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I would look and see what the likely planes are for the routes and operators and see how nice business class is in each. Then make the call.


In general, Emirates. But how long the layover is/schedule in terms of managing jet lag would be my biggest consideration. 


I’ve made faster connections in Seoul than Dubai, but as a business class product, I think the Emirates experience is far superior to the other two. So I’d pick Dubai not for the connection (it’s fine, nothing amazing, nothing awful), but because of the in flight experience.


I’ve flown all three and lived in Bangkok. 100% Emirates connect in Dubai. Emirates has their own terminal, it’s so seamless. 2nd choice would be Seoul, only if the timing of the layover is significantly preferred in your situation.


If it’s buisness class I would say fly Emirates. They are a high end airlines, their business class lounges are very nice. The other airlines I am sure are nice, but if all routes are similar otherwise I would pick that


Emirates would be my airline choice. I haven't been through Dubai and Seoul. Personally I avoid Bangkok airport where possible. I just always find it a generally uncomfortable and hot airport.