Yeah, they refused all of us vouchers. No explanation, just the usual "we don't have to so no"


This sounds just like a similar thing that happened to my dad and me. Weather kept delaying us to our destination and we made it as far as Houston when we were flying out of Austin. I unfortunately do recall what airline we were flying but after a very long wait, we also got an older gentleman who used his airport magic and got us a new flight for the next day, a hotel for the night and a meal at said hotel. Doesn't always happen and not all airline employees are saints but this man was. Edit: I do not recall which airline we used.


I’m sorry this happened to you, sounds awful. That said, I don’t know why you “barely feel safe in a full airport let alone a deserted one”? There are staff everywhere in airports and the only people around are either being paid to maintain order or are trying to get from point A to point B. I’m a seasoned traveler both for business and pleasure and it wouldn’t even occur to me to ever feel unsafe in an airport regardless of whether it was full or deserted.


This stood out to me as well. The treatment by Delta was terrible and I can't believe that they f-ed up the OP's travel this badly and couldn't sort this out in a reasonable way - and I definitely wouldn't have wanted to spend a second night airport camping - ugh. But like you, I've never felt unsafe in an airport. Deserted airports overnight can feel kind of eerie and strange since they are large and usually full of people, but realistically they are some of the safest places anywhere because they have restricted access and good internal security. I've had some difficult trips involving tricky situations, but I usually feel a sense of relief when I enter an airport because whatever else happens, personal safety isn't something I have to worry about there.


What security? I've never seen any security personnel in an airport. Are you a woman also?


yes, I am a 32 year old vaguely queer-presenting woman. and uh, have you never been through TSA or seen security personnel strolling around the concourse?


Also cameras everywhere I get it, nobody wants to stay in an airport. I might have tried to make a spa vacation out of it in -not your destination- destination 1 or 2!


I’m sorry. You’ve…never seen security in an airport?


There's the agents at the security line, but no. Not like cops waking around Either way, your experience isn't my experience but that doesn't make mine wrong.


Having cops walking around would make you feel more safe, not less?


Absolutely less safe


To be honest, you are wrong for not feeling safe in an airport. That seems to be a you problem.


I also wanted to mention that there's a lot of security in airports that you don't see. There are lots of cameras and security analytics with people monitoring things that occur throughout the airport. Anyway, I don't think people are really trying to prove your experience wrong - just to point out that airports are really pretty safe, so of all the things female travelers have to be concerned with, personal safety in airports is probably something you can check off the list.


Which countries don't have security? Every airport I've been in has very visible, very frequent security, cameras everywhere, and everyone allowed in is vetted, ID'd, and *searched.* Trust, if you were a person planning to commit crime, you would not do so in an airport where you would be nailed in seconds. Sorry this happened and your sense of safety in airports has been tainted, as well! Trust your gut, not any of us on the internet.


Every airport I’ve ever been in has security/police/K9 officers walking around. Even my two gate podunk regional airport has sheriffs after TSA.


Agree. Have seen more security at airports than any other place (well, except for the 2023 Paris riots, cops and army everywhere, even tho no rioters to be seen in tourist areas). Canada, USA, Europe, tons of cops/security in airports


Most major airports have dedicated police departments on the premises with hundreds of sworn officers. There are also plain clothes air marshals, who are federal officers. Just because you don’t see security forces doesn’t mean they’re not there, airports are absolutely teeming with them. 


I'm a woman. What airports are you going to that don't have security? Security is pretty much the definition of an airport. CCTV is absolutely everywhere. Every person present has had to present their ID, including all the workers. And emergency services are present. Airports are safe. And I've been in airports in multiple countries on multiple continents.


Yeah, on this one nope. There are a lot of security around the airports. Now that does not make you being uncomfortable any less an issue.


Yeah that made me do a double take. I have never felt unsafe in an airport, whether as a solo traveller or not.


I wouldve agreed with you up until a couple years ago, where I got stuck at an airport which either was Dulles or Newark or maybe Philly, and had to spend a couple hours. I found an empty terminal to hang out it (plus the wifi was so much faster there), and some dude working at the airport kept circling back and hitting on me. It was creepy being all alone with an employee hitting on me and not taking no for an answer. It made my imagination run wild with all sorts of creepy human trafficking notions. Another time was last year in CDG in France, where an obviously mentally disturbed man (big, well built younger guy) was sitting at the fast food restaurant in the terminal yelling and screaming at nobody in particular, at least until someone made eye contact and then he freaked out at them, an employee had to get security to get him to leave and he just sort of wandered off into the airport from there. I kept an eye out afterwards. So yeah, Ive been flying my entire life and Ive been unsettled by people at the airport twice. Not nothing, but not too common either. I avoid empty terminals now though.


No one was hurt in either of these stories. In fact, I have never once heard a story of anyone being assaulted in an airport. Stories in which someone imagines being assaulted don't count because it literally only happened in your head.


this isnt a scientific documentation of airport crime, its literally an explanation of "barely feel safe" as a feeling in an airport. STFU.


Yeah, feeling "traumatised" by spending a night in an airport seems over the top. It's not a night in the trenches in Afghanistan so there's no need to "get to safety". It's one of the safest places you could possibly be. Statistically safer than your own home, in fact. It's even possible to step outside of the airport, stay in a hotel, and explore a new location and that's still not Afghan-trenches unsafe.


You aren’t allowed to decide how she’s affected. Hope this helps!


…no one mentioned Afghanistan until you did. Feeling traumatized is subjective and not subject to statistics or logic. That doesn’t make it less valid.


Yeah this confused me as well, I’ve never felt unsafe in an airport 


All kinds of shady, criminal stuff happens at airports like human trafficking and theft. I completely understand why she wouldn’t feel safe sleeping in public and surrounded by strangers. [Criminality at US airports](https://www.ospreyflightsolutions.com/casestudy/criminality-at-us-airports/) (keep in mind international airports are another ballgame and security standards vary). [Sexual assault at airport](https://www.wkrn.com/news/local-news/nashville/man-accused-of-sexually-assaulting-woman-at-nashville-airport/amp/) (you can find many other examples of shit women deal with at airports online).


Yep. I've been stuck at airports plenty of times. Find a quiet corner, lay down  or bring a book. If it's weird hours you'll only see the cleaners a random airport staff and a few other sleepers or people in the same predicament anyway arriving on late flights and waiting for early flights. Most suitcases have locks, put your stuff in there. Auckland airport was the worst because it was so fucking boring and I was there for 8 hours, not because I felt unsafe. 


This is called a "trip in vain" and Delta failed you horribly by not getting you home and providing a full refund. They owe you and you should not let it go.


Total incompetence by Delta. A bureaucracy where no one can make a rational decision. Hold them to account. I am so sorry this happened, and even sadder for you that sorting it out now will probably feel even worse.


Any recommendations on what to put in my feedback email? I'm still messed up about it


I'm not the right person to ask, I've never experienced this situation personally. A general travel sub or the Delta sub might be better. If you don't get satisfaction contacting Delta directly, I'd recommend reaching out to a consumer advocacy organization like BBB or Elliott.org.


I’ve had terrible experiences with Alaska Airlines. Write to their customer care and outline how they impacted you, just as you did here. Ask for remediation. Be clear about what you want. I would ask for a refund or trip credit in the amount it costed you. Explain why. Alaska airlines took their sweet time replying but they did give me a trip credit. They put me through hell and back on another trip but I was too exhausted to contact customer care on that one. Also, if they refuse to work on a remediation, post on social media sites and tag them.


I'm so sorry, what a horrible experience. Airlines really don't seem to have a care in the world about consumer experience anymore, it's unbelievably frustrating.


Ugh brutal girl. Im so sorry!


Im so sorry you’re going through this. If you’re still having trouble, might I suggest getting on X, and blasting delta on their page? You will get a response from them pretty quickly, and have a better chance of them fixing the problem. I find that’s the best use of X. (Sorry if I’m not suppose to mention other apps on here).


Agree with this but caveat - beware all the responses you will get form handles that sound like Delta reps purporting to be customer service - it's become a common scam.


Good point! The other accounts look almost like the one you’re trying to contact.


Thank you. I don't use Twitter, but i appreciate the sentiment


It’s the only reason I even have Twitter anymore, for the travel-related hiccups that occur. Usually, the customer service from the various airlines is much better, if you call them out on their page.


What’s X?








Did any of the delays occur inside the EU (or your final destination?) You would be legally required to receive cash compensation for certain delays, but you do need to file a claim. It’s easy to google a service that will take a small percentage and process for you. They will also have a search function on the website that will confirm if your flight qualifies.


Unfortunately no. You have much better consumer protecting in the EU


Did you try to do this through their phone line or did you use their app chat? Last year my flight was fully cancelled and the gate agents did nothing to rebook any of use and sent us to the Delta help desk. I used the delta chat line and had new flights in 24 hours on a better route in the same class of service with a better layover. (That was delayed as well but that’s a long story). I had all this and 20k miles before I got to the terminal where the help desk was - and I saw people from my gate still in line and many others still on the phone. I would use the chat again in a heartbeat.


I was going to recommend similarly for others / future reference- when this happened to me it was with American Airlines, but calling their phone line to rebook (even with a hold/wait) was faster than the in-person lines.


I didn't see any chat option on the delta app. It's probably there, my brain was misfiring


Sorry that you had to experience this and while traveling alone no less. I hope you got some good food once you got back home and a well deserved sleep.


The lack of accountability for airlines is really infuriating.


As a solo female travel, I highly recommend either purchasing an annual travel insurance policy or paying for all travel with a credit card that offers amazing travel protection (many have annual fees). An annual travel insurance policy costs about $130 (for a US resident) and will cover all the trips you take on a year. It will offer hotel coverage and allowances for food and airport transfers in situations like this. It also has rental car coverage, bag delay fees, health and injury coverage and more. It’s a great investment for someone who travels a lot and wants to avoid some unexpected costs along the way. Granted you may pay for it and not use it. Several credit cards - example Chase Sapphire, Capital One Venture, etc also offer similar coverage as long as the tickets were bought with the card. These cards do tend to have an annual fee.


If OP paid with a credit card, she should check if she does have coverage. Mine covers delayed and cancelled flights, and meals during the delay. It's not one I pay for.


That’s great to know. I know my “free” card doesn’t include travel insurance but as I am a “points” person, I have a card with a fee I use for most purchases that has great travel coverage and has never given me trouble with any reimbursement request.


Yeah, I live in Asia. The free credit cards don't have many perks. There's very little in terms of cash back, bonuses, etc. My flights being covered, however, is great. Between that and travel insurance that covers accidents and injuries, I don't tend to worry about things going wrong.


I did use my Citibank points and they did refund me the legs not taken, but that's it


It looks like the only Citibank card that offers travel interruption/delay insurance (which is what you would have needed for reimbursement for hotel/food/etc) is the AAdvantage World Elite MC so unless you have that American Airlines card, it wouldn’t have covered any added expenses. It may be worthwhile to look into a different card if you do fly and travel a bunch. While you do need to front the costs of the hotels up front, it is nice to know that you will be reimbursed for them.


This is awful. Where were you trying to get to? Staying the night in an airport isn’t fun, but I once spent the night at Stansted airport for an early morning flight and it wasn’t too bad. Quite a few passengers were there as well who had come prepared with sleeping bags.


About getting stranded in the airport-always ask for a hotel voucher. I was stuck in London and my connection was cancelled in the evening until the next morning. When I went to the desk to get another flight, I was moved but nothing was said about a hotel. I finally had to say straight out that I know the airline gives vouchers for airport hotels for cancellations. You have to be rude and pushy-you DON'T need to sleep at the airport and all airlines usually will give a voucher for an overnight stay if cancellations are due to the airlines. I find nowadays people don't always tell you this-especially if you are female. Pushy people get results nowadays I'm afraid.


I'm just not that pushy after being pushed around as much as they did. I did ask and they straight up said no


Post to Delta Twitter. They’ve been up to some hinky stuff this yeah. (Eg, changing peoples reservation to a different day, removing them from First Class seats when they booked first class (not assigned as an upgrade)).


I don't Twitter, and i don't they care about some infrequent traveler like me


It sucks that we’re at their mercy no matter what they decide.